
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Stories and Fantasies > Dedicated to Ellie, Ms Understood

Dedicated to Ellie, Ms Understood

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Mark sat at the hotel bar, checking his phone, his heart racing.

Was she going to pull out? Was Steve?

This had taken months of planning, getting to know Ellie. He'd always fancied her at work, but once she started talking to him in the canteen, he knew he had to make his move. But what she had told him in there flirty chats had blown his mind.

He could not believe any of this was happening .

She arrived. Ellie walking gently through the hotel door. Her summer dress, loose and flowing, making her look like a carefree woman, walking into the hotel for a drink on a summers day compared to the suited business people sitting around, making the place feel stuffy.

Mark gave her a wave from the bar but she had already seen him and was smiling at him as she walked over.

"drink?| he asked her as he peered down her dress, which she adjusted after the obvious run from the train.

"er. vodka and , thanks" Ellie said looking up and catching him looking.

"tut tut" she said, there will be plenty of time for that later"

After being served by the barman, Mark nodded towards a booth and Ellie walked over there, he watched her bum wiggle in the summer dress all the way across the lobby.

As they sat, she leant into him, kissed him on the cheek and asked "So?" she rubbed his thigh "who have you arranged to join us?"

"No surprises" he replied, putting his arm around her.

They chatted for a while, flirting and certainly being closer than work collegues should, until on the third round of drinks, Marks phone vibrated.

He picked it up and replied, "room 21, ground floor on the left, door will be open."

He looked at Ellie "its time" he said

she jumped up without saying a word and led him off towards the hotel room

Once inside Ellie looked around the room

"this will do great" she said

She pushed Mark up against the wall at the rear of the room as far away from the door as she could.

he could feel the way she was slowly moving rubbing her arse in her summer dress against his cock, so slight, so slow, but definately there.

Mark leant down and gently kissed her neck as they both saw the door to the hotel room slowly open

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *angtidy42Couple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

She pushed back against him as if nervous for a second but he noticed her head craning forwards trying to see to the door.

"Hello?" a voice called as the man appeared into view from the room door.

"In here Steve" Mark said

"Hi" Steve said "you must be Ellie I've heard so much about"

Ellie looked at the man standing in front of her on the other side of the hotel bed. He was good looking, mid to late 20's she guessed and just touching 6ft. He was immaculately dressed in black trousers, a perfectly fitted and ironed shit and fully done up tie.

Ellie was impressed.

"I am" she replied, smiling.

Steve stopped his approach and looked her up and down. She noticed him nod slightly as if in approval.

Then her heart jumped for a second as Steve turned to towards the door.

"This is Dave" he said motioning for someone to come in.

The second man entered the room and Ellie, this time, really did back into Mark.

"Hi" Dave said.

Ellie just stood and looked. Dave was a huge man, at least 6'5 Ellie thought had was clearly a big time gym goer. Although he was dressed the same as Steve, his perfectly fitted shirt and tie couldnt hide the fact that this man lifted weights on a regular basis.

Dave walked over to Ellie and she grabbed for Marks hands, still standing behind her.

"Its Ok" Mark whispered as he held her hands firmly down by her sides, "He's here for you." He gently kissed her on the back of the neck "this is all for you."

As Dave stood just inches infront of her. Ellie looked up to see his face, it was handsome and smiling, but she could see he was only young, 24 maybe 25. She also noticed tattoos peaking out of his tightly fastened collar. This made her look down, and sure enough, tattoos peaking out from the cuffs of his shirt too.

"OK" Steve said from walking towards her, shocking her. She hadnt realised that she couldnt actually see him behind this huge mans chest.

He stood next to Dave, and placing 2 fingers on Ellies chin moved her head to face him.

"We'll take it from here" he said, obviously talking to Mark, but never taking his eyes off Ellies face.

With that, Ellie felt Marks grip release and he stepped aside, leaving her. He walked to the chair on the corner, picking himself up a drink from the table as he did so.

Dave, moved around to stand directly behind Ellie, where Mark had been just moments before and Steve moved to stand right in front of her. Steve looked at her face as if examining her for any emotions, any signs of how she was going to react.

