
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Stories and Fantasies > A favour for a friend

A favour for a friend

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By *anillaguy OP   Man  over a year ago


Steve had known Sophie for a long time, maybe twenty years. They had been friends since university and although both had flirted with the idea over the years, nothing of a sexual nature, beyond the odd saucy comment or mild d*unken flirtation, had ever taken place.

As he walked the short distance down the suburban side street where he had parked his car, Steve cast his mind back to the conversation that had led him to this bland and ordinary street on his way to ... Well, he didn't know what.

It had been a few weeks previously when they had been sharing a sneaky fag, much to their other friends disgust, in the garden of a pub where a regular meeting of their social circle regularly took place. Sophie was sitting opposite him, looking her usual relaxed and sexy self, as she took a drag on her cigarette and casually announced, "I've always wanted to go to a swingers club."

Steve stifled a cough, as he was mid drag on a fag, as she casually dropped this startling confession into what had been, until then, a normal conversation of the state of her dating situation. "Yeah, just something that's always held a certain fascination for me. Well, you know how much I like sex" she said chuckling. Indeed he did. Never shy of sharing the tales of her various sexual experiences with whomever would listen, Steve had long ago stopped being shocked by anything his dearest friend could say. That was until about a minute before. ""Thing is," she continued, "I want you to come with me. Not in a sexual way" she quickly added, "just as a safe pair of hands, you know, someone I can trust not to leave me and look after me." And as the conversation continued long into the night, Steve had found himself, disbelievingly, agreeing to her request.

That was how he now found himself approaching a quite unremarkable looking house where, he had learned by text a short time before, his friend awaited him.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Steve had known Sophie for a long time, maybe twenty years. They had been friends since university and although both had flirted with the idea over the years, nothing of a sexual nature, beyond the odd saucy comment or mild d*unken flirtation, had ever taken place.

As he walked the short distance down the suburban side street where he had parked his car, Steve cast his mind back to the conversation that had led him to this bland and ordinary street on his way to ... Well, he didn't know what.

It had been a few weeks previously when they had been sharing a sneaky fag, much to their other friends disgust, in the garden of a pub where a regular meeting of their social circle regularly took place. Sophie was sitting opposite him, looking her usual relaxed and sexy self, as she took a drag on her cigarette and casually announced, "I've always wanted to go to a swingers club."

Steve stifled a cough, as he was mid drag on a fag, as she casually dropped this startling confession into what had been, until then, a normal conversation of the state of her dating situation. "Yeah, just something that's always held a certain fascination for me. Well, you know how much I like sex" she said chuckling. Indeed he did. Never shy of sharing the tales of her various sexual experiences with whomever would listen, Steve had long ago stopped being shocked by anything his dearest friend could say. That was until about a minute before. ""Thing is," she continued, "I want you to come with me. Not in a sexual way" she quickly added, "just as a safe pair of hands, you know, someone I can trust not to leave me and look after me." And as the conversation continued long into the night, Steve had found himself, disbelievingly, agreeing to her request.

That was how he now found himself approaching a quite unremarkable looking house where, he had learned by text a short time before, his friend awaited him. "

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By *lew65Man  over a year ago


More please

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By *ime for me21Man  over a year ago


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By *revorAndTraceyCouple  over a year ago

Newcastle Upon Tyne

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

More please

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By *anillaguy OP   Man  over a year ago


He shifted nervously after ringing the ornate Victorian door bell, hearing a distinctive clack, clack sound accompanied by muffled background music as someone had clearly opened an internal door and approached the large wooden door that was the entrance to the property. As the door was opened Steve unconsciously turned around to see if anyone on the road behind him was witnessing the site which greeted him but saw no one. A lady, maybe in her late forties or early fifties but still looking good, wearing a black and red basque with attached stockings smiled broadly at him and beckoned him in with a backwards nod of her head.

