By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
~ The Adventures of Silk ~
As the car roared down the dark country lane, with only the headlights and the dashboard providing any form of illumination, Silk shrank back into her seat in anticipation of what was going to happen to her. She knew only the smallest of details: that she was going to be subjected to an evening of sexual debauchery where she was the only female present - the thought terrified her but excited her also. It was a fantasy that she knew was common amongst her girlfriends as they had had girlie evenings at home discussing all manners of things and the conversation on these evenings inevitably turned to sex once the wine had flowed for a few hours.
It was on one of these girlie evenings - six months ago - that the thought of being owned by a Master had first come to her, the fantasy had taken root in her mind and over time she had expanded and elaborated on it until it had become a full blown desire to be used by a group of men who were controlled by one man - her Master. She then set about finding such a man and her search had taken her to many dangerous places - some real, some imagined, yet she persevered and her quest had found the man with whom she would eventually fall in love and to whom she would eventually expose her innermost secrets. He was an experienced Dom and knew all the right people, places and buttons to press that ensnared her long before she even realised that she had been caught.
She pondered all the events that had led her to this moment in her life as the car sped her to a destination where the ultimate test of her mettle would decide once and for all the direction in which her life would take. She knew that her training would not be complete by the time dawn arrived but she would be well on her way to knowing more about herself than she had ever known before. This was what she had always wanted but she was afraid, her trembling hands outwardly betrayed her inner feelings. She knew that at any time she could use her safe word, which would instantly take her back to the relative safety of her own home but this safety was an illusion because she knew that her own mind could not be appeased so easily - she yearned to be dominated, used, humiliated - and these feelings would not go away.
So now here she was, in the car with her Master, heading towards an event about which she had fantasised so many times in her lonely bed. It was this realisation that silenced her so tightly that duct tape across her mouth would not have had anywhere near the same effect. Her own fantasies closed her mouth, preventing her from using her safe word - another betrayal!
She was brought out of her thoughts and back to the dark country road by a loud, sharp command consisting of one word: "Strip!"
She looked at her Master in the driving seat next to her, his eyes focused on the road ahead but the steely determination of the set of his jaw told her that he was listening for sounds of her undressing. Silk knew that she would have another opportunity to escape later - if she wanted it - so she began to remove her clothing. First off was the plain black dress that he had selected for her to wear, it slipped off easily enough and she supposed it had been selected for its ability to be removed quickly in a confined space. Underneath the dress, she wore tiny black briefs and black stockings, as she had been ordered. These came off just as easily leaving her totally naked in the front passenger seat of the car. Her dark hair was arranged in a wild gypsy style at the sides and heaped on top of her head in a loose bun that let strands of hair trail down her neck and back. She was an elegant and beautiful woman and her nakedness illuminated her Master's thoughts as much as the headlights illuminated the dark road ahead. She knew he could see her. She knew how hard he would be underneath the dark suit he wore.
Another command: "Open the glove box in front of you and put on the wrist cuffs you will find there." Silk obeyed immediately.
Finding the leather cuffs, she put them on and fastened them with the buckles, her trembling hands returning to rest in her lap and her eyes focused on the buttons and knobs of the dashboard in front of her.
She was ready, and her excitement began to grow from the deepest well within her - finally she would be totally and completely owned by another person, her Master, this man beside her that she adored.
The car swept through the enormous iron gates that heralded the entrance to the House to which she was being taken and they proceeded up the long tree-lined drive. She could see the house some half-mile up ahead and as they drew closer the driveway opened out into a large gravelled courtyard where there were a range of cars parked neatly outside on the right hand side. She quickly counted them. There were eighteen cars in total, which meant at least eighteen drivers waiting for her in the House although she knew some of the cars would have carried more than one person. There were Porsches and Mercedes, BMWs and at least one Ferrari that she could determine in the brief glimpse afforded her. Only men used to getting whatever they wanted owned cars like these and the owners of these cars were men who would be touching her, probing her, fucking her in just a few moments time. Fear took an instant hold on her and she began to shake. A hand on her bare leg reassured her that she would be safe and she began to regain control over her nerves. She looked pleadingly at her Master as the car slowed; he returned her gaze and smiled. He manoeuvred it deftly into a space some 30 metres from the House, opposite the other cars, applying the handbrake and switching the ignition off almost the instant the car came to a halt. They sat for a few moments in total silence, Silk was acutely aware of her nudity as her dark areolas began to shrink and her nipples began to extend - yet another betrayal. He reached across to her and caressed her growing buds gently and she yearned to be taken by him here and now but she knew that would not happen for some time - the others would be before him.
He spoke. "You have this last opportunity to back out, if you say you can't go through with it I will turn the car around and take you home. If you say you want to proceed I will open your door for you and when you exit the car it will be locked until tomorrow morning. Do you understand?”
"Yes, Master", came her reply.
"Do you want me to take you home?”
"No, Master."
"Good girl!” – He smiled at her and her insides glowed warmly at his open display of affection.
He opened his door and got out of the vehicle firmly shutting it behind him. As he moved around the front of the car to her side and opened her door, she saw something in his hand shine in the moonlight but she knew it wasn't the keys. She got out of the car, instantly feeling the rough gravel underneath her bare feet cutting into her soles, and her door closed behind her with a thick clunk that sounded to her as though her old life had just been locked away in a heavy chest somewhere where she would never find it again. She heard the central locking engaging, separating her from her clothes - her mental protection and her freedom. She shivered in the still night air, her nipples fully erect now and her dark pubic triangle plainly on view against the whiteness of her flesh in the early evening moonlight. She stood naked and barefoot on the gravelled driveway whilst he moved behind her, pulling both of her arms behind her back and clamping the two cuffs together with a connecting lock. Slowly but surely, her rights as an individual were being removed. She was being controlled and the excitement of her situation coursed through her veins.
