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The nude male art class

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Male figure, nude, model required.

Tel. 0xxx xxxxxx (No previous experience necessary).

Looking over the small ads of our local newspaper I came across the advert while looking through the wanted section in the hopes of finding a good home for some of the accumulated rubbish, one man's junk and all that, in the garage.

I've had a thing about being naked in front of other people since my mid twenties, not in a 'park flasher' sort of way but any valid excuse to get my kit off when others are around I relish.

Posing for life drawing class is something I've never thought of before though and I mentally kicked myself for not looking for something like this.

I tore out the ad and pinned it to my kitchen noticeboard circling the number then got back to looking for new homes for the 'treasure' in my garage.

Several phone calls later I had a steady stream of locals lined up to call round on Sunday morning to collect half the contents of my garage. Result! The alternative would mean taking everything to the local tip as my new motorbike would be delivered the following weekend and I really needed the space quickly.

On Sunday morning at 9 am the first gent turned up to take away some old lamps and while he was there he spotted a couple of other items I hadn't already agreed to sell to someone else. Good start.

Over the next two hours all the people who arranged to call round turned up and invariably found one or two other items to help clear more space.

At 11:30 I made myself a cup of tea and sat on the patio waiting for the last lady to call and hopefully take away the fish tank and lights I'd had stored for the last two years since I came home from holiday to find a tank of dead fish when the mate who agreed to look after them forgot to come and feed them.

It was a beautiful morning and as I sat supping my tea I pulled off my t-shirt and enjoyed the nice hot sun on my upper body.

I heard a car pulling into the drive just as I was starting my tea, she's early I thought but i guess once Mrs White takes away the fish tank I can get the garage sorted out ready for my new bike.

"Hi. Mrs White?" I greeted her.

"Yes, I spoke to you about the fish tank yesterday. Hope I'm not too early but I've just dropped my husband at the golf course so thought I could kill two birds with one stone if that's ok".

"No problem Mrs White"

"Call me Emma, please. Mrs White sounds so stuffy" she said.

"Ok, Emma, I've got the tank round on the patio if you want to have a look at it. I gave it a good wash as it's been sat in storage for two years. It's just this way"

I led Emma round to the patio where the 5 foot tank was propped up on wooden boards.

"That's perfect. It's just what we are looking for. Did you say you had lights and a pump as well?"

"Yes, they are just in the kitchen on the table. I was just testing them all to make sure they still worked"

I led Emma into the kitchen and switched on the lights and the pump, which was in the sink, to show her they still worked.

"Perfect. I'll take it" Emma said.

As we started putting things into boxes I asked Emma if she'd like a cup of tea.

"Yes please, if it's no trouble. It's been a he'll of a morning with the kid, the big kid my husband that is" she laughed.

"No trouble at all. Honestly".

I put on the kettle and went out to get my now cold cup from the table outside.

"I see you saw my other wanted ad, here on your noticeboard" Emma said pointing at the male model wanted ad I'd pinned there the day before. "I don't remember you calling me?"

I hadn't really payed attention to the number but sure enough it was the same number I'd called her on about the fish tank.

I explained that I had been planning on calling later in the week after clearing out the garage and hadn't even realised it was the same phone number.

I finished off making the tea and carried the cups out to the patio table so we could sit in the sun.

"I run an art class where we do life drawing and it's so difficult to find models round here" Emma explained "it would be great if you were interested. Have you done any sitting before? She asked

"No I haven't but I would be interested to give it a go. What sort of students do you have" I asked.

"Oh you'd like them, trust me. Bored rich women mostly" she laughed "you'd have to be pretty thick skinned though as they can be outrageous sometimes. It's why we struggle to get suitable models as the students don't always, how can I put this, behave themselves".

I was intrigued and as we drank our tea I asked her what she meant.

"I'm not trying to put you off but being frank with you our last model quit after one of the ladies sat at the front kept opening her legs during the class trying to turn him on" she laughed

"What. He quit because of that? Seriously?" I asked.

