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Getting that degree (a TV story)

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By *dsindy OP   TV/TS  over a year ago

East Lancashire

This will take a while. Going to be in multiple parts, and no sex in the first part at all (sorry). But I do like to set the scene so please persevere and please please PLEASE leave feedback, either here or in a private message. Here goes, sit back and enjoy.

Simon was failing. He knew it, knew that he was never, ever going to pass his subjects and get that all important degree, the degree that would get him that well paid job in the outside world. That well paid job to allow him to indulge (or to further indulge) in his one, oh so tiny, hobby.

You see, Simon liked to dress up. Nothing up with that you might say, a guy needs to look good. But the dressing up that Simon liked (or more like, loved) didnt involve designer jeans or the latest fashion in shirts, they involved multi strap suspender belts, lace top stockings, 5 inch heels, oh so short dresses or skirts and an amazing amout of make up.

In short, Simon loved to be Sindy. A beautiful (at least in his eyes), sophisticated yet slightly trampy lady.

He had been doing his "thing" for the last 7 years, ever since he first tried on a pair of panties at the tender age of 13. From that first moment, when he tremblingly stepped into his sisters black lace underwear, he was hooked. Oh, it was nothing like as much on the scale he indulged himself now, just a sneaky hour parading around in her lingerie and pretending he was a girl. But as time passed, and his body developed, and his hormones erupted, it became more of an addiction than a way to pass the occasional hour. Every time he was alone, he sneaked into her room and looked through her drawers to try on her drawers. Her suspenders always drew his attention, and being blessed (at least in his girl personas mind) with tiny feet and a slim physique he always seemed to be able to pull off a slightly realistic feminine shape.

But, as he grew older, and school passed into college and headed towards university, his chances of turning into Sindy became less and less. His sister moved away to group share a house in Liverpool, so anything he wanted to wear he would have to buy himself. This always left him feeling embarressed, walking into the lingeie department of his local M&S or browsing the market stalls, but needs must, and so he had built up (for a single lad who only earned his money by tutoring young kids at maths) a fairly decent collection of lacy undies, suspenders, stockings and dresses, plus 2 pairs of heels.

University came all to soon, and his parents expected him to do well. So much expectation that they paid for him to have his own flat, a tiny 1 bed flat, but for a university student an almost unheard of luxury. Tuition fees were his responsibility however, as was food and equipment and enough money to enjoy an occasional night out.

Now, you might have thought that in having his own place, Simon would be satisfied in being able to turn into Sindy and just be a girl whenever he wanted. Prudence suggested that he work hard and not party to much, but boys will be boys (or girls) and prudence went out of the window along with restraint and sanity. Every bit of spare cash Simon got hold of went towards clothes. Pencil skirts, blouses, bodycon dresses and of course, lingere. 6 or 8 strap suspender belts, panties by the bag full, bra's, basque's and camisoles. Stockings of all types....seamed, fishnet, RHT, lacetop or just plain. And heels, 4 or 5 inch, courts and sling backs, strappy and peep toed. Make up added to the cost, and his (her?) pride and joy, a beautiful auburn wig, not to long, the hair just falling bellow the nape of the neck.

But as the terms passed, Simon knew he was failing. To much time as Sindy, not enough time as Simon, to much time getting excited by online flirting, not enough time studying. The student debt was mounting. Not that he would have to pay it off he said to himself, not until he got that all important, financially rewarding job. But first he had to pass his degree, and his grades were abysmal.

But Simon didnt care at that moment. For at that moment he was sat at his dresser, caefully applying his make up. Foundation and blusher, highlighter and eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss. Enough to produce that sultry image he always looked for.....an image he needed tonight. For the first time, Simon was going to show the world Sindy. Or rather show the world Sindy through the medium of online camming. Nothing naugty he promised himself, just a flirt and a tease and a giggle, just to see if Sindy could really get the guys attention.

Make up finished, it was time to dress. Nothing to glamourous or sexy, but nothing plain or dowdy either. Slipping a balcony style bra around her chest and pulling the straps over her shoulders, Sindy thought White for a first public apperance was appropriate.....virginal and demure. With bra in place (a wistful look at her flat chest), on went the suspender belt. A beautiful piece of lingerie, with 6 straps and those all important metal clasps and adusters, no cheap stuff these, bought from her favourite site the lace front panel and high waist looked and felt divine. Opening a new packet of Aristoc stockings (illusion 10 denier) also from her ave site, she slide the left one on first, attaching the rear most clasp then the side then the front, and then repeated with her right leg. The simple task of putting on and attaching those smooth silky stockings had its usual effect and Sindy had to sit down and think boring thoughts to reduce the most unladylike swelling inbetween her legs. That accomplished, she stepped into the lacy white full cut panties and drew them up her legs, tucking herself in to eliminate any bulge.

That completed, on went the cream blouse, a nice fit, not to tight not to loose and she buttoned it up.....ot to the top, but leaving the top two undone. Lifting her black skirt off the bed, she pulled it up to her waist back to front, and fastened and zipped it up before turning it around and settling it on her hips.

On went a gold chain around her neck and then taking her wig, she settled it onto her head, adjusting it to fit and not fall in her eyes. Finally, the last step, the moment when she fully changed from Simon to Sindy. Standing up in front of her mirror, she pushed one foot into her 5 inch black court heels, followed by the other.

DONE, she exulted. Sindy has arrived and this time she is going to show the world.

