
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Stories and Fantasies > this is my fiction writing i finshed it about a year ago but had no hope of it doing well pls read

this is my fiction writing i finshed it about a year ago but had no hope of it doing well pls read

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Unfortunately work has been extremely busy lately, which has left me somewhat time-poor for my writing and other interests. Regrettably this situation will only become more acute for the next few months, and this created an additional factor in delaying this chapter. When I realized continuing with my story was going to be difficult, I decided this should be the final chapter in this series. I felt it was pointless and perhaps unfair to leave it hanging for months, and then try and pick up the thread and continue on. Therefore I went back and rewrote as necessary to allow it conclude here. I know many of you will be disappointed with this decision, but I think it is the fairest way, as I simply don’t know when I will have time to write again.

This chapter includes a major event in the lives of my characters, and I acknowledge this idea was suggested by a reader post. To that person (and I’m sure you’ll know who you are) my sincere and heartfelt thanks for providing this direction. Many others posted suggestions along the way, and several of these have been included, my thanks to you also. I will be back at some point, and would love to hear your ideas about the next story. It could be similar to this story, or something with a darker edge, I’m open to all suggestions.

Before you read this chapter I would like to ask a favor or two. Firstly, so many of you suggested I publish my works that I have come around to the point I would like to explore this, but have no idea how to go about it. If you can offer some practical advice that would be sincerely appreciated.

Secondly, it would be great if this story continued to rate well (and I acknowledge there’s an element of ego involved here) but for some reason the ratings dropped fairly quickly recently. So if you enjoy this conclusion and feel it is warranted, positive votes for this and perhaps the preceding chapters would be a fitting conclusion.

As always I respect your right to post comments, positive or negative in nature, as this helps a writer improve. I hope you enjoy the final chapter on the lives and loves of Tony, Cyn, Kat and the twins, and please forgive the typos that I always seem to miss!


A week had passed since my special night with Shannon, and the change in her had been remarkable. She had a real spring to her step, her face was constantly lit with a smile, and her whole attitude to life appeared to have undergone a significant and positive change. Shannon had told Cyn and her sisters about our night, though I wasn’t sure how much detail she had provided! They had laughingly expressed their jealousy when they heard what Karl and I had arranged to ensure it was a night she would never forget. I was thankful they weren’t serious, as it would have been a challenge to top that effort. Tiff had been happy Shannon had enjoyed a great time, but didn’t display quite the same level of enthusiasm as her mother and older sister, which was perfectly understandable seeing she was the only one I hadn’t slept with!

It was late the following Saturday morning and I was sitting in the study, doing some quiet planning for Cyn’s birthday when Shannon came in. “Hey Tony!” She greeted my enthusiastically. “Ummm….can I talk to you or are you busy? I could come back later if you’re in the middle of something.”

I slid the chair back from the desk and enjoyed a long stretch, rolling my shoulders to sooth muscles that had spent a little too long hunched over a keyboard, and smiled at her as she waited in the doorway. “I always have time for you princess, come on in.” She came in and sat down. “So what would you like to talk about?” I asked.

“I wanted to talk about last weekend, and…where….things go from there?” I had wondered if this would come round, and Cyn had asked how I would handle this if Shannon brought it up, which was easy to answer as I had no idea! “I really, really want to thank you because that was the most amazing night of my life. But….I’m not sure….if I want to….be with you….like that again?”

She was looking at me nervously, as though trying to gauge my reaction from my facial expression. “If you’re worried that I’ll be upset, then please don’t be.” I assured her. “In fact, I’m honestly relieved to hear you say that!”

That brought a quizzical gaze and then a less-nervous smile to her pretty face. “Really?” She asked. “That’s not the reaction I expected, so can I ask why you feel that way?”

“How about you tell me how you reached your decision first, and then I’ll tell you why I’m relieved.”

“Ok.” She responded. “I honestly don’t want you to think that I didn’t enjoy myself, because I really, REALLY did! It was such a perfect night, and the way you made love to me was……well, I don’t think I can describe it. I know that you did it because you and Mom were worried about me, and I was worried too. After what happened with Dad I was convinced I couldn’t feel like that, but everything you said was true and I just needed to be with the right person. But, now that I’m feeling ok, I think I’d like to wait until I meet someone, because now I know I can enjoy making love with them.”

I was smiling broadly, and could see this was a long way from the reaction she expected. “That’s great Shannon, really great!” I replied with heartfelt enthusiasm. “The reason I’m relieved is that I was worried about whether you would want to be with me with again, so I guess you’d like to know why?” My question elicited an emphatic nod. “I hope you know I genuinely care for you, but my relationship with you and Tiff is different from my relationship with Cyn and Kat, and I’m sure you know that.” Another nod. “The night we had was simply fantastic, and I’ll never forget it either, but to be honest, there are times when I have my hands full with your Mom and your sister. I was worried that if you wanted to be with me again, it could be difficult to care for you and love you the way I’d like to, if that makes sense. I’m ecstatic that you feel better about yourself, and I think your decision is the right one for you. Just remember that I’m probably going to be a little protective of my princess when she brings a boy home!”

She laughed at my expression of fatherly concern. “I hope you won’t be too protective. Remember, I have seen you in action! Seriously though, I can’t thank you enough, you told me I was ok, but I still had my doubts until you showed me. I understand now that I can say yes, or no, and if my decision isn’t respected, I’ll kick him in the balls!”

We both laughed heartily, remembering my poor sense of timing when I last spoke those words just as Chloe arrived with dinner. “I’m never going to live that down am I?”

She smiled. “Probably not, but I still think Chloe has a thing for you!”

“Haven’t I just finished telling you I’ve got my hands full?” I chuckled in reply.

“Yeah, I get that. Can I ask what you’re working on?” She enquired.

“I’m planning something special for Cyn’s birthday, something that I hope all of us will really enjoy.” I replied.

“That’s going to have to be something incredible Tony.” She replied. “After Kat’s pendant and the night you arranged for me, you’re making things pretty tough for yourself!”

“That’s true.” I agreed. “But it’s also half the fun. I like the challenge of trying to come up with something different. At least, I do when it works!” I laughed, thinking about the pressure I had placed myself under at times. “I tell you what. There are a couple of things we need to do early if my plan is going to work, so would you mind finding Cyn and your sisters, and I’ll meet you in the den in a couple of minutes?”

