By *-elle OP Woman
over a year ago
Romford |
As she lay there still in his bed, disentangled from her lover, she wondered what the morning would bring. She winced as she recalled her behaviour from the night before, wishing it was all but a distant memory but their present body language suggested otherwise.
Why did she think he would want to watch this night!! she mulled the events over and over in her head trying to grasp a clear indication of what or how she could have played the evening, yes he likes to see her fuck other men, other women, she thought to herself. She knows this well, infact the week before he was particularly aroused as she continually beckoned him with her eyes to join her, them. The room filled with spectators but her eyes transfixed entirely on him. In fact just to tease her, she recalls that he stepped back within the shadows of a crowd, in the knowledge that she would be frantic, yearning and now straining to keep his contact. Alas that was a distant memory and the events from hours before were recoiling in her head. She lay there motionless as he stirred wondering if he would reach over embrace her as he awakened, but to no avail. He simple got out of bed and descended the stairs to the kitchen. She lay there wondering what to do. As the minutes passed it felt like a life time, no she decided there could only be one outcome. She slipped out of bed pull on her jeans and she. Leaving them partially undone, an enticement she thought as she descended the stairs.
There he was standing in his kitchen, eyes firmly fixed on her, a silence, a look. That look!! Not knowing his thoughts She uttered the words "I think I should go" hoping for some sort of discussion...his eyes remained fixed, no warmth in his voice just the words it's very early, come back to bed. Let's talk first" her heart sinking in one hand at the thought of recounting it all over again and the relief in the other that he wasn't throwing her out the door. "Ok" was all she could muster at that moment.
Once again there she lay next to him ready to justify herself. "You shut me out" the hurt in his eyes, so fixed upon her. "You kissed him, you caressed his body in a way you have never caressed mine. You didn't even acknowledge me Belle. She knew no amount of justification couldn't change the reality never the less she tried to explain her reasoning, her behaviour and as she did she realised that of course he didn't want to see what she perceived to be good sex. He didn't want to watch, intimacy, tenderness nor warmth. He wanted porn. For her to simply fuck another man whilst looking at him knowing that with every thrust she was his.
As she began to open her mouth, "No" he declared forcefully, as he swung around toward her pinning her down. The anger welling in his eyes. In his voice. "I wanted to see you get fucked and to take it like the dirty slut you are" ripping her clothing off with every angry word.
He flips her on her front, so she could not longer see a lostness in his eyes, his hands pulling her ass up to meet him, "this my dear is what should be watched". He yanks her head back claping a clump of her hair. "Open your legs he demands" she says nothing, her breathing quickens as he slaps her ass several times. Until he is satisfying of there spread. He begins to first gently probe her entrance. She asks shyly "are you sure you want that hole" there is no answer, no lub he simply pushes harder against her. This was her punishment she though and she raised her ass further to receive. It was painful, almost unbearable but then he leaned down towards her kissing her neck gentle "are you ok darling" he asked. Her entire body relaxed at just these few words... But she too was angry, angry at herself. She lifted her head off the pillow and without consideration she indignantly states. "Harder" the pain and pleasure now intensifying.."is that the best you can do" almost spitting the words at him, she was however addressing herself too as he pounds harder than ever.
They hadn't really discussed her anal virginity! Nor the the pain of tightening as she fought against it, she had always in her mind blanked it out as taboo, a hard limit but there he was proudly breaking both and she, angry with herself, was loving it. A thought that has continued since and as she scribes this note she can feel her muscles relax and beckon, wishing for more, she smiles to herself knowing this was the man that broke her and she loved it.