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Our fantasy

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By *uncpl187 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Ok I am not very well educated so please excuse the grammer befor I start. This is what I wrote for my wife and boy was it worth it? lol.

We started talking to a couple on a swinging site and seem to get along very well. They were both Bi and wanted the same things as us.

We arranged a social visit at their house to see how we got on.

On arriving there we were both nervous but rang the door bell.We looked at each other with a nervous look on our faces while waiting for the door to open.When it did open we were greeted by the man of the house,who look pleasant enough so things looked better.He greeted me with a firm handshake and kissed the side of your cheek. He then said,welcome please come on in. After shutting the door he showed us into the living room.That is where we were greeted by the lady of the house. Very pleasant on the eye and the photo's didn't do them justice.

On removing our jackets we sat down and was offered a drink,to which of course we accepted.Even if it were to calm the nerves down a bit

We just started talking about general chit chat and it was all going well,and our nervs started to ease. Then we was asked how long we have been on the site etc so I knew this would be the start of the reason why we were there in the first place. We answered all the questions as they did ours and things were going very well.For this story we will call them Mike and Julie.I think they knew that we were still nervous and in experienced and tried their best to ease our nervs.

I noticed that Julie kept looking at Mandy and I think Mandy noticed this and looked at me to see if I had. To which I gave Mandy the look to let her know I had. Mike then changed the conversation and spoke about work he still had to do on his house and was doing a project on a kit car in the garage. It sounded interesting and after some small talk he asked if I would like to look at his kit car. I said that would be good and both asked the ladies if it was ok as not to be unsociable. They both said that's fine us women can talk about you men behind your back and catch up on some women gossip.Mike and I just laughed and left you ladies to it.

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By *uncpl187 OP   Couple  over a year ago


We then proceeded to the garage. Mike uncovered his kit car and I was shocked on how well it looked.Still had some work that wasn't finished but Mike was not in any hurry to finish it. He asked me what I thought of it. I said it looks very nice. And then he said but what about the car? I was confused by the question. It was only when I looked at him that I realised what he was talking about. He had unzipped himself and released his cock for me to see. All I could bring myself to say was well yes very nice and we just laughed. Mike said sorry for doing that but did it to break the ice and to see what my reaction would be.He said how about you showing me yours after all we are both men

Well my mind was racing. Here I was in a garage with a guy that has just shown me his cock and now he wants to see mine.What should I do? On waiting for my reply,Mike said if you feel to uncomfortable with it that's fine. I said no I'm fine I was just taken a back and didn't expect it.

I then started to fumble with my trousers. I undone my button and the unzipped my fly. I then put my hand in and pulled out my cock for him to see. Very nice he said,may I just have a feel? No problem as long as I could feel yours. He started to walk closer to me,my heart was pounding out of my chest. I kept eye contact with him and then it happened.....

I felt the warmth on my now stiffening cock. I felt his fingers slowly wrap around my cock.I couldn't breath... He then put his other arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I now had one arm around him and the other at my side. He moved slightly so his cock brushed my hand. I thought now or never so I reached out for his cock.It felt warm and hard. I could now feel him breathing on my neck.Mike said see that wasn't so bad was it? I could hardly talk and managed to say.... No not at all. Sorry for being this way. He said don't be silly the beginning is always the hardest, your doing fine.

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By *uncpl187 OP   Couple  over a year ago


I started to think hold on a minute,I shouldn't be doing this as you were not with me. So I said to him Not sure if this should be happening as it feels like I am going behind Mandy's back.Mike replied I wouldn't worry about that. As we knew that you both were inexperienced we thought that it might be better to get you two apart to get to know each other better with the same sex so Julie is indoors and will be trying to seduce Mandy.I hope that is ok? No problem I said. Now my mind was going crazy thinking of all different thoughts.......

Mike then said we will give them another 10 mins and go in to see how things are.Until then there is nothing wrong with us getting to know each other.With my mind going crazy with all the pictures that were floating around in my head I started to go with the flow. He said how far would I be prepared to go with a guy.I said anything but cum in my mouth.With that he moved his face and looked into my eyes and said ok but if you say stop then I will. Before I had the chance to reply his lips were on mine.Our cocks were now touching each other and he was probing my lips with his tongue to gain entry. I opened my mouth and felt the warmth of his tongue on mine.He pulled me even tighter to him and we kissed like we would do with our own wives.He slowly stopped kissing and went down on his knees and blew his hot breath on my cock. I felt the back of his head. I wanted to feel his mouth on my cock. I didn't have to wait long before he moved forward for my cock to go as far as the back of his throat.My god my head was spinning.Then he stopped and said,well we better go in and see what the ladies are upto......