“Sure thing….Dad!” She said with a cheeky grin, and headed out the door.

While Shannon was getting everyone together I printed off some documents, and then picked up my laptop and headed for the den. The girls were waiting expectantly when I walked in, so I sat down and started outlining my plans. “We all know its Cyn’s birthday in a couple of months, and after Kat’s birthday and my night with Shannon; I have been under intense pressure from a certain person to come up with a birthday surprise that tops my efforts so far.” I smiled at Cyn, who grinned back at me. “After some serious research I think I may have a solution, and while I would have liked this to be a secret, that’s not really possible. So, if this is going to succeed we all have some homework to do!”

Curious looks were exchanged, the majority aimed at me, so I handed out the forms I had just printed and they studied them closely. It was Tiff who made the connection first, but only just. “These are passport applications. Oh my God! We’re going overseas!! Where are we going Tony?”

I smiled as excitement rippled through the room, and opened my laptop and spun it around, showing a picture of a pristine beach with palm trees and sparking blue water that was so clear you could see the sandy bottom. “We…are…going…to…AUSTRALIA!” I announced. Well, you’d think I’d just produced the winning lottery ticket, as squeals of excitement filled the room and questions were fired at me faster than I could answer them. In the finish I held up my hand in an attempt to quiet things down. “One at a time ladies please! I think the birthday girl should go first.”

Cyn was smiling widely. “This looks unbelievable Tony, but why did you pick Australia?”

“Lots of reasons honey.” I replied, and started ticking them off on my fingers. “It’s one of the few places Julie and I didn’t get to, and I’ve always wanted to go. The people have a reputation for being really friendly and laid back, they speak English so communication is easy, it’s a safe place to go when some countries are a little risky these days, and they have so many amazing places to visit and things to see. This picture is where we’ll actually stay, and it’s a very private resort called Bedarra Island. It’s on the Great Barrier Reef, which is the largest coral reef in the world, and there are only sixteen villas on the island. You can snorkel over the reef and see the coral and the fish, and I’ve heard it’s an experience you’ll never forget.”

Kat had taken control of the computer and was clicking through the resort website with Shannon and Tiff looking over her shoulder. “Look at the scenery, and the rooms, talk about luxurious! But…this may be a problem…..it says the resort doesn’t cater for children, and the three of us aren’t eighteen yet.”

I smiled; impressed that she’d already picked up that detail. “I’ve spoken to the manager and assured him my step-daughters are very mature. He still wasn’t sure, so I offered to put a substantial security deposit in their account and if anyone misbehaves they get to keep it, so you’d better behave or your allowance will be so far in the red it’ll take years to pay it back!” I laughed at their bemused expressions, knowing we wouldn’t have a problem.

Shannon joined in. “You mentioned other places to see Tony. Do you have anything else in mind while we’re there?”

“You bet!” I assured her. “We fly into Brisbane, which is the capital city of Queensland. From there we go to Surfers Paradise, and you can guess how good the beaches are with a name like that. There are four theme parks close by; Sea World where they have rides and dolphin shows, Wet and Wild where they have all kinds of water slides, Movie World which is like Universal Studios in LA, and Dreamworld, which seems to have a bit of everything. I thought if you all want to, we could spend a week in Surfers Paradise, and maybe go to two or three of the theme parks. Say one day at a park and then have a free day, then another park and the next day off, that kind of schedule so we’re not rushing around like crazy. After that we fly to the reef and spend the second week at the resort just chilling out, snorkeling, and getting fat on seafood. How does that sound!”

Everyone was smiling and Tiff looked at me with sparking eyes. “That sounds so cool, Tony! We’ve never been overseas before!”

“I know Tiff.” I replied. “Which is why I had to let the cat out of the bag, because it will take a while to get passports and visas organized, and you’ll all need current photos for your passports, so I’m sorry Cyn, I couldn’t really keep this a secret.”

She came over and hugged me so hard it felt as though she was crushing me. “I think I can forgive you for that. This is going to be so great for all us; it’s been so long since we’ve had a decent vacation anywhere!”

“I guessed that would be the case.” I replied. “And I haven’t been on holiday for over two years, so I’m looking forward to this as much as you are!”

It was great to see Cyn and her girls so excited, and the twins had grabbed their laptops and all three were Googling Surfers Paradise and The Great Barrier Reef, checking out the different tourist attractions. I had the feeling my plan of alternating days of activities and rest would come under some serious pressure! Cyn and I left them to it and headed for the kitchen, and she reminded the twins they had another sleep-over party tonight, so they needed to keep an eye on the time. She brewed a fresh pot of coffee and smiled at me across the table. “You really are full of surprises, which is one the things I love about you. How do you manage to do it?”

“I can’t take the credit for that, it was Julie who taught me.” She raised a questioning eyebrow, so I went on. “She was such a free-spirit, and she always came up with ways to surprise me. Sometimes I’d get home Friday night after a tough week, and she’d give me an hour to shower and pack a bag, and we’d drive off somewhere and have a weekend away. Other times she’d ring and tell me she had to work late, and I’d get to home to find she’d actually left early and cooked me a special dinner. I never really knew what was coming, but when I realized how much I enjoyed her surprises I started doing the same things for her. I guess that’s why they’re such special memories, because they were completely unexpected, but it was her influence that took me there. I think sometimes we lose sight of the simple pleasures. The look on Shannon’s face when she got out of the limo and saw what Karl had done for her special dinner; that’s a priceless memory that I’ll have forever. And I think you’ll collect one or two of those while we’re on holiday, at least I hope you will!”

She placed her hand over mine. “I’m sure I will! You still miss her don’t you?”

I looked into her eyes. “I’ll never stop missing her and I’ll never stop loving her, and that’s the simple truth. She was my first true love, and the only woman I’d made love to before you and Kat came into my life. But I know the way I was living would have broken her heart, and it was the last thing she would have wanted, but I didn’t realize that until I fell in love with you two. I’m not a religious person, but if there is an afterlife I think she’d be watching over me, and happy to see that I was finally getting on with my life, though I’m not sure what she’d make of our unconventional relationship!”