He took a firm hold of her arm and began walking to the house, the sharp points of the gravel dug painfully into the bare soles of her feet and the weakness of her knees caused her to stumble. He stopped while she regained her composure and she looked at him squarely in his deep blue eyes, pleading with him silently. A solitary tear strolled down her cheek and he took his cue from this and softly reassured her, "Silky, I love you with all my heart and soul and I would never allow anything or anyone to hurt you. All the men inside that house have been fully briefed and you have your safe word should you need it."
"Thank you, Master", was her reply, which was quickly answered by his deep, firm tones, "On your knees, Silky," and she obeyed instantly. She knelt in front of him, feeling the gravel bite into her bare flesh, as her Master stood before her unzipping his flies, his thick, hard cock bursting forth like a caged tiger suddenly finding freedom to roam - and attack! Silk opened her mouth instinctively and his cock was forcefully shoved deep between her lips and down her throat. He held her head fast as he pumped furiously, skullfucking her! She regulated her breathing so that she inhaled as he withdrew and exhaled through her nose as he pushed forward yet again, he had taught her this as a gag reflex when performing oral sex on men who were above-averagely endowed – this technique allowed her to take a fully erect penis deep into her throat without puking or retching, it also served as a point of focus which made her concentrate on what was immediately before her – he had taught her well.
She could hear his rapid breathing and his loud moans of delight at the relentless onslaught of his hard cock in her mouth and it pleased her that she pleased him. Here she was, on her knees, naked in the moonlight, with her hands fastened behind her back, on the gravelled driveway of a country house with her Master's cock in her mouth and she was deliriously happy! She knew he was close to cumming from previous experience, his cock swelled thicker and harder when he reached the point of no return and as she felt the hot spurt of his cum hit the back of her throat she almost gagged, but she had learned over time that she must swallow this first load quickly as more was inevitably to follow. He came again, she swallowed again, the warm salty liquid lingering on her tongue for a brief second before slipping down her throat and into her stomach - she loved the taste of his cum, she always had from the very beginning. He held her head still, firmly clamped in his strong hands as his breathing slowed and his manhood softened in her mouth. He was done. He withdrew from her and put his cock back in its cage.
Pulling her to her feet he looked at her with a satisfied smile on his face, a thin trail of cum ran from her bottom lip down her chin and he wiped it away with a handkerchief, "Your lipstick is smudged and you look like a common whore, which is exactly how I want you to look because tonight that is exactly what you are!” He knew that for her to undergo the ordeal that lay ahead of her she first had to enter into her submissive state and her humiliation was the pathway to it.
Silk felt deflated, she felt vulnerable, and she felt dirty and unloved. Her degradation had begun and in her mind she had submerged herself into that place where she became lost in her basic instincts - nothing mattered anymore, her home, her job - all paled into insignificance - if she was to put on her uniform now she would feel useless and unworthy to help others, she was in her submissive state. He regained his grip on her arm and marched her, naked, up the driveway to the house, each step taking her further away from the safety she had always known and closer to a destiny she had only before dreamed of.
~ * ~
The entrance to the house was already open; they had seen them arrive and were waiting for them. He stopped her at the threshold of the house and took a black silk scarf from his pocket and placed it over her eyes tying it at the back of her head. More loss of power!
Her arms were restrained and now her eyesight was taken from her - Silk trembled involuntarily.
She heard the door being pushed open and again his hand on her arm leading her into the house. Her remaining senses were acutely enhanced by the loss of her sight. As they moved through the house the cold of the night air was replaced by the warmth of the heating inside the house, smells assailed her nostrils and sounds attacked her ears, the feel of the rough gravel of the driveway was replaced by a luxuriously deep carpet under her feet – a very welcome relief. She struggled to compartmentalise all she could hear, feel and smell but there was too much going on around her to put it all into perspective before another sound alerted her to the presence of others in close proximity to herself - voices, deep male voices, laughing, but not laughing at her she realised. She had been marched into the main living area of the house and she was standing in the centre of the room - still blindfolded.
Her legs pressed together instinctively, protecting her gentle place, at which point she felt a sting across her buttocks from what she knew to be a riding crop, "Do not try to hide your sex from us! Stand still with your legs wide apart so we can see you." - This was not her Master's voice and she sought through the voices for her Master's unique sound but she could not hear him, he was either being deliberately silent or he had left the room - this frightened Silk a little but she remembered his words outside just a few moments before and tried to calm her nerves.
Like a beacon of light cutting through the darkness her Master's voice boomed above all others in the room and in turn the voices of the other men fell silent, waiting expectantly. Silk waited too, her breath frozen inside her.
"You have all been assembled here tonight for the sole purpose of initiating this woman into her role and future life as my subservient slave. What takes place here this evening will set Silk on the road to a life she has always wanted but only before fantasised about. But…. she is my woman and I love her deeply and with that in mind I ask you all to treat her with the respect that she deserves."
Silence from the gathered men in the room, he continued:
"Silk, you have been brought here to be used by all the men present in this room, you will be treated like the common whore that you are but you will be safe. Do you understand?”
"Yes, Master"
"Are you here of your own free will?"
"Yes, Master"
"Do you offer your mind and body of your own free will?"
"Yes, Master"
"Do you acknowledge that I am your Master and that you are my slave?"
"Yes, Master"
"Do you accept that I may do with you as I please, whenever I please, wherever I please and with whomever I choose to use you?"
"Yes, Master"
Her subservience was complete. She felt as though she had been taken through a kind of marriage ceremony and that she now belonged totally and utterly to him, to use her as he saw fit. She felt something being run down the centre of her back from the base of her neck to the top of her buttocks but could not determine what it was or for what purpose.