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By *uncpl187 OP   Couple  over a year ago


It was only when we got home that I was told what had happened while us men were in the garage.This is what Mandy told me....

When I see you men leave and go to the garage I didn't know what to say to Julie.But Julie was great. She asked me if I wanted another drink and asked what experience had we had.So I told her what we had done but wanted to explore more but finding the right people to understand is hard. She said I know what you mean. We were very much like you two and it took quite a while to find the right couple to help us with our nervs and things. I said but you seem very confident. That is just a show she said. I am getting better but always still nervy with new people. As you can see Mandy I like you am a large lady so it can be hard being confident with others. But I have got to the stage in life that if people don't like what they see you know where the door is lol. We both had to laugh about that.

Then as the small talk was going I felt easier and more comfortable not sure if it was the drink or not I think Julie noticed this and said why not sit next to me I won't bite and nothing will happen until your comfortable. I got up and moved next to her and she put her hand on my leg and said see I don't bite

We sat there laughing about it.But when as we were talking her hand never left my leg. If anything it felt as though every now and then her hand would rub up and down my leg. I wasn't sure what to do. But then we just looked at each other and not a word was said. It may have just been for a few seconds but it felt like hours. I then felt her stroke the side of my face and noticed her face was getting close to mine. I could now feel her breath on my lips. I just froze. But then felt this soft warm skin on my lips.I had to hold my breath as I didn't know if I should breath in or out. She pulled away and giggled and said ok you can breath now lol. Was that ok Mandy? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. No I said. It was nice. That must have given Julie the green light because she then kissed me again. This time with more intimacy more intent.It felt nice.Actually it felt more than nice. It felt sensual,sexy and damn right horny. I started to relax and kiss her back to which she was enjoying.

I felt her hand raise from my leg and slowly move upwards to my breasts. My body started to go light I couldn't believe how much I was enjoying the sensual kissing and soft touching. I was getting turned on beyond my expectations. I then felt my breasts being gently squeezed and her hand was going round and around both my breasts. I was now in heaven. Now I would have let her do anything to me. I was now starting to need her. I wanted her.Before I knew what I was doing I realised I had her breast in my hand doing the same thing as Julie as doing to me.

We then stopped kissing and Julie asked was I ok? Wow yes I am thank you. I very much enjoyed that. Good she said.Lets have another drink. I said would you like me to pore it for you? Ok that's fine. I get up and lean over to pick up her glass as I do she gives me another kiss. I go to the drinks cabinet and start to pore the drinks to find that Julie got up and is now standing behind me.She wraps her arms around me and kisses my neck. She then licks my neck and blows on it. It felt cold but nice. I just stood there my body trembling with what was happening. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there letting Julie stay in control. I was loving it.Her hands were now stroking my breasts and pinching my nipples. I started to feel myself get wet. Her hands started moving down my body. I knew where she was going but I didn't want to stop her.My pussy was aching to be touched.But then she stopped. I thought omg why stop now????

She let me move back to the sofa I gave her the drink. I didn't let on that I was dissapointed that she stopped. So not to ruin anything that may have been just the start of things to come.

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By *uncpl187 OP   Couple  over a year ago


After a couple of mouthfulls of more wine. Julie said now I just want you to relax and close your eyes.To which I did as instructed. I lay partially on the sofa with my eyes closed. I wanted them to open.To find out what she is going to do.But I had to resist the temptation and keep them firmily closed. I felt her hand again on my leg but this time it felt softer and moved gently up and down my leg.But everytime her hand moved up so did my dress.Then it got to the stage where for the first time I felt the flesh of her hand against the flesh of my thigh.It felt soft and warm and moved so gently I couldn't stop myself from a little shudder and took a sharp intake of breath. Julie carried on moving her hand up and down my thigh. I could feel her hand getting close to my now very wet pussy.In my mind I was begging her to touch me there.I wanted her fingers inside me.Finger fucking my pussy until I exploded. But that was not to happen. Julie knew what she was doing to me.Teasing me.Making me wetter breathing deeper.She wanted me to want her and believe me I did.

I was spinning with lust. I never knew I could feel this way about another woman but at that moment I didn't care.I wanted her and I wanted her now. My pussy was pulsing at every touch and getting wetter all the time.Then I felt like I had an electric shock. Her fingers had brushed along the outside of my underware.My god I had to come to my senses.Then it happened again only this time her hand was over my mound and her fingers were slowly trying to gain entry to my wet bald pussy.She said lets get you more comfortable and asked me to raise my bum so she could remove my knickers. I did as I was asked and now I was at the mercy of Julie with my bald pussy in full view of her.MMMM she said. Very nice I'm going to like this.And proceeded with her gentle teasing...

