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Controlled slut.

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By *otLips 69 OP   Woman  over a year ago

Here or There

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *otLips 69 OP   Woman  over a year ago

Here or There


When we meet I want you to remove your pants set them in front of me, open your legs and present me a view of your pussy. Was the message sent to Col. It sent shivers down her spine with excitement. She replied two words Yes Sir. She got up from her desk and walked to the closet opening the lingerie drawer and picked out her items with care.

Walking into the shower she let the water cascade over her cooling the rising heat from her body, he'd said what products he wanted her smelling of. She did his bidding coming out of the shower dripping wet, she dried herself using the moisturizer cream he'd said to smooth on. She smelt of a hot summers day.

Carefully slipping on the silk stockings sliding them over her long legs she slipped into the g-string then fastening the bra. She stood in front of the mirror admiring how good she looked.

She returned to the closet searching for the dress he'd chosen for her to wear. Pulling it over her head it fell hanging on her curves as if caressing her body. Her heels made her taller than she was, but he liked to see her in heels and little else. Her mind going over the steps that he'd asked her to do she was ready to fulfill his needs.

Walking into the pub all legs and long blonde hair she walked to the bar her eyes making contact with a few of the men as she approached. Admiring glances with a few guys wearing fuck me on there smiles. She knew he was here watching there reactions getting a kick from it, she knew he'd punish her if she spoke to any of them. Waiting at the bar a drink was placed in front of her, the bar man said from the gentleman sitting in the corner. She smiled over at him placed the drink to her lips and tasted the wine. It was cold refreshing and quenched the dryness in her mouth.

Walking to him he got up pulled out her chair as she lowered herself into it. Did you enjoy the admiration from all those men he asked. Yes she answered. She watched his face as her hands went to her side with her fingers she popped a clip on each side of her hip and taking her hand she pulled at her dress as if fixing it. Sitting in front of him was her pants his smile at her audacity was warming he lifted them put them to his nose he could smell her sex as he put them in his top pocket. Good girl. He looked down at her legs as she slowly opened them up for his viewing. Wow, she'd amazing smooth legs as he ventured a further look there in front of him lay what he wanted a perfect strip of hair lining her lips of velvet.

Touch your pussy and tell me how wet you are he told her, she did taking her finger she slid them in to the depths of her pussy as they slid out you could see the juices on her fingers as she raise her fingers to his mouth waiting for him to taste. He slowly covered her fingers with his mouth tongue licking them as he sucked them in. His cock was instantly hard. She tasted better than he though.

He set a key down on the table it had a room no on it. Next to it was a list of instructions. Go upstairs and do what exactly is written on these instructions. Yes Sir she said as she took one last sip of her wine. She got up to leave I'll be up in 10 mins do not disappoint me he said. No Sir I won't was her reply. Getting into the elevator she read the list "Oh Gosh" was her thought.

Upon entering the room a girl was already there. Who are you she asked. I'm here to prepare you. As I removed my dress she hung it bringing cuffs she attached them to my wrists and ankles, a collar around my neck with a chain, she pulled a blindfold over my eyes and stood me in a hanging position under the bathroom door. Next I heard the door open then close the room was silent.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wow. This is going to be good. Well written and very erotic. Xx

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By *otLips 69 OP   Woman  over a year ago

Here or There

All she could hear was her breathing, her heart was beating fast she could just make out mumbling's of guests walking along the corridor. Suddenly the door opened she could hear footsteps and then the door close. She knew it was him her master the smell of his aftershave and wine was intoxicating to her senses.

She felt a light touch on her shoulder going down to her breast bone her skin aflame with his touch, his fingers going to her hard erect nipple then a sharp pain as he twisted her nipple she gasped as it seared through her breast. Light touches on the opposite side she could feel his breath on her again a sharp pain as he twisted her other nipple she moaned as the intensity of it ripped through her. His fingers continued down towards her vagina his fingers rubbing her clit then two fingers slid deep into her dripping pussy. In and out in a slow movement as she opened wider for him to take her, he removed his fingers. Open he said as he pushed his fingers covered in her juices into her mouth she started to suck his fingers clean of her. He removed his fingers and kissed her his tongue exploring her mouth he could taste her juices on her tongue she could taste the lingering wine he'd had in the bar. Suddenly it stopped he walked away from her she could hear movements from the other side of the room. Zips being opened then closed items being placed on the dresser. Who's slut are you he asked. your slut master was my reply."Good girl".