"Yes. Fuddy duddy wasn't he. I assume that wouldn't bother you then?" Emma asked.

"Your kidding? I'd see that as a perk. When can I start" I replied at which Emma burst out laughing.

"If your serious I have a class Tuesday night this week. It would be a baptism of fire though I have to warn you" lowering her voice she said "The same flasher lady is on this course and she really tries hard to get a 'reaction' from the model. If you know what I mean"

"Would it be a problem if she succeeded?" I asked joking.

Emma laughed loudly again "hunny, it would make their week. Trust me. It wouldn't be a problem in the least"

"Ok. I'll give it a try. I've got nothing to lose have I. If nothing else it'll be a life experience"

Emma a squealed and clapped her hands "Thank you. I was getting really close to having to cancel the class. Are you sure your ok with getting naked in front of the ladies?"

It was my turn to laugh "That's not a problem honestly"

"And it won't embarrass you if one of the ladies makes you, erm 'react' in front of everyone?"

"No. As long as you don't mind why should I?"

Emma squealed again and thanked me then wrote down the address and her private mobile number to call her on if I needed to phone her and asked "and your positive being naked isn't going to be an issue for you?"

"Emma, do you want me to prove it? Honestly I'm fine about it" I laughed.

"Well as you offered. Why don't you let me take a quick look at you now. If that's ok?"

I looked at her and shrugged. Shaking my head I stood up and pushed down my shorts leaving me naked in front of her. "Satisfied" I asked her laughing.

"Oh yes. Very. I mean the girls will be very satisfied".

Remaining naked I sat back down and continued drinking my tea.

"So how long have you been running these classes?" I asked.

"The next will only be the 3rd class I've done here. We've just moved to the area from London where I was doing classes for the last 3 years. Most of the ladies attending have been to previous workshops I've ran though. They are coming this week especially to support my new business".

"Wow. They've come all the way from London for an evening art class?" I asked.

"No, not just the art class. We own the Wellness Spa and the life class is just one of a weeks activities. We offer facials, mud baths, massage and all the usual things along with meditation and yoga classes. The life drawing is a little extra evening activity we thought would be fun for the girls. Getting a willing man has proven the hard part though so I hope you enjoy it and become our regular model." Emma told me.

"So you and your husband run it together then?"

"No. John has no interest in the business. He made a lot of money in the city and wanted to retire to play golf so when i found the Wellness Spa for sale I suggested we move here and he can play golf all day and I'd run the business"

"How's it going so far?"

"Well we haven't been open long so I'm still learning the ropes really, it's a big change from what I done in london. My friend Trish is helping me out at the moment and so far were having a blast. It's been like a girls holiday to be honest. Neither of our husbands have any interest and we are practically living on site having as much fun as the guests, but dont tell my husband I said so" she said smiling.

"Don't you live in at the Spa then" I asked.

"No. We have a house 5 miles down the road but as I said I've hardly spent anytime there yet" she said now laughing.

The whole time we chatted I noticed Emma kept glancing down at my body more than looking in my eyes. Several times I caught her looking at my cock and when she looked back up I smiled at her to let her know I'd caught her.

"You really are very comfortable being naked aren't you" she said.

"Yes. If I'm honest with you, I enjoy it, but don't tell anyone" I replied and winked at her.

"I'm so glad you called about the fish tank. It's been fate meeting you like this. Look, I hate to ask as we've only met but would you mind helping me install the fish tank at the Spa? I'll pay you of course"

"No I don't mind at all Emma, and you don't need to pay me anything. I'll be glad to help out"

"Oh thank you. If you won't take any money maybe you'd like to make use of the facilities at the Spa?"

I laughed "I'm not a mud bath kind of guy really but thanks for the offer"

"Well we've got a pool, sauna and steam room as well. Your welcome to use those"

"Won't your guest object to some strange man in a women's health spa?" I asked.

