By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Suprise for Both of Us
During dinner, as i refilled the glasses or took time to appreciate her movements, it finally dawned on me that she was not wearing any knickers what so ever.
I had noticed when she first arrived the lack of bra, and thought little more as to whether she chose to go with or with out the rest of her underwear, with the exception that i had allowed her to choose such things, as at that point i did not know what her wardrobe might contain.
I suprised her, after the dishes were all cleared away to the dishwasher, by letting her know that i appreciated her choice of underwear, as it bought back memories of her from just yesterday, and this ellicited a coy smile from her, she said that she was not sure if she should or should not wear any, and had in her handbag two pairs just in case.
Once again, we went to the living room, where we had dined, the flat having no dining room as such, and took to the vast leather sofa that all but dominated a wall.
We spoke a little of the meal, and of the wine, i commended her on the choice of wines, and she said it had gone to her head a little, but she wasn't sure if that was just nerves.
It was at this moment, that i decided to lean in and kiss her, fully and properly, as one might a lover and not what she was in essence to me, a woman who had chosen to submit to me.
The taste if wine lingered on our tongues, and this only heightened the kiss, allowing our fluids to mix with flavoured undertones as our tongues darted urgently in to the others mouths.
Once the kiss was broken off, she shuddered a sigh of relief, and said that she wanted to to that since we first met, i replied in kind, saying that what i also wanted to do was to kiss her again, and allow my hands to explore her body, which she did not disagree to in the slightest.
We moved on the sofa, her on to her back, looking up at my from my lap, and once again, i leaned to kiss her, this time savouring the touch of our lips as they met, the cloying stickyness of her lipstick.
As she moaned from the kiss, i placed a hand on her thigh, and slid it to her hem line, alowing the fabric to run gently along my hand, as gentle as my hand was apon her body.
Before long i slid further in to the shadows of her skirt and found her clean shaven mound, her clitorous already erect and her lips parted in expectation.
Well, who am i do deny some one something they, and i, want?
Actually, i'm me, i'm the one to deny, and deny i did.
I took time to toy with her lips and clitorous, languid strokes that barely touched her, and when they conected to her, she shook with both shock and pleasure each time.
Our kissing became more urgent, and i could feel her becoming moister by the moment down below, and i slid a finger inside of her, in one quick movement, and began to gyrate my hand, allowing the palm to stroke her outerlips and clitorus, raising a gentle moan from her as our lips parted momentarily.
Again, we kissed, this time our lips met even more urgently as her passion rose, and i moved deeper inside of her, sliding in a secound and then a third finger, massaging her with some measure of rising fury as my own passion rose, causing her to break of the kiss and scream out as she came.
Sobbing, she had asked me to stop, but i carried on, wanting her to peak again, begging followed, her voice pleading through sobs of pain and gasps of pleasure, until she relented and for a second time orgasmed.
Pulling my fingers out from her i knew i was smirking, how could i not? I had reduced some one so quickly to begging, and forcing them to come when i wanted them to. I reached over for the wine, took a little in my mouth and passed the glass down to her, telling her to drink, replenish her fluids.
Once she had swallowed a mouth full of wine, i asked her when she last masterbated, and she could not answer right away, suddenly drained and still feeling her sex quiver in the cool air from the partially open windows.
Once she had a second sip of wine, still on her back, her head in my lap, she told me the last time she'd done that was last night, and i asked her what she was thinking of when she was perfoming the gratifying act on herself.
Again, she became shy, and i knew what her answer would be before she spoke my name out loud.
I asked her if she had used any toys, or was it simply just her fingers, she replied that she had used a toy to start with, but found she had nothing to compare it to, so it felt false to her, and she relied on just her fingers to bring the pleasure she had desperately wanted.
With her answer barely past her lips, i asked her if after she had tasted her self, if she had licked her fingers to savour the potent aroma of sex.
She had not, so then i asked her to taste herself, from my own fingers that had mere minutes ago been deep inside her.
Reluctantly she took my hand, and began to kiss it, then she flicked her tongue over my finger tips, much as like any porn star in a dvd suck a cock.
