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The Reunion - Some more fiction I wrote for you all

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By *dult Author OP   Man  over a year ago

Milton Keynes


'If it's not broken, don't fix it' is a well-known phrase and so very appropriate in my job as a computer engineer. The only issue that I find with this is when nothing is broken.

During quiet periods sitting around waiting for work can be excruciatingly tedious.

The week had been so quiet, as is sometimes typical during the summer months. Less users usually corresponds with less things going wrong. I typically find myself hoping for some major news story to keep the BBC website interesting. There is not even any football to occupy the headlines, and the locked down internet blocked access to many interesting websites.

Hidden away in the depths of the building did give a little flexibility to the boredom, my mobile phone provided a little sanity. It’s quite amazing how good you can become on Angry Birds when there is nothing else to do. Texting can always pass the time but sometimes there is no-one free, and of course there is Facebook, where you can always find out what people you barely know brag about their lives. I can't say that I am much of a Facebook poster but there are the occasional things which I enjoy reading.

The previous month I had received an invitation for my school reunion, this evening after work. It was the first one that had been arranged to my knowledge, but it was 20 years. 20 years, to be honest I had moved to the other side of town during school and as such made a totally different group of friends. I had many of my classmates on Facebook but apart from just one or two, I hadn't seen them since then. I had toyed with the idea before, one of my class mates gave me the whole 'I'll go if you go' offer. So I had accepted, it’s in the same city so it’s not as if I couldn't leave when I wanted to.

It was on Facebook that I received the message.

'Lexi Harrington

Hi Jon, are you going to the reunion tonight?'

Lexi Harrington? Who on earth is that? Do I even know them? Well at some point I must have done, but couldn't think for the life of me who it might be. The profile picture was of 2 kids and a big shaggy white dog, there was absolutely no-one around my age visible. Her profile was totally locked down to strangers, there was no clue apart from that we had shared friends. 22 friends in common certainly was likely to be someone I once knew but no matter how hard I could think I still couldn't work out who they were or why they were asking me.

What do you do in this situation? Do you risk hurting them by asking outright? Well I wanted to avoid the prospect of causing upset so I sent a text to my class mate.

'No mate, don't have a clue who that is" was his equally clueless reply.

I brought up a year photo, surely something must jog my memory, but no I looked through row after row of faces, most were familiar, so I remembered the names, some had faded from my mind, and some that I wouldn't have even realised I spent nearly 6 years of my life with. Maybe she was one of those? How sad is that? Someone whose mind you obviously had stayed in and you didn't even recognise the name. Ok so if I was 70 maybe I could be forgiven, but I’m not even 40.

Should I just ignore the message? And if I did that would it be embarrassing if I bumped into her. My only option would be to try and investigate further.

'Hi Lexi, yes I will be going, haven't seen many of us since school, will be good to see how we have all grown. How have you been?'

I sent the message, it certainly did not question who she was, and surely I would notice her when I got there.

It didn't take long to get a reply, it could have only been an hour at most.

'Hi Jon, great to hear you will be there, it’s been so long. I'm doing fine, I moved to Wales about 15 years ago with my husband. We have 3 little kids and I'm working part-time in a law firm. How has life treated you? Lexi x'

Well that shed absolutely no light on anything.

'I’m doing well also Lexi, have two kids and got married about 6 years ago. I still live here, and I’m working in IT.'

As I sent it I realised quite how formal it was, just answering a bunch of questions and killing the conversation. Oh well it would only be about 9 hours till we met up, so sooner or later I would find out.

'IT now there is a surprise, you were always a wiz on the ones at school. But Oh Jon you got married, and there was me thinking you were going to wait for me, I’m disappointed now lol x I’m just about to drive up but I’m really looking forward to seeing you later, maybe I'll let you buy me a drink this time x Lexi'

My heart jumped in my chest, Lexi Harrington, Alex, Alexis Rose? No it couldn't be, if I could actually convey what this girl had meant to me back when I was 17 then I would be here all night. She was upper 6th and Í left at the end of lower 6th to go to college. She was my teenage wet dream, she was just a bit shorter than me, very petite, amazing long black hair, darkened by her pale complexion, and so very pretty, she had a small chest, but in those days I was a virgin and had never touched a pair big or small.

I can't even recall how many pubescent loads I spilled thinking about her. Certainly more than I have spilled to this date thinking about a specific person. She wasn't the hot girl that every guy wants, but I did. I pretty much stalked her, I knew where she lived, what she did, what car she drove, yes she even drove when I had just my bike for transport. I didn't even know till the 6th form leavers disco that she knew my name.

I had spent my entire evening just drinking and looking at her flirting with her older boyfriend. I mustered up all my courage and sat near her.

"Hi Jon" she spoke to me. I don't recall a single other word of our conversation but that I do "Hi Jon" to me it was an amazing moment, I knew everything about her, but she knew my name, that was all I needed to walk away from school happy.

