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Breaking bull (in full)

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I always considered myself to be a polite, young, athletic bull and I enjoyed meeting up with couples in particular and playing the role of domineering bull, seeing to a wife whilst humiliating the husband. I've had a few meets like this and is something that I will always enjoy doing. The sense of satisfaction that you get from fucking another mans wife whilst she tells you you're so much better than him. The look in his face when you make him drink the cum from your condom that you've just used to just destroy the woman that he loves.

However something unexpected happened a little while back that I was not expecting and that was that this bull was well and truly tamed or shackled whatever you wish to call it by what I can only describe as a very sexy, sophisticated cougar.

I had met this couple before and the sex had been fantastic. The husband has been playing the role as cuck and it was evident that she was very much in control. She didn't even let him join in, she made him wait on us hand and foot, made me wank over him, made him drink my cum, take pictures etc so quite an extreme cuck I guess. I was not what I Would describe as dominant with her but I did fuck her good an she pretty much let me do what I wanted to her. She was a very sexy sophisticated woman and the time I spent with her was fantastic.

About 3 weeks after this we arranged to have another meet. I turned up at the house and her cuck servant met me at the door. He directed me in and took me up to the bedroom. There she was waiting for me, standing in the corner in some lovely lingerie, her slim figure and her long neon hair looking stunning. She ordered her husband to leave the room and told him to wait downstairs.

She came up to me and pushed me against the bed.

Fuck me she ordered

I undressed, put on a condom and bent her over the bed and for 10-15 minutes we went at it so hard that I thought I was going to break her in two. Harder, harder she kept shouting but she did this in very much a demanding tone almost like she was in charge and I was there for her to use as a toy. Don't cum she kept saying or I'll make you regret it. Eventually I couldn't hold back though and I exploded inside her.

She turned to me and said

Good. Now go downstairs and ask my cuck for your consequence.

I was slightly confused by this and was not used to being spoken to like this but I lived it, something about being spoken to in this way by a mature classy woman was such a turn on.

I went downstairs found her husband and he presented me with a box.

It's started he said

I went back upstairs and handed her the box. She opened it with her back to me and when she turned around she had to my disbelief, attached to her beautiful crotch a big rubber strap on that pointed at me menacingly

'Bend over,' she said, 'I'm going to break you bull.'

I bent over willingly. The way in which she spoke to me had me at her mercy. It was in this moment that it became apparent to me that her husband had probably started off like me all those years ago but she had broken him into booming the serving cuck that he now was.

I bent over with my legs wide, my heart beating gays not knowing what to expect.

Good, she said. Obey your mistresses

I shut my eyes in preparation for what was going to enter me but the large rubber strap on did not come. Instead I felt as she shoved two of her fingers up inside me slowly but forcefully. I moaned as I felt them enter me and she fingered me nonchalantly as I moaned. After a couple of minutes she ordered me to turn over onto my back.

I want to look at you when I fuck you she said

I later there on my back with my legs spread apart and she came up close to me so that her big rubber cock was just inches from my arse. She grabbed my balls hard and squeezed them, causing me to groan again. She did that again and this time I felt her enter me.

I moaned as she smiled at me. She started slow easing herself into me backwards and forwards. As she did this she grabbed my cock and stroked it slowly. I felt myself going hard in her hands and she sped her thrusting up as I submitted myself to her further and further. There was no escaping the fact now, she was my master. She had her made her young, conquering bull her little bitch plaything. She carried on harder and harder and we wanked me quicker and quicker. She spoke such filth to me during this time as she commanded me to cum for her. I felt my arse becoming her property as my cock bulged in her hand. Eventually I could not fight it anymore and I exploded once more all over my own middridt and chest. She looked at me smiling as she ease off the thrusting.

Good, she said. Not bad for a first time, your training has become.

About two weeks had passed since this experience and I had just about began recovering from it! I had had another meet since then with a single woman (a nice mature one) although it had not been anything like the previously mentioned meet although lots of fun in a different way. Anyway, I digress, I was sitting at home one evening, having just a few hours earlier been reminiscing and thinking about that fantastic meet with my dominant woman and how she had used me and probably forgotten about me already. Ha 'On to the next one' for her I thought.

