By *dsindy OP TV/TS
over a year ago
East Lancashire |
Sindy and the Older Lady
This is another fantasy tale, continuing on a few years after my last one...Sindys Date Night...hope you enjoy. Once again, it is fairly long, and it takes a while to get going as i set the scenery. Please feel free to comments.
It was now the very late eighties, and snice my "date night" with Andy, things had moved on.
I had a year at uni where i did nothing and so was not surprised when my tutors indicated, in an oh so politeful way, that further participation would be of benefit to no one. Andy had gone to another uni, but i dont think there was much chance of us repeating that night. He was cool about what happened, and opportunities were there, but nothing came of it.
So off into the real world i went, to get a job. One was duely got, a hum drum boring factory job, but it paid my board at home, and left enough for beer, football and skirt chasing. Such was my life for the next 4 years, with the occasional foray into wearing my elder sisters knickers for a guilty wank. I didnt do to bad with the ladies....not a roaring success, but enough that i didnt have to be shame faced when with my mates (besides, they were probably lying about the number of women they had-after all, young blokes do exaggerate). Occasionally though, i got THAT desire, and would slope off to the local gay bar in town (every town has one). Sometimes i would be picked up, most times i would not, but only one time did i end up being dressed again as some guy fucked me.
Anyway, it was a Saturday night, and i was quietly mellow. My team had won a game (at last), i had a few quid in my pocket, and before i came out i had sneaked a pair of my sisters knickers into my room and decided to wear them all day....thought it would be a bit kinky. Nothing special about them, but not boring old white cotton ones either, light pink, with a sheer back and a tiny black bow in the middle of the waistband and beautiful lace detailing around the leg openings. All in all, quite sexy, yet not overtly so.
The plan in my head was to go to the gay bar and see if i could find anyone, it had been a year since i was last their. So there i was,in the pub after the match just staring at the bar and thinking when i felt a tap on my shoulder. i turned around and started in surprise, it was Anne, Andys mum (remember the phone? lol).
"Hiya Simon" she said. " been ages since i have seen you about, hows things"?
"Oh, same old same old", i replied. "What are you doing in here? Dont see you in town that often".
"I was set up on a blind date by my sister", she told me. Anne had split up from her husband 2 years ago, apparently he was shagging around.
"Good for you", i said. "What time are you supposed to meet him, and surely not here"? Here was the pub near the football ground, ok place but not one for a first introduction.
"In an hour in town", she said. "Just popped in to meet my sister", and sure enough in walked Anne's sister.
"Well, good luck, and behave yourself", i said with a laugh. She laughed back, and with a peck on my cheek she moved over to her sister.
"The next three quarters of an hour passed, i had another drink (was taking it slow, didnt want to be pissed), when i felt a tap on my shoulder again. It was Anne, getting ready to leave.
"Goodbye Simon", she told me. "Have a good night yourself", and with that she went out of the door.
I didnt think anymore of it, just went back to my drinking, occasionally wandering my eye over the girls coming in, and (i must admit) some of the guys as well. Sod it, i thought. Its still early but i might as well head on over that way, and so i finished my pint, and set off towards the other end of town where the gay bar was.
Halfway there, i thought...i will stop off and have a quick half to pass a little more time, and so i popped into a little music bar on a side street. You know the type, loud music, three floors, cheap drink and usually half empty until closing time at the other pubs. In i went, and wandered upto the bar. Halfway there, i saw a fimalier figure in a booth, it was Anne all on her own. Her bloke must have gone to the bogs i thought, so i went over to say hi. She looked up and i was surprised by the miserable state her eyes were in.
"Anne"? i queried, "are you ok? Is something up"?
"Ohhhhh, everything is just fine", she slurred. She was d*unk!!!! "Everything is just superb, couldnt be better".
I sat down next to her in the booth and asked, "has something happened, you are not in any trouble are you"?
She looked at me again, a bitter smile on her lips, and she put her hand to my cheek. "Bless you, i am fine, just upset" she said. "My blind date turned out to be not so much blind as invisible".