To the assembled group: "In a moment Silk will present herself to each of you in turn for inspection. You may touch her; you may probe her in any way you wish but penetrative sex is not to take place at this time. You may test her for her ability to receive you orally but this is intended to ascertain her deep throat capabilities so that she may better please you later, do not cum in her mouth at this time. Silk is under instruction to place herself at your disposal and in any position you so desire. A mark has been drawn down her back dividing it into two sections: left and right. On the left hand side of the line each of you will write your first name after you have inspected her, the right hand side will be used later to put your marks out of ten against your own name for the service you have received this evening."
Silk listened intently to her Master's voice and slowly her own desires began bubbling inside her and she felt herself becoming moist, she felt her flush grow deep on her abdomen. She was excited! The thought of being graded for her sexual performance turned her on enormously – she had never even thought of this before and she loved the idea of it!
Her blindfold was removed and, after a few seconds of refocusing and adjusting to the ambient light in the room, Silk counted twenty-four men in the room, not including her Master or the man dressed as a Master of Ceremonies and holding the riding crop in his folded hands. They were of all shapes and sizes and their ages ranged from early-30s to mid-60s and all were dressed impeccably in Saville Row suits that enhanced the air of authority that all of them exuded. They were not unattractive men and some of them were positively handsome. All twenty-six pairs of eyes were focused on her. She shrank inwardly at the onslaught of their intense gaze upon her naked body and she still smarted from the stinging welt that had begun to glow on her buttocks.
Her Master's voice again, "Silk, starting from the left, present yourself to each man and ask him to inspect you."
Silk obeyed without hesitation and moved to the first man in the room on the left and stood before him; her first thoughts of him was that he was an attractive man, older than she would have selected for herself but attractive none-the-less; She spoke softly, "Please Sir, I am Silk and I am ready for your inspection."
The silver haired man studied her naked form for a few moments, pursing his lips as he did so, his eyes roaming freely up and down her torso, then he leaned forward from his sitting position and cupped her breasts in his hands giving them a gentle squeeze before running his hands slowly down her stomach to her pussy. A finger was inserted into her now very wet pussy and a small moan escaped her as his finger moved around inside her. He inserted more of his fingers, alternating between his left and right hand, probing her, teasing her and she gasped loudly. He then stood and opened her mouth with his hands, inspecting her teeth and she could smell and taste herself on his fingers. He pronounced her fit for his pleasure and turned her around. Silk felt something being written across her left shoulder blade - his name. He turned her to face him once more and thanked her – even Doms have manners, she thought absently. Silk returned the acknowledgement before moving to the next man to begin the process again.
This continued for the next half hour as she moved from man to man for inspection. She had been ordered to her knees by several of the men so that cocks of various sizes, lengths and girths could be inserted into her willing mouth. She had been turned around and bent forward so that her anus could be probed and teased. All of the men, except the first, had sucked her nipples, teasing them with their teeth and she had climaxed several times. The last man unnerved her however; as before he began his inspection he had asked her Master if he could have her pubic hair for his 'collection' and her Master had permitted him to shave her. Now bereft of her pubic hair - he had done a very deft and professional job of removing her hair and he had put it in a clear plastic bag with her name on it, that was then placed in his jacket pocket as a trophy - she made her way back to the centre of the room with the names of all twenty-four men on her back.
Her Master walked around her studying her before coming to a halt in front of her. He kissed her full on the lips. "Well done sweetheart,” he whispered so that only she could hear. Her heart raced. He reached up and placed the blindfold over her eyes once more and tied it off at the back of her head. His aftershave, mixed with his familiar natural smell, filled her nostrils and she breathed him in, savouring the moment.
A clamp was placed on each of her nipples and the pain was excruciating as a thin chain connecting them together was applied to the clamps; and with the chain acting as a leash, she was led out of the room by her aching, taut breasts. She could feel wooden floorboards underneath her feet but that was all she could sense about the room. She was left standing in the middle of the room for a few minutes whilst the men entered and took their positions around the perimeter of the room, each taking a seat that had been placed there for them with a small table beside each chair for them to place their brandy and whisky glasses upon, some of the tables had ash trays, some did not – those that had were occupied by men smoking rich Cuban cigars.
Her blindfold was removed and again she refocused. Just ahead of her she could see the only object of furniture, apart from the chairs the men were sitting on, in the otherwise bare room - it was a rack. On each of the walls of the room were ringlets that were fixed high above normal head height, and from these hung thick black chains with leather cuffs attached to the ends of them. Also on the walls were the room’s only sources of light - blazing torches in iron sconces fixed to each of the four walls giving an orange tint to everything in the room.
The centre of the apparatus was a thin padded bench no wider or longer than an average human torso and protruding outwardly from each end were two thin rests, also padded, with leather bindings at each end, these were for her arms and legs. The arm and legs rests were hinged at the point of fixation to the main bench as well as in the middle of each limb; this allowed her to be positioned in a variety of ways for access to all areas of her body. Each of the arm and leg rests could be raised or lowered depending on the position they wanted her to be in.
