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A face from the past

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day 1/7

I wasn't expecting to see him there that night in the club that was tucked away in my hometowns little back alleyways.

It must have been fifteen years since I last saw him, leaving town the day after his last exam.

I remembered watching him getting in his dad's car and driving away.

He didn't notice me then, and still he didn't notice me now as I watched him from down the length of the bar.

We'd both changed, I was no longer the spotty lanky school girl with a crush on the guy with the long blond hair and a smile that melted me inside. He no longer had long hair, it was all shaved off though he did now wear a goatee that I could imagine tickling my thighs..

My mind wandered for a bit, and then there was a noise next to me, bringing me out of a delicious daydream.


I looked to who was next to me.

Oh my god..

I smiled outwardly but my stomach was churning.

"Hello stranger.. Long time no see.. What are you doing here?" the words tumbled from my lips.

"Connie invited me down for her wedding. It's not for a few days yet, figured I'd try and catch up with some people.. Wow it's so good to see you again.. You want a drink?"

His voice had deepened but it had lost none of the accent.

"Mmmmm OK sure, bacardi and please.."

I watched as he got the attention of one of the bar girls, flirting with her, banter going back and forth as he got me a fresh drink.

I remembered how he was like that with everyone, oh gods how he had a harem of girlfriends back then.

"Shall we take a table" He asked, I nodded, sitting at the bar only because I didn't want to hog a table to myself.

He picked up our drinks and wandered over to a wall booth.

"Should be able to have a bit of a natter over here.." He said as he put the drinks down, waiting for me to sit before slipping in opposite me.

He was right, it was a bit quieter here.

"So..." I saw him look at my hands. Looking for a ring.

"What you been upto all this time" He seemed genuinely interested, and for a while we caught up on what we'd each done since we last saw eachother.

Neither of us had married or got engaged, he lived in Essex then north London for a while, was now living in North Kent, I'd not left the Isle of Sheppey except for the occasional holiday, I still lived on the same road I used to when I was at college.

He was in office work now, something to do with insurance claim investigations, I worked in a charity shop on the high street as manager.

We stumbled around our old relationship, I'd loved him so much, done crazy things after we split, he tried to move on but no one else really enthused him like I used to.

It was awkward talking about it, some of the memories were painful for us both.

Time was called at the bar and we finished up our drinks.

"Where are you staying for the week?" my lips tingled a little. A bit to much bacardi in that last round..

"Just the Royal tonight. Sampling a different place each nite, tomorrow I'm up in Minster. Probably."

He helped me into my jacket.

"Would it be alright if I walked you home?"

My mind froze, I could only nod. I didn't trust my mouth right now.

Before we left he nipped to the lavatory, coming out a few minutes later, the bar girl stopping him for a moment, slipping him something with a whisper in his ear that made him smile.

I guess his old habits never died..

"Right then, let's get going" He said as he came over, the number vanishing into a pocket.

The cold air hit us like a hammer, suddenly I felt very d*unk and had to lean on him.

I felt his arm loop round my waist, pulling me close as we walked back to mine.

My cheeks burned, I didn't know if it was from being in his arms again or the cold wind.

We walked mostly in silence, broken only by him saying what shops were where back when he lived here.

My mind filled with old memories and fantasies and before I knew it we was on my road.

"What number" He asked as we turned onto it.

"Fifty eight" I replied.

"Oh, only eleven short of my favourite number.."

I didn't reply, I couldn't reply.

All I could think about was getting back to mine, pulling him in and dragging him to the bedroom to suck him off while he licked me, it was a very nice thought.

"Here we are.."

I opened the gate and he followed me to the doorstep.

"Do you want to come in.. Coffee or something?" my words were jumbled, my breath catching in my suddenly dry throat.

He smiled, sadly.

"You know Jane, I'd like to but I don't think it'd be right.."

My heart sank, the fantasy of riding his face, his tongue inside me and his cock in my mouth, was shattered.

"Don't get me wrong, I really would like to. It's been nice catching up again.. I.. I've missed you.."

He pulled me close, his arm around my waist, a hand moving hair from my face and his lips pressing against mine briefly.

"Maybe if you're not doing anything tomorrow?"

"I'm working until two, after that I'm free.."

"Dinner somewhere?"

"There's a Thai place where the Sun used to be."

"Seven thirty OK for you"

I nodded, it would give me time to get home, get myself ready with a long soak.

"It's a date" I said and we kissed again.

He walked back to the gate as I went in and closed the door behind myself.

My hands were trembling and I was struggling to breath for a few seconds.

I managed to make it to my small livingroom and sit on the leather sofa, cracked with age but incredibly comfortable.

Flicking off my shoes and half slumping back.

It wasn't a comfortable position but I didn't care all of a sudden.

As my breathing calmed down I pulled my skirt up and pulled my knickers down just enough to stroke myself gently, the warmth of arousal flooding me as I continued.

A finger stroking slow circles just inside myself, the noise of how wet I was and the sudden perfume of sex filling my mind.

I pushed my finger between my lips deeper, grinding my hand against the rest of my wet sex, my body writhing in time as my breathing became harder again.

The warmth inside me became a rising heat, muscles contracting and relaxing as I fingered myself a little faster and harder.

I'd never describe myself as tight, but one finger always seemed enough for me, partners, few that they had been, always wanted to see how many they could force into me.

But right now, as my body bucked and writhed I thought about him, dreaming of him kissing and licking my waiting lips, of him easing his finger into me and expertly making me scream his name as I came over and over from his ministrations.

As the fantasy faded I wasn't able to think about much at all, my head was fuzzy from the drink and as I came I tried to say his name but found I couldn't..

In a haze I heard my phone plink, and tentatively reached for it.

1 New Message!

"Jane, I'm so sorry. I really wanted to come in for the Or Something offered, but I'm so conflicted right now. I missed you all these years, there's lots we didn't talk about. I'm really looking forward to dinner tomorrow. X"

My heart leaped reading his message.

I hit the reply button.

"Don't be sorry, and yes a proper catch up with a few less bacardi's tomorrow will be good. I missed you too. Xx"



Message delivered.

I waited for a reply but none came so I went finally to bed and started to look forward to tomorrow a whole lot more.

Maybe my fantasy would come true.

I had a lot of fantasies, many of them with some faceless person, maybe now I could finally live some of them out with him.

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Was inspired by a friend to post

Mwah Ms GR

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By *ames WhyteMan  over a year ago

Near Manchester Airport

Great start.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

a story with a plot!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Keep going x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day 2/7 (part one)

My morning was pretty humdrum really, nothing standing out about it at all other than some poor soul trying to pinch stuff from is, I'd watched them as they done it and managed to get the tshirt and couple of dvds back with no real trouble.

Thankfully my deputy was in, if I was on my own I quite likely wouldn't have worried about it.

After the person had left the store Jenny turned to me.

"You OK Jane, seem a bit away with the fairies today.."

Jenny was another friend from school, she possibly counted as my best friend, I'd known her to longest and saw her atleast four times a week for work and we sometimes went to the cinema together.

She hadn't had a lot of luck with guys, three kids and three dad's, now single and not seeing any of them because she liked a bit of a drink now and then and a judge held it against her after she got into a fight with one of the dad's. Some how though she always seemed happy.

"I'm OK, just went out last night, had a couple to many drinks."

Her nod showed she understood fully.

If only she knew who I'd met.

I was reluctant to tell her, she'd been the one to pick up the pieces last time and she'd have a few strong words for me

"Oh that reminds me.." she flapped her hands excitedly "You'll never guess who I bumped into this morning? Total blast from the past it was!"

My stomach knotted again, dreading who she might say.

I gave a non committal answer and tried to busy myself rearranging the seasonal rail.

"I bumped into Kelly! Not seen her since last year at my sisters wedding. She lives over in Maidstone now, works for the post office. Fancy that eh?"

As I moved bits about I picked out a long dress, bright summery flowers with a light green background. It was my size.

"Oh wow that's lush... Go try it on! I'll watch the shopfloor.." jenny's enthusiasm was infectious so I took the dress out back and closed the staff area door.

As I stripped off my shoes, blouse and skirt I looked at myself in the mirror we had out back.

In just my bra and knickers I studied myself.

I stood with a slump to my shoulders, my dark brown, so dark many think it's black, was in a long thick braid down my back. It almost reached to my bum, if it wasn't tied up I sometimes sat on it at home.

My belly was doughy to be honest, my hips, thighs and bum had seen better daystoo, they was almost as bad as my belly.

I'm not fat, just not in perfect condition, not like some of the girls working in the proper shops.

Nothing I could do about any of that before tonight though and I suddenly didn't want him to see me naked, revulsion gnawing at me.

I wanted to send him a text, to say I was ill.

Something stopped me from reaching for the phone in my handbag though.

No, I needed tonight, maybe it would give me some sense of release or closure.

But I thought about the d*unken texts from last night and something in me danced.

I reached for the dress, undoing the zip on the back and slipped it over my head, adjusting the shoulder straps so it sat better.

It wasn't the sort of thing I'd normally wear.

If I was at home on my own it'd be comfortable jogging bottoms and a t-shirt with some semi motivational kitten or puppy picture on it. If you saw me out and about I looked like a frumpy librarian, plain blouse, knee length skirt and not much in the way of makeup either. I never really got whistles whilst out any more.

The attention from him last night was refreshing.

Looked in mirror and managed to pull up the zip on the back with a bit of shrugging and contortion.

I looked again, I looked taller some how.

Maybe it was because the dress was one long design,maybe it was because I had to stop slouching or the straps would slide off of my shoulder.

I opened the door and barefoot went out to show Jenny.

"Oh wow.." she smiled "That's so lovely.. You should buy it!"

I have no reservations about using charity shops, and so when my shift ended I paid up, picking up a light cardigan that sort of matched as well.

"See you Thursday Jenny" I said as I was leaving.

A little hug and cheek kiss and I was gone. I didn't go straight home though, first I stopped at the chemist and picked up a new perfume and some bath bits.

By the time I got home it was gone half three, enough time for a quick run over with the wax and then a long soak.

The bath was a slow runner and I knew I had enough time to wax whilst the water ran.

Pouring in a little bubble bath I went to sort out the waxing.

Painful but hopefully worth it. Maybe my silky smooth legs would distract him from other bits of me.

As I stepped into the foamy bath the warmth of pain from the waxing spread throughout my body.

It wasn't uncomfortable at all, quite the opposite really and as I lay back, undoing my hair from its braid and letting it float around me, a bubble bath lady of shallot.

The image made me laugh.

I was in the bath for maybe an hour, scrubbed, plucked and smelling slightly of ylang-ylang.

As I towelled off my phone plinked.

1 New Message!

"Hi, table's all booked, it's got good reviews online. Be good to see what happened to the old pub, can't imagine it a Thai place now. X"

I hit reply.

"Hopefully you've got a good imagination. Gtg just out of the bath and need to get dried and dressed xx"




Barely thirty seconds went past, long enough to find cream and gold matching underwear, and the phone plinked again.

" " was the only reply. Hopefully that gave him something to think about.

In just my undies I went down to my kitchen and sorted out a cup of tea, looking at the clock.

As the tea sat on the side I used a drier on my hair, it went a bit fluffier than usual and I realised that it wouldn't be to easy to tame into my usual braid so I decided to wear it long and umbraided.

I looked at the clock again.

Time enough to get dressed and put on makeup.

Back in my room I put the dress and cardigan on the bed, a pair of one inch heeled shoes.

As I walked I suddenly realised how smooth my legs were.

I sat on the edge of the bed, pulling one leg up in front of me, my hand stroking the smooth skin. I'd never managed to get them this good before.

I hoped he'd appreciate it.

On a whim I pulled out a pair of fishnet hold ups, sat again on the edge of the bed and slipped a foot into one, sliding it up my leg.

The fine mesh stroking my leg, the gentle touch of my fingers sliding up my legs.

A hot flush hit me, I felt suddenly horny, it had been a while since I really felt like this.

What was my mind doing to me, memories flooded me and I struggled to put the other hold up without wanting to pull my knickers down to satisfy the urge that was rising up in me.

Doing my best I managed to finish getting dressed, do my make up and rebrush my hair before I had to do something about it.

I went to the drawers by my bed and opened them, reaching to the back and found what I was looking for.

Two black metal orbs linked and part enclosed in silicone.

I sat back down on the edge of the bed and pulled my dress up, it all but hissed as it slid over the fabric of the hold ups.

Pulling my knickers down to my ankles I leaned back slightly, opening my legs at the knees and keeping my ankles together.

I felt exposed, but hot, and as I slid a finger into myself I found I was wet enough to not need any other lubricant.

The first orb slipped inside, a gentle feeling of being full, but I eased the other in, the silicone string and loop resting against my wet pussy as I pulled my knickers back up and readjusted the dress, licked my fingers and pulled on the light cardigan.

I was ready now.

With my little secrets inside me moving gently as their inner ball-bearings moved as I walked to the restaurant.

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By *ustful desiresCouple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *parklesueTV/TS  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

More coming around lunchtime today

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By *imale38Man  over a year ago


Nice story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wow, bloody brilliant. Keep this coming!

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day 2: part 2

Normally it's only a five, maybe ten, minute walk from where I live to town and then another couple to the Sun Thai Palace.

The restaurant sits just off of the main high Street, and up until ten years ago it was a local pub with an old couple who'd been running it for a good thirty years before they retired and sold it off.

The new owners kept the name, mostly, but turned it into a restaurant and gave it a huge make over.

Today I had to walk that bit slower, the sensation of being full from the silicone balls and their inner ball-bearings moving as I moved was something that I needed to savour.

With each step the ball-bearings whirled and spun and stirred me.

I remembered an old clench and relax technique a nurse had taught me once.

It helped sooth the disjointed motion of the love eggs and my pace grew confident again so that I could enjoy the feeling without being distracted by it.

I'd never had them in me and gone out before, this was something that I could mentally check off of my fantasy list.

All thanks to how he made me feel again.

He was already outside when I arrived looking at a menu by the front door.

As he turned and saw me he smiled, his eyes taking all of me in. The sun was behind me and I suspect my hair had gone fuzzy enough to give me a little halo effect.

"Wow you look stunning.." He said and as we hugged he kissed my cheek.

My hand naturally found its way to his, and he held my hand like he'd done so many years ago.

His hand was bigger now though, calluses here or there to show that office work wasn't all he'd been upto in the years gone by.

He squeezed my hand, it was a reassuring squeeze and my heart danced with it.

He was wearing just casual trousers, a shirt and a purple tie. It was still a warm time of year so I guess he didn't feel the need for a jacket.

"Shall we.." He asked and we went inside.

A waitress showed us to our table, produced menus and a drink list, returning a few minutes later to take our order and vanished to the kitchen.

As we ate we spoke more, we joked about old things, each time I laughed the ball-bearings jittered and a tingle flowed through me.

I'd never had them in for so long before, only using them sparingly when I'd masterbated in the past.

But they felt so good in me, my mind wandered for a moment as I day dreamed about what it would be like to have him in me again.

"So, what happened to you during our exams.." his question jarred me back to reality.

"I.. Had some health issues that needed to be taken care of" it wasn't a lie but I couldn't tell him the truth, not yet at least.

"Did they let you retake them?" He seemed oblivious as to what I might have meant thankfully as he carried on with his questions.

"I took them during the holidays thankfully. Streight A's where I needed them, B's elsewhere."

He raised a glass.

"To beautiful and smart you"

A couple other diners turned to look, I blushed deeply and raised my glass in return but with no reply.

The other diners returned to their own private conversations, though a couple were smiling at the pair of us.

Our conversation turned to other things and the meal came to an end, he paid for us both refusing any offer of paying for my own share.

As we stepped out of the restaurant my hand found his again and we drifted to the high street.

"Fancy a slow walk along the beach front?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'd like that.."

The slow walk up to the beach made the balls inside move gently and each step brought a flood of warmth that kept me skirting on the edge of a slow orgasm.

As we crested one of the wall ramps by the old fairground that had since been turned into a dingy arcade and supermarket we stopped and leaned against the railings.

His arm slipped easily about my waist and he pulled me close.