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By *dsindy OP   TV/TS  over a year ago

East Lancashire

Next part tomorrow hopefully...am on with it now

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By *iss Suzy SparklesTV/TS  over a year ago


Wow fab... looking forwar to next part xx

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By *oannacd67TV/TS  over a year ago


Next part please

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By *haron4465TV/TS  over a year ago


You set the scene so well looking forward to the next instalment x

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By *dsindy OP   TV/TS  over a year ago

East Lancashire

Thanks for the initial response xx

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By *dsindy OP   TV/TS  over a year ago

East Lancashire

Having in the first part described Simon/Sindy's journey, today she continues down the slope of debauchery, little realising that soon her worries of passing her degree will no longer be first on her list.

Having gotten herself ready, Sindy went to switch on her laptop. Leaving it to do all its start up routines, she went to her tiny kictchenette to pour herself a small glass of wine. Carefully sipping it so as not to smudge her lipgloss, she went back to the sofa, and logged on to a chatroom for tv's an their admirers. Browsing through the cams, she saw the usual images.....naked guys holding their cocks, transvestites and crossdresser in various stages of dress, and just plain ordinary people who wanted nothing more than a flirt and a chat.

Switching on her external wifi cam, she positioned it to give full view of her legs and body, leaving her face hidden (she was feeling brave but unsure). It only took a few mments for icons to pop up alongside others in the chatroom to know that she was being watched, and very soon after, the messages started to appear.

"Hi babes, you look gorgeous" said one man.

"Bloody hell, i love those shoes" came a message from another tv.

"I bet there is a nice surprise inside that skirt" came a third.

All the usual messages, some flirty, some complimenting her, and some just sheer filth.

One guy seemed particularly insistent, asking her to stretch her legs out so he could see how long they were, for her to lift her skirt up to see if she was wearing tights or stockings (this annoyed Sindy slightly as she was most definitely a stockings girl). He kept on telling her how sexy she looked, how much he was turned on by her legs. Could she stand up and turn around so he could see her ass?

Sindy duely obliged, stand up and stretching slightly to accentuate her calfs, and slowly turning and giving a small wiggle to enhance her behind.

"Fucking hot", pinged up another guy.........2 watching her now.

"Bend over", came a message from the first guy.

Feeling a bit more in control and just a bit tipsy (Sindy could never take her wine), she placed both hands on her left leg and slowly bent over, running the hands down her stocking clad leg and feeling the skirt pull tight around her bum. Looking over her shoulder at the screen, she was startled and abit surprised to see her face looking back. Damn, she tought, should have realised that would happen.

"Mmmmmmmm, nice lippy", the second guy pinged. "Would love those around my cock".

Sindy pursed her lips and blew the camera a kiss, then gave a little smile and stood up.

"Whats under that skirt", the second guy continued. The first one had stopped messaging but was still watching.

"Why"? Sindy replied.

"I want to see", he shot straight back.

Sitting back down, Sindy moved the camera so it facing her front on, showing her legs and body once again. Feeling empowered by the reactions of the watchers, she placed her hands on her knees and slowly drew them up, lifting the hemline of her skirt. Higher the went and higher went the hemline, fingers stroking her legs as she drew them up, the sensation beginning to turn her on, to make her own cock twitch inside her panties.

"Higher", came a message, and as she looked, she could see more icons indicating people watching her.

Her hands drifted further up her legs and reached towards the tops of her thighs. Finally, the welts of her stockings came into view and she stopped.

"More", came the expected message. "Show me more you fucking bitch". Why, oh why do guys always think that saying things like that is going to get them what they want? Probably because it does.

So Sindy once again did as she was asked (told?) and placed her hands on her thighs, one hand on each thigh, pressed between her legs. Then she began to tease them apart, with her skirt high up. This had the expected result of completely showing off her stocking tops, and the straps of her suspender belt. Looking at the screen, she could see herself flashing in the camera, and looking at the other cams, she could see guys (and the occasional tv) fondling themselves, stroking or in a few cases just furiously masturbating.

"Let me see your knickers", came a message. "Take off that skirt and show us all your knickers". Now Sindy had always prefered the word panties over knickers, but a request was a request and so she stood up, reach behind herself and unfastened and unzipped her skirt. Removing her hands to her waist, she gently, teasingly pushed her skirt down, turning so her bottom was facing the camera. Bending forward slightly and bending her knees just a touch, she lowered the skirt to the floor, exposing her underwear, showing the suspender straps underneath her panties were pulled taut, keeping the proper tension on her stockings. God she was feeling very aroused now, and looking down she saw how aroused she was.

Remaining turned away from the camera, she began to wiggle and her bum, giving the audience a good ass show. looking at the other cams, more were now openly playing with their cocks, and few had started to show a glistening wetness at the tip.

"Pull them down", came the message. It seemed that just one guy was doing the directing as everyone watched.

In for a pennt, Sindy thought, and hooked her fingers into the waist band of her panties. Using that same slow, sultry motion she began to shimmy them over her hips, down her bum, onto her thighs and let them fall to the floor. Still facing away from the camera, she bent forward more, the action stretching the suspender straps tighter, and pulling on her stocking tops, and also exposing her hole. Looking at the screen, it seemed an orgy of masturbation was going on, and already several of the viewers hand cum, their creamy white spunk dribbling all over their cocks. Indeed, one enthusiastic tv was clearly showing signs of having let loose in her own underwear.....after all, creamy cum and sheer black panties dont blend well together. Glancing back down at her own arousal, she was surprised to see a shining moisture at the tip, and she had never felt it build up.

"Turn around you fucking cockteasing cunt", came the message. Really!!! That was going TO far. But she did, she turned. Sindy turned, she turned and straightened and her cock was there, framed by the straps of her suspenders, poking out straight and proud from beneath the rim of her blouse, and the screens went into a frenzy. Three, four, five, no six cocks seemed to explode as one, the jizz erupting and shooting, in two cases landing on the camera lenses.