Silk began shaking - she wasn't expecting this and she instinctively backed away from the rack only to find herself backing into the very solid form of her Master who encircled her with his arms and held her still, "Don't be frightened,” he whispered to her, “you know you like being tied so look on this as a different way of being restrained. We need you to be strapped down so that we can explore you fully and freely." Silk resigned herself to her fate and submitted to him as he led her to the rack and removed the bindings from her still tethered wrists and released her now tender nipples from the clamps that had been holding them. The pain as the blood rushed back into her tender buds was excruciating but she concentrated instead on what her Master now wanted her to do. He ordered her to lie on the rack face down and no sooner had she placed herself on the main section of the rack she felt hands on all four of her limbs simultaneously - they were tying the leather cuffs to her wrists and ankles whilst further leather straps were tied across her waist, upper arms, thighs and calves, firmly securing her to the rack. The leg rests were lowered and pulled in opposing directions which opened her legs wide and bent her knees downward - which served to raise her rear into a higher position and the section of the main bench upon which her tummy lay also moved downward slightly which afforded her a modicum of comfort. Her head hung over the end of the bench and a head harness was roughly strapped around her skull with a connecting chain at the back of the harness that was pulled through a pulley imbedded in the ceiling somewhere behind her. The chain was yanked hard and her head raised up and back straining her neck muscles which in turn placed a strain upon her back muscles as she was pulled into an unnatural position with her arms fixed downward and her head pulled back raising her upper torso only. This position allowed unrestricted access to her breasts, ass, mouth and pussy.
Silk heard the furious clicking of cameras behind her - they wanted their mementos she thought, as if they wouldn't have enough memories of her to take with them!
She felt a hand softly caressing her buttocks, a finger probing her the ring of her anus which twitched without any instruction from her, then her Master's face appeared in front of her, studying her with a concerned look on his face - he was checking she was ok to continue and once satisfied that she was in no danger he backed away again. She heard a loud, single clap of hands and knew that this was the signal to begin - she steeled herself for what was about to happen.
Her Master spoke to the group of men "You can see that all aspects of her body are now freely available to you. Silk has her safe word should she need to use it, and her safe word is 'red'. If she says it you must withdraw back to your seat while I investigate the problem. If her mouth is occupied and she cannot use her safe word then she will indicate her discomfort by clicking her fingers so if you see or hear her do this withdraw immediately. Use of condoms is mandatory and if you feel yours split whilst inside her withdraw immediately and replace it before continuing. I shall monitor the night’s proceedings at all times.”
He fell silent and Silk closed her eyes – this was it!
What was once hers and hers alone was hers no longer – it was to be given to these men to use for their lust and whatever other perversions they wanted to satisfy on her. She briefly thought of screaming ‘RED! RED! RED!’ but dismissed the thought as last minute nerves – she wanted this. She needed this. She wanted so badly to please her Master, to show him that she was prepared to undergo anything to satisfy him. To gain his favour and his love – but she now knew that she already possessed that. He had said so, for the very first time in their relationship in the car park outside and then again in the room she had just been led from.
She felt the flesh of another human being making contact with her inner thighs and shivered. She braced herself. She had no way of telling which man it was but he possessed an above average manhood and she felt it fill every nook and cranny of her pussy as he gently pushed it deep inside her and then settled into a slow rhythmic method of fucking her. Being the first to have her he was considerate. He gradually speeded up his rhythm and after a few minutes he was fucking her hard and fast but it felt good to Silk, she was starting to let herself go. His breathing laboured and the occasional grunt escaped him as she felt the first tell-tale signs of her own orgasm emanating from somewhere deep within her. She had closed her eyes so that she could happily concentrate on the man fucking her and escape the gaze of the other men in the room. She did not see the man approach from the front until a well-endowed cock of considerable girth was unceremoniously shoved deep into her mouth. She startled at this new invader as it began pumping her mouth furiously going deep into her throat and not allowing her enough time to regulate her breathing as she had been taught. She tried to raise her eyes to look at the man but found she couldn’t, she was trying to concentrate on this vicious alien member assaulting her mouth but she was unable to breathe properly and trying hard to control her senses as the pounding at her pussy and the pounding in her mouth continued unabated.
She thought of clicking her fingers so that he would stop and almost as though he had read her mind he abruptly withdrew from her mouth and she loudly gulped for air. Her gasps were quickly replaced by an even louder gasp of surprise as he came with a series of loud hearty groans and his warm semen exploded all over her face and in her hair. Silk knew that she had to keep her eyes tightly closed as she also knew that semen stung like hell when it made contact with sensitive eye tissue. She also realised in that instant that if her eyes were not wiped she would not be able to open them again until they were. She closed her eyelids as tightly as she could. Cum dribbled down her face and most of it fell to the floor but some inevitably found its way into her mouth and she swallowed it as she had no other way of getting rid of it quickly and effectively. It tasted very strong, with a touch of garlic. This guy liked spicy food, she thought.
Throughout all of this the man behind her had continued with his relentless fucking and he was now near the point of his own orgasm. He grasped her outer thighs and pull her towards his pelvic area burying his huge manhood deep within her now tender pussy and came with a howl of animal satisfaction as Silk shuddered with her own orgasm.
Both men retired to the perimeter of the room and flopped into their seats as two more men rose from theirs and walked towards Silk, their erections bouncing before them as they walked as though they were snakes searching for a victim. Silk still had her eyes firmly closed and did not see them move into position at her head and her pussy. They both entered her simultaneously and Silk’s body reacted of it’s own accord and she tensed for ten more minutes of hard fucking. There was no gentleness this time, the men had been watching and their ardour was strong, their desire to fuck her was overwhelming. How often would they get the chance to fuck a woman of this calibre!
The cock in her mouth was not as long as the first one but it was thicker and she felt her jaw aching from trying to keep her teeth from scraping down the shaft. Strong hands held her head fast and the vigorous pumping continued until he came deep within her throat – she couldn’t even taste this man’s cum as it had bypassed the taste buds on her tongue and gone straight down her throat and into her stomach but she had managed to get her breathing regulated this time and it wasn’t as uncomfortable as the first guy had been.