At first I thought he was going to kiss me again, but instead he embraced me in a deep hug.

My head resting on his shoulder as my own arms wrapped around him.

He said something that I missed at first but as I looked at him he said it again.

"Jane I've missed you so much.. I never stopped loving you"

Tears suddenly stung my eyes, a sob caught in my throat. I was speechless.

All I could do instead was kiss him, so that's what I did.

All fantasies fled my mind, all I wanted was honesty and that's what I got from him in that kiss.

It started tenderly, then something changed in us both and we needed eachother so badly.

I ached inside, despite the warmth and orgasmic edging that the balls provided.

As our kissing became more fervid the yap of a dog distracted us.

An old couple down on the sea front idled along, oblivious to us but our kissing had stopped, broken by the laughter that came from watching the dog trying to carry a bit of driftwood three times its own size.

Suddenly I had an idea.

I took his hand and led him down the ramp to the path on the sea front, well above the couple and their dog.

It was still light though the sun had dropped significantly and it wouldn't be to long until it set fully.

We walked, hand in hand, arm in arm further along the beach front until I saw one of the benches and led him to it.

He sat down and I sat in his lap, the string and loop of the balls inside me pushing beautifully against my lips.

His arm went about my waist.

"Do you remember last time we sat here.." I asked.

He thought for a moment.

"It's been a few years but yes, I remember. You sat in my lap, wearing velvet shorts and I stroked your thighs and inched closer and closer to your crotch. You let me stroke you through the fabric of your shorts, and then I slipped a finger into the leg of those shorts and into you.."

As he talking one of his hands stroked my thigh, almost recreating how he had done it all those years ago.

Only now I wasn't wearing shorts, I was wearing a dress and he couldn't slide a finger into me.

Instead he cupped my pussy, my legs open just enough to let him do so, and slowly stroked me through the fabric of the dress and my knickers.

His hand pushed against the silicone string and loop.

He kissed my neck and shoulders gently, each peck thrilling me at its touch.

"You have piercings.." He Asked softly.

"No.. I..I've got love eggs in." my reply was halting as he continued to stroke my pussy.

"That is so sexy.." He said and I could feel him stirring beneath me.

Playfully I rocked back and forth slowly and I could feel him getting harder, pushing against me.

"Will you..." I didn't know how to finish asking.

"Here? Are you sure.." his answer was gentle in my ear.

I looked around, the sun had started to set, no one else was here, and I edged forward pulling my dress up and my knickers to one side.

The loop was slick as I took hold of it and gently eased the first ball out.

A wave of sensation flooded me as my body reacted. A sigh left my lips and as I pulled more the second ball popped out and I almost came from the feeling of it.

I quickly slipped them into my small handbag, wrapped in a tissue.

Behind me I heard his zip undoing.

Easing the front of the dress back down at the front I instead pulled the back up and his hand found my knickers, pulling them to one side as I eased back on to his lap.

To any one who might walk past nothing would seem off or out of sorts, we'd just look like a couple enjoying the sunset and having a bit of a hug.

With his hand still holding my knickers to one side I felt the other one pull one of my cheeks to one side, opening my pussy for his erect cock.

All thought of condom was gone. I hadn't expected something like this to happen.

I eased down gently and felt him slowly push against me, readjusted my position and felt him penetrate.

Oh gods I wanted this so much, and my pussy was so hot now, the balls having kept me on the edge of an orgasm as I walked to the restaurant, as I ate and as we laughed, stirring me as we walked to the beach, making me nearly orgasm as I had removed them.

And now he was inside me, I sat fully on his lap and he filled me up.

"Oh Jane..." He whispered "I used to think so much about the time we came here last.."

Emboldened I asked "Did you ever.. Think about me and.. You know.."

His hand returned back to round my waist and to rest on my thigh.

"Yes" He whispered into my hair.

I rocked slowly back and forth, feeling him inside me, my own orgasm building hard.

"So did I.." I whispered back.

I moved a little faster, after a quick look round to make sure no one was coming, other than us.

I leaned forward, placing my hands on the smooth surface of the bench and felt him lift the skirt at the back.

"That looks so beautiful sliding in and out of you like that..." He said quietly.

My heart thumping.

"Can.. Can you take a picture of it.." I couldn't believe what I was asking him to do.

It was already wild that we were fucking on the beach bench, now I was asking him to take pictures of his cock sliding in my pussy.

Click. Click. Click.

My phone pinged suddenly and I slowed up again, catching my breath as he slipped my dress back down and I sat back up properly.

"There you go.." There was a smile in his voice.

I took out my phone, three pictures loaded from the text.

A shot from his chest looking down at my raised dress, my ass pushing down to his hips.

The second from the base of his cock upwards, mostly out of my dark and wet looking pussy. My lips wide and slightly puffy from arousal. I saw he was wearing a condom, oh thank goodness one of us wasn't crazy.

The third shot his cock half in me, pulling out. I saw how my pussy sucked at his cock, lips firmly locked on it.

It looked so wonderful, and as I started moving again, harder and faster than before I kept those three pictures in my mind.

His hands both moved to my hips, grasping me tightly and helping me to rise and fall on his cock.

Oh god, feeling him fill me up, taking as much as I could.. I'd not been fucked like this for so long and it felt so good.

All caution was thrown to the wind now as I rose and fell on him, the pictures flooding my mind.

"NO.No.no...yes.Yes.Oh fuck yes!"

I didn't realise that I was making the noise as I came, heart thumping, chest pounding, if it wasn't for the cool night air I'd have been sweating hard.

He pulled me back down on his cock, all of it pushing deeply, almost painfully inside me as I felt him shudder, his breath as ragged as mine.

"Oh Jane..." My name on his lips as he came in me.

Though I felt him twitch and shudder I didn't feel the explosion of warm wetness inside me.

The condom.. He was wearing one. I'd forgotten about that as I was coming.

I stayed there for a minute, two. Our breathing returning to normal. His gentle kisses on my neck and shoulders making me want to turn and kiss him properly.

I went to ease forward and off his still stiff cock when the old couple came round the corner, dog now on a leash.

"Lovely evening for it" they said as they walked past.

I had the sense to blush and laugh a little.

They surely would have heard us fucking, heard me all but shouting as I peaked..

When they were out of sight I eased off, pulling my knickers back in to place and straightening my dress.

He stood, turning to one side, his cock suddenly flaccid, and peeled off the condom.

I dug out a pack of tissues from my handbag, passed them to him and let him clean himself off before he zipped up again and wrapped the condom in the tissue.

He tossed it into the bin just a short distance away.

I extended my hand and he took it, we continued our slow evening beach front stroll, heading away from the defunct fairground.

"So.. Was that up to scratch with your fantasies" I asked.

He pulled me close.

"So much better than I've ever dreamed.. You've got a bit of a naughty side don't you?"

"We all have our fantasies.."

"That's true. But it's better to turn them in to reality.."

He kissed me then and I suddenly wanted to tick a lot of boxes whilst he was still down for the wedding.

"Are you upto much tomorrow" He asked.

"Day off, so laundry and house work."

"Would you like some company? I've something to do first thing in the morning but from noon I'm free.."

I made a show of thinking about it, I didn't want to come across as a desperate cock hound after all.

"OK, but one condition."

"Name it"

"Take me as your plus one to the wedding. And.."


"Don't book a hotel for the rest of the week. Stay with me.."

"Done and done, but I've a room booked for tonight at the Leas B&B, but tomorrow I'll bring my bag to yours"

His reply made my heart leap.

"I'll be in all day, text before you drop by though."

We walked back to mine and on the doorstep we kissed again.

"Another fantasy tomorrow.." I said "I'll text you with a picture to hint at it.."

As I closed the door behind me i smiled.

I had to decide what I wanted him to do with me tomorrow and send him a picture first thing in the morning.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *rishman30Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What a great horny story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

More at lunchtime today again

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Looking forward to more x

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day three: part one

I'd been awake since five am, to nervous to sleep so instead I rattled about in the house, as quietly as possible to prevent my neighbours from complaining.

I wracked my mind for what next to tick off from my fantasy list.

Love eggs, being teased, masterbated and fucked outdoors were all firmly ticked off.

I pulled a pen and pad from the sideboard and jotted down a few things.

Sex outside, again. Somewhere else.

Lingerie shopping.

Going to That certain shop in Bluetown and buying something.

Sex, lots of sex.

The Big A.

Ride his face, until I'm screaming his name.

Sex in a hotel room.

Make him watch me satisfy myself.

I looked at what I wrote, oh gods I must seem shameless I suddenly thought.

But they were just some of my fantasies.

Normally the ones I thought about, with some faceless and nameless male.

But now I had a face and name to have along side my fantasies.

I circled two of the items on the list and had to think how to send a teasing picture of it.

Twenty minutes later, with some careful camera angles and a lot of trial and error, and I was able to send the picture from my computer to my phone and then text it to him.

I looked at the picture on my computer again.

It was crude, art was never my strong point, but it showed me in a skirt pulled up just enough to hint at what was below, straddling a pillow with "YOU" written in big letters on it and a cute little smiley face with its tongue poking out.

I hit send.


Message received.

I looked at the time.

Only quarter to seven!

The phone pinged.

"That's a very lovely image to wake up to. Looks like I'm having a nice lunch today. Xx"

I smiled as I read the message and hit reply.

"Sorry if I woke you, didn't realise it was so early. Hope you've got a big appetite. X"





He'd sent a picture as a reply.

"This OK for your lunch" written on the picture.

His cock stood hard and proud, not just poking forward but upwards. I loaded the picture on my pc and with a giggle edited it with a cartoon hotdog bun around and his rather yummy looking "sausage" poking out of the roll.

"Yummy" I added to the picture and sent it to him with a couple of kisses.

We traded a few more flirty and dirty texts until he had to go do what ever it was that was keeping him occupied for the morning.

Lunch time couldn't come fast enough for me now, the texting managed to fully wake me up, and I felt ready to deal with what ever was coming for the day.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well written and enjoying this!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Gets better. Is the girl from the first night at the pub gonna make an appearance at some point?

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day three part two.

As noon rolled closer I kept the phone close by.

Beyond waiting for him to turn up I had little else really left to do. The house was tidy, as was i.

I was as nervous as I was excited, finally at quarter past twelve the phone plinked.

"Sorry, on way now. Will be about fifteen minutes. X"

I replied with a simple line of kisses and quickly went to the bedroom and looked in the mirror.

I stripped out of the jogging bottoms and t-shirt and quickly pulled out fresh underwear.

Black. That's sexy right? I thought to myself and quickly changed into it after dashing to the bathroom for some quick cleaning.

Dabbing on a little perfume I found a pair of hold ups and pulled them on.

My legs were still silky smooth and as I pulled the sheer tights I got a thrill from touching my legs as I readjusted the tops.

In the bottom of my wardrobe I pulled a pair of two inch heels and slipped into them.

I could feel my calves tingle as I walked down the stairs.

On the wall by the door was a black scarf.

In for a penny..

I looped it round my neck loosely and walked carefully into the front room and looked one last time in the mirror.

This wasn't me I thought as I looked at the sexy woman staring back at me, almost shrouded in waist length hair, smokey makeup and looking confident in her bra and knickers.

I watched as the woman in the mirror blew me a kiss and drew a hand up her body, lightly touching her stomach, up to her breasts and cupping one of them with a gentle squeeze, a finger drawing circles around a nipple, bringing it to errection beneath the fabric of the bra.

I kept watching as she lowered her other hand in to her knickers and slowly worked at herself under the fabric.

I could feel her touching me, this strange mirror woman, her hand teasing my other breast and nipple, her hand stroking me, a finger sliding down the crack of my sex.

I watched as she slowly removed her hands from my body and our eyes locked.

The doorbell rang and startled I turned away from the mirror, but she was still in me, waiting for when I could let her appear again.

As I opened the door I stood behind it so only my head showed.

"So.. Here I am.." He said.

"Come on in, shoes off and leave your bag in the hall for now.." I told him as I closed the door behind him.

With his bag left off to one side and his shoes on a rack by the door he finally turned round to face me.

As he done so I watched his face.

A little confusion, some humour and a lot of desire.

"That's a beautiful table you set.."

I took off the scarf and looped it round his neck.

"If sir would like to come this way.."

I felt suddenly detached from myself and like a passenger in my own body I watched as the mirror me pulled the scarf up to his eyes and knotted at the back, taking his hand in hers and leading him slowly upstairs, every third step she placed his hand on a different part of her.

First on her arse, where his hand groped and slid across the fabric of her knickers, a finger teasingly sliding under the rim of one leg in to the recess of her arse before she led him up further.

On the sixth step she placed his hand on her breasts, where he slowly fondled them. I watched as her nipples hardened under his touch.

She had waited like I had since last time to have him, to be had by him, again.

On the ninth step she put his hand to her mouth, her breath touching lightly as she kissed each fingertip, joint and knuckle.

I watched as she slowly took his forefinger in her mouth and sucked it down before letting it slide out of her mouth.

On the twelveth and final step, as he reached the landing I watched as she pushed his wet finger into her knickers, I could feel it ease into her, past her stiffened clit with a pulse of pleasure, between her lips and deeply into her.

There on the landing I watched as they kissed, him blindfolded, her with a hand slowly bringing her close to orgasm before she broke off the kiss and led him into my bedroom.

She stripped off his shirt and pushed him gently back on to the bed.

As he lay back she crawled on to the bed, kissing along his body, up his chest, through the tumble of hair there until she was kissing him again.

His arms wrapped around her, the me from the mirror, pulling her into a hard and desperate embrace, I could almost feel the pressure on her lips as they kissed, the rising heat inside of me as I watched, a voyeur in my own body.

Her legs were either side of his waist and he pushed, still clothed in his trousers, grinding against her.

I felt the pressure of him against my pussy, the singular rigidity of his cock driving against my lips and clit through my knickers the other me wore.

I watched, aroused, as their heated kissing and dry humping eased off, as she sat up and crawled over his body.

He kissed each patch of skin as it came to his mouth, her breasts, her stomach and her thighs as she settled over his face.

Gently resting over his head she ground her knickers against his mouth, I looked on as he responded, reaching up to kiss her through the fabric.

As she slowly eased back and forth, her hips and lower back doing most of the work she placed a hand on the headboard of her bed to steady herself.

"Is sir ready for his main course.." The voice sounded so strange. Did I really sound like that? It was low and husky, almost sexy. No, no it was sexy.

Suddenly something else bloomed in me, a desire to add something else to my fantasy list.

"Yes... Let me eat.." He replied under her and reached up to slide her knickers down as she stood up over him.

She turned round and eased back onto his face.

The shock to my senses was immediate sharp.

His mouth locked on to my hard clit and sucked on it, I pushed back on to his face hard, his beard doing exactly what I thought it would, the tickle across my inner thighs, stray hairs brushed against my waiting lips.

I realised suddenly how horny I was, how much that strange detachment allowed me to see what was happening beyond simply being there.

But now I was no longer detached, I was riding his face hard, his hands caressing my arse, pulling wide my cheeks to better get at my pussy as I bucked on his face.

His mouth released my clit and I felt his tongue ease between my lips, probing inside me, licking and lapping, each move of his tongue bringing a wave of warmth and pleasure to me.

I still had the knickers in one hand and with the other I undone his trousers, his cock was hard and poking out of his boxers as I eased them down.

I took my knickers that had been tongued, kissed and nibbled by him and draped them over his cock, wrapping it up in the lacey black fabric.

As he ate my pussy he moaned whilst his cock wad wrapped up.

The noise of him made me realise how quiet I had been.

That realisation broke the dam and with each grind and push I moaned and groaned, my own noise seemed to stir him to pull me down harder on his face, the intensity of what he was doing increased.

My orgasm couldn't be denied, that slow burning build up spreading throughout my entire body.

Fucking his face harder and faster I came, his name still not on my lips.

I became still as I came, hard shudders coming on me as he eased his mouth from my surprisingly sensitive pussy.

My breath caught in my lungs for a moment, unable to breath as o became light headed, with each shudder that I suffered a pulsing orgasm flowed through me.

Finally I was able to breath again. I stayed straddling his face, and leaned down whispering.

"Time for your desert sir.."