It was to much for Sindy, and in an automatic response, without touching herself once, she blasted her own sperm. For the first time she spoke........."Ohhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhh, fuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk iiiiiiiii,mmmmmmmmmmmm cummiinnnnnnnnnng" she cried out, her body spasming in time to the pulses from her cock. Not having played with herself for a few days, there seemed to be gallons of it, a never ending stream of baby batter spurting onto the floor. In reality, there was not that much, but enough had come (cum?) out of her to leave her feeling trembling and satisfied.

Looking at the screen, she could see others doing the same, spending their final seed into sweaty palms, or over semi hard cocks. People were logging off now, or looking at other cameras, the show clearly having reached a climax. Reaching to shut off her camera and leave the room, a final message appeared.

"You did that so well, i loved it all. You really know how to tease the guys. Now go get cleaned up and get some sleep, you will need it for classes tomorrow".

What the.........!!!!!!! Sindy was dumbstuck. Who was it, who knew, oh shit, she was found out.

What is in store for Sindy? Who knows? Well, she will find out, as will you, in the third part.

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By *dsindy OP   TV/TS  over a year ago

East Lancashire

As usual, any feed back would be appreciated.

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By *iss Suzy SparklesTV/TS  over a year ago


Captivating .. love it!! Great images in my head now.

Looking forward to part 3!! X

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Lovely story hope there is more

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By *avey997TV/TS  over a year ago

East London

Amazing so far

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

oh this is so good

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By *d funMan  over a year ago


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By *imale38Man  over a year ago


Great start

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *vanabeusedTV/TS  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

A great story . Had a hard cock right from the start . Can't. Wait for the next part

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By *dsindy OP   TV/TS  over a year ago

East Lancashire

Here comes Part Three

As we recall from Part Two, Sindy had put on a teasing show online over the camera, culminating in an orgasm for all to see. Indeed, it seemed that not only was she a hit, but in one case a well know hit. And so to Part Three.

Sindy woke up the following morning, or rather Simon woke up. After the final message, she had hastily turned off her laptop and looked on open mouthed at the blank screen. All sexual thoughts had vanished, and for a while the only thing going through her mind was who cold it possibly be. Obviously someone from her classes, but that was over 70 people at least. With a weary sigh, she took off her wig, removed her blouse and unfastened her bra. Kicking off her high heels, she went to the bathroom in just her stockings and suspender belt to grab a handful of toilet tissue. Wiping up the cum that she had spilt onto the floor, she flushed the tissue away and proceeded to remove her make up. That job done, she took a nightdress from her drawer and slipped it over her head, letting it settle on her shoulders, body and hips.

"Bedtime", she muttered to heself. "It can all wait till morning", and off she stumbled to her bed.

During the night, Sindy tossed and turned as strange dreams troubled her mind. She was led there on the bed, a faceless man above her. Faceless yet wearing a lustful lear, she knew he was looking her body over, she felt his hands on her legs pulling them apart. A sensation in her bottom meant she knew he was trying to penetrate her there, with his penis, fingers or toys she did not know. The sensation moved towards her groin as the faceless figure moved closer, the faint outline of lips coming towards her. Harder and harder came the sensations, a throbbing, pulsing ache. To late she awoke, and sure enough, her rigid member spurted hot girl seed into the gauzy fabric of her nightie, staining it and spreading onto her belly like a pool of cream.

A wet dream, just a wet dream she thought. Not had one of those in ages. Sindy looked at the clock......5am. Might as well get up she thought, might as well clean up too.

For the second time, she wiped up the mess she had made, then stripping completely she showered and made herself a cup of tea. Well, more like made himself....as there was not trace of Sindy about.

Simon knew that at some stage, he was going to have to confront what had happened, but not today, not now. He just wanted to let things slide before he started to try and figure out who knew.

Simon spent the morning in his classes, but the lectures and notes just seemed to blur. He was constantly looking around to see who was watching. At lunch he noticed one or two of the girls were giving him a strage look, and Mandy (who was in his class) came to ask if he was ok, he seemed to be a bit pale.

"Just a bad nights sleep", he mumbled.

The rest of the day passed in a similar fashion as the morning. He realised that he was not learning anything at all. But he also realised something else. He felt......well, the only word was horny. An echo of the ache in his loins kept reminding him of his wet dream and of his camera performance and he was starting to think of reproducing the entire act that night.

Coming home after classes, he bolted the door and made a quick meal of pasta, then settled down to watch telly, but his eyes kept drifting to his laptop and his thoughts kept drifting to his collection of clothes.

At 9, he couldnt stand it anylonger. Switching on his laptop and leaving it to start up, he went to his bedroom, stripped naked and began to transform into Sindy again. Nothing like last night, he just put on a tiny bit of make up to soften his features, and a hint of pale pink lipstick. opening his top drawer, he pulled out a black basque with matching thong and a pair of fishnet stockings, also in black. fastening the basque on back to front, then twisting it around, he settled the straps on his shoulder and rolled up the stockings, attaching them to the suspender grips. Funny, but this time his cock didnt get hard, it just stayed flacid hanging there. Pulling the thong on and up, he settled his dick into it and wiggled the back of the thong so it settled between the cheeks of his bum. Stepping into a pair of low heeled strappy sandals, and then wrapping a silk looking robe around his body, he tied it at the waist so that as he walked, it swayed open to reveal his legs and stockings. Finally, he settled his wig on his head, arranged it so it sat correctly and he became she, Simon left and Sindy arrived.

Walking back to her laptop, Sindy logged in once again to her favourite chat site. Sure enough, there were guys and tv's and cd's flirting, lots of people were on camera, naked or semi naked, wearing something sexy or just in plain jeans and tops.