What was happening at the other end of her was a completely different matter though. This man was big! Very big in fact, and he was fucking her with a ferocity that she had experienced only once or twice in her lifetime. And it hurt. She tried to cope with the pain for as long as she could but each thrust of this mans huge penis hit the same spot deep within her pussy every time he pushed forward into her. With the cock in her mouth preventing her from screaming Silk frantically began clicking her fingers and almost immediately both men withdrew from her and returned to their seats while her Master instantly came to her aid, wiping her now sore eyes with a damp cloth. Her insides were very tender and her throat was sore.
He spoke softly to her:
“Are you ok?” came his reassuring voice.
Silk sobbed pitifully, tears rolling freely down her cheeks, “h-h-he was just too big for me Master, I’m so sorry to have disappointed you.” He comforted her with gentle strokes of her hair whilst gently kissing her now clean face.
“Silk, you haven’t disappointed me; you’ve done extraordinarily well in fact. Do you want to continue?”
“Y-y-yes M-master, but can I have a few m-moments rest p-please?” – she sobbed.
“Of course you can, my sweet.”
And with that he ordered the men back to the room in which they had been earlier and then followed them, leaving Silk alone and still strapped to the bench. Silk let her body sag where it could, which wasn’t much, and tried to relax. Her sobbing slowly subsiding.
Back in the other room, a concerned look on all the faces of the men gathered there greeted him as he entered the room. “Is there something wrong?” came one voice; “Seraph, is she ok?” came another. “She’s fine.” He replied. “John was just a bit too big for her. I told you that thing would be your nemesis one day, John!” The group of men laughed in unison, which also served to relax the atmosphere in the room.
Seraph spoke again, “Listen guys.” The room fell silent as he spoke. “I’m not as big as some of you and I don’t have any trouble when I fuck her but some of you are packing quite a punch, if you understand my meaning, and you know the problems you’ve encountered in the past so take it easy with her and she should respond favourably. She’s a little tense and nerves have probably crept in so I’ll go and make sure she’s ok and Stanley will bring you back in ten minutes time.” The men in room nodded affirmatively as Seraph left the room to rejoin Silk.
As he entered the room Silk tensed, she couldn’t see if he was alone or not as her position on the bench meant that she was facing away from the door. She heard his solid footsteps on the bare wooden boards drawing nearer to her. But she only heard one set of footsteps and she relaxed. His hand trailed along her back as he walked along the bench to her head and then he knelt before her so his eyes were level with hers, his hands on her shoulders as he leaned into her. She smiled at the deep blue eyes that were smiling back at her. “Are you ok to continue?” He asked her solemnly. “Yes, Master” came her reply. “Good. I am going to change your position before I bring the others back in” and with this he started to undo the bonds that held her. Silk raised herself from the bench and immediately felt the pain of having her limbs tied for too long in one position wash over her body. She rubbed her wrists whilst her Master worked on her legs, restoring her circulation.
Silk hadn’t noticed the bag that was on the floor next to the bench before and from this bag her Master produced a leather collar that fastened at the back and had a ring attached to it at the front. He removed the head harness and wrapped the collar around her neck securing it with a padlock at the back. The leather cuffs she wore earlier were placed back on her wrists and additional cuffs were put on her ankles. He then led her clear of the bench and pushed it to one wall creating clear floor space in the middle of the room. He beckoned her to come and stand in the new space where the bench had been and ordered her to stretch her legs apart and extend her arms outwardly at shoulder level.
He attached a thick black chain to each of the wrists cuffs, which held her arms outstretched and then proceeded to secure the cuffs on her ankles with similar black chains that tethered her to opposite walls. She could no longer close her legs, nor drop her arms. He then ordered her to lean forward so that her upper torso was parallel to the floor and attached a short chain to the ring in the collar to a ring in the floor directly below her. She could not stand up now either. Silk wobbled slightly as she tried to readjust herself to obtain some sort of comfort from this new position.
Her Master stood behind her and spoke, “Silk, this is important so I need you to listen very carefully.”
“Yes, Master, I am listening,” came Silk’s laboured response.
“In a moment I am going to insert a hook in your anus which will be tethered to the ceiling with a chain. You will have to use all your strength to prevent yourself from falling over because if you should fall the hook will rip your anus causing massive damage to your insides. Do you understand?”
Terrified, Silk muttered, “yes, Master.”
Little did she know that the chain had a failsafe link that was designed to snap should excessive stress be placed upon it and that she was in no danger at all.
She felt the cold steel of the hook being inserted into her rectum and the chain that would connect it to the ceiling draped across her back. Once it was in place, her Master gathered up the chain and, climbing a chair he had dragged from the perimeter, he secured the chain to a ring on the ceiling in such a way that it put a slight strain on the hook pulling it taut which in turn pulled Silk’s buttocks upwards. Silk raised herself up on tiptoes instinctively to lessen the pain she felt but her Master slapped her buttocks hard to indicate that she should not fight the hook. Silk lowered herself back to the flat soles of her feet and felt the hook tighten in her anus once more, she felt as though her insides were being ripped open.
Her Master stood back to admire his handiwork and once satisfied he took a few photographs before standing in front of Silk with his trousers undone. She could see his hard cock twitching as it waited to begin anew its onslaught of her mouth. Silk concentrated all her efforts on remaining in the position in which she was now tethered and chained. Her Master moved closer and forced his cock into her mouth holding her head still and began moving slowly in and out of her mouth.
She focused all her attention on trying to regulate her breathing. In, out, in, out!
He continued to skullfuck her while she continued to concentrate on remaining on her feet, he had to go onto tiptoes himself to ensure his cock stroked in and out of her mouth at the correct angle. The door opened and she heard the footsteps of the men as they re-entered the room and walked purposefully to their seats around the perimeter. “Regulate and breathe!” she thought.