My lips touched his cock, still hard, still wrapped in my knickers.

The scent of my own sexual perfume and the heat from his loins was delicious and I savoured it for a few moments before undoing the package a little, kissing it again, repeating this process until I removed the knickers from his cock entirely and took it in my hand.

It was thicker than I remembered from when we were younger, though maybe all the foreplay of licking my pussy gave him time to become truly hard, sustained by the intimacy and sexual act he had committed for me.

It stood hard, unmoving except a little twitch and wrapped my fingers around it around half way down.

I opened my mouth just enough to lick my lips before I brought it to them.

The smooth skin of his cock surprised me as well. He wasn't circumcised from what I remembered but here he was, sans foreskin.

I had to admit it looked all the better for it and as m lips touched it he sighed deeply against my pussy, sending another quasi orgasmic shudder through me.

The cock slipped into my mouth, and my lips closed around it.

My eyes closed and I focused on the smooth hard cock as it went a little deeper, past the hard upper pallette of my mouth, my tongue under it feeling as the tip pushed against it and to the soft tissue at the back of my throat.

I was in control as I eased back a little, his hips riding up, the cock pushing back in to me.

I pushed gently in his hips and they lowered, my head following suit.

Slowly we repeated this, my head pulling back further each time until I went a little faster, able to take the pace as he began to fuck my face like I had his.

His pace became faster, more urgent. I pushed him hard down onto the bed and kept him pinned there as I eased his cock totally out of my mouth, it twitched in time to his heartbeat.

I took the end back into my mouth, my tongue licking it like a sweet, my lips closing tightly around it as I, slowly at first but building up to a faster speed, tugged him off into my mouth.

His breathing became ragged like mine had when I came, he moaned out my name against my pussy as I felt him cum into my mouth.

The first spurt was tentative, the second hitting the back of my throat and causing me to gag and retch a little at the unexpected blast.

I could feel him about to cum again so I quickly sat up, his hands on my arse, his tongue suddenly back inside me as I tugged him to a third and final spurt of spunk.

His third load emptied over his chest, stomach and my hand.

And as he came so again did I, bucking on his face enough to make the bed headboard rattle against the wall.

I didn't care if the neighbours were in and wanted to complain.

My pussy was being eaten in the most exquisite way that left me breathless once more as I finally eased off from his head.

I lay beside him, both of us panting, a huge beaming smile plastered on his face, the earthy taste of his cum still filling my mouth.

"Cheque please.." He joked half raising a hand.

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By *elshmailMan  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

More please this has been awesome

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By *ussetdevilCouple  over a year ago


Keep going, great so far.....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *lwaysup4it69Couple  over a year ago

Kirkby in Ashfield

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By *ick manMan  over a year ago


Very good

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great story !

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Busy weekend away, will post more on Monday, still got half a weeks worth of Janes fantasies and story to reveal.

As for whether the bar girl will appear... "mirror Jane" certainly made Jane curious about other women all of a sudden

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By *hedruk69Man  over a year ago

Sheffield area

Fantastic story telling, hugely erotic, cant wait for more

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Love this story, great, keep going please

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By *lwaysup4it69Couple  over a year ago

Kirkby in Ashfield

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day three part three

I removed the scarf from his eyes and let it fall by the pillows.

Leaning down, my breath still scented with his spunk I went to kiss, he moved back a little but there was no where for him to turn to and so he had to take my lips on his.

Our breathing was still a little fast, but somehow it didn't seem to matter.

As our lips touched he pulled me to him, his arms wrapping around me.

The kiss was rough, almost like we was biting at eachothers lips more than any kind of kiss wed shared before.

My mouth was tender as it came to an end.

"So, what are we upto today" He asked sitting up.

I lay my head in his lap and looked up at him.

"Well, you need to have a shower.." I looked at where his spunk had settled on his chest and stomach, it was thick enough so that it didn't immediately drip down his body.

"Sounds like a plan. Want to join me?" He looked down at me.

"Not this time. Maybe tonight.. It depends."

He nodded.

I moved my head from his lap and led him to the bathroom, in nothing more than my bra, hold-ups and the heeled shoes that I hadn't removed. My knickers were somewhere on the bed, possibly half under a pillow by now.

He was only in the shower for a couple of minutes, long enough to rinse off, and came out wearing just a towel, his clothes held in hand.

I'd managed to find the tongue dampened knickers and decided that they would, for now at least, be to damp to wear so they ended up in the laundry, along with his clothes as I took them from him.

"I'll run them through later" I said by way of conversation. I was trying to distract myself from how naked I felt.

"OK, only if it's not a problem.."

"If you've got other bits put them in the basket."

"I'll cook dinner as a way to say thanks" He smiled. Other than Thai the didn't know what I liked but I was willing to trust his selection.

"So, your..." I motioned at the towel "Is different"

"Yeah" He looked uncomfortable at the subject "Vanity" is all he'd say on the matter.

He went down stairs and fetched his bag and took out some clean clothes. As he dressed I sat on the bed and watched him. Memories popping up from nowhere.

"Do remember when you lived in that flat on Berridge Road?"

He nodded.

"The first time we.." I blushed as he continued.

"You turned up at quarter to seven, I let you in and took you straight to my room. We kissed a while then you removed your top and let me play with your breasts before you undone my dressing gown and started playing with my cock.. I used to fantasise about what it would be like to fuck your boobs."

I smiled.

"Me to.. I used to have a dildo that I named after you.."

I watched as his face lit up with a smile.

"After we'd played with eachother for a bit you turned round and undone your trousers,pulling them down to reveal your red knickers"

I laughed as he reminded me about them.

"Knickers is being generous, they were mostly see through. I asked you to fuck me.."

"I remember. You wanted to feel my cock rub against you. So you bent over my bed and I stood behind you, sliding my cock between your thighs, rubbing against your knickers like you wanted. I had to stop because I didn't want to cum like that though.."

I looked away, shame suddenly hitting me inside. Knotting my stomach.

"I.. I was pretty insistent wasn't I. I made you so hard, I wanted it so badly. You was my first proper.. I was a virgin still at that point."

He sat next to me, half dressed and put an arm around my shoulders.

"Instead I kept going, and you pulled down your knickers. You cried as I finally went in.. Then you came. And so did I."

"All over my back and bum. So glad that I'd taken my shirt off just before.."

"You had an amazing bum, watching my cock vanishing in you from behind, I had some pretty dirty thoughts. Not ashamed to say that over the years you've been a constant source of inspiration when I had a wank"

He was so matter of fact about it, last night it was a dirty secret exposed, but now here he was admitting to wanking over thoughts and fantasies of me.

The sense of shame vanished as he continued to get dressed and when he was done he looked at me.

"If we go out you might want to wear more than stockings, heels and a bra" He said smiling, pointing out my semi nakedness.

"Fancy anywhere specific?"

"Does that shop in Bluetown still exist"

I knew which one he meant. I nodded.

"It's where I bought those balls.."

"We can get a bite to eat, head there for a look, then pick up bits for dinner afterwards"

I nodded, at least this way I could steer him to what I liked for dinner. Food allergies can be such a great way to ruin a day.

I finally got up from the bed and went to the wardrobe, pulling out a long skirt, blouse and another pair of knickers.

I put the knickers back.

I wanted to tick off something else from my list.

The long skirt went back as well, so did the blouse and instead I took out a short summer dress and slipped it over my head.

I looked in my mirror, the bra kept my boobs up high, forcing the summer dress to cling to them, I tied off the loose fabric belt and sudden my "amazing bum" had shape. The dress ended down close to my knees but it was a light fabric that moved with the slightest breeze, and if I bent over...

"I'm ready when you are." I told him.

He smiled and took my hand leading me down stairs.

We took his car to town parked up before going into the new Weatherspoons that had recently opened up.

And after a light lunch he drove us to the Blue Shop. It's how we'd always known the place.

We walked in through the doors, a buzzer sounded.

It was a small place, toys at the front, a smattering of dvds on a central rack of shelves and a range of clothing at the back.

The person at the counter nodded a hello but didn't say anything else, letting us browse in peace.

We walked slowly around the place, hand in hand, I saw one or two bits that grabbed my attention in the toys. The dvds didn't interest me in the least, and as I looked at the cum drenched actresses on the covers I felt a little intimidated.

Mashed Granny Gashes #4.. Lesbian Ass Whores #28.. Babysitter Gang Bangs..

My eyes drifted back to the Lesbian Ass Whores case and I picked it up, and had a look at the back.

He saw what I was looking at and pointed to the plugs on the wall by the front door.

I put the dvd down, the girls in it were all perfectly made up, all super skinny and all had either A cups or double D cups.

We went over to look at the plugs, the shop had a dozen different ones but my eye kept being drawn to one that was clear.

"That ones pretty good, feels like jelly, super soft" the guy from the counter piped up suddenly as he looked over at us.

I took it off the shelf and kept hold of it. Next to the plugs was a few tubes of lube, I took one of them as well.

"Douche?" I asked turning round.

"Just over there, bottom row." He said with a smile.

I let go of His hand and went over, looking at the selection process before bending over.

I felt my skirt ride up suddenly, just as the buzzer went off again and another guy came in.

From where he came through the door he got a look at everything and stopped dead in his tracks.

I pulled a small Douche from the selection and straightened up, my skirt settling back in place and kept hold of it with the lube and plug.

The guy coughed a little, adjusting his coat a bit and went to look at dvds.

I went to the counter and popped the bits there.

"Sorry, getting another couple of bits, is it OK to leave them there"

The guy nodded.

I took hold of His hand again and we looked round once more, he picked up a couple of bits, a pack of jelly cock rings and a vibrator.

Putting them on the counter he also took a box of pills and some Spanish Fly, paid for it all and took hold of the bag.

As we walked out of the shop I noticed that the guy who saw my bum was looking at the anal porn.

Well, I guess I knew what he'd be wanking over when he got home.

The sensation of what I'd done had thrilled me, I knew my skirt would ride up, I knew that the guy at the counter would see.

And knowing that the other guy was going to watch a film with pretty girls "getting all holes drilled and taking massive cock in tiny arses" after having seen my bum.

Well, it's what inspired me to turn round and ask something.

"Will.. Would you want to fuck my bum.. You've wanked over the thought of it, but do you want to do it"

"I'd like that very much. But first let's go buy dinner..."

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By *rishman30Man  over a year ago


lovely story, more please

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day three part four

Whilst we shopped I took every opportunity to get items from the lowest or higher shelves, the thrill of giving little peeks and flashes of my complete lack of knickers, the feeling of the soft cotton summer dress riding up my legs and over the tops of the hold-ups was divine.

Even as we went through the refrigerated areas and the cold snap of air on myself under the dress I felt sexy. This was not something I had ever really experienced before.

It was liberating and I wanted to explore it as much as I could.

With everything in the trolley for a Mediterranean chicken dish, pavlova for desert and some drink to go with it we went and paid for it.

He run it all through on his card, chatting with the lady who was putting through the till.

Again he was flirting, it came so natural to him and it was beautiful to watch.

She was maybe Indian, not heavily accented, pitch black hair cut to just below her shoulders and surprisingly light green, almost yellow, eyes.

He complimented her on her perfume, she joked that before her shift she was making dinner for her parents and that cardamon and cinnamon was what he could smell.

She flirted back with him, even though I was standing right there, offering to maybe make something spicy for him some time.

"We'd love that.. Wouldn't we hun" He turned to me.

"Variety is the spice of life" is all I could think of saying with a smile and a wink to them both.

There wasn't anyone else queuing on that till and as the receipt was printed she took a pen and added a number on the bottom of it.

"I like the dress, very figure hugging" she said with a smile as she handed me the receipt. "Maybe I could try it on some time. It'd be good to get out of my uniform.."

As our fingers touched I could feel how warm she was, and I could see the slightest of trembles there.

"I look forward to seeing you out of uniform.."

We left, my head feeling light, and a spring in my step.

As we loaded bits into the boot of his car I looked at him.

"I've never done that before. What's happening.."

He smiled and shrugged.

"Maybe you just feel good, hormones of seeing me again, maybe the chemical high of riding my face is still there.. Either way I think maybe you should call or text her. If it was me who got the number of a pretty women I know I'd follow it up."

"Oh? What about the girl in the bar the other night? Did you follow that up?"

"Lizzie? No I dated her sister for a bit, she remembered me, she's on my Facebook now. Oh, you thought.. No. She's pretty and every thing but no."

I felt ashamed of my sudden jealousy. Part of me reminded me that's why we didn't last to long before. I'd essentially driven him away with my fears and doubts.

He wrapped me in one of his wonderful hugs.

I looked up at him and he kissed the tip of my nose.

"And if you do happen to ring.."


"Aisha, and if she happens to come over then I'll be more than happy to help you keep he entertained."

"Your spunk would look very nice over her bum I think."

He didn't say anything just closed the boot.

I looked round, we was in a corner of the car park that had lots of cars but no one else was bringing their trollies our direction.

"Quick, get your phone camera started up.."

I pull up the front of my dress giving him a chance to get a couple of pictures before I dropped the fabric and gave him a smile.

My phone pinged as he sent the pictures across to me.

"Let's get going.." He said, and so we went home.

As he put shopping away, under my direction, I picked up the receipt and put the number into my phones memory and started a text.

"If you feel like something to eat let me know."

I added one of the car park pictures, the supermarket name clear in the picture, along with.. Well you know what else.

I pressed send before I could stop myself.


Message received.

She was working so I knew that I wouldn't get a reply right away and left my phone off to one side.

It was mid afternoon and he said he wouldn't need to start cooking for maybe another hour yet.

I made us both tea and we settled on the sofa in the livingroom chatting more about the past.

He finally opened up about his circumcision, he'd used viagra at a party one time, it'd got him bigger and harder than normal but his foreskin was painfully tight, he went to the Dr about it and had surgery arranged, fibbing a bit about how it'd always been a bit tight and sex was uncomfortable.

"It looks very nice now, I like it"

"I'm glad you like it, it's not that common in the UK. People assume one thing or another. But sex is better from my experience as well, lasts so much longer now"

Late afternoon crept on to us and he went to do dinner.

"I'm going to go.." I pointed upstairs, the douche box and lube in hand.

He nodded and carried on cutting carrots and courgettes.

"Oh, just thought.. Pop those down for a sec.."

I put them down on the side as he smiled.

"Turn around.. I have a surprise for you."

I done as he asked and he bent me over the dining table, opening my legs before going back to the side where the vegetables were.

I heard a packet open, and then a slick noise.

Moments later something hard was inserted into my pussy. Thin at first then gaining girth rapidly, bumps and ridges along its length.

The carrots slid in and put of me, it's length unyielding as I grew wetter suddenly from the strange violation of my body.

My knees twitched and I pushed back hard onto the carrot.

"Oh yes.." I sighed as he drove it into me over and over. "Oh.. Yes.. Fuck me.. Fuck me.." I moaned as he stood behind me, looking down on my ass as he fucked my pussy with the carrot, one hand groping my arse cheeks as I came quietly, breaking hard, my legs feeling wobbly.

The carrot was removed and something else eased into me. Not as firm as the carrot but much thicker.

"Play with your pussy" He whispered hard into my ear.

I slid a hand down and between my thighs, I used my fingers to open my swollen lips, the feeling of what every was in me made my stomach knot, the intense pleasure of the firm length and girth.

The Knotting sensation built up higher until I had to know what he was fucking me so well with.

I moved my hand just enough to get a feel of it.

My hand explored to the end of it and I suddenly knew what it was.

With the realisation I came hard, I'd tried a carrot in the past, what self respecting girl on a budget hadn't?

But the courgette felt so firm, like a real cock. I knew what my shopping would include in future..

He ended my orgasm slowly, pulling it out gently.

The shudders and twitches still rippling through my body as I heard him walk to the sink and then the bin, then back to the sink, presumably to wash his hands.

I was able to stand shakily and went up to the bathroom to try the douche whilst he carried on cooking dinner for me.

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By *ettercallsaul118Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Love it so horny

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By *lwaysup4it69Couple  over a year ago

Kirkby in Ashfield

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day three part five

There is I realised only so much I was able to take in a day and as I sat in the bathroom, a sink of warm water prepared I thought back over what I'd already checked off the list for today.