She gazed into my eyes. “I didn’t really know Julie all that well, but I’m sure she would see how happy you are, and I think she’d be fine with it.”

I figured she was right, but we were interrupted when the girls came in, excitedly talking over each other as they attempted to take charge of the discussion. Each had their own ideas about our holiday, and the volume was increasing until I held up my hand and whistled loudly for silence. When things were quieter I smiled at their expectant faces. “We’re going around in circles here ladies. I understand you’re excited and there are plenty of things you probably want to do, but let’s just remember this is a family holiday, and there’s plenty of time to research what we’d all like to do. I suggest we take our time and make sure we look at all the options, and maybe the best way is that each of us picks one activity they really want to do on the mainland, and another when we’re staying on the island. That way everyone gets a choice, and we’re not rushing around to the point that we need another holiday to recover from this one! We can always go back again later if we don’t get to do everything we want on this trip, ok?”

That seemed to have the desired outcome, and the girls happily headed away until Cyn reminded Tiff and Shannon they should be getting ready to go. With a little reluctance they headed off to pack a few things for their sleepover, and when Cyn bundled them into the car a sense of calm was finally restored. I figured I had half an hour or so before she returned, so I headed to the garage for a work out. I went through a series of stretches before working on the punching bag, gradually increasing the speed and force of my blows.

I sensed movement and saw Kat standing in the doorway, a glass of wine in her hand as she watched me. “Mind if I watch?” She asked. I smiled and nodded so she came in and sat on the workbench as I resumed my workout. She watched me for a few minutes before giving me one of her sexiest smiles. “You’re working up a sweat Tony. Wouldn’t you be more comfortable if you took your shirt off?” She said sweetly.

I was starting to wonder how much longer I’d have before other distractions occupied me, but I smiled and slid my shirt over my head, and got back to it. She watched my movements, and there was little doubt lustful thoughts were occupying her imagination as she sipped her wine. A part of my mind marveled at what a sexual creature she had become, and how lucky I was to have her in my life. I could feel my cock growing slowly, the first bead of pre cum allowing the head to slide up my body under my shorts. My interest in exercise waned quickly, and I walked over to the bench and took her smiling face in my hands. Our lips met and parted, our tongues touching in a moist embrace as our passion slowly grew. Without opening her eyes she placed her glass on the bench, and looped her arms around my neck as her legs opened, drawing me closer.

When we paused for breath she gently pushed me back, lifting her tight butt as she slid her sun dress up and over her head. She was naked in seconds, thankfully having neglected to wear panties or a bra, and she knelt before me as she eased my shorts down until I could step free. A slender hand wrapped around my shaft, sliding up my length and squeezing a large drop of pre cum from my slit, before her lips wrapped around my cock. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of her tongue moving around the head of my cock, bathing me with saliva before she slid slowly forward, taking more of me into her warm mouth. Her other hand found my heavy balls, massaging them slowly as her mouth slid further down my length. I couldn’t count the number of times she had made sweet love to me with her mouth, but every time my cock slid into her throat the exquisite sensations made it feel like the first time. She took me deep, allowing her throat to stretch for a few seconds before she tried to swallow me, which only enhanced the erotic feelings I was already experiencing. She moved slowly but purposefully, as through savoring every moment as she controlled my increasing excitement.

Finally she slid free, standing before me as she took my hand and led me over to the car. She bent forward over the hood and spread her legs wide apart, her pussy glistening with her slowly flowing juices. She looked back over her shoulder and gave me a lascivious smile. “Why don’t you stop wasting time and slip that angry cock into my pussy, and while you’re fucking me you can get my ass nice and wet?”

I returned her wanton smile. “So babe, you want my big hard cock deep in your ass, do you?”

“Yes!” She hissed. “Yes…PLEASE!”

I slid my cock easily into her steaming pussy, feeling the warmth of her loving hole wrapping around me as my heavy balls flattened her slick labia. I started thrusting slowly, dipping a finger into my mouth before working it easily past her clenching sphincter. “Are you sure you want my cock in here? It feels really tight!” I teased.

She groaned. “Oh Yes! I want it so bad! I need to feel your cock deep inside my ass, pumping me full of hot cum!”

“You’re not worried I’m going to stretch your tight little ass too far?” I teased further.

“Oh God! I want you to stretch it! Please, stop teasing me! Fuck my hot little ass…PLEASE!!!”

It was impossible to deny a lady in need, so I reluctantly slid my cock free and lined up the head with her glistening rosebud. I pushed gently and slipped passed her gripping muscle, and I felt a hand on my shoulder and the breath from a pair of lips against my ear.

“Why is it that every time I go out, I come back and find you fucking my daughter?” Cyn whispered.

I laughed in surprise, as I hadn’t heard her sneak in. “That’s probably because I find both of you totally irresistible. And she was here….and you weren’t!”

“I’ll have to teach Tiff and Shannon to drive.” She laughingly replied. “I’m getting tired of missing out!”

Her hand moved away and she stood in front of me, smiling at me as she slowly stripped off, dropping each article of clothing on floor in a totally carefree manner. In the meantime I was sliding slowly deeper, watching Kat as she lay across the car with her eyes closed and a dreamy smile on her face. “Oh fuck!” She groaned. “I need this so bad. My ass feels like it’s on fire!”

Cyn was smiling as she softly stroked her pussy, watching me take her daughter. “I love watching you two fucking.” She hissed. “The only thing I like more is being fucked myself! I hope you’ve got plenty of cum in those tight balls Tony. When you’ve finished pumping a load into Kat’s hot ass I’d love you to fuck mine!”

I smiled as I thrust faster. “Provided you give me a little time to recover, I think I can take care of you Cyn!” I assured her, as Kat squealed loudly and pumped a strong stream of sweet cream over my balls and my thighs.

“Oh YES!” Kat squealed as she came again. “That’s it, that’s what I need! Fuck me Tony, fuck my hot ass! I want to feel your cum oozing out of me all day!” Her juices tricked down my legs and I inhaled deeply, savoring the intoxicating smell of sex as it wafted through the garage.