"The guests don't start to check in until 9pm tonight so you'd have the run of place. There's only myself and Trish at the moment"

"Ok. That sounds great actually. Thanks"

We'd finished our tea now and I offered to load the car for Emma and then follow her and unload and setup the tank.

"Thanks. You best pop some pants back on first though" she grinned.

"Oh god. I'd forgotten I was naked. The neighbours would have got a shock" I laughed.

Emma popped the boot and after dropping the seats I loaded the tank, lights and pumps into the back of her car.

"I'll just go and find some swimming trunks. Give me a few minutes" I said.

Emma leaned closer to me and quietly said "the place is empty apart from Trish and I. You don't need your swimming trunks, you can try out your new uniform if you like."

I smiled back at her "well, there's an offer I can't refuse. Lead the way, I'll be right behind you".

I locked up the house and didn't even pick up my t-shirt and was soon following Emma out into the countryside to the spas private grounds wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. I'd never been to the Spa before even though it was only a 15 minute drive from my house. It had extensive grounds and was a beautiful looking place.

When we got out of the car Trish came out of reception wearing a white uniform that seems fairly common in spas and almost has the look of a nurses outfit. "Hi Trish, this is Dick. He's come to install the tank, and he's going to be working for us part time"

"Hi Dick, pleased to meet you. What's Emma talked you into?" Trish said smiling and holding out her hand.

"Dick' s agreed to be our model for the life classes" Emma beamed.

"Has she warned you what happened to the last one?" Trish said with barely contained laughter.

"Trish. Of course I have. What do you take me for? Dick's fine with it, in fact I think he's rather looking forward to it, aren't you Dick?"

"Pleased to meet you Trish, Yeah she told me all about what happened. Sounds like a fun gig to me. I'm sure I can handle your bored housewives" I laughed.

"Trish. Can you show Dick where the tank is going. I have to nip out and collect the booze and will be back in an hour or two"

"Sure. I'll look after him. Make sure you get plenty drink. I think we are going to need it even if the guests dont" Trish told Emma.

"Oh Trish, I've offered Dick the use of the facilities once he's finished installing the tank. I told him he can wear his new 'work uniform' as we're empty. Your ok with that aren't you?" Emma said laughing and winked at Trish.

"Oh my day just got brighter" Trish said smiling at me. "Ok. Let's get you to work Dick. The sooner you start the sooner we can get you into your work outfit. Follow me"

The tank was going in the mud room opposite two large baths filled with brown mud. I must admit the idea of climbing in a bath of mud didn't appeal to me one bit.

With Trish' s help we had the tank installed, filled and all setup ready to await the fish in just over an hour. I'd learned that Emma and Trish were both in their early forties and had know each other since childhood. Emma's husband was a lot older than her and had been some high finance guy in the city and made millions over the years but despite being rich was a 'boring arsehole'. Trish husband was still down in London and they hadn't yet decided if they were going to move here and work for Emma full time or not. For now she was just helping out and treating it as a holiday to see how things went.

"Trish" we heard Emma shout through "can you come and help me unload the car".

"Duty calls" Trish said. "Coming" she shouted back. "The pools through that way" she pointed "You can't miss it"

"I'll give you a hand unloading the car first. There's plenty of time still before your clients turn up" I replied and followed her through to reception and out into the car park.

"How are you getting on" Emma asked as we walked outside.

"All done. I tried to send him off for a swim but he insisted on helping unload the car first" Trish responded.

"Thanks Dick, but you really don't have to. You've done more than enough already" Emma said.

"Its no problem Emma. Many hands make light work. I'll enjoy the pool and steam room even more after some heavy lifting".

The three of us carried the bottles, cans and assorted other shopping through to the bar and storeroom and stacked everything away in its place all the while chatting and getting to know each other better.

On the way through to the storeroom we passed a large floor to ceiling window overlooking the rear garden and in the centre was a large octagonal summer house come pavillion structure. It had glass sides which Emma told me could be opened up in nice weather and that was where they held the yoga, meditation and the life drawing classes. "Emma's spent a small fortune setting this place up" Trish added "Well her husband has, god bless his boring cotton socks" she finished laughing.

