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Strangers meeting for the first time (long story)

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By *oxycouple28 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Inspired by some of our fantasies and experiences….

Another long month had passed with no swinging adventures having taken place. Since a little human had come on the scene it turns out the ‘scene’ that D and C had loved to be a part of was suddenly that much harder to be a part of. What with family life, work life and all the other day to day bullshit that had to be dealt with, it just seemed there wasn’t enough time in the day.

D and C had been on the scene for 8 years, regulars at clubs and parties and even hosting a few themselves, they knew what they enjoyed, but weren’t about notches on bedposts. As cliché as it sounded, they really did enjoy the social scene as much as playing.

Having said that, C had been known to want to skip the social aspect so she could just pounce on someone who took her interest. Cut the rubbish, jump to the fun and enjoy life. Mainly because time was precious, but also because everything else had to be planned out, so why not be spontaneous?!

D on the other hand, loved the thrill of the chase. Chatting and getting to know people before eventually everyone gets involved. Slowly undressing an attractive woman to kiss and caress was an amazing experience. Even better when he got to enjoy someone while at the same time, seeing a man enjoy C’s incredible skills. He knew C had a hard time being pleased, and wasn’t scared of demanding what she wanted!

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By *oxycouple28 OP   Couple  over a year ago


That wasn’t to say things had got boring. Far from it. Every chance they got, they would act out some incredible fantasies together, play with cameras and generally enjoy the kind of relaxed and fantastic sex that seems only to come with someone you trust implicitly.

It had been more than once, over a glass of wine in the evening, D told C as long as she told him about everything, she could explore other men if she chose. He wasn’t a cuck, but he knew he would enjoy the thought of her having a good time.

One day, C said she was going to have to fly out to New York on business. Some sort of boring work conference week of meetings and seminars. D had been to America before and had never been to NY, so never one to miss an opportunity, made arrangements for small human to spend a week with the grandparents (who hadn’t stopped asking for a while to spend more time with small one).

They spoke about it and agreed that D could fly out, keep himself occupied during the day sightseeing while C was busy and then meet in the evenings for dinner and time together. It would give her the break from a working week, and give him a holiday on the cheap he had fancied for a while!

The first couple of days were fairly uneventful. They flew out, D started hitting the sights while C started hitting the conferences and making sure her face was seen. Always being an early riser, one morning C got up to go for a swim and work off some of her jetlag. Heading downstairs and into the gym in her one piece she turned and looked for signs to the pool. At that time of day there was only one other person there. A youngish guy in his mid twenties, toned without being muscular, short spikey hair and good looking in a cheeky kind of way. He was running hard on the treadmill, beads of sweat starting to run down his neck as he worked.

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By *oxycouple28 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Not being able to see the way to the pool, C walked over and smiled “Hiya, sorry to bother you, do you know where the pool is?” The guy looked up and smiled as he took his headphones out “Yeah sure, just through the doors at the end.” C thanked him and headed out there. Looking at the stunning backdrop through the floor to ceiling windows that looked out over the city, she dropped her towel and slipped into the pool. C wasn’t a social swimmer, she swam to keep fit and work out. So after a few fast laps of the pool she tumbled at one end to make a quick turn around. As she did so, she could see through the water a pair of feet at the other end of the pool. Not knowing quite who it was, she quickly swap the rest of that length and stopped by whoever the person was.

As she stopped, she looked up and saw the guy. “I hope you don’t mind me coming over to speak to you, It’s just I loved the sound of your accent and was surprised to see someone else down here at this time.”

Inwardly smiling to herself, she was taken aback by being approached like this. Used to it in clubs and at arranged meets was one thing, but having a good looking young guy approach her unexpectedly wasn’t something she was used to any more.

They spent the new few minutes passing pleasantries and he told her that he was from the West Coast and was called Ben, and he travelled a lot for work. He asked how long she was in town for and she told him a few days. Not letting on the fact that D was asleep upstairs.

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By *oxycouple28 OP   Couple  over a year ago


C acutely aware that all the time they were chatting, his eyes would roam over her body in the water as it lapped around her ample chest. After about half an hour, she realised she wasn’t going to get much swimming done, and got out of the pool to dry off. Just as she was collecting her towel and swimming bag C thanked him for the chat and said she would see him around. Ben was quick to point out that she would likely find him at the bar that night if she fancied chatting some more.