I had to mentally add things to the list just so I could tick them off.

I'd ridden his face until I was able to cum, I'd sucked and stroked him until he came, I'd swallowed a large amount of cum, I'd gone out without any knickers, I'd flashed total strangers allowing them to see my most intimate places, I'd gotten aroused as I thought about the guy from the shop going home and wanking himself off whilst thinking about my bum, I'd purchased new toys though I'd yet to use them, I'd gone into a national supermarket and flashed yet more people, I'd managed to get the phone number of another woman, I'd had Him take dirty pictures of me in public, I'd sent one of them to the woman who flirted with us and I'd been fucked by both a carrot and a courgette until my legs were shaking.

I sat on the edge of the bath, the water in the sink cooling slowly.

I didn't know if I could physically handle any more, every time I thought about sex I felt sore both mentally and physically.

The thought of using the douche was suddenly repellent to me.

But I didn't want to let Him down.

I'd asked him to fuck my arse.

Part of me still wanted that, but I still trembled at the thought of more sex.

I pulled out the plug and watched the water drain away, spinning and spiralling down into darkness.

I put the douche and tube of lube back into its box and walked to the bedroom, putting them into a drawer.

As I went down stairs the smell of paprika, pepper and turmeric assailed my nose, mixing in with the richness of roasting tomatoes and other vegetables.

He was still in the kitchen, tending a pot of yellow rice.

"That was a bit quick.." He said.

I nodded.

"Just dinner and cuddles tonight.."

He seemed to understand what I wasn't saying and didn't look the least disappointed.

After dinner we cuddled up on the sofa, a trashy reality show was on and we laughed about how fake it all seemed.

I drained my glass and offered him a refill.

As I poured more bacardi my phone plinked and flashed at me.

One message received.

I opened it.

"I'd love to eat out some time. Aisha"

She'd attached a picture as well.

I clicked the attachment to open.

She was in what looked to be a staff toilet cubicle, uniform skirt pulled up around her waist, neon pink knickers pulled to one side and her almost totally shaven pussy exposed.

I hit reply.

"Saturday evening. Free?"



Message Received.

Only a few seconds passed when the reply came.

"Yours or mine?"

We'd arranged after a few more texts to meet at her flat in Halfway at 730pm, she sent me her address.

I returned to the front room and told Him about it all.

"We've got the wedding on Saturday morning and afternoon but we won't have to be at the function after, long enough to put in an appearance and then head off to get ready for your date with Aisha"

After a few more drinks, and the pavlova, we went to bed and I drifted of quickly in his warm embraces.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *ellensd41Woman  over a year ago

north yorkshire

Still enjoying the story sweet hot and as horny. ??

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This is hot

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day four part one

I was back to work today, thankfully I didn't have to open until ten, so I had to be there by a quarter to.

Waking up in his arms, naked.

I'd not slept naked for a few years, and it felt a little strange. And yet here I was wrapped up in his arms.

I snuggled a bit more, shifting my body against him.

His body responded with a little flutter of movement, his cock stirring against my bum and growing a little harder with each slow movement I made.

Being able to get such a response so swiftly from him made me feel aroused, the sudden hard beating of my heart, the flushing of my face and a keen awareness of everything around me.

His fingers intertwined with mine, his breathing suddenly still as he woke with his errection pushing hard against me, almost between my arse cheeks and pushing against somewhere I'd never been used before.

I clenched my cheeks, they firmed up and held his cock in place for a few moments until I rolled over to face him.

"Morning you.." I said as I drew my hand down his chest and stomach to his hard manhood.

"Morning to you too.." He said with a smile as I played with his cock.

"I've got work today, but I'll be back around half five. We close up at five but I need to hoover and what have you."

"That's cool there is some stuff I can do today, couple other peeps to meet up with." He sighed contently "And if you keep doing that you're going to have messy bed sheets.."

I slowed up and then stopped before he could cum over my hand and got out of bed, stretching as I done so.

I heard him move behind me and sit on the edge of the bed, then I felt a light kiss on my bum and then his hands groping me, kneading my cheeks, moving down to my thighs and slowly up.

I felt his fingers slip inside me.

Oh god I was wet, and I suddenly realised how badly I needed to pee, but the feeling of him fingering was so good.

He stopped a moment and I heard a packet being opened and the slick noise of a condom sliding on to his cock.

His hands found my waist again and he pulled me backwards so that I was sitting on his lap as he penetrated me with an insistant thrust.

Oh god, the sensation of being fucked as he lay back on the edge of the bed, his legs between mine, I couldn't help but cry out as he pushed into me, as he pushed deeper and pulled me down onto him.

It was so much more intense than the beach front fuck we shared the other night.

I rocked back and forth on his cock, easing sideways or in little circles and he pushed harder and faster up into me.

We fucked hard like this for maybe ten minutes and would have kept going if it wasn't for my alarm going off with a grating bleep that I had to turn off.

The alarm was a mood kill, as was the thought of working today.

But I had bills and such to pay.

He dropped me off outside the shop and we shared a long lingering kiss before I got out and came face to face with Jenny.

Her face was a mask of confused emotions.

Anger and joy all mixed up.

She turned round and walked to wait at the shop door, totally ignoring Him.

He leaned over and we shared another short kiss before he drove off.

"So, how long have you been seeing that toerag?" she asked as I made us both a tea.

"We bumped into each other on Monday.."

"And now it's Thursday and he's dropping you off to work and you're sucking face like a pair of leeches!"

"He's a good kisser.."

"That's not the point Jane. Is it serious? Official?"

"No.. Just.. Reconnecting." I said shaking my head.

"Yeah I'll bet you're reconnecting alright. Christ's sake Jane.. Him of all people.."

I sighed.

"It just happened is all. It's been fun, more fun than I remember it being. And he's only around til Sunday then he's going home again"

"I just hope that you don't get pregnant again this time. Does he even know?"

"No.. It's not come up"

"How the hell can it not come up."

"I don't want to tell him. Not yet. I want to see where all this goes, don't go tracking him down on Facebook and having a go at him.. Please"

Jenny looked at me and sighed.

"Fine. But you're buying doughnuts this lunch, no. Make that a cream horn.."

"I do like a cream horn.." I smiled and she burst out laughing.

The day passed without further incident, besides Jenny being rude and tongueing out the cream from her pastry and moaning his name over and over, howling about that's what she bet I sounded like.

I didn't tell her that it was a pretty good impression, but my mind wandered terribly and I couldn't help but picture her between my thighs, knickers pulled down and her tongue lapping hungrily at me as I moaned her name over and over.

Finally it was home time and to my surprise He met me out front as we were locking up.

"Jenny" He said with a nod "Been a few years, you look good.."

She put a hand up.

"Hold up mister, I'm only gonna say this once. Treat her right. Or I'll find you and box your ears got it"

"Got it. And you're still pretty when you get angry. Just like you used to be"

Jenny flushed "Leave a note for me for Saturday. I'm going over to Maidstone tomorrow to do some shopping." she turned and walked away.

He pulled me in for a kiss and then we went back to mine.

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By *lwaysup4it69Couple  over a year ago

Kirkby in Ashfield

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By *ettercallsaul118Man  over a year ago


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By *arlly83Couple  over a year ago


Loving this

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

On holiday til the 4th now, but Jane, Jenny, Aisha and Him will be back

Hope you're enjoying this slice of... Erotic fiction



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By *hedruk69Man  over a year ago

Sheffield area

Great story, enjoy your break and i cant wait for the rest

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By *urvygirl75Woman  over a year ago


Incredible story!

Can't wait to read more when you're back

Have fun



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By *andy_kissesWoman  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"On holiday til the 4th now, but Jane, Jenny, Aisha and Him will be back

Hope you're enjoying this slice of... Erotic fiction


Ms GR "

Definitely enjoying! Have a good holiday.

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By *r ed300Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *landalCouple  over a year ago


Loving it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wow! Really getting us going!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Love it! Have shopped in the Blue shop a few times too! Can't wait to read more x

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By *ervously excitedCouple  over a year ago


Can't wait. Suspect it may end in tears though ??

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By *ettercallsaul118Man  over a year ago


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By *oapysubmarineMan  over a year ago


Loving it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *r ed300Man  over a year ago


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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Another bit coming later on today.



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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day four part two

We took our time walking home, stopping off for a couple of bits from the local corner shop. I was working again tomorrow and then going to the wedding with him on the Saturday, atleast in the morning I was.

In the evening we had a date with Aisha and I still needed to find something to wear for both things.

As I unlocked the door he kissed my neck,shivers running down my spine all of a sudden.

I looked around, the door to my house was on the side of the building, the neighbours next to my semi detached had some work done a couple of years ago, moving their front door to the actual front of the building.

Unless you was walking past and looked through the gate at the right time you wouldn't see much.

I left the keys in the door and dropped my hand down to his trousers.

He continued to nuzzle my neck as I stroked him through the fabric of his jeans.

His cock was already growing and shaping itself under the material.

"Are you mad" I hissed "it's broad daylight"

His only reply was to unlock the door and quickly push me in and close it behind him.

I was barely able to put the bag of groceries on the hall side table before I felt him reaching up under my skirt, pulling my knickers down to my ankles.

I bent over the table, pushing my bum up and my hips down and opened my legs.

I felt him kneel behind me and I felt the urgency of his tongue as it forced it's way into my pussy. His breathing was heavy and rapid, hot against my lips and held my own breath suddenly aware of how badly I needed to pee.

But he kept his tongue in me, fucking me with it until I felt the flush of warmth, the orgasm building in me.

There was another thing, something that I was to ashamed to write on the list.

I slowly stood upright and walked upstairs, from his kneeling position he could easily see my pussy and bum.

He stood and followed me up, I led him into the bathroom and slowly stripped off his clothes, then removed mine.

Right now I was so glad that my shower was large and I walked into it and beckoned him in as well.

Once he was in I slid the doors closed, my wrist oh so accidently stroking the length of his cock.

I pointed down and he kneeled before me again.

I flicked on the shower, it was preset to a warmth I liked, and as the first drops of cold water struck my face, shoulders and breasts he eased my legs open and began to eat hungrily at my cunt.

Oh gods it was rapturous, the slow rising temperature of the water drumming hard on my skin, sluicing down my body to his virtually upturned head, watching him as he fucked me with his tongue, the sudden rush of the orgasm building fast and hard, the bursting release of my bladder as I pissed over his face, into his mouth as he continued to lick at my pussy.

With my bladder spent I came, shuddering and crying, my tears lost in the warm water.

His mouth left my aching pussy and he started a trail of kisses up my stomach, past the silvery stretch marks, standing and cupping my breasts in his hands, kissing and licking them until his lips found mine, and I could feel the rigid hardness of his cock pushing against me.

We turned slowly, swapping places and I eased down to my knees, his cock suddenly eye level if I rested my bum on my my feet kneeling before him.

The water jet was angled away and he poured a little gel on my breasts. I massaged the gel into a soapy lather and eased up a little so that his cock was level with the bubble coated boobs.

I pushed them together and he slid his cock between them.

Slowly fucking my tits until he went still and I took a breast in each hand and slowly moved them up and down the length of it, forcing them together harder and angling my face down so that I received a mouth full of cock with each downward slide of my boobs but he slowly began to go flaccid so I sat back as he moved the shower head back into position.

The warmth of the water hitting my face and breasts was wonderful, and then there was a new stream, hotter, more forceful.

It started on a shoulder and moved down to my breasts, the last of the lather washed away by his stream of piss until he angled his cock and it struck my cheek, nose, lips and chin.

I opened my mouth, the rush of water from the shower and his own bitter hot flow.. No it wasn't bitter not like I'd always secretly and dirtily thought it would be.

There was a flavour to it but nothing strong or over powering.

His piss finished and I let the water run over my face before the flow stopped and I stood up and eased open the door and stepped out on to the cold lino. He stepped out as well and quickly nipped past me to the bedroom, returning with the douche box.

I filled the sink with warm water as per the instructions and he put a little lube on his finger and stroked my asshole, the lube was cool and I felt his finger ease in just a little.

I'd never tried anal before, nor douching or plugs, yet here I was lubed up and ready to go where no one had gone before.

He left me to it and walked down stairs in just a towel, putting away the groceries.

I was done in ten minutes, it was a little awkward at first but after feeling his finger slip into me I knew my bum was waiting for this moment.

I was horny, in part from what we'd done this morning, the rather dirty fantasy of Jenny licking my pussy like a cream horn and the almost front doorstep fuck I'd had.

Afterwards I wrapped myself in a towel and went to the bedroom.

He wasn't there.. So I went down stairs and found him in the living room, towel off, stroking his cock slowly, keeping it hard. He stood and walked over to me. The curtains were closed and it had started to finally go dark outside.

Taking my hand he led me to the sofa and removed the towel.

"Over the sofa arm" He said and I done as I was told.

I felt lube trickle on to the crack and ease down to my waiting bum.

The lube was a little more liquid than the other one, and his finger stroked and massaged my cheeks, gliding over the freshly cleaned hole.

Each time he touched it I shivered hoping he'd slide his finger into me.

Instead what I felt was his tongue, he was kneeling behind me again, my arse cheeks pulled open wide and his tongue was violating my bum.. Oh gods it felt good, licking at me, then poking in enough to just stretch me..

It felt so dirty, so wrong.

"I want to watch you eat my arse.." I said desperately, I needed to see him violate me.

He eased back and I clambered onto the sofa proper, sitting on the edge and leaning back.

My knees settled above my shoulders and the back of my sofa kept my head in a position where I could watch.

My pussy looked swollen, lips parted and the pubes slicked by the lube as it had dripped down from my arse.

He knelt down again, opening my ass cheeks a little though as truth be told he didn't need to in this position my arse and pussy were forced wide open.

I watched as he planted delicate kisses on my thighs and then moved them to my arse.

As his lips met my ring I felt the almost orgasmic heat rise in me.

His lips opened and his tongue licked around my arsehole before pushing gently in.

All out lives we're told that it's dirty and unclean but oh christ did I like it, and I almost came as he continued to lick and tongue fuck my arse.

"Oh gods.. Fuck me.. Fuck my arse.. Please.. Fuck my arse.."

My voice was desperate, begging.

"Jane.. Do you love me.."

My answer was lost in the moment as his cock pushed in me.

The sudden tensing of my body against this rigid thing going in, deep breaths and relaxing.

I watched as the tip of his cock brushed against my ring, watched it pushing in.. Watching my bum devour the head.

Oh gods I was delirious with the sensation as he eased in a little more.

"Yes" I whispered, looking at his cock, watching it ease in just a little more before a new flood of sensation flooded me as he pulled back, my bum surrendering his clean cock..

"We won't get pregnant this way" He whispered back.

He knew.. Oh gods he knew, but all I could feel was the pressure of his cock going back in slowly.

A little more lube, and no condom..

I gave myself over to him, and together we came.

It wasn't like in the movies, it wasn't loving or tender, he was screaming my name as he fucked my arse, and I was crying at how beautiful it was to watched as my body reacted with his.

I didn't know it was even possible to cum like that, but oh dear christ I was left shivering and shaking, barley able to breath as I felt him push a little deeper and cum inside me.

Inside my arse.

Oh gods, it felt so good..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

4.3 coming later today.



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By *r ed300Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Oh my! (Fans self)

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This is amazing, ealisy the best I've read

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day Four part Three

I could feel the heat of his cum in me, I couldn't explain how but I could feel it.

The thickness of his cock slowly eased out of my bum, a sudden deep dizziness rising from my stomach to my head as the sensation of it rippling through me.

The tip, larger in girth than his cock, pulled out of me.

I expected to see his cum gush from me, ejected from my body, but no. The heavy warmth stayed in me.

I let go of my ankles, realising that I'd held on to them, contorting so I could watch the defilement of my bum.

I was surprised at how little it hurt and as my feet touched the floor and I went to sit up the sudden cramp of pain from my shoulders hit me.

I moaned in pain and tenderly touched my neck and shoulders, rolling them gently to remove the sudden sting and tenderness.

