By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
This was written as part of some fun I had with another Fab member. It's based on themes and ideas she fantasised about and shared with me so I could turn them into a story for her to read.
She has been kind enough to allow me to share it and I welcome everyone's thoughts.
You'll see it's not finished, if there is interest, I'll continue it, knowing the original muse will be watching to see what unfolds too.
Please enjoy.
They'd been talking for a number of weeks now. Even though his profile didn't have a picture there was something about the way he crafted his initial messages to her that put her instantly at ease with him, as if they had always known one another.
She knew that most men on the site were chancers, pic collectors and wannabes, arrogant, pushy and more often than not, rude. But not him, he never asked anything more than she was willing to share, his confidence helping to combat her shyness discussing her sexual being. They may have only been pixels on a screen but he seemed to know when she wanted him to back off, not that he was ever domineering, just when subjects she wasn't comfortable discussing. Perhaps it was this trait about him that put her at ease, he only wanted what she was prepared to give.
As their on screen friendship blossomed she found that she longed to hear from him, often waking in the night to check the site, stealing glances at her phone on the way to work, during meetings, waiting for the kids after school, she couldn't stop herself and she was sure he felt the same, there was always a message waiting her attention.
Their conversations, whilst sexual in nature covered a width breadth, everything from losing their virginities to their wildest experiences. They often discussed their fantasises, going into great detail about what would happen, who would be wearing what, where the fantasy was to take place, when and how. No stone was left unturned and more often than not she found her hand straying between her legs as she read the graphic detail he lay before her.
As time had progressed and their conversations freer and more honest she had asked for his number. She had taken herself by surprise with her request, normally it was the guys that asked if she was in Kik or WhatsApp, but reading his words and with her body and mind reacting so pleasurably to them she wanted to know what his voice sounded like. She wanted to hear him talk about her body and his desire for her.
One morning before work her courage was high and she took the day as it presented itself, fresh and full of life, bounding possibilities ahead. She sent her first text message to him and readied herself for the day. Before leaving the house she cooly glanced at her phone, no message, hmmm she thought tossing it into her bag.
Now she'd looked though, she couldn't help but lose that cool demeanour, as she walked down the road she checked every few minutes. By the time she arrived at work her battery was far lower than it should have been for 08:55. She got to her desk, placed her bag down and went for a coffee, checking her phone as she walked past the desks.
Her phone buzzed, a text, at last he'd replied. A single word, the message left no doubt as to its meaning, yes. Simple and clean, the ball was now in motion, a shiver ran through her body and her head tingled as the shiver passed over her.
Her morning was busy and full of meetings and calls, it left little time for anything, her head for of work. It was only when a colleague had come back and taken his coat off that she thought to look at the time. It was 14:30 and she needed to eat. Out of the office the brightness of the day reminded her of how fun her morning had been. At last she had started to live out one of her most secret of fantasises and she knew she had chosen the right play mate to help her.
Late one night they had been discussing the thrill sleeping with strangers gave them both, neither had done it, but they talked long into the small hours about possible scenarios. Meeting in a museum and sneaking behind a restricted doorway, a fondle on the busy train in the morning, or a chance passing in London department store. As the conversation progressed some of the ideas she thought took a different direction, the thought of public trysts not quite where her imagination was going. She thought of being alone, at home, the lights off, a silence through each room. She thought of sleeping in a light nighty, under soft sheets, her head resting peacefully on her pillow. Of a stranger entering her home, and finding his way to her bedroom, and of her giving herself to him. She cut him off from another variation of an out and about encounter fantasy and told him what was on her mind.
He listened attentively, letting her thoughts and words cascade as they built up and spilled out of her. As she spoke she felt herself getting horny, with every sentence, she had these thoughts for sometime, but never daren't to think about sharing them with another person. As she described the moment the stranger would enter her house she found her hand had strayed south and that she was gently rubbing the denim of her jeans between her legs.
She described how she would be asleep, unaware of him entering her home, how he would find her a sleep in her bedroom in the loft, wearing just a satin nightie, the duvet pulled tight around her body to keep her warm. He would lie behind her, the weight of his body joining her on the mattress and causing her to roll back a little against him. She told of how he would reach under the covers and trace his hand across her body and how the sensation would lift her out of her slumber, not fully but enough that she could respond to his touches. He would run his hand along her side and down her thigh, running his nails against her skin, letting her bed wear ride and ripple out of the way of his advancing hand. He would massage her ass, again gripping at her skin as her caressed her. His hand would move between her thighs from behind and massage her pussy, as he did so she would begin to move her hips in acceptance. She waking further as he aroused her from her sleep. Eventually he would let his finger tips find her clit and with his gentle motions over it she would wake fully, turning onto her side and raising one knee so that he could finger her more deeply. His other hand would reach beneath her neck so it rested on his bicep and he would pull her tight to him, his fingers deep inside her, filling her, pleasing her as he held her still.
Engrossed in the sensation she couldn't tell if he was clothed or not, it didn't matter, all that did was the wonderful feeling he was bestowing onto her between her legs. His fingers continued to glide in and out of her from behind, sometimes he would curl his fingers inside her and grope for her sensitive g-spot, on finding it and massaging it for her she let out a whimper, her first real sound since he'd made his was into her bed, it was soft, but full of intent, he knew she was enjoying this early morning wake up and let his fingers leave her so that he could stimulate her clit. Two finger tips slide between the fold of her pussy, pulling her lips open and exposing her swelling clit. He let it slips between them, letting the sides of his fingers engulf her clit and with small circular movements he bought her to her first orgasm. She tried to stay composed, but the movement on her clit was too much, she reached down and assisted him, her fingers entwining with his as she guided him on her body. Her hips convulsing as they both fucked her and prolonged her orgasm as a second washed over her.
Still held firm in his grip she turned her head, 'I think it's time you fucked me' she whispered, he held her tighter and kissed the soft of her neck. He returned by asking if she was sure. She nodded and with that he slipped deep inside her. She'd managed to keep her hands to herself whilst he'd fingered her, so had no idea how big he might be. The feeling of him stretching her slightly as he took his first thrust into her was sublime. She could feel herself tightening around his girth, her pussy wanting it, but unsure of what was happening and how to react.
Describing this fantasy to her online friend turned her on no end and she asked if it was turning him on as well. He told her that as she's been describing it he had been slowly stroking himself. The idea of sneaking into her house and playing with her whilst she slept was an incredible one. He loved the thought of her going to bed each night and not knowing when someone may come and play with her body. The anticipation and excitement each night, knowing that she could be awoken at any time by a stranger in her home, molesting and playing with her until she woke up and accepted what was to come that evening.
She was relieved that his response had been so positive, part of her felt a little like it was asking for him to commit the most vile of crimes. She tried to explain her feelings on it to him to which he replied, if it's consensual, and both know it is happening and want it to, then it's just the enactment of a fantasy. But she knew deep down that part of the rush was the stranger and loss of control as he played with her, him taking her as she slept. |