Looking back now though Nicola, one of my class mates had been following me around all evening and I had carelessly ignored the poor girl, looking back I know how she must have felt. Well it was my mistake, looking at pictures of her now I seriously missed out.

I only saw Alex once again after that, many years later, in a pub in the centre of town, I was with a girlfriend, and she was with some guy, I don't think she even saw me.

I spent the rest of the day thinking about her, and especially why? How come I had stayed in her mind? We had exchanged just one conversation and that was it.

I left work and headed home for dinner, I had plenty of time to settle the kids before I left and did so before I headed into the shower. What should I wear? Yes I know it’s not a thought process that too many men go through. Previously I had just considered jeans and t-shirt, it was only in a pub after all. Should I dress to impress? Maybe shirt and trousers? I finally settled on a compromise, jeans and shirt, I had a white and blue striped shirt that I had always liked.

"How are you getting there?" my wife asked.

"I said I would drive, I’m picking up Chris on the way" I replied. I have never been that big a drinker, if I was drinking I would usually have arranged things a lot further in advance, also the car gave me the freedom to escape.

It appeared that Chris had my original idea, I felt slightly uncomfortable that I may he slightly over-dressed, Chris had opted for the Jeans and T-Shirt casual look.

The actual reunion was taking place in a pub just by our old school `The Eight Bells` It was an old traditional style pub, it had been the local for many of my class mates who lived local. We had even been in there a few times as school kids, in the days before look 25 schemes and such. If you looked round about 18 you were served, so as long as you were in 6th form and were out of uniform you were fine.

I parked up in the rear car park, the pub was already bustling with people of our ages, I recognised some of the faces. People had spilled out into the rear terrace, it was a warm summer evening after all and there were the smokers.

There was Paul, Mike and Andy, I hadn't seen these guys in years, but there they were looking just the same. Then inside, the memories flooded back face after familiar face, just aged. Some of us had turned grey, some had gone bald, and some had grown large.

Some of them looked haggard, as if the 20 years had been 40 especially some of the girls. I found myself questioning if that was what had happened to me? Had I got old too, well I still had most of my hair, greying maybe, but it was mine.

"Jon boy" a voice called, it was Darren, one of my best friends, but we had not seen each other in all these years. "Fuck me, you haven't changed a bit mate, well you got fat, but apart from that." He hadn't changed a bit, the piss taking was still the same as if we had left school the previous day. "Have you seen Helen?" he asked me.

"No, why?" I inquired.

"Fucking check out her tits" he said coarsely, pointing towards the back of the bar.

"Shit" was my reaction "They got bigger?" Helen had possibly the biggest chest in the entire year, I think every kid must have fantasied about them. I wouldn't like to hazard a guess about how big they were then, in reality they may have just been bigger than the other girls, but now? Well even from distance I could see they must have been cups in the second half of the alphabet.

We queued at the bar, greeting many of our old peers, some I would greet by name, others where the name had slipped my mind would be greeted as mate.

I don't believe the pub had advance warning of maybe 150 extra people descending on it this evening, as the lack of bar staff was woefully short. I had already been standing at the bar for about 10 minutes when I felt the person behind invading my space and unnecessarily pushing up against me. I turned to politely have a word.

"Excuse me" I said as I pivoted to look behind me. There was Nicola standing behind me, it was as if I had been transported back 20 years, this time however I could see through my ignorance. She had always been a pretty girl, now she was a pretty woman. She was never small at school, but she had blossomed into a curvy size 16, curves all in the right places, accentuated perfectly in her black woollen dress. She still wore glasses, not the slightly goofy ones she had worn at school, but designer frames encapsulating her big brown eyes perfectly. Her long dark brown hair perfectly flowing. "Nicola?" I spoke.

"Hi Jon" she spoke with a smile.

'You look amazing" I told her, struggling to get my words out coherently.

"Thank you" she said. We had always been quite close at school, I would spend as much time with the girls as I did with the boys, but never had I seen what was so obvious before. The barman finally got to me.

"What can I get you?" I asked.

"You never offered me a drink before, I'll have a Pinot please" she replied.

It was true, I hadn't offered her a drink, more fool me I now knew. Nicola nestled into me as I ordered a round of drinks.

"Chris and Darren are over there I signalled, she grasped my arm as I led her over to the table where my form had gathered. There were 7 of us, out of a class of over 20, not a bad turn out at all.

Sat at the table we began to reminisce of the good times we had. I don't think you truly appreciate your school years until they are long gone. We spoke about teachers, some had now passed away, but we spoke with a fondness that we had never expressed at the time. We recalled the amusement of our old humanities teacher, who looking back was a blatant alcoholic, and how he would hide in his cupboard swigging from a jip flask of Whisky, looking back perhaps we drove the poor old grump to it.

"He's still alive?" I queried. "Fuck me he was about 70 then" I continued.

I didn't give a second thought to Alex as I sat with the people who had made those years what they were.

"So nothing happened between you two?" Samantha asked me and Nicola.

"No, nothing" Nicola replied.