His footsteps approached again i could hear him running something through his hand. You're mine to control he said. Yes Sir i replied. He lifted his hand and with it he slapped her across her breast then twisted her nipple. She screamed out as the pain subside he carried on the opposite breast was treated with the same punishment back and forth he continued with each slap she cried out. Deep within her she was building an orgasm he knew this would inflame her, his sense that he knew what pleasured her and give him pleasure was what intrigued each other. He stopped as he knew that carrying on would explode her this he didn't want.

He walked away she could hear a cork pop from a bottle and liquid being poured into a glass. He walked back towards her. Are you thirsty he asked. Yes he kissed her wine poured from his mouth into hers dribbling down onto her chest, he licked it from her. With each touch to her skin it burned from desire and wanting wanting.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Soooo good!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wow. Incredible

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *otLips 69 OP   Woman  over a year ago

Here or There

Again he moved away from her knowing that he was prolonging the intensity of what was to come. He positioned her legs so that she was standing further apart. walking over to her with a leather flogger he ran it up and down her inner thighs. The feel of it against her skin tickled as he removed it then a flick on her lips as he motioned another she shuddered as each one rained down on her pussy count Col he said 1-2-3 he continued with each one she called out a number she wanted to cum as he rained his blow from the flogger. Don't you cum yet he said hold it in Col.

He knew that it would only take another one or two hits in the right area and she'd cum. He stopped,her pussy lips were swollen dripping juices down her inner thigh. In front he got on his knees kissing, sucking her inner thighs, licking her inner thighs, up to that triangle of heat his tongue went, along her lips he tasted soothed her swollen lips she wanted to move her hands to hold his head in this position but she was at his mercy her moaning was deep he knew she was enjoying this. When he'd lick the juices from her thighs he raised himself up went to the dresser. coming back he placed a vibe on her clit. Turning it on he said i want you to cum for me on my tongue. yes master she could barely say he flicked her clit twice and as he touched her folds with his tongue she flowed in an explosion of cum coating him with it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *otLips 69 OP   Woman  over a year ago

Here or There

When she'd finally succumb to him he released her wrists, as her arms dropped to her side he looked at her she went to remove the blind fold but he said stop what are you doing. I'm want to look at you she said. No keep it on. He lifted her up and carried her across to the bed told her to lie face down. She never questioned him just did as he asked he told her to stretch both arms out towards the head board. The cuffs went back on. He'd attached them to the head bed posts. Removing the collar he massaged her neck where red marks had began to show.

Col spread your legs for me he asked. She opened them, obedient slut you are. Yes master she replied. He attached each ankle cuff to a chain no longer than half a meter. Then attached it to the bottom bed posts. Lift your bum he requested. She lifted her bottom as far as the chains allowed her movement. He placed a pillow under her than told her to rest on it.. He got up off the bed and moved back across the room she heard a light knock on the door. He walked to the door then closed it. Silence nothing other than the faint hum of traffic coming from the street below. Wtf I thought has he left me here. After a few minutes panic had started to creep in, my breathing becoming rapid. The door opened and closed again was I mistaken were their more than one set of footsteps. He walked across the floor set down beside me and said Col we aren't alone you are my slut are you not? Yes sir I am I replied. You know we can stop this any time he said. Yes I know sir I replied. What's the safe word he asked. Popsicle I replied." Good girl." What ever happens next if you reach your point you know to use it don't you. Yes master I replied.

I felt him lift of the bed and hands I knew weren't his pull me up from the bed mybum up into the air. Al said Col stay still as best you can yes sir I answered. Then wham! A sting so unexpected crossed my bum cheeks I cried out fuCK! Another lashed my ass again I jumped at its suddenness. My understanding from it was that I wasn't being whipped by just Al but a second person as the strikes were different intensities. How much could I take of this with each strike I jumped my ass on fire the heat generating could have heated a home for a week it was that hot. Enough I thought but if I said my safe word I knew then my master would be disappointed. When I'd reached no 10 years had started to well up I was just about to say Popsicle when Al my master said enough. I could have kissed him for it if truth be told.