My balls were tightening and I knew I was getting close, feeling as though once I started cumming I’d never stop. “You’re…about…to…get…your…wish…Kat!” I groaned, and I thrust in firmly as the first rope of cum fired through my shaft in glorious release. She came with me, spraying me with her juices as mine filled her, my balls pumping burst after burst deep inside her clenching ass.

“Fuck..fuck…FUCK!” She squealed. “Yes…that’s it…fill my ass with cum! I can feel it…I love it…pump me hard Tony!!”

I finally collapsed down on her back, both us breathing heavily as we struggled to regain control. In the meantime Cyn was leaning back against the wall, squealing and whimpering as her fingers thrust firmly into her glistening pussy. “Oh fuck…Oh shit…I’m going to need some cock soon!!!” She squealed as she bathed her hand and thighs with juice, her body shaking as she came.

My cock slowly softened until it finally slid free, its exit aided by the amount of slippery cum I’d deposited into my lover’s tight passage. I sat back on the floor, a little unsure if my legs would support me as my heart rate gradually slowed. Cyn was slumped against the wall, eyes closed as her fingers lazily slowly stroked her creamy, cum-coated pussy. Kat hadn’t moved and was still spread across the hood of my car, her sphincter still gaping widely as a trail of viscous cum oozed down her crack toward her slick pussy. The raw smell of sex, mixed with sweet tang of multiple orgasms, hung heavily in the air.

When I was sure I could stand I moved over to Kat and kissed her softly on the cheek. “Thank you.” I whispered softly. “You are the most amazing lover a man could ask for!”

Her eyes blinked open and she gave me a dreamy smile. “I think I should be thanking you. You did all the work!”

I smiled and walked unsteadily over to Cyn, taking her wrist gently in my hand before bringing her slick fingers to my mouth. I licked and kissed her still-warm juices and she smiled at me before wrapping her other hand around my cum-covered shaft. “Don’t make me wait too long Tony!” She smiled. “You know where I want this as soon as you’re ready!”

“How about a swim and something to drink while I….recharge the batteries?” I suggested to my sexy companions, and we headed slowly outside. I dove in, feeling instantly refreshed as the cool water flowed over my body. Kat was close behind, swimming slowly over to me before her arms and legs wrapped around me.

She kissed me slowly and tenderly, before leaning back with her arms around my neck. “I still smile when I think back to the time when you were worried that I would want to be with someone my own age.”

I smiled at that somewhat crazy thought. “Well, I am old enough to be your father!” I chuckled.

She laughed back at me. “That depends on how you look at it. I think you’re just old enough to know exactly how to make me happy.”

I kissed her again. “I’m glad you feel that way, because being with you always brings a smile to my face!”

Cyn arrived with a tray of drinks and snacks, which she placed beside the pool before diving into the cool water and swimming over to us. “Are you two plotting again?” She smiled.

“Not at all Mom.” Kat replied. “I was just asking Tony whose pussy tastes the sweetest, yours…or mine.” She laughed.

Cyn raised an eyebrow to me as she smiled at her daughter’s leading question. “So, whose does taste sweetest Tony?”

I rubbed my chin as I tried to appear thoughtful. “It’s hard to say babe. I mean…they’re definitely both very sweet, but I think I’d have to conduct a taste test before I could answer that one.”

Cyn swam over and sat on the edge of the pool, her spread legs hanging over the side and into the water. She smiled at me and stroked her exposed slit slowly. “Come on then, if you want a taste test you’d better get started!”

I grinned as I swam over, easing between her long, slender legs. I dropped down and buried my face in her fresh pussy, exploring her with my tongue as I tasted the beginnings of her gentle flow. She purred like a kitten as she savored my oral attention, gently resting her hands on my head as she spread even wider for me. Her flow increased until her juices were smeared across my face, so I probed deeper, feeling her heat increase as I gently brought her closer to climax. Suddenly she went rigid and she pulled my head firmly against her, my cheeks flattening her puffy labia as she came. Her juices pumped firmly over me, and I tried to scoop her sweet nectar into my mouth and down my throat. “Oh God!” She groaned softly. “I just love the way you eat my cunt! How did that taste honey?”

I smiled up at her. “As sweet as always Cyn!” I replied.

In the meantime I’d lost sight of Kat, but suddenly she was sitting beside Cyn on the capping, a strange smile on her face. I moved back from Cyn and over to Kat, who spread her legs in a welcoming invitation. Just as I was about to start the second comparison she told me to wait a second, reached behind and produced a can of whipped cream! She gave the can a few quick shakes and aimed then nozzle directly at her pussy, spraying a liberal coating over her glistening labia. “No fair!” Cyn protested loudly, trying to conceal her amusement. “No fucking fair! That’s cheating and you should be disqualified!” She laughed loudly.

Kat gave Cyn a broad smile. “I think we should leave that decision to the judge Mom!” She laughed.

I could feel my cock stiffening despite the cool water. “I’ll reserve my decision until after I’ve completed the taste test!” I replied, which earned me a none-too-serious glare from Cyn.

The heat radiating from the sun was already melting the cream, and I dipped my head to taste the delights of my teenage lover. She certainly tasted sweet, her juices just starting to mingle with the dripping cream as my tongue slid inside her moist pussy. My cock was now completely hard, my mind loving every second of the erotic stimulation as I savored her taste. I devoured her sweet juices with enthusiasm, sliding my pointed tongue as deep as it would go and smearing the melting cream over my face as I tongue-fucked her tender pussy. She squealed as her cum sprayed freely, giving me yet another taste to savor, and I took her through several trembling orgasms until I had no choice but to declare Kat as the winner.

Cyn protested, though not too seriously, as she smiled at her daughter’s unexpected tactic. I dipped my face in the cool water to rinse the cream and pussy juices clear, before stepping from the pool. I went over to Cyn and kissed her lips softly, before whispering that I wanted her on her hands and knees. She smiled as she assumed the position, and I knelt behind her, sliding my hard cock easily into her moist pussy. “Oh fuck yes!” She hissed. “God, I love the feeling of your thick cock sliding into my cunt!”

She was hot, wet and ready for me, and I fucked her slowly with deep strokes, feeling her juices bathing me and easing my path as she stretched around me. As I had with Kat, I sucked a finger deep in my mouth before sliding it around her tight rosebud and then slipping it past her clenching muscle. She threw her head back as she felt my finger probe her tight, puckered ass. “Get me wet Tony. Get me wet and then slide your cock in there!”

