By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Leading up to to tonight has been exciting and frustrating. Sir has been messaging a lot, keeping me on the edge all week, taking me over it, though that's this sub's little secret.
His instructions started slowly, to play with my clit before breakfast, lunch and dinner, but not to cum, easily done, at first. The second day I was to set my alarm and to play every two hours for ten minutes, the next two days at every hour and a half. It became harder to obey his instructions, my clit was throbbing all the time, walking was becoming a chore, I couldn't concentrate, all I could think of was relieving the pressure building between my thighs.
By yesterday, He had taken to phoning me and demanding me to play with His clit. Its was so swollen and throbbed so much, all the time taking me just to the edge. I tried to obey, I truly did, because I knew what punishment He had in store, should I fail Him. But this morning, when I got His text for tonight, I couldn't help myself, I came hard and loud. I could have got away with it, hiding away my guilty secret, my disobedience, but somehow He knew, He always knows.
He rang just as my orgasm took control, that rush of power between my thighs, the throb of my clit in time with my pumping blood as my breathing stops, the gush of my cum wetting my pussy, ahh it felt so good and so bad. I ignored the call, thinking I could say I was in the shower, but He kept ringing, insistent through the haze of my orgasm.
As I answered the call, He could hear my breathlessness, could hear my disobedience. All He said was “The Pink Box will be coming out today, my sweet little baby girl”, in a soft voice.
Though it was no use pleading with Him, begging Him, I couldn't stop myself from saying, “Please no Sir, I didn't mean to be bad, I couldn't help it”, but He had already hung up.
I hate that box. It doesn't contain a whip or a cane, nor does it contain anything that can hurt, it's much, much worse. That box has only been used once.
When Sir and I first got together we discussed so much of what we wanted from our new relationship, we spent lots of time discussing limits, pleasures and punishments and what we wanted from each other.
He gave me a shopping list and money and told me to buy exactly what was on it, most of the things were the normal stuff for the beginning of a new sexual adventure, underwear, toys, lotions etc, some were weird though and when I asked He just smiled and told me to do what I was told.
After having bought most of the things on the list, I came to the rest. Mundane things, normal things but things hard to find a place in our lifestyle.
First was a tie, plenty of uses to find for this item, but it was the specific design that I couldn't figure out the why, for. He wanted me to search out a tie that a child would get for her father for a present, a cartoony tie, a funny tie.
Eventually, even though it was hard to find what I thought would be the right one, I chose a kipperish tie, one with a large cartoon bunny resplendent with a big pink nose, surrounded by bright coloured spots.
The next items were a floaty pink baby doll, big pink fluffy towel and two large safety pins, easy enough, though with still no obvious place in our play.
Then baby wipes, powder and lotion. I couldn't even fathom how these would be involved.
Oh, I almost forgot, the big pink box.
At the end of my shopping trip, Sir met me for coffee and lunch but despite badgering Him with my questions, He stubbornly refused to give me an answer. He is so frustrating!
After dinner that night, after we'd cleared away and were sitting enjoying some time snuggling on the sofa He said to me that I was to go into our bedroom and lay the items from the shopping list on our bed, to undress and assume my position.
I loved that phrase, over time that phrase has my heart racing, my body responding in a way that should really only happen when I'm being touched. That phrase means that He wants to play, He wants my body, He wants His sub.
Fifteen minutes later, I'm ready for Him as he strolls into our room. He has His three piece suit on, He looks resplendent, suave, sophisticated masterful as He towers over me on my knees. My clit starts to throb in response and He smiles as He sees me shift slightly, knowing the affect He has on me.
As He stands behind me, stroking me hair, crouching down to stroke my skin, His gentle touch setting fire trails over my body, leading ever downwards, “You are beautiful, my darling, in your position, ready for me, wanting your Master, prepared to accept my wishes”.
I lower my head in shame, I’m not beautiful, not perky or slim, nor am I young. How I wish I was these things, to please Him, make Him happy. I hear Him tut softly and wonder what I have done, he lifts my chin and tells me to look at Him. As I bring my eyes level with His, I can see how much He loves me, I hear Him say, “Don't ever do that again, you are beautiful, both inside and out, I am very lucky that you have given yourself to me, that you trust me implicitly, that you allow me to look after you” then He kisses me, not powerfully, not dominantly but with love.
While I'm still reeling from such a deeply moving exchange, Sir helps me to my feet and wraps His arms around me. “Let's look at our shopping”, he says.
