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My mates seeing your mum in law!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Many years ago, when I was married to my first wife, her dad was a biggish cog in the trade union movement which meant him going away on lots of residential courses, Monday to Friday usually, with travelling done on a Sunday afternoon or evening.

Of course, mum in law was all on her own for weeks at a time, my wife and her brother having flown the nest, so to speak.

One thing however that Dad in law was well in favour of was buying his wife the finest clothes and jewellery that his cash could afford, and he used to love her to dress sexily when he took her out at the weekend.

In fact, he was very proud to show her off and insisted that she dressed sexily most of the time. She was as my mate later referred to her: a neatly packaged bundle of fun!

I knew some things about her 'private life' for example when we were courting my ex used to borrow some of her mums lingerie, one occasion a white M&S camisole, French knickers and sussie set, another time a gold and cream set of similar underwear, and so on. My dad in law insisted that she wear stockings all of the time, for work, socialising and the like, and when he'd had a few he made anyone within earshot aware of the fact.

He once showed some pictures round at a family do, of dear old mum in law, with her skirt pushed up and her stocking tops and sussie belt on show, it was quite sexy, to see my mum in law in such a compromising situation, and I saw another pic that my wife had found, of mum in law laid on a bed in just her lingerie, stockings and heels, suspiciously, wifey wasn't surprised or shocked, and I was a little turned on seeing this apparently prim and proper lady,laid out on the bed in her finest underwear.

In fact wife and me were so taken with the nylons she had on that we went to town the following weekend and sought out a pair for the Mrs. I still remember them, Aristoc Harmony in 'seal' or barely black as my current Mrs. knows them i this day and age.

So, mum i law, not my cup of tea, my wife's mum, no real physical attraction from either side, me to her, she to me, but an admiration for her sexy dressing and dad in laws taste.

As far as I know they didn't swing, they weren't into the cuckold lifestyle and there was no hit that either strayed, well at least that's how it appeared, until one day, a bloke who I worked with,( and who indeed also worked with dear old dad in law) had a reputation of what we now call a gobshite, collared me in the works wash room, which fortunately were empty at the time, and told me in graphic detail about my mum in law and his 'friend' who were getting it on when her hubby was away on business.

I don't think I believed him at first, but at the same time, it did make a bit of sense, my wife phoning her mum for a chat in the evenings when her dad was away and the phone being constantly engaged, or Mum in law not answering, but then again, there were reasonable excuses for those occasions.

I challenged his comments, until he described in detail a scar that mum in law had across her stomach, not a thing that was spoken of, and I had to use some sneaky tactics to coax from my wife the fact this scar existed.

Mr Gobshite, described quite a few things over the following weeks, and was seeing mum in laws mate Rose, who was divorced and looking for a new man in her life, as she would often tell anyone within earshot.

Anyway, the next time I saw my mum in law following Mr. G's revelation was the following weekend when we went for a meal at a local restaurant.

Mum in law was dressed to impress in what I recall was a jade coloured dress with the bats wing sleeves that were all the rage then, it was low cut and showed an impressive ammount of cleveage, ivory nylons and heels the colour of her dress. she was quite plain looking really, though I'm no stunner, about 5 two tall, carrying a few extra pounds and had her hair in the old Purdie style as modelled by Joanna Lumley in The New Avengers. She turned heads too, and she was modelling on that occasion a newly acquired silver ankle chain.

I must admit, knowing what I did about her extra marital activities and seeing her dressed as she was, I was semi hard, and wanted to hear more about Mr. Gobshites mate and his experiences with my mum in law.

suffice to say,as we left the restaurant that evening, the dad in law complemented his wife and suggested they drive to a local courting spot rather than go straight home, which earned him a playful slap on the wrist and a filthy chuckle from the mum in law.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

More please

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Definitely want to hear more on this one

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Yes. Definitely more please

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Very interesting definitely want more

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great start

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By *ixon bearCouple  over a year ago

same where

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By *opman1111Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Well time passed and I got to know quite a bit from Mr. Gobshite about my mum in laws activities.