Almost instantly a message pinged up. "Hi Sindy, you going to put a show on again?" Sindy looked at the user name, but it wasnt the guy who knew.

"No", she typed back. "Just watching tonight sweetie", she replied. Sweetie!!!! Now where did that come from?

"Awwwwwwww, not fair", came his reply. "what are you wearing?"

Bloody typical response she thought, but described her outfit.

"Mmmmmmm, thats got me hard", he shot back, "am going to wank myself silly over that image".

"Feel free" Sindy answered back, and switched on to his camera. Sure enough, there he was, cock in hand slowly skimming up and down.

"Hey baby", came another message, "wanna fuck?"

Sindy looked at the message in confusion. She had never put anything on her profile to indicate she was looking for sex (although last nights show was still on her mind).

"Not really", she repled. "Just here to flirt".

"I saw you last night, you looked amazing and i loved it when you shot your load. Are you sure you dont want to taste my cock?" the messenger asked. "Your location says you are only 10 miles away".

Sindy hesitated, just a slight hesitation, but enough to shock her into realising she was actually thinking about it.

"Did you learn anything today"? It was him...the guy who knew. Sindy sat back, furiously thinking. What do i do, what do i say she thought to herself. Leaning forward she began to type her reply, all othe messengers put on the back burner.

"Who are you"? she queried.

"Ohhhh, just someone", came back a few seconds later, with a wink emoticon at the end.

"What do you want"? she sent.

"Nothing at the moment, but then....who knows. In the meantime, switch on your camera so i can see what you are wearing".

"Dont you want me to describe it"? Sindy asked.

"Show me", came the message. "I want to see for myself".

Sindy found herself leaning forward and switching on the camera. Up came the image on the screen, Sindy sat there, her robe fallin open at the waist to show her legs and stockings. Immeadiately people started to watch her, the icons indicating that they had accessed her image. Settling back on the sofa, she began to toy with the belt of the robe, gently running the sash through her fingers, tugging slightly as if to open it.

"Open the robe", came the expected response.

Looking at the screen, once again Sindy saw cocks, erect, proud, thick, thin, all sorts. And they were being played with, played with because of her. Closing her eyes and sighing, Sindy slowly undid the sash, and pulled her robe open, revealing her black lingerie and fishnet stockings.

"Spread those legs baby". "Fucking hot". "Dirty sissy bitch". "Watch me cum". just some of the messages, but Sindy was waiting for the one that mattered.

"Open wide, open those legs and show us all what you have between them".

Sindy paused, and thought. Its just on camera, its not as if they can actually touch me. The thought flickered across her mind for a second, and in the next second, she opened her legs, put her feet up and exposed herself for everyone. Her prick had somhow emerged rampant without her awareness, and it stuck from her thong, the end shiny and wet. Placing a finger in her mouth, she wet the end and then began to rub her bellend, small circular motions at first with an occasional firm press to excite the glans.

Looking at the screen, once again images of cocks being wanked sprang at her, and a thought flickered once more........tasty.

Sindy sat up with a jerk. Tasty? Now where did that come from? She had never had a gay thought in her life. Ok, she watched trans porn occasionally, but that wasnt gay, was it?

"Whats up hunni" came the response, "why have you stopped"?

Sindy leaned forward and began to type once more. "Listen, what do you want"?

"You" came the answer, "i want you. I want you to suck me, i want you to ride my dick, i want you to take all my length in your arse, i want you you fucking sissy cunt....and if you dont let me have what i want, you will fail".

The camera image tracked up and revealed a face, a well know face. Its was Frank, her tutor. A smile, a lear and then one final message.

"You need to pass, i need a special girl, we can help each other, or you can fail......your choice. See you tomorrow, and wear pink panties to class, i will be checking".

Here ends Part Three. What will Sindy do? Can she afford to be exposed, will she be able to pass on her own, or will she give in? Who knows?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

that was good Sindy very sexy xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Brilliant x

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By *d funMan  over a year ago


More please xxxx

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By *haron4465TV/TS  over a year ago


Looking forward to part four you gorgeous girl with such a vivid mind xx

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By *ossauMan  over a year ago


Great story! Great writing! Great girl!

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By *vhazelMan  over a year ago


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By *vanabeusedTV/TS  over a year ago



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By *ammyTV/TS  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

great story can't wait to read more.

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By *imale38Man  over a year ago


Keep going. Very good story.

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By *dsindy OP   TV/TS  over a year ago

East Lancashire

Part Four here we come.

Simon was in a funk, no doubt about it. He awoke that morning, for a change in male mode. After the final message last night he had quickly changed out of his lingerie and donned male clothes. He was fretting about what to do all night, and as a result got very little sleep. Should he report Frank to HR? That would lead to some awkward questions probably. Should he just ignore him? That might lead to Frank getting angry and down marking him. Should he tell him to fuck off? Same result probably. Or could he just give in, after all, Frank said he could help. But the price!

The trouble was, in a small quiet corner of his mind, he was thinking, what if? Everytime that corner was visited, it became a tiny bit more insistent, as if it wanted to be pushed to the fore of his mind. Well, one thing was for certain, he wasnt wearing any pink panties because he had none (although class doesn't start till the afternoon, plenty of time to buy a pair said that tiny corner). He jerked upright. What was he thinking, no way was it going to happen (although Frank did look kinda cute came that corner).

Oh shut up, he thought, and rolled back over to try and grab another few hours sleep.

Lunchtime saw Simon arrive on campus, a thoughtful expression on his face. Sitting in the student common area, he gazed up at the ceilng, contemplating the afternoon. All to soon, it was time for class, and of he went to the lecture hall. Sat there with about 40 other students, he began to listen to Frank talk. Not once did he make eye contact with Simon, except in the most fleeting glance as he looked around his students. For the life of him, Simon just could not remember anything of the lecture, so much was his mind whirling around, with that small (but growing) corner of his mind telling him it would be ok, it might work, he sure needed help, it could even be "fun".