“You girls are insatiable!” I laughed. “It must be anal sex day today!”

Kat came over and knelt before Cyn, lifting her head before engaging her in a long, passionate kiss. My cock twitched as I watched their erotic embrace, and I slid free reluctantly. I stood and crouched over Cyn, forcing my shaft downward as I lined up my cock head on her glistening sphincter. I squatted down, easing my head past her tight muscle until I was safely inside her surprisingly moist ass. She groaned into Kat’s mouth, the sound seeming to echo between them, as Kat reached down and started squeezing and twisting Cyn’s hard nipples. Her hips thrust upward, sliding my cock further into her hot, tight hole and I thrust with her, easing even deeper until my balls finally nudged against her slippery labia. Kat broke their kiss and smiled at me. “Give it to her Tony.” She encouraged me. “Fuck her hard and fill her with your hot cum!”

I hardly needed additional motivation, and increased my thrusting as she timed her movements with me, making sure every thrust took me as deep as possible. We were sweating freely in the warm sunlight, a slapping sound filling the air every time she took my full length. “Oh yes….FUCK YES!” She squealed as an orgasm rippled through her slim body, and she shook beneath me as her juices sprayed from her pussy. “Fuck my cock-sucking ass Tony! Fuck me hard!”

I was moving as fast as my position allowed, feeling the tension building in my balls and spreading through my body as my climax approached. She came again, bathing my balls and my thighs with her fragrant juices as her heat increased. “So tight!” I groaned. “So….FUCKING….TIGHT!!! Here it comes babe!!!” I shouted, as my cum burst free like an uncapped fire hydrant.

My juices sprayed hard and deep, surrounding my cock with a soothing balm of cum as I filled her clenching ass. She squealed, a long shriek that continued until she sobbed for breath. “Fuck it! Fuck my hot ass! Give me all of it! I want every last drop!!!” She pleaded, and I did my best to comply, pumping cum until I had no more to give her.

I finally had to stop, beads of perspiration running from my forehead and dripping down onto her butt cheeks. I could still feel her clenching and releasing around shaft, as though she were trying to milk the final drops of cum before my slowly softening cock slid free. I sat back on the capping, and while my cock was temporarily out of action I was still mesmerized by the sight of Cyn, still on her hands and knees, her sphincter gaping open as my oozing cum slowly dribbled from her freshly fucked ass. She was a picture of pure, hedonistic indulgence, and once again I found myself thankful she and Kat were such intrinsic parts of my life. I simply couldn’t imagine not being with them for a day, especially when they were prepared to give themselves so freely. I was the luckiest man on the planet.

I moved over to her and managed to pick her up in my arms, and carried her down the steps into the pool, allowing the water to wash over us both. She slid her arms around my neck and kissed me, managing a smile as her eyes blinked open. “I love you way you make love to me!” She whispered. “Somehow you always know when I want it soft and slow, or hard and fast, it’s just…magical!”

“The feeling is mutual babe!” I assured her. “Every time is fantastic. Every…single…time! I can’t get over how good it feels making love to you.”

Kat dove in and joined us, the three of us enjoying a group hug and kisses all round as we rinsed clean, before climbing out and allowing the sun’s rays to dry us off.

Time flew past and before we knew it our departure date arrived, and the girls excitedly put their bags in the car as we headed for the regional airport. A commuter flight took us to LAX, and Cyn and the girls were amazed when they saw the size of the terminal for the first time, and the thousands of people moving to catch their flights, saying goodbyes to loved ones, or waiting expectantly for friends and relatives to arrive. We checked our bags and took our boarding passes, joining the queues moving steadily through the security checks before boarding our flight.

As it was a fifteen hour flight to Brisbane, I had told them they should dress in comfortable clothes, and make sure they had their iPods and a book to pass the time. I had booked Business Class tickets despite the significant extra expense, as I felt a long flight in economy was not going to get our vacation off to the desired start. Cyn, Kat and I were seated together in the centre section, with Tiff and Shannon across the aisle beside a window. The plane appeared relatively new, and had video screens in the headrests which allowed passengers to select in-flight movies. Once the girls saw these they all accepted the headphones from the stewardess and plugged in for some entertainment to pass the time.

I had never enjoyed long flights, but thankfully this one was smooth, our seats were quite comfortable, and the cabin service was first class. We all managed to sleep for a while, but I was thankfully when the captain announced we were commencing our descent into Brisbane Airport, and the weather was clear and the day was warm and mild. I had booked a limo to take us to our hotel, and we collected our bags from the luggage carousel, joined the queue to move through Customs, and found our uniformed driver holding a card with my name in bold print.

He loaded our luggage onto a trolley and took us through the doors to the waiting car, and soon we pulled up at a high-rise hotel right on the beach in Surfers Paradise. We checked in and a uniformed young lady took us to the penthouse I had booked, unlocking the door and showing us inside. To say the apartment was luxurious was a serious understatement, as there were two large living areas, two separate bedrooms each with their own spacious bathroom, and a kitchen/dining area. She opened the sliding doors which led to the roof-top outdoor area, which had a swimming pool, another bathroom, and large tiled area that looked out over the beach and along the coastline as far as the eye could see. Cyn smiled up at me and squeezed my arm. “You really know how to show a girl a good time Tony. This apartment is fantastic; I could live here quite happily!”

“It’s been a long time since any of us have had a holiday.” I smiled at her. “So I figured I go all out this time!”

The girl gratefully accepted my tip as she handed me the electronic room keys, and wished us a pleasant stay before assuring me we could call for anything we needed. It was getting late in the day but Kat and the twins were keen to get down to the beach, so I insisted on pointing out the designated swimming area marked with flags by the lifeguards, and made them promise they would only swim in the patrolled area. Shannon cheekily told me the lifeguards looked pretty hot, so they’d definitely hang around there! I shook my head as they headed inside to change into their bikinis, while I went in search of some refreshments for Cyn and I. I was back with a bottle of wine and two glasses, toasting my companion as we leaned against the railing and looked out at the million dollar view.