“Welcome!” she said in a cheery voice which had the sound of a Home Counties accent. Steve just smiled and nodded as he took a few tentative steps across the threshold and into a short tiled hallway which led to a partially open internal door as he had thought. As the lady closed the door behind him, she seemed to move very swiftly past him in an almost flowing motion to enable her to fully open the internal door, almost as a naughty teenager would when welcoming some friends to an illicit gathering where there would be underage drinking and other things their parents would not approve of. Her left arm outstretched to usher Steve in the direction of a tall, but small, round table where another attractive lady sat wearing yet more erotic lingerie with some forms and other pieces of paper before her.

“Good afternoon and welcome” she said warmly, “have you been to one of our parties before?” Mumbling his reply, Steve explained that he had not attended an event of theirs before and he was expecting to meet a friend. “Oh, you will meet lots of friends here today my love” she replied as Steve’s attention was momentarily drawn to the kitchen behind her where a small group of people were chatting. The person most directly in his line of sight was another woman in her underwear but this wasn’t what had drawn his gaze, no, it was the fact that this woman was wearing a large, red strap on as she talked animatedly with the group around her. She seemed to be making an animated point and as her arms gesticulated, the strap on seemed to move as if it had a life of its own. The lady at the table who was clearly one of the hosts turned to follow where his gaze lay. She laughed, “Oh, that’s just Judy, she does like to show off Frankie even when not using him.” Steve looked to her with a clearly puzzled expression on his face as she continued, giggling, “It’s what she calls the strap on, Frankie. And Frankie does like to fuck.” She must have read some alarm on his face as she quickly added, “It’s alright dear, she only fucks those who want to be. That is the golden rule here. No means no and nobody has to do anything they are not comfortable with.” Steve just nodded, seemingly unable to break from staring at this large, ribbed, fake phallus. The spell was broken though as Sophie walked from the side of the laughing group, emerging from another room. A large, cheesy grin with an expression that said, ‘can you believe this?’ adorned her face as she approached him.

“Thank you so much for this” she whispered in his ear as she gave him an unusually tight hug, “I really couldn’t do this without you.” Unable to adequately respond, Steve just let out a long slow breath.

“Awww, look at you two, so sweet.” Steve turned to be faced with a beaming, plump, young woman with pale skin, whose ample breasts seemed to be sagging slightly making her pronounced, pink nipples point directly at the floor. This however made her no less attractive or desirable and Steve felt an odd stirring in his groin. “I’m Bella and I am going to show you around.” Both Sophie and Steve fell in behind their guide and, as they moved off, he felt his hand being taken and gripped tightly as Sophie slowly laced her fingers between his.

From their starting point in the high ceilinged hallway Steve could see four doors and a large winding staircase. Bella led them towards the closest door which was propped open with what looked like a gold statue of two people engaged in doggy style sex. As they entered the room, the sight which met them clearly had an effect on Sophie as Steve felt her grip tighten. It was a normal front room layout with three sofas, a coffee table in the centre and a flickering television in the far corner. There was however nothing normal about what was taking place in this rather rundown looking lounge. On the sofa on the left directly in front of the doorway there were two men and one woman sitting on it. Both of the men had no trousers on and were having their cocks sucked by lingerie clad women. The closest was laying his head back as his dick was obscured by two heads, one blonde, one brunette who were very noisily and eagerly enjoying pleasuring the gent and, when he let out a loud groan, they seemed to let out louder moans and the movement of their heads increased.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *eadyMan  over a year ago


Excellently written story!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *teviem40Man  over a year ago


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By *cotFit4funMan  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Sounding good up to now.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Like it more please

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By *ime for me21Man  over a year ago


Getting good

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By *sprey6Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *ack Seat LoverTV/TS  over a year ago


Great start!! Look forward to more...

