By *izterryCouple
over a year ago
Norwich |
Wrote this some time ago but thought it might be enjoyed here:-
It had long been my fantasy and he was aware but now with the invites having been sent I was more than a little nervous. Did I really confess that I wanted to be taken by as many men as I could manage? Plus a few!! The fact was that I had and my fella who loved me more than I could imagine had initiated arrangements, adding a twist in the form of women and a camera as well as men.
Together we had constructed our advert ..................
31 year old bi bbw seeks fantasy fulfilment. Guys and girls required to pleasure this insatiable lady whilst husband watches and films, for one very special day only.
The replies had come in thick and fast, never in my wildest dreams had I thought I would be so popular but they just seemed to keep coming. Hubby told me he would work through all replies, excluding the idiots and filth, leaving me with 'the cream'. What I didn't know was just how much 'cream' there would be! I had envisaged perhaps a half dozen, maybe ten at the outside, but when I pushed him on the subject he just smiled and told me to wait and see.
A week before the arranged weekend and hubby told me we were going to have a weekend away. After a relatively short drive of twenty miles or so we turned into the entrance of what is best described as a country manor. This is a bit posh I said to hubby, you're worth it was his lovely reply.
We booked in at reception and were shown to our room in an annex to the main building, what turned out to be the old stable block. The room was absolutely amazing more a suite with a lounge area furnished in antiques and leather. The four poster had to be seen to be believed, the last time I had seen anything like it was in a stately home, the sort of thing you could imagine Henry V111 sleeping in. Not content with this we entered the bathroom, I though I had made a mistake and gone to the swimming pool, such was the size of the Jacuzzi.
How ever much has this cost I enquired of hubby. His reply was that this was to be special accommodation for a special lady and an extra special weekend. He then dropped the bombshell that it was also booked for the next weekend when I was to experience the fulfilment of my ultimate fantasy.
Once settled we returned to our car and took a drive into the local town, the afternoon was spent buying some 'special' clothes for the next weekend and a visit to a shop selling 'Rabbits' not the sort sold in a butchers or pet shop (wink). The evening and night was very special with hubby and I exploring each others bodies in ways we had never done before. After a lovely breakfast (delivered to our room) we packed to leave for home. Hubby asked if I liked the room and I purred my approval. I hope it's big enough was his closing comment. One that took a few seconds to settle in but one he would not elaborate on. My tummy was twitching, a mixture of fear, excitement and anticipation.
The next week was one of the most exciting of my life. Any form of sex was banned by hubby, he took all my toys and locked them away and would not have any sexual contact with me whatsoever. At some points I was desperate to get satisfaction but hubby insisted that it would be worth waiting. Never before had I realised that being denied engagement in the act could be so sexually arousing. Increasingly I became aroused to a point where the slightest brush across my nipples or any sort of pressure in my pubic region would make my tummy knot and tighten.
Eventually Friday night came and hubby sat me down with a glass of wine to explain what was to happen over the following two days. I was told that we would leave home mid morning in order to arrive at the venue in time for lunch. We were to stay in the same suite that we had enjoyed the previous weekend and the 'fun and games' as hubby described it would start as soon as we arrived. No expense has been spared said hubby; you will drink champagne and enjoy the best of everything. After all, you will be paying. What do you mean I will be paying? I said to him, I thought you had taken care of all that. Oh I have was his reply; I have agreed with the owners of the hotel that both they and the chef will be paid in kind, they will be your first visitors! You mean they know of our plans? I asked. That’s right grinned hubby, all the staff know. I shuddered as my tummy knotted uncontrollably, whatever was I about to embark upon?
We arrived at the Manor as planned, it was now Saturday Lunchtime. We had hardly stopped the car when we were approached by an elderly chap wearing a cap his sleeves rolled to the elbows. His face was well weathered particularly when compared to the strapping young man who towered beside him, good looking muscled and no more than twenty I would guess. Welcome to the Manor said the old man; we've been keeping an eye out for you, look forward to seeing you later. I turned to hubby and said not them as well? I told you all the staff was his gleeful reply.