I stood behind her, my glass in one hand and the other around her waist, and she leant back against me, tilting her head to kiss me. “Thank you for this.” She said simply. “This is going to be such a great vacation for all of us.”

“I hope so.” I smiled. “But just wait till you see the resort at Bedarra Island. If its half as good as the reviews I think that will be something very special.”

She laughed. “Well this is not a bad start!”

We heard a whistle waft up on the gentle breeze, and peered down to see Kat, Tiff and Shannon waving up from the beach, waiting for us to wave back before they ran down to the surf. We watched them head down to the patrolled area before towels were dropped on the sand and they ran into the water, splashing around and trying to surf the small waves back to the beach. As we sipped our wine we saw two of the young lifeguards pointing at them and laughing, before they jogged down to the girls. Before long they were giving them body-surfing lessons, and it looked as though they were having a great time. “Look at that.” Cyn laughed. “We’ve been here for five minutes and they’ve already got the local boys interested!”

“They are growing up Cyn.” I laughingly replied. “They’re not little girls anymore!”

“Isn’t that the truth!” She said with a mock groan. “Are you sure you don’t want to add two more girls to your harem? It would solve so many problems!”

I laughed out loud at her suggestion. “It may solve some problems for you babe, but I’m sure it’d give me a few new ones!”

She nuzzled back against me, grinding her tight butt against my cock. She bent down to place her glass on a convenient table before sliding her hand back around my neck, drawing me closer. “Speaking of problems, I have a persistent itch that needs a good scratching. Any chance you could help me with that?”

“What kind of itch would my lady like some help with?” I enquired, leaning forward to place my glass safely beside hers, before I slid my hand up her thighs and under her dress to cup her pussy through her filmy panties.

“That’s getting close Tony.” She whispered. “Very, very close!”

I looked around, noting that each end of our balcony had a privacy screen that prevented people in the adjoining high-rises from seeing us. The screens in front were made of frosted glass, so nobody on the beach could make out what was happening either. I knelt down and lifted the hem of her dress, slipping her panties down and helping her step free as she remained still, gazing out at the view with a faraway look in her eyes. I unzipped my jeans and slid them down with my shorts before standing behind her again, my hands wrapping around her and finding her moist pussy waiting for me. She slid her legs apart to provide more room for my probing fingers, and hissed softly as I stroked her increasingly wet slit. “I think…you’re almost…there.” She whispered, so I slid one and then two fingers past her puffy labia and into her dripping pussy.

“You’re so wet babe!” I whispered in her ear.

“I’m so ready!” She hissed back. “Feed me your cock honey. Please!”

I took a step back and used my grip to bring her with me, so that she was bending forward at the waist and holding the railing for support. She slide her legs further apart and I stepped forward, my cock nudging her butt cheek before I took hold and eased softly inside, hearing her exhale slowly as she felt me stretching her soft tissue. “Take me please Tony. Fuck my dripping cunt!” She pleaded.

I thrust in firmly, actually lifting her feet off the tiles for a second as I leant forward. “Are you that hot to fuck Cyn?” I whispered in her ear. “I thought you’d like some long, slow lovemaking for our first night in Australia.”

“We can do that later Tony.” She whispered. “Right now I just need a good, hard fucking!”

With that settled I started thrusting harder, gripping and squeezing her firm nipples through the thin fabric of her summer top as my cock slid easily into her. I was just thinking how erotic it was to be standing in the open as I fucked my stunning companion, when she leaned her head back. “Oh God, I love being fucked like this! It feels so hot and wanton, standing here while you fuck my cunt! Will you fuck me outdoors when we get to island?”

“Every chance we get babe.” I assured her. “Every single chance!”

That was all it took to bring her first orgasm bubbling to the surface, and she clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle a scream as she bathed my cock with cum. I kept thrusting, tugging harder on her rigid nipples as her slippery pussy took me deep inside. She groaned and came again before she managed to speak. “Don’t….cum….inside me!” She gasped. “I want you…to jack your cock….and spray your cum….all over my face!”

Oh fuck! I was getting very close to my own release when she spoke; talk about just in time! I grunted and slipped free, and in a flash she spun around and squatted down, leaning back against the glass panels for support. I jacked my slippery shaft as hard and fast as I could, looking down at my lustful companion as she watched my actions closely. “Ohhhhh……YYEEEEESSSSS!!!!” I groaned as balls tightened and fired a burst of thick cream up my shaft. I was aiming for her willing, open mouth but I was a little off target, my first jet splattering across her nose and cheek. I shifted direction and succeeded in sending my second and third bursts straight past her cherry-red lips and into her mouth, coating her tongue white. I was still pumping, and moved my aim across her face until she was covered with my juices like a porno movie starlet.

She smiled up at me; a picture of pure, lustful indulgence as cum ran slowly down her face. She slid her tongue past her lips and scooped my thick cream into her mouth, proudly displaying her mouthful before she swallowed. “Oh God, I needed that!” She hissed, before using her fingers to clean the strands of juice that she couldn’t reach with her tongue. “You taste so good Tony!”

I helped her to her feet and kissed her lips, tasting a trace of my own juice. “That was so hot Cyn. You are the original MILF!”

She laughed at my unusual compliment and hugged me. “Can I use the same term, but change it slightly to Man I Love to Fuck?”

I laughed loudly. “I guess that works for me!” I assured her.

She slipped inside to clean up before the girls came back, and we sat on lounges and enjoyed the last rays of sunshine on the first day of our vacation.

The next few days were a blur. We visited Movie World and had a simply amazing day, enjoying the attractions and rides, and having photos taken with staff dressed as everyone from Batman to Donald Duck. A rest day gave us a chance to recover before it was off to Wet n’ Wild, where they had the most incredible assortment of water slides. We spent a full day running from one slide to the next, and were pretty tired as we were one of the last families to leave. Another rest day saw us hit the shopping malls, and my credit card had serious workout as we purchased clothes, jewelry and souvenirs.

Our last day before leaving for Bedarra saw us at Sea World, and this was possibly the best of the parks we visited. A huge man-made lake hosted a sensational water ski and jet ski show, before we headed off and saw performing dolphins and seals. They even had polar bears in a special air-conditioned enclosure, which blew us away considering the tropical climate. I’d prepaid extra to have a private group swim with the dolphins, and the girls were positively glowing after these gentle mammals allowed them the hold a fin and be towed along as their powerful tails eased them across the pool. Cyn was almost in tears when it was time to leave, but I assured her I’d taken plenty of photos of her and the girls.