"He didnt show"? i questioned.
"He didnt show", she confirmed.
Without thinking i said "what a bastard, he must be a real fool. Where is your sister"?
"She has gone to meet her husband and they are off to the club. I was going to go there, but i just dont feel like it, i just feel like getting d*unk. I was hoping that tonight i could finally get my life started again".
"Well, getting wasted isnt the answer", i told her. "Trust me, been there got the tee shirt". A lie, but hey, i was trying to cheer her up.
Once again her hand stroked my cheek. "Dear Simon", she said, tears forming in her eyes, "such a nice young boy".
Boy!!!!!! I was in my mid 20's now, but i suppose to her i would still be a boy, she was just a few years shy of her 50th birthday.
She sighed, dropped her hand from my cheek and looked at her glass, it was empty. "Fancy a drink"? she inquired. "Dont want to drink alone".
"I think you may have had enough", i laughingly replied.
"Yeah, i think you are right, but i am going to have another one. So? Want a drink"?
"Just one", i cautioned, "then its a taxi home".
"No problem", she said to me, "i have more at home for us to drink anyway", and off to the bar she popped. More at home for US to drink!!!
She came back with a pint for me, and a rather tall glass for her.
"Gin", she answered to my look at the glass. "Mothers ruin", and she began to tear up again. What was going on?
We sat there for about an hour, while she talked on about how life was for her, how she never knew what her husband was up to, and kept on coming back to how lonely she was. Now, being honest, i didnt have the slightest thought of making a move. First, she was my mates mum. Second, she was very tipsy and so was i. Third, i was accutely aware of what i had on under my jeans.
Finally i said, "come on Anne, time to get you home" and i offered her my hand to pull her up. This i managed without to much difficulty and she was fairly steady on her feet. Outside we went and headed to the taxi rank, Anne holding onto my arm and walking close besides me, shivering....it had turned into a cold night. We hailed the first taxi, and Anne gave him the address and we set off in companiable silence, Anne sat close to me on the back seat, still holding my arm.
10 minutes later, we arrived and i paid the taxi, helped Anne out and down her path to the front door.
She opened her purse and rumaged around for her key, and dropped it. She bent over to pick it up, i started to notice that she had a very nice firm bottom, and it brought back memories of me in her knickers when her son fucked me one night. Picking the key up, she unlocked the door and went in, turning her head over her shoulder to say, "close the door behind you and go right on in, i will get us a drink".
I went into the living room, and in a few minutes Anne came in with two tall glasses. Now, i am not a gin lover, but hey....a drink is a drink and so we sat down on the sofa and sipped out drinks. We were both very wobbly by this time, so sitting down was definitely the preferred option. We chatted away, the usual inane rubbish when she blurted out "do you think i am ugly"?
"What? No, you are not ugly, why would you think so"?
"First my husband, then this blind date. I cant seem to get a man to stay".
"More fools them", i slurred back. "You are a great looking lady, you are single, go and enjoy yourself and sod the blokes, they are not worth it". A slip there, but she didnt catch it.
"You really think so"? Her head was lowered but she looked up at me with her eyes, presenting a slightly coquettish look.
"Yep, i do", and before i knew it she had leapt across the sofa and pushed me back kissing me hard. I was totally surprised, but it wasnt long before i started to respond, kissing her and my hands roaming up and down her back. Her hands started to move as well, onto my chest and rubbing it through my shirt. Her fingers started to unbotton it and she pulled it open and gasped. Shit, in the d*unken haze i had forgotten that i was smooth there......and everywhere else as well. I dont think she had ever encountered a smooth chested man before. It started to get through my drink fogged brain that i could not let this go further, i could not reveal anything more, especially what i had on underneath my jeans. I sat up abruptly, pushing Anne away from me.
"No", i mumbled, "this is wrong" and stood up.