My ass was burning from the heat I knew I'd be sore to sit on it for a day or so then fuck my ass had a slap of cold placed on it. Someone had been kind enough to rub ice on it the water from the melting ice ran down my ass towards my pussy. The hands I felt on me where soft a woman's hands. She was gentle as she soothed my behind. She was kneeling between my legs as I moved one to position myself to make me more comfortable it brushed against her she was naked.

She started to rub my ass putting her tongue along the area where I suspected the marks would be. This started to arouse me as she continued in a up and down motion across each cheek then her tongue touched my star the sliver of arousement that give me tingled. Al was now on my left stroking my back and whoever the guy was on my right doing exactly the same they were talking to the girl asking her did I taste good exquisite she laughingly said. Al asked are you enjoying this my slut I am was all I could reply this girl had amazing tongue rimming my ass.

Al whispered in my ear do you want beads or plug to start. I could just about compose myself to answer him plug I said. "Good Girl'.i felt the girl get up from the bed then Al after a minute they were back but this time it was a heavier weight between me I could feel this tickle just at the edge of my ass where it meets my pussy it could only be the one person I knew who was there. Al his beard was just touching me. Al traced his tongue over me tasting licking sucking my ass it was he that was going to plug my butt. I was enjoying this immensely.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Fantastic X

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Mmmmmmmm. This is so good. X

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By *otLips 69 OP   Woman  over a year ago

Here or There

Thanks for messages.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Loving this

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By *otLips 69 OP   Woman  over a year ago

Here or There

I could feel the plug enter my bum Al had set it on the lowest setting to vibrate. The buzz against my inner walls sending me senseless. Hold it in he said yes sir I relied. I felt hands either side of my wrists un cuffing me my ankle restraints releasing me. I was turned over on my back legs opened and a tongue teasing my clit this was no mans tongue. My hands were taken and two cocks one in each hand both similar in size whose they were I'd no idea. A pillow was placed under my head and as I started to rub at one cock my hand with the other was guided to my mouth.

I was commanded to open my mouth which I did without complaint. The tip of this cock ran across my lips then into my mouth I started to suck on it slowly to begin with then faster as he pushed it deeper into my mouth I gagged on it as he'd pushed it so deep then as suddenly as he pulled it out. Then the other came to my lips this cock I knew as I'd tasted it many times before. I started to suck at it greedily but again just as I was enjoying it Al removed it, the hum of the plug in my bum and the tongue circling my clit was distracting me the licking also came to a stop. I was denied again.

I was pulled forward and a cock entered my pussy a pussy was placed on my face and I was ordered to taste I was now licking this woman's pussy while being fucked hard I could hear the woman sucking on a cock as we all romped together.

I was about to cum when the cock pulled out of me the woman was swollen from my tongue the plug was pulled from me and then I was positioned on top it was this man who I didn't know not even his name I slide down onto it I was told not to move as Al came in behind me he kissed my shoulder and then entered my bum the feeling of having two cocks inside me was overwhelming. A slow movement began as both cocks started to bang both holes I couldn't control myself I cum moaning so loudly you probably could have heard me down the corridor.

As soon as I'd come down from my orgasm both cocks pulled out.

I was again placed on the bed but in a kneeling position the woman moved to sit in front of me in the same position. Two cocks were presented in front of us as we were told to start sucking. We did as we sucked the moans from the guys we knew they were enjoying it. Next a splurt of cum landed on my tongue then more, it seemed to be a flow that wasn't going to stop covering my face and I assumed hers. When the cocks pulled away the woman started to kiss me her tongue coated as well as my own mingling together. When she pulled back I was pushed back on the bed. Al told me to lie there and not move. I heard the shower go off in the bathroom after a while it stopped. Low voices thanking Al I heard then footsteps to the door. The door opened and closed. Al came over to me on the bed removed my blindfold the lights in the room set low so my eyes could adjust. Did you enjoy that he asked yes sir I said as he guided me to the luxury bath filled with soapy warm water I climbed in and Al joined me. This was when I knew I was at times his Controlled slut.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hot stuff!

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By *udistnorthantsMan  over a year ago


Awesome story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

mmm I liked that!

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