Silk felt hands pulling her buttocks apart and a hard cock pushed deep into her pussy. The new cock began fucking her and with each thrust forward the man’s lower abdomen pushed against the hook in her rectum causing her to wince as the sharp pain of the hook dug into her insides.
Her Master withdrew his cock until only the head remained inside her mouth and he came with a force that hit the back of her throat and made her retch instantly. Silk puked all over the floor in front of her and felt her legs buckle, but the strong hands of her Master and the man behind her held her fast until she could straighten her legs and lock her knees. The hook was doing its job and Silk screamed at the pain of the hook tearing at the insides of her rectum. The smell of her own vomit made her feel even more nauseous and Silk puked again.
Then in a flash, it was over. The hook and the cock behind her were gone. Silk let her legs give way deliberately and she fell forward and down as much as she could but the chains holding her arms pulled taut and she screamed at the pain that seared across her shoulders as her arms were pulled back in an unnatural position. She hung there for a few moments and then she felt the chains holding her arms slacken and heard them clatter as they fell on the wooden floor and Silk crumpled to a heap on the floor to join them, just missing the pile of vomit. Her hair had fallen from its previously styled shape and now cascaded over her head covering her face. She responded to the sound of her Master’s voice and struggled to raise her head. “Look at this disgusting mess you have made Silk!” Silk shrank inwardly, her humiliation overwhelmed her, and her shame engulfed her. “Clean this mess up! Your mess! Get rid of it, now!”
It took several moments for Silk to struggle to her feet and see the mop and bucket that had been placed before her. She took hold of the mop and began to wipe away the puke that she had vomited all over the polished wooden floor. Twenty-four pairs of eyes watched her in her humiliation. She heard them muttering their ‘tsks’ at her behaviour and from the corner of her eye she watched as several of them shook their heads in disapproval.
Silk could not understand why she had puked so violently as she had tasted her Master’s cum many times before and she actually enjoyed the taste of it. Perhaps he had intended for her to vomit but she did not believe that was the sole reason for her reaction to his cum hitting the back of her throat. She could not know that it was the fear of the hook in her anus plus the intense fucking of her pussy combined with her Master’s cum filling her mouth that had all combined to make her stomach contract and force all that she had eaten that day up through her windpipe and out of her mouth. She was acutely aware of the smell of sick all around her, on her and on the floor. Silk felt cheap and dirty.
Silk finished the odious task of cleaning up her own mess and placed the mop back in the bucket. “I am finished, Master.” she spat out the word with a defiance that she had not intended.
His response was swift and decisive. He roughly gathered her still cuffed wrists together and locked them with the double clip that he had used before. He then grabbed a rope that had been pulled through the ceiling ring and tied it off to her wrist cuffs. What came next was something Silk had not prepared for. The other end of the rope was pulled hard behind her causing her aching arms upwards, raising her, until her feet were just touching the floor. She was now stretched almost beyond the limits of her endurance.
“I do not accept your insolence Silk.” Her Master spoke as he moved behind her. “You are to be punished, for your defiant attitude, for embarrassing me and for defiling this good house with your mess!”
Silk never said a word. She heard the whip crack once and grimaced at what she now knew was going to happen to her. She heard the whip slake across the floor behind her until it stopped briefly and then it came whooshing forward and with a loud crack as it slapped itself across her back and around her abdomen. Silk screamed as loudly as she could as the pain seared through her body. The men watched, nodding with approval.
Red godammit! Say Red! Her brain ordered her mouth to open but she could not speak.
She had made the mess, so she must pay the price for it. She did not want to fail.
Silk closed her mouth and waited for the next crack of the vengeful bullwhip her Master wielded behind her. And it came. Hissing through the air behind her and cracking just as it hit her ravaged body leaving a deep crimson welt three inches below the first that had appeared on her pain-wracked back. “One more Silk, but you must ask for it.”
Silk heard the words and tried to understand them. She found that her brain did not understand the messages it was sending to her mouth. She spoke, her voice almost breaking. “Master?”
He repeated, “take your time Silk, you have one more stroke of the whip to come but you must ask me to deliver it.”
Silk understood. She breathed rapidly in and out, forcing air into her lungs but careful that she did not start to hyperventilate. She raised her eyes to the ceiling, closed them briefly, and then opened them as she lowered her head to look at the floor. “Master, please may I have the last stroke.”
The whip reacted instantly, she heard it sizzling through the air, it cracked once and then again and then on the third crack it hit her body with such a force that she jerked forward and the muscles in her arms tightened with such a ferocity that she pulled herself up, arching her back, and slamming her legs together, as she tried to counter the stabbing pain that was racing across her back. Three times Silk jerked, but these were involuntary movements over which she had no control whatsoever and as the initial shock of the pain started to subside Silk ceased struggling against her bonds and sagged forward, her energy and will to fight completely spent. She now had three dark red welts on her back and around her front, one each at the top, middle and bottom of her torso. Her Master was expertly skilled with a bullwhip and had ensured that vital areas of her body were unaffected by the bite of the whip. Her breasts were untouched and the areas protecting her kidneys had not been affected either.
Her Master appeared before her and lifted her head to look at him. Silk looked at his face and for a brief second she thought she saw tears well in his eyes. He kissed her gently on the lips and Silk dropped her head again, exhausted.
The bonds holding her arms were untied and she began to feel herself being lowered to the floor but her Master’s arms caught her and swept her off of her feet and he carried her to one of the vacant seats around the perimeter. There he sat her down and Silk curled her legs upwards and assumed the foetal position, her arms wrapped tightly around her legs. Her body ached and bolts of pain shot across her back wherever the welts touched the back of the cold chair, her chest and tummy stung where the secondary cracks of the whip had slapped against her.