Two hours passed in a haze, when, at the end, Frank gave everyone a paper to do over the weekend. He passed out the papers, and everyone started to leave.

"Simon", he said, "can i have a moment of your time please"?

A few people looked at him, Mandy gave him a sympathetic smile.....she knew he was doing badly in his work, and then they were alone.

"Come into my office please", Frank said, and walked down the corridor to his office. As the walked in, Frank shut the door behind Simon, and quietly locked it.

"Dont want anyone to disturb us", he quipped. "Now, first things first, show me". Simon hesitated, at the cusp of a decision.

"Oh, come now Sindy", a slight emphasis on 'SIndy'. "No need to be shy, after all, i have seen you in something far nicer".

Simon gulped. Decision time. "I dont have any pink panties", he mumbled.

Frank looked astonished. "Every special girl has pink panties", he said. "At least, every girl i know".

Simon looked down at his hands curled in his lap. "I dont have any", he repeated, then looked up. "I do have red though".

"And are you wearing them", Frank queried?

"Yes", came the answer.

"And can i see them", came the next question.

That small corner leapt to the front of Simons head....do it, do it now, you know you want to.

Simon stood up and unfastened his jeans, and slowly, his head looking down, lowered them to the floor. Tight red lacy brazilian panties were on display, hugging his hips and doing there best to keep him tucked away.

"Look at me", Frank whispered.

Simon looked up and saw an appreciative smile on Franks face.

"Turn around", and Simon turned. Now facing away from Frank, he heard the chair scrape back, and footsteps approach. A hand placed itself on one cheek of his bum, a hand that felt hot to the touch. A second hand joined, touching the other cheek, just as hot. Simons eyes closed, and his lips parted slightly. The hands began to move, gently rubbing through the lacy material cupping his bottom, squeezing.

"You like that"? came the question.

"Yes" he replied, in a throaty whisper, "Yes"

The hands moved to his hips, and he felt Frank pressing against him. A whisper in his ear "and this"?

Simon just nodded, being caught up in the moment, to afraid to say anything, to afraid it might end.

Frank pressed harder against his bum, hard enough that Simon could feel a lump pushing into the crack between his cheeks. A sigh escaped his lips as he felt that firmness, and he pushed back, hesitantly at first, but with more force as the moment extended.

Simons eyes flashed wide open as he simultaneously felt the electric brush of Franks lips on his neck, and the gentle stroke of Franks hand against the front of his panties. Gasping, he shuddered as a wave of pure sensual delight shot through him, and with a whimper his semi hard cock gushed fluid, seeping through the front of his panties into Franks hand.

Confused beyond belief, Simon tried to pull away, but Frank held him tight. "Shhhhh, dont worry, its natural, all girls do that at some stage. Just go with your feelings, and enjoy the moment."

Simon closed his eyes again and nodded as Frank lifted up his hand, covered in Simons own sperm, and gently pushed it against his lips. "Lick it" Frank murmured, "clean it up, theres a good little girl".

Simon obeyed, tasting himself from another mans hand for the first time.

Frank released him, and went back to his chair and Simon opened his eyes. He felt flushed and hot, yet a certainty welled through him.....this was what he wanted.

"Now then", said Frank becoming more official, "lets see what we can do to help you pass. I think some one on one tuition would be advisable. Shall we say Friday evening? 7.30 at your flat?"

Simon nodded, realisng that the moment was over. Pulling his jeans up to cover his cum stained panties, he looked at Frank. "That will be fine, looking forward to it".

"As am i", replied Frank. "I trust that you will be........dressed for the occasion"?

Simon smiled back as he fastened his jeans. "Yes, i think i can manage something that will be in keeping with the lessons you will give me". A raised eyebrow hinted the question to Frank.

"Pink", Frank told him. "Dont forget pink".

Simon turned away, and unlocked the door. Leaving the office, he contemplated on where to get pink for Frank. Looks like its a shopping spree tomorrow.

Well, here ends Part Four. In Part Five, will we see what we all want to? Will Frank give Sindy the lessons she is obviously wanting? What will be her reward for pink?

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By *oannacd67TV/TS  over a year ago


Keep going so horny

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Could any of this be autobiographical?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wow. Very horny.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Brilliant Sindy , roll on the next part xx

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By *issystaceyleicsTV/TS  over a year ago


Hot story!!

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By *damw2Man  over a year ago


One of the best stories i have read on here. It’s great and can’t wait for the rest

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By *d funMan  over a year ago


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By *vanabeusedTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *vanabeusedTV/TS  over a year ago


" "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *usie pTV/TS  over a year ago


omg one of the best stories I have ever read.xxxxx

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By *dsindy OP   TV/TS  over a year ago

East Lancashire

Glad you are enjoying it. Final few chapters next week

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By *dsindy OP   TV/TS  over a year ago

East Lancashire

Right, another chapter....hope you like

If you have been following this story, then you know that Simon/Sindy was recognised by her university tutor Frank and ended up in his office being seduced and brought to a sticky orgasm. Now she has to do some shopping before Frank turns up to give her some "extra" lessons.

Simon left campus, his mind spinning, his thoughts all over the place. What had happened seemed so natural, as if that was the personna he wanted to come to the fore, to be Sindy and to be the object of a mans lust and desires. Of course it is silly, he mentally chided himself. Dont you think cumming in your panties on camera watching all those men wank over you gave you just a tiny clue"!!!!!