"We were sure something was going on, seriously?"

"No nothing" I confirmed "I know, I know I messed up" I finished.

"Who says I would have said yes" she said with a wry smile.

I felt as her hand squeezed my thigh under the table, unseen by everyone. I looked at her and raised my eyebrows. She released the squeeze on my thigh but left her hand resting upon it.

People came and went from the table, round after round of drinks came and went, I was a little disappointed at my decision to drive, but there can be a lot of amusement provided being the only sober one.

Some of the idiots came over, the ones you were glad you had escaped from, but confusion reigned as the years had matured them into something completely different, or the others that had remained exactly the same. As people milled off to the bar, I was left briefly alone with Nicola.

"Did you mean what you said?" a half intoxicated Nicola asked me.

"Yes, I was crazy to not have taken my chance" I replied smiling at her.

"What if you had a second chance?" she asked, peering at me innocently over the top of her glasses.

"I’m married Nicola" I said with a heavy heart.

"But if you weren't?" she poser the hypothetical question to me.

"Well I would have taken it" I answered truthfully. She smiled at me as once again her resting hand now gripped my thigh, I smiled back at her. Nicola just looked into my eyes as her hand began to rub my thigh, sliding upwards and upwards toward my crotch. I didn't know quite what to do, do I stop her? Without considering the consequences I reciprocated by placing my hand onto her soft bare thigh. Her skirt had ridden up as she had sat, unnoticed by everyone. Resisting the temptation to run my hand over I gave a soft squeeze.

She just looked at me as her hand travelled into my crotch, I can openly admit I was aroused by my thoughts and her actions. My cock had stiffened in my boxers and if she felt any further she would notice for sure. Reluctantly I placed my hand on hers and moved it back to my thigh. Our classmates had returned anyway.

Nicola was persistent, she was determined as I was, I did not let on during our group conversation what was transpiring beneath the table. I almost cho ked on my Coke as her hand found my fully erect penis pressing again my flies.

"You ok there Jon?" Emma asked.

"Yep just went down the wrong hole" I replied thinking on the fly. Below the table her fingers ran along my length, encouraging further growth and hardness. I half considered pushing my fingers into her pussy without warning to get pay back, but was concerned over the implications that an action such as that may cause, instead I let her continue.

Gently she stroked my hard member through the denim of my jeans, I was struggling to control myself, I could sense drops of pre-cum forming and being immediately soaked up by my boxers. Still she continued the conversation, the others at the table were blissfully unaware of my predicament. Looking towards her did not help, thoughts of handling her ample breasts just furthered my frustration.

I felt a tug at my zipper, she was actually trying to reach inside. I was not about to let her make me cum in my boxers. I grabbed her hand and removed it from me.

"Just popping to the loo" I announced, I untucked my shirt as I stood to hide my obvious erection. Nicola gave me a knowing wink as I glanced at her, I gave her a behave type look, even though it probably could have been interpreted many ways.

I made my way round the table and through the mix of ex-students and locals towards the toilets. At times it felt like a task, greeting people and explaining my work as a computer engineer, I thought I would not actually make the toilet.

There in the passageway to the toilet was Helen, we had spent years in the same form. She had always been an outsider and had preferred to hang out with the people in another form, as had been proved tonight. Still, I would have to say hello.

So maybe saying hello doesn't sound like a big deal, but trust me when you have to deal with both a raging hard on and the sight of her humongous tits it’s extremely difficult.

"Jonny" she said as I tried my hardest to slip by her unnoticed.

"Helen, how are you doing" I was fighting myself, I defiantly held eye contact with her, my peripheral vision totally engulfed by a set of whoppers, the type you would pay good money to get a tit wank from, even though, unless you were hung like a horse it would be lost between them. Then again losing your face between them could be equally fun. I begged for an uncomfortable silence to allow me to leave but not until she had told me all about her life, interesting as it was I could see no further than those huge breasts.

Finally I was able to walk to the toilet. I chose one of the cubicles as pissing with a hard on is extremely difficult and very embarrassing to boot. I washed my hands and left the loo. I pulled my phone out to read a text from my wife notifying that she was going to bed and don't make too much noise on my return. I was putting the phone back in my pocket when my sight was halted by a pair of hands behind me.

"Boo, guess who" a female voice whispered into my ear. Now this was a genuine question, I did not recognise the voice, nor the tits pressing into my back, I could feel the globes and more obviously the hard nipples poking into my back.

"Oh I give up" I joked. I really did not have a clue.

"I thought you said you would never forget me?" she said, I had already worked it out as I detected an ever so slight Welsh, tint to her soft obviously d*unken voice.

"Alex?" I spoke with surprise. She uncovered my eyes and turned me to face her.

"Yes Jon" she confirmed leaning forward and planting a clumsy kiss on my lips. 20 years ago I would have ejaculated in my pants at that, never in my wildest dreams would this situation have transpired, but here it was and I wasn't dreaming.