We made it back to the hotel and ordered room service dinner, relaxing around the outdoor table as we enjoyed our meal and watched the sunset. I raised my glass to Cyn and the girls as I smiled at them. “Ladies, we are halfway through our first vacation together. Is everyone having a good time, and are we looking forward to flying to the island tomorrow?”

A chorus of loud cheers erupted, and we all laughed when we realized the people in the next building probably heard us. Cyn leaned forward and clinked her glass against my mine. “We are having the best time ever Tony, thank you, but you have a serious problem!” She said with a broad smile.

I wasn’t expecting that reply and gave her a curious glance. “Really?” I replied. “How so?”

She grinned at me. “There is no way on earth you are ever going to top this!” She replied, laughing heartily.

I considered that for a moment as the girls waited to see how I’d respond. “You know, you may just be right about that!” I grinned, realizing I’d probably done an exceptional job of painting myself into a corner. However that was problem I didn’t have to deal with now, thankfully!

A gentle breeze wafted up from the ocean, and we sat around talking and laughing until quite late, before heading to bed as we had an early start in the morning.

The next day we were up early and packed, and a limo took us to the airport for the flight to Cairns. From there we boarded a light plane which took us to Dunk Island, one of the few islands on the reef that featured a landing strip, before boarding a chartered helicopter for the final leg to our destination. Everyone wanted to sit up front with the pilot but I overruled the arguments, reminding them it was Cyn’s birthday trip so it was only fair she had the best view. Tiff and Shannon were behind them and Kat and I were in the back row, but the large windows still provided a fantastic view.

The flight gave us an opportunity to enjoy the sights from the air, and we could see patches of shallow reef, separated by darker water that was clearly deeper, and islands of different sizes dotting the ocean. We saw several boats cruising along, ranging from smaller pleasure craft, yachts heeling under sail, and larger luxury cruisers and catamarans. I nudged Kat and asked her how she’d feel spending a few weeks cruising the islands by boat. Her eyes sparkled when she told me that, as long as she didn’t have hoist sails, she was there! We were all wearing headphones which crackled as the pilot told us Bedarra Island was directly ahead, and he descended until it felt as though we were skimming the waves before completing a slow circuit of the island and a gentle landing.

A man and a woman were waiting for us, smiling and waving as the pilot opened the doors and helped us climb down. They came to greet us, the man extending his hand to me and shaking mine firmly. “Hello Tony and welcome all! I’m John and I’m fortunate enough to be the manager of our little piece of paradise! I’d like you to meet Cath, and assure you that we’re at your service to make your stay a memorable one.”

The pilot helped John and Cath take our bags, politely refusing my offer to help, before heading back to his helicopter for the return journey. Once the noise faded into the distance we became aware of the total, tranquil silence, and I could actually feel my pulse rate slowing as I absorbed the serenity of our surroundings. John and Cath led us to an open sided structure which housed a long dining table, several comfortable chairs, and a bar that appeared to want for nothing at all.

A waiter brought a tray with tropical cocktails and we were asked to take a seat. We sipped our drinks as John and Cath took us through meal times and menus, asking if we had any special dietary requirements, then telling us it was an open-bar, and if it was unattended we could help ourselves. He explained the various activities that were available, including helicopter sightseeing, catamaran trips to a pontoon on the reef for snorkeling or scuba diving, paraflying behind a speedboat, and small catamarans and jet skis guests could use. Cath explained the staff would prepare a picnic lunch if we wanted to walk, sail or jet ski to the other side of the island, and pointed to the sign-posted walking track that led to the other side of the island.

They provided a lot of information in a short space of time, but did so in a relaxed manner that instantly made us feel comfortable. I was hoping that my first impressions would prove accurate, and we’d have a luxurious, restful break before we headed home. When our introduction was finished Cath took us to our bungalows, which were shaded by large palm trees and looked out over the pure white sand and crystal clear water.

Cyn, Kat and I were in one bungalow and the twins were next door, which was an arrangement that should suit all of us. As Kat had commented when she looked at the website, the rooms were five-star plus, with opulent furnishings and a surprising amount of space considering their compact external appearance. The bedroom had a huge bed which must have been custom-made as it was larger than king-size, and looked through panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows over the beach. Waking up tomorrow to that view was something I was really looking forward to. We unpacked and settled in, before Cyn suggested we chill on the deck for a while. She found a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator, and asked me to do the honors when Kat and I joined her, and we sat in the chairs and looked out over the pristine bay.

We could hear Tiff and Shannon talking and laughing, and then they appeared and looked over at us from their deck. “Hey Tony!” Tiff called out. “This place is paradise, thank you so much!”

Shannon was grinning from ear to ear. “Great job Dad!” She laughed.

Cyn was smiling at me over the rim over her glass. “You really have excelled yourself Tony, again!”

I walked over to her and kissed her softly. “Happy birthday Cyn. I hope this will be a birthday you never forget.”

“I think you’ve already ticked that box babe, and we’ve still got a week to go!”

“A week here; now that’s going to be hard to take!” Kat giggled. “I just don’t know how we’ll manage!”

I threw a cushion at her which she ducked easily. “Something tells me you’ll cope just fine Kat!”

The twins had disappeared inside, and soon they ran down the path between our bungalows wearing their bikinis and carrying towels. They didn’t pause when they reached the white sand, but dropped their towels and ran straight into the cool water, diving under the surface before swimming out a way. We watched them enjoying their swim, and soaked up the dappled sunlight that filtered through the palm fronds as they moved in the gentle breeze. We sat and talked for a while before the lure of the sparking water proved irresistible, and changed into our swimmers and joined the twins. I swam out to them and Shannon came over to me, surprising me by wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me on the lips. “This must have cost a fortune Tony.” She smiled at me. “Thank you so much. This is just an amazing holiday….I mean….it’s hard to believe we’re really here! It’s almost like I’m dreaming and I don’t want to wake up.”