But first things first, pink...where the hell do i get pink underwear from at this time? Hang on, he never said underwear the second time, just pink panties the first time. Well, that would simplify matters enormously. Didnt he see a pair of pink heels in the charity shop last time he was out shopping? Yes, he remembered.....pink shoes.

Simon caught the bus off campus into town, and immeadiately headed towards the charity shop. Opening the door, he saw that there were no customers, just a elderly looking lady behind the counter sorting out a collection. Walking to the rear of the shop, simon saw the heels on the shelf, standing out like a sore thumb. After all, bright pink 5 inch court heels are not something you often see. Checking the size (a 6 so they would fit, all be it a tight fit) he went to the counter to pay.

"That will be £7 please" said the lady. "Would you like a bag"?

"Please", said Simon. "They are a present for my girlfriend". He was going to pay the extra 5p just so no one would see him carrying a pair of womens shoes.

"I hope your young lady appreciates these", quipped the lady, "In my day, if you wore these, you got a certain reputation". She laughed, and Simon smiled with her, but was eager to leave.

"A word of advice, young man", the elderly lady said, in a much more serious tone. "We never judge, each to their own, and we sell these items to help people less fortunate than ourselves. We often get gentlemen buying things for their "wives", or as in your case their "girlfriends"". Simon could almost hear the speach marks around the words. "So if you ever want to buy things for your "girlfriend" again, and you dont want to be found buying her things i would suggest early saturday morning, thats when we put out new items, and thats when i am on".

Simon nodded his head jerkily, unable to believe she was saying what he thought she was, but also thinking that an opportunity to flesh out his wardrobe cheaply could be within his grasp.

Taking a deep breath he said "thats very kind of you, i am sure there will be some things she would like, she always says you can get some amazing bargins".

With a smile, he said goodbye, and left the shop with his purchase and headed home.

Arriving at his flat, he quickly locked the door behind him and shut the blinds on the window. Taking his new shoes out of the bag, he kicked his trainers off and pulled his socks over his toes. Lining up the shoes, he wiggled his left foot into one shoe and then his right into the other. They did pinch a bit, but not as much as he thought they would. Standing up, he took a few steps to check that everything was ok, then walked to his kitchenette to make a brew, the sway of his hips accentuated by the 5 inch heels. This should be pink enough he thought.

Friday came around all to quickly, but Simon had it all planned out. His pink heels, now all polished and shiny, stood at the end of his bed and laying on the bed was his outfit. Frank had seen him on camera in white and in black lingerie, and had also seen his red panties, so Simon decided to continue the red theme, after all it was the closest colour to pink he had. So it was a red silky camisole top and matching red sheer shortie panties, not to loose to let everything fall out but just loose enough to leave him feeling unconstricted. Along with a red suspender belt, a new pack of Cervin stockings lay on the bed, bi colour contrast in nude with a red welt. A red silk blouse was hung up on the wardrobe handle along with a black skirt, tight and falling to mid thigh....should hide stocking tops Simon thought. his make up and wig were on the dresser and he headed to the shower.

Being extra careful not to nick himself, Simon shaved his legs and body, his crotch, balls and bum, indeed anywhere he could reach. Drying himself off, he moisturised and then sat at his dresser to apply his make up. The usual foundation and blusher, lipgloss and highlighter, masscara and eyeshadow. Taking his time, he made himself look like a beautiful young woman (at least it seemed so to him), and then proceeded to dress.

Slipping the camisole over his head, he settled the spagetti straps on his shoulders, adjusting them so they fit. Fastening the suspender belt was next, tight around his waist to prevent it from slipping. Taking he Cervin stockings from there pack, he rolled them up his legs, first the left then the right, attaching them to the suspender straps and adjusting them for the right amount of tension. taking the blouse, Simon put it on, fastening it up to the top, but leaving the final button undone. He stepped into the skirt and pulled it up, fastening it back to front then twisting it around to settle nicely on his hips. A few bits on pieces of jewellry followed, then the final two items. He crowned his head with his wig, teasing it into shape, and then stepped into his new pink heels. Once again, Sindy was born, but this time she was born to be a woman in the most basic, carnal sense. Just in time because it was exactly 7.30 and the doorbell rung.

Taking a deep breath, Sindy swayed over to the door, and opened it. There stood Frank, a bottle of wine in one hand, a briefcase in the other, and a smile on his face.

"Quickly, come in", said Sindy. Although she had answered the door deliberately as a female, she didnt want her neighbours to see. Frank stepped in and leaned forward to give Sindy a peck on the cheek. Closing the door behind her, Sindy allowed him to kiss her cheek, then walked to her little kitchen table and sat down, aware Franks eyes were on her, probably on her bum as she went there. Sitting down with her feet outside the edge of the table had two effects. Firstly, it allowed Frank to see her new pink shoes. Secondly, as with all skirts, it rode up slightly, not enough to show but enough to tease with the bottom of the red contrast welt coming into sight.

Frank smiled at her, looking her up and down before commenting "you have such fucking lovely legs, perfect, and i see you have pink. To be honest, i thought it might be underwear".

Sindy laughed a little. "How do you know it isnt"?

"The red welt", Frank replied, and then instead of sitting down, he stood in front of her, leaned forward and down and rested his hand on her thigh. Leaning forward so his lips were almost touching hers, his hand ran up her thigh, pushing her skirt higher, revealing the full stocking welt and the front suspender strap of her belt. Leaning that extra inch closer, lips millimeters apart now he murmured "see, no pink underwear", then kissed Sindy full on the lips. No mere peck, this was a full on lip smacking snog, a demand for her to respond and Sindy did. Wrapping her arms about his neck, her lips parted to accept his tongue and her leg also parted to allow his hand to slid further up.

The moment ended suddenly as Frank broke the kiss and stood up, an evident bulge in his pants. Sindy looked up into his eyes and said the words she had prepared for just this eventuality.