Standing in front of me was the object of all my teenage desires, but not exactly that image. I don't think I would have even recognised her walking past in the street. Her slight frame had become large, her tiny boobs now great sagging things, she looked aged and worn down, only there in her face was the girl I adored.

"Alex, you look.." I didn't pause, she interrupted me.

"Fat, yeah I know" she looked disappointed in my reaction to her.

"No you look really good Alex" It wasn't a lie at all, she was beautiful, just very different to the image I had kept stored in my mind. She was very different, here she was wanting to talk to me that was different to last time we met.

"I’m just going to chat to my lot, but please I need to chat to you before you go" she pleaded.

"Yes of course" I replied.


"Yes I promise" I stroked her face as she walked out into the beer garden. I watched as her now chunky ass wobbled in a slightly seductive manner.

I returned to the table with my friends.

"Where did you get to?" Darren asked

"Do you remember Alex Rose? I was just chatting to her" I answered.

"No fucking way, you actually spoke to her? Man you were obsessed with her" he reminded us all.

"Oh come on she was laughed lovely, which one of you wankers wrote that Valentines card from her to me?" Years ago I received a card from her, which was obviously written as a wind up by one of my mates.

"None of us, she came over and left it on your desk when you were in the IT department." Paul spoke.

"Yes I know, but who actually wrote it?" I asked again.

"She did, just as we told you then mate" Paul reiterated. Had I seriously been robbed by my own doubt? To be fair I hadn't actually thought about it for years now, but when it happened it drove me crazy, could she really have sent it herself all those years ago?

Nicola stood up from the table and walked over to me.

"My cabs here Jon" she said with a soft smile.

"Are you going already?" I asked.

"Yes, you know where to find me if you ever want don’t you?" she said as she looked me deep in the eye's.

"Yes I do Nicola" I confirmed in a serious tone.

She put her mouth to my ear and whispered "There will always be another chance for you" with that she kissed my cheek, which I mirrored and with a big hug she walked away. Once again I had ignored her for Alex, in my defence though, I am a married man, whilst she is single, what could I have actually done?

"Bloody hell Jon, you were in there" Darren said. I just nodded in agreement.

I returned to the table for more fond reminiscing.

Being a pub, last orders were called, and after a final drink it was time to bid goodbye once more. The important chat Alex had wanted had never materialised, but that really was no major surprise.

"Let’s make sure we don't leave it another 20 years" Darren called a toast, he was right, it had been too long.

Chris had already informed me that he was joining a few of the others. It had been an interesting night and not being a big fan of clubs, the last thing I wanted was to go to a club.

Collectively we got up, the group headed to the front where the taxis would be waiting, being the only driver I exited the pub via the beer garden. The rear exit lead out onto a raised decking area furnished with tables, chairs and patio heaters. Predominantly used by the smoking fraternity, rather than people who just enjoyed drinking outside. To the rear of the decking, wooden rails provided protection for intoxicated people, and steps led down to the car park.

I had just about reached the steps when a heavy tug on my waist drew me back.

"Jon, I was waiting for you" Alex spoke, her words not exactly slurred, but she was d*unk. Her eyes sparked as they had done all those years ago, but with an unfamiliar d*unken glaze. "I have been waiting to talk to you all night." she continued. Maybe I was slightly cynical but in reality we were strangers, why would she really be waiting for me.

Maybe feelings had been stirred in me when I had first worked out who she was earlier. However after seeing her again, I felt next to nothing. It was just a teenage crush, I had moved on long ago, but as she stared at me with her beautiful eyes I did once again get a feeling of desire.

'Get a grip Jon' I told myself, you are being played for like a mug. I did however feel compelled to find out what she had to say.

"You know I only came along to see you" her words were presented in a genuine manner, but simple examination of the words were empty. If she had only come to see me then why in about 4 hours had I only seen her for 2 minutes? She slightly appeared to stumble, I held my arm around her waist to steady her, Alex grabbed hold of my hand.

"It closing time though Alex" I reminded her.

"I know but I didn't want to talk to you with everyone around" she explained.

"You know I have thought about you so many times" she continued to say.

"Why? You never even knew me Alex" I spoke in a serious tone.

"Are you being serious?" she nearly shrieked in a voice strongly accentuating her Welsh hint. "Jon, I knew you liked me, and I liked you too, people used to mention it the whole time, I even sent you a Valentine's card with my number, telling you to call me" Well there was the revelation now completely confirmed. My heart did drop as finally the truth came out, all these years I had believed it was a wind up, but now the confirmation came from the horse’s mouth.

"I thought that was a wind up?" I spoke.

"After what people had told me, and the way you were always around I really thought you would call, but you never did. That’s why when Jeff asked, I went out with him. You know if Facebook had been around back then I would have messaged you, by the time I was on it, you were engaged, then you were married, and then you had your kids." she went on.

"I always thought if I called the number I would be made a fool of by the whole year.

You know all that about me, how?" I asked.

