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The journey,part one

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By *emima_puddlefuck OP   Couple  over a year ago


Chapter one, beginnings

I pushed my way out of the door, disappointment mingling with relief to be finally free of the crush inside. I had looked forward all week to this,

The Summer exhibition at the Royal Academy, I had drifted in Austen

inspired dreams of wandering the corridors surrounded by artists and art.

Even my clothes, the long white skirt, wide sleeved blouse had been chose

with the idea of cultivating an air of sophistication.

Now the blouse and skirt clung to me , sweat making them stick to my

breasts and legs, flushed I was an awkward out of place eighteen year old

desperate to escape.

I sat on the step outside the grand portico entrance and wondered what

to do with my day now. It was only 11 o'clock my aunt and uncle weren't

expecting me back for hours .

"You cant sit there ,move "A sour faced security guard loomed over me

,his pot belly level with my face. Tears pricked my eyes as I drew myself

smaller, hoping no one had seen. As I walked away a woman's voice

whispered" Frightful jobs worth, you were doing no harm"

I looked at her, tried to smile, she was old, well not really old maybe

40 ,with the kind of clothes that made a mockery of my attempt at

sophistication,. But she was smiling and her eyes were kind. Deep black

eyes that twinkled as she spoke. I thought I sensed something, amusement

perhaps, but not at me.

"Hey" she said " Its not that bad" I blushed, I hated the fact that I

cried so easily "Come on ,its too hot and crowded in there ,my husband will

be hours, I know lets be naughty, Would you like an ice cream?"

It seemed easier to agree to nod and follow, she chatted easily about

London in the summer, their antiques shop,she didn't seem to treat me like

a child until we reached the ice cream van. Then she simply ordered ,for

herself and me, and passed me the cornet smiling.

"Thank you" I said, feeling the ice cream slide down my throat.

I delighted in licking the swirl to a smooth peak. I would always eat

ice cream like this. Licking it to a point then tasting tiny bits on my

tongue, making the sensation last .Twirling my tongue around each side

until it was smooth. As some ice cream started to melt I used my tongue to

catch the drip before it reached my hand and made it sticky. I followed

the trail with my mouth up the peak, and examined the cone, Checking it was

still symmetrical, I noticed she was watching me, smiling again. I

realised this was probably not the way sophisticated women ate there ice

cream, but grinned back at her.

"Thank you "

"You have already said that , and its lovely to see you looking happier,

and enjoying your ice cream"

As we wandered back I found myself telling her about spending the summer

with my uncle and aunt, how great the freedom they gave me was. Other than

occasionally helping in my uncles shop I was able to spend the days


We had arrived back outside the Academy and I realised how sad I would

be to say goodbye." Did you get to see much ?"I shook my head, I had been

too short and shy to push my way forward to the front.

"Well here's a suggestion, when my husband finally drags himself free

,why don't you come back to our shop ,we have an exhibition of Regency art

not the RA " she laughed " But at least you can see "

I hesitated, "Where is the shop ?"

So not long afterwards I was following her them to Jermanye street,.

They walked ahead hand in hand. He was taller than her, older too , his

back straight and easy stride showing his confidence. They were talking

quietly but she turned her head to check I was following still and he

smiled back at me when she spoke to him. The shop was not what I expected.

Antiques had made me conjure up an image of dark wood and thick glass

widows. Instead this had one large plate glass window, shuttered now, matt

black trim. It looked like trendy nightclub. Inside a few pieces were on

pedestals and along one wall 6 paintings in heavy gold frames.

She moved into the back, he stood behind me ,I could sense his presence,

and realised it was starting a familiar sensation .I fixed my eyes on the

painting ahead of me and tried to ignore the fact I was growing hot between

my legs. He moved, and looked at me." So serious, has she been lecturing

you, ? I will tell her off if she has"

The idea was so funny I laughed out loud , the idea of him telling

someone so glamorous off like a naughty school girl.