Laughing Emma replied "Trish. Don't let him hear you saying that"

"Who's going to hear. There's only the three of us around! We could all run round naked calling him Boring Bob all afternoon and he'd be none the wiser"

Both girls burst out laughing. "One day I'm going to make you do that if you don't stop saying it Trish".

I guess this wasn't the first time Trish had threatened the same thing.

As we humped the boxes through Emma and Trish were asking each other what jobs were left to do. "All the rooms made up?". "Yes, and fresh flowers in each." "Did you remember the chocolates on the pillow and to stack the mini bars?". "Yes, after the 5th time you reminded me". "Towels.." " yup. Pool area, mud room, steam room, Jacuzzi area all stocked up with fresh clean ones". This went on until the last of the boxes were unpacked and everything neatly put away in the storeroom or neatly layed out in the bar.

"So, everything's done! All we need now are the guests" Emma declared.

"4 hours to spare. Were finally getting the hang of this" Trish added.

"Well Dick. How about a guided tour. Let us show you around" Emma added.

"Thanks. If I'm not keeping you from anything important that would be great. It looks like an incredible place".

"With your help we've got everything done in plenty time. Come on Trish lets show off our new toy" she grinned. "You've seen reception, bar and kitchen already, oh and the mud room. Shall we start with one of the guests rooms Trish?"

"Why not, not the one I've been using though it's a mess. Dick will think I'm a slob" she laughed.

Emma led the way to the guest bedroom area and presented her master key, on a wrist band, to the electronic lock. "The guests are issued with an rfid wrist band for access to the rooms and to charge food and drinks to their room bill".

"That's a bit fancy isn't it? What's wrong with good old fashioned credit card type keys" I asked.

"Well they don't have anywhere to keep a plastic card. Wrist bands are ideal" Trish informed me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Ohh I never told you did I?" She started laughing "All the guests are naked most of the time. Were a nudist spa".

"That's why we never have to worry about our husbands just turning up out of the blue. They know they are banned as this is 'ladies only', except you of course" Trish winked.

"You mean I'll be the only male here, with 10 naked ladies?" I asked

"Yes" Emma said with a big smile on her face "only there will be 12 of us, not 10. You've not counted Trish and I" She finished, winking again.

"Oh this job just keeps getting better" I laughed "don't suppose you want to make it a full time offer do you. I could start immediately" I joked.

"Well I was beginning to wonder when you were going to get those shorts off" Trish responded. "I was promised a naked man hours ago" she laughed.

Placing my hands on the waist band of my shorts I said "Well ladies. I won't keep you waiting any longer in that case".

Pulling my shorts down slowly Trish moved to stand directly in front of me and gave me an appreciative look up and down as I stood naked in front of her.

"Nice find Em" Trish said.

"Not bad is he. I gave him an informal interview in his garden and I knew he was the right man for the job"

"You mean he stripped off for you when you went to buy a fish tank? How do you do it girl?" Trish laughed placing her hand lightly on Emma's arm.

"Give us a twirl then" Trish asked.

I held out my arms palm upwards, bent slightly at the elbow and slowly turned around twice before them. "Satisfied ladies?"

"Not yet, but I'm sure I will be" Trish replied gripping Emma's arm with both hands now.

"Trish! Behave. At least give him chance to settle in first" Emma gasped at her friends comment.

"Trish. I hope I get the chance to prove my satisfactory performance to you" then turning to face Emma "to satisfy both of you attractive ladies. I'll endeavour to be your model employee". I layed it on thick before bursting out laughing.

"Oh Dick. So gallant. I'm sure your going to fit right in here" with that Trish made a v shape of her hands and letting them fall in front of her she opened them suggestively in front of her crotch clearly indicating she meant her open pussy.

