In talking to one of my friends the subject of femdom comes up. She says she's interested, but it feels like a lot to learn and she wouldn't feel comfortable taking charge straight away. I say I can teach her some things with Ellis, show her what I like to do to him.
We set up a teaching slot and she comes into the bedroom. Ellis knows it is going to happen but hasn't seen her until that point, and it doesn't matter what he thinks of her now as he's fully naked and wrists are tied above his head on the bed.
I hop onto the bed, lift up my skirt, and sit back on his face, not addressing him once. Instead, I talk to the friend, saying to notice my posture and back position, saying that I usually count 10 slow seconds in my head before letting him breathe, and showing two rocking/grinding motions that are fun to do. Then I hop off and she has a go. Ellis doesn't get a say in it - she's hesitant at first but soon her ass is rocking back and forth on his face.
When she's satisfied, I say I'm going to show some advanced things you can do which are quite rewarding, and take off my underwear and skirt. Now, sitting on his face, I call out for him to "lick" but he doesn't. I say to the friend "sometimes it can help to do this" and pinch his nipples hard. "come on, lick now" I encourage, and sure enough he licks my ass. I explain that it can be hard to get out of a man the first time so don't feel bad if she can't, but give it a go.
She takes over, her bare asshole right by Ellis' mouth, and tells him to lick. He doesn't. She pinches his nipples and commands him again. He doesn't. "Hang on" I say, positioning myself between his legs. "Say lick on 3" and I count down from 3 on my fingers. In time, she says "lick" and I drive my knuckles hard into his perineum. "Did he do it?" I ask. "His tongue sort of darted out but then back in again" she says. "Hmm, that might be the best you'll get from him today. Ok let's try pegging."
I show her how to do it, and I love standing back and watching as she gains confidence and before long is driving the strapon into him, seeming to cherish his whimpering and fucking him more fiercely by the end than I usually do.
"Which did you like most?" I ask her. "The facesitting I think. The pegging is quite tiring." I take the strapon back, and she hops on his face. I start pegging him slowly and steadily while she practices calling out "lick." She seems to be getting more frustrated with his lack of response, so I stroke her face and say "shhh, forget about that for now. It'll come, just relax into it. Here take this off."
She takes off her bra and we make out. I pleasure her tits and move my hands in small circles down towards her cunt. I put one hand behind her head and kiss her deeply as my other hand reaches her clit, gently pushing into it. I peg Ellis more firmly, and call down to him "come on Ellis, just give it one lick quickly." I can tell he does as she lets out a moan. "There we go, now that wasn't so bad, now give another."
I look into her eyes and she looks at me and we kind of giggle at the situation, but it feels so good. She's put one hand down and is playing with herself. I'm pinching and playing with her nipples. "He can do a bit more if you want?" I suggest. She looks intrigued but doesn't understand. "Here" I say to her, and begin to peg Ellis harder. "Ellis, put it in, get it in there, nice and deep." She throws her head back as his tongue goes in her asshole, and cries "YESSS!" Her cunt looks very wet, and I watch some of it drip down, which gives me an idea.
"Let me know when you're going to cum" I say, while pounding away. She's fully grinding her ass against his face now, and her breathing has gone all over the place. "I think...I'm"
I pull out and get rid of the strapon. "Come round here." I kneel off to the side of Ellis' face and she goes to the other side. We push our cunts together over his mouth and rub out clits, pinching each other's nipples, getting very close.
"Open your mouth Ellis." He does. I watch as both our juices drip into it, and I cum hard. She follows after and both of us embrace over him. We fall back to kneeling and smile. I carefully rub some of the wetness off my labia and feed it to Ellis, she does the same.
"So. Think you could do it?" I ask.
"Errrrm, maybe a couple more lessons and I'll be good" she says.  |