By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
We get into the car, and you tell me the destination of the restaurant. It's a little Italian, which enable me to be intimate with my date, but also quiet enough to allow you to observe the goings on.
As you get into the car, your dress rides up to show your stocking tops. You've done this deliberately, as a way of starting foreplay. Letting me know what is in store for me if I manage to satisfy you. The tension is unbelievable as we continue our journey. You rest your hand on my left leg as we drive. Your palm is on my thigh, but your fingers are positioned next to my groin. The anticipation of you touching me is driving me crazy. But instead you elect to keep me guessing and move your fingers anywhere but where I want you to touch me.
When we get to the restaurant, you lean over and kiss me. It's very passionate, and gets my pulse racing again. I've never felt this way, and am on the edge of going crazy. You sense this, which turns you on even more. The power you have feels great, but you know that soon the roles will switch back to normal.
After the kiss you wipe the lipstick from my face, and reapply some more to your luscious plump lips. You look at me and tell me to enjoy myself. You get out of the car and I follow.At the entrance to the restaurant, you tell me the name of the reservation, and tell me to wait before going in. You go in, and are taken to your table. As this point I'm feeling very nervous, and a little short of breath, my heart is racing and my hands are clammy. I take a deep breath and go in. I'm taken to my table, and wait for my date. I can see you in the corner of my eye, with a drink in hand taking in the surroundings.
Then I spot her at the entrance, you've selected someone that we have met before, someone who you know I like. You see the sparkle in my eye, and now the power is starting to change. You feel that pang of jealousy that you hoped you would. Your stomach tightens a little, and start to wonder if it's a good idea. But this is how we had discussed it might feel. You watch carefully as she approaches the table.
She is 5"5 with a curvy figure. Her shoulder length hair is perfectlybstraight. She is wearing a black dress, which shows all her curves. Her dress nearly covers her knees, and her gorgously curvy legs are finished of by a pair of black stilettos. As she approaches the table, I catch the glint in her sparkly brown eyes, and catch the first scent of her perfume. It's subtle and fruity, and I find my mind wondering what was underneath her dress.
I snap away from my thoughts, and stand up to greet her. I kiss her on the cheek, and she lingers there a little longer than expected. Knowing, that her warm touch and subtle smell would have an affect on me. I'm flushed, and stutter as I say hello. This isn't how I had expected it, the power has been taken from my wife, and passed straight to my date. I now feel out of my comfort zone.
My date sits opposite me, her low cut dress showing ample cleavage, and she has a pendant on the sits directly above it. She can see me looking, and smiles. She knows the affect she has on me, and plays me like a fish. Flirting, and giving me little looks, that let me know her intentionsm
You are sat there watching, and enjoying the sight of your husband, flirting with another lady. You feel aroused that you can't hear the conversation, but knowing that your husband can have this affect on other ladies is pleasing. You can feel yourself getting moist, and have to shift positions to get comfortable. Your stomach is tight, and then you see it, the date is stepping it up.
I'm sat there talking to my stunning date. The conversation is flowing, and things are going well. I can't believe how lucky I am, when things take a turn. I feel something on my leg, at first I think it's just a clash of feet. But no, it's her running her foot up and down my leg. Playing footsie, and getting off on the way she is playing me. she takes it all the way to my groin and rests it there. Feeling how I am growing, and the throbbing of my cock. She stares at me smiling, and as the waiter approaches she asks for a cocktail. I know this is aimed at me, and is a clear signal of her intent.
You love what you are seeing, as it is now clear that the date is happy to move on to stage 2. You are already getting excited at the prospect of losing all power. To taking up your submissive role. You know what's to come, so get the bill and take the car home. On the way out you harder a taxi for your husband and his date.
Tbc, more to follow if wanted.....