By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
This one’s all fantasy. Not a word of truth. I’m trying my hand at something new so for those of you that enjoyed the true confessions from my past feel free to give this one a miss if fantasy’s not your thing.
It is based on my local delivery girl though. She really exists, she drops parcels at the house all the time. She’s not on fab unfortunately, I’ve checked believe me, but that doesn’t stop me fantasising right?
So, here goes.
We’ve not had much good weather recently so when the sun came out and the temperature rose I wasn’t going to miss the chance to get some sun. I’m lucky to live in a nice house out in the country. My nearest neighbour is almost a mile away. The house is sat well back from the road. Surrounded by high hedges and very private.
As we are so remote friends and family tend to phone or message in advance to check we are home before visiting. Because of all this the garden is perfect for sunbathing naked. Hell, I usually cut the grass and do the gardening naked.
The only thing you have to watch out for are deliveries. The postman calls at the same time everyday so it’s easy to make sure they don’t catch us streaking round the garden. Online deliveries however are another matter. When I know a package is due I’ll keep a pair of shorts handy when I’m sat out or working round the garden naked just incase.
In the 8 years we’ve lived here it’s worked. Before a van has arrived at the house we’ve had chance to slip something on so as not to cause offense. This went slightly wrong recently though.
It was a Saturday afternoon, maybe 5 or 5:30 and I was working out in the garden, digging s from the flower bed, and having filled the wheelbarrow I set off to the compost heap. The wife was busy potting up some hanging baskets on the patio and as I set off down the garden it never occurred to me to pick up my shorts. I’d only be gone a couple of minutes. If anyone did happen to arrive I thought I could just hide down the garden behind the bushes while my wife signed for any deliveries. The long drive down to the house gives us plenty of notice when vehicles approach, I’d hear them.
Tipping out the s and shaking the wheelbarrow to make sure it was empty I turned and headed back up the garden. Our compost heap is right in the bottom corner of the garden. There are tall bushes all around the area so it’s hidden out of sight from both inside and outside the garden.
Exiting the cover of the bushes I couldn’t believe it when I saw my wife stood chatting with the delivery woman, Sam. Her van parked on our drive. How the hell hadn't I heard her coming?
It was too late now. They’d both seen me. What should I do? I paused a few seconds wondering, should I nip back out of sight and hide? Stand the wheel barrow on end and hide behind it?
My wife and the delivery woman were both looking my way. “Sorry Sam” I heard my wife saying. We knew her well, we were always getting parcels delivered. “The gardens so private and we usually get chance to cover up when we hear anyone coming.”
“That’s ok, it’s your garden. You can do what you like in it.” Sam replied to my wife. The pair of them giggling slightly.
She wasn’t shocked or horrified so I decided just to brazen it out and continued pushing the wheelbarrow back up the garden towards them. I might have been naked but it’s not like I had a hard-on.
“Hi Sam. Sorry, I didn’t hear your van otherwise I’d have stayed out of the way until you’d gone.” I said to her getting closer.
“I’ve just got new electric van. Probably why you didn’t hear it.” She said.
That explains it. Up to now we’d always heard the noisy diesel engines of delivery vans.
“Oh god, there goes my early warning system. I’m going to have to stop gardening like this.” I said laughing.
“Its your garden, you don’t have to worry on my account.” She said smiling at my wife. “You’d be surprised at the sights we see doing deliveries. Your secrets safe with me.” She added.
Sam had been delivering parcels to our house for the last 5 years. We were on friendly terms with her. She was a local courier and only lived in the next village so we’d bump into her out shopping, in the village pub and generally out and about so we’d got to know her well over the years. She was attractive, in her early thirties and as far as I knew single. We’d never seen her out with any men at least anyway.
I apologies again to which she repeated that it was fine, I didn’t need to worry and that if I wanted to enjoy my own garden naked that was my right.
I left her chatting with my wife and walked back round the house to the flower bed I’d been ing. No point in putting my shorts on now I thought getting back to more ing.
A few minutes later I heard a faint whine and turned to see Sam driving past. She smiled and waved and continued down the drive then turned out onto the road.
When I stopped for a coffee and joined my wife on the patio we couldn’t help laughing about me being caught by Sam.
“I nearly shit myself when I saw Sam with you.” I said to my wife.
