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The Journey

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I was looking at the clock on my dashboard frantically, then back to my gps then back to the clock. I only had 6 minutes to reach the petrol station and I was stuck behind a large wagon with 5 miles to go, it was going to be tight. Would she wait if I was late? I had been on the road for 10 hours and, between roadworks and caravans, was struggling to make it to the place we agreed to meet. Finally the road straightened and I roared past the truck, the driver oblivious to my predicament.

With barely a minute to go I saw the welcome illuminated signs of Shell, and drew onto the forecourt. I looked around the other cars and couldn't make out anyone doing the same thing. We had chatted for months and after a great deal of contact had agreed I would visit for the weekend, surely she wouldn't let me down.

I lowered my window and felt the cool breeze on my face, closed my eyes for a moment and wondered what I was going to do, hundreds of miles from home and nowhere to sleep.

The traffic on the forecourt was busy for a Friday night, and I hadn't seen a car pull up behind me and turn its engine off. As I looked down at my phone for inspiration I heard a door open but ignored it, however when I heard the clatter of a heel on the concrete I checked my wing mirror, below the car door was a pair of heels, just high enough to say look at me but not too high. A figure stepped out of the car and closed the door. in my mirror I couldn't tell, but my heart skipped as I hoped. She was wearing a coat tied at the waist and her legs were fully on show, she turned her head and the long hair that I had seen so many times on cam was up in an elaborate style just the way she knew I liked it. Her coat opened at the top and I could see the curve of her beautiful breasts in the harsh light.

She walked purposefully from her car along the side of mine slowing slightly as she passed the window and as I turned to greet her she flicked her wrist, red nails dancing in the light dropping a note through the window of my car and walking on to the shop.

I was stunned to say the least but we had played many games over many months, this was no different.

I opened the note which smelt of her perfume and saw her note.

"At last, glad you made it. Watch me go into the shop and follow me in, don't speak to me follow my lead"

This was strange, but I looked up and saw her almost at the shop. The forecourt had cleared a little but her presence had not gone unnoticed, with 3 or 4 guys having a good look across at her as she walked. Just as she reached the door she dropped her bag and stopped, bending her knees a little she twisted and her coat swept open. From where I was sitting I was treated to a flash of leg and the unmistakable tops of stockings which she knew I loved. I was so desperate to get out the car but knew she wanted to play a game so I waited until she had adjusted her coat and entered the shop before I followed.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Ohhhhhh please....don't keep us hanging! The game....what could be the game? XX

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By *ovetocuddleMan  over a year ago


Keep going please I'm just getting a semi in anticipation

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I walked to the shop, it was a breezy night, not cold but a definite chill was in the air. I reached the door and pushed it open hearing the door chime. The warm air from inside hit me and felt like a welcome relief. I adjusted my gaze to the shop, it wasn't as small as it looked from outside with 4 aisles and separate restaurant area. The restaurant was almost empty apart from a couple of guys sitting near the entrance. I couldn't see my friend "K" anywhere, but I couldn't just stand there so I walked past the two guys to check if I could grab a drink. As I stood I heard the older guy say "Did you see those legs? I'm not going anywhere till she goes out that door", the younger guy chuckled in agreement.

I grinned to myself, knowing exactly who they were talking about. My relaxed moment was interrupted by the clicking of a pair of heels, the guys stopped talking as they heard the same thing I did. I made my move and strolled away to the first aisle and started browsing through the car interior cleaners keeping my eye on the door to the back.

As the door opened my eyes flicked up and I saw her step through the doorway, her hair had been changed completely, the bun was gone and it had been let down, cascading over her shoulders or so I thought, as she turned I realised that there was a centre parting and it was in loose pigtails. I must have looked a picture with my mouth hanging open. As she turned into the store our eyes met for the first time and I saw a flicker of the smile I'd seen so many times on cam, but it was gone as she walked behind a display. I saw the guys craning their necks after K and thought to myself was I missing something more?

I walked around slowly into aisle 2, but she wasn't there. She was in aisle 3 but we could see each other over the top of the crisps and confectionery and I could see that she had removed her coat revealing a low cut black and red polka dot dress that accentuated her breasts and her necklace disappeared into her cleavage. She was ignoring me busy looking at the drinks on the shelf in front of her. Every time I took a step she took one in the opposite direction mirroring me, and stopping me from seeing lower than her chest. I decided that I would see what she was up to and moved around the edge of the aisle banking she would do the same. My two friends with their drinks would have a perfect view of her as she stepped around the edge of the aisle and they were obviously as intruiged as I was....

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By *ts artMan  over a year ago


Im liking this, reminds me of fun I used to have with an ex girlfriend

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

As I edged around the aisle I could see the guys turn their heads toward K, I had to wonder what they could see that I couldn't, but I had to keep up the charade or she would know what I was up to. I moved around to the centre of the aisle and settled opposite where K had been standing and saw a small envelope on the shelf with my initial. I took the envelope and popped it open. The message inside read

"I won't be able to reach the magazine I want in a minute"

I must have done a double take because when I looked up and I was met with a wide smile and flutter of eyelashes across the top of the shelf, and then she was off with a familiar click of the heels. I sneaked a look down the aisle and the two guys had abandoned any pretence of drinking their coffee and were looking down the aisle as K made her way to the magazines.