"That's better , you have such a pretty smile, it lights up your whole


I shook my head ,not knowing what to say, he ignored me." Do you

recognise this?"

"Its Fanny Brawne, she was too have married Keats" He explained who was

in each portrait, each was the wife or fiancé or a famous Regency figure.

His voice was soft as he told me who had married,died,been disgraced.

"They are beautiful" I said, assuming he expected a comment, he looked

down at me , "As are you, but I doubt you believe me." His wife had joined

him. " She is, lovely white skin so beloved of the Georgians and that

hair, how long is it, can we see?"

I pulled out my pony tail and let my hair loose, my hair was the one

thing I was proud of, it reached my waist and the coppery highlights

glinted in sunlight.

"You should always wear it down" she said" It suits you ,"

I looked at the floor "Don't do that "he said, "We are only speaking the

truth, that should embarrass no one." They were standing almost within arms

length, one on either side, I felt like I should be on a pedestal under a

spot light. There was silence as I raised my head to look straight ahead.

For some reason rather than fear or embarrassment I was feeling the need to

rub myself. Between my legs.

"Remove your top and skirt "

For a moment I didn't believe what I had heard, I glanced at each of

them in turn, neither spoke, although she nodded ever so slightly, still

smiling that smile I couldn't quite place.

He was not smiling , but he did not look angry or even concerned, merely


I did not want to disappoint, and a the back of my mind grew an idea.

Perhaps ,just perhaps, one of them would touch me. Touch me in the way I

touched myself. I wondered what it would be like to feel another's hand

down there on me .Rubbing me faster and faster till my body was

overwhelmed. Or even a man inside me.

I unbuttoned my blouse and stepped out of my skirt.

"Good Girl, now the bra and knickers"

So I stood before them, naked "Marvellous" she breathed "Indeed" he

replied, he was smiling now. He circled me, taking in my bum as well as my

breasts. " You should be proud of your body, such beautiful breasts and hips"

She reached out a hand " May I?" I nodded not daring to speak. She

gently brushed her fingers against the nipple, I closed my eyes and gasped.

"Sensitive too, how exquisite!"

My nipple had hardened, I wanted her to touch it again, to reach across

to the other one. My legs were trembling as I stood not daring to speak

wondering what would happen next. I wanted to put my hand between my legs

and play with the mound that made my legs tighten and head spin. I

wondered what would happen if I did, how would they react? My breathing

was coming faster as I waited.

"Well, its time to open the shop " She said brightly ," Put your things

back on dear, we have work to do"

I looked at them both ,confused, he was walking to the desk that served

as their till, she to the front of the shop to open the metal shutters.

Hurriedly I pulled on my clothes. As the sunlight streamed in I was

dressed again and she was holding the door open,

"Anytime you want ,come see us again "she said ,I picked up my bag and

ran out the shop.

The northern line back to Camden was its normal mix of London flotsam ,

I found a seat and tried to work out if I was dreaming. The shop had

seemed so real, this the speeding tube taking me into darkness this seemed

the dream.

I could only assume I had done something wrong, but then why her parting

words, the invitation to return.

Once back at my uncles flat I rushed downstairs to the basement room

that was mine for the summer. Flat on my tummy on the bed I put my hand

between my legs. I realised I was sticky and not with sweat .My fingers

started to circle and I pushed my weight down onto my hand. Faster I moved

, imagining they had touched me ,That he had taken my breasts in his hands.

My legs were starting to tense and contract, I knew the moment was near,

I wanted more than my hand , I pushed the pillow between my legs and rubbed

myself against it. The friction against my bare skin exciting me more , my

hands free now I touched my breasts .My nipples were hard as they had been

in the shop, I pinched them, and finally felt the release.

My body relaxed and I sobbed into the pillow.