Once she hand found the taste agreeable to her, she took a finger and cleaned it with her tongue, sucking each one down and rolling her tongue over it, before moving on to the second, following the same method again, and then the same for the third.
Once she was done with the third, she took all three of them, trying not to gag, and cleaned them all as one before licking her lips and swallowing what juices of her own were on my fingers anlong with her saliva.
This became to much for me, and i found myself so very hard in wanting her. I leaned down again to kiss her, pulling her up to me perhaps a little to forcefully, and kissed her, again furiously, tasting the wine, our saliva and her juice as our tongues once again began the darting back and forth, darkly exploring eachothers mouths.
Once i had her sitting almost upright on the sofa, i slip a hand down to her left side, and tugged at the cord holding her dress closed before doing like wise with the cord on the right side.
The dress folded back, exposing her bare breasts, her nipples small but errect, free of any piercings or blemish. I settled on to the floor, kneeling before her, though upright i was the same height as she was on the sofa, all the while kissing her, allowing my lips to wander across her face and neck, bringing a small cry of pleasure or pain, either was fine for me at the time, as i nipped at her neck, leaving small bite marks that would soon vanish.
I kissed down her neck, allowing her to lean backwards and began to caress and kiss her breasts. I must admit, they were of perhaps a perfect size, they fit her body very well, and had no marks or blemishes on them from bearing children, and they fit just right beneath my hands, firm smooth and warm as i played with each nipple, tugging it gently before devouring it in a kiss and then pulling back a little, enough to flicker my tongue across each one as might a snake taste the air.
I began to kiss further down, each rib receiving a gentle caress that made her shudder before kissing further again, down to her belly, again no marks from bearing children marred her here, a little silvering of the skin, but that should only be expected, and it was easily over looked in the light of the flat, which was remarkably low by now, the last of the sunshine long gone, and only a solitary lamp in a far corner standing watch over us.
Again, i began to kiss further down, found her suspender belt and kissed every inch of it across her delicate waist and down the retaining thongs holding the stockings in place, when i came to her loins i moved across to one leg, her left i think it was, instead of easing my tongue in to her, which she had told me after what she expected me to do at that point. All the while i carresses before i kissed, and her legs were beautifully smooth, she had waxed in the morning and no redness remained, not that i could have noticed it in the dim light mind you, especially as she was still wearing the stockings
As i came down to her knees, i had started to lift her legs up, so that i might not have to move so very much other perhaps than to turn a little from one side to another.
Caressing, kissing and licking i came finally to her ankles and feet, clad in her shoes still.
Taking each foot in turn, i kissed the top, from her ankle to her toes, before kissing each one, and then removed the strap that held the shoe in place. With each foot then free of the shoes, which rested askew on the floor just out of arms reach where i had dropped them, i began once again to caress and kiss her feet and toes, taking them despite still being clad in the stockings, in to my mouth and cleaning them as she had my fingers earlier.
As i began to kiss up her legs again, i asked that she take a little wine in her mouth and then kiss me, passing me the wine, she did not balk at this, as i thought she might a little, and done exactly as asked, so that when i reached her knees and sat upright again she was at the right height to kiss me and pass me the wine from her own lips.
Again i tasted our salivas mixed with the wine and the barest hint of her own fluid.
Once i had d*unk from her lips, i took the remainder of the glass and drained it, leaving the one glass half full on the table off to one side.
I stood, with out saying a word, and refilled both glasses with the wonderfully chilled wine, leaving just one last bottle in the fridge, along with the sweet apple cider that also resided there.
I walked back in to the room, and she was exactly as i had left her, legs still open enough for me to kneel between them, which i did again, and i passed her the refilled glass, which she sipped at, not seeming to notice her nakedness, though her arms were still clad in the sleeves of the dress.
Setting my glass aside i took time to ask if she was ok with everything so far, if i had done anything that she did not like, i had in truth so far done very little, little more that what most people might consider foreplay before ploughing on with the main sexual act, but this was not something i really considered foreplay, this was simply pleasure with another person, and i'd have been happy to stop there if she did not want to go any further.