I stayed sitting there for a moment, and then realises that I couldn't feel any pain, just a numbness about my bumhole.

I looked at him, worry written across my face.

"Ah the lube.. Yeah. You'll be a bit numb for a while. It'll wear off quickly though, that's why I applied more.."

"Oh.." I could already feel the heat of what he'd done to me.

The gently rising sting of the violation that took place.

But I was willing, desperate for it so could it really be classed as violation I thought to myself.

"Was.. Was that OK.. I didn't hurt you or anything.." The concern on his voice was genuine and my heart blossomed inside me.

"I've never done anything like that before. And that is something I want to try again.. Just to make sure I enjoyed it.." I smiled at him and he smiled back, sitting upright from where he'd sat after cumming in me.

"Pizza for dinner?"

"OK.. Ozzies menu is on the fridge. I'll have the cheeky chicken and wedges"

He wandered naked into the kitchen and came back with the menu.

His cock still glistening with the lube from just a short while ago.

The sting of my bum became a dull ache and quickly faded, though the occasional twitch made me worry about his cum squirting from me.

"Just nipping upstairs.." I told him as he went to phone for dinner.

In the bathroom I filled the sink again and repeated what I'd done earlier, quicker now with the knowledge of what to do.

When I went back down stairs he'd wrapped the towel back around himself and I done likewise.

When the pizza arrived I answered the door in just the towel. The driver looked at me and smiled. I put the food on the hall table and turned back to him.

He'd been paid by card so no tip was included.

I took hold of one corner of the towel, untucked it and flashed my boobs at him with a wink and then closed the door.

I'd never felt so confident about anything before and yet now I was doing all these things that I'd never openly mentioned to anyone, all the deep, dark and dirty things.

I took the pizzas, wedges and ribs that he'd ordered into the front room and we snuggled on the sofa together, slowly picking through dinner wearing only the towels from our dirty shower together, flicking through Gold other classic channels catching bits of shows we'd watched when we was younger.

"So, you didn't answer my question" He said.

I knew which one immediately.

"Um, yes I did, but I was a bit occupied taking that in my bum" I grabbed at his cock through the towel.

"Oh, OK. And..."


"Me to. I love you. I missed you so much.."

I burst in to tears.

Suddenly hearing it from him some how broke something in me.

Sobbing so much that my nose ran and my throat ached.

He held me close, wrapped in his arms tightly.

For half an hour I cried until I couldn't cry any more and he just held me closely whispering my name soothingly, stroking my head reassuringly.

"I need air.." He let go of me and I stood up, walking through the kitchen to the back door and opening it.

The sudden cold chill refreshing me.

From behind he passed some damp kitchen paper and I wiped my eyes nose and mouth. Getting rid of the stain of the past memories from my face.

I stepped into the small garden, barely a patio and an over grown mess I'd never gotten round to dealing with.

The cold air caused my nipples to react, poking hard through the fabric of the towel.

His arms wrapped around me and he felt them as his arms and hands wrapped around me.

"Is this all real.. Please don't let me be dreaming" I whispered to the star filled sky.

He turned me around, tugging the towel corner, it fell to the floor.

His followed as I tugged at it.

Naked, in the dark and on the patio we kissed and danced slowly for a while before we finally went back in and went to bed.

I slept soundly, naked and waking in his arms.

He was still asleep as I stroked down his chest, watching his nipples harden and then down to his cock.

Stroking it softly until he was hard and wrapping my mouth around it sucking him off until he woke up, placing a hand on the back of my neck and helping me find his rhythm.

He came in my mouth quickly, the hot burst was salty and tangy, but I swallowed it and kissed the tip of his cock.

"Morning you.." He murmured.

"Morning you." I replied.

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By *ezjez369Man  over a year ago


Please keep going...the best on here for a while..

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day five part one

It was Friday already, the week was going to quickly and I didn't want to get out of bed, I wanted to stay here all day with Him doing things.

There wasn't any soreness after last night's antics which surprised me a little and as I got out of bed I heard him getting up as well and open the curtains.

The noise of the rain was dulled by the double glazing.

"Good weather today.." He said

"Sure, if you're a duck" I replied tartly as I closed the bathroom door behind me.

After a wash and brush of my teeth, erasing the tang of him in my mouth I went back to the bedroom whilst he took his turn in the bathroom.

Once I was dressed, again like a frumpy librarian, I went down stairs and made us both tea.

As he came down in jeans and a tshirt he asked what time I wanted picking up.

He offered to give me a lift as well and after breakfast we left.

The rain had got heavier since we'd woke up, even with a coat and umbrella I felt soaked just walking up the path to my gate.

A deep rumble of thunder peeled out noisily not to far away. And as I got to the gate He stopped me and turned me around.

"If it's raining still tonight we're going up to Minster beach and I'm going to fuck you against the Leas wall." He kissed me as my brain tried to process the image and then opened the gate for me. I didn't move.

"Will you strip me naked and fuck me.." I asked quietly

"You'll have to wait and see" He replied as he scooted me out and unlocked the car.

Once I was in he took the umbrella and closed it up, and got in his side, putting the wet umbrella on the floor between my legs.

His hand, damp from the umbrella, stroked from my ankle to my knee bringing a delicious shiver to me.

"I'll pick up somethings for tomorrow as well" I told him as he pulled up outside the shop

"Me to" He smiled.

We shared a quick kiss and I dug out the work keys and took one from the ring.

"This is my spare house key.." I said as I gave it to him.

His hand wrapped around the key and my hand.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded.

We kissed again, longer and deeper and I grabbed the umbrella from between my legs and got out of the car, quickly closing the door behind me and dashed to the front door, unlocking it quickly and diving inside, watching as he drove off as I relocked the door and went to start my day at work.

The dreary weather outside meant that we had few people in today, most just using the shop as an excuse to get out of the rain for a few minutes.

One of the part timers, Mark, was in today and between the pair of us we managed to clean every shelf in the shop and redo the dvd shelf which had gotten muddled up.

When the shop lights flickered and went out Mark checked the fuse box whilst I poked my head out the door and looked at other shops.

All along the high street the lights were out.

Lightning flashed and a sudden boom of thunder followed almost right after.

Windows rattled along the high street.

The storm must have been right above the island.

Mark came from out back and we traded info.

"Mark you may as well head home.. I'll pay full shift for you, we'll have to close up."

He wasn't going to disagree, half shift on full pay, and grabbing his coat he left.

I pulled out my phone and wandered out back. I dropped my area manager a message and double checked the windows and doors, making sure they was all locked before I sent a text to Him.

"Shops closed early. Power cut on high street. Able to pick me up?"





"Already in town, nipped to the Blue Shop for a few bits. I'll be along shortly."

Five minutes later he was tapping on the glass door, a large umbrella preventing him getting to wet.

I let him in and locked up behind him.

He undone his coat and looked around.

"Nice place.."

"I've got a couple outfits for tomorrow" I told him and went out back to fetch them.

He followed me through and leaned against the table next to the mirror.

I closed the door with a click, my heart was suddenly pounding hard as I slowly removed my blouse and skirt, standing in front of him.

Shaking I slipped a hand down my knickers and teased my lips.

A shuddering sigh left my lips as I continued to stroke the length of my cleft.

He said nothing just sitting there watching as I masterbated in front of him.

I came quietly and quickly from my own finger and pulled my hand from my knickers, walking in front of him and slipped it into his mouth.

His lips closed gently around my finger and I slowly pulled it out of his mouth before straddling his lap and kissing him.

Never in all my years in the shop had I done anything remotely like this, never once even masterbated in the toilet.

I pushed hard against him and felt him react, pushing against me.

We slowly ground against eachother for a while before I sped up and came quietly again, whimpering into his ear as my head rested on his shoulder.

"I.. I've no idea what came over me.." I started to stammer and he smiled and kissed me again, long enough to make me go breathless and giddy.

"Weather forecast says it's going to be wet all night" He said

"I know the feeling" I joked back finally getting off of his lap and putting my blouse and skirt back on.

Once I was fully dressed I wrote the note for Jenny.

I didn't mention anything about dry humping in her favourite chair though.

"Home.." He said and we left.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This is the most erotic,horny cock hardening story I have read on here.My rock hard cock has been dripping pre-cum for the last half hour.I hope there is more to come.????

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day five of seven..

More to come (cum?).



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Looking forward to it love it

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By *ettercallsaul118Man  over a year ago


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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Might do more today, but pretty busy this afternoon.



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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day five part two

The rain hadn't slowed up at all, half of the high street was suffering from the powercut and the other half was struggling to cope with the continued down pour.

Another flash of lighting and two seconds later the deep hollow boom of it as I locked the door causing me to jump and the door to rattle whilst He held the large umbrella over us both.

We crossed the road and went down an alleyway to the carpark that was used as a market on Saturdays, much to the annoyance of those who wanted to park for free in the only carpark with a non working ticket machine.

He held the door open for me when we got to his car. A black and gold carrier bag on the back seat, the sort used by the Blue Shop. It seemed quite bulky what ever it was that he'd purchased.

Curiosity started to get the better of me and whilst he walked round to the driver's side I lifted the bag on to my lap, the bag with clothing in it slipping down to between my feet.

His door opened, he quickly got in, closing the umbrella and sliding it behind his chair.

"Hope you like them" He said as I looked into the bag and lifted out one of the items.

The packet label stated proudly "18inch monster jelly dong! Candyfloss colour!"

A large double ended dick, bright translucent pink.

I undone the pack and gave it a poke.

"It's very jelly.." is all I could manage before cracking up with laughter, waving the dildo around like a giant harribo sweet.

I put it back in its packet and took out a box that finally revealed itself to be a strap on.

The girl on the box was lording it up over another girl, kneeling behind her doggy style, one of the three dongs that were in the box protruding over the kneeling girl bum.

I wondered who'd be wearing any who receiving..

As the heavy rain pummelled the car I closed my eyes and leaned my head back opening my legs in the room available of the front seat.

His hand touched my knee, sliding along and under the hemline of what I was wearing, streight to my knickers.

Stroking them and making me horny as hell.

I felt his hand slide into my knickers and his finger quickly found my already wet sex.

I gasped hard as he fingered me, there in the public carpark whilst sat in his car. My eyes scrunched up, a hand going to the head rest and grasping it as he relentlessly fingered me, not stopping despite the noise I was starting to make.

The windows had started to steam up from inside but I didn't care. My other hand grasped at his shoulder, hand flexing as he made me cum and leaving me shuddering and struggling to breath until he pulled his finger out and slipped it in my mouth, mirroring what I had done before.

When my breathing was under control we belted up and drove back to mine.

I'd not had a chance for any lunch so we reheated the pizza left overs and relaxed on the sofa.

I'd already got changed from my work clothes into jogging bottoms and a t-shirt with a kitten with huge eyes on it, I noticed for the first time that the eyes matched up to where my nipples were and giggled at it whilst we chilled out.

Around three the rain stopped suddenly and the sun tried to shine.

"Hopefully it won't rain tomorrow.." I said kind of half hoping it would. It'd give us an excuse to stay in all day.

"Hopefully it'll start up again tonight, if only for an hour or so.."

We passed the time til late, forgoing dinner, by talking more.

Oddly the topic of pregnancy didn't crop up until I broached it.

"So, you don't want kids then?" I asked.

"I used to want to but now? I don't know. It depends totally who is the mother. You?"

He didn't know.. My heart thumped at the sudden realisation of it.

"Well, I won't get pregnant how we done it the other day. But I'm not on the pill, so you're going to have to.. What was it Mr Astwood used to say, pop a sock on it.."

"..Or suffer the consequences" He finished with a smile.

Around eight it started to rain again, hooray, and he used my laptop to look at googlemaps of Minster sea front.

It was much more open than Sheerness, houses looking out over the sea front and it's bit of flood defence that masqueraded as a green for people to relax on in the summer.

He seemed satisfied with what he saw.

"So, this is what I want you to do.." He started with a smile.

As I got out of the car the chill of the rain and wind went up my coat.

Underneath all I wore was a cheap pair of heels, hold ups and a bra, no knickers at all.

The plug in my bum left me feeling a little nauseous, the balls in my pussy filled me up totally.

My hair was loose and untied under the thigh length wax jacket, the hood up.

He was wearing just a pair of slip on trainers, camo cargo shorts and a t-shirt.

No jacket. No umbrella. He was drenched in seconds, much like my legs were.

Walking down the steps towards the beach in the near dark and rain wasn't easy but some how I managed it.

I took his hand, fingers intertwined and we walked further up for a minute.

The sound of the sea was a thunderous roar, the rain hard and noisy.

No one would be our walking thier dog in weather like this.

I could make out the hardness of his cock, he'd taken a tablet an hour ago and it had started to take effect.

I realised with a satisfying squirm that I was going to be quite sore afterwards..

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By *rishman30Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Oh I so love this it's so good

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By *ettercallsaul118Man  over a year ago


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By *imale38Man  over a year ago


VERY good story.

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By *r ed300Man  over a year ago


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By *ticky_vikkiWoman  over a year ago



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By *lwaysup4it69Couple  over a year ago

Kirkby in Ashfield

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

More coming later today.



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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day five part three

As a particularly high wave crashed on the beach barely five meters away he looked around.

Houses at the top of the slope had a few lights on, but many had curtains drawn tightly shut. The restaurant back along the road was empty, staff getting ready to close early.

The beach however belonged only to us and the constant crashing waves.

This close to the shore line the rain hammered us both hard but we didn't care as laughing he pulled me in for a long slow kiss.

Rain coursing over our faces as my hood was forced down by a gust of wind. My body suddenly exposed to the elements as he undone the zip on the wax jacket.

I shivered as the trickle down my back became a constant stream.

He stood back and looked at me.

"My gods you're so beautiful" He almost had to shout it over the noise of rain and waves.

Emboldened by his compliment and a sudden brazeness I slipped the jacket of completely and turned slowly in the rain.

Nothing of me was dry, my wind blown hair was plastered to my skin, the hold-ups were darker from how drenched they were and my breasts were easily visible through the flimsy fabric of my bra.

My skin was pummelled by the rain and each drop that struck me was just a prelude to the orgasm I knew that I would have.

When was younger and in university the only time I had to masterbate was when the weather was particularly bad. The flat I lived in was above a coffee shop and my flat mates would spend their time drinking coffee and staring out the windows down stairs. They always thought that I didn't like coffee or perhaps couldn't afford it, but instead I knew they would be two, maybe three hours.

Which always gave me time to shower, fingering myself as the hot water slowly went cold until the sharp cold water seemed to be the only way I could cum.

The noise of the shower and the rain always meant that I could be louder in the empty flat.

But now only the rain was stinging my skin as it struck me over and over, a staccato beat of bliss and expectation.

With my back to Him I walked to the concrete step that served as a bench through the length of the beach and bent over, placing my hands on the cold concrete.

I felt his hands on my bum, stroking, groping hard,a slap or spank that made my knees buckle and my pussy quiver hard.

He knelt behind me, knees on the hard pavement and kissed me from behind. Then his tongue was in me, teasing the balls that filled me from the inside.

I couldn't help but moan appreciatively, the noise was lost to the wind though.

His hands pulled my bum cheeks open, his tongue pushed deeper into me until his mouth was sucking at the entirety of my sex. I could feel his hot and ragged breath, forced hard through his nose and snorting against my rain drench arsehole.

Finally, screaming and shouting I came, fucking hard back against his face.

As his tongue pulled out of my pussy I felt him remove the plug from my bum.

My piss dribbled down his chin, mixed with the rain in his beard and ended finally in his lap.

His cock was already out and I knew with a certainty that I had peed over it.

The pill he'd taken seemed to have made him harder than I'd experienced before, it didn't twitch but stood there rigid and unmoving, seemingly thicker than normal or maybe it was just my imagination but I suddenly had doubts if I could take it like I had before.

The plug eased out, my arse cheeks were still wide open and the sting of rain struck me about my stretched open ring.

I felt him slip two fingers in, one from each hand.

The nauseous feeling of being full from the plug vanished, instead replaced with a sickness as his tongue licked around my ring and as his fingers slid out of my bum his tongue invaded me instead.

My cries of revulsion were lost like my adulation to the wind.