Anyway, I got a phone call from a withheld number (this was about 10pm). It was my mistress' cuck husband.

'Hello', I said

"Hi F. It's Pete here. Sandra has ordered me to call you to try and get you round here. She wants you right now."

I didn't know what to say I was shocked and excited.

'Oh cool. When were you thinking? I might be able to do this weekend if you guys are free.'

"No you don't understand. She wants you round here now. She'll be ready for you in half an hour if you're up for it and brave enough. "

My heart was pounding. I could feel my cock bulging.

'Ok. I'll be there in half an hour.'

"Great. She also has instructed me tell you not to wear too much. She doesn't want to waste time getting you undressed. A pair of trousers, a t shirt and some flip flops is all you need."

The phone went dead. I went to the bathroom, had a quick freshen up and got changed. I got into my car and started the engine. I couldn't believe my luck. This was going to me much more fun than sitting at home watching tv.

I arrived at their house and made my way to the front door. I knocked nervously and waited until it opened.

'She'll be glad that you're here' the cuck said greeting me with half a smile. It took a couple of seconds for me to even register the fact that he was completely naked, which I thought was strange although it didn't really bother me.

He led me through the house and up the stairs. There was going to be no small talk on this occasion, I was here for one reason, an one reason only.

Me and the husband reached the bedroom door and entered slowly. To both my horror and slight delight there stood Sandra in front of us in an amazing lace push up bra. Only a bra. Her hair tied back in a pony tail. She looked just like a mistress out of a adult film.

She smiled at me.

'Glad you could make it.'Sit down over there' she said calmly pointing to a chair in the corner that was positioned behind a video camera on a stand.

'I want you to film us' ( her and her husband).

I wondered over doing exactly as I was told and she must have caught the slightly disappointed look on my face

'Dont worry' she said softly with a smile 'you'll get your turn'.

She clicked her fingers and her husband came rushing over to her, getting on his knees so that he kissed her feet. She tipped his head up gently so that she looked down at him and then nodded towards the bed.

He sprang up onto the bed and immediately bent over so that he was on his knees again like a dog.

"Prepare yourself", she ordered him with a tone that was much harsher than the one she had used with me.

Straight away, He stuck two of his fingers up himself as he caressed his prostate.

'Start the camera' she said to me softly 'ill be back in one minute to deal with him'

She walked out of therein confidently, leaving me in the chair behind the camera, pointing it at her husband who was bent over on the bed playing with his arse. I didn't feel as uncomfortable in this situation as I would have perhaps expected myself to, and although the whole experience was very sexual and pulsating I realised too that I was not in fact bi-curious as the site of her husband was doing nothing in terms of arousing me. I did what I was asked to do though pointing the camera at him whilst he tried to stretch himself using his index and middle finger.

'Good boy. You'll get your turn with me in a bit,' a cool voice said. It was Sandra. She had returned to the bedroom. She had returned still wearing her lace push up bra which propped up her fantastic 33cc boobs but she now displayed an elephant, sexy pair of 8 inch black heels as well. These however, were not the only black 8 inch items that she now wore, as the solid, thick strap on paraded from her.

'Dont you worry.' She smiled at me, 'yours will not be this big. It's taken years of punishment to get to this size. I will however be re-acquainting you with yours in a little while.' She smiled at me and I felt by bum clench.

With that she walked over to the bed where her husband was continuing to prepare himself and without a second thought or a word, grabbed him by the hips and pulled his arse into her midriff whilst she thrust forward, entering him hard and fierce without warning.

The cuck gave an almighty moan and she giggled mischievously.

'Mmm you like that don't you little bitch' she said this softly and warmly which in my opinion made it all the more erotic. Not harshly and loud like some of the mistresses you see in films but gentle and subtle. With a real touch of class.

She pounded him for about 5 or 6 minutes her pace quickening as she breathed heavier and he struggled under the impact of his punishment.

