By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
While we were getting dried off, I said, “Will Lisa mind me moving in?”
“No, she will be fine.”
“I hope so. I don't want to upset her.”
“As long as we can still see each other she will be fine.” Replied Helene.
The rest of the day was quite relaxing. Later after we went out to eat at a local pub, Helene asked if she could borrow one of my lesbian DVD’s, so we picked one up before I walked her home.
On Wednesday morning on the ferry going to work, Helene said she was taking me out that night. She wouldn't say where to just that it was somewhere I wouldn't have gone to before. I was intrigued all day and hadn't got a clue where it might be.
I had already moved some of my clothes to her flat, so we went back there after work to get ready. It wasn't till we were virtually ready that she told me, “We are going to “Whatever"."
“Isn't that the gay bar?” I tentatively replied.
“Yes it is but on Wednesday they have such great music and many straight people go to listen.”
“Don't be worried Phil, I will protect you!”
“I'm not worried, but you're right I wouldn't have thought about going there before.”
“You’ll love it, and Lisa will be there.”
Helene was wearing a tight, light blue top and black leggings, and as usual looked perfect as we entered the bar. Lisa was already there, and she gave Helene a long sexual kiss and hug before turning to me, and we exchanged kisses on the cheek.
“Congratulations Phil.”
“On what?” I asked.
“Moving in with Helene.”
“Oh okay. Thank you, Lisa. Are you okay with that?”
“Yes, I think it's great, and as long as I can still see her, that's fine.”
“I will never get in the way of that, I promise you, Lisa.”
Helene was right the music was good. The three of us were chatting and drinking at the bar, and people kept coming up to Helene and Lisa and saying “hi”, and the girls introduced me to them, although I doubt I will remember many of the names. Then after half an hour or so I was surprised when I heard a woman’s voice say,
I turned towards the voice, and for a split second I didn't recognise her and then,“Hi Serena, what are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same,” she replied, “Have you changed sides since splitting from Trish?”
“Haha. No, but my new girlfriend told me about the great music here on a Wednesday.”
“That’s why I'm here too. So you have a new girlfriend then?”
“Yep, I do.” I tapped Helene on the shoulder as she was chatting to Lisa. “Helene meet Serena, Serena, Helene.”
Serena was a friend of Trish, my last girlfriend. She is a little older, around 40, and she is from Jamaican parentage. She has huge hair (afro) has a big smile, big boobs too and a typical black bum!
“Serena is a friend of my ex, Trish.”
They both said “hi” to each other.
Serena went on “I was sorry that Trish left you but you have certainly hit the jackpot with Helene.”
“Thank you.” Said Helene.
“Let me take a look at you.” Serena took a step back, and her eyes slowly took in Helene’s body, lingering on her nipples, which were pushing her top out.
“You are stunning.”
“Thank you, Serena,” Helene replied.
Serena was looking at Helene’s nipples again before saying.
“Do you know what I'm thinking Phil?”
“I think I do.” I smiled. Helene looked at us both puzzled.
“What s going on?” said Helene.
“Well.” Said Serena, “you are stunning but...” she paused.
“But what?” said Helene.
Serena continued, “I would make one change.” I was smiling because I knew what Serena was thinking.
Helene looked puzzled and a little worried.
“Don't be worried my darling,” I said, “Just listen.”
“Come with me, Helene.” Said Serena and Helene looked at me for approval.
“It's okay, she won't bite, go with her.”
Helene put her drink down and followed Serena towards the toilets. I was told later what actually happened.
Serena lead Helene into the disabled toilet.
“Trust me, Helene?”
“Well Phil seems to, so yes, I trust you.”
“You have a perfect body Helene, but I would recommend a change that would enhance your body further.”
With that, Serena raised her top and undid her bra letting her Double D’s fall out revealing her pierced nipples. Both nipples had silver bars through them.
“Wow.” Said Helene “they look wonderful.”
“Touch them if you like,” Serena replied
Helene did touch them and twisted them.
“Your nipples are quite prominent, and I think they would look even better pierced,” Serena said.
“I certainly love yours.”
“You could have hoops rather than bars if you wish.” Serena went on. Helene stared at the piercings and smiled.
“I will definitely have mine done,” Helene replied.
When they came back from the toilets, Helene had a huge smile on her face, and I knew she had agreed before she told me.
“Have you seen Serena’s piercings?” She said to me.
“No, but she did Trish’s, so I know what they look like.”
“I can't wait to get mine done. When can we come to your place, Serena?” Helene asked.
“I have a studio, and I should be able to fit you in on Saturday if that’s okay?”
“Great, I'm so excited,” Said Helene.
Serena gave us her address and phone number and we agreed to go at 11 am on Saturday.
We spent the rest of the evening listening to the music, and it was a great night.
When we woke on Saturday morning, knowing that I wouldn't be able to play with Helene’s nipples while the piercings were healing, I spent a long time sucking and nibbling them, which she loved.
We got to Serena’s studio just before 11 am and she welcomed us with a huge smile.
“Not changed your mind then?” Serena asked.
“Certainly not,” Helene responded with a smile.
“Come on through.”
Serena took us through to the back room, where she went through the process. She then showed us a selection of bars and hoops for Helene to choose to have inserted. Eventually, she picked plain hoops and Serena explained she could change them later for something more sparkly.
“Okay, Helene remove your top please.”
Helene pulled her top up and off revealing her erect nipples.
“Well these won't need much tweaking to make them hard!” said Serena.
We all smiled at that.
“May I pinch your nipple, Helene?” asked Serena.
“Of course.”
Helene couldn't help but moan as Serena tweaked her nipple, but then knowing what was to come she gripped my hand tight.
“Are you ready?” asked Serena.
“Yes, do it.”
Helene did give a little yelp but was pretty good. She looked down and smiled when she saw the hoop in her nipple. Serena then pinched her other nipple and pierced that one. She then passed Helene a mirror.
“I love them. Thank you so much, Serena.”
Serena then went through what needed to be done to keep it clean during the healing and told me I would have to keep off them for 10 days.
“That won't be easy,” I said. The two women laughed.
“Before you go can I just a photo of them please? I like to take pics of women who have piercings with different size boobs and nipples to show that they suit all types.”
“Yes sure.” Helene agreed.
Serena then got her camera out and took several pics from different angles, and Helene seemed to like posing for them.
“Thank you. By the way, piercings, like tattoos are addictive so you will be back for more!” Serena said.
“Oh, will I?” Helene smiled.
“I think so, yes.” Serena finished.
Helene then put her top back on, we paid Serena and left.