She told me that she had never tasted herself before, except when with some prior partner and taking him in her mouth after intercourse, again, this was something she was not over pleased to do, but she expressed a desire to do so with me, as she had my fingers, so she wanted to do after sex as well.
I told her that it might not be so streight forward as that, as sex had not yet happened, and may not for a while to come yet either.
This seemed to dishearten her some what, and i took a while to express that the lifestyle was not just about sex, but about pleasure, about enjoying the experiance, and that whilst yes sex often is part of the life style, it should never be considered the ultimate goal of it all.
To raise her spirits, i asked her when the last time she had been tasted below, and she had admitted it had been some years as her last partner thought that such things were dirty, and the one before that had little interest other than his own satisfaction.
After her reply i kissed her again, and once more began the circuit down her body, but this time gently easing two fingers in to her, and as i came down to her waist i pulled her suddenly forward on the sofa so that her back and head rested fully on the seat, and her legs were over my shoulders, her feet resting on the solid coffee table behind me.
This time instead of kissing around her clean shaven mound, i eased my tongue in to the outer lips, tatsing a more potent version of what we had shared with or kisses earlier once she had tasted herself.
I sought her clitorous with my tongue slowly, savouring every flick of my tongue and the writhe of pleasure it bought in her, as my fingers of one hand continued their pistoning, whilst my other hand played again, a bit more forcefully this time, with her breasts and nipples.
For some ten or so mintutes we stayed locked in this fashion, however after just a couple of minutes, i slid my fingers from her and instead filled her with my tongue, again getting perhaps the full flavour of her.
Neither bitter nor sweet, clean, and perhaps as viscous as milk.
Once i had gained my own satisfaction from the act, and ensuring that she too was reathless from the endevour, i pulled my tongue out of her, and began to kiss up her body, faster than i had descended, and took a hand full of her hair in my hand pulling her up from the sofa, none to gently might i add, to make her taste herself fully from my own mouth and tongue.
The kiss lasted several minutes, with no pulling back to breath, and during it, i had nipped at her lips and her tongue, causing some small amount of blood to become mixed with her fluid and our saliva.
The taste was exhillerating, as i had always found it to be with anyone. Perhaps it was that final taste that drove me to want her more carnally, however i chose that time to stand from her, pulling from the kiss, leaving her for a moment groping the air with her liups before realising i was no longer there.
I stood before her, and she looked so small down there on the vast leather sofa. She still wore the dress, half concealing her arms, and i told her to remove it, flexing my voice in a manner i choose not to use to often, except when to make clear that something is not a request but an order that cannot be disobeyed or ignored.
The effect was instantaneous, and she seemed to click somewhere in here head, somehting had finally clicked fully that she was now not just A Submissive woman, by My Submissive woman.
She followed my order with out hesitating, moving the the edge of the sofa, and pulling off the dress from her arms, leaving her fully naked but for the stockings & suspender belt.
I stepped back from her half a step, so i was almost up against the heavy coffee table, allowing her more room to move from the sofa.
I told her to kneel, to place her hands in the small of her back, her wrists crossed, left hand over right hand, and she done as i bid.
I told her to keep her eyes either on the floor or apon her next task.
She asked what her next task was, a mistake i replied, to have asked with out being allowed to talk, this forced her in to silence, her eyes downcast, looking suddenly very alone and afraid, but accepting everything that was done to her.
I took a step forward once again, and told her to unfasten my leather trousers, leaving the top most button and belt still fastned, which she did with little hesitation though some difficulty until she found a knack for it.
I was already hard at this point, and had been for some time, through out most of the time i had been down on her. I told her that it was now time to repay the favour, and she took me in to her mouth, not hesitatiing, as deep down as she could, before pulling back and kissing the length of me. For some ten minutes she pleasured me in this way, and i allowed her to use her hands for the act.
To my testament, i did not peak in her mouth, though there were times when i thought i might, and she eventually relented from trying to make me do so.
I allowed her to sip from her wine, as i did like wise from my own glass, now much less chilled that it had first been.
I looked down at her, letting my hand fall on her head, stroking her like one might a pet, and she looked up at me. My hardness still pressing against her cheek.