I made my way after her passing the desk where a woman was flicking through a puzzle book passing the time. as I passed she looked up and gave a smile which I returned. As I reached the magazines and stepped around the corner K was standing flicking through a booklet. I caught my breath as I saw for the first time her seemed stockings and how short her dress was, barely covering her bum, clearly showing she was wearing stockings but at the same time covering enough to make you have to look. The dress was cut at the back and I'd never seen her looking so sultry, almost to the extent it was tarty. As soon as I walked over she dropped her magazine and before I had a chance to bend to pick it up she bent over herself, coat under her ARM and I saw right up her dress... she wasn't wearing any underwear....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wow....what a sensual yet naughty dance this story tells of .... makes for breathless reading .... XxX

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Now this I really wasn't expecting, because as K and I had many conversations and undies of some sort were never optional. I still hadn't said a word to her but I was completely on the back foot. I was just catching my breath when I heard her for the first time.

"Could you reach that magazine for me please?"

I looked up into those eyes, coupled with the smile and I was smitten once again. K however had underestimated me and pointed to a copy of zoo.

"No problem I said and quickly scanned the shelf, finding a copy of "Velvet" and handed this to her. "Have a good night miss" I said and stepped away with a wry smile.

I walked down to the confectionery and chuckled to myself, I knew I would pay for this later but it was worth it to shock K, a couple of packs of mints, some chocolate and I was ready to leave. I couldn't see k though, and I hadn't heard her heels move from the magazines. I walked around to see if she was still there and spotted she had an armful of of magazines. as I passed by she stumbled into me deliberately and dropped all the magazines. She fell into me and I caught her, she smelt fantastic and as she grabbed me to steady herself dug her nails into my arm just a little more than necessary. she apologise for being clumsy and I knew the woman behind the counter was watching us now.

"You dropped your magazines" she said and left me to lift them. All of them were porn and I knew she was going to get back at me. She slowly walked to the counter and began to pay for her items. As I came up behind her the woman at the counter gave me a dirty look and tutted as I still hand a pile of the magazines. I stood there as K fumbled in her bag and produced a card to pay. She lifted her foot out of her shoe and brought it back to rub against my leg. I was rock hard at all her teasing and was finding it difficult to hide it. K asked the woman if she had any lottery scratchcards and as she turned around reached back with another note. As I took it I stepped forward and K grabbed my crotch without looking. She began to stroke me slowly as the woman fumbled at the lottery cards asking if this was the one K wanted.

"That's the one" K said. "I think I'll hit the jackpot tonight".

Quick as a flash she was gone clicking her way down the store, and I was left with a rock hard cock standing holding magazines. I stuttered as I put the magazines on the counter and they didn't seem to sit square for some reason. The woman scanned them and threw them in a bag one at a time shaking her head. As she lifted the last one she turned to read the total due and I found out why they hadn't sat square on the counter. K had been wearing undies but hidden them in the pile of magazines. I grabbed the thong off the counter and stuffed it in my pocket pretending to look for my wallet.

I paid as quick as I could and left nodding to the two guys who were watching k cross the car park.

As I reached my car she was already in hers, but there was something on my Windscreen, a small black box. I looked at the envelope and it said open in the car.

I jumped in and took the envelope and thong out my pocket, the thong was damp, K was obviously as turned on as me and the smell filled the car. I opened the envelope and read

"The box is a remote control for my love eggs I just put in, but it only has a limited range so keep up"

Just at that I opened the door and grabbed the box. K then roared past in her car but I dropped the remote. once I found it in at the pedals she was out of the forecourt and turning left down the road.

I started my engine and pulled out of the forecourt, a passenger seat full of porn and a damp thong. This weekend had started interestingly but it was about to become even more intense....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wow keep going x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Wow keep going x"

Echo that xxx

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By *ocksoff3Couple  over a year ago


Intriguing story

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By *itten-xxxWoman  over a year ago

North West

Love this

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I had driven all day and the cold air as I came back to the ce had given me a second wind of sorts, I drove out the forecourt and along the dark roads. There were no streetlights and I had only K's taillights to follow.

I soon caught up with K a little and pressed the remote when I felt I was close enough. It was just on the first setting and I wanted the eggs to work their magic over time, the problem was I had no idea how far her home was from the forecourt.

I wasn't sure if the remote had worked, perhaps I hadn't been close enough to her car. I sped up a little and as we entered a village we were separated by another car. I was secretly pleased by this and sat back a little from the queue to allow a box van out of a junction and hit the button on the remote while we were all stationary.

I heard the sound of a car horn and smiled to myself. K must have jumped as the eggs began to vibrate. it was then I was able to check the remote more closely, there were two sets of buttons and two dials, almost like a volume control on an old tv remote.

I only had one of the sides on at the moment, and I had to wonder what might happen if I turned the other side on too. I waited until the lights were in the middle of changing and having turned the remote to half powerhit the green button. K must have been ridings clutch because her car sputtered and stalled at the lights. After a few toots of the horn from the drivers between us I hit the off button and she pulled away from the junction.

We lost our friends and I sat behind K, just as we left the village I started to roll the power up on the eggs that were already on and turned the second set on a low setting. It was a quiet night on the road and k was driving at a reasonable speed but as I gradually rolled the power up and down on each side of the remote and turned the power off and on her driving became slower. I could only imagine what was going on in her car but it certainly had an effect because we were only doing 25 mph along the quiet road. Finally on a straight stretch I turned both sides off put the power to full and turned the eggs both on at the same time. The car swerved erratically but within 100 yards thankfully there was a parking layby and I saw K swerve in and stop as quickly as she could......