“I could tell. You looked horrified when you saw us.” My wife said laughing about it.
“After you’d gone Sam told me she sunbathes naked in her own garden, she prefers to get an all over tan too.” She added.
As the forecast for the week was so good my wife and I had both decided to see if we could get 4 days leave at short notice. As soon as I got into work on Monday I asked my boss if I could take the rest of the week off, and he agreed. Sorted.
During my morning break I sent a message to the wife telling her I’d got the rest of the week off and she replied that she hadn’t been able to get Thursday or Friday off but had taken the next two days. She told me that she was being sent to Manchester on Thursday for a 2 day conference and would be stopping over.
We hadn’t been planning to go away, just spend the time doing some DIY and working in the garden, so it wasn’t the end of the world. We’d get 2 days together, and I could get on with more gardening while she worked on Thursday and Friday apparently.
On Wednesday afternoon Sam called in her new silent electric van again to drop off another delivery. My wife had ordered some clothes on the Monday and we suspected she’d be dropping them off today so I’d decided to cut the hedges and was up a step ladder wearing long trousers and long sleeve shirt to avoid scratching myself to bits and ensure I was decent when she called this time.
Sam pulled the van to a stop beside me and rolled down the window. “I didn’t expect to find you home today.” She said.
“Such nice weather, thought we’d take a few days off and get some jobs done.” I replied resting the hedge trimmer in the bush and turning round.
Sam smiled “Your wife in too then is she?”
“Down the end of the garden last time I saw her.”
“You better come and sign for these then.” She said before pulling round the drive onto the parking area where she could turn the van.
I followed her round and found her chatting to my wife, who’d appeared anyway when she saw the van.
“Cup of tea Sam? I was just going to make one.” My wife asked.
“Please love. My belly feels like my throats been cut. No Aircon in this van.” She said pulling three dress bags out of the back.
Sam disappeared into the kitchen with my wife while I brushed as much of the hedge off myself as I could before sitting down outside.
“I really must get someone round to cut my hedge. It’s really grown this year and I can’t tackle it.” Sam was saying to my wife as they walked outside.
“Dick will do it for you, won’t you love. I have to work tomorrow and Friday so it will help keep him busy.” My wife offered. As a man you tend not to get much say in these things once woman decide on your behalf so I just mentally tutted to myself thinking 'there goes my quiet couple of days skiving’
“Oh I couldn’t. He’s got enough on his hands here.” Sam said.
“Nonsense. Dick won’t mind. He can do it tomorrow Sam.”
Between them they decided what I’d be doing tomorrow as I just sat sipping my tea. ‘Oh great' I thought.
“Thanks Dick. I'm working till 3 so call round anytime after that.” Sam smiled.
I forced a smile back “No bother” I replied, secretly thinking 'fucking great.’
I had a relaxing morning skiving. With my wife out I had a long lie in that morning and didn’t even surface till gone 10am. Once I’d had breakfast I washed my bike, washing my bike isn’t work, then stopped for lunch. I did manage a little work in the afternoon, just enough that I could claim something useful got done when my wife called later that evening from her hotel.
It was just after 3 when I checked my watch and thought 'oh well. Peace and quiet over. Best get this over with.” And loaded the hedge trimmer into the car along with a can of petrol.
Sam lived just on the outskirts of the village. Only a short walk to the shops in comparison to our place in the middle of nowhere. I noticed that the hedges at the front were short and neatly trimmed so I guessed it was the back ones she wanted done as I unloaded the car and carried the trimmer and petrol can down the side of her house towards the rear.
“You in Sam?” I called over the gate.
“Yeah, gates not locked, let yourself in.” She shouted.
“I opened the gate, closed it behind me and walked through the garden towards the rear of the house.
What I saw made me stop, drool, stammer like an idiot and frankly start to get a hard-on.
Sams house was like a mini country house. It had a east and west wing with a recess between them. Sam was reclining in the recess enjoying the sun, naked.
I’d never noticed before as she always wore baggy clothes but she had a slim waist, large breasts and long slender legs. When I say long legs it’s all relative, she’s only 5’4” but they were long on her.
“Hi Dick. Thanks for doing this. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll be right here.” She said smiling at me.
“Err. Yeah, sure. I’ll go and get started.” I eventually managed to say.