I felt her soft touch on my pussy. I could could tell she has done this before because it was so nice.You couldn't of done it like this on the first time. The heat from her hand combined with the soft touch and slow movements were electrifying.Then I felt my lips start to part as her fingers explored further into my womanhood. I was so wet her fingers slipped in very easily.Then I felt wind on my pussy I still had my eyes firmily shut so I didn't know where the wind had come from. Then it happened again. But it felt warm. Then very quickly my lips were pulled apart and in place of where her fingers were was now her tongue. My god I was actually being licked out by another woman. It felt wonderful. Her tongue was slowly going up and down my pussy I was a quivering wreck. My body was shaking.What was she doing to me???? Please I said loudly. Stop I am going to cum. But no she kept on licking me. Please I said I am going to cum. But it was to late. I was cumming. My legs went into spasms my breathing was everywhere.I just held her head on my pussy to try and get her to stop.She was drinking every bit of my cum.I let her head go and she came upto to my face and kissed me. With her tongue in my mouth I could taste my own juices god it tasted good.Julie then helped me sit up on the sofa. I wanted to try and return what she had done.But then we heard you men come in from the garage and started laughing....

Oh yeah Mike says what are you ladies laughing about? I look at you and you look at me. I notice you are very flustered and looking very horny. Julie pipes up and says it is for us women to know and for you men to find out and we all had a laugh.

Mike then says to me have a seat and offered us all another drink. I look at you to see if your still ok with being there and you give me a look that says your fine and would like to stay longer. Would I be wrong in thinking you want to stay longer? lol

Mike hands out the drinks and sits next to me as you ladies are sitting together.So what did you think then Larry asks Julie? I couldn't help but smile when answering her with ermmm well yes very nice. I feel as though my words are not coming out the way they should and you look at me with a confused look in your eyes. You then ask so what did you guys talk about other than the car.Before I had the chance to reply Mike says I will say this.... Larry has a very nice cock and I think he likes mine to. Omg I thought to myself what has he done? But then everyone bursts out with laughter. Is that right then Larry you have a nice cock and you like the look of Mike's cock? Before answering I look at you to try and see what was going through your mind and just said.... I'm not sure what to say about mine but yes Mike does have a nice cock. That's good then Julie says. Your Mandy has a beautiful pussy and it tastes great.We again laugh but then I ask myself has anything really happened between you and Julie? And if it did then I wish I was there to see it.Mike then says so you ladies have got to know each other better lol.

Then Mike says look if everyone is ok with it why don't we all strip off and be naturists for a while. We all look at each other for an answer or an objection but there is none.So Mike and Julie start to undress. We both look at each other and give a look of what the hell why not. Within minutes we are now all sitting there naked and it all goes quiet. A few secs later we all burst out laughing on how silly it looks that we are all now naked and no one says a word lol.

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By *uncpl187 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Julie thinks it is a good idea to put on some music to drown out the silence. We are sitting opposite each other just looking at each other then Mike breaks the ice by putting his hand straight onto my cock. I take it as a joke so I do the same to him.Nothing else happens just our hands on each others cocks. Then Julie says is that all you can do? watch this. And turns to face you and kissing you passionatley and rubbing your breasts while your now playing with hers. Not to be out done by you ladies we then kiss and start wanking each other. You then say to Julie I think it is my turn to return the favour. She lays down while you both kiss and your fingers probe for her pussy.Me and Mike have to stop and watch. This is getting good he says. I know I reply.

Julie is laying there with her breasts in full view and her pussy being played with. She starts breathing heavier so we know that she is enjoying what you are doing to her. We see your fingers are getting wet and Julie raising her hips to your fingers with every touch so we know she is close. You stop with your fingers and just look at Julies wet pussy. I know what your thinking could you lick it? And then a couple of seconds later your mouth is over Julies pussy. You must be licking it as Julie is breathing fast and shallow. Bucking her hips with every touch of your tongue on her pussy. You keep going so you must be enjoying it to. Julie is now very close to cumming. She gives you a warning that she is about to cum.But you stay there still licking and playing with her clit and there it is.Julie screams. She is shaking you still keep licking before long Julie cums again. You come up from her pussy and slide up her body to give her a kiss so she can taste her own juices. I look at you and your face is covered in Julies cum. You look at me and lick your lips and smile at me before Kissing her. My god Me and Mike are now horny as hell. But we let you ladies have a break and we sit and chat about what has just happened.