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I pulled in behind K to the layby, it was one of those that were back from the road a little, a haven for caravans and truckers through the week but it was very quiet tonight. I managed to park fairly well but K had stopped as soon as she could.

I kept playing with the remote as I opened my car door, and stepped out toward K's car. Despite the cool night I could see her window was open and I could hear her moaning softly in the drivers seat. As I reached the door I could see that she had pushed her seat back and was gripping the hand brake lost in the moment. As I passed the back window I could just see her eyes were closed and her legs were locked together, her hips rocking back and forth with the eggs inside giving her no respite.

As I reached the door I took my secret weapon from my pocket. I had bought it online when I knew I was seeing K, her nipples were so sensitive and she loved playing with them. I could see she was right, the combination of the cold night and her ride home so far had them rock solid and straining at the polka dot dress. I leaned into the car and traced my fingertip down from her forehead, over her nose and across her lips. I carried on down her chin to her chest, seeing her breasts rise and fall as her breaths grew deeper. Then I traced my fingertip down into her cleavage and stroked the inside of each breast. finally I lifted my finger away and brought it down under her breast. I traced up over the material and with my free hand increased the power of the eggs. K squirmed as my finger moved across her breast toward her nipple, and just as it was about to touch I paused and flicked a switch. It wasn't my finger but a small bullet vibrator that I placed against K's nipple. Her reaction was immediate and she cried out in what I thought was shock but then realised not as her legs opened wide and her eggs slipped out of her as she came hard and tried to catch her breath.

Just as she gathered her breath I realised we were not alone in the layby but K didn't know yet, she would soon...

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By *lf and ElfetteCouple  over a year ago


Mmmmmm looking forward to reading more of this

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

K was still breathing hard after my attentions but from our conversations I knew that she was no wham van lady and would be eager for more attention. I heard a rustle from the bushes in the layby and saw a pair of eyes peering out at me. At this point I turned back to K and started the bullet at a low setting moving it from her nipple down over her stomach and to her hips. I ran it down very slowly listening to her moan softly and then almost cry out as it reached the soft lips of her soaking pussy.

K was beginning to rock her hips and I leant into the car, lifting the eggs from the seat and placing them in her hand. K was lost in her own pleasure and at this point I beckoned to our watcher to join me. He crept quietly towards us and stood near me, he had his cock out watching k through the window, she was rubbing the eggs on her pussy lips and I brought her hand down and handing her the bullet. K was in her element and began working the eggs inside her while using the bullet to tease herself.

I stepped back and saw my new acquaintence wanking his cock hard as he watched k pleasure herself. She was clearly enjoying herself and lost in herself, not aware of my plan. I stepped back and opened the car back door, and the front door. I gestured my new friend to get close to the back near K's head and offer her his cock. k for her part was rocking her hips and moaning deeply, licking her lips lost in her thoughts. The guy didn't need an invitation and offered K his cock which she accepted eagerly, and started to lick and suck. I had seen videos before of her in action but in person she was quite the expert with her tongue. The angle she was lying at allowed her to take the lads cock deep in her mouth and at the same time her hands stopped with the bullet and she lifted her leg high resting it on the steering wheel. K's dress was round her waist and her breasts were straining at the material, the straps looked like they were struggling to hold her in but I only had eyes for those stocking tops and her bare pussy. My cock was solid watching her suck this stranger and the poor guy was trying his best to hold on as K deepthroated him. I decided to let her in on the secret and ducked under her leg before slipping my tongue out and taking a long slow lick of her wetness. I wish I had seen her reaction from the perspective of my friend but the reaction I got was enough for me as she grabbed my head and began bucking her hips against my mouth and tongue. My gamble paid off and I licked K quickly my hands round her hips holding her close to me, hearing her moan and as I moved my tongue across her clit I felt her freeze and my mouth was filled with her sweet cum.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *lf and ElfetteCouple  over a year ago


Please don't stop there

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By *ussgbrMan  over a year ago


"Please don't stop there"

God no, please carry on!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

K might well have cum but she was far from finished with our new acquaintence. As I tenderly licked her swollen lips savoring the sweetness of her cum I felt her legs open a little from the vice like crush she had me in as she came. I heard her working on his cock and then came her dulcet tones....

"Mmmmm you like me licking your cock don't you? I bet you've been waiting here all night hoping to get your cock sucked you horny fucker"

I knew K was horny but this was beyond anything I knew of her. My thoughts were interrupted though...

"I can feel your cock twitching you fucker, are you enjoying seeing my red lips round your cock and my big tits bouncing as he licks me?"

The guy was beginning to shorten his breathing and I could tell K had plans for him.

"Mmmmm I want your cum you dirty fucker, all over my face and tits. I bet you've been thinking about that since you first saw me haven't you!"

Our friend nodded his head frantically, I could see as I had stopped licking and was using my fingers on K, she was so wet but I could tell she was still horny as her hips rocked against my fingers.

"Right then you fucker let's see what you have got for me" said K, and moved her hand to work our friends cock. The poor guy had obviously not been seeing much action recently as K's wrist going like a posting turned his legs to jelly and he slumped forward groaning that he was cumming.