Sir glances, almost casually, over most of the things I've bought. He stops at the pink flowy, flouncy baby doll and picks it up, slowly running it through His fingers. He feels the involuntary shudder go through my body and smiles. God how I hate pink, I am not a pink girl, not a flouncy, flowery girly girl. I'm brash, loud sometimes, brusque too, not a pretty in pink kind of girl.
“Pass me the pink box”, He is still giving no clue as to what the hell is going on and He is enjoying it far too much! He lays the loathsome baby doll next to the box, “The towel please” “What the hell is this all about?”, I ask, mentally stamping my foot in irritation. I see a shadow pass fleetingly across His face, but my curiosity is becoming all consuming. “Hush now and do as your told, otherwise I will gag you”.
I do as I'm told, I don't like the gag, but then I don't understand what could be worse.
He lays the pink fluffy towel in the box, then on top the loathsome baby doll. He watches me intently, knowing that I am barely keeping my curiosity in check. It's made worse by the ghost of His smile. He is definitely getting far too much pleasure from this game!! Especially, as I don't understand what is going on. My little devils' whispers are becoming harder to ignore, “Go on, ask him, he should tell you, how are you supposed to trust him”. My angel reminds me of the gag, of my trust for Him.
“Now, pass me the tie. It's a very good choice, my darling”. Ahh my head is screaming, why???? but still, like the good sub I'm trying to be, I keep quiet, do as I'm told. The bastard is teasing me, running the tie through his hands, making noises of approval, He glances sideways at me, and bloody hell I can see the amusement in His face! “Go on ask him, what's the worse he can do. At least you'll know” and before my angel can interject, I blurt out, “What is all this stuff about?”.
Do you know, He doesn't even try to hide His triumph, the big grin across His face says that He knew this was going to happen! He even had the gag under the pillow. He knew before He'd even told me about our shopping trip!!
“Turn around, my little slut”, He says as He can hardly contain His laughter, “open wide. Now what happens to my little slut when she won't do as she is told?” “She is......” the rest is muffled by the ball gag He so expertly inserts in my mouth.
“That's right, my little slut, she is punished. I told you if you spoke again I would gag you and don't I always do what I promise?”. As He fastened the gag, He felt me nod in agreement. He put His arms around me, cupping each of my ample breasts in His hands, finding my nipples pulling me back to Him. I could feel His excitement building as He pulled me close, but I knew better than to move now, even as He gave my nipples a sharp tweak, I stood very still. “Mmmm, see my little slut, you are learning to behave yourself” He said softly in my ear. To my annoyance, I felt my clit thumping and could feel the juices of my cunt making my thighs wet. Not now I yelled in my head, but oh did He know how my body worked. He played with my nipples, whispering in my ear until He knew I was almost at that point, and then He pulled away. Bastard!! I actually stamped my foot and He laughed!!
“Now my darling, let's put the rest of our shopping away, I have a use for that dripping cunt of mine”.
So, now, in that big pink box, is the towel, that baby doll and the tie, He tells me to pass Him the safety pins, wipes, powder and the lotion. These puzzling things join the rest and I'm still none the wiser. As He puts the lid on it, He tells me to get the pink crayon out of His drawer. Crayon??? He has been planning this for a while. I fetch it. “Now I want you to write on it these exact words, my sweet little baby girl” I look at Him but He just smiles and points to the box. As I start writing, I feel His hand slip between my legs, His fingers finding my throbbing clit, “keep writing” He says as He so expertly manipulates me, increasing the pressure, causing a muffled moan to escape. “hurry up, this cunt needs her Master's cock”. As I look at the finished work, it looks like a childs' writing, exactly how He intended.
Oh that night was sweet. He allowed me to cum without restraint, making me cum over and over again, so much that the big pink box was forgotten, hidden away out of sight, out of mind, until that fateful day, that now has me shivering with dread.
Our relationship, on the outside, to our vanilla friends is what they would class as “normal”, we do normal things, go shopping, go out, tend to the garden. Normal everyday things, with oh such a sweet dousing of spice. Where just a word, a look, a signal will have me either scurrying upstairs, stripped naked and on my knees, waiting or if we are out in public, have me cradled against His front with His arms protectively around me, one around my throat with just a slight amount of pressure and one around my waist holding me close.