The rest of the week my thoughts were dominated by the sensations in my

body ,whenever I was alone the ache became a pain. I would rub myself

against the arms of the chairs, the edges of doors, when I went for a wee

my hand went between my legs.

And at night hearing my Aunt and Uncle make love through the wall I

would listen. My body frantically moving, my hand rubbing ,the stickiness

covering my fingers until I lay spent on the bed.

One day without planning it I found myself back in Kensington, walking

in a daze to the antique shop. I pushed open the door and for a moment

whilst my eyes adjusted I could only make out the dark shape of a figure

sitting at desk, then he spoke.

"Sarah, I am so glad you chose to come back," He walked towards me, my

mouth was dry, I hadn't imagined being alone with him. I thought about him

doing things, no I thought about him fucking me. That was what I wanted

and I swallowed unsure what to say.

"Would you like a tea, or coffee? Claire is away I am afraid, but I am

sure she will be sorry to have missed you" he chattered away brightly as he

walked to the curtain at the back of the shop, Drawing it aside he turned

to look at me and I willed my legs to move and follow him.

Sitting opposite him at the little table in the stockroom I began to

doubt my memories of the previous week. He was telling me of the

paintings, they had sold two, which apparently was good business for them.

Then he said" I am glad you are wearing your hair loose now it does suit

you." I looked at him and smiled, blushing slightly but he had returned to

the subject of Gainsborough,

"Do you know much of him" I had to admit ,nearly nothing. "Well, I know

Claire will want to see you too, when you come back why don't you impress

her with how much you have learnt about him, say Wednesday ,1 o'clock, we

can have something a little more substantial than tea."

And I found myself again outside the shop, wondering what had happened

and having agreed to return in two days.

The sign on the door said closed and I knocked nervously, it was opened

by Claire and she looked as sophisticated as I remembered. She seemed

genuinely pleased to see me as she ushered me in.

"Peter told me you were coming for lunch, "I followed her up the narrow

stairs to their flat, wondering if I should have brought something. Isn't

that what grown ups did when invited out for meals?

"You don't mind helping do you? Peter is busy with books," She handed

me a pile of cutlery and pointed to the plates and glasses already on the

table waiting to be put out. Glad of something to do I smiled and said "Oh

no , I like helping"

"That is novel in a teenager" She laughed "Well if you can sort out the

table I can get on with the food, just a few bits to chop.

The meal was like nothing I had ever eaten before, olives in pots

,bread, tiny tomatoes, paté and cheeses. They just helped themselves and

expected me to do the same. Peter filled my glass with a mixture of water

and wine without asking and started questioning me on Gainsborough.

Eager to please I had spent the previous day at the library, gathering

what information I could. After describing my favourite painting I was

rewarded with a smile and a "Good girl"

A little later Claire asked" Who buys your clothes" "My mum" I replied,

confused," I thought so, parents have such trouble realising their little

girls are growing up, and I am sure you are wearing the wrong size bra,

Don't you think so Peter?"

She said it so matter of fact that I barely had time to be embarrassed,

he looked at my breasts through my t shirt, as if he had not seen me naked

the week before." Yes "he agreed," Why don't you take Sarah with you

tomorrow, we could at least get her measurements right, for the next time

her mother decides to dress her like a 12 year old."

The shopping trip was fun, we wandered and chattered and I didn't feel

so much younger or out of place. My bras were the wrong size and Claire

had insisted on buying me three new ones .All white with lace ,rather than

the cotton Marks and Sparks ones I was used to. When we returned to the

shop Peter was waiting. "You must show him how much they improve your

figure Sarah, go into the back room and change into one of your new bras"

So again I stood in the shop ,this time in my skirt and bra, being


He nodded" A vast improvement, tomorrow when you come you should wear

this. But as you only have those ridiculous childish panties your mother

obviously buys in packs of 6 , no knickers. Not until we can provide

something more suitable. But wear that skirt again, it suits you."

Travelling on the tube the next day I was sure that everyone could tell.