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By *untimes6969Man  over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Great start - let the fun begin!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Mmmmm cant wait for more

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well written loving the story xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

loving this, please more, so well written building it up

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By *ngman70Man  over a year ago

Between Christcrch and New Forest

This is very good. Looking forward to more

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By *oss25Man  over a year ago

Flitwick and Fakenham

Keep going, I'm enjoying this one

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By *anillaguy OP   Man  over a year ago


Thank you for all the positive comments. They are very much appreciated

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By *ood tongue!!!Man  over a year ago


sounds very interesting & can only get better

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By *ilberryMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *ixon bearCouple  over a year ago

same where

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *ilson84500Man  over a year ago


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By *UN-ALMan  over a year ago

Near Fenwick

Wow great read so far...

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By *ady LickWoman  over a year ago

Northampton Somewhere

I love it OP, you've really set the scene

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By *ick manMan  over a year ago


Keep going very good

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By *iceButtSlimMan  over a year ago


Enjoying the lead in, can't wait for more.

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By *hitevanman812Man  over a year ago


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By *r ed300Man  over a year ago


Please continue

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By *anillaguy OP   Man  over a year ago


As Bella casually explained that this was, obviously, the lounge and social area she turned around so that neither of them could take in much more that was happening, save that the lady sitting next to the gents was also clearly enjoying herself. She had an almost pained expression on her face as she held another ladies head, pulling it deeper into between her legs, as her nipples were tweaked by the blonde woman who was sucking vigorously the man sitting next to her. Steve and Sophie silently followed Bella as she strode back into the hallway. He wasn’t sure how his sexually curious friend was feeling but he was definitely beginning to experience some strange sensations, almost like an out of body experience. On some level, he almost felt like poking himself in the eye; just to confirm the sights before him were real. Everyone he saw, apart from himself and Sophie, seemed to be either naked or dressed in a sexually provocative fashion; be it in lingerie, fetish gear or even a few he saw dressed as characters from literature and film. He could have sworn the person closing the toilet door behind themselves a moment ago had been wearing the iconic Princess Leia gold bikini outfit. Almost as if she had been reading his thoughts, Sophie asked Bella if there was somewhere she could hang her coat. Bella indicated that she would take it and hang it in the cloakroom area next to the kitchen. With this, Sophie relinquished her grip on Steve’s hand, at which point he realised how tightly she had been holding it as some sensation began to return to his fingers. As he turned to face her, Sophie had effortlessly shrugged off her long red coat, handing it to Bella. It was only then that he comprehended how much thought she had put into this day and, that his friend had really come prepared to fully experience this event. As he took in the sight of her his breath quickened; black hold ups with a swirly, shiny pattern at the top led up from her high heeled red shoes. Her shapely body was held in a short latex dress with holes where her breasts sat proudly on display. Her two large pink nipples protruded prominently indicating she was cold or, extremely turned on. Steve decided it was probably the latter as the house itself seemed rather warm, something to do with so many people naked in an enclosed space he guessed. Bending over, slightly facing away from him, Sophie gently pulled up the holdup adorning her left leg and, as she did so, he could see that it wasn’t the cold affecting her nipples. Wearing no underwear, Steve had a clear view of Sophie’s pussy which was glistening in the light of the hallway, a sprinkling of her juices hanging on her engorged lips. Again struck by an inability to stop staring, he stood, transfixed on this incredibly sexy sight. Pulling his eyes away he slowly looked up into the blue eyes of his clearly aroused friend. She was still bent over as she looked around at him with a naughty, almost lascivious, grin on her face.

“Like what you see?” she asked a stunned and silent Steve. As he gave a weak nod, she replied, “good.”

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By *anillaguy OP   Man  over a year ago


Sorry for the lack of paragraphs. Just realised.

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By *ime for me21Man  over a year ago


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By *sprey6Man  over a year ago


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By *cotFit4funMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Good so far... Sutton House

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By *anillaguy OP   Man  over a year ago


Elements of it, yes

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By *ood tongue!!!Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

keep going

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By *itboyslim2Man  over a year ago


"keep going


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By *untimes6969Man  over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Great story, looking forward to hearing more!!

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By *r ed300Man  over a year ago


More please

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By *ixon bearCouple  over a year ago

same where

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By *anillaguy OP   Man  over a year ago


“Like what you see?” she asked a stunned and silent Steve. As he gave a weak nod, she replied, “good.” He was snapped from his reverie by Bella returning from hanging the coat.