We have discussions, rows, differences of opinion, like any other couple. But there are rules, the main one being no matter how frustrated I get or how angry I become I am not allowed to swear at Sir. Although He doesn't like it, in everyday live He views it as an excuse for bad vocabulary, I can use it if, for instance I stub my toe, or drop something, but I am never allowed to swear at Him.
We had a row, a big one, one in which doors got slammed, there was shouting, it was so bad in the end I told Him to fuck off as I slammed the living room door closed, fleeing up the stairs to our room in floods of tears. I didn't care about the rules, the life anything. I lay there sobbing, till my eyes hurt, just as I couldn't cry any more He knocked on the door and came in. “Go away” I managed. He just came on in, setting a glass of iced water on the cabinet. “In a couple of minutes I am going to hold out my hand, I want you to take it and come and sit on my lap. Let me hold you then we can talk and sort it out”.
My first thought was He had not chance of that, but He just held out His hand and waited. Neither of us like it when we argue and being with Him after we had vented was always the best way we had found to sort it out.
I fell into an exhausted sleep wrapped safely in His arms, so deeply I didn't feel Him moving to make coffee that slowly brought me round or hear him go in the shower and get dressed. He had on a three piece suit, which I had never seen before. The ones he normally wore were pinstriped, beautiful. This one was black and He wore His shirt tie less. He took me in His lap and we drank coffee together talking about the day ahead. When we had finished, He took my cup and put it aside.
“What is the one unbreakable rule we have outside the bedroom, my darling” He said.
“We don't swear at each other Sir” I whispered, lowering my eyes, ashamed of my outburst the night before.
“No darling, look at me I need you to understand what is going to happen” and He raised my chin so I looked Him in the eyes.
“Do you trust me, sweetheart?” “With all my being, Sir”
“That's good, I want you to remember that. Being a good Master, is not just about the play in the bedroom, it's not just about loving each other, which I do with all my being, my darling. Its not about the punishments either. What are the punishments about?”
“They are to learn from, through the mix of pain and pleasure, how best to be a good sub, Sir” I'm barely whispering, I can see the hurt in His eyes and know I am the cause of His anguish.
“Those punishments are designed to give pleasure too, you are right my darling. But sometimes, the things you will do warrant a punishment, that you will not enjoy as a tool for you to learn by. This punishment will not hurt you, but you will feel humiliated, degraded, but as a good Master I have to let you know that there are some lines you must not cross. Do you understand?”
“Yes Sir” I whisper.
“In a moment, I will tell you to assume the bed position, facing the wall. No matter, what you hear, what you want to know, you will not move. Do you understand?” I give a slight nod.
“You must do exactly what I tell you to do, without question, without hesitation” Again I nod, feeling a little scared, but determined to make things right, to take away that hurt look.
“After the punishment has ended, I will take you in my arms and love you not as your Master, but as your lover, as someone who loves you with all His heart. Do you believe that?”
“Yes Sir, with all my heart”. “Good. Whilst I'm administering the punishment there are things you must understand and must do. Firstly, there is nothing sexual for either of us, that's what makes this different. Do you understand?” I nod slightly, a slight shiver running down my spine, this has never happened before, but I want to please, I want to make things right.
“Secondly, once I tell you to get in position, you are not to talk, you are only to nod or shake your head as appropriate. You will not call me Master or Sir or use my name. Thirdly, you need to understand, that whilst you are being punished neither of us will enjoy it. I will hate giving you it almost as much as you will hate having it. Always remember that, as your Master it is my job to punish you as well as look after you. OK?” This time, my eyes shining with apologetic unshed tears, “Yes Sir, I am so sorry I caused this hurt. Please forgive me” “I do my sweet little baby girl, I do”. With that He kissed me so tenderly, that the tears I tried so hard to keep, flowed down my cheeks. He wiped them away with such tenderness, that I knew, whatever He had planned, was going to hurt him and I was determined to take whatever He wanted.
“Assume the bed position, my sweet little baby girl” The bed position is me lying on my side with my legs pulled up to my chest. Something that has become much easier over time with His help controlling my diet and my exercise, that position exposed my cunt and my arse, ready for Him to use as He wished. Today I knew that wasn't why I was here.
“Close your eyes” I did as I was told. There was a lot of noise and rustling going on around me but I was determined to be good. I heard Him leave the room several times, but I kept my mind in check and waited.