I felt as if at any moment someone would shout," She has no knickers on!" I

had never been more aware of my body, or my need to touch myself and be

touched. I realised that my thighs were growing wet. That despite the

fear of someone finding out how I was dressed I was excited too.

When I arrived at the shop only Claire was there this time ,she lifted

my skirt and with a "Well done" pointed to the door that led upstairs to

the flat. "Peter is waiting for you, just go up."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Absolutely fantastic

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By *emima_puddlefuck OP   Couple  over a year ago


thank you...sorry about the formatting...would you like part 2?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

cant wait for part 2

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

another classic puddlefuck awesome

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By *orflondonerMan  over a year ago

Wood Green

Very erotic

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By *emima_puddlefuck OP   Couple  over a year ago


Chapter 2, Secrets

Peter was sitting in the high backed arm chair in his dressing gown.

His hair was wet and I realised he must have just come out of the shower,

that under the robe he was naked.

He gestured to me to sit at his feet, I did ,leaning against his leg.

"Relax pretty one, "He started talking, of how he had met Claire when

she was not much older than me, how they had fallen madly , deeply in love.

How their one regret was that they had never had children. As he talked he

gently stroked my hair .His voice was like a melody, I followed his words

as much for the sound as the meaning.

"We would have so liked a daughter, to teach , to love to nurture" he

said quietly as if to himself.

Then out of no where a question. "Have you ever had a mans penis in

your mouth "I turned my head to look at him, in surprise and fear.

"I know you have thought about these things, have you ever tried them"

Unable to speak I simply shook my head. He opened his robe and I saw his

penis was large, it pointed upwards and was smooth and pink. I wanted to

taste it so badly.

"Imagine its ice cream" he laughed

I moved to kneel on all fours between his legs. Slowly I moved my head

forward," Imagine it an ice-cream "I thought to myself. I stretched out my

tongue to touch the tip, Circled around it as if I were smoothing the ice

cream to a smooth peak. Running my tongue up and down the length of it.

Exploring with my tongue. I was growing wetter between the legs. I took

the end in my mouth and sucked on it. Gently he put his hand on my head,

moved my head down, the penis filled my mouth and I realise that was what

he wanted. I moved my head letting the penis slide in and out of my mouth

, when it moved I started to move my tongue too.

I felt my skirt lift and a hand reach between my legs. Claire was

behind me. As I sucked and licked Peter she moved her fingers between my


"Her clit is so swollen, she has a woman's needs "Claire said. She

started to rub it and I was lost in the twin sensations of sucking and

being masturbated.Peter grabbed my head,hard this time and started

thrusting up wards into my mouth.

I could barely breathe but did not want him to stop.As he thrust harder

so Claire sped up , her fingers moving faster as tears started rolling down

my cheeks , finally I knew the moment had come. I shuddered and nearly

collapsed, then my mouth filled, hot and salty I knew he had come too.

Claire put her arms around me as she sat me back down and kissed me ever

so lightly on the lips.

"Sarah may I ask are you a virgin?" She asked as she held me." Yes , " I

stuttered shocked she even asked, as my friends had experimented with boys

they had all passed me over. I knew they did not find me attractive, the

idea one might have wanted me seemed laughable.

I felt embarrassed, blushing that I was so inexperienced.

Peter took my face in his hands."You must never feel embarrassed here, we dont shock very easily.

"Its true" said Claire, "I have said and done things that might shock

you, but in here I can always tell him, and when I do I feel safe and loved

again" She looked up at him and I saw the love in her eyes.

I realised she had her arms around me still that he was still stroking my head, Claire raised my head up and kissed my cheeks .

"You may be inexperienced,but you are an excellent cock sucker "said Peter," He was smiling," We all have

secrets, its not just you, and we all desire things others may judge wrong.

We are lucky in that we can learn and share.