One weekend she went shopping with my Mrs.where she bought a silky cream dress, very simple but reasonably sexy if I say so myself.

Two weeks later , dad in law goes away on business and a few days later Mr G reports back that mum in law went out with his mate, wearing the silky cream dress, and he described to a tee the white M&S lingerie that I knew she owned.

There were no mobile phones then , so no apps and no opportunity to photo share, so everything was left to the imagination.

I didn't find my mum in law at all sexy, but I did find the tales of her exploits horny, as one does in the world of sexy stories.

what was delicious was that I knew some of the dresses and skirts she wore, I'd seen her out in them, I knew that she liked wearing nice lingerie, that her hubby more or less forbade the wearing of tights and that she had a fine dress sense, a cheeky dirty chuckle and a wicked glint in her eye sometimes when both her and dad in law were tipsy.

Things went up a gear, I learned that her fb was called Stan, was slightly younger than her, that he used to ring her up to arrange meetings and that she used to give him a choice of outfits that he could see her in.

Blokes talk, and Mr. G and Rose had all been back at Roses where they had fun in seperate rooms.

I learned that my ex mum in law was very vocal, and extremely randy, and that she used to use poor Stan until he was exhausted.

Then came the day when Mr. G produced a small pile of polaroids in the works locker room, Rose was in there naturally, and there were a few of mum in law in various states of undress, and poses.Nothing too rude, but sexy enough.

At 21 curiosity gets the better of you, and the guilt of knowing what my wife didn't about her mum, and seeing mum in law in a sexy red silk g string and not much else was mind blowing.

I was hard, my gander was up and before I knew it I'd let slip that I'd love to see her getting rogered senseless by Stan.

Mr G wasn't all bad and told me to be careful what I wished for as I might in reality, not really like it.

I pressed on, told him that I'd had enough of haring my tipsy dad i law telling folk private and intimate stoies about his wife, I told him how he once lifted her skirt up to show her stocking tops off in a busy taxi rank after a night out, and that I'd positively revel in just once, watching my ex mum in law being appreciated by someone else.

Mr G handed me one of the polaroids and said, think on this then, and don't show it to anyone else, I'll see what Stan says, but it'll cost you a few pints, maybe 20 fags too. And that's where we left it for a week or two.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Good stuff can't wait for the next bit

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This is a great read, can't wait til the next part

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Two weeks later, Mr. G informed me that dad in law is on a three week residential course from Sunday to Friday, and that he had arranged a meeting with Stan, to chat and so that Stan could check whether I was to be trusted with his and mum in laws secret.

I duly met them in a local pub, in the small market town where my in laws, G and Stan lived, it was nerve wracking, a bit like te feeling you get on your first swinging meet. It went well, just three blokes having a few pints and chatting about all sorts as you do, it cost me a few rounds of beer and about sixty fags but it went well, then Stan said all three of us needed to chat somewhere more private, so we decamped to the green at the side of the pub wall and that's where the serious talk begun.

Basically boundaries and the question of mutual trust, and of course the consequences should any of us let the cat out of the bag.

we decided that Stan would phone me at home, and let me know when and where the meeting was to take place, I should then make my way there.

we chose a lovers spot which was on part of an old disused railway cutting, easily accessed and a convenient embankment to watch from, under no circumstances was I to approach the car, or make myself known. If I was seen the consequences could be dire.

I told Stan that I'd need a lift to the spot, and Mr. G agreed to take me, and drop me off but that was as far as he would go. This was fine by me.

One thing, a request? I knew that mum in law had bought some new black lingerie, a gossard basque to be exact, I knew this because my wife had bought a similar one weeks earlier and having told mum in law about an outfit she was going to wear for a weekend away, mum in law thought it a good choice and a few days later, while wifey and me basked in the afterglow she told me her mum was a saucy woman, because she'd copied her choice of lingerie to surprise dad in law with when he returned from his residential course.