“Do you remember what you are to do, once I tell to to come here, my sweet little baby girl” and I nod, remembering the rules. “Come to me” and as I uncurl my stiffening body I take in the changes to the room. His chair had been moved to the window and a small chair placed beside it. On the table was a three litre bottle of juice and what looked like a sippy cup. On the bed He had placed the long forgotten big pink box. I glimpsed through the bathroom door and there appeared to be a foam pad in a plastic sheet covered by a towel. Just in time, I remembered my promises and kept my mouth shut.
I stood beside him as He told me to open the box and lay the contents out on the bed, I noticed a couple of additions to the mystery contents, a pink hair band and a large novelty dummy on a pink ribbon. An overload of that hateful colour. “Now take the wipes, powder and lotion into the bathroom and place them on the bottom of the pad near the sink”
When I had meekly finished that task he said to hand him the tie. It looked ridiculous, standing out against the black of His waist coat, He didn't look happy wearing it. Under different circumstances, we would have laughed at it on the tie rack, but not today.
He took the loathsome pink baby doll and dressed me in it, it was ridiculous and horrible and I hated it. He could see I hated it, “I know my sweet little baby girl. You are doing wonderfully”. He took the pink hair band and placed it on my head then lead me to the chairs.
“Sit there. I am going to read the paper as I am doing so I will fill this cup with the juice put the lid on and you will drink. Every ten minutes I will refill the cup and I expect it to be d*unk” I nod.
Satisfied, He fills the cup and replaces the lid, hands it to me and sets the timer on His phone. “Begin”. I feel ridiculous and ashamed dressed this way, I begin to hate that pink box, with the child like writing and it's hateful contents “One minute left” He says, through the rustle of His paper. I finish the drink and give Him the cup. Over an hour of this silent humiliating exchange continues until the jug is empty and my bladder is filling.
“Now, when I tell you, I want you to get on the bed, and lay with your bottom on the towel. Do you understand?” I nod. I can't see what He is doing until I'm told to get up. What I am faced with starts shivers down my spine, helping to make my bladder's presence known. “Get on the bed, do not move” as I lay on the triangular shaped towel, I spy the two safety pins and horror widens my eyes. He sees, because He is watching what I do intently. “Yes my sweet little baby girl, its your nappy. You remember what I told you about there being nothing sexual about this?” I nod. “Give me your hand” and I meekly hold our my left hand. He takes it and places it on His cock and I know what He says is true. “I would never lie to you. Do you understand now?” Again I nod, with a mixture of understanding and shame, because this truly is a punishment He felt I deserved.
As I lay down in position He spreads my legs and brings up the point of the nappy, then the two sides and fastens them with the safety pins. Then He brings me to a sitting position and I spot the dummy. I hang my head in shame and humiliation knowing what will happen next. He lifts my chin, and I see the pain I'm causing Him and the shame grows, for this man I love with my whole being.
“open your mouth, my sweet little baby girl” and he ties the dummy in place. He leads me to our full length mirror. “I want you to look at yourself, dressed like this, as a child. Know that your childishness has brought you to this place. Do you understand now?” I lower my head in subjugation.
“next you are to tell me when you need to use the bathroom” I nod again. “lie in the bed position and when you need to go climb to the edge of the bed”
I don't know how long it took for the pressure of my bladder to become unbearable, but it didn't feel long enough before I was moving toward the edge. He walked into the bathroom and motioned me to lie down on the foam. All the things now made sense, but try as I might I could not stop the flow from my body.
He sat on the edge of the bath, watching intently as the wet patch on my nappy grew, saw the tears of humiliation and shame run freely from me. I tried to cover my face, turn away from Him but he gently placed my hands on my chest and turned my face towards Him. As I look into His eyes, I saw pain and I vowed then never to cause the man I loved such anguish again.
“You will nod when you have finished, when I clean you up do not move. This time I will not apply the lotion or powder, should there be a next time I will apply them and you will feel them next to your skin, knowing that you have once again disobeyed me to such an extent I have to use this. Do you understand?” I nod, through my tears.
“OK my sweet little baby girl, have you finished?” I nod. He gets up but turns to run a bath leaving the wet patch to grow cold against my skin. “I hope that the feeling you are now having, will remind you how humiliating it is to behave and to be treated as a child” He doesn't look at me but I still nod my aquiensense.
As He lowers Himself to the floor, the scent of my favourite bubbles fills my nostrils and I am glad its nearly over.