K wasn't quick enough and he began shooting jets of cum all over K's dress, in fairness he tried to angle towards her and the 3rd spurt landed on her ample cleavage but he had missed his chance. The poor guy was so embarrassed he took to his tail and ran back to the bushes cock still out.

K was disappointed as I knew how much she wanted him to follow her instructions. I quickly flicked on the eggs she still had inside and began licking her wetness again and found her hands on my head as she bucked against my face. "You won't disappoint me like him later at my house" I heard her gasp as I used the bullet vibe at a low setting around her ass. I tried to shake my head but couldn't as Ks hips began to jerk and I heard yer yell at me not to stop...

I lifted my head after K loosened her grip, her heels had dug into my back and her nails into my neck but I knew looking at that smile she was happy.

"Right follow me and keep up mister" she grinned, throwing me a set of keys. I ran back to my car and jumped in flicking on the lights in time to see K step out the car and also unzipped her dress, she flung it in the back seat and jumped in wearing only her heels and stockings....

I fumbled at my keys and found the ignition as K tore out the layby. I followed as quickly as I could...

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By *iceguy12345678Man  over a year ago

Fareham ish


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By *ocksoff3Couple  over a year ago


Great story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Cant wait for the next chapter

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Waiting for what happens at home

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

So out of the layby I pulled, still unaware of the distance we still had to cover in order to reach our destination. K was in front of me and all I could think of was reaching our destination together and what might happen. I hadn't realised but we had entered a busy town, and we were driving down a busy street. The street had a number of pubs and a club or two and was on the main drag out of town. The street had obviously been busy for hours and the long queue of taxis in front of k's car said a lot about the time of night. Looking further ahead I could see blue lights, obviously a busy night all around. The queue was moving slowly, as if in a traffic jam. The street was very busy with a number of groups of young guys out enjoying their Friday night. One group was looking to cross the road ahead and K stopped to let them across, as they waved their thanks their faces were a picture seeing K sitting practically naked in her car. A couple of guys at the end of the group wandered closer and gave K the thumbs up and shouted a few things I couldn't hear. As they wandered off I could see a couple of older guys who had been hanging around near the entrance to a pub on the corner wander closer to K's car. They leaned over to look in and nodded to each other, they tapped the window and started a conversation with K who seemed to have wound down her window. The leader of the two seemed to reach inside the car and I could see him nod to his companion. He seemed to fumble at his belt and then I saw a hand appear from the car and reach for him. I rolled the car closer and saw K's hand moving up and down the guys hard cock, it looked like K hadn't wanted to wait. I grabbed my phone and texted her. "Wish it was me".

I saw her pause for a second and then start to wank him fast and hard, the guy started to lean forward resting his hand on the roof of the car, I was so hard watching this I unbuckled my belt and started to stroke my own hard cock imagining that K's hand was my own. I saw K's hand moving and the guy's hips thrust forward and saw the fruits of her work land down the side of K's car. The line of cars began to move and I saw K move away from the pair with the second guy throwing his hands in the air. As I drove past I lowered my window and shouted to the guy "shoulda gone first". His face was a picture as I drove away after K thinking how much further now?

K wasn't driving slowly as we headed down country roads, and I was trying my best to keep up. As we turned a final bend I saw her indicator come on and pull to the end of an unmarked road. There was no room to pass and k had stopped just down the track. I never saw her get out the car she had moved before my lights hit the track but I didn't know that as my door opened and my cock was wrapped in her hand, as my head turned in shock her lips met mine and I felt her tongue slip between my lips. She broke away and whispered "I couldn't wait" I felt her reach across me and grab her thong from earlier in the night, and wrap it around my cock. K then leaned in and slid her warm lips down over my cock, her tongue massaged my twitching cock, as I felt her warm saliva dribble down my shaft......

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Killiefella.....wow! Not even home ....wow!!! X Keep it up....(so to speak) x

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By *ocksoff3Couple  over a year ago


'Should have gone first' PMSL The early bird certainly catches the worm or in this case the worm caught the bird. Top story

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

K worked her lips up and down my hard cock, I couldn't help but relax back in my seat and allow K to work her magic. My hand fumbled at my seat and I found the release sliding back to afford k more room. She seemed pleased and began to bob her head slowly using her tongue to slide up and down my shaft as her head rose and fell, tightening her lips around my swollen cock. K began to use her hand, stroking my balls with her red nails, and gripping the base of my cock, wanking me into her hot mouth, feeling my head twitch and my precum start to drip from the head of my twitching cock.

K was having things all her own way and at this rate I wouldn't last long. I glanced down and saw K turn her head and give me a wicked flutter of her lashes like she knew I loved, as our eyes met she began to wank harder and faster. I moaned and reached out feeling her hard nipples between my fingertips and squeezed....

K's moan was lost on my cock but a second pinch soon brought her head back and the word "bastard" .....

"you know I love that" she said. "Yes" I said "but you deserve it after acting like such a fucking tart all night". K smiled sweetly and moved into the car, her rhythm never faltering on my cock, but slowing slightly as she settled on the edge of the seat. She looked at me and smiled again, "You know what I want now", she said. I nodded, and kept pinching her hard nipples. "Can't do much with you there" I said. I had moved my right hand down and started stroking K's soaked pussy, my fingertips brushing her clit and slipping inside her again and again, deeper and deeper until I was knuckle deep.