Stan was as interested in the basque idea, plus I also knew that mum in law had bought a new black dress for a union function that was taking place in the near future, plus a pair of patent leather heels also bought for the occasion.

Stan got a bit ratty and asked who was going to fuck her him or me.

Youthful enthusiasm can sometimes be a burden!

A fortnight passed and then at about teatime I received Mr. G's phone call, the meeting was on, but no black basque, dress or heels, mum in law had declined to wear them saying they were for her husbands special do, where he was to receive an award for his services to the union movement.

However, she had surprised Stan massively, and Mr. G said I'd find out soon enough.

My wife asked who the call was from and I made up some story about having to go out and elp pick up some motorbike spares with a mate, I couldn't eatmy tea, I became restless and the butterflies were unbearable.

soon the appointed time arrived and I left home to pick up my lift, I'd brought along the polaroid that G had given me, of mum in law and kept sneaking looks at it, my butterflies got worse as we turned down a discreet metalled lane and turned through a breach in the railway embankment and into an area a bit like a layby.

Ok said G , Stan says expect him around 8:30 and stay out of site, he'll park down there where the embankment isn't too high and there's some broom growing. Have fun. and as an afterthought said I'll take that now and snatched the polaroid from my hand. I'm off wouldn't do to let your mum i law see me down here, she'd wonder why I was here without Rose.

I made my way to the area where G had told me to wait, i a daze, my head was a shed, my tummy rumbled, the butterflies were unbearable and I had the hardest most painful erection I could remember.

I found the broom bushes, took off my parka, and laid it on the foor, then lay down to wait.

It wasn't long before I saw Stans Ford Granada approaching edging slowly down the land, avoiding pot holes and debris, it purred to a halt in front of where I was laying, I been ten feet away from the passenger door, and could see my mum in law as clear as day, it wasn't a dark night but in about an hours time it woukd be pitch black.

Mum in law looked superb, I could see the top half of a dark red dress she had worn on a few family do's, and I saw stan reach down and unfasten her seat belt, which was followed by an action that I thought was pushing her dress up over her legs, but at this stage I couldn't see whether her legs were exposed because they were obscured by the door panel.

I could see Stans arm moving, it seemed he was stroking mum in laws legs, she seemed to be wriggling, and I could see and hear her gigging, Stan leaned into her and they started kissing, I remembered to breathe again, my heart was in my mouth and I slid one hand down to the frot of my jeans and stroked my boner through the material of my jeans.

Almost imediately I heard a scream from the car, and I coud see my mum in law bucking on the seat, thrashing about, I saw her put a leg up on the dashboard, the horny lady was wearing a pair of grey T bar heels and what looked like grey stockings, and she continued to squirm and scream.

Stan was looking directly at my lay up ,he looked like the cat that had got the cream.

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By *untimes6969Man  over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Great story - love to hear more

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By *arvin35Man  over a year ago


very good!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

The fingering carried on for some time, with mum in law becoming louder and more physical the longer it went on.

The car windows may have been closed, but the sound was still really loud, and after what seemed like a series of climaxes she took her foot from the dash board and lay back in her seat.

Stan then seemed to busy himself with the zip on her dress and before long her bra and semi naked top half were visible, it was a grey almost platinum bra, and looked quite expensive, sure enough, it fastened at tthe front and Stan skilfully removed it to expose mum in laws breasts, to be honest I'd never really thought about them, but on this occasion I noticed two things, they were quite perky and sat proudly to attention.

Stan returned to work, one hand on her boobs the ther he returned to her lower regions and the shouting, thrashing and screaming resumed, mum in law appeared to be riding up and down on Stans fingers, and vigorously at that,while he played across her chest with his free hand.

Predictably tow things apened, with all the in car activity, the windows starte to steam up, and then I came in my pants as I heard mum in law start on an almigty scream that seemed to go on for ages, both were having fun, well all three of us really, and boy was my wife going to get a seeing to when I got home.