All three of us were now laughing loudly and with a tear of laughter Emma said "Dick's going to be perfect here. I knew as soon as we chatted in his garden".

We moved along the corridor back towards reception when Emma paused outside another room and swiped her wrist band to open it "hold on. I just want to get changed before we carry on".

Leaving the door wide open Emma stood in the middle of the room and reaching behind her, unzipped her dress and shrugged it off her shoulders letting it fall to the floor.

As I saw the movement from the corner of my eye I half turned to face the door and watched as she unfastened her bra and threw it on the bed before bending over with her ass pointing at the door and pulling off her knickers. Her legs were parted just enough for me to get a quick glimpse of her pussy lips before she stood up.

My cock was reacting to the sight in the only way it knew how and I felt the sensation of it starting to grow.

Turning around Emma started to massage her breasts "I hate wearing bras. They are so tight. It feels great to get that off"

Watching her rubbing her breasts was speeding up the impending erection between my legs and it didn't escape Trish' s attention.

"She's got fantastic tits hasn't she" she said.

"Nice arse as well" I replied winking at Trish.

"Will you stop talking about me like I'm not here" Emma interrupted.

"Sorry Em. We were just complimenting you on your nice tits", "and arse" I interrupted, "Dick really seems to like them" she said to Emma and winked at me.

"I heard you the first time" she laughed "What are you two? A double act already"

"Well I was hoping we were going to make a nice threesome" I quickly replied.

Trish held up her hand for me to high five and afterwards smacked by bare arse. "Your a naughty boy, but I like you" she laughed.

Emma grabbed a robe and slipped it over her shoulders leaving it wide open. "Come on Laurel and Hardy. Let's finish the tour".

Trish turned to face me and looking me in the eye said "Did she just call one of us fat? It's not me, but it's not you either. She must need her eyes tested". At that she slipped her arm through mine and we walked along behind Emma following her back down and through reception towards the pool area.

My cock was at three quarter erection and bobbed as we followed Emma into the pool area. Trish released my arm and took my hand instead leading the way to a tiled partitioned area at the side which hid 3 different steam rooms, a sauna and large Jacuzzi big enough for easily 20 people.

"Wow. This is incredible. I love this place" I exclaimed.

Trish was stripping off her clothes beside me and hanging them up "Everyone has that reaction when they come here for the first time".

"I haven't cum yet though" I was unable to resist replying. Trish burst out laughing, "Bad boy"

Emma had also taken off her robe and hung it up and when she heard me she turned to Trish "I blame you for this. You got him going".

"Actually Em I think it was you that got him going. His cock didn't start getting hard till you started flashing your pussy at him" Trish replied laughing.

All three of us were flirting, joking and genuinely getting on like a house on fire.

"Come on let's relax in the steam room for a while" Emma Said holding open the door of the coolest of the three.

Of the two ladies Emma was what you would describe as the most classically beautiful. She had striking looks and immaculate hair. Some of the looks were obviously 'enhanced' though where Trish was a natural beauty, curvy in all the right places with a gentle sag to her boobs which comes with age. To be honest, of the two of them Trish, to me, was the more attractive but best of all they were both incredibly fun.

Despite the money Emma now had she didn't start life that way. They told me they had grown up in the east end and back then didn't have any money at all, Trish still didn't but Emma looked after her after she met and married a rich guy who really only wanted a trophy wife to show off. He didn't pay her much attention but lavished her with gifts and clothes and indulged her business ideas and only ever expected her company at occasional posh dinners to impress his peers.

"Boring Bob. As I keep saying" Trish finished up.

I told them he must be mad ignoring her like that but I was glad, in a selfish way, otherwise I probably wouldn't be sitting her with them both right now having such a great time.

"Well it certainly looks like your having a great time from what I can see" Trish laughed. "Can't hide that in here"

"Why would I want to hide it? And besides, neither of you are really helping me control it" I winked over at them.