K's pussy was literally dripping onto me as she gushed. I felt her hand loosen as I saw her eyes flicker, but soon brought her back as I kissed her softly, my lips pulling at hers and my tongue flicking her lips. K seemed to stop and then quickly dropped off the seat and stepped outside, dropped to her knees and buried my cock in her mouth her wrist moving frantically. "cum all over my face you bastard I want your cum all over my lips so I look like a slut"

I didn't need told twice and rolled my hips toward k's face, it didn't take long before a combination of k's fluttering eyelashes and powerful wrist found me bucking my hips and moaning, "oh fuck" I shouted as I felt my cock twitch from the base and erupt jets of hot sticky cum all over k's lovely face covering her eyes, her lips and tongue running down her cheeks and dripping from her chin........

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Oooooooohhhhheeeeee ooooooh ooooooh xxxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

More please

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Would love to read next chapter

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I opened my eyes after feeling my cock starting to soften and saw K using her fingertips to scoop all my cum from her face and lick it from her fingertips. K didst miss a drop andvtok great delight in watching me as she licked her nails slowly. She had that look on her face again which suggested that she wasn't finished. I wasn't sure how she had managed it but it looked like her hair had been missed.

I finally snapped away from her gaze and shifted slightly, causing any cum left in my cock to run out. K saw this too and immediately wrapped her lips around my soft cock. She never took her eyes off mine and her tongue slipped up and down my cock as she sucked softly.

I was just starting to think she might want to fuck out here but any ideas of that were quickly dismissed. K grabbed my keys from the ignition and threw them to the side of the road. Then as I started to speak K did something unexpected, she leaned into the car and slapped me. My face must have been a picture as she spoke "Don't say a word, find your keys, and get to my place so we can fuck properly, I need some cock" With that she was gone, strutting off in her heels to her car and slamming her door shut.

As her car pulled away, I found myself lying in the drivers seat of my car down a lane in a county I'd never been to before, 10 hours from home, with my cock out. It had been an amazing few hours and I couldn't wait to see what K had in mind next.

I climbed out the car and stretched my limbs, before trying to make myself look presentable. I then began to look for my keys which wasnt ideal in the dark down a lane. Finally I managed to find them in a tuft of grass by the edge of the road. Just as I did my phone buzzed in my pocket, a message from K.

"Red or White?"

Not being a wine drinker I wasn't really fussed so I thought I'd be amusing and replied "White matches your eyes better"

So I climbed back into the car and decided to drive quickly to catch up with K. Unfortunately there were a number of crossroads and I wasn't sure which way to turn. K hadn't told me which direction I was going so I was behind the 8 ball a little. I sent her a message

"which way at the crossroads?"

I didn't get a reply and found myself stuck, I got out of the car and checked my phone

"I'm getting dressed" was the reply. I didn't know what was going on and stood thinking what to do. As I did my eye caught something lying on the ground, it was K's dress from earlier!

I jumped in the car and sped off, stopping at the next junction for a moment till I saw her black stocking hanging from a bush.

Just as I was wondering where this would end my headlights caught sight of someone in a long coat by the side of the road, a hidden driveway came into view as I passed them slowly, and then lurching the car to the side as a 2nd stocking hit the Windscreen of my car. I stopped and turned around, the figure flung open their long coat open at the side and I was met with an amazing sight again.

K was standing in high heeled red shoes with amazing white hold ups on, flashing her legs at me. Park the car and come inside was all she said as she turned away and walked up her driveway.....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Loving it dont stop there

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Loving it dont stop there "

Yes...don't stop...don't...oh..oh..oh....ohhhhhh! X

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By *lf and ElfetteCouple  over a year ago


Agreed don't stop

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think things are going to 'hot up' a bit in K's home! As if they could get any hotter xxx

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Sorry all will try to post more this weekend

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Looking forward to it

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By *oapysubmarineMan  over a year ago


wow that was a great read . thank god the toilet was empty i cudnt hold on any longer . cant wait for the next part

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Fucking awesome

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Well I didn't need a second invitation after that, but the problem I had was the car was facing the wrong way and the drive was too steep to revese up. I drove along the road and found a wide driveway I ranged to turn in and made my way back along the road. As I reached where I had seen K I turned in and up the hill. In front of me was a quaint cottage with K's car outside. I stopped and parked the car, and looked around. it was relatively dark but I could see where I was going. I crouched across the stones and reached the door. "Should I knock? should I go in?" I decided to give the door a nudge, after all I'd been invited in. The door swung open and there was the hall I'd seen in K's videos. I had seen her on her knees sucking other guys cocks and acting so differently to the lady I chatted with but I knew she loved it.

It was then I realised I wasn't alone, K had been behind the door and wrapped her arms around me. "You took your time" she said. I felt her hands snake around my waist and her long hair brush my neck as she quickly undid my jeans and slipped her hand inside them stroking my hard cock very slowly. I glanced down and saw she had lacy gloves on and her hands were caressing my cock and balls. K whispered to me "I've waiting so long to have you here". Frankly all I could do was nod my head a little as her hands stroked my stiff cock. Up and down the shaft never stopping but never too fast. I was starting to lose my train of thought but gained my composure enough to reach back and stroke K's hips. My fingers were dancing over some lovely lingere but I had one thought in mind, my fingertips on my left hand slipped between k's legs as my right moved round her waist, the right hand pulled her tight to me as the left brushed over her pussy lips which were prominent through the sheer material. As I brushed my under finger up and down I felt K sigh and relax a little, her hands faltered and I grabbed my chance, turning around and producing a white blindfold from my pocket. I had remembered from her video there was a chair behind us which k naturally sat back into as I stepped forward and slipped her blindfold on. K had been caught by surprise clearly and I wasnt about to let her regain the initiative again quickly......