And as the waves crashed on the beach now behind us he fucked, licked and sucked at my arsehole until I began to enjoy the alien sensation.

I took one of my hands from the concrete bench and the rain stung it, washing it clean.

Scoured by the rain I began to finger myself, focusing solely on playing with my labia, pinching and pulling them hard as he continued his licking until he had satisfied himself and his own desires.

Leaning back from my arse he watched the rain pour over my body.

Finally standing he kissed up my spine and stood on the wall stepping on to the muddy grass his rock solid was suddenly in line with my face as I too stood up again.

I leaned forward, putting both hands on his arse and pulled him to me.

As his cock hit the back of my throat I gagged hard but tried to pull it down and even but it was to hard, it filled my mouth to much and it was all I could do to pull my head back and try again.

And again. And again.

Each time I gagged and he knew that I couldn't suck and lick his beautiful solid cock without gagging.

Instead he eased out and took my hand and pulled me up to the muddy grass with him.

He settled back, laying down and I eased on to his cock.

Bareback I took him into me, luxuriating in the hardness of it, our flesh wet against eachother, and slowly I took every inch I was able to.

Oh gods.. With each thrust of my hips, with each deep grind, with every movement I screamed in ecstacy, as we fucked I screamed his name over and over.

As the rain poured stingingly down on my shoulders, back and bum with my head next to his, my mouth to his ear I cried.

As his hands found my hips, as he drove up into me over and over I lost all control of my body and senses.

We fucked on the grass for half an hour like that, by the end of it my legs no longer responded to my demands.

As I fell off of him, my cunt aching so deeply, so reassuringly, I struggled to breath.

We lay side by side like that for a couple of minutes, panting hard, rain pouring over our gasping faces.

Some how I was able to roll over enough to look at him, a large smile on his face, his chest taking sharp deep breaths and the fabric of his tshirt showing how his heart hammered just as mine did.

"I can't feel my legs" I managed to finally say.

He looked at me, concern suddenly crossing his face and sat up.

"I'll be fine.. Give me a couple of minutes is all" I told him, soothing his concerns.

It took almost fifteen minutes before my legs would do as told, though the pain of pins and needles was excruciating as slowly they came back to life.

The rain began to ease off as we finally left the beach front, walking hand in hand slowly.

The wax jacket held in one hand, he reached into an inside pocket and took out the phone.

With a dozen pictures taken of my drenched and naked body in various poses we finally went back to the car, I'd slipped the jacket on as we crested the steps.

Staff at the restaurant locking up, huddled under umbrellas not seeing us as we got back to the road side car.

His cock was still solid and I pulled him in for a kiss, slipping a hand down into his shorts, pulling them down at the front enough to get at his member and wank him against my rain drenched body, rubbing his head against my pussy and angling my hips, wrapping my legs around him as he lifted me on to his hard cock.

To any passers by we'd look like a couple sharing roadside kiss after a walk on the beach.

I rode his cock slowly, my pussy sucking greedily at his cock and like this I was able to take a little more.

In the gentle rain, away from the roar of the surf I had to be quieter, and almost cooing I came and so did he.

The sudden heat of the explosion inside me, in my pussy, without a condom, oh gods I'd never felt so happy before and he held me there until I unwrapped my legs and he eased out of me.

His cock was slick with our combined juices as I tucked him away again and licked the salty remains from my fingers with a smile.

"If that doesn't go down we won't be going to the church tomorrow.. The reception maybe. But I'm going to ride that all night." I told him with a shared smile as we got in the car.

"Be sure to leave some for Aisha" He replied as we drove home.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *lwaysup4it69Couple  over a year ago

Kirkby in Ashfield

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By *ecretSquirrel1000Man  over a year ago


Awesome, truly awesome

Thank you, this is one of the best written stories I have ever seen on not only this site, but many other "story" websites, free or paid.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Do continue. That last bit was full of interesting stuff. as well as arousing.

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day five part four

When we'd got home and saw ourselves in the hall mirror we realised how dirty we were. Drenched and splattered in mud still.

Careful not to stain the carpet we went streight up to the bathroom.

Not even stripping we got in to the shower, only our shoes were left downstairs in the hallway.

The sudden burst of hot water rinsed off the worst of the mud from our clothes before slowly we stripped eachother.

His tshirt and shorts I slung in the bath whilst my bra fell short and landed half in it.

I kept the hold-ups on, they made me feel sexy, but he eased down in front of me and began kissing my belly, hips and thighs, then slowly eased each one down trailing it with kisses and stroking my oh so smooth legs, massaging them as I stood above him.

I don't think I'd ever been so glad to have a larger than normal shower as the tension left my legs, it may have been from wearing the heels on the beach front or traversing the steps in the pouring rain but what ever the cause it all went away with his slow methodical firm massaging.

Once he was done he stood again and wrapped his arms around me.

"I.. Wasn't wearing a condom" He whispered.

"I know, it's OK" I smiled.

"But you're not on the pill.."

"It's OK.." I realised that I had to tell him something I'd been keeping secret from him since we rekindled what ever it was we had.

I turned off the shower and we towelled eachother off before naked we walked back to the bedroom.

I took a fluffy dressing gown from the end of the bed and slipped into it while he put on a pair of jogging bottoms and a loose tshirt.

We done this in silence, he seemed to know that I was building up to something and let me get my words together.

Still in silence we went downstairs and he made both a cuppa.

"You remember when we was together before.." My stomach churned as I spoke, tears starting to sting my eyes.

He nodded but didn't say anything.

"We wasn't as careful as we could have been.. I got pregnant. Before our exams."

His face registered shock for a moment, then a hopefulness.

"There were complications." his face fell as I continued.

"That's why you had time off during the exams.." He said slowly, suddenly understanding "Oh.. Why.. But.." He grasped for words looking at me as a range of emotions flooded him.

We spent the night, until around half four in the morning, talking about what happened, making sense of it all together.

I got pregnant. There were medical concerns. There was a termination. I'd been damaged and pregnancy wasn't something that I needed to consider any more. It's why the lack of condom wasn't such a big deal, though with my limited number of other partners I'd always used one.

He was the first since he was my last with out one, and I regretted nothing.

We sat on the sofa, both of us with tear stained faces, his arm around me, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day I realised.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Oooh, thebig reveal. Knew there would be a pregnancy in the past.

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day six part one

The alarm clock upstairs was bleeping it's shrill staccato noise as I woke up on the sofa and I stumbled upstairs to turn it off whilst down stairs I heard the kettle fill up and get flicked on and then he came upstairs, kissing the tip of my nose as I passed him on my way to the bathroom.

The pill he'd taken yesterday was still having an effect on him and at the lightest of touches he grew hard.

"So.. Church today or just the reception later" He asked as I closed the door, but didn't lock it, I hadn't had to do so all these years and I realised I didn't need to with him, everything we'd shared made it seem redundant.

"Well you can't go to church with a stiffy.." I called through the door.

I tried to pee but couldn't, the thought of his cock was to enticing. I gave up and instead washed.

"Not much we can do about it I'm afraid, I'll drop James a message, tell him we'll be at the reception later though"

He was still stood in the hall when I came out, his errection slowly drooping.

"Why can't we do anything about it.." I asked teasingly and untied the dressing gown, shrugging it off, naked in front of him with a smile.

"Well, we've got Aisha tonight remember?"

I hadn't forgotten, really I hadn't but I'd been so intently focused on enjoying what we, me and Him, had that the flirtation of the other day had kind of skipped my mind.

"Oh.. Yeah" I said with a widening smile as he passed me, slapping my bum as I turned to go into the bedroom.

I yelped, though with some measure of delight as he done so.

After he came out we sat on the bed and discussed what to do about the reception and later on in the day.

I picked up my phone and typed a quick message to Aisha.

"Still good for tonight? J Xx"





"Yes definitely! Bit nervous. A Xx"

"Makes three of us. J Xx"




"Tonight's still on. So, the reception is at two? Spend couple hours there, come home get ready and go out again.."

"Sounds like a plan. Are you hungry?"

"Famished.." I couldn't believe how suddenly hungry I felt, a gnawing feeling in my stomach.

"Let's go out for a dirty fry up.."

I looked through the cupboard and finally pulled out a pair of jeans I'd not worn for about two years, bra, knickers and socks from a drawer and a jogging top with stars and faded puppies on it.

The jeans were tight as I slipped them on.

OK, not tight, figure hugging. They pulled in my doughy tum and bum and as I looked in the mirror they seemed to have slimmed me quit a bit.

He got dressed in jeans and a plain sweatshirt and we quickly put the laundry load on and went out.

The cafe in town was already busy, Saturday morning and people were getting ready to do the weekly shop.

We grabbed a table and a bored looking waitress took our orders, but her interest changed as he flirted with her, as I sat opposite him I slipped my foot from the plimsoll and run it up his leg, he shifted uncomfortably and I knew that he was getting hard. From where she stood next to the table she would have seen the growing bulge in his trousers as well and I suppressed a giggle as she dashed off blushing.

"Naughty.." He chuckled.

Normally on days I wasn't working I'd have a bowl of porridge instead of my usual toast.

It made such a change doing this, I couldn't remember the last time I went out for a fry up with him.

Wait, yes. Yes I could, three weeks before I found out I was pregnant, I was ravenous then as well just like this morning.

The food was good and we finished everything off from our over sized plates, along with the free toast and a second mug of tea each.

"You'd best stay sitting.. I'll go pay" I chuckled knowing that he was still quite hard.

"That's a nice perfume.." I said to the waitress, she smiled.

"Thanks, it's DKNY I got it from a guy in the market.. Every thing good with your breakfast today?"

It was a rote question.

"Yes, I really liked the sausage.." I said with a sly smile.

"Yeah, it was nice.. Uh they're nice. Local butchers makes them for us. Really meaty.." she blushed.

I paid up.

Had that just happened. Had I just totally flirted with another woman, one who obviously enjoyed the sight of His hardening cock..

I took a pen from my handbag, grabbed a napkin and wrote my number on it.

"Could you maybe text me the butchers address.."

My heart was thumping, then I noticed the wedding ring on her finger. She hesitated and then put it in her pocket with a nod and a careful smile.

My heart fluttered as I walked away. I hoped she was watching my bum wiggle as I walked back to the table and kissed Him deeply before he put his jacket over his crotch to cover his noticeable semi as we left.

As we walked back home I told him what I'd done, he laughed deeply and held my hand all the tighter.

"Aisha not going to be enough for you?"

"If you like something you've got to try it a few times to really make sure" I replied.

The rest of the day passed in domestic bliss, laundry, house work and then a quick shower and getting ready to go out.

He wore a mandarin collar shirt and jacket getting away from wearing a tie that reminded him to much of work apparently.

I'd opted for an ankle length dress that wrapped around and tied off behind me.

Before we put on our shoes he brought down something that I didn't recognise.

It was like my love balls but there was only one of them, and as I took it he put his hand in his pocket and the egg began to vibrate a gentle pulse.

I undone the tie ony skirt and opening it up to reveal my hold ups and knickers.

Red and almost see through, just like ones I'd worn many years ago.

I sat back on the sofa and eased the fabric from my crotch.

The egg had stopped it's slow pulse and I carefully inserted it, pulling the fabric back in place.

I offered Him my hand and he pulled me up.

"If we wasn't going out today..." I knew what he meant. I hadn't picked these knickers on purpose but wearing them made me remember old times, our first fuck..

"Let's go before I turn you round and fuck you.." He said, his voice hard.

I tied the dress back up and we went out.

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By *lwaysup4it69Couple  over a year ago

Kirkby in Ashfield

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Amazing story, thanks so much for sharing

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *ettercallsaul118Man  over a year ago


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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day six part two

We arrived at the working mens club in minster, next to the large church on top of the hill that on a good day overlooked the island.

The car park was riddled with large, and probably deep, puddles but we managed to find a mostly dry spot.

With the wedding present and card in hand he held my hand as we walked in.

Staff ushered us into the function room which was decorated in typical wedding colours, whites and creams.

The bar was busy and there was already a good thirty or so people there, and judging from the amount of tables set up over double that were expected to turn up.

A large table was set up for the presents and cards, already stacked high.

People milled about and then I saw the Bride and Groom.

Connie was someone I sort of knee from school, she was always one of the pretty girls, super skinny and super bitchy to go with it.

The years hadn't been kind to her in the least, heavy amounts of grey in her brown hair, wrinkles round her eyes and mouth from to much squinting and smoking and she had piled on the pounds.

I'm not a smug person, normally, but she'd always teased me about my spots and gawky looks, yet here I was in much better shape than her.

He stepped forward, offered the present and card,which he'd signed from both of us, and having shook hands and hugged introduced his fiancé, me.

Fiancé... Me...

My heart leaped and spun, she barely recognised me before moving on to the next guests.

"Drink?" He offered

"Please.." He knew what I liked and went to the bar as I mingled with other barely remembered faces from school.

I nearly jumped as the egg inside me began to pulse and shudder.

The sudden bloom of desire filling me with each slow ebb of vibration.

He returned with the bacardi and , and a for him seeing as he was driving.

Hooking my arm through his I leaned in for a kiss and whispered


He smiled.

"Well, I didn't want to say you are my plus one that I've been screwing this week.. And.. Girlfriend sounds so high school."

"And what about when tomorrow comes.. Then what.."

"Well, I'm kind of hoping that you'd like to be my fiancé, until you want to marry me."

My heart stopped. My knees went weak. And a slow orgasm flooded quietly through me as the egg picked up the pace.

His hand wasn't in his pocket.

He wasn't controlling it.

My head span and I pulled him in to a big hug.

"Yes!" was all I could manage before I had to gulp at my drink.

The egg slowed and stopped as the hug finished.

Arm in arm we watched as the newlyweds took to the dance floor first and then as the second song started up others drifted to the dancefloor, ourselves included.

As the third song started up the egg started hard and fast in me, my legs trembled.

"Who's got the remote" I asked quietly.

"I bumped into someone.. She's got it" There was a smile in his voice.

We wandered off the dancefloor and found a table, some one in a beautiful dark blue and gold sari came over to us, a tray holding three drinks.

"Aisha!" I said surprised.

"Hiya.. Small world.." she put the drinks on the table, leaving the tray off to one side and we stood, He kissed her cheek and then I hugged her and kissed.

The corner of our mouths touched, lips meeting with out others noticing.

"So, turns out that my old hair dresser was getting married, sent me an invite.. And here we all are.." she explained as we sat, our legs were touching, our chairs side by side and the false intimacy made me hungry for a fantasy I'd kept hidden, now more than ever i wanted, no, needed another woman.

We spent an hour or so chatting about normal things, others coming over, wandering away..

"Um.. Where's the toilets here?" I asked no one in particular but Aisha took my hand.

"Nose powder break" she declared as someone joked about ladies always going to the loos in pairs.

She led me out of the hall and down a corridor.

Her hand was so soft, her nails painted gold perfectly.

We found the toilets, mens, ladies and two disabled ones.

It was into one of these that she led me.

My heart was thumping fast, dancing in my chest as she flicked the lock down and turned to face me.

As our lips met the subtle tang of her breath filled my senses, bacardi, and cinnamon.

Our mouths opened, our heads done that strange half tilt that lovers do to truly cover eachothers mouths with their own.

A hand touched my hip, the other found its way to behind my head.

The kiss was unbelievable, my nerves melted as I gave my mouth to her fully and melted into her arms.

Outside someone laughed and our kiss came to an end, kids voices pleading to use the toilets.

We couldn't go out together, there would be to many questions..

She seemed to understand my sudden worries and smiled.

"Don't worry, everyone knows girl always go to the loos together. No one will bat an eye lid.."

"O..OK.. But I really need to pee.."

She smiled.

"Don't let me stop you.."

Hesitantly I undone the ties at the back of my skirt and eased my knickers down, I tugged gently at the now silent egg and eased it out, she took it and to my surprise licked it before running it under a hot tap.

Knickers round my ankles, dress pulled to one side I sat down and released the light flow of pee. The trickle hit the water and seemed almost _usical.

When I was done I cleaned off and was surprised when she pulled out of her small handbag a little pack of wetwipes.