“once I have cleaned you, I will stand you up, undress you and lower you into the bath, then I will remove the dummy and you must tell me the first thing that comes into your head. Then, once I am done, I will dry you and apply your moisturiser and carry you to our bed then you can speak, but remember, then I will not be your Master or your Sir I will be the man who loves you will all his heart. Do you understand, my sweet little baby girl?”
He removes the cold nappy and puts it in a bucket, cleans me with the wipes and helps me to stand. He takes the head band off and removes the baby doll. “I hope I never have to see this thing again!” and flings it in the bucket to soak with the towel. He picks me up and lowers me in to the lovely warm bath. “Now do you remember what you are to do once I remove the dummy, my sweet little baby girl?” and I nod with relief. He removes it and massages my jaw back to life. I turn to face Him, hold His face in my hands and say “I love you”.
That night, as we drift off to sleep, I'm cradled against His body, this time the tears I shed are a realisation of how much He loves me.
That hateful box is put away, and forgotten, gathering dust for five beautiful happy years.
Until today.
You send me a message saying how you want me to dress and what time to be ready. Matching black underwear and suspenders, heels and a black knee length coat. It also gives me the instructions for when I get there, I'm to knock on the door and when you let me in I'm to stand perfectly still, where you put me and not to say a word.
I arrive at a little country cottage in the middle of nowhere, the darkness is total apart from the lights coming from the open windows. As I park the car my clit starts to buzz in anticipation of what the evening might hold.
As I approach the door I can see you standing there, framed by the light coming from inside the cottage. You hold out your hand and as I take it, pull me in for a long, slow deep kiss.
"Hello", you say as you guide me in. "Are you going to leave the door open?" I ask, as we move into the beautifully furnished room. Classy with just a hint of decadence, but oddly with a beautifully wrought iron bed taking pride of place in the middle of the room. "It's a beautiful evening, leave the door open, let in the evening air" and you smile a wicked smile as you see me looking at the bed. "It's a nice place, is it yours?" I ask, wondering what's going to happen. The evening air has cooled slightly and there is a slight breeze coming in from the open door, it plays around my stockinged legs and up my thighs and feels good against the heat of my pussy.
"No more talking", you say as you place a blindfold over my eyes, all of my questions fade as my mind starts to wander into what could happen.
As I stand in the middle of this beautiful room unable to see, my other senses heightened as I feel you start to undo the buttons of my coat. Your hand traces my skin as its exposed, softly kissing every inch. "You good girl", you whisper. A moan softly escapes, as your mouth continues its' warm caresses over my skin. My cunt is already spilling its juices making my panties wet as my clit starts a slow throb. You kiss my neck as you hold my hair and pull my head back, softly kissing my throat, licking the hollow of my neck, working your way across my collar bone. "Ohhh please, kiss me, play with my clit". "I said no more talking", you pull my head back and kiss my neck hard, we both know that will leave your mark.
Suddenly, I can't feel you near me, can't feel the heat coming from you. Where you've opened my coat, the breeze softly touches my exposed skin, contrasting the heat. I shiver slightly as I hear the click of a camera. "Mmm one for the album" you laugh, "how does it feel standing there with your blindfold on, your body exposed, just for me?" "It makes me feel sexy and frustrated". "You can stop pouting, it's your own fault for teasing me all week. I'm sure I said no more talking!"
The sounds of the countryside at night float in through the open windows, a fox shrieked in the distance, the smell of the woods floated in through the open window.
Other than that I couldn't hear a sound from inside the cottage. Had he gone? Just as I was lifting my hand to remove the blindfold, his breath was on my ear and he murmured, "Who said you could take that off?" His hands slid under my coat as he brought it to my elbows and tied the sleeves together. "Now they won't get in the way, I can do anything I want, you're all mine". He pushes my legs hip width apart as I feel his hands moving over my skin, so sensitive, his light touch sending fire through my body, tracing a path towards my panties. A moan escapes as I feel his hand rubbing my throbbing clit through the lacy crotch, "my, my what a bad girl you are. See how wet your getting and I haven't even started yet" and with that he brings his hand to my mouth. I can smell myself on his fingers, my body is starting to tremble as he is teasing me unmercifully. "Open your mouth", he runs his fingers over my lips and I taste myself as he holds my hair and very slowly starts fucking my mouth with them.
As he holds me tight against his body I can feel how hard he is, he presses it hard against me, crushing my breasts against his chest. I can feel my orgasm building from the throb of my clit as the heat spreads through my belly working its way upwards, my knees buckle as he holds me and an animal moan escapes. |