By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Passion amongst the berries ...they never tasted so naughty.....
"Ah, finally" she thinks to herself as she pulls in the driveway after a good day at work. She had been looking forward to getting the raspberries in shape for the season, but there is something else that goes hand in hand with her yard work which excites her more than thoughts of the berry harvest. She sighs and smiles to herself.
She would never forget that first spring after moving in. The first day of yard work was quite a spectacle. She had worn shorts and a cut of t-shirt as she always did, but was a little shocked to discover that there was a rather large audience in her new neighbourhood. She could tell by the slits in the window blinds of the adjacent houses that she was being watched and over the years had begun to look forward to finding different ways to tease her audience.
This particular spring was no different. The week before she had gone shopping with a new gardening outfit at the top of her list and came home with an ensemble that was guaranteed not to disappoint her collection of peepers. As she dressed herself for her chores she could not help but try to imagine how many of her secret fans would be reaching into their shorts to pleasure themselves as they watch her go about her gardening in new work clothes.
"Hmm... yes, you could call them work clothes", she chuckled to herself as she checked herself in the mirror. Happy with what she sees, she winks at herself while thinking of the erectness she will cause once she walks out the door.
Peeking out the front window to see if anyone is out and about she notices a stranger walking up the front walk. As he draws closer she realizes who it is and begins to panic... not the panic of a scared woman; the panic caused by sexual attraction and the chaotic indecision it brings about when surprised with the potential of actual physical contact with the object of her lust.
She scurries to the back door and waits for the front bell to ring. As the first note of the chime sounds she flies out the back door to the side gate and yells out, "I'm in the back garden, come on around." As the last syllable is leaving her lips she turns and dashes to the raspberry patch, falls to her knees, gets down on all fours and pretends to be engrossed in her work.
He knocks on the fence gait, being careful not to say anything and still under the impression that she does not know it is him coming to surprise her. She calls out to come on around back. As he rounds the corner of the house he sees her in the back corner of the yard. Her back to him on all fours digging tentatively in the garden and giving all her attention to making sure he does not know she knows it is him. She imperceptibly moves her body to let her shorts ride as far up into her curvaceous bottom as possible, giving him full view of her tempting flesh. Her smooth tight ass calls to him for attention.
Walking up behind her and still under the impression that she does not know it is him, he straddles her calves which lay outstretched behind her as she teasingly pushes her ass cheeks up toward his gaze. Feeling his presence, she raises herself to her knees as nonchalantly as possible only to find that he is close enough for her to feel his crotch brush against the back of her head.
She turns to greet him and innocently brushes her cheek on the bulge of his jeans. She feels a tingle in her crotch and with a sigh, grabs his muscular ass and pulls his ass closer so that the bulge is now against her lips...she inhales and blows the warm air right on the bulge she feels against her mouth. Her hands still holding his ass tight, her mouth traces along the bulge she hopes is for her. Her eyes look up to meet his..she smiles.Her hand moves around the front of his jeans..pressing her palm against his hard cock. She moans..and whispers..Take me..please take me right here..right now..
He lowers himself to his knees and kisses her. Her hand busy undoing his jeans..She reaches inside..slowly her mouth searches for what she has been day dreaming about for days.He looks surprised by her forwardness.as she continues to run her tongue over his stomach in search..He closes his eyes and leans back ..she finds what she was looking for and her tongue flickers over just the head of his hardness..teasing she runs her tongue up and down..around and around..slowly taking him in her mouth..sucking him deeper and deeper into her throat... he opens his eyes and looks around wondering..can anyone see us..he notices the neighbour next door standing by the fence..just watching..he closes his eyes and tells her nothing..
On his knees and sitting back on his heels, his abdominal muscles taught and keeping his body at the perfect angle for her lustful sucking. She nibbles at his hard cock now straining toward the open sky. He grabs a handful of her silky hair and slowly lowers her head onto his pulsing penis until her lips tighten around the base, her nose touching his abdomen. Once, twice, three times... he groans loudly as he looks into the eyes of the neighbour and smiles. The neighbour, completely fixated on her expertise at sucking cock makes no attempt at hiding the wanton look on his face. He sucks him deep into her throat one more time and she hears the neighbour let out a low moan, but she is too into the hard cock now fucking her face to be shocked or consider stopping.
Still with a hand full of hair he pulls her gently from his throbbing dick and urges her to stand. He reaches for his pocket knife and grabs the crotch of her new shorts and cuts it, turning the shorts into a miniskirt leaving her now soaking wet pussy in the open air. A warm breeze whispers across her pussy lips and her clit tingles. Reaching up through her legs and grabbing her tight round ass he coaxes her shaved and glistening lips to his mouth. He teases her, licking her inner thigh from her knee to her crotch and down the other side. Nibbling at the inside of her thigh, his thumb teases her lips now swollen and dripping with her honey. His thumb finds her hole and he inserts it deep inside her as he pulls her clit to his tongue... she lets out a loud groan, and she hears the neighbour do the same. She turns her head to look this time and it is obvious to her that the neighbour has his cock in his hand and is stoking himself behind the fence. She feels the hot tongue on her clit and cares nothing about what the neighbour thinks.
A strong hand, it's thumb inside her pussy and forefinger teasing her ass hole, pulls her firmly against his face as he sucks her clit deeper into his mouth... her hips begin to buck and the movement drives the forefinger slightly into her tight ass and the sensation fills her head causing her to grab a hand full of his hair and begin riding his face bareback... both holes being finger fucked and an expert tongue sucking and licking her dripping wet pussy she feels herself losing all control...
Her breathing quickens..her heart racing..and knowing she is about to cum any moment..she whispers" I am going to cum...please let me feel you inside me..he tells her to get back on all fours..and moves up behind her..glancing over at the neighbour..knowing he is getting close himself.He grabs her hips and pulls her back towards him..
She eagerly pushes back, wanting to feel him deep inside her.He teases her by touching her with his hardness then pulling back..Again almost slides inside her..then pulls back.."Tell me what you want " he tells her.." I want you to fuck me" she says.He grabs her hair and pulls he back as he slides into her..slowly..deeper and deeper..
She lets out a long loud groan as she feels his rock hard cock reach the deepest places of her soaked and now pulsating pussy. Out of the corner of his eye he notices that the neighbour has now hidden himself behind the fence just ten feet away from where they were now locked together in ecstasy. Pulling harder on her hair and making his way to his feet, she is forced to follow... his stiff dick deep inside her lifts her to a standing position with him. The hand full of hair keeps her from falling forward as he walks and fucks her toward the fence. Now four feet away from the fence he loosens his grip on her hair and she falls forward... her hands slamming to the fence she is now leaning forward in a perfect position for him to continue slamming her wanton pussy. As she feels her man thrust his himself even deeper inside her the thought of the neighbour, just inches away on the other side of the fence, hiding and pulling at his cock to the sound of her animalistic grunts and moans brings her to the edge... "Fuck me!" she screams as she spasms in orgasm and hears it echo through the neighbourhood as the sound of the man on the other side of the fence cumming reaches her ears...