As I walked toward the reception area my 5 inch heels crunched on the shingle of the driveway. The breeze blew my already short dress way above my stocking tops revealing my lack of underwear to the gardeners, but I could do little to prevent the flash as my full effort was focussed on not falling from my incredibly high heels.
On reaching reception we were greeted warmly by the hotel owner and his wife, alongside them a rather portly mature man dressed in white and wearing a tall hat, he introduced himself as our personal chef. The porter was called and we were taken to our suite to settle in.
Once safely in our suite I turned to hubby. Just how many staff are we talking about here I enquired. That's for me to know and you to find out, but free accommodation in a place like this doesn't come cheap. Oh and don’t forget the guests who replied to our advert, they all have rooms was his reply. I knew my request had been to be serviced to the point of exhaustion but I must admit that at that point I did feel a little nervous. True I had agreed to the owners and the chef being my first visitors in lieu of payment but now as I heard footsteps outside our door I was shaking in anticipation.
With a sharp tap tap the moment had arrived, hubby answered the door and in walked the couple who had greeted us at reception along with the chef who was carrying a silver salver. What I hadn't expected was the other lady and five chaps who followed. I looked at hubby for reassurance. You don't think a place like this is owned by just two people do you? I realised I was about to embark on ground I had never trodden before.
Quickly the group gathered around the deep leather sofa upon which I was perched, there were no introductions. Flutes were passed around and the champagne corks popped. Oops said one chap as the foam from a fizzing bottle splashed down the front of my dress. Instantly several hands were patting at my breasts with tissue to try to dry me. It's no good said one, that dress is far too wet, you better remove it. I had no time to protest as again several hands ran over my body removing my dress over my head.
The lid of the salver was lifted to reveal a blindfold along with a pair of those fluffy handcuffs you see in some of the naughty underwear shops. Hubby looked at me and said I think you are supposed to put them on. I didn't need to; our guests soon had me as they wanted me. Things were moving quickly now, hands were moving all over my body, my breasts were liberated from my basque and my ankles were lifted high in the air and parted so wide that I gasped.
My gasp didn't last long though, one of our visitors took my open mouth as an invite and I found myself sucking for all I was worth. I wondered why my handcuffs were released, but soon realised as hard manflesh filled my palms. Once again I tried to gasp as my most private place was impaled, but the extra suction just made my visitor deposit his seed. His place was soon taken by another, a situation that was to be repeated many times in the hours that followed.
Time passed, I know not how much, but I do remember wondering to myself what part the two other women were having in the proceedings. Were they sharing my fate? Were they able to enjoy the same pleasures that were making my tummy twist? I didn't have to wait long to find out. A sharp thrust between my legs brought some pain as well as pleasure. It wasn't flesh that was penetrating me. 'Enjoy' a woman’s voice whispered in my ear, as I realised another fantasy was being fulfilled, the dirty mare was using a strap-on. At around this time I lost all sense of my surroundings. I don't recall too well the numbers, how long it lasted or how many orgasms I experienced but I do remember my blindfold being removed to reveal the weather- worn face of the gardener. Your turn now boy he said to the young man as he climbed off me. The young man fumbled with his trousers before red-faced he found what he had been looking for these past few years. My husband smiled at me and said we saved the virgin till last. It didn't take long; a couple of thrusts and all that pent up energy was released.
The room was quiet and we were alone, I lay silently looking at my husband wondering was this real or would I awake in a moment? Looking down my breasts were covered in love bites. Seamen was drying forming a peeling skin from my face to the tops of my torn stockings. My ‘rabbits’ lay still their batteries expired and there in the corner framed by my thighs sat the camera which had recorded it all. Slowly I realised my life had changed forever and yes, I had enjoyed every minute of it. Would I want to return to repeat the experience?????????????????? |