Ben was a nice guy, but she thought almost a little too nice. Someone who she could probably chew up and spit out if she played with him. She had been with D and other men before, and although D was her match, she struggled to find a man that could match their inevitable boasts of sexual prowess and keep up with the pair of them.

C went back upstairs and as she went into the room, D was just getting out of the shower, towel wrapped around his waist she told him of what had happened. He laughed and playfully slapped her arse as they got dressed. “Who could blame him?! Look at you, if anybody had a hot milf thing going on, its you!”

After that, the day got back on track without another thought of what had happened. D heading out for the day and C starting her endless list of places to be and meetings to attend. About 15:00 D sent her a text. I’m thinking of you and that incredible body of yours! I had a thought, you know we always wanted to pretend to be strangers who meet again? Fancy playing that out tonight?” C laughed to herself and instantly replied back saying HELL YEAH!

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By *oxycouple28 OP   Couple  over a year ago


So she slipped out of her last seminar of the day when nobody was looking (or just as likely sleeping!) and headed back to the room knowing that D would still be out. She had a shower, and slipped into a black halterneck dress. D hadn’t seen it before, but she knew he would like it. It was a silky one that clung to her dress, tapered in at the waist and stopped far enough down the leg to be just the right side of sexy and slutty for a conventional night out. The last thing she put on was her favourite necklace. She didn’t get a chance to wear it too often, but it was an expensive antique that hung low down her next and drew attention back to her chest.

C went down to the bar, and picked a bar stool at the end of the row. Ordered a drink and laughed to herself as she took a selfie, showing where she was and what she was wearing. Knowing that it would get D’s attention!

A few minutes later, D replied saying he was running slightly late as he had got on the wrong train. So would be down in a few minutes and to make herself comfortable. As she sat, waiting for her ‘stranger’ to arrive she thought about what might happen and enjoyed her train of thought and where it was heading. “Hi, I honestly didn’t think I would see you again! You seem to be in a good mood!” Jolting out of her train of thought with a start, she looked up and saw Ben. Instead of being dressed for the gym, this time he had on what was left of his suit from the day. A salmon colour shirt that hugged his arms and a pair of grey trousers.

It wasn’t the stranger she was expecting sure, but better than sitting alone she supposed. “Oh hiya, yeah I was just thinking about my plans for the night and what I might end up getting up to!” She laughed. Ben smiled in a fairly charming way “Oh yeah? And whats that?” “Well I was just thinking about if I met a stranger in a bar what might happen and the mischief that I might get up to!”

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By *oxycouple28 OP   Couple  over a year ago


As predicted, Ben looked taken aback by this but defiantly curious. “What do you mean?” “Well” C replied “I was thinking about taking a guy up to my room and fucking him senseless. But so far, the one I was expecting hasn’t arrived. So fancy joining me for a while?”

Ben took a moment to recover, that much was clear. Before as casually as he could manage replying “sure”. With that, he took a seat and as they talked some more. C subtly sent D a text found a new stranger if you don’t mind? I was thinking you could meet us upstairs when you get here?

After a few minutes D replied LOL…OK, AS LONG AS YOUR HAVING FUN. I JUST HOPE HE CAN KEEP UP! As soon as she had confirmation that D was ok with it, she traced her fingers over the back of Ben’s hand as he held his glass. “So, fancy heading upstairs?”

He didn’t need any encouragement as she then led him to the lifts and up to the 10th floor to their room. Opening the door, as she was prone to do, C carried on taking the lead as she closed the door behind him. Not wasting a minute she put her hands around his waist. Even in her heels, she had to look up slightly to him as she lent in and they shared a long passionate kiss. It lingered and it did so she could feel Ben’s hands on her waist, slowly gliding down over her firm arse.

He began to kiss his way down her neck, this was something she adored and something which D often made use of. She couldn’t help herself as she let out a gentle moan as she felt herself getting increasingly aroused. Despite that, she knew she was taking charge of this situation. At least until D arrived. So she pulled away from Ben, and led him over to one of the chairs. Helpfully placed at the foot of the bed, yet facing towards the large windows and away from the front door. Forcefully pushing him down into the chair, he sat without much trouble and did as he was bade.