The two girls were sat opposite me and neither of them were acting lady like. Their legs were splayed out giving me a perfect view of their perfectly smooth, completely waxed, pussies. Emma had a tight little slit, augmented again I suspect as it was too perfect, while Trish had large, swollen lips with a clit that was visible across the room. Both girls also had very erect nipples despite the heat and I could tell they were as aroused as I was.

Trish clamped her legs together "I was just testing you to see if our flasher was going to get your cock hard Dick. You passed by the way. Stephanie is going to have fun with you on Tuesday. Have a wank before you sit then you can make her work for it and have some fun with her before she gets you hard again" she laughed.

"Trish! Your outrageous" Emma said elbowing her friend.

"Anything you say boss. I'm here to learn" I replied laughing.

"If you need a hand just let me know" Trish came back with.

My cock, if it's possible, was even harder and throbbing madly by now. Had Trish just offered to give me a hand job before work? She'd certainly allowed her legs to spread even wider than before and if I wasn't mistaken her pussy lips were even more swollen and glistening with moisture while she was staring at my cock.

"Do you want to see where you'll be working?" Emma asked.

"Sure. It's getting a little hot in here" I replied.

Emma stood and held out her hands to help me up, not that it was necessary but I wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to see where touching might lead. As I stood she pulled me firmly towards her which managed to throw me just a little off balance and meant I had to put one foot forward just to the side of her and by the time I recovered my balance our bodies had gently collided. My cock was touching her tummy and her breasts my chest.

I released her hands and placed mine on her sides to steady myself and she dropped her hands down and around me digging her nails into my arse and pulling me closer to her until my cock was firmly caught between us and she could feel it throbbing against her. "Oops. Sorry" she giggled before relaxing her grip on my arse and backing away a couple of inches, no more. "I don't know my own strength sometimes".

"No harm done" I said dropping my hands to her hips and letting one of them slide around to her firm ass and gently squeezing it. She placed her hands on my chest and began to rub them up and down my body as I kneaded her buttock while we looked into each other's eyes.

Trish stood up behind me and I felt her breasts squashing against my back before feeling her arms wrap around me to Emma and pull us all closer together. "Team hug" she said behind me before I felt her soft lips kiss the middle my back.

Tingles shot up my back as Trish kissed me several times moving around my back. With each kiss I squeezed Emma's ass and my cock noticeably throbbed eliciting soft moans from Emma..

Moments later the kissing stopped, I felt Trish's body pull away from me and Emma also backed up. The girls stood either side of me and taking a hand each led us out of the steam room, past the pool and out through the glass door into the garden where we walked hand in hand across the lawn to the octagonal space where I'd be posing on Tuesday evening.

The building had floor to ceiling glass doors and pulling it open we slipped inside closing it behind us. Although it was hot outside we all felt a slight chill after the steam room and it was nice to get inside with the warm sun beating through the large expanse of glass warming us again.

"Well. What do you think?" Emma asked

The room was large with plenty space for 30 or more people to do yoga if required. The extensive glass let in lots of natural light from all angles but each pane of glass was fitted with blinds so they could control the light.

"This is fantastic. I'm looking forward to getting started on tuesday" I replied as I walked around, still fully erect, examining the room. Easels were setup in a semi circle around a chez lounge made of leather. I lay down and struck what I thought was a typical model pose. "How's this then?"

The two girls laughed and agreed between them I needed a little coaching before Tuesday.

Emma walked over to a cupboard and took out an expensive looking DSLR camera "Do you mind if we do some practise posing and take some photos so we can show you what works?"

"Not at all. I'm all yours. Just tell me what to do".

"Trish, show him a few poses then we can get Dick to try"

I stood up and let Trish take my place and watched her learning what worked while Emma took several pictures before Trish stood up and said "ok. Your turn"

I settled in and copied one of Trish' s poses and Emma started taking pictures. "Trish, help him out will you" Emma called out.