The bench was moved back into the centre of the room and adjustments were made so that the leg and arm restraints were in a different position. Silk watched silently, fearful of what was to happen to her now.
When all the adjustments had been made and the bench was ready Silk was beckoned to come to where her Master stood, next to the bench. He enfolded her waist with his arms giving her a reassuring and supportive hug. “Lay face up on the bench please Silk” he commanded. Silk did as she was told and felt the sting of the welts on her back as she lay down upon the bench. Two of the men had approached the bench and proceeded to fasten the leather straps to her arms whilst her Master fastened the straps to her ankles. The straps around her waist and upper thighs were not applied this time. The leg rests were moved so that Silk was placed in the delivery position and her legs were securely held, wide apart, exposing her pussy for all to see – and touch. Her head dropped backwards over the end of the bench and the rush of blood to her head made her feel slightly dizzy until she had acclimatised to it. She heard the rapid, unmistakable click of cameras as yet more photographs were taken and Silk felt powerless to intervene.
The photo session over, the next man to make use of her delights approached the bench and began rubbing her labias and teasing her clitoris. He knelt between her legs and took her in his mouth, sucking hard on her engorged clitoris. Silk felt the familiar desires stir within her and before long she was breathing heavily as the stimulation of her pussy made her cum and her juices poured from her as though a tap had been turned on inside her. Another man approached her and pushed his cock into her mouth and Silk sucked furiously on it, she was eager to please now and the pain of her whipping was fading from her mind even though the welts would be there for some time to come yet. This cock was a lot like her Master’s and she was able to receive it with ease and without gagging. Her breathing rhythms were instinctive now and she exhaled long and inhaled deep with each push and extraction of the man’s hard penis in her mouth. She was aware that the man who was stimulating her pussy had stood and entered her and was now fucking her with the same rhythm as the man in her mouth. They were working in unison, taking their cues from each other, to which Silk was eternally grateful as she felt herself settling into the simultaneous fucking of her mouth and her pussy. These men were using her well and Silk was enjoying every minute of it and it wasn’t long before, for the first time since her experience began, all three participants came at the same time. Silk felt wave after wave of tiny little pops in her head as her orgasm spread through her body and triumphed as her love juices gushed from her pussy soaking the man who was standing there. The cock in her mouth exploded cum and Silk tried to swallow but the position of her head prevented her from forcing the salty liquid down her throat and she held it in her mouth for as long as she could. As the man withdrew his hard cock from her mouth Silk used her tongue to push the cum out with it and most of it ended up dripping onto the floor but some of it found its way into her nostrils and Silk snorted to expel it. The cock in her pussy grew thicker and harder as the man came inside her, pushing deep with each spurt of his cum. Silk was in sexual nirvana and did not want this experience to end. She wanted more and in no time at all both men had withdrawn from her only to be replaced by two new cocks who resumed the ritual fucking of Silk’s body.
The room had become very warm from the evening’s activities and the smell of sex permeated everywhere. Sweat glistened on Silk’s body and it took on an orange hue provided by the torches stationed on the walls. Silk knew she had been placed in this position for the duration of the remainder of the evening. They were all going to have her before the dawn arrived and she welcomed this opportunity to finally demonstrate to her Master that she was more than up to the task of being his willing slave.
Man after man came over and fucked her in turn, some in her now sopping pussy and others in her mouth. She had lost count of how many had used her and she didn’t know if some of them had had her at both ends but Silk didn’t care, she just wanted the fucking to continue. She had cum in her hair and on her face, it was also all over her breasts, abdomen and belly, spent condoms peppered the floor around the bench where they had been discarded wantonly in that final moment of animal lust as the men came over her, but Silk was oblivious to all of this. She was lost in her own lust and in her eagerness to please her Master. Her toes curled as each of her orgasms consumed her completely and her hands gripped whatever purchase they could get as still the relentless fucking continued.
Silk was brought out of her revelry by a sharp pain in her rectum as a large hard cock was forced into it. This was the first time since they began that her anus had been directly penetrated and the shock of it hurt her sphincter muscles but she soon relaxed and allowed him to penetrate her anus fully. This cock was bigger than any Silk had experienced to date and she felt every inch of him fill her anal passage. She was surprised at how easily she was able to take him and he could sense that she was a very willing recipient of his overly large cock. His pounding at her anus grew in momentum as the cock in her mouth plunged deeper into her throat. Her body convulsed as she regulated the rhythm of the two cocks assailing her until all three were acting as one in a cataclysmic display of sexual hedonism.
And then it was over.
Eight hours had passed since she had first arrived at the house. She had endured everything that had been thrown at her. She had performed to the very best of her abilities and she had survived it. She had experienced the sheer ecstasy of orgasm after orgasm. She had been whipped, abused, humiliated, degraded, soiled upon and cum all over. And she had come through it intact. Silk was deliriously happy but she was also slightly disappointed that her Master had not chosen to use her apart from when she had been standing after her first rest period but the memory of her puking caused her to blush with shame and embarrassment so she purposely pushed the thought of her Master to the back of her mind and listened to what was now being said in the room.
“Gentlemen, I thank you,” her Master addressed the assembled group of men who now sat in their original places. “This evening has shown me many things about Silk that I suspected she was capable of but with your assistance I now know exactly what she can and cannot do. This has been a most enlightening experience for both of us.”
The men applauded. Silk wondered why they were clapping. Were they applauding their own performances or were they applauding her? The clapping stopped and her Master continued, “The evening is not quite finished yet though.” Silk tensed.
“Some of you know our Master of Ceremonies, Stanley, from previous evenings here, for those of you who are new to these occasions, Stanley is a eunuch, but he has a very special skill that we could not possibly do without at these events.”