He looked at Claire," I think we should share with our new friend, the

bedroom, now,"

Claire stood without a word and walked to the bedroom, which I knew was

in an attic at the top of the house. Peter took my hand and helped me up.

Holding his hand tightly I followed him up the narrow stairs.

"Sit on the bed pretty one" he said. Claire was naked, except for

something around her neck, I couldn't tell what, I didn't look too closely,

her body was too distracting. At school I was always careful not to look

too closely at the other girls in the changing rooms,"lezza"being around

the hardest insult a teenage girl has. Even the explorations with friends

had been covered by clothes. To see her standing there, seeming to be

proud I was looking, looking at her breasts, her stomach even the hair

between her legs, it was a pride I yearned for.

I realised with a start that there were stones on her nipples, confused

I wondered how they stayed on, and what it felt like to have something

always touching a part of my body so sensitive.

"Against the wall " Ordered Peter and it was an order. His tone was

quiet but commanding. Fixed on one wall were half moon shaped hoops,Clarie

put her ankles and wrists in them ,Peter stood behind her, I didn't want to

move from where I was sitting, but I wanted to see what he was doing. When

He moved away Claire was fastened in to the hoops. Her body forming a

naked cross. I wondered what would come next.

Peter moved to a large chest and opened it, I heard the rattle of a key,

and saw Claries buttocks twitch. He pulled out something I recognised, a

strap similar to the one the nuns had used at my primary school. Thick

leather handle with 5 or 6 thinner strips.

Without warning he brought it down fast on Claries bum. She moved

slightly but remained silent. He trailed it down her back, causing her to

arch, then again 4 or 5 times over her bum .Then again, harder I could hear

the strap as it hit her flesh, and she started to moan.

Then he retuned to the chest. I did not take my eyes off Claire as he

did so, she was moving her body as if being stroked by an invisible hand.

This time Peter had something different, it looked like a stick, it

swished through the air and when it made contact there was a thud ,a cry

from Claire.

"One" followed the cry .Peter moved from her left to her right,

sometimes standing right behind her, I realised at those times he was

hitting her between the legs, in her most sensitive of places.

Even whilst she cried out , in what I thought must be pain, she carried

on the count, then ,her whole body quivering she screamed, and I realised

she had come.

As I watched I realised the familiar urge had returned. I was pressing

my thighs together ,twitching each time the stick hit and Claire cried out.

Peter stopped, stripped and took her hair in one hand, pulled her head

to one side and pushed himself against her.

"Thank you "she cried out as he thrust into her, He was pushing hard,

fast seeming not to care that he was slamming her into the wall. She

didn't seem to care either. The two of them were lost in each other. I

began to think they had forgotten I was even there.

Then with something between a sob and a groan Peter came. He moved away

from her, his body glittering with sweat, his penis soft now. Claire

seemed to be hanging from the hoops, Hardly moving. Barely breathing.

"Claire would appreciate a bath now, not too hot and no bath foam ,it

may aggravate any cuts. "He pointed to the bathroom, "Wait for her, she

would also like company when she returns to us."

As she bathed herself Claire told me how she enjoyed the pain, how it

made her feel, how the fact Peter loved doing it and desired her more when

she was marked from her beating. I listened, then she asked

"And watching, how did that make you feel? No secrets here remember"

"I wanted to play with myself " I confessed in a voice so small it was

barely audible.

When I left the shop that day I had an invitation to a party they were

having on Friday, to meet others with secrets as Peter had put it. I was

invited but I had also agreed to help out, serving drinks, and I was to be

naked .

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By *eviantDelightsMan  over a year ago


A very erotic and well written story. I really cannot wait to read part 2! Please don't keep us waiting too long.

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By *eviantDelightsMan  over a year ago


Seems like you posted part 2 as I was responding to part 1 lol

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By *emima_puddlefuck OP   Couple  over a year ago


"Seems like you posted part 2 as I was responding to part 1 lol"

well its back to work tomorrow...so we all need a reason to smile

thank youxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Sensational, and very well written. Part 3 please.....