She turned me around and pulled out one.

As the cool damp fabric touched my skin I sighed.

Gently she stroked my pussy, through the act of cleaning it, and took me to the very edge of an orgasm with her careful movements.

She kissed my neck as she disposed of the wet wipe.

"Say cheese.." her phone was in her hand and she pointed it at the mirror, taking the full frontal picture of me, her hand just above my pussy.

"We'd best get back.."

As we sat back down at the table an argument between two already d*unk guests started up.

"Time to make our excuses and leave" He said. "Aisha, would you like a ride.." his voice was filled with promise.

"If it's not to much trouble.. I've guests this evening and need to get ready.." she replied with a coy smile.

We made our excuses and made a hasty exit dropping Aisha off at her home with promises to return in a few hours.

As we got back home my phone plinked.

"I'm really sorry.. My sister has turned up with her kids.. They're here for the night it seems"

I let Him know.

"Ask if she'd still like to meet, we can do that here or maybe a hotel.."

After a few more messages we arranged to pick her up, go for a meal and spend the night in the Royal.

After a couple of phone calls by him a table and room was booked, as he'd stayed there earlier in the week he even managed to wrangle a discount on the room.

I confirmed everything with Aisha and she sent me a copy of the picture.

"Looking forward to much more.. You're a really soft kisser and tasted really nice"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *lwaysup4it69Couple  over a year ago

Kirkby in Ashfield

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day six part three

We'd gone home, packed an over night bag, with the love balls, buttt plug (I'd already douched again after we got back), one of my two vibrators, lube, condoms, super floppy double ended, strapon, additional hold ups, knickers and heels. I planned on wearing flat soled shoes for the meal, of course as we zipped up the bag I unzipped it and took them out deciding to wear them instead..

I'd changed out of the wrap around and tied off dress for a light red almost pink low cut blouse with lace panelling providing some measure of modesty, and a knee length skirt that was black and terribly figure hugging. To walk in it I knew I'd be wiggling quite a bit, especially in the heels.

Make up, hair, shoes on and good to go.

We were going to be on time perfectly to pick up Aisha and as we pulled up she came out in a sober looking trouser suit, loose around the ankles but like my skirt it hugged her pert bum beautifully.

Her jacket showed no sign of anything else underneath and the glimpse of her dark skin was intoxicating.

On her feet she wore four inch stilleto heels (I later found out they were knee high boots).

She had a small case with her which He put in the boot with ours and then opened a back door for her before he got in and we drove off.

"Wow you smell amazing.." He said.

She laughed "Sister insisted on starting a slow cook meal for tomorrow when I get home. I didn't tell her where I was off to, but she thinks I'm meeting people from work for a night out and that I'll be staying out all night"

"Well, it's mostly true.." I chimed in as we drove down from Halfway back to Sheerness, parking up in the guests carpark at the back before going in.

We looked like three people who ran a business, not an insurance guy, a charity shop manager and a supermarket checkout girl..

Inside I could feel the other me, the one from the Mirror, stirring and waking up.

He led us in and confirmed the room booking, the guy at the counter confirmed the double room for the three of us, not batting an eyelid at the equation and what the obvious sleeping situation would be.

As if there would be much sleeping tonight..

He was given the key and we went up to the room to drop off our bags before we would need to go to the restaurant he'd booked.

As we walked up to the room Aisha walked in front of me, her amazingly peach shaped bum in my face, each slow step she took made me want lean forward and kiss the perfection of her bum.

I settled with placing a hand on her bum and giving it a gentle squeeze that made her giggle.

Oh.. We was on the upper floor... How had he managed to get the honeymoon suite?

It was beautiful, a king-sized bed, leather sofa, large en-suite bathroom, a large window that looked out over the road, no one would be looking up at us later I hoped.

As I stood at the window I felt a hand on my bum, a gentle squeeze and it was my turn to giggle and place my hand over Aishas then turn to her.

Face to face, as I moved in to kiss her i could smell coconuts, cinnamon and garlic. The mixture wasn't unpleasant, it was exotic and I inhaled the smell from her hair as her head tilted back and I kissed her neck gently.

Her skin was warmer than I'd somehow expected, I normally ran cool to the touch at the best of times.

My lips pressed against her skin as she sighed, though her sigh was tinged with a nervous shudder.

My kisses trailed up to her jawline, then our lips met, parted and we were all over eachother, tongues suddenly deep in eachothers mouths, her hand eased round from my bum to my pussy, grabbing and pawing at me through the skirt, my hand followed suit and found her pussy, stroking and grasping hungrily at it through the fabric of her trousers.

We broke the kiss, not wanting to, but if we wasn't careful we'd miss our dinner booking.

But I didn't care, and I think she'd not have minded either.

"Ladies.." He said off to one side.

He held his hand out, two vibrating eggs were held there.

"I've set them to the same frequency"

We stepped forward and took them before retreating to the king-sized bed.

I undone the zip on the side of my skirt, lowering it as Aisha took the hem in hand and tugged it down, pushing me back on the bed and eased my knickers to one side.

They were black and just like the red ones I'd worn earlier and just a little skimpier.

Her fingers found my lips and a gold lacquered and nailed finger eases in to me.

I gasped in sudden pleasure, my lips throbbed as she eased her finger out and gently eased in the egg until my body swallowed it. I sat up, taking her finger in my mouth, savoured the taste of myself on her fingers and then shuffled forward, standing up and pulled my skirt up, tucking in the blouse and zipped up.

She stood in front of me now, and I eased down the zip on her trousers, they fell to the floor and revealed her golden thong.

I pushed her back on the bed and opened her legs, stroking her shaved pussy as I pulled the thong to one side and eased my finger into her.

She was wet but tight, so tight. I eased in a second finger and her muscles relaxed around my slow moving fingers.

She sighed something in a language I didn't know. The perfumed scent of sex filled my nose.

Reluctantly I pulled out of her and eased the other egg into her.

She pulled be down to her, taking my fingers in her mouth and kissed me after.

"The sooner we go the sooner we get back.." she murmured after our kiss.

I eased off of her, she pulled her trousers back up, we checked our make up and hair in the large mirror on the dressing table.

Once we were done we turned to Him.

He pressed a button and we held hands for a moment, Aisha and I, as the moderate pulsing rhythm filled us both deeply.

"Let's eat.." He said and led us out of the room, down the stairs and out on to the road, leading us just a short distance away, to the Sun Thai Palace restaurant.

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Two lengthy parts today, hope you enjoy them.

More on Monday, it's about to get Much Hotter!



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Still enjoying it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Loving this

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By *ettercallsaul118Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *im69000Man  over a year ago



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By *ndrea54TV/TS  over a year ago


The hotest story ever please keep it cuming hehe xxx

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By *ucky78Woman  over a year ago


Loving it so far x

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By *riskynriskyCouple  over a year ago


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By *ossauMan  over a year ago


Wonderfully erotic story! Thank you! x

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By *rishman30Man  over a year ago



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By *lwaysup4it69Couple  over a year ago

Kirkby in Ashfield

Do we have to wait so long lol. Amazing story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Love this story so hit!

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By *taffsfun73Man  over a year ago

Newcastle under lyme

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By *arlly83Couple  over a year ago


Love this x

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By *exymidscouple2017Couple  over a year ago


Great reading while in bed. Moist

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By *UN-ALMan  over a year ago

near Fenwick

Wow this is one of the best I've ever read so hot...well written.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Loving this. Best I have read on the forum's.

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By *ngleseyFCouple  over a year ago

2m away

Wow, what a great story. Can't wait for more

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Much more coming today!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *roticfunmanMan  over a year ago

the North

Rather fun ...

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day six part four

Through out the meal the eggs buzzed and pulsed intermittently.

I saw Aisha shiver at one point, as she was about to take a mouthful of spicy rice and chicken. Her chopsticks clattered against the rim of the bowl as like me she rode the building orgasm.

For three courses and after meal coffee we had to endure the pleasure of the eggs inside us.

We talked in low voices throughout the meal, learning about each other. This was more like a date than the simple meet and fuck that I had sort of thought it would be.

She'd had limited experience, but still more than me, with other women. Mostly d*unken snogs at parties, fingering just one other woman, besides myself that is.

She was used to guys chatting her up but she'd never given her number in the past.

She even admitted to having seen up my skirt whilst I was reaching to get something from the drinks aisle top shelf.

We were all a bit nervous about the evening and what it might hold.

By the end of the meal she was squirming in her seat.

"Please.. No more..."

I knew what she meant, for the last ten minutes the egg had been pulsing hard and fast, I had started to feel numb from it.

He looked confused and took the remote out of his pocket.

"I've not been pressing it.." He confided and looking at the remote.

The remote had a sliding front on it to protect the buttons. It'd come loose and something in his pocket must have hit the button.

As he switched it off relief flooded through me.

And judging from her face Aisha must have been on the very edge of an orgasm and had been struggling hard to deny it.

"I'll go pay.." He said with a smile and excused himself from our table to go settle up.

"If he hadn't have stopped.. I dread to think what the staff would say!" she waved a hand at her face, fanning and cooling herself off a little.

"I'm just hoping I've not left a wet spot on the chair" I tried to joke but I was serious about it. Just over an hour for the meal and all off it with the egg in.

"A little wet are we.." her hand slid across the table to mine.

"Just a little.."

"I'm drenched.."

He came back to the table at that point, leaning down and kissing the side of my head.

"Speaking of drenched... It's raining outside again.."

We made our way out of restaurant and found just how heavy the rain was.

It was like the night before on the beach, and within moments we were each sopping wet and filled with giggly laughter as we walked through the high street I told her about the night before.

"That sounds wonderful... I'd love to eat your pussy naked on the beach in the rain some time.." Aisha said into my ear, giving it a quick kiss.

The thought of riding her face with a thunderous storm going on all about us was delicious, so much so that I pulled her towards me.

He watched as we kissed in the rain, cars driving slowly past with their wipers going double time like my heart.

My hand found its way to the back of her neck, stroking lines there, our lips were soft as silk, the tang of food and drink light on our mixed breaths, our tongues filling eachothers mouths.

"Jane... I really want to fuck you so badly right now.." she said as our kiss came to an end.

We all but ran back to the hotel and up the flights of stairs to the room.

And as the door clicked shut behind us we were scrabbling at eachothers clothes.

Her jacket came off to reveal that she had no bra on at all.

Her nipples were large and dark like good chocolate compared to the rest of her tinted skin.

In between our frantic kissing and stripping we found time to caress eachothers bodies.

Neither of us were perfect but in my eyes she was a goddess to worship.

As the final bits of clothing were shed we tumbled on to the large bed.

Hands all over eachother, mouths either on eachothers kissing or roaming across the others breasts.

Her nipples were hard on my tongue, my own were painfully hard as well, the measure of our shared arousal.

The lights in the room dimmed as He flicked on a couple of lamps and turned off the main lights.

A long low gasping sigh escaped from my mouth even though it was sucking on one of her nipples as I felt her finger probe and slide into me.

"Oh wow.. You're so wet" she moaned.

My mouth parted from her breast and I lay back as she continued to finger me.

As her tongue found my pussy I clasped a hand to the back of her head and opened my legs fully for her to lay between.

Oh god.. It was so different to how He done it, I couldn't explain how, maybe it's because she was female and knew what she liked but she brought me quickly to a sobbing orgasm as her fingered ploughed in and out of me whilst her tongue lapped hungrily at me and she all but nibbled on my clitorous that caused my breath to repeatedly catch in my throat through the rolling waves of the orgasm.

She kissed up my body afterwards, a hand cupping my pussy, slow gentle movements keeping the after shocks from fully fading.

Her lips touched mine as she slid on top, a leg either side of me.

The taste of my own sex was heavy on her breath.

"You taste so good.." she murmured as we traded a slow kiss until the taste of me was no longer on her breath.

She sat up, I placed my hands on her bum, her skin was like perfumed silk, and she slowly moved until she was straddling my face.

I kept hold of her bum as she leaned forward, taking hold of the headboard and I leaned up just a little and began to lick her own shaven sex.

She settled a little more, whimpering as my tongue went into her.

I felt a kiss on my thigh, a hand exploring my body, my legs eased open and a gentle touch as He eased a finger between my pussy lips, slowly stroking with out penetrating me.

As Aisha began to grind back and forth, as she began to moan louder, I felt his hand on mine, on her bum.

His trail of kisses along my body transferring to her.

The push and grind of her cunt on my mouth became frantic as I heard them kissing, her moans of pleasure stifled by his mouth on hers.

Their kissing finally came to an end as she came. She shuddered bucked and writhed on my face, my lips and cheeks were drenched in her juices from how wet she was.

She finally eased off from my face and I saw Him kneeling on the bed next to her.

His cock was rigid again, I suspected he'd taken a pill at some point, maybe when he'd gone to pay for the meal at the restaurant.

Her hand grasped it, her golden nails and dark caramel coloured fingers wrapped around the thick shaft, shallow tugs on it.

I rolled over and eased up so that I could ease it in to my mouth.

"Oh fucking hell Jane..." He gasped as I closed my mouth around it as she gently wanked him into my mouth.

I eased my head back and his cock came out with an audible pop. Aisha smeared the spit down the length of it, her hand sliding better over the shaft for the intimate lubricant.

She shuffled back and settled next to me on the bed, both of us propped up by our arms.

I eased her head forward and watched as she licked the tip of his cock, tongue surprisingly long, that would explain why she so beautifully licked me out earlier.

She closed her eyes and eased the tip into her mouth. Lips puckered around the meaty girth that the tablet gave him, that I struggled with before.

She managed five inches before she to gagged, drool spilling from her lips as she took the cock out of her mouth.

"Oh.. That's to big. I can't.." she eased forward again and managed another inch before she had to stop.

Between the pair of us instead we kissed, licked and wanked Him off over our faces and into our mouths.

I knew he was going to cum soon so I turned to her and kissed her again, whilst the pair of us could cum again and again he wasn't able to.

We collapsed on to the bed in eachothers arms as He got off the bed and I heard the over night bag being unzipped shortly after.

"I've.. Never had a threesome before, not a proper one.. I gave head to a friends boyfriend whilst he fingered her at a party once but after he came they went home.."

"Neither have I.." I confessed and kissed her again rolling over so she was ontop.

Her hands found mine, fingers intertwined above my head.

Her eyes screwed up for a moment as I felt Him getting on the bed again behind us.

"Oh...Yes.." she hissed and pushed back hard against him with a grunt.

I could feel his hard cock pushing against my pussy but clearly she was being fucked by him.

The strap on..

"Yes.. Yes yes..Oh gods don't stop, fuck me.. Don't stop... Oh harder... Fuck me.. Fuck..." I eased one of my hands from hers and pulled her down, kissing her as he fucked her with the strap on, each deep hard thrust pushing his own cock in my suddenly so wet pussy by a couple of inches.

He placed a hand on the small of her back, pushing her down on to me, he filled my pussy with his own cock whilst filling her with the rubbery one.

Aisha and I both came loudly, we didn't care if people in the rooms below us complained, he was fucking us both at the same time, we was coming at the same time, both of us almost screaming as we came.

My body tensed and there was a sudden release as he pushed deep into us both at the same time.

My head was spinning, my heart hammering, both Aisha and I were panting and sweating as he finally pulled out of us.

The three of us collapsed into each others arms and and a contentment I'd only known when He had cum in me before.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Mmmmmmm sounds like a LOT of fun!

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By *arlly83Couple  over a year ago


Cant wait for the next installment. Would love a threesome x

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By *lwaysup4it69Couple  over a year ago

Kirkby in Ashfield

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day six part five

I must have drifted off for a short while as when I came to the was rocking and Aisha was laid next to me, her knees were by her shoulders, feet tucked in to a curl on the headboard.

I lay there with my back to them, listening to them fuck right beside me.

With each push into her the bed wobbled and she let out a small noise.

Laying there listening I realised how hot it was to pretend to sleep whilst my now fiancé fucked a woman we'd met just a few short days ago.

I could hear each time he pulled out of her, the squelch of flesh as his cock pushed back into her, forcing her pussy to surrender to it.

Finally, with a tingle down below and some very hard nipples I rolled over.