"Please be gentle, i am a virgin".

Well, i think we can all guess whats going to happen. The only question is, shall i leave you to finish off the fantasy in your own mind, or shall i finish the final chapter for you all to read....you are just reading arent you?????? Nothing else going on??????

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By *iss Suzy SparklesTV/TS  over a year ago


Mmmmmmm x

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By *teven12ABCMan  over a year ago

Wigan lancs

nice story

I hope he goes back to the shop when the old lady is working and she wants to see him naked?? lol

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By *es for funMan  over a year ago

port talbot

You must keep it going as youve got all of us going lol

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By *d funMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Finish the story. X

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By *usie pTV/TS  over a year ago


OMG mmmmm such a dirty gurl we must find out what happens when she becomes a proper gurl.

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By *ndrea54TV/TS  over a year ago


Fantastic story please keep going xxx

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By *vhazelMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Very interesting read so far x

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By *lli_sissyTV/TS  over a year ago


awesome story looking forward to the rest

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By *dsindy OP   TV/TS  over a year ago

East Lancashire

Sorry for the lateness, but have been busy. Final chapter Wednesday.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Can't wait to read it . I'm feeling so horny now after reading the last 2 chapters .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Awesome story, I'm so jealous of Simon..

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By *dsindy OP   TV/TS  over a year ago

East Lancashire

At last.

Well, finally.....the last chapter. Hope you have paid attention and kept the story in your mind? If not, just re-read it all in one go, i am sure you will, ahem "enjoy" it, lol.

Those words Sindy uttered echoed through both her mind and the room. By saying what she had said, she was explicitly stating that Frank could have his way, that he could use her, take her maidenhead, in fact just give her a right good seeing to.

Frank smiled, and taking Sindy by the hand he led her to the sofa. Sitting down side by side, he once again kissed Sindy, leaning forward to apply more pressure and causing Sindy to lean back. His hand returned to her thigh and began its exploration upwards. Eyes closing and letting out a gentle sigh, Sindy opened her legs a touch, not spreading them wide, but certainly allowing better access under her skirt. Franks hand wandered higher still, fingers following the front strap of her suspender belt upwards and then ever so tenderly tracing across the front of her panties.

Sindy couldnt help herself, her legs opened a touch wider still, and She leaned further back, now with Frank leaning forward so he was above her. Her hand went around his neck, holding him glued to her lips as he stroked the front of here rapidly moistening underwear. Frank suddenly broke the kiss, and emoved his hand, standing up in one fluid movement. Opening her eyes, Sindy saw that his crotch was almost at face level, and the bulge there was a definte indication that he was aroused. Her hand lifted towards his belt, as if it had a will o its own, and she hesitantly began to unbuckle it.

Standing there, a smile of desire on his face, Frank looked down on his new playmate silently urging her on to remove his jeans. Sindy obliged, first completely unbuckling his belt, then unfastening the button at the top before slowly unzipping him. letting his jeans fall to his knees, she reached to his boxers, and inside. Gasping out loud, for the first time ever she touched another mans cock. It was firm yet soft to feel, a gentle throbing as his pulse rushed blood through his engorged manhood. Placing her hand at the base of the shaft, she began a slow back and forth pulling, starting to masturbate him. looking up to see if he was enjoying it, she saw him smiling down at her.

"Just like that, baby", he whispered, "just like that".

For the next few minutes, there was almost total silence as Sindy wanked Frank, her strokes getting longer as she manipulated his cock, the silence only broken by the occasional grunt of satisfaction from Frank.

Suddenly, frank placed one hand on the back of Sindys head and with an unhurried motion began to pull her face towards his groin. Sindy resisted at first, stiffening her neck to avoid going closer, but she knew it was no good, it WAS going to happen, and surrendering another portion of her virginity, she lightly kissed the tip of his cock, all the time keeping a grip of the ever throbbing shaft. A moistness lingered on her lipstick covered lips, and her tongue flicked out to capture it, at the same time flicking the head of Franks cock. A grunt from this touch was followed by an insistent push on the back of Sindys head. Along with a thrust from Franks hips, this caused the tip of the prick to push past Sindys lips and into her mouth.

"Yeah, suck that cock you slut", Frank growled, and started to thrust just a bit harder. This had the predicted effect of making Sindys eyes water as more of his member entered her mouth. With her hand still firmly clasped at the base, it meant that at least she didnt end up gagging with cock down her throat. No girl likes to deep throat on a first date.

The silence continued, as Frank slowly pumped 3 inches of his cock in Sindys mouth. He was loving every minute of this virgin girls administration of oral pleasure, but he wanted more.....much, much more.

Withdrawing from Sindys lips, her tongue chasing him as he left her wet mouth, he bent down and placed his hands under Sindys arms.and hauled her to her feet. Pressing against the full length of her body, he began to assault her lips once more, all the while humping against her body.

"Stop, stop", murmered Sindy. "You will stain my skirt."

"Easily sorted, take it off, and your blouse as well...i want to see how sexy and slutty you look underneath".

Releasing her, he flopped back onto the sofa, kicking off his shoes and socks and finally his jeans. Pulling his jumper over his head and throwing into the corner, Frank was now fully naked, and his dick was standing pround, 7 inches of a fuckpole, and quite thick too, no wonder Sindy only took a small amount before her eyes watered. motioning for her to begin, Frank took his cock in hand and bgan to slowly rub as Sindyfirst unfastened her blouce, then turned to face away as she removed it. Unfastening her skirt, she teased it to the floor and stepped out of it. Stood there now in just her stockings and suspenders, heels, camisole and panties, she rotated back to look at Frank, her hands covering her own hardness inside her panties.