The sight made me laugh out loud momentarily, and she did not know how to take this, for a moment looking confused, the offended as if i was laughing at her, which in a way i guess i was.
She moved to pull back, and i suddenly stopped laughing, and curled my hand in her hair, forcing her to make a noise in pain, as i pulled her upright to look her in the eye, though she was significantly shorted than me.
With out saying a word, i let a look of thunder settle on my face, and hers became a mask of acceptance, as in silence i levered her forward over the table and began to caress her buttocks.
This was not somehting she had expected, she thought i would begin to smack her like some
child, which after a few moments once she was lulled, i did begin to do. Once, twice, three times on her left cheek, then the same measure again on her right cheek, all the while my hand gripping her hair, pulling her head upright.
With each hand fall she yelped a little, and i was at the time being what i considered gentle, or perhaps a little more harder than gentle if i think overly much about it.
I then again began to caress her buttocks again, taking time to do like wise with the rear of her legs, before once more applying three heavier slaps to each cheek.
She sobbed at this point, it was not something she was prepared for, the sudden change of gentle to painful, though in time she became more enured to it.
With her still sobbing, i pulled her upright again, and still with her hair clenched in my hand, i moved in front of her, and put my face right up to hers.
I asked if it hurt, she said nothing, so i allowed her to speak. It did hurt she said, but it was more of a suprised hurt than a bad hurt.
Was it something she might want to continue, or would she rather a little pleasure before any more pain i enquired of her.
She would do what ever i wished was her reply, though perhaps i could build up the weight of my hand across her cheecks, as a sudden heavyness was painful and not pleasureable.
With this in mind i let go of her hair, after all, she asked for it to be built up instead of all of a sudden, not that i was disallowed to do things of a sudden, but it was in my own interests to take things slowly with her and not scare her off by coming on to strong and removing all her choice in the matter immeadiately.
Once i had let go of her hair, she let go of my arm, and i asked her to kneel on the coffee table, more than confident it would take her weight, she was a slight thing, and the coffee table was virtually a solid block, with numerous draws or holes built in to it.
With some trepidation, she knelt on all fours on the table, and again, i began to caress her buttocks, for longer this time i caressed, before gently spanking her, five times on each cheek gently, before caressing for a little less time and again applying my hand to her, this time a little harder but still for five times.
The caressing became shorter and the spanking became heavier, so much so that after a time, my own hand was stinging from it, and her cheeks were firmly red and tender to the touch, one or two firm hand prints could be made out from the last couple of spanks i gave her, each one elliciting a muffled yelp that was neither pain nor pleasure.
I pulled back, having caressed her again, then knelt behind her, and began to kiss her sore cheeks before slipping my tongue once more in to her, to taste her, and to bring the pleasure at the end of the pain, to make it all worth while for her.
In this manner, i made her once again orgasm, panting hard as i felt her suddenly moisten and she let out a low moan, saying the name she knew me by at the time.
Once i was done with this, i found i was again hard, but chose not at this point to do anything, instead tucking myself away and buttoning myself back up.
I helped her off of the table, her knees were a little sore, and an imprint from the table was easily visible not only in her knees, but both her palms and also her right cheek, where she had leaned against the table allowing me to get deeper in her with my tongue.
I helped her sit, gently on the sofa, the sting being lessened by the chill of the leather, before passing her wine, and telling her to drink up as there was cooler wine in the fridge.
Once we had both drained our glasses, i poured fresh ones, with the last of of the white wine, and sat down next to her on the sofa, allowing her to curl up against me, my arm around her naked shoulders holding her close.
I took a while at this point to talk to her, levelly, asking her what she liked from what had just transpired, and what she would prefere done a different way, after all i am a caring sort according to many and its best not to shatter this image people have of me some times.
Once she had said what she had to say, she asked if she had performed well for me, an odd question, and i told her that if i had any complaints then she would have been on her way home by now, which she took well enough, causing her to blush a little i'm sure, though it was difficult to tell in the dim light of the room.
We took a while, perhaps an hour or just over, simply to sit chatting in this manner, allowing her soreness to recede, and the final dregs of wine to be long gone from our glasses.