Anne stood up as well and placed her hands on my chest, carressing my now erect nipples. "Wrong"? she queried, a slightly naughty smile on her lips. "You think so"? and started to push me back, reaching up with her lips to kiss me again. Again i started to respond only to come to my senses......no, no, no, no. I cannot, she will find out. With a bump and a bang i came up against the wall, my head hitting it and causing me to yelp. With both my hands going to the back of my head, she took the innitiative and moved her hands down towards my jeans.
With another yelp, i put mine over hers to pull them away but she placed one hand on my chest and pushed me into the wall again, her leg pushing between mine in a very erotic way, her thigh rubbing against mine. I was in a daze, i didnt know what to do, i never expected anything like this.
Her hands moved down again and started to unfasten my jeans, i could not struggle, i was in to much of a fog, my head was spinning but i felt myself starting to get hard inside my knickers. MY KNICKERS....the thought once again made my mind start to clear, but it was to late.....far far to late.
My jeans were tugged down, and a silence followed. A silence and a stillness. I was frozen against the wall and Anne was looking down, staring.....staring right at the pink knickers i was wearing. My eyes closed, i thought to myself, this is it Simon, this is where everyone and their mother finds out all about me.
My eyes shot open, Anne was laughing. Not a hysterical laugh, or one with cruelty at finding what she found, but a genuine humourous laugh. "I can see why you kept trying to stop me. How long have you been doing this? And whose are they"?
I sighed, and looked down at the floor. "Since i was about 14", i said quietly, "my sisters stuff". I very explicitly didnt tell her about the fantastic night i had with her son whilst I was wearing her lingerie.
She heaved a deep breath, and looked back down. By now, my hardness had vanished and there was no tell tale bulge in my jeans. "What do you get out of it" she asked quietly, her hands still pushing lightly against my chest, pushing me against the wall.
"I dunno", i mumbled, "I just like the feel of them and how i feel when wearing them".
Her hands started to move, one circling my chest, the other moving down to my stomach. "Is that why you shave your chest"? came then next question. "I am assuming its just your chest"?
"Yes, and no", i answered. "Yes, its why i shave my chest, and no, its not just my chest". By now, my face was quite red, and the shock which had started to sober me up was fading, and i was becoming woozy again.
"Where else are you smooth", she asked..her hand on my chest starting to move over my nipple, her other hand stroking my stomach still, but lower than before, her eyes fixed on my pink knickers.
"All over" i moaned, my head going back against the wall, my eyes squeezing tight shut.
"All over", Anne repeated and i could hear a wicked tone to her voice. The pressure of her hands changed, and i felt them on hips, and i sensed a shift in her body. Without opening my eyes i knew she had knelt down in front of me. There was a tugging on my jeans and my hands moved to them to hold them up. "No", said Anne quietly, "let go, i would like to see".
With a gulp, i moved my hands away and looked up at the ceiling as Anne pulled down my jeans to my ankles,her hands then travelling up my legs to once again rest on my hips but this time on the sides of the knickers i had on. Strangely enough, although i felt the sexual tension shivering through my body, my cock was not raging at full mast, it had a semi hard status. Enough to let Anne know i had one, but not enough to strain against the material.
She pushed and pulled against my hips, making it quite clear she wanted me to turn around. I shuffled around (its hard to turn when your pants are about your ankles and you are leant against a wall) and stood with my back to her. A thrill went all through my body as her hands touched my bum, one on either cheek as she looked at me through the sheer back of these very pretty pink knickers.
"You have a very very nice bum" she murmured, and her hands moved onto my legs again. "And nice legs too". Abruptly she stood up, her hands trailing up my legs and resting on my hips again and she pressed into me, her mouth going to my ear whispering "i am so turned on now, so very much turned on".
I rotated around, facing her once again and placed my hands on her hips and pulled her towards me, our lips meeting. Nothing pressurized, just lips meeting in a long slow lingering kiss. She pulled away, and looked at me, a gentle laugh forming on her face. "Are you going to step out of those jeans"? she asked.
"That depends", i smiled back at her. "Are you going to take off that dress"?
Thus ends part one. If anyone is interested in me continuing let me know, and i will tell you how Anne and myself got on, and how Anne decided that pink knickers on me were just not enough.
xxSindy |