I then decide to take things further after watching you and Julie. I am now so turned on I didn't care where we were or who we was with. I just got up and walked over to you. Gave you a kiss and made my way down to where Julie has been. I needed to taste you. I needed to taste what Julie had tasted. You were so wet. You held my heard enjoying what I was doing.Then I felt my cock being touched.I was to busy to see who it was and was loving what was happening. I felt a hand guide my cock into a waiting mouth. It felt nice. I carried on licking you but your breathing sounded different. So I looked up to see if your still enjoying it to find you sucking on Mike's cock. I now realise that it must be Julie that is sucking mine. Wow this was getting horny I thought. I stopped licking your pussy so everyone could get into a more comfortable position.

This time we get into a position were Mike is licking your pussy and I am licking Julies. You women sit up and kiss and play with each others breasts while Mike and I try our hardest to make you ladies cum. Then I hear a familiar sound. You are very close to cumming. Mike feels this and starts finger fucking you while licking your clit. You can't hold back know more and just explode. Mike stays there licking until you calm down.

On hearing you both it gets Julie very horny and starts fucking my mouth and telling me what she had done to you. I get a picture in my mind of you two and start fingering her pussy for all I was worth and licking her clit until she squirted in my mouth. You ladies are now lying on the ground recovering from what has happened. And me and Mike turn to each other and kiss and exchange your juices in our mouth. He then whispers in my ear and asks Would I fuck his arse. Yes I said. I would. He got up to get some lube and layed down between you ladies. I started putting some lube on his hole and some on my cock. You ladies then sit up and watch as my cock slowly slips into Mike's man pussy. He closes his eyes enjoying the moment. And julie Gives him a loving kiss while I am fucking him. He is now fingering her pussy as I am fucking him. You see this as an oppotunity to get up and kiss me. Not only are you kissing me you are wanking his cock and he is finger fucking your pussy. I am about to cum so I pull out to calm down. And get asked if I would like to be fucked. Ok I say and me and Mike change places. Now he is lubing my man pussy and then his cock. I get ready for him to enter me. And you look into my eyes and say just relax. Julie then kisses you right in front of me. Next thing I know I now have Mike's cock buried deep in my pussy fucking me slowly. I then relax more and start playing with your pussy. Julie is now kissing Mike and now wanking my cock. You look at me to say don't forget to play with Julie so I start playing with her pussy. This goes on for a few minutes before Mike says he is going to cum so he pulls out of me. Us men are now ready to release our sperm so we get you ladies in a doggy position and start to fuck you. You ladies are enjoying being fucked and getting very hot sweaty and almost to the point of cumming when we both turn you both over and wank each other and shoot our load over you ladies.

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By *uncpl187 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Wow you say you both did need to cum didn't you?

It is now our turn to relax and recover. But you ladies have different idea's. While me and Mike are lying there Julie starts sucking on Mike's cock and you start sucking on mine. Cleaning all the cum that is left from us.

Mike gets up saying he needs a drink to which I reply yes please. I go to get up but you push me down and carry on sucking me. What has come over you I wonder? Julie is watching what is happening and asks if she could join in. I was about to say not yet I need a break. But you say sure please do. Before long my cock now is being passed from your mouth to Julies. And in between you two are kissing wildly.

You both start getting horny again and concerntrate more on each other. So I take my chance and move to get a drink.

While me and Mike are chatting you ladies are having fun and then Julie gets up to go somewhere. On her return she comes in with a strapon.

Mike says watch this you will like this. After Julie has placed it on her she gently lowers herself on you. I know she has entered you because the look on your face. Julie is slowling fucking your pussy and sucking at your nipples. You wrap your legs around her to get her deeper in you.

She is now getting faster and your breathing is getting deeper and faster. I know your close to cumming and so does Julie. But she wants you to cum. She wants you to squirt on her. Then it happens. You cum and you cum hard calling out her name. Julie I'm CUMMMINNGGG.

I need a cock you shout angrily. I'm thinking omg she has turned into a crazed nympho. I think I'm not ready yet but I will give it a try. And start to walk towards you. No you say. I want to try Mike's cock in me. I want you to fuck julie in front of me while you watch Mike fill my cunt with his hard cock.. Bloody hell I thought. Who is this woman she is not the woman I know. But instead of making things awkward Mike looks at me and asks is that ok with you? She is the boss I tell him go for it.But then Julie says. Your not fucking me until I get to fuck you with this. You then order me to lay next to you while Julie fucks my pussy with her strapon. Mike and Julie get into position and enter us at the same time. It feels like I am feeling what your feeling. Seeing both of us being fucked with cocks at the same time. Julie has had enough and removes the stapon and changes places with me and tells me to fuck her the same way as Mike is now fucking you.

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By *r_and_MrsxxCouple  over a year ago


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By *inky soulmatesMan  over a year ago


Great story

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By *uncpl187 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Thank you

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Thank you


Very nice x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hot Story! Mmmmmm

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