With screams sand moans still emanating from the staemed up car, and watching it rock quite violently on its suspension, I could feel myself recovering rom my first ejacuation and I was painfully aware that I was painfully hard again.

Ten something strange happened, something I didn't expect.

One of the cars occupants must've switched on the demister, because the steam started to clear.

Next thing I saw was my mum in law, sort of hunched up on the passenger seat, Stans seat was reclined, her head was in his lap and mum in law appeared to be attempting to eat him up in one sitting, for my own part I had a superb view of her well rounded bare bottom, she had no kickers on that I coud see, and Stan with one hand in her hair, the other ligtly caressing her bottom.

This was great fun and forbidden territory, but there was no going back now!

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By *ixon bearCouple  over a year ago

same where

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By *untimes6969Man  over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Very horny!!

Just a tad naughty for all involved!!


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By *orth East TruckerMan  over a year ago


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By *andk65Couple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Keep going

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By *omtom500Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *ixon bearCouple  over a year ago

same where

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *estrianguyMan  over a year ago


Great story

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By *uddle4uMan  over a year ago


good story, more please

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Watching mum in laws head vigorously bobbing up and down on Stans cock, reminded me of how my young wife looked when she was doing the same thing to me, the same enthusiasm and apparent enjoyment.

I could see Stan arching his back and thrusting his hips to meet mum in laws downward movements, then I'm sure he looked up at me in the lay up, and winked, before taking her hair in his hand and pushing her right down on what I assumed was his very hard and excited cock,I must say mum in law took it very well, again like her daughter, my young wife (and there're are a couple of juicy stories surrounding that young lady too!)

The similarity was uncanny! By this time he's obviously moved a hand underneath her to play with her boobs or clitty, whist holding her head firmly down on his cock.

strange but I was imagining how it was feeling right then, his hard cock in my mum in laws mouth, her penchant for wearing lip gloss and her concerns with it smearing , and her hair, was one of the things she almost obsessed about, not a hair out of place usually, but here she was with a strange man holding a decent handful of it, and it was getting messed up.

Suddenly it all stopped and she pulled her head away from Stan's groin and they started kissing , what looked like long passionate kisses, I could see his hand in her hair again and her hand down in his groin working slowly and rhythmically.

Suddenly they stopped and Stan got out of the front and into to the back seat of the car, mum in law did likewise, completely removing her dress and dropping it on the front seat, she looked superb, 5 feet two of lust, dressed in platinum stockings with matching suspender belt and heels.

I could see her bald pussy, she like my mrs totally shaved it, which lets face it in 1980 was very unusual! I could see her small perky boobs, bobbing about, and when she turned to get into the back of the car her chunky little bottom, not saggy but very peachy indeed, and her legs looked superb, not long, but very shapely, more so than I remembered them, her thighs were slightly chunky, and built to thrash around between for hours,she looked glorious!

Words were exchanged and as she climbed into the back seat, she didn't have time to close the door properly before Stan grabbed her legs and in one swift fluid movement pulled her into a prone position, she gave out a surprised squeal when he did this, and just as swiftly he lifted her left leg so it was almost on the back of the seat, she draped her right leg around is waist and Stan lowered himself down, Mum in law reached out a hand and too his cock appearing to guide it toward what I assumed was her wet pussy, she appeared to squirm and a minor spasm, possibly as he started to penetrate her, and then he gave an almighty push, and mum in law squealed more loudly.

He seemed to be holding himself deep inside her, and I saw mum in law grip the back of the front seat with one hand, and the top of the back seat with the other.

Again I thought that Stan was looking up at where I was laid up, and then he went to work, and boy did he work!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *nterestingangleMan  over a year ago


Great story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

mmm very nice

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By *D123Man  over a year ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

Excellent story. Can't wait for the next part!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I could see Stans arse gong up and down ten to the dozen, and mum in law being pushed all over that big back seat.