"I have followed your every move since you joined Facebook, your profile is not locked down, and I always thought that maybe if it all broke down, then maybe, well you know" she continued. "Ok so I’m not exactly how I was back then but it’s still me"

"You still look as beautiful as you did back then" I think I actually meant it, her beauty remained even if now it was accompanied by life and the consequences of 3 kids.

"Oh fuck off Jon" she laughed. "Actually my tits are much better this size, don’t you think?"

"Actually I won’t argue on that one" I returned the laugh, they were though, she was probably an a or b cup back then, now they were rather large.

"38 ee" she said as she cupped them for me. I didn't know where to look, even though I had more than noticed them.

"You know I have been treated like shit for so many years, wrong guy after wrong guy, before I got married, and I always thought that if only it were you. Someone who I thought liked me that much would never treat me badly." she explained with a real sadness.

Drink tends to make people speak the truth and thankfully for me I was sober, otherwise I would have probably spilled all the feelings I had once had for her.

"That’s all I wanted to say" she said. "That’s what I came here to tell you, well that and get d*unk with the old crowd" she finished with a laugh. I had no response, I think a firm squeeze on her hand told her everything she needed to know.

Alex stumbled again in her black high heeled shoes. Once again I moved to catch her around the waist. Her body fell into mine, her soft chest squashed up against mine, her already impressive cleavage now stretched to breaking point as they seriously threatened to spill out of her bra.

"Oops" she said in regards to her stumble, the effects of serious intoxication were obvious. Even after I had steadied her, I remained holding her now swaying body.

"Alex, where are you staying tonight?" I asked her clear and concisely.

"With you" she said with a d*unken laugh.

"Alex seriously, where have you got to go to?" I asked once more.

"Are you saying you don't want to stay with me?" she asked staring up at me.

"I don't think my wife, or your husband would be that impressed, do you?" I light heartedly spoke.

"sssshhhhh, they don't need to know" she raised a finger to her lips as she conveyed hush to me.

"How about we get you to where you are staying, then in the morning when you wake with a sorehead you can imagine something happened" I said.

"Yes, yes” she said in agreement. "I’m going to my parents’ house" she said.

"Where you used to live Alex?" I queried.

"Yes, you know where it is." Yes she was right, I had long since discovered that during my teenage stalking escapades. It was barely 10 minutes away, just down an a road for 2 miles then around a few streets, not on my way home but only a few minutes out of the way.

"Come on, I'll take you home." I spoke, holding her around the waist and helping her down the stairs, and across to my car. Now I am fully used to moving kids in and out of the car, but a fully and I mean fully grown and not very mobile woman is another story. I opened the car door and while trying to hold her weight, I lowered her down on the seat, her skirt rode up revealing herself to me. I was nearly on my knees swinging her legs into the foot well, clearly I got an eyeful of her white knickers.

I tried to clear the image from my mind, not because it was unpleasant, but it felt as if I was taking advantage of a d*unken girl. Unfortunately the morals in your mind are quite usually superseded by a guy’s cock, and mine was absolutely no different, I felt it raise in my boxers.

If that had not been difficult enough, it immediately got worse. As I sat into my driver’s seat I had to reach right across her to reach her seatbelt. My hand on the edge of her seat and brushing her thigh, my body reaching across her, brushing her chest.

"Mmmm you smell nice" she said as she let me strap her in offering no assistance at all. The diagonal strap tightened against her left breast tightly, squashing it against her chest. Rather than moving the belt, I glanced over to see her lift, and literally flop her breast over the belt.

She swayed in the seat as I drove away. I opened the window a little to allow an airflow over her and to provide ventilation from the fumes building up inside.

With my concentration focused fully on the road I failed to intercept her hand as it moved onto my leg, I flinched as her fingers rested on my hard cock held down by my jeans on top of my leg. She must have been too d*unk to comprehend what it was as her hand moved off of it and rested to the side.

This time she moved her hand straight back onto it, it twitched in a reflex action.

"What's that" she asked as she gave it a firm squeeze. I just gave a little and slightly nervous laugh. "No, what is that?" she asked again.

"What do you think it is Alex?" I replied with a rhetorical question. Her reply was a physical rather than audible one. Her hand firmly rubbed the length from my very tip and then down into my groin. "I'm driving" I reminded her. My words fell on deaf ears as she continued to reach into my groin and traced every inch of my erection, growing harder with every stroke.

"Are you hard Jon?" she posed her innocently phrased, yet slightly concerning question.

If I wasn't hard how big was she expecting it to be? I laughed in my head.

"Yes Alex" I replied.

"Because of me?" the innocence and surprise was obvious in her voice.

"Yes because of you, now behave and let me drive" I joked.

"Let me see" she asked excitedly.

"No, get off" I said lightly.

"Oh come on" she said, her hand ventured to my zipper. Now I could make out that I didn't resist as I was driving, but the reality of it was that I had dreamt of this, and however surreal the circumstances, I was enjoying her attentions. I even moved in my seat to allow her easier access to me.