In that instant Silk realised that her Master was part of an established circle of Doms and that he had participated in these initiation ceremonies many times before. She also realised that she had been left in this position for a reason – and the thought of being laid so open and vulnerable consumed her until she was almost panic stricken. She had been well used so what other possible reason could there be for her to be left so open like this. Something was about to happen to her – to her pussy! – And her mind was in a turmoil as to what it was! Her Master turned towards her and began addressing her directly.
“Silk, at the beginning of the evening you swore an allegiance to me. You affirmed that you are here of your own free will and that you now belong to me. Do you remember?”
“Yes, Master” came her whimpering reply.
“The final part of the ceremony in which you have been brought here to participate is that of being collared. You will now be collared permanently as a mark of my ownership of you. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Master.”
Silk had not expected this. She knew of collaring ceremonies but ever since they had met he had never inferred that he wished to collar her. She knew that it was a huge step in their relationship for her to bear his collar. She knew how important it was to him. Silk smiled inwardly, this could not have turned out better than if she had planned it herself but she still did not know what was to be done to her.
His next statement answered that very question for her, “Your labias are to be pierced with three rings in each: top, middle and bottom. The three sets of rings represent the three aspects of our lifestyle: BD: Bondage & Discipline, Ds: Dom/sub and SM: Sado-Masochism. If you encounter any other Doms from this moment forward, they will know that you are an owned slave by the presence of these rings but they will also know that you belong to me specifically by the monogrammed padlocks that will lock each of the sets of rings together, sealing your pussy to everyone, including yourself. Only I hold the keys that can unlock you.”
Silk gasped. She had often thought of what it would be like to be denied access to her own pussy but she had thought of it in terms of having her hands restrained so that she could not reach it. She had never contemplated having her hands free yet still be unable to use her toys on herself. She knew her clitoris would be available to her exploring hands when she was alone but sometimes that just wasn’t enough, sometimes her toys, buried deep into her hole as far as they would go, could be the only things that could satisfy her in the absence of her Master’s cock. But this was something she had never have dreamed of. Her Master must love her to do this to her.
Stanley approached the bench where Silk lay and knelt between her wide-open legs, studying her pussy with a nonchalant expression on his face. He had no interest in her sex, he being a Eunuch, but his expertise required him to have a detailed knowledge of female anatomy. He wiped both sides of her pussy, with a medically treated cloth that sterilised any bacteria that may have been lurking there. She then felt a cold spray being applied to her pussy and she immediately lost all feeling in that vicinity as the chemical properties of the spray took effect. Stanley worked quickly and deftly. He pierced both labias in three places: top, middle and bottom as her Master had indicated, he then wiped away any blood that had seeped from the fresh wounds and inserted a titanium ring about the size of a penny in circumference into each hole that he had made. The open ends of each of the rings were pushed together until an audible click was heard forever locking them in the flesh of her pussy – titanium being one of the hardest metals in the world, Silk knew that she would have to cut through them to remove them and that if she ever did take them out it would spell the end of her relationship with her Master. This was permanent and Silk knew it. Stanley applied a sterilising fluid to her pierced pussy to prevent infection and then declared that he was finished in his task and he sought permission to withdraw. Her Master inspected Stanley’s work and, once satisfied that all was in order, permitted Stanley to depart from the room.
Silk was now entering the final part of the ceremony: that of the application of the padlocks and her Master addressed the group of Doms assembled in the room.
“You now see before you, my slave, silk. She has been used, humiliated, abused and degraded by all of you. You have served her well this evening and I have not participated in certain aspects of her degradation, as I am very much in love with her. silk has proven her love for me by allowing herself to be used in this way. I will now ensure that no man will ever use her again without first obtaining both my permission and this set of keys. She belongs to me and is mine to use as only I see fit.” He held up before them a trio of golden keys attached to a diamond studded key ring that bore his initial ‘C’. In his other hand he held three small shiny silver-coloured titanium padlocks. He knelt between her legs and locked each set of rings with a padlock starting with the middle set, moving onto the lower set then finally the top set. Enough sensation had returned to silk’s pussy that she could feel the padlocks being locked and winced at the small amount of pain that she felt from the piercings. But it was a very small price for her to pay for what was being done to her.
When he had finished locking her he removed all of the bindings holding her down and assisted her in standing. He gave her a warm wet towel so she could wash her face whilst another wet towel that he held himself washed her pain-wracked body.
Now clean, he turned her towards the men in the room and presented her.
“Gentlemen, I give you, silk, my love, my life, my slave”.
A round of applause broke out in the room and each man rose from his seat and approached the new couple and shook her Master by the hand and gave silk a kiss on each cheek, smiling warmly and welcoming her to their world. As each man did so he moved behind silk and she felt the now familiar writing being applied to her back, although now it was on the right hand side. She could easily make out that each man wrote the number ‘10’ next to his name and silk felt elated that she had done all that was expected of her and more. She had been brought here for a reason and she had passed all of their tests. As each man wrote his number next to his name he bade them both goodnight and left the room. Now they were alone. He turned her to face him and simply said “silk, I love you with all my heart and soul.” And then he kissed her.
He led her by the hand from the initiation room into the main living room they had been in, oh so long ago now it seemed to silk. A lifetime ago in fact, and she stood in front of him at the window facing out towards the driveway, as he encircled her waist with his arms, cupping her breasts with both hands. She watched the expensive cars leaving with their equally expensive drivers in the light dawn of the new day. She heard her Master’s voice softly speaking to her.
“Look at them go silk and remember. Think of the next girl who will come here, naked, cold and cuffed in the dead of night and remember. Know this. You are now on the inside looking out and not on the outside looking in and remember – always remember - who and what you are.”
“Yes, Master, oh Yes! Master”.