“What are you staring at you naughty boy? she enquired as she strode towards him, her breasts swaying gently as each step was taken. Bella followed his gaze letting out a small moan as she took in the view of Sophie, still bent over smiling standing in the lobby. “May I?” she asked speaking to both of them. Before Steve could say anything, not sure what he would say even if he could, Sophie’s voice met his hears with the words,

“Oh yes please!” Wasting no time Bella dropped to her knees behind Sophie and plunged her tongue deep into her wet pussy. Giving out a groan of intense pleasure, Sophie tensed slightly and then slowly pushed back onto the head between her legs that was moving in a purposeful manner. Clearly Bella had a rhythm and style that she favoured when giving oral pleasure to a lady. As she writhed in ecstasy Sophie ever so slightly lost her footing, just toppling forward a fraction where her outstretched hands met Steve’s. She looked into his eyes, smiled, then bit her bottom lip as a slurping sound and deep sigh emanated from beneath her. Looking down, Steve could see that Bella was now sitting on her bottom using her hands to pull Sophie’s arse cheeks apart, clearly, from the noises the pair were making, to enhance her tongues penetration of the pussy and access to the clit.

As he stood, transfixed by the site directly before him holding his friend’s hands his attention was instantly diverted by a commotion coming from the room with the sofas in. A group of naked revellers had come through some french doors which Steve hadn’t noticed before, through which he could see a rather large hot tub on the patio, steam rising from it lazily. They had started laughing and joking loudly with the people currently engaged in various sexual acts, clearly they were all familiar with each other judging from the banter and the fact that the whole time men and women continued to fuck and suck around the room. While standing and taking this in, still holding Sophie’s hands, he suddenly felt a hand on his backside. Turning his head to the right to see who the hand belonged to, he realised that it was tracing around his waist in the opposite direction and, before he could turn his head or say anything, he felt it effortlessly pop the top button on his trousers and slip into his boxers.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *oss25Man  over a year ago

Flitwick and Fakenham

You can't stop there..........aaaaaaargh

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

got me so hard sat here reading this, need moarrrrrrr!!!

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By *ustful desiresCouple  over a year ago


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By *ohn_1983Man  over a year ago


Superb story

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By *parklesueTV/TS  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *ettercallsaul118Man  over a year ago


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By *ime for me21Man  over a year ago


I had forgotten how good it was. Please continue and don't leave it so long

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By *untimes6969Man  over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Thought they'd got nervous and ran out!!

Really pleased the story is back on - More

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By *thwalescplCouple  over a year ago


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By *cubasexMan  over a year ago



Well written and very horny

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By *adbod2015Man  over a year ago



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By *omkingbillyCouple  over a year ago


Can't wait for more

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By *ndyandMandyCouple  over a year ago



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By *lwaysup4it69Couple  over a year ago

Kirkby in Ashfield

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By *anillaguy OP   Man  over a year ago


Thank you so much for the positive comments. Always greatly received either in the forum or by message.

Sorry for the delay, but life gets in the way sometimes

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By *anillaguy OP   Man  over a year ago


Feeling somewhat alarmed, Steve looked down to see who it was that was caressing him so brazenly, but at the same time, erotically. Just as he lowered his head to see, he felt a hot, wet mouth take his entire length in; he juddered as the mouth tightened around his cock with the tongue playing along the underside, all thoughts of looking down left his head as he bent it back, squeezing his eyes shut as he let out a huge sexual sigh followed by, “Fuck me!” As he began to lower his gaze from the ceiling, which he now found himself staring at, he felt a little bewildered when suddenly a warm sensation reverberated through his entire body. He felt a tongue on his balls.