Sam lay her head back and closed her eyes. I stood looking at her naked body a few moments longer then looked round the hedge deciding where to start. It was a lot of hedge. Thankfully I had a long petrol hedge trimmer otherwise I would have been fighting this hedge for a week. It ran all 3 sides of the garden and although smaller than our garden there was still a lot of hedge.
As I worked I couldn’t help but keep looking over at Sam and my cock was bulging inside my trousers and I tried not to let myself get too distracted while throwing the long fast moving blades of the trimmer around. I could do myself some damage if I wasn’t careful.
I got through a full tank of fuel by the time I’d finished one long side and the rear of the hedge. It had taken me over an hour and sweat was running off me everywhere.
As the trimmer spluttered to a stop and quiet returned to the garden I put it down and stretched my arms. There’s a lot of weight in them so throwing them around makes the muscles ache.
“Can I get you a drink?” I heard Sam shout down the garden.
“Please. A pint of water. I must have lost at least that much already.” I said.
I always let the exhaust cool on the trimmer before thinking about refilling it with petrol so walked up the garden to the patio table and chairs near to where Sam was sunbathing and sat down.
As she walked out of the house carrying my drink she was smiling at me as I watched her hips sway from side to side and her boobs gently jiggling.
“Here you go.” She said handing me the glass and standing in front of me just a foot away. My eyes were just on line with her pussy which I couldn't help but notice was fully shaved.
My cock had already been hard but seeing her sweet lips so close it was now throbbing.
I put the glass to my lips and without stopping gulped the whole lot down. “Thanks Sam” I said putting the empty glass down on the table and standing up. “Well, I best get back to it.”
“Take a break, you deserve it. That must be hard work. Join me in the sun for a while, I know you like an all over tan too.” She said.
“I best not, there’s a whole side of the hedge still to do Sam.”
“Don’t be silly. You’ve worked hard you deserve a break.” She pressed.
My cock was rock hard, I couldn’t strip off and just pretend it wasn’t so declined her offer, coming up with all sorts of excuses.
Sam was friends with my wife so I didn’t want her thinking the worst of me so after politely declining thanked her for the drink and headed back down the garden to finish the hedge.
“Well, if you change your mind, come and join me.” Sam said returning to her sun lounger and laying down on her back again. Since I’d arrived she’d been tanning her tits. My mind had to wonder if that was deliberate.
It took me another hour to finish the hedge. Sweat was once again running off my body and after finishing the work and carrying the strimmer and petrol can over to the gate I walked towards Sam peeling off my soaking wet shirt and wringing it out on the grass.
“All done Sam.”
“Thanks so much Dick. Your a life saver.” She replied.
“It was no bother, honestly.” I said. In truth finding her naked and getting to look at her body as i worked made up for the fact I’d been less than enthusiastic when my wife offered my services.”
“Its been a pleasure. Honestly. If you ever need any more garden work done just let me know.” I said smiling, then without really thinking added “your gardens got great views.”
Sam smirked “Least I could do was give you a nice distraction. I’d see you to the gate, but..” Sam said holding her arms out and indicating her naked body “... well my gardens not as private as yours.”
I just grinned. “Come and use ours anytime Sam, I’d you want more privacy.”
“Oh, is your wife away tomorrow?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, she’s not due back from her conference until 9 tomorrow night.”
“I’ve got some more parcels for her, I just picked them up after my deliveries. I’ll drop them off about 2 tomorrow, if your going to be in?”
“I’ll take them now if you like Sam? Save you the bother.” I offered.
“No, it’s ok. I’ll bring them round. Maybe I’ll catch you naked again.” She said grinning.
“Probably, now I know it won’t bother you.”
“I might even join you. You’ll be my last delivery.” She said, then winked.
A big smile came to my lips which Sam didn’t fail to notice. A throbbing also bulged out the front of my trousers.
“Oh Dick, if it’s like that tomorrow don’t cover it up.” Sam said looking at my crotch before she burst out laughing.
Realising she was referring to my hard cock I shrugged my shoulders, “Its all your fault.”
Sam managed to say goodbye but I could still hear her laughing as I walked down the path beside her house.
What happens next in this fantasy. Frankly I haven't got a clue. You tell me? It's yet to be decided so all ideas welcome. If fantasy turns out to be boring then I'll leave it right here. Most people's own imagination are probably more arousing than I could come up with