I knew it was very wrong, but in my head I was justifying the situation by the fact I had wanted this since before I had even had a serious girlfriend, let alone a fiancée or wife.

Clumsily she tugged at my rather stubborn zipper, I was half tempted to do it for her, but finally it came open. Her hand slipped into my jeans, fortunately my boxer flies provided no resistance and her hand was inside.

It was as if every teenage thought and fantasy flashed before my very eyes as her fingers found my swollen member. I was driving down a darkened country road with her hand wrapped around me. I had be so solid in my refusal of Nicola earlier in the night, but this was somehow different, Nicola did not deserve to be messed about by me, a married man, but for Alex to do this, it was if I felt I was owed this and I would fully accept her advances.

Alex pulled my cock free from my jeans, I was now bolt upright in her hand, gently she caressed my hard member. Struggling to navigate the centre console in my car she loosened her belt and brought her head down into my lap, squeezed in between myself and my steering wheel, I waited with huge anticipation for her hot lips to contact my throbbing glans.

'Hic' Alex hiccupped in a d*unk and alarming manner.

"Stop the car, stop the car" she called. As luck would have it I was about 20 seconds from a layby, I opened her window fully.

"Please don’t be sick in the car" I pleaded with her. There is nothing worse than trying to clean sick from a car and then getting rid of the lingering smell that appears to stay around for months on end.

I flicked on my indicators, and pulled left into the layby. It was sheltered from the road by a line of trees, it was empty tonight. During the day it was quite busy with a mobile food van, in the evening it was popular with HGV drivers having a sleep, being Friday night though it was empty, and very dark.

I brought the car to an abrupt stop, not quite enough force to invoke the abs system, but certainly enough to lift you slightly forwards in the seat. I reached over and unlatched Alex's seatbelt, then reached across to open her car door.

"What are you doing?" she asked me, slightly confused.

"You asked me to stop, I thought you were going to be sick" I explained to her.

She gave a laugh and smiled at me "No" she simply said. Alex leaned back into my lap. All of a sudden my chair slid backwards, she slipped forwards, her face pressed into my groin, my cock pressed up against her face. "I didn't want you to have an accident" she spoke.

Alex unbuttoned my jeans and tugged at them, sliding both my jeans and my boxers from my waist and down to my knees. My cock stood upright, my balls contracted slightly as they touched the cool leather of the seat.

Alex threw her long hair over a shoulder as she looked me deep in the eyes. She placed her hand firmly around the base of my cock, instantly spilling a drop of pre-cum from my tip. I wanted this so badly, but I was worried. I was not worried about the situation but a more male fear of near instantly blowing my load. I closed my eyes as I felt her warm breath on my glans, she was purposefully building the tension between us, I wanted to just pull her down on to my throbbing cock.

She still held this power over me and she would not surrender it even now. Slowly she closed her mouth around my hot tip. Instantly I opened my eyes. I watched as slowly she began to bob her head on me, she sucked with an intensity designed to finish me quickly. It was not a sensual experience just a sexy heavy suck.

Inch by inch my cock entered her mouth, I could not see it clearly but I felt every last bit of pleasure. My hands ventured to her neck, I caressed the side of her face as she performed such an amazing blow job.

Alex gave soft murmurs as she sucked me, these just further heightened my pleasure, I should have been the one moaning, and I was holding back, she sounded like she loved it.

Alex broke from me and spoke "Do you like? I bet you have thought about this for years"

"Shit Alex I love it, don't stop, please" I begged. The truth was that I don't think I had ever thought of it. I had thought about sex with her, but it was with a pre-internet porn innocence of soft missionary love making, not of her sucking me like a well-practised blow job queen.

I reached my hand over to her, her thighs were already parted in a way that would allow me access to her. I slid my hand directly up her thigh to her pussy. Her knickers were wet, not damp, but wet and so warm, I needed to pull them to one side to plunge my fingers inside.

"No" she said, grabbing and removing my hand. "This is about you" reluctantly I complied and enjoyed the attention spilling over me.

My orgasm was being kept back only by a hair trigger, fighting with my inner self I had only seconds of restraint left in me. I was fighting but unable to let a couple of tiny involuntary spurts hit her throat.

"Cum for me Jon" she asked softly. I clenched every muscle in my lower body, my legs went rigid, my buttocks clenched and my balls contracted to half their relaxed size. My hands clenched onto her head as my hips jolted upwards sending a huge load into her mouth. I growled loudly as an evening’s worth of arousal flooded her mouth, stream by thick salty stream. Alex struggled to swallow it all before the pressure built to high.

Spray after spray, now decreasing in volume flowed into her hot mouth. Alex did not stop until every single drop had been expelled from my balls. She lifted upwards with a breathless gasp for air as I slumped back into my chair.

"Fucking hell Alex" I said. She laid back in her chair, smiling at me.

"My turn" Alex spoke seductively. Alex was quickly sobering up, her actions became less clumsy and her body moved in more intentional ways. Reaching to the side of the chair she began to re-cline the seat downwards. She lifted her knees and slid her wet knickers off, depositing them in the foot well.