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By *waymanMan  over a year ago


"Seems like you posted part 2 as I was responding to part 1 lol

well its back to work tomorrow...so we all need a reason to smile

thank youxxx"

Let's all smile xxx

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By *emima_puddlefuck OP   Couple  over a year ago


"Seems like you posted part 2 as I was responding to part 1 lol

well its back to work tomorrow...so we all need a reason to smile

thank youxxx

Let's all smile xxx"

Why not...when 2012 is going to be so good

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By *eviantDelightsMan  over a year ago


"Seems like you posted part 2 as I was responding to part 1 lol

well its back to work tomorrow...so we all need a reason to smile

thank youxxx"

Well, you have definitely put a smile on my face. Looking forward to reading more of this excellent story!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

wow, think fab might have run out of ink !

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

really is good, please please please post more xxxxx

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By *emima_puddlefuck OP   Couple  over a year ago


"really is good, please please please post more xxxxx"

oh thank you,part of the reason i write is cos so little erotica is from a womans view,so its great to get feedback from a woman

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

enjoying this and looking forward to more

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By *emima_puddlefuck OP   Couple  over a year ago


thank you...tomorrow might be a good day to check

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

really cant wait for this to continue... i am hooked xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


What distinguishes this from an awful lot of 'erotica' I have read - and trust me, I have read a lot - is the controlled pace of your writing.

Stories written by men tend, in my experience, to work in peaks and troughs. They ascend ladders of perversion, reaching further and higher for that next step.

Your piece builds up detail and anticipation very well.

I look forward to more.

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By *igwilly2kMan  over a year ago

The Land of Kink!

Looking forward to part 3!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


What distinguishes this from an awful lot of 'erotica' I have read - and trust me, I have read a lot - is the controlled pace of your writing.

Stories written by men tend, in my experience, to work in peaks and troughs. They ascend ladders of perversion, reaching further and higher for that next step.

Your piece builds up detail and anticipation very well.

I look forward to more."

very true.

and have you noticed, the more erotic the story by men get, the more spelling errors and muddled words occur ??

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By *emima_puddlefuck OP   Couple  over a year ago



What distinguishes this from an awful lot of 'erotica' I have read - and trust me, I have read a lot - is the controlled pace of your writing.

Stories written by men tend, in my experience, to work in peaks and troughs. They ascend ladders of perversion, reaching further and higher for that next step.

Your piece builds up detail and anticipation very well.

I look forward to more."

thank you very very much..im genuinely blushing!

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By *emima_puddlefuck OP   Couple  over a year ago



What distinguishes this from an awful lot of 'erotica' I have read - and trust me, I have read a lot - is the controlled pace of your writing.

Stories written by men tend, in my experience, to work in peaks and troughs. They ascend ladders of perversion, reaching further and higher for that next step.

Your piece builds up detail and anticipation very well.

I look forward to more.

very true.

and have you noticed, the more erotic the story by men get, the more spelling errors and muddled words occur ??"

wise words from my master...wank before or after you write, not during

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By *AM2214Man  over a year ago

Manchester Area


What distinguishes this from an awful lot of 'erotica' I have read - and trust me, I have read a lot - is the controlled pace of your writing.

Stories written by men tend, in my experience, to work in peaks and troughs. They ascend ladders of perversion, reaching further and higher for that next step.

Your piece builds up detail and anticipation very well.

I look forward to more.

very true.

and have you noticed, the more erotic the story by men get, the more spelling errors and muddled words occur ??

wise words from my master...wank before or after you write, not during "

What a wise Master you have!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What a great story, very erotic. Can visualise being there in the background watching events unfold. Don't leave it long before you continue with the next episode. Thanks x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Very erotic can't wait for next instalment if ever you publish more please let me know

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By *untimes6969Man  over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Wonderful experience - 'down that London', certainly very steamy as opposed to smoggy!