Frank beckoned her forward, and placed his hands on her hips and turned her back round.

"Bend forward", came the command and Sindy bent forward, placing her hands on the coffee table. What came next almost caused her to blow a load into her panties, as she felt Frank tease her panties to one side and brushed her hole with a finger. The electric shock of the contact made her knees tremble, and she whimpered slightly. A second finger joined the first, tracing there way up and down her rack, lingering on the entrance to her hole of love. A Pause, then the two fingers returned, a wetness on them and as they paused at the opening, they pushed slightly inwards, and began to spread her ready for what was to come. For 10 minutes, Franks fingers teased and probed and opened her up until both were regularly knuckle deep in her pussy.

"Hold tight", came another order, and Sindy braced herself.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, god, fuck, yeah" she moaned, as what could only be Franks tongue began to push and probe at her anal sphincter. His hands were on her cheeks, trying to spread them wide as he began to furiously invade her with his tongue. On and on it went, probing, pushing, licking, teasing, stopping to blow on her steadily widening hole before, with a small shudder, she began to squirt. Not a full blown orgasm, but tiny dribbles of precum leaked in a steady flow.

Frank sensed this, and began to rub between her legs, cupping her sissy balls and squeezing.

"Dont you dare cum yet", he told her. "Dont you dare", and emphasised that with a firm crack to her arse. The shock from this caused Sindys leakage to stop, but the wet stain in her panties had already told her that she had a lot of sperm to get rid off tonight.

The anal assault ceased as Frank stood up.

"Dont move", he said and Sindy complied, completely in thrall to this man and his wicked body. A gentle rustle and tearing sound came, and Sindy looked over her shoulder to see Frank pulling a condom over his rampant cock. Stepping behind her, he placed the tip of his dick at the wet hole and grasped Sindys hips.

"i said i would help you, if you helped me", he whispered, "and i a man of my word. After we have finished, we can get down to work".

At the word work, Frank thrust forward and Sindy squealed. There was no other term for it, it was a full on sissy girl squeal as Frankpushed and slid all the way in, burying his 7 inches of thick prick deep into Sindys cunt. Her legs spasmed, her back arched and her anal passage tried to expel this invader, but Frank kept pushing, never pulling back to thrust, just pushing deeper to keep himself impaled inside Sindy. The expelation began to change into contractions as Sindy, her arse full, began to draw him in, the sensation blowing her mind as the dick rubbed against her prostate.

Now frank began to withdraw, but only for a few inches, before he thrust back in, starting a steady motion as he began to fuck Sindy. A rythmic ploughing of her furrow as he pushed and pulled, humped, bumped and ground his way, his hand firmly holding onto Sindys hips aiding him in drilling the tunnel for his meat.

He couldnt last long, but he wanted her to know what she was, who she was, what she deserved, and give her what she needed. His cock pulsed and throbbed as a binding sensation crept into his balls, sweat pouring down his face and chest.

Sindy was thrashing in pain/pleasure from the tidal wave of lust coursing through her body, its two centers based in her back twat and in her stiff boy clit. Washing over her and around her, through her head, and down her body to the extremities of her toes in her pink heels she was lost to herself, her only desire to now keep feeling that motion in her arse, to give her man pleasure, for him to give her pleasure, to give her what she finally realised she wanted all along. She wanted his cum.

"My mouth", she panted. "Spunk in my mouth".

Franked ripped himself from that sweet dark starfish shaped hole and spun Sindy around. In one quick motion, he pulled off the condom and offered his dick to Sindys wide open mouth.

"Take it all you bitch", he grunted and unleashed a torrent of hot, sticky, cream coloured juice over Sindys lips. Sperm splashed all over Sindys chin before she managed to guide it into her mouth, swallowing it and savouring the flavour. The sexuality of the situation, a naked man pumping his jizz down her throat took its tool, and Sindys eyes shot wide open as she finally let go of her own load. oozing out of her panties, slipping down her leg, the result of her own orgasm clear to see.

Frank collapsed back onto the sofa, and Sindy fell to her knees, her mouth chasing Franks cock as she was determined to get every last ounce of his seed. Finally, on her knees before him, she knelt upright, a frosting of cream on her chin and lips and a wicked smile on her face.

"For that, i expect an A+" she grinned at him.

"A+"? Frank questioned. "For that you get a B, for an A+ i expect to cum deep in your arse"

Sindy smiled and began to wonder what grade she really wanted.

Well, thats about it folks. Hope you enjoyed it, sorry it took so long. In the New Year, i shall do another adventure for Sindy. Drop me a line if there are any ideas you want including....Sindy is usually up for most anything.

xxxLove you allxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Loved this story . Just read it all the way through and had a good play with myself . Look forward to reading more horny stories you might post

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Truly awesome story, but I'm sure everyone wants to know the same thing, did Sindy get her A+??!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Your imagery is very good

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By *aybee1TV/TS  over a year ago


What an amazing story... I can’t wait for the next instalment... superb

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Brilliant story. Hope there were more adventures between you both.

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By *vanabeusedTV/TS  over a year ago


Fantastic well done

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By *usie pTV/TS  over a year ago


Ooooh sindy the most fabulous tale it brought back all those first time experiences that have now become the norm, I think you will have to try very hard to better this. Susie xxxx

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By *d funMan  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 16/12/17 06:09:30]

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By *oannacd67TV/TS  over a year ago


Omg amazing

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By *vhazelMan  over a year ago


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By *egsonfireTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *dinburghsueTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *atsWoman  over a year ago


Loved this one . any more ???

Cat xxx

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By *parklesueTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *it on the sideMan  over a year ago

Melton, Derby, Grantham


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By *imale38Man  over a year ago


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