I slid my arms around her waist as we trod water together. “Well princess, I hope this is the first of many great vacations for us.” I smiled at her.

She leaned forward and kissed me again. “When you do things like this….it almost makes me want to reconsider my earlier decision.” She whispered with an impish grin. My jaw dropped and I actually swallowed a mouthful of salt water, which had me coughing and spluttering as I tried to recover from her totally unexpected statement. She had swum away a short distance as I tried to clear my throat. “See you later Dad!” She grinned, before swimming away.

I shook my head and smiled to myself, thinking that life was full of surprises!

We finished our swim and went back to our rooms, enjoying leisurely showers before dressing in casual clothes. The twins came over and we spent some time talking about what we wanted to do over the coming week. Everyone was keen to take the catamaran out to the pontoon on the reef where we could snorkel over the coral, the twins were keen to try out the resort’s jet skis, and Kat expressed her wish to go paraflying. As the sun dipped below the ocean we walked up to dinner, the salt air and our earlier exercise ensuring we all had healthy appetites. The meal was sensational, and the service was first class, but I was distracted and nervous about something I had been planning for some time. The countdown clock was ticking, and I wiped my palms on my napkin when I realized I was sweating.

Cyn smiled at me and put her hand on mine. “A penny for your thoughts Tony. You looked as though you were a million miles away!”

I smiled back at her. “I was just thinking that life really doesn’t get any better than this. Being here with you, Kat and the twins is just perfect; I wouldn’t change anything at all.”

Cyn looked around and then back at me. “It is perfect isn’t it? I’m tempted to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming, but then I’d be so disappointed to wake up!” She laughed.

I gently pinched the back of her hand. “There you are, now you know this is real!”

Dessert and coffee arrived and disappeared, and I realized the countdown had reached zero and it was time to unveil my surprise. I looked over to the waitress who immediately caught my glance and came over, bending down so I could whisper my request. She was back in moments with a bottle of champagne and three long-stem glasses, asking if I’d like her to open the bottle. I assured her I’d take care of that and looked across at the twins. “I’d like to take Kat and your mom down to the beach if that’s ok with you two.”

They smiled and nodded, saying they’d like to head back to their cabin anyway, and we slid our chairs back and the three of us headed for the beach. Kat and Cyn looped their arms in mine as we walked down the sand, and it was a perfect night, with a full moon lighting our way and illuminating the small waves with crests of rolling silver. The sound of the waves breaking was somehow soothing, and at that point I needed every calming influence I could find.

Kat smiled up at me and stretched up to kiss my cheek. “If you’re trying to seduce us, you’re doing a hell of a job!” She laughed, and we all smiled at her comment.

“Maybe later Kat.” I smiled, as I stooped down to put the bottle and glasses safely on the sand.

It was Cyn who realized something was a little out of place, and she gave me a curious glance. “Are you feeling ok Tony? You haven’t been your usual self this afternoon, and you were awfully quiet at dinner.”

“I’m fine.” I assured her with a nervous smile. “But there is something important I need to ask you both, and I’d like you to hear me out before you reply, is that ok?”

Now they were both looking a little nervous, which made three of us, so I tried a reassuring smile as I took one of their hands in each of mine. I took a deep breath and looked at my two stunning ladies. “I think you both know how much I love you and care for you, but I don’t think I’ve ever really told you how much you’ve have changed my life.” They were looking at me expectantly, their eyes sparkling in the moonlight. “When Julie died I felt as though someone had cut my heart out, and the more time that passed the more I felt I’d never find anyone to take her place. But then you two came along, caught me completely by surprise, and before I knew it I was hopelessly in love with both of you!”

I paused for a breath, somehow resisting an overwhelming urge to wipe my sweating palms on my trousers. I crouched down on one knee and Cyn gasped, her free hand covering her open mouth as I went on. “The past few months have made me realize that I can love again, that I have the opportunity to give myself totally to someone, and that I’d be crazy to let that slip away. I realize what I have with you is a once in a lifetime opportunity….so….what I want to ask you both….is….will you do me the honor of marrying me?” I gulped nervously, thankful I had managed to get that out but now looking expectantly at both of them as I waited for a reply. Cyn and Kat looked at me and then glanced at each other, before they both smiled and Kat gave Cyn the slightest nod.

As though reacting to a pre-arranged signal they both dropped to their knees on the sand and Cyn took my face in her hands, kissing me softly. “The answer is yes Tony! Oh yes, yes, YES!!!”

Kat was hugging me and kissing me as well, her eyes sparkling like diamonds in the moonlight. “I think you’d better open the champagne Tony. If ever there was a reason to celebrate, I think this is it!”

I realized I should probably take a breath before I passed out from oxygen starvation, and inhaled deeply to feed my starving lungs. I fumbled with the cork but finally managed to extract it with a loud pop, before carefully pouring and passing the glasses around, and we sat close together looking out over the water. Kat snuggled close as we clinked glasses, toasting this momentous change in our relationship before she smiled at me. “You really are full of surprises Tony! I don’t know about Mom, but I certainly didn’t see that one coming!”

Cyn stifled a laugh. “That’s the truth honey!” She agreed. “A girl always hopes for a proposal when she meets the right person, but in this case I wasn’t sure….seeing as the two of us are chasing the same man! So Tony, you wouldn’t have proposed to us if you hadn’t thought it through, but how exactly is this going to work? I doubt Australian law permits a man to marry more than one woman, so are you planning to whisk us off to Africa or South America for some kind of tribal ceremony?” She was smiling broadly as she spoke, though I could see both girls were expectantly waiting for my reply.

I laughed loudly as I visualized a jungle wedding in the middle of nowhere, my brides wearing their beautiful wedding dresses, and chunky hiking boots as a village chief performed the ceremony. “No…..I can assure you I’m not planning anything like that. Polygamy is illegal in most countries so a conventional wedding is not really possible, and there isn’t much that is conventional about our relationship anyway! To me marriage is not so much about a piece of paper or legal recognition, it’s more about how the people involved feel about each o

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By *oughnut and radoxWoman  over a year ago


War and peace length!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

but did you enjoy is the question

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Enjoyable read.

What is the exactly is the title of the first section of the story (the search engine for stories can be a nightmare...)?

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