"She is a pretty one" he said and she felt his fingers, just gently caress her thighs just below the hem of her dress.

"Very pretty indeed" he continued, increasing the pressure from his fingers on her thighs as he moved them up and down.

Just then a second set of fingers were on her thighs at the back, these were a little harder pressed still, and didnt wait below the hem of her dress. Daves fingers in a second went from teasing strokes of the thigh to exploring Ellies arse.

She closed her eyes for just a second in shocked excitement, and when she opened them, Steve smiled, ran his fingers up her thighs and got a good grip of her thong.

"Ready?" he asked her smiling as she felt Dave from behind suddenly bend down and kiss the back of her neck.

She looked over to Mark, he was sitting there, drink in hand, eyes wide open and staring.

She bit her lip. looked back at Steve and said "yes".

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *tephens11Man  over a year ago


hope this continues

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

With that Steve's grip on her underwear tightened and he swiftly and firmly yanked them down to below her knees.

Dave, from standing behind her, softly placed his hand on her neck, just below her chin and with a gentle firmness, tilted her head back slightly. He stopped kissing her neck for just a moment to say "step out of those".

Ellie didnt think at all and just did as she was told, closing her legs a little to allow her panties to drop to her feet, she was just about to step out of them when she noticed Mark looking at her still heeled feet and her underwear draped over them.

With a little grin to herself she flicked her foot up and to the side of Steve, kicking her panties towards Mark.

With an unbelivable amount of luck she thought, she got it just right and they land on his arm.

The look on his face and the little laughs from Steve and Dave prompted her to be even a little more cheeky.

"Hold them for me would you darling, I dont think I'll be needing those again tonight."

Steve stepped forward and began kissing Ellie, fully and passionately on the lips, and she responded immediately, not hesitating in kissing him back, her tongue finding its way into his mouth, before gently nibbling then sucking on his bottom lip.

She heard Steve moan and knew that he was loving this.

With this good looking man passionately kissing her and the man mountain behind kissing her neck, both of their hard firm bodies pressing against hers, Ellie started to believe she was in heaven.

A few seconds later she noticed she could feel Steves cock hardening against her body. It was pushing against her stomach and she felt it twitch as she bit on his lip.

"hmmm" she thought "good"

But she then realised that because Dave was now bending over to kiss her neck and shoulders because he was just that much taller than her, his back was arched and so not pressed up against her.

She wanted, she needed to know if she was having the same effect on this huge young man as she was on his older friend.

She reached behind with her right hand, feeling around his rock hard body under the near skin tight shirt, trying to gauge where to feel for this mans height.

"Are you looking for this?" Dave said and grabbed her hand and placed it over his cock on the outside of his trousers.

Ellie's heart stopped, it wasnt hard, well, not fully, but she could feel it starting to rise and she could feel how thick it was as she placed her hand flat over it in the trousers.

Suddenly his lips where at her ears, as he whispered, almost as if, she thought so that the others in room wouldnt hear and this was their secret "would you like to see it?"

She pulled away from Steve kisses slightly, tilted her head back towards Dave, so she could look up and into his face, "yes" she said.

He instantly took a few paces backwards away from her and as he did, Steve turned her around so she could see the younger man.

Having been used to having 2 men so close to her for some time and now, not being able to actually see Mark, who she knew was still sitting in the room, she felt a little exposed as Steve's mouth replaced Dave's kissing her neck. His hands running firmly up her body from thighs, raising her loose dress just enough she knew to expose her naked pussy to Daves view, but then a split second later he loosened the pressure against her body and her dress dropped down again covering her.

His hands continued up her body and started messaging her breasts as Dave, standing a few paces infront of her, his eyes so intense and fierce staring at her that didnt know if he was to be feared or not, slowly removed his tie.

He dropped it on the floor and unbuttoned his shirt, which he then peeled off.

"fuck" was the only word Ellie could think of. She had never seen anything like this man, his body was so toned, so ripped. Tattoos ran across his huge chest and down one side of ripped abs. One arm was covered in a sleeve of them and she could now see more disappearing down below the waistband of his trousers. A Waistband he was slowly removing the belt from.