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Ah ha! The tide turns! Will he keep control for long I wonder? X

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

As K sat down blindfolded I seized my chance and knelt down, doing so I managed to see for the first time K's outfit, a white basque with lovely pink bows and matching sheer white holdups, red high heeled stilettos and white fingerless lace gloves. Her tiny thing was absolutely soaked, which I took to be a positive reaction. K's legs had fallen open slightly as she sat and as I leaned forward she lifted them up and over my shoulders. I pushed her thong aside and began to lick her pussy slowly letting the tip of my tongue part her lips and savour how sweet she tasted. My rhythm was deliberately slow with long licks getting deeper each time. I felt K relax her hips and shift down the chair, her heels over my shoulders dug into my back a little which only served to quicken my tongue a little and focus the tip around her clit. K was moaning and dug her hand into my head, her nails digging in as her hips rocked forward. I could hear her losing the control that she had had so far in the evening, telling me to "lick her pussy hard", "make me fucking cum you bastard" was the next I heard as I felt her pussy begin to gush on my lips. The extra liquid was too much and try as I might I was no match for the volume of liquid which ran down my chin. K was digging her heels into my back and using me to lift her hips. "Do it you bastard, make my pussy cum" I'd never seen her like this but I thought who am I to disappoint? I used my left thumb to massage her clit and slid my tongue up and down her pussy lips, then just as she raised her hips again my right index finger found her tight ass, as her hips fell she slid right onto my finger and I began to finger her ass and lick her clit. K lost it and grabbed my head holding me still as she literally rode my tongue, I could only hear one word "FUUuuuuuuCK" as she came all over my mouth.

I had a wicked smile to myself as I lapped up her juices, and licked her pussy. I planned my next move and as I went to lift my head I felt K's hand. "No!" she said, you can stay there till I tell you to move.......

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

More please

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Next chapter please

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

More please

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By *ocksoff3Couple  over a year ago


Great story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Are we going to read the rest

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

More more mor

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

So after wondering what to do for a moment K decided I could move and released me from her grip. I removed my finger from her ass taking care to plant small kisses on her swollen pussy lips and continuing to slip the tip of my tongue between them savouring the sweet taste. My hands were on K's knees stroking them softly and feeling the beautiful stockings she had on.

I moved my head away as I could feel and hear K settling in for another orgasm or two. I wasn't against this but not being quite as young as I used to be meant my knees were starting to lock. As I pulled away K opened her eyes and pouted, "You can't stop now!" she said.

I simply turned away and walked down the hall to where I had a far idea the kitchen was. I hadn't come all this way to play her games without making her do some of the running. I heard her stand up and stamp after me and turned around as I reached the door to see her walking toward me, the white basque almost glowing in the dim light. My arms slipped around her as our tongues met softly and we shared the remnants of her last gushing orgasm. I could hear her moan softly as my tongue teased hers and I felt her hands move. Her hand dipped between her legs and came back with her now wet fingertips rubbing my lips before they were replaced by her tongue.

Her hand wasn't finished though, and it found my twitching cock, she began to stroke my shaft slowly stopping occasionally to replace her soft palm with the sharpness of her nails on my shaft and round to my tense balls. I was so relaxed and lost that I hardly noticed her stopping kissing me and dropping to her knees sweeping her hair back she blew gently on my cock, making me twitch and I could only watch from above as she expertly began to work her red lips and hot tongue up and down my shaft. I was in heaven as k spent what felt like the next hour but in reality was probably 10 minutes working her way up and down my hard shaft never exerting too much pressure or too little and keeping me pinned against the wall which although not necessary was very pleasant.

K started to work her way back, releasing my cock and looking up at me, staring into each others eyes was so intense for me and I could see k was enjoying returning the favour from earlier.

Suddenly K stopped, stood and stepped back, "I need a drink" she said, and turned going through another door. "You have to be kidding!" I complained.

"Well you did it first" I heard from the room, "damn" I thought she had me there. I walked through the doorway and found k with a drink for me. "Thanks" I said, and downed my drink in 1. As I gave her the glass back I thought I saw a shadow cross her eyelids, but shook it off. I stepped to K and she turned around and bent over a convenient arm of her sofa, I stepped behind her and didn't wait, sliding my hard cock into her waiting softness, and stumbled a little. The loss of balance pushed me closer to her and an audible gasp crossed her lips her right hand moving back holding me close, her left supporting her as her hips rocked against me, my own hips moved but it was as if I was in slow motion. "Mmmmm" moaned K, "give it to me, harder". I didn't need to be told twice but my body wouldn't respond and I was hardly moving as K pushed her hips back and rode my cock laughing.

I wasnt feeling like myself suddenly and I stepped backwards finding a seat to.sit on, mumbling an apology. K turned a stepped forward, bending toward me "problem?"