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By *oxycouple28 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Kneeling down in front of him C gently unzipped his trousers she pulled out his cock and began to stroke it as she looked up and smiled at him. As she stroked, she was pleased he felt like he was a good size. Slightly above average in both size and girth, big enough to get a pleasing grip with both her hands and anything else it would inevitably come into contact with.

Ben was clearly enjoying himself as he leant back and enjoyed the touch and motion of her hands gently gliding up and down his shaft. She then ran her hands down to caress his balls as she expertly wrapped her lips around it at the same time. Timing the strokes and caresses of her hands with her lips as she sucked and teased.

As she knelt there she looked up as she worked Ben, feeling the tension building in him. As she looked however, she smiled to herself as she could see D had let himself into the room quietly.

D was stood wearing a pair of smart jeans and a stylishly worn T shirt. He was stood enjoying the show, enjoying once again being able to see his wife pleasure another man and in turn pleasure herself.

Feeling like a minx, C indulged her inner devil and quietly said to Ben “You know that stranger I was meeting in the bar? Well that was actually going to be my husband..” At this, Ben opened his eyes “Oh yeah? Where is he?…” Looking into Ben’s eyes, she said “Just there…” and smiled as she immediately went back to gently sucking on his cock.

At that Ben turned around and immediately went rigid, looking like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car. “Don’t worry” D said, “enjoy it if you want…your more than welcome to join us if you want.”

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By *oxycouple28 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Ben didn’t say anything for a while, and C teasingly chose that moment to go from a nice gentle rhythm to a long, hard deep suck before taking her mouth away, looking up at Ben and saying “well.. you boys will have to share”. Immediately going back to working on his cock, which by now was rock hard.

Ben didn’t say a word for several seconds, before slowly smiling and saying “sure” in a voice that didn’t sound as causal as he clearly hoped it did.

D put his phone, camera and wallet down on the side as he deliberately let their guest relax back into the moment. Watching C for a while he laughed gently and commented “Well this isn’t the way I expected the evening to turn out!” C took her lips away from Ben’s cock and as she fondled him said “Well you told me to meet a stranger in the bar, you never technically specified you! Anyway… come over here!” and without looking to see if he was doing as he was told, she went back to work.

D still didn’t rush, not wanting to look to keen and enjoying the delicate power game that they both had a habit of playing. He slipped off his shoes and pulled up the other chair next to Ben. C reached over and started rubbing her hand roughly across the front of his jeans while she licked and teased Ben. Undoing his jeans D pulled out his cock which was rapidly getting hard at the sight of this amazing woman keeping the two of them entertained.

She stroked it rhythmically and as soon as she could feel it was hard moved over so that she was sitting directly between the two men. Letting D have his turn she kissed the tip of his cock while she started to jerk Ben off. The saliva from her mouth acting as a natural lube to help her hand glide up and down.

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By *oxycouple28 OP   Couple  over a year ago


D looked over and saw Ben take his shirt off, So D did likewise. As soon as he had done so, he reached down and found the knot at the back of C’s halterneck. Gently pulling it, the pieces game apart easily and under the size of her ample chest, the top half of the dress fell away from her.

Wanting to show off this incredible women to their guest, D then ran his hands down C’s back as she moved from her knees onto all fours. Briefly leaving D’s cock, to put Ben back in her mouth. As his hands reached the small of her back and glided onto her arse as it poked up in the air, he gave it a sharp playful slap. Enjoying the incredible sound it made as it did every time he did it. C gave a moan gently as he did so, and moved to assist as D pulled her dress the rest of the way off her body and down to the floor.

C stopped showing them both attention as she briefly stopped to rest, and make a deliberate show of sitting back upright so they could see her body. She had worked hard on it with years of swimming and was proud of it. Left wearing her silver necklace, a silky thong and high heels she looked at Ben and could see he was committing the image to memory, then looking at D she could see that he was both aroused and proud of her.

At that point D stood up, walking around behind C so he could cup that pert arse of hers, he started to kiss the back of her neck and let his hands explore her body. Ben quickly followed suit and stood in front of her, slowly kissing her and taking her chest in his hand, tracing his fingers from her neck down to her erect little nipples. Admiring them at how they defied gravity and made him want to kiss lower still.