Trish came over and made minor adjustments to my arms and legs. As her hands manoeuvred my body it caused my cock to throb more and when she as happy with my pose she made one last adjustment. Taking a firm hold of my cock she stroked it twice before positioning it just so and stood back.

"Perfect. These are great" Emma said snapping away moving around me. "Try another pose, Trish help Dick will you"

Trish half explained and half man handled me again into another pose.

"That's it. Hold just there" Emma said as she started snapping away again from multiple angles.

"Ok. One more for now and then we can print these out for you dick"

"Why don't we try a joint pose?" Trish suggested "we've never done that before it would be something new".

"Great idea Trish. Got any ideas?"

"A few" Trish grinned before coming over and laying down with me.

First she spooned into me pushing her ass against my hard cock. "Put your arm over me and cup my breast" she told me.

Following instruction I took her breast in my hand and caressed it, squeezing before settling in what I thought might be a good pose.

"Ok. Hold it" Emma then took several pictures.

"Dick. Lie down flat. Trish climb on top of him and arch your back while he holds you up"

Trish moved to let me lie down then straddled me bringing her wet pussy down to rest on my hard cock so my shaft pressed between her swollen lips. I put my hands on her sides but she couldn't get comfortable so suggested I cup both her tits this time. As I held her she then arched her back throwing her head back and squirmed around on my cock while Emma took more photographs telling us "that looks amazing. Could you hold that long enough for a drawing class?"

"I'm not sure Em. It wouldn't be easy, and the girls would probably complain as I'm hiding his cock" she laughed.

"Try one where your not hiding it then" Emma said.

Trish climbed off me leaving my shaft coated in her wet juices and sat on the floor in front of me. "I do have one idea. See how this looks". With that Trish took a firm grip of my cock and lowered her mouth down around my throbbing cock and started to suck it.

Emma was taking picture after picture of her married friend giving me a blowjob. This wasn't posing as she never stopped moving. Her hand was working it's way up and down my shaft as her soft lips sucked and her tongue licked around the swollen head of my hard cock.

"Fuck Trish. This is really turning me on. The girls would love this but maybe we'd need to make it an erotic photography class instead of still life" she laughed.

Letting my cock fall from her lips but continuing to stroke the shaft she said "And my husband would kill me if the girls took photographs of me sucking a big cock back to London, if he found out. Maybe we should keep this private" she grinned.

"You could always let the guests do it themselves, for their own private collections" I offered.

Emma laughed "don't worry Dick, I can think of one or two of them that you won't be able to stop sucking your cock even when your trying to pose for the other girls".

"Trish, here take the camera and take some of me too" Emma said handing over the camera and taking her friends place and continuing the blowjob she'd started. Then she asked me to sit up and pressing her tits around my cock gave me a tit wank while Trish took more pictures.

I could feel my orgasm building and warned Emma she was going to make me cum if she continued. Taking my cock into her hand again she stroked my shaft faster telling Trish to make sure she didn't miss this shot. Trish had the camera on rapid fire now as her friend, boss, opened her mouth ready to receive my hot sticky load. As jets of cum shot from me the camera captured every frame of it filling Emma's mouth and coating her face in sperm until it was dripping down off her chin onto her boobs.

Using her finger to wipe it off her face into her mouth she swallowed all my cum.

"let's go back to my room and look at the pictures" Emma said smiling up at me.

Once in her room we lay on the bed together as Emma transferred all the pictures to her laptop then opened them up and started to go through them. The girls picked out 10 pictures of me posing and sent them to the printer so I could take them home to study before Tuesday. Emma also printed out pictures of both her and Trish sucking my cock, 3 copies, so we could each have one.

Seeing the photographs printed out my cock was soon growing again and in no time I had another erection.

Trish was the first to notice and wrapped her hand around it playing with my shaft and balls as Emma continued to flick through the pictures on the laptop lying beside us. Trish sucked my cock again before straddling me and guiding my cock between her swollen lips and sitting down on my cock until it was deep inside her wet pussy.