"No" I shook my head. Then I felt it a hard slap across my face. I couldn't move I was so tired and looked toward K

Her face was almost mocking, as she pouted, "Something you drank?" I could feel my eyes closing slightly as K bound my hands behind the chair and my ankles to the legs, finally she leaned forward and as my eyes closed I heard her say..... "We will do this my way now I think unless you have a problem?"......

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Fabtastic keep it cummn !!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Fantastic reading. Thanks

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Omg....that little minx! X

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

More more more

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I opened my eyes as best I could, what a headache, I was pretty groggy and just trying to work out where I was. I couldn't see but my eyes were open, then I began to remember, the swimming head, stumbling, and that mocking tone. I was absolutely kicking myself, how did I let this happen? K had absolutely taken me in, and I could be anywhere now.

I started to think the worst and realised my hands and legs were bound to a chair, and that I had been stripped so that my jeans were around my ankles and my shirt at my wrists.

I heard the tell tale sound of heels on a floor coming closer and the sound of a door creaking open. At that point I decided to play possum and let my head hang as if I was still asleep. "Let me check " I heard K say, and she clicked across the room behind me. I felt her walk in front of me and then almost bend to look at me. She blew gently on my lips and it took all my effort to try and stay still and she leaned closer lightly dragging her nails on my cock which was rapidly rising despite my best efforts. K gave a mocking chuckle and started stroking my cock slowly, leaned around to my ear and whispered "You really shouldn't try and pretend" I have been watching you for ages, then quick as a flash walked away behind me.

As she reached the door she said "All yours" and I heard a deep male voice saying "thanks", at this point I began frantically trying to break free, K was laughing, and so was her companion. "I might stay and watch" said K. " Please yourself" was the reply.

I felt someone walk past and around me, and sat very still. They then began to run what felt like rolled leather down my legs, and I heard the deep voice say "don't you look tasty". I wanted to reply but I was frankly terrified. Then I felt a hand on me, my cock encased in a harsh grip and being stroked roughly, I had been pretty limp but whoever this was knew what they were doing and started dripping what I assume was saliva onto my cock making it wet and slippery, my cock was hardening slowly as I sat there powerless. I then heard K from behind me say "suck him his cock should still taste of me". I tried to wriggle and break free but I had no choice and felt a warm pair of lips wrap around me, and slide slowly down my shaft to the base, my cock starting to bump against their throat. Their hands had moved and they were bobbing their head slowly wanking my cock with their lips, and to be fair it felt bloody good. my cock was stiff and I started to relax, my hips moving a little betraying my horror from before. "Feel good?" I heard K ask from behind me? I nodded and so did my companion on the floor. Then it stopped, they let me slip out their mouth and I heard the deep voice " you like stockings?"

I nodded, unsure what else to do, and felt a chair moving in front of me, Then I felt 2 feet run up my thighs as they reached my cock and began to stroke it, slowly at first using one foot then the other before using both wrapped around my cock. K was giggling behind me, "oh I shouldn't have told him but what could I do?"

I was powerless to answer as my cock was being worked so well. All I could do was moan softly. "Please K"

I felt the feet moving away and that mouth was back but not just the mouth, the hand was back. I heard k say "that's enough for me ill be back soon" and I heard her click away and close the door.

My acquaintance had a real knack and was working my cock well, I was rocking my hips and moaning. it was only right to let them know and I whispered, "I'm close", to which they stopped, cock in their mouth and I felt my blindfold loosen and fall away. my eyes were blinded and part of me didn't want to look, as my eyes adjusted the mouth on my cock began to work again with their hand working the vase of my shaft. I looked down unable to stop myself and saw a familiar pair of eyes, It was K!

My face must have been a picture as she smiled wickedly and asked "Aren't you going to cum on my face?" as she used her gloved hand on my cock and licked the tip, making squirts of cum land all over her lips and tongue......

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

More please

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Epic.....simply epic story.....I never want it to end xxxx

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By *D123Man  over a year ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

I've only just read these. I can't wait for the next installment!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

As I sat tied to the chair, K continued to work the warm dripping cum from my cock, licking and sucking me as I began to soften before sliding her mouth round me and working her mouth up and down my length.

K looked up at me, her eyes wide and I noticed that she had changed again, "how many outfits does she have for tonight?" I wondered.

K had gone for a red and black combination with black fishnet stockings, a red lacy suspender belt and a black negligee. Her hair was up and in an exquisite bun with black "sticks" in her hair, and her lips were bright red again dark eye make-up.

I looked over my shoulder expecting to see a guy standing but all I could see were speakers around the room and a pair of heels lying by the door. I'd been had by K and as I looked back she fluttered her eyelashes and took a moment to stop sucking my cock " I told you I would be fucking you" she said. "I just didn't say it was your head I was fucking with".

K then stood up and sat herself on my lap, and used her fingernails to lift the cum that was on her lips and chin into her mouth, "mmmmm" very tasty. As she sat there she adjusted her stockings a little telling me how she had planned that charade for months and how she struggled not to let me know she was on her own.