Alex parted her legs and hoisted up her skirt, exposing her pussy to me, well she would have if I had been able to see.

"What do you think?" she asked me?

"It’s too dark" I replied. Alex reached upwards and flicked on the interior light, in the near complete darkness of the layby the interior of my car flooded with light.

My eyes were met with a sight of beauty, her pubic triangle was ever so neat, perfectly shaved and whilst I have no major love of tattoos a tiny black butterfly drew my attention, and then in amazement I admired her pussy. As I described it was meticulously smooth, all apart from a centimetre wide line of thick dark hair running along the length of her pussy lips. A sight I have never seen before, but sexy as I could ever imagine.

Even a sight such as that was unable to breathe life back into my recently spent penis, it lay there flaccid as I stared intently. I had to make the effort and reached over to her perfect hairy line.

"No, just watch" she spoke to me, moving my hand to rest of her soft flabby upper thigh. I watched as she extended her index finger and slipped it between the hair. I could see her arousal as dribbles of juice lubricated her finger, her hair glistened as the juice seeped from her. Audibly you could hear the extent of her squelchy arousal, and more glaringly the scent filled the restricted space within the car.

I watched as she ran her finger in long lines along her slit, faster and faster she rubbed, before plunging her finger inside her, he eyes closed as she squirmed in her seat. She withdrew her finger now visibly coated in her slick arousal, she opened her mouth and sucked it from her. Twinges in my groin surprised me slightly as my cock began its journey back to the living

Again her finger returned to her wet slit, the squelching was now being drowned out by her moaning, almost porn star like, but this was not so much for show, I was the only one watching. Alex began panting as she pressed directly onto her clitoris, like me she was not holding out, she was going to cum quickly and hard.

She gave a few squeals as she arched her back and came, right there in my front seat.

"Oh fuck Jon" she repeated over and over as her body contracted and spasmed, I watched as thick juice, a far whiter substance than my own dribbled out of her and onto my seat. Like me before her body finally relaxed and slumped in her seat.

"Oh wow, what did you think Jon" I was left in a stunned silence "That was for you" she finished. She reached down and wiped her dripping lips with her already damp rolled up knickers.

"Let’s get you home Alex" I said as I slid my seat back to my driving position.

"No way I’m not done with you yet" she informed me. She reached over and opened the car door. "Come with me" she said, as she climbed out the car without the need for assistance. I climbed out my door and locked the door as I walked round to her.

"Come on" she called as grabbing my hand she led me to dark pathway leading into a field.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You will see Jon" she said as we careful carried along the path. "Here" she said as she reached a section of exposed heavy wooden fencing. Alex kicked off her shoes and turned to climb the fence.

"Alex what are you doing?" I said as she climbed up to the top bar. "You are going to fall" I spoke like a concerned parent.

"If I fall you will catch me" she said with a smile. She held onto the fence and her feet rested on one of the crossbars below. I walked towards her, my head was at chest level.

Alex stooped to kiss me, our mouths met in a gentle embrace, a soft open mouthed kiss with soft tongues exploring each other’s mouths. We held each other’s faces as we kissed tasting each other, Alex reached behind herself and unzipped her dress. It fell down her body collecting in the midriff as she removed the straps from her shoulders. The weight of her chest was now visible in her large cupped bra, her large stiff nipples clearly visible in the moonlight.

I reached behind her as we were still locked in a kiss and unfastened the clasp on her bra. I could feel the tension as I slid it off her shoulders, her large heavy breasts fell loose. They had a quite unexpected sag for breasts of a fairly young age, even stretch marks were visible, but they were crowned by some of the most impressive, huge dark nipples and areola I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. Quite how they had naturally grown so big since I had last seen her was one of life’s little mysteries. Alex cupped and lifted one for me, I latched my mouth onto her taut nipple and used my tongue to flick it. It felt so very good in my mouth, my cock was now positively hard again. I nibbled softly increasing in pressure all the time until I was actually biting.

"Yes Jon" she gave me positive encouragement, I rolled it across my teeth as she moaned slightly. She released her hold and I still managed to hold the considerable weight in my teeth’s grasp. Alex held her other breast to me, I switched allowing the other to slump under gravity’s pull. Once again I drew the hard nipple into my mouth and between my teeth.

Taking the lead I held and cupped both her breasts myself. My hungry mouth moved from left to right, licking, nibbling and sucking, drawing on her audible reactions decided on the strength of my bite. I pressed my tongue between them and slowly I moved my tongue down her body. Down to her belly button, she laughed a little as I ran my tongue across the middle, I lowered myself onto my knees as my tongue reached her hairy patch.

I even understood at this point that I should savour even second of this illicit encounter. I had yearned for this for years and knew it would never likely come to pass again, so savour it I did.