She started to slowly ride my cock as I played with her boobs. Beside us Emma was watching my cock slide in and out of her best friends pussy. Her hands dropped between her legs and soon she was rubbing herself masturbating to the live sex show taking place beside her.

Reaching over I joined in sliding two fingers inside her as she rubbed her clit while Trish was fucking me. Trish was moaning louder and slamming herself down on me as I thrust up my hips to meet her and it wasn't long before we heard her say "Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck me. Harder. I'm cumming" then she let out a loud scream as her orgasm coarsed through her body and she collapsed down on top of me.

When she had enough energy to roll off me onto the bed lying on her back breathing heavily Emma took her place and my cock filled her tight slit and she fucked me for 5 minutes until she too had a loud orgasm and collapsed exhausted down beside Trish.

That was how I met Trish and Emma and started working for them at the Spa. The 3 of us became regular fuck buddies however neither of them got jealous when I would fuck their guests, often in the middle of a modelling class in front of everyone.

Before each class one of them would either fuck, suck or give me a hand job so i never got a Hardon until at least half way through the session. It also meant that if any of the guests got carried away and started giving me a blowjob or fucking me I could satisfy several of them before cumming again. Usually once one of the ladies broke the ice and insisted I fuck her others would be waiting to take her place and I regularly fucked several women each night. The guests ranged in age from 18 to 70 and once Emma realised I was happy to fuck each and everyone of them to make their stay more memorable the classes became 3 nights per week instead of just one and I'd regularly end up staying overnight after joining the ladies in the bar after the sessions. There wasn't a single place at the Spa I hadn't had sex by the time I'd worked there for 3 months but my favourite will always be fucking in the centre of the drawing class with everyone else watching.

Does that make me an exhibitionist?

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By *parklesueTV/TS  over a year ago


Fantastic story xxxxxx

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By *inkycdxxxTV/TS  over a year ago


Sounds great xxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great story. Very well written.

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By *ree guyMan  over a year ago


Great story

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By *xeterman1Man  over a year ago

weston super mare

Loved it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Don't know about whether it makes you an exhibitionist or not but it does make you a lucky so and so!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *teven12ABCMan  over a year ago

Wigan lancs

please carry on with story.what happened when you did the class?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

A dream job, fantastic story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *r imp miss minxCouple  over a year ago


Yes, yes it does! Great story too!

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By *untimes6969Man  over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

"Don't know about whether it makes you an exhibitionist or not but it does make you a lucky so and so! "

What a great story! Could go anywhere from here - more!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We loved reading this , thanks for sharing xx

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By *maz.Man  over a year ago

Southampton / iford

Great story , loved reading it in between taxi jobs with a semi lol, any more stories

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

So glad you all enjoyed it. Look out for part 2 in a couple of days after I get chance to write it

P.s unlike my previous true story this one is heavily embellished, but does Still have a basis of truth

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *ack_Jones11Man  over a year ago


Only had time to read the first few lines but sounds amazing mate.

Would love this to happen in a staffordshire.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Enjoyed this. Well written!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great story and very well written

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By *iceguy12345678Man  over a year ago

Near Fareham

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By *ack_Jones11Man  over a year ago


Got to ask... is the spa still going, would love to know where etc?

Willing life model right here

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Fantastic story

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Unfortunately not. They sold up 6 years ago and I believe the place is now a boutique hotel.

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By *oth0712Man  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

loving this

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By *tockton GentMan  over a year ago


Brilliant writing style

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

So easy to read! Loved it! Em x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Fish tank for sale, anyone interested? Lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This has to be one of the best posts on here, articulate, well written and very sexy, wish there was more to this, could you maybe elaborate on the first class you took? I’m sure I’m not the only one who’d Like to read more

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By *ob4fun4Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great story

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Thank you all for the great comments in glad you all enjoyed reading it.

Part II just been posted

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *inky kissersCouple  over a year ago

South East

Am just moving on to part 2

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Part III up now.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

want read this so i will tag it lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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