The feeling was the most intense he could remember, like the first time he got his hand inside a girl’s bra, and he struggled to focus on anything but this, this, this absolutely incredible feeling. The pleasure he felt was beyond anything, the feel of the mouth on his now rigid member, the tongue playfully licking his balls, sometimes taking a ball ever so gently completely into their mouth. It was then it struck him. How had he not realized sooner? There were two people going down on him. With this moment of clarity he tipped his head forward to behold the epicentre of this tsunami of pure unadulterated pleasure. The thought of two women sucking his cock was a fantasy that he had held since he was an over horny, under experienced teenager. The sight was something that would be seared into his memory until the day he died, or, knowing his luck, he’d forget in a bout of early onset dementia. Looking down through what could only be described as a sexually induced haze, the sight that greeted him was not what he had expected. ‘Never in a million years’ as his teenage self would have said.

What the fuck was happening?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great story....

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By *hil911Man  over a year ago


Awesome story.

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By *ettercallsaul118Man  over a year ago


Lucky man

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By *r ed300Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have a good friend who is a full blown lesbian.. About 4 months ago she was down in the dumps and was very horny so I did what any good friend would do. Licked and finger fucked her till she squealed and as a reward she let me fuck her from behind she said that she just pretend it was a strap-on lol. But it was one of the best fucks of my life

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Awesome. Bookmarked!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Awesome. Bookmarked!! "

You like my story then xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Keep going op! Great story and very well written

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great story. Very well written.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Love this is back x

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By *r ed300Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Please do finish this story! Xx

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By *itman6969Man  over a year ago


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By *sprey6Man  over a year ago


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By *lwaysup4it69Couple  over a year ago

Kirkby in Ashfield

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great story, looking forward to hearing more!

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By *ettercallsaul118Man  over a year ago


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By *anillaguy OP   Man  over a year ago


What the fuck was happening?

As he looked down to see two heads bobbing about his crotch, a most peculiar thought went through his head; his fantasy of two ladies sucking his cock would have to be amended. The crux of the encounter would remain the same, only his position should change he thought.

“I should be lying down” he murmured quietly to himself, thinking of his amended sexual fantasy.

“Oh what a good idea!” came a voice from a mouth clearly engaged in fellating him as he felt her breath as she spoke. An alarm bell of recognition of the voice flashed through his mind and, as he looked down, for the first time seeing the faces of the two people who had been playing with his cock like it was some sort of aphrodisiac to be devoured. Looking up, with his glistening cock resting on her chin was Jane; his girlfriend of 4 years.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Liking this story

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By *hil911Man  over a year ago


Ooo good twist

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By *wFunGuy4YouMan  over a year ago


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By *aughtyman45Man  over a year ago


Great story and well written

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By *r ed300Man  over a year ago


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By *atineLadyWoman  over a year ago


Love it!

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By *ohn_1983Man  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Please continue, this is so good!

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By *untimes6969Man  over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Ah fantastic!!

Great story

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By *ettercallsaul118Man  over a year ago


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By *sprey6Man  over a year ago


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By *weetChariotMan  over a year ago

High Wycombe

Superb story.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *thwalescplCouple  over a year ago


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By *cubasexMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *anillaguy OP   Man  over a year ago


Thank you all so much for the positive comments. This is the first time anyone has read some of the multitude of stuff I have written.

I appreciate the encouragement

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By *ime for me21Man  over a year ago


"Thank you all so much for the positive comments. This is the first time anyone has read some of the multitude of stuff I have written.

I appreciate the encouragement "

so please carry on

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *af105Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Please sir, more x

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By *anillaguy OP   Man  over a year ago


"Please sir, more x"

Now that is sexy

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By *imbo57Man  over a year ago

kilmarnock ish

nice twist

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By *ocky-boyMan  over a year ago

All over

One of the better written stories, fantastic detail

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Brilliant keep it going

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *anillaguy OP   Man  over a year ago


An alarm bell of recognition of the voice flashed through his mind and, as he looked down, for the first time seeing the faces of the two people who had been playing with his cock like it was some sort of aphrodisiac to be devoured. Looking up, with his glistening cock resting on her chin was Jane; his girlfriend of 4 years. “Surprise!” she said cheekily as she moved her head to take his cock back between her bright red lipstick covered lips and gave it a long, slow suck.