I inhaled a deep nasal breath, experiencing every bit of her musky scent amplified a million times from her recent orgasm. A beautiful scent that even time would struggle to wipe from my memories. I plunged my tongue between her hairy lips and along her wet slit. Downwards I went slowly teasing her, she wiggled on the fence as my tongue first probed and then flicked over her clitoral hood, making the briefest contact with her clit itself and downwards to her vaginal opening. Her wetness just increased in quantity until final I pressed my tongue inside her, my nose firmly pushed between her lips as I pushed my tongue as deep inside her as it would physically go.

My tongue slid in and out of her, like a gentle fucking but for me extracting her sexy feminine juices and not just juice but her cum, a thick juice, akin to the texture and consistency of my own, congealed and mixed with her other juices, even with the odd slightly lumpy pieces, a delicious and sexy treat for myself. Alex slowly rocked towards me as I tongue fucked her harder, my hands lifted above me holding her waist to provide support.

She began to make noises of real pleasure, so I moved back up to her clit, I flicked and circled it, increasing her pleasure further still. Alex went silent as she writhed on the fence, her orgasm was flooding her body a hand gripped and tugged at my hair. Harder and harder she tugged at my hair, enticing me to lick harder and faster.

Finally her grip released as her heavy breathing filled the silence, with one final action I licked all the way back down to her now dripping hole, licking up every last drop I stood and kissed her deeply.

Alex hung her arms around my neck and pushed herself off of the fence, landing quite firmly at my feet. Kissing me once again she reached into my jeans and pulled my rigid member through my flies. She held me firmly in her grasp as she turned towards the fence. Her spare hand held onto a low crossbar as she bent over presenting her rear to me. I knew where I was headed but she was going to help me find her luscious wet hole.

Ok so this was not how I would have planned this but it was something too good to pass by. It would not be making love but fucking her at my own pleasure. Alex changed her foot positioning opening her legs wider to accommodate my throbbing member.

It felt as if she was just teasing me, I could see her hot pussy, and she had me in her hand, 'just put it in there' I thought. Pulling me by my cock towards herself, Alex ran my glans along her wet pussy lips, lubricating me. She ran me all along her all the way up to her tight puckered ass. I could have just pressed forwards and impaled her ass on to me, but I resisted a strong temptation burning within me.

Alex slipped me back to her dripping hole and pushed my swollen head into her opening.

She turned her head to look back at me, smiling then gently biting her lower lip. I grabbed onto her thighs and slid myself into her pussy. My head was in a haze of disbelief and pleasure, I was really inside her, however difficult it was to tell.

It was warm and ever so wet, but so loose, easily the loosest pussy I had ever put my cock inside, there was no muscular grip, just a suction grip, gently sucking my cock.

I have certainly played with loose pussies before, the ones you can just stick finger after finger inside and stretch them to the very sexiest of limits, but fucking one was a new exciting experience.

There was no resistance to my long deep strokes her wetness let me slide in and out as if I were gliding on ice. In truth I was grateful for her being so slack, if she were tight I may well have just bust my load on entry, after waiting so long it would have been a disappointing conclusion. Even still her little moans kept my orgasm rapidly building.

I had built myself into a gentle slow rhythm.

"That's it, fuck me Jon" she spoke. Alex began slamming back against my cock with each forward motion. Her juices flowed from her, coating my cock before dripping unseen to the grass below. Her slamming became harder, as if she was trying to suck my balls up into her pussy.

"Oh fuck yeah" she near screamed as yet another orgasm took hold of her body, it was as if a torrent of juice had been released as I could feel the drip turning to a trickle. Her slamming stopped, but I had reached the point of no return. I reached up and literally grabbed a tit in each hand as my hot sperm shot in rapid bursts into her succulent depths. How she didn't scream at my tugging on her tits I will never know, but she did muster her voice to shout.

"I can feel you, gushing in me" with my final spurt I wrapped my arms around her waist and slumped onto her back, somehow she managed to support my deadweight.

"Oh Alex" I whispered in her ear, I did not have any appropriate words to speak. I laid hugging her for what seemed like an age, until finally my shrinking cock flopped from her, it must have been acting like a plug as our juices seemed to gush out.

We adjusted ourselves and walked hand in hand back to my car. For a moment under the moonlight we were the couple that was never to be.

The final 5 minute drive proceeded in silence, and not that uncomfortable silence but a blissful satisfied silence. I glanced over and she was looking and smiling at me. I kissed her cheek as she exited my car. She gave a little wave as she turned towards the door, looking down I noticed her knickers in my foot well.

"Alex" I called out, smiling she turned back to me, I paused, "see you at the next one" I said. I was keeping those knickers as a memento of occasion. Alex blew a kiss in my direction and she was gone. All I had was her underwear, my memories and a messy mixed cum patch on my leather seat, but I would clean that up in the morning.

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By *luboy1970Man  over a year ago


Absolutely fantastic had me rock solid all the way through

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Enjoyed reading

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great read had me hard all the way through

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Brilliant story well written and very erotic

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By *dult Author OP   Man  over a year ago

Milton Keynes

Thanks for all the kind comments, there will be another story soon

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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