Not only could I see her but I could hear her too, and was she noisy, strangely enough, just like my wife!!

Next thing, Mum in laws legs are up over Stans shoulders for a bit of deep stick, and those legs looked good!

I was still very hard and moved onto my side so's I could get to myself for a bit of much needed relief.

I could see that Stan was going hard at Mum in law, and that she was slipping and sliding all over the car seat, he was really going at her, and her bum was rising and falling as he thrust into her, coupled with the screams I emptied out my third lot of cum of the evening, and my treacherous cock just stayed hard wanting more.

Suddenly the action stopped and Stan pushed himself away from my mum in law and they took a breather. fuck did she look good, stripped and ready for more action, but what next.

Her daughter, my wife, loved to be on top,cowgirl style, and adored doggy fashion.

Mum in law didn't disappoint, in fact it was the first time I'd seen reverse cowgirl, turning her back on Stan, and reaching down to position his cock, which from ten or so feet looked quite impressive she lowered her sexy little frame down onto him, gripped the front seat rests and proceeded to ride him as if her life depended on it, her boobs were bouncing all over the place, I could imagine how great she felt, Stan was now playing with her boobs and the sound was incredible, the view, however, was deteriorating because of a combination of steaming up windows and fading light. The noise however from the car was incredible.

It was the first time I'd ever heard my mum in law swear, screaming out Fuck! repeatedly, the windows may have steamed up, but the car was bouncing and rocking as if it were a boat tossed upon a stormy sea. I heard a final Oooooh Fuuuuuuck!! and a loud animal groan and Stan shout You Horny fuckerrrr! and another scream from the mother in law, then silence. It stayed this way for about fifteen minute, then the passenger side rear door opened, and a rather unsteady mum in law stood beside the car, the courtesy light had activated and I once more had a view of her semi naked and well fucked wee body.

It was so horny, I wanted to go down there and have her myself. She got back into the front seat and was joined by Stan, the windows were still steamy and although the car rocked a couple of times I the show was over. The windows were demisted, both Sta and mum in law dressed, and shortly after, the car engine started and they drove away.

I returned home in a daze, my wife was in bed when I got in,and of course I went straight into the shower.

The next day I couldn't get the visions of the mother in law out of my head,or the noise she made whilst having sex.

I couldn't look at my wife without picturing her dear old mum, semi naked and wanton.

Suffice to say later that day, my dear little wifey and me had a fantastic session, she in fact asked wat had come over me.

I daren't reply seeing your mum with her lover!

The thing was, that mother and dauggter, looks wise were very similar, and well, you could've interchanged either and the effect would've been the same. Horny.

A couple of weekends later we went out for a family meal, mum in law had a nice grey skirt on with pearl grey nylons and the same shoes she had worn on the night I'd watched her with Stan.

My cock was like iron beneath the table and I couldn't look her or my dad in law knowing what I did.

I met Stan and Mr G for a beer about a month after the event. Stan told me that mum in aw was insatiable, and had agreed to a threesome with Mr G, providing Rose didn't find out!

As for that night, I was told that mum in law had told Stan she loved the idea of being caught by someone she knew down that lovers lane. If only she knew.

Dad in law continued to show her off and take pics of her, some of which she passed on to Stan and a couple of other admirers so I was told.

I fact, she really was insatiable, and Stan wasn't her only lover as it later turned out.

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By *heeky202Man  over a year ago



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By *cfc1965Man  over a year ago


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By *ceman619Man  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *ichaelxx11Man  over a year ago


Wow.. what an exciting story.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *untimes6969Man  over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Fabulous story - sounds like there's more to come?

Certainly hope so!!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

About the only other one concerning my ex mum in law was a d*unken and rather embarrassing fumble I attempted with her at the side of a church when we were all at a wedding reception.

Nothing too juicy I'm afraid and embarrassment all round.

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By *cfc1965Man  over a year ago


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By *om8420Man  over a year ago


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By *ixon bearCouple  over a year ago

same where

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