Eventually she turned him on his back so that his hard, little cock was pointing at the ceiling.

'Now sometimes I let you fuck me but not tonight.' She smiled at him.

'PleAse mistress.' He begged pathetically

She slapped him across the face angrily.

'What do I need you for. I've got my fun over there.' She nodded towards me and I almost blushed.

He looked over disappointed, I think the poor guy had almost forgotten that I was even there.

'Leave us' she commanded, gently and sweetly.

'If you're lucky I may let you clean up but you can forget watching me have fun.

'I thought we agreed that I watch.' He said.

'That was before your cheek and disobedience. No tonight you can go downstairs and drink your beer like a sad old man whilst I have fun up here alone.'

He did exactly as he was told, sulking out the room with his cock still very much erect. Batterered, frustrated and unsatisfied.

Sandra looked at me deeply ''mmmm' she said now for some real fun.

She closed the bedroom door and turned to face me again. I was still sat in the chair behind the video camera which was still filming, fixed on the now empty bed, where minutes earlier Sandra had been fucking her husband.

"Thanks for coming round tonight at such Short notice and for filming us just then"

'No problem,' I replied. 'Thanks for inviting me round again Sandra.'

'Aaa. No, no, no.' She said softly, almost smirking as she walked over to be. 'You call me mistress, show some respect young man.' She smiled as she placed her index finger on my lip gently.

'Yes mistress.' I replied smiling.

'Ive got a bit of a problem F.' She said, gazing at me longingly as she removed the large black strap on, before placing it on a shelf.

' I haven't been able to find anyone quite like you these last couple of weeks.'

I smiled almost blushing. Surely this woman could find a guy at least as good as me. I always considered myself to be a fairly good catch but at the same time there were better looking and probably bigger guys out there.

'You'd be surprised.' She replied, catching my red cheeks. 'Im very picking. I require a young guy, well built with a big cock and yes there are a few of them about but a lot of them don't cut it.' She walked round the chair slowly stroking the back of my head with her index finger as she did this. I felt like an antelope being circled by a lioness.

'Far too many time wasters and those who aren't are either sissy boys who want me to 'teach them' or gym monkeys who think that I get off by them coming straight in and just trying to pound me as hard as they can for a few minutes.'

I smiled and my heart quickened. I felt amazing inside. In the strangest way, this felt like such a compliment.

'What I like about you F is that you meet all the requirements. You do have a lovely cock a nice body and let's face it you're good looking.' I blushed once more.

'But you also know how to fuck me properly, know how to lick me and kiss me right and you know when it's the right time to just pound me hard.'

She stopped it front of me, legs fairly wide part and moved herself forward onto my lap, straddling me so casually and elegantly. I could feel her soft pussy against my waste and her boobs in thy brilliant bra just touched gently against my chest. I could feel my cock bulging. This woman was something else.

'You also do as you're told though don't you. ' she leaned further into me so that her lips were about 2 inches from mine. She ran her hand down over my chest as midriff until she found what she was looking for. She grabbed my balls and my cock very gently and subtly. It must have felt like an iron rod to her.

'You know that I like to fuck as well as be fucked.' She whispered, as she gazed into my eyes.

'You know that mistress is all about giving a receiving. The way I see it', she continued 'is that you let me fuck you and I in turn return the favour. Nothing like a bit of switch,' she laughed quietly.

'That sounds like a good deal to me mistress.'

'Good boy, but remember I may own you at times but don't go all soft on me.' She smiled. 'I still want a real man to put me in my place when I get fucked. See, that's his trouble,' she glanced towards the bedroom door indicating her husband, who I imagined was probably trying to toss himself off somewhere, having been left unfulfilled. 'I fuck him and make him my bitch. But he hasn't got the metal or a big enough cock to make me his.'

I smiled awkwardly. Was this part of the 'role play'? I got the feeling that she genuinely meant it. My mind raced back to what I had thought last time when I was here, to how it seemed that he really was rather useless and I struggled to imagine him really taking it to her and putting his foot down.