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By *oxycouple28 OP   Couple  over a year ago


C undid Ben’s trousers the rest of the way and pushed them down along with his boxers and she could feel D behind her doing the same before she felt his hard cock pushing into her back. Slipping off her shoes she stepped down slightly in front of Ben and pushed him backwards onto the bed. He went willingly and lay there in front of her as she once again bent over to take his cock in her mouth, giving D a cheeky little wiggle of her bum as she knew he would be checking her out.

It wasn’t long before D moved forward and went back to running his hands over her back and her body while she concentrated on keeping Ben worked up, but not so much so that he would be a disappointment like so many other men had been in this situation.

She loved the feel of D’s hands as they traced their way up towards the back of neck, taking hold of her hair as she started to suck harder on Ben. Feeling so turned on now, she wanted to move things on, so as soon as D let go of her hair she sat up, before straddling Ben, sliding her thong to one side and guiding her into him. She was still quite tight and she felt herself grasp him as he entered.

Sitting bolt upright she took hold of his hands and placed them on her tits, making sure he took a handful as she started to rhythmically rock back and forth and up and down… slowly at first, so he could both see her and build up slowly to the inevitable.

D had taken a few moments to give them space, before walking around the side of the bed and leaning in to kiss C. He could tell she was enjoying herself when he felt her hand grasp his cock in an uncharacteristically hard grip with her hand. He carried on kissing her as he ran her hands down her back and felt the beads of sweat starting to run down her.

He began to realise that they may finally have found someone who would be able to help leave C in the quivering and exhausted wreck on the bed he had fantasised about. After a few minutes of Ben playing with her chest while D ran his hands down her body and C rode gently, she lifted herself off and moved onto all fours, facing Ben so that D could push himself into her.

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By *oxycouple28 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Having the benefit of knowing her, D wasn’t quite so gentle and once he was inside, he took hold of her shoulders and pushed himself in as deep as he could go, making C gasp in surprise before starting to give her a good hard fuck and hearing the sound of his balls slapping her arse as he dominated her. She took hold of Ben by the chin and kissed him as she was taken, keeping him entertained by working her with his hand as well.

The noise was now loud enough that anybody walking past in the corridor was bound to hear, but she just didn’t care right now, she could feel herself on the point of orgasm and needed this like a junkie needs a fresh hit.

D felt so good taking her that she didn’t even realise that she had taken her hands off of Ben’s throbbing cock and raked her nails down his chest leaving marks. Then just as she thought she was getting there, D told her to roll over. Without waiting for a response, he withdrew and roughly rolled her over onto her back. Ben by this point didn’t need to wait to be invited and before she could work out what was happening, this new hard cock was buried in her. Raising himself up so that it pushed into all the right places Ben was on the edge as well, and over the next few minutes he used up what was left of his stamina before a loud moan escaped his lips and he came hard at the same time as she felt the initial waves of an orgasm hit.

As she began to ride the waves of pleasure she felt Ben pull out, and without being able to stop him, she felt D roll her onto her side and take up his rightful place inside her. Fucking her hard from behind and with Ben still in front of her, she couldn’t believe what was going on. She could feel D inside her, with his hands running up her chest and to her throat in the dominating way she knew he liked. She then heard him whisper in her ear “Who do you belong to?” and despite what was happening she knew this was part of the game for him, and said the words she knew he loved to hear…”You, I belong to you…” and just as she said it, she felt him cum hard inside her just as another orgasm rocked her body and he held her arse as he pulled her back in towards him, he didn’t need to say it, but she knew that the feeling was mutual...

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By *oxycouple28 OP   Couple  over a year ago


**I hope you all enjoyed it, this is one of my first attempts at writing, so be gentle!**

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By *incs 2 up for funCouple  over a year ago


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By *rtraymondo76Man  over a year ago


Can I say beautifully written without loosing any of the sensual and sexual content, and with little resort to some of the coarser prose that some employ. I speak as an ex-editor so with some real insight.

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By *oxycouple28 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Thanks. We do try our best as I am sure you can see from our photo's

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By *ames WhyteMan  over a year ago

Near Manchester Airport

Excellent, more please.

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By *us man1957Man  over a year ago


Love the story and everything that went into it passion raw sex top drawer hope there's more to come thanks

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