Thinking about this 'life' experience now, years later with our own experiences would we help another young Sarah? We were all shy and totally indoctrinated by the 'rights and wrongs' of our peers, some people realise this but others are completely unaware - must of been a real eye opener at the time!

Thanks for sharing Kaz - looking forward to the next installments

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By *emima_puddlefuck OP   Couple  over a year ago


"Wonderful experience - 'down that London', certainly very steamy as opposed to smoggy!

Thinking about this 'life' experience now, years later with our own experiences would we help another young Sarah? We were all shy and totally indoctrinated by the 'rights and wrongs' of our peers, some people realise this but others are completely unaware - must of been a real eye opener at the time!

Thanks for sharing Kaz - looking forward to the next installments"

Well done for spotting this was a fantasy about a young kaz...it is a fantasy, but one based on being an incredibly horny teenager,once i discovered sex for real..at the forum appropriate age of 18 i went for everything i could try...if i had met peter and claire then i am pretty sure i would have reacted the same way. The outside world might judge how they behave,however i believe we need to accept that we all have desires..some are just able to help us realise our full potential.

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By *emima_puddlefuck OP   Couple  over a year ago


Chapter Three Pierced

As the weeks progressed I spent more and more time with them.Peter invented a convenient holiday romance, a presentable young man with an

accent I was only used to hearing on TV sat in my uncles kitchen and drank

coffee, polite, amusing and obviously attentive to me he provided a ready

explanation for my absences and nights out. I never asked who he really

was or how Claire and Peter knew him.

My days had a pattern to them, I would arrive at the shop, and go

upstairs to the flat. There I would strip, growing less and less

uncomfortable with my body. Sometimes Claire would join me, if she did I

knew that there would be conversations, about her past ,the things she had

done. Conversations that would leave me desperate and yearning.

Sometimes she would tell me to open my legs, and place her fingers between them, to test my wetness. When she did this I knew I would get a nod or a smile of approval.

Other mornings the flat would be empty and there would be a list of jobs to be done. Simple things like preparing lunch, but mixed in would be others ,to go to their bedroom, choose a cane(I was also learning the names of the things in the chest)and lie on the bed masturbating holding it.

One day the list simply said you must come three times in the next hour,

another day it told me to write how sucking cock felt, but not to touch

myself no matter how wet the writing made me.

They also insisted I read, books would be left and then I would be

questioned, The story of O, Julliette,The history of the English speaking people, The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist.

They would join me for lunch, talk of their morning and discuss how my

jobs had gone. I was even learning how to cook, and took pleasure in the

approval when they complimented me.

Sometimes friends would join them, I grew used to being naked, to the compliments, my back would straighten, my cunt grow wet.I was learning not

to be shy of words either.

One day,a guest asked if he could take me home with him, he thought crop marks would look beautiful on my pale skin .Peter asked me to stand,

caressed my breasts and slid his hand between my legs.

"Not yet, but I can tell from my pretties reaction, she wants that

,don't you?"

"Yes,"I answered, I had watched him and Claire many times now,

sometimes told to masturbate, other times forbidden. I wondered as I

watched what it felt like, whether I would enjoy it as Claire did, or

simply beg for it to stop.

After lunch Peter took my hand and led me upstairs.

"Lie on the bed" I lay down, face in the pillow, knowing not to

question. I heard the chest open, and twitched." Lie as still as you can,

pretty one, remember watching Claire, how the pain was followed by the pleasure.

The cane marked my buttocks for the first time.

Three days before I was to return home we shut up the shop for the day.

Across from Kensington to Camden ,to a world of punks and noise. On the

tube I sat between them, an old lady across smiled at us." She thinks we

are a lovely family on an outing" whispered Claire in my ear." Do lovely

families lick each others cunts before their outings" I whispered back

giggling. My nerves were making me silly. I wanted to laugh and cry.