“Yeah, surprise” repeated the other woman who had been pleasuring his cock and balls, putting out her tongue to play with his balls, which were wet and held in her hand. The women glanced at each other then burst into fits of giggles. Jane let go of his cock, which sprang up upon its release, leading to more uncontrolled laughter. She stood, turned to face Sophie, who was still twisting her lips with pleasure due to Bella now fingering her pussy quite intently. Placing a deep, passionate kiss on Sophie’s lips, which seemed to last an eternity, Jane then turned to face him and said, very matter of factly, “shall we all get more comfortable?”

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By *ime for me21Man  over a year ago


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By *ceman619Man  over a year ago



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By *ceman619Man  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 18/08/17 23:29:21]

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By *ceman619Man  over a year ago


"Please sir, more x"
come to ur master

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *wFunGuy4YouMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wow! Such a sexy story. So hot

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By *af105Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *ixon bearCouple  over a year ago

same where

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By *iceguy12345678Man  over a year ago

Fareham ish

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great story

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By *ime for me21Man  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great story

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By *nicker manMan  over a year ago


Loving this, please continue.

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By *cott9191Man  over a year ago


Great story, please continue

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By *r ed300Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

great story, look forward to the rest.

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By *ettercallsaul118Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *ndyandMandyCouple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *elshmailMan  over a year ago



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By *luffybunnie1Couple  over a year ago


More please

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By *aidbacklookingMan  over a year ago


Nice start

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

When's the next chapter, have been reading this throughout the day, damn good stuff

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 18/10/17 23:52:53]

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By *anillaguy OP   Man  over a year ago


In a dream like state, Steve was led through the house, down a corridor illuminated with sparkling fairy lights towards a door which sat slightly ajar. His cock was still erect and swaying as he was led towards the room. Striding purposefully, Jane was still giggling and completely naked, her backside illuminated by the pink fairy lights, his right hand in hers as she led him on to he knew not where. His other hand was desperately trying to hold his trousers up as he stumbled along, finally reaching the door which Jane threw open.

“Ooh, hello”, purred Jane as she entered the room, still pulling him along. Eyes straining to adjust to the darkened room, Steve began to slowly make out some of the features of the room which his naked and still highly amused girlfriend had brought him to. Beams of sunlight from the unsuspecting outside world seemed to dissect the room, music was playing from a small stereo on a mantle and in the middle of the room was a large, round bed. He thought it was round but it was difficult to tell as there was a large group of naked bodies writhing atop it. Unsurprisingly, there was the unmistakable slap of flesh as someone was being fucked. His sight improving as it became more accustomed to the lack of light, Steve could make out a man fucking a woman doggy style on the edge of the bed. The woman turned to face the door and returned Jane’s ‘hello’ with a very direct smile before asking, no demanding,

“Bring that beautiful pussy over here, my tongue is waiting!” As the woman lifted her head ever so, Steve could make out the shape of another man beneath her, his hands on her breasts and his hips thrusting up. It appeared that the lady who was hoping to be licking his girlfriends beautiful, neat and trimmed pussy, was being fucked in the pussy and the ass; and loving every minute of it.

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By *ockHardMcrCockMan  over a year ago


Oh yes - been with g/f to swingers club but never had this level of success !

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *r ed300Man  over a year ago


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By *asil353Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *anillaguy OP   Man  over a year ago


Thanks, would welcome comments on this either in the forum or by pm. Am not angling for messages, just genuinely interested to know what people think of it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Loving this story, could go anywhere from here

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By *UN-ALMan  over a year ago

Near Fenwick

Great story would love this house party.....

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By *elshmailMan  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *af105Man  over a year ago


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By *lossie 42Couple  over a year ago


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By *inky kissersCouple  over a year ago

South East

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By *imbo57Man  over a year ago

kilmarnock ish

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *teviem40Man  over a year ago


More please

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By *ndyandMandyCouple  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *imale38Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great story

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By *itboyslim2Man  over a year ago


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