'You on the other hand are different. Or at least I hope you are. See, whilst I want to break you bull', she smiled again, 'I don't want to destroy you. I want you to know that I'm in charge, that sometimes you will be my bitch but in return I will be everything that you could dream of and more.'

I only just managed to contain myself. I couldn't believe my luck. I felt like I was in a movie. She was perfect.

'This is what is going to happen', she said, sliding off my lap so that she was once again in front of me. I'm going to fuck you and put you in your place and If you're good, if you co-operate, I'm then yours for the rest of the night.' She grinned mischievously.

'Of course, I hope you do as I really want you to fuck me.' She laughed almost breaking character.

'Haha, me too.'

'Up you get then. On the bed and naked. I'll be back in two minutes. I need to go and strap up.' She winked at me as she left the room. As soon as the door closed I was up and onto the bed in a flash, losing my clothes so that I sat there naked. I was ready. Well, as ready as I could be.

About two minutes later my mistress returned. She strolled in with purpose, still wearing her bra and her heels. As expected though, she now wore a pink rubber strap on, the same one that she had broken me with a couple of weeks previously. In her left hand she held a small bottle of lubricant which I assumed was to be used upon me.

I bent over so that I was on my knees. A toy ready to be used.

'Good boy.' Came the gentle voice 'you can turn over though onto your back. I like watching you when I fuck you.'

I switched over onto my back so that I was laying there in the middle of the bed with my eight inch cock standing to attention.

She climbed onto the bed so that he was kneeling in front of me. Then, she eased my knees apart, spreading my legs wider.

My heart was racing mostly with fear but a little bit of excitement as I watched her position herself so that the tip of her rubber cock teased the entrance of my arse. She smiled at me as she squeezed a drop of strawberry lubricant onto her left hand and fingers. With her right, she slowly rubbed the shaft of my cock up and down teasing me menacingly.

I moaned with enjoyment as she did this but only a few seconds passed before I felt her invade me. She stuck two of her fingers deep into me, massaging my prostate with the lubricant.

I couldn't help but enjoy it. I moaned as she stroked my cock and pressed my prostate. It wasn't long before the strawberry lubricant had blended with my own bodily fluids. This woman was unbelievable.

After a couple of minutes, with my entrance now feeling twice the size that it had five minutes earlier she slowly removed her fingers from me and removed her hand from my shaft.

She placed both her hands on the rubber cock with her fingers spread out down either side of it.

Then she entered me. Not forcefully and aggressively but instead slow, sexually and with a smile on her face.

'Aaaaaa mistress.' I groaned. She had me exactly where she wanted me. I was hers.

She moved in and out of me slowly, her hands gripping the bottom of my thighs just above my knees. I felt a mixture of pain and pleasure; a wrong enjoyment that was overcoming me.

'You like that don't you bitch.' She spoke more firmly than she had done previously. I knew the dominatrix was emerging from her and that it was only a matter of time before her pace and hardness increased.

Sure enough, her thrusts gathered momentum as I moaned gently, her eyes fixated upon me. Harder and harder the blows came as her stare pierced me.

After what must have been about three minutes but seemed an hour, she hit full speed. Her impact felt like a train again me. I struggled to hold back my moans which were a cocktail of pain and pleasure. She panted hard and moaned quietly as she ravaged me again and again.

For about a minute this lasted at this pace until she collapsed on top of me, aware that I could take no more, in a manor in which she had almost climaxed herself. I was spent. Battered, bruised and owned, I struggled as I slowly began to gain my breath.

She now lay on too of me, the strap on resting upon my stomach as she leaned her mouth towards my face and whispered into my ear;

"Good boy." Was all she said as she climbed off me and left the room.

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By *untimes6969Man  over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Great story - what happened next?

Certainly an experience to remember!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Thanks for reading. Is long but hopefully you enjoyed x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Loved it. I'm as hard now as you were in that story.

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By *xford1975bimaleMan  over a year ago


Love it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 22/12/14 09:47:48]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Very erotic story. I hope you find the time to tell us more.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great story, looking forward to more

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Looking forward to Breaking bull 2!

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