"Yes they do ,our lovely family does" replied Claire, giving my hand a


At the tattoo and piercing shop money was passed from Peter to the owner

,and awkward questions about my age where avoided. My hands were shaking

so much Claire had to unbutton my shirt and take off my bra.Peter took my

right hand, Claire my left and I knew I wanted this.

My nipples would be pierced as a sign I belonged to them, a reminder

always of who owned me. I screwed up my eyes and willed myself not to cry.The pain was beyond anything i imagined possible, it seemed to take hours for the needle to bore it's way through my skin.But then it was done. They released my hands and both lent in to kiss me on the cheek.

Back at the flat Claire took me straight to there bedroom. They had discussed what would be next. I lay on the bed, my arms were fastened to cuffs at the top of the bed. My legs pulled wide apart and restrained too. The throbbing in my nipples increased, and my cunt and clit started to throb too. Claire kissed my tummy, then moved lower, a trail of kisses down to my cunt. On my clit she circled her tongue, then with one last

kiss right on my lips she was gone.

I lay there ,waiting, knowing I was wet, ready, needing Peter to come.

When I heard the door open I gasped.

"What do you want sarah?" He asked.

"I want you" I replied, pulling against the restraints, wishing I could

go to him and kneel, take his cock in my mouth.

"No you don't, speak the truth pretty one"

"I want to be fucked, I want to feel a cock in me" I begged.

"See that wasn't so hard was it?

He climbed on the bed, and his body was above me, slowly he started to push his cock into me. Claire had warned me that it might hurt, but that being wet would help.

I bit my lip ,trying not to cry out at the stabbing pain. He pushed

into me and it seemed as if there was no way he would fit inside me. The

pain in my nipples and cunt combined, I tried to ignore it but he started

to move faster, harder ,if my legs had not been restrained I would have

pulled them together, pushed him out of me.

Then the pain started to move into pleasure.

I began to move against him, pushing upwards so his cock went into me ,

curving my body, I cried out, this felt like nothing else, I wanted to take

all of his cock and lie under him and be fucked without end, The world had

contracted to my cunt and his cock and then I came.

The orgasm flowed through my body, sending me floating, he continued to

fuck me and my cunt started to move in rhythm with his cock but my mind was

elsewhere. Riding a wave of sensations and emotions I knew I was crying,

and smiling, moaning each time he pushed into me.

Afterwards, whilst Claire ran the bath for me this time he took me in in

arms. I was still in a trance, his words came from so far away but

impacted on my soul.

"You are ours, we will protect and care for you, you are our beautiful

one" He told of his plans, of things I would do, places I would go the

experiences that lay ahead.

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By *unrigMan  over a year ago


Great story I am so horny after reading that .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Oh my! Wonderful writing, i just read the whole thing at work and i shall be reading it again when i get home

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By *emima_puddlefuck OP   Couple  over a year ago


"Oh my! Wonderful writing, i just read the whole thing at work and i shall be reading it again when i get home"

hope you had fun when you got home

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

moar ponytails

love ponytails!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Excellently written . Thank you hope your share more of your work

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

hope this is not the end

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

this really is a very erotic story and an amazing telling from the woman's side of getting into a certain area/type of sex... i hope this isn't the last installment xxx

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By *emima_puddlefuck OP   Couple  over a year ago


there is a small conclusion more from the origional,but i am tempted to add to it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Go for it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I am intrigued to see where this one goes... My mind is awash with perverse possibilities and deviant potentialities!

Thank you again.

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By *eordietartWoman  over a year ago


wow puddles youve just dont that to me by your writing very well done babes


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By *emima_puddlefuck OP   Couple  over a year ago


"wow puddles youve just dont that to me by your writing very well done babes


ty ,rather do it in person tho

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Please there must be another chapter, im hooked on this story and want more, lots more.

Thank you Puddles. xxxx

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