The look on her face was one of pure bliss, his face was calm and he was concentrating.

When he saw me he leaned down and kissed me, our tongues touching briefly. The taste of her pussy was on his tongue.

I helped her take her feet from where she'd tucked them on the headboard, legs clearly cramped up and affording me a chance to massage them, one at a time, whilst he continued to fuck her, though a little slower now so I could watch his cock vanishing into her caramel and pink pussy.

With her legs massaged I eased on to her, our breasts pushing against eachother, I could feel him behind me fucking her, each push of his hips pushing against me until he slowly stopped and pulled out of her and straight into my wet and waiting hole.

As he fucked me Aisha kissed me, playing with my breasts, sucking on each nipple teasing the soft tissue around with her tongue until he pulled out of me and back in to her.

For maybe ten minutes we swapped his cock between us like that, a minute at most in each of us or sometimes just one hard deep thrust causing Aisha and myself to cry out in both pain and pleasure at the sudden shock of it.

I was surprised he hadn't cum yet but he was sweating hard and I suspected trying to stop himself from emptying inside me or Aisha.

He pulled out one last time and sat back, watching the pair of us.

I sat up as well.

"Hun.. Where's the jelly double.." I asked and watched as he walked over to the over night bag and took it out and then walked back, passing it to me.

I eased off of Aisha who propped herself up on her elbows, and I lay back a little, one of my legs slipping under hers whilst the other went over her other leg.

Our pussies were just inches apart, and as I eased the pink jelly double ended dildo into her she slipped the other end into me.

The silicone cock felt thick inside me, though it wasn't as thick as His cock was, maybe it was the position we was in.

She writhed and pushed her pussy against mine, the silicone cock shifted about in me bringing a warm wave over me.

I pushed back against her, our cunts mashing together and the toy seemingly vanished between us.

I leaned my head back and saw Him stroking his cock and smiled at him.

"Fuck me Aisha.. Fuck me like you wanted to when we kissed.."

Her pace picked up and she continued to grind and writh against me, panting as she came with a shudder and a cry.

"Oh... Jane.. Fuck me.. Fuck me.. Yeah.. Yeah oh yes!"

She went still and then I felt it, a sudden gush of liquid right against my pussy, splashing over my thighs and even my doughy belly.

"Oh.. Oh gods.. I'm so sorry.. I.." she seemed suddenly worried or scared, but He was there instantly, taking her in his arms, the double ended dildo sliding from her body as she sat up and started crying.

I eased the toy from my own pussy, unsure of what was suddenly going on.

He picked her up and carried her in his arms to the bathroom, a moment later I heard the shower start up and he came back in with a towel.

"Is.. Is she OK?"

"She'll be fine, she thinks she pissed the bed and on you.. But all that happened was that she came hard and squirted, it's no biggie" He explained as he used a towel to dry off the quilt cover.

You read about it in the likes of Woman's Own and Take a Break once in a while but to be party to making someone cum so hard..

I will admit to feeling some swell of pride. The double ended dildo felt good but I prefered the real thing.

I walked from the bedroom into the bathroom, Aisha was just getting out of the shower.

We talked for a while, I sat on the loo and peed, she seemed shocked at first but then it didn't seem to bother her.

I washed by jumping in the shower for a couple of minutes leaving the door open so she could see me.

She sat on the loo and peed as well, a smile breaking her face as she realised she was peeing in front of another woman properly.

She quickly washed again and we went back to the bedroom hand in hand.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day six part six

We didn't speak as we went back into the bedroom, there didn't seem to be any reason to.

I was acutely aware of how many times both myself and Aisha had cum so far this evening but He hadn't cum yet, kept getting so close but always stopping just short of it.

I was determined to make him cum next. I wanted to watch as his white and hot load emptied over Aishas caramel skin, I wanted to lick his spunk from her boobs and kiss her.

Or maybe wank him off over her bum, splashing her with his ropey stream and then I massage it in..

Of course it didn't quite go like that but I wasn't going to be denied his cum.

We walked to the side of the bed and I lay down, Aisha clambered over me, her pussy easing on to my mouth just as I felt him open my legs and his cock dip into me.

He was so hard but it felt so good as inch by inch he buried himself in me. I felt Aisha lick at my clit as his cock slid almost all out of me, only his thick tip in me.

Slowly they both bought me back to a slow simmering orgasm, her licking my pussy whilst he fucked me slowly.

I could feel my pussy sucking him in each time and leisurely allowing to smoothly slid back out of me and in to her waiting mouth.

His balls slapped against my aching pussy as she took him finally and deeply into her throat.

I heard her gag on it a few times but he was fucking her throat just as soundly as he'd fucked me.

As they pleasured me and eachother I focused on her pussy, pulling the dark lips wide open and sticking my tongue in her, licking the juices that dripped from her, a mixture of her own excitement and my spit.

She was no longer gagging on his cock, but instead she focused fully on my sex.

Stroking my clit gently, kissing and nibbling gently on my lips below before slipped one then a second finger into me, filling me up it felt, and frigging me slow and gently keeping me riding the edge of an orgasm for so long.

As I eased my tongue from her pussy I saw his cock, it found its way to my mouth, and like Aisha in this position I was able to take so much more of it, savoring every inch as he gently fucked my mouth.

He pulled out from my mouth and into Aishas gaping pussy.

I watched entranced as just inches from my face his cock wet with my saliva pushed into her.

She stifled a moan by pushing her face up to my pussy, sucking on the labia and the hood of my hard clit.

I moaned myself as she ate my cunt so expertly, leaning up just a little I licked the shaft of his cock as it drove in and out of her, licking at her own hard nub of a clit.

Our fucking and licking became a frenzy. She took almost every thick inch of his cock. Her pussy swallowing it just as my own did.

The scent of her sex filled my senses, she was so wet now from his own frenzied and disjointed fucking until finally..

"Aisha... I want Jane to eat my spunk from you cunt.."

"Yes.. Cum In my cunt.. Fuck me... Cum in me.. Yes..Yes.yesyesyes oh hell yes.. Fill my gash with your hot spunk.."

His balls visibly tightened and with a "Fuck... Yeah.." He came in her.

She became still, no longer licking or sucking greedily at my cunt.

"Oh baby yeah.. Fuck.." she sighed as he pushed deeply into her again cumming again in her.

The powerful scent of her sex and his cum was overpowering and as he pulled slow out of her gobbets of his spunk dripped down onto my face.

He took hold of her by her hair and pulled her upright, turning her head and they kissed.

I watched as his cock pushed against her firm bum, smearing spunk there.

But then I was lost to a strange carnality as I took hold of her hips and pulled her sopping and spunk filled pussy to my mouth and licked, sucked probed at her until she came again shuddering and sighing, still kissing Him.

I don't know how long we stayed like that but finally her cunt was clean of his cum, I'd swallowed so much, it filled my belly warmly.

She eased off of my face and he lay down, Aisha on one side of him and me on the other.

At around half two in the morning we fell asleep again, the quilt thrown off to one side, a tangle of limbs.

I drifted off happily knowing that this man was mine, that I was OK with sharing him in bed with Aisha. She was my first experience with a woman, my first threesome.

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By *aughtyman45Man  over a year ago


Absolutely incredible story.

More please !

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By *lwaysup4it69Couple  over a year ago

Kirkby in Ashfield

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day seven part one

When I woke it was to a dull ache all over my body. Every nerve tingled as I opened my eyes.

During the night as we slept Aisha must have gotten up and returned to bed beside me and not him.

He was curled up behind me, spooning me, one arm under my neck, his fingers intertwined in her hair.

My own hand rested on her thigh, she was on her back, and I slowly moved my hand across her soft skin, marvelling at the colour of it in the dawn light.

Her body responded, eyes flickered open, so so beautiful, a smile touched her mouth.

We didn't speak as opened her thighs and my hand slipped between. After a few moments she was aroused, nipples hardening, cheeks blushing and she was wet where it counted.

She raised her hips as my fingers touched her gently, massaging her mound and the soft prickle of pubes growing back rasped against my hand.

One of her hands joined mine, stroking her together, learning her rhythm and preferences.

As I continued to stroke her she eased a couple of fingers into herself.

The noise of her moistness was alluring and it seemed enough to rouse Him from his sleep.

I felt his cock grow quickly, pushing against my bum, easing between my cheeks.

I wasn't yet ready to let someone else watch as my bum was violated, Aisha had revealed during dinner that "that place is off limits" she was repulsed by the act of such intercourse. A shame as it was so... Fulfilling.

I shifted position a little and moaned as he eased gently into my still sore pussy.

Aisha seemed to know what was going on as she started fingering herself harder and faster than before.

Her hips were bucking, she was moaning loudly, her breathing was short sharp pants.

Behind me He continued to slowly fuck me, he seemed in no rush and to be honest the slow pace of it was appreciated this morning.

His breath was hot on the back of my neck, slow deep breaths with each push of his cock into or pull out of me.

After maybe ten minutes fucking slowly he pulled out of me and man handled me so that I was straddling Aisha, she'd stopped masterbating and I eased my head down to her pussy to taste her again.

Her tongue lapped at my clit as I felt him enter me. The combination of them both tending to my pussy in different ways was divine, the uncertain licks from her and the solid length and girth of his cock moving back and forth in me.

When I came it was a slow building orgasm that happened in waves, as they built I felt his hot spunk delivered into me, barely a couple inches in me. As he pulled out I could feel it drip from me.

Aishas hungry tongue found me again, and gave me one final shuddering orgasm that had me yelling both their names as I came.

He was the first one in the shower shortly after, followed by Aisha and then myself.

Once we were all clean we set about getting dressed.

Aisha stood there in her light yellow bra and knickers whilst I slipped on my hold ups and bra, she watched as I eased the hold ups along my legs, adjusting them and then reaching for a just above the knee dress.

Once I was dressed she pulled out a red figure hugging dress that left nothing to the imagination then slipped on her heels as I slipped on mine.

He took moments to get dressed, boxers, trousers and a sweatshirt that was smart casual.

Together we went down to the bar and took a seat for breakfast.

After a second round of tea's we went back to the room and collected our bags.

Driving her home we chatted a little, and it was decided that she wanted to meet us again, individually or together. She'd enjoyed herself with us both enough to do it again and maybe get some pictures next time.

She also mentioned that she wasn't on the pill. Last night such considerations were forgotten in the heat of the moment but He did cum in her and she'd have to go to the chemist later, one that wasn't close to where she lived as the staff there were pretty judgmental when it came to the morning after pill.

As she walked to her front door she turned and blew us both a kiss and then went in.

We drove back to mine in silence.

He was going home today, it was the last day with Him.

We'd spent the night fucking a stranger, one we both wanted to see again and one we would both see again.

We had a lot to discuss, I was now his fiancé, we lived apart, he'd cum in her..

There was a lot to discuss.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Enjoying this still. Thank you.

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By *lwaysup4it69Couple  over a year ago

Kirkby in Ashfield

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

Day seven part two

We were both surprisingly well rested despite the night, and this mornings, antics.

It was still before eleven in the morning when we sat in the kitchen, the last of his clothes in the washing machine, as we started to talk about the week.

Not about the sex, there wasn't much at this point to say about that, I mean he'd come into my life, fucked me senseless and numb how can you really comment on something like that.

He washed our tea mugs up, I walked behind him, arms wrapping around his chest, my head resting on his shoulder.

"Do you have to go to work tomorrow.." The sadness was obvious in my voice. It churned inside of me, a writhing storm of emotions all struggling with eachother.

"I've had eleven days off, including weekends, I've not looked at me emails since Tuesday or Wednesday morning. I don't want to, but I have to. Bills won't pay themselves"

He turned to face me, wrapping his wet hands around me, pulling me close, hard. I didn't want him to let me go.


"So, do you still want to be my fiancé?"


"Then what do we do.."

We spent the next few hours talking, resolving things.

He only lived in Bromley. It was maybe an hour and a quarter in good traffic.

It wasn't long distance at all.

There wasn't any offices for the insurance company he worked for locally but he had an idea.

"I've been with them for.. Twelve years now.. Short of being office manager I can't really go higher. But maybe a side step.. My boss is new to the office so there's no real link for me there. I could start doing home based work.. Commute in when I had office things to do, once or twice a week. Most of my work is done by email.. I won't bore you with the details."

I smiled, seeing him suddenly aware, alive and vibrant, it made me do something very silly.

I couldn't help it, but I reached behind him, scooping up a large handful of soapy suds.


Right on his face.

I smirked. Then I giggled. I tried not to but the look on his face, shock, outrage, humour.

I burst out laughing, my ribs hurt from it, my eyes stung from tears.

"Well.. If you're going to splash my face.."

I heard his zip undo, suddenly we were kissing, his cock was in his hands and I went down to my knees in front of him.

The tip of his cock was salty and sweet all at the same time, maybe it was just the taste of the tears in my throat, but I licked just the glans, wrapping my lips around it, pulling my head back and making silly lolly pop sucking noises whilst he wanked into my mouth.

It take long before he tilted my head back. My tongue still teasing his cock.

Even though he'd cum in me this morning he still managed to spill over my face, not much but enough for me to smell the deep earthy scent and taste the richness of it as I went to lick my lips.

Click click click.

His camera captured my spunked on face.

I remembered the pornos in the blue shop, the girls on the covers, drenched in spunk.

It wasn't an unpleasant sensation, it was one I could come to enjoy.

After all he'd done this because I was sucking him as he wanked. I'd made him cum on me like this.

I wasn't complaining are all.

As I licked the last of it from my lips he stretched a hand out to me.

"Even" He said with a smile.

"Fine, even." and kissed him.

The rest of the day was spent drying his clothing, packing his bag and sorting out practicalities.

We'd have to live together. Properly.

Not just him moving in with me, but his and my furniture, all his stuff.

Stuff I'd never seen.

I picked up my phone, rattled off a quick text and had a quick reply.

"Jenny's working Monday and Tuesday I've just remembered. So I've a couple of spare days."

"Well.. You could always come back to mine.. Spend a couple nights. I'll juggle my shifts work extra hours for the later half of the week.."

I packed a small bag with a few bits, things I wanted to wear, things I knew he liked me wearing.

Let's face it, I wore the hold ups as much for him as I did myself.

I'd packed the vibrating egg, lube and douche. Every thing else was cleaned and put away.

I grabbed my own laptop and headphones, putting them in the small case along with a few other bits and pieces.

I was ready. My home was tidy, nothing in the fridge that would grow legs and cause chaos whilst I was away.

By three in the afternoon we was on the road.

I had the laptop on as we drove, and I began to type..

"I wasn't expecting to see him there that night..."

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

That's it Janes story all told, for now

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Awesome hot and horny and well written loved it

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By *ezjez369Man  over a year ago


Best I've read in a long time!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well done! Very enjoyable and erotic story!

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By *lwaysup4it69Couple  over a year ago

Kirkby in Ashfield

Great story would love to know

How it went after did he move in was there more 3sums?

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By *arlly83Couple  over a year ago


Aww cant leave it there i love this story, i want to know if they met aisha again? Did he move in with her? Ahhh so much potential x

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

I might start another Jane story next week, the lady from the cafe will certainly feature in it somewhere too

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By *wFunGuy4YouMan  over a year ago


Look forward to more. That was hot

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *taffsfun73Man  over a year ago

Newcastle under lyme

"I might start another Jane story next week, the lady from the cafe will certainly feature in it somewhere too


Please do loved the story you should try and extend it and publish if 50 shades of shit can make all that money your work should piss it

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By *ettercallsaul118Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This story turned me on so much!!;)

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

New story starting later today, no clue what it'll be called yet though



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By *usicMan  over a year ago


This is the hottest porn story I have ever read...kept me stiff for hours with its twists and turns and ins and outs.

Keep up the excellent stuff xx

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By *hedruk69Man  over a year ago

Sheffield area

Looking forward to your next story. Cant wait

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

The story continues!


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *iggerbumWoman  over a year ago


Absolutly amazing story please more its brilliant thank you

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By *othrockercpl OP   Couple  over a year ago

Halloween Town

"Absolutly amazing story please more its brilliant thank you "

Thanks Tig!

Part Two is linked just above as well

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