Once the belt was dropped, he unbuttoned the fly and grabbing both trousers and boxers in his huge hands dropped both to the floor and stepped out.

Ellie's gaze flicked from his face, intense and staring back at hers and his cock. Huge, 9 to 10 inches and so thick just hanging there in front of him, still not fully hard.

"Sit on the bed" he told her and Steve helped her back and lowered her down as she never took her eyes of this man. He walked over and stood in front of her, his huge cock inched in front of her face and she hardly noticed that Steve, standing off the side was also now getting undressed.

She turned to Mark, hew was literally on the edge of his seat, mouth wide open, drink almost falling from his hand.

She smiled at him then turned to back to Dave and took his huge heavy cock in her hand giving it an instant stroke

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By *r ed300Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

She stroked it and felt it swell in her hand. Dave let out a little moan and she looked up and smiled at him. She stroked it again, and again, her eyes fixed on his, her smile never changing.

With each stroke she felt it grow and grow in her hand.

Within a dozen strokes or so, it was fully hard and pointing right at her face.

Suddenly, while she was looking up and admiring this mans incredible body as she felt his heavy hard, now grown, 11 inch cock in her hand, some movement caught the corner of her eye, and she noticed Steve, edging forward in front of her to stand side by side with Dave.

Steve's cock was now also out and hard. Not as big as Dave's but certainly a good size and big enough she thought.

Without thinking she looked up at Steve, gave him, the cute smile and took his cock in her other hand and started stroking that one too.

"Thats a good girl" Dave said, placing his big strong hand gently on the back of her head. His fingers ran through her hair for a few moments as she wanked both guys in front of her. Then gently, slowly his hand started to move her head forward.

"Fucking hell!!" she heard Mark whisper from behind her, reminding her that her was still in the room, she had almost forgotten he was even there after the reveal of Dave's body.

The reminder that she was being watched and the fact she was relaxing in Steve and Dave's company, plus her pure hots for this man, released something inside her. She turned her head towards Mark as much as Dave's guiding hand would allow before saying "Watch this babe". She then turned back to front and batted Dave's hand away from her head. "I dont need pushing to suck your fucking cock" she said looking up at him, and without missing a stroke on Steve's she took the first 3 or 4 inches of Dave's cock in her mouth.

"Yes, yes, good girl" she heard Dave say as she bobbed her head back and forth, taking his cock a little further into her mouth with each movement.

She moved her head back a little and the huge cock popped out of her mouth and shot straight up, almost hitting dave on his rock hard stomach. Without missing a beat, Ellie drove her tongue to the very base of his cock before licking up along the full length of it, feeling its weight on her tongue, before flicking her tongue around the head, tasting pre cum for the first time. her eyes turned to Steve and she winked as she took Dave's cock back into her mouth and down her throat as far as she could. She couldnt get him all in but it was very close.

His cock filled her throat and she had to close her eyes and concentrate on the feeling so as to not gag.

From the darkness of her closed eyes she heard Steve say "oh my god she loves it"

Ellie took this as her cue to give Steve some attention and before she felt herself gagging too much of Dave she pulled back and seamlessly moved her head and body and performed exactly the same move on him as she had on Dave, licking from the base, tongue exploring the head before taking him fully inside. With Steve, she managed to get his full length inside her mouth and throat, her nose tickling his stomach.

She swapped these two dicks in her mouth for a few minutes, savouring the taste of the two different men, before suddenly, abruptly and without warning she stood up, still fully dressed in her summer dress, she stood between these two totally naked men.

She turned to face Mark, still sitting in his chair, mouth wide open.

Taking a cock in each hand and stroking them gently, she leant to Steve and kissed him fully on the mouth, before turning to Dave and doing the same. She then looked directly at Mark "What are you waiting for?" she said "Strip"

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By *r ed300Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *lackburn_guyMan  over a year ago


wow more please

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" wow more please "

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By *arkhouseukMan  over a year ago


More please

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I am lost for words...

Changed U/name and hidden profile

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Very hot

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