I could feel my cock stiffening, and clearly k decided that she was ready for more fun. She lifted a tiny bullet toy from behind me and started to play on her own, sitting on my lap. I could see her nipples hardening as the toy buzzed against them and as she squirmed I could feel her hips moving gently, K was moaning softly and all I could do was lean towards her and whisper how I enjoyed seeing her like that, and how much it turned me on. I was rock solid and ready but k still played on and brought her toy down to her clit. K began riding her toy and moaning deeply. Faster and faster her hips moved until she suddenly stopped and twisted around, her legs either side of me, her hot pussy was against my cock but the tip wasnt between her lips, k leaned up and pushed her hard nipple in my mouth. I sucked hard, my tongue flicking back and forth, K's right hand holding my head I heard her moan and her hips were riding against my cock, I felt her rise up and finally drive herself down onto my cock just as she cried.out and I felt her squirt all over me and my cock.....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The story that just keeps cumming and cumming.... xxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Fucking amazing

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

K was shaking as she fell forward against me, her arms wrapped over my shoulders, and her nipple was rock hard in my mouth. I could feel her gripping my cock hard as a second wave of pleasure ripped through her body and I felt her pulse on my cock. My tongue ran over her nipple, as K breathed deeply, moaning softly. Her hips started to rise and fall in time with mine, and as we started to find our thoughts I felt her lean forward and my wrist restraints loosen. My hands came free and wrapped around K's waist, my palms on her hips encouraging them to rise and fall, my mouth moved from one nipple to the other, a small trail of saliva hanging between K's nipples. As my mouth closed she threw her head back and leaned back pushing her hips down. I felt my cock twitch as her pussy slid down and took my cock to the hilt, and then I looked up at K just as she looked back down at me, her lipstick was slightly smudged but her dark eye make-up was still perfect. As we looked deep into each others eyes, our bodies took over and K rode faster and. deeper as ky hips rose and fell and rocked. Our breathing became deeper and deeper but we never stopped looking into.each others eyes. As I smiled I started to whisper " I've wanted you for so long" and this made her take a deep breath and lose control, digging her nails into my back, shouting at me to fuck her hard, calling me a bastard and finally shuddering as yet another orgasm built to a climax.....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Need more of this

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"K was shaking as she fell forward against me, her arms wrapped over my shoulders, and her nipple was rock hard in my mouth. I could feel her gripping my cock hard as a second wave of pleasure ripped through her body and I felt her pulse on my cock. My tongue ran over her nipple, as K breathed deeply, moaning softly. Her hips started to rise and fall in time with mine, and as we started to find our thoughts I felt her lean forward and my wrist restraints loosen. My hands came free and wrapped around K's waist, my palms on her hips encouraging them to rise and fall, my mouth moved from one nipple to the other, a small trail of saliva hanging between K's nipples. As my mouth closed she threw her head back and leaned back pushing her hips down. I felt my cock twitch as her pussy slid down and took my cock to the hilt, and then I looked up at K just as she looked back down at me, her lipstick was slightly smudged but her dark eye make-up was still perfect. As we looked deep into each others eyes, our bodies took over and K rode faster and. deeper as ky hips rose and fell and rocked. Our breathing became deeper and deeper but we never stopped looking into.each others eyes. As I smiled I started to whisper " I've wanted you for so long" and this made her take a deep breath and lose control, digging her nails into my back, shouting at me to fuck her hard, calling me a bastard and finally shuddering as yet another orgasm built to a climax....."

Wow.Amazing more please

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *xford1975bimaleMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great story

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

K felt amazing wrapped around my cock and as she came down from her latest high of the night we shared a smile and a deep long kiss. As we kissed I could feel her pussy gripping me, pulsing round my cock. K then stood and moved back, dropping to her knees and sucking deeply in my cock, using her tongue expertly up and down the shaft, flicking the swollen end before wrapping her lips around and starting again.

I managed to stop her there but time was getting on and the weekend was young, I had big plans for k

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This is good keep it going

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

We sat the next morning talking like old friends over breakfast and decided to go into the city for the day. it wasn't the best weather so I suggested that k wear a long coat to cope with the wind to which she agreed.

"I brought you an outfit" I said, "how about you wear that and we can go for some food?"

K looked suspiciously at me but agreed, and popped away to get ready. Around 45 minutes later I was in the car and out walked K in her ling coat, her hair cascaded down over her shoulders and she looked stunning in the long boots she had on with black stockings I fervently hoped. As we made our way to the city the roads weren't too busy, just the odd truck or two really. As we hit the motorway we found ourselves in a jam and were stuck between two trucks. The guy on the left just at k was enjoying the view in the window and as I mentioned this to k she smiled and hitched her skirt up higher revealing her stocking tops and a sheer tiny thong. The trucker obviously liked what he saw and gave a big grin. K started to stroke her thong and let her legs fall open. The trucker obviously decided to join k and we could see his ARM start to move as k played. The radio suggested we wouldnt be here for long although k was busy with her clit by now and lost in her pleasure. As the traffic began to creep forward I looked up and the trucker was still pounding away with his ARM but his window was down and he was looking out, down. I whispered to K and she rocked her hips and slid her fingers out her thong, tunes round and as buzzed down the window looked up and licked her fingertips. "let me taste" she shouted over the noise of the traffic. the guy was on the edge clearly and the encouragement tipped him and his head disappeared, but just after his cock appeared briefly and shot a load of creamy spunk out the window falling down short of the car. As we moved away from the truck K blew a kiss as the driver tried to keep up. "well rata 1 down" I said to k .....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I remember this from my old profile

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