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Cuckold story part 4 the black master

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Becca blinked her eyes awake the following morning, under the covers of her black master's sumptuous bed. Her hand felt numb and heavy as it was lying under the pillow under her head. She pulled it out and stretched it across the other side of the bed, wanting to feel the presence of her master's body. The space her hand touched was empty. She raised her head and saw that the only thing lying there was his pillow and nothing else. She sat up on the bed, letting the covers fall from her body, exposing her nakedness to the air-conditioned cold breeze that flirted into the room. Her wristwatch and cell phone lay on a cabinet next to her side of the bed. She picked it up and was shocked to find that it was 9:35a.m. How could she have slept that late? It was something she seldom did. Back home she always going to bed by nine-thirty and got up by six. Then her mind went back to episodes of the previous night and she smiled and then laughed at herself from recalling bits of it.

Her master had promised showing her a good time as long as she was with him, and he'd lived up to the bargain yesterday. After dropping her darling Arnold at the airport, they'd gone to an upper-class restaurant in the city to eat a lavish meal. He'd introduced her to some Nigerian cuisine there—pounded yam and Egusi soup, with fresh fish. She'd acted a bit naive when he instructed her how to eat the food, with her hands. Though more concerned was she about the clothes she was wearing. Her skirt kept riding up her thighs and several of the patrons there must have gotten quite an eyeful as several of them¬—older men wearing colorful Agbada outfit¬—couldn't stop staring repeatedly at the booth where they sat. Her black master though seemed unconcerned about it, and even when she leaned over and she whispered to him about the way they were feeding their eyes on her, he nonchalantly told her not to worry about them, that they probably haven't seen a white woman eating in their midst before. Becca had turned her attention towards her meal, watching the way her master was eating his and thus following his cue. In no time she got the hang of it.

After the restaurant, he'd driven her around the city, pointed out several interesting landmarks for her: showed the expansive government residential headquarters, INEC Building, Abuja Park along Independence Avenue ... but the sight that had most taken her was the magnificent of Olumo Rock. She stared at the huge boulder in awe as they drove past it and entered the part of the city known as Garki. Her master saw the look on her face and laughed; the ladies always got a kick whenever he showed them stuff this part of the world they never figured they would get to see. When he got to a traffic light, he took his hand off the wheel for a moment and caressed her thigh. She took his hand and pushed it inward through the wet walls of her pussy. Olu fingered her cunt for a moment, listened to her gasping sighs, and the retrieved his finger which carried the wet residue of her juice and put it into her mouth. Becca sucked his finger as if it were his cock¬—Ohh, she still carried memories of that lovely black cock of his¬—as if she were tasting ice cream. He drove to a boutique shop and they went inside for him to get some clothes for her.

"I don't want you wearing any of those housewife clothes your husband must have to told you to bring along," he said to her. "From now on, you're going to wear what I get you to wear."

Majority of what he'd bought for her were evening clothes, mostly transparent and quite revealing. They were the type of clothes Becca, in her former life with Arnold, never would have been caught dead wearing them. She was by heart a conservative in nature; hers was a world where even if the money was there, it was usually put aside for something else which usually involved settling bills. Even now as she sat in her master's bed, thinking through her past, she could easily count on her fingers the numerous times she and Arnold had done something extravagant, or a moment when they'd lived an abandon moment. Arnold was always concerned about money, about never having enough of it. In a way, she too had become infected with his mode of living ... but it had probably been for a good reason. That was the type of life they lived when back home. But here they both were in Nigeria, in the heart of Africa, miles away from home. Arnold was now settled in his new job down in Port Harcourt, making the money, while she herself was being guided by her newfound lover and black master. She couldn't have wished for anything better, even though neither of them had had the faintest clue that such was the turnaround they would be getting used to when their Air-France plane brought them to this part of the world.

Olu made her try them on the individual clothes he'd bought for her; they were seven of them in number. The skirts were so short she was at a moment embarrassed to try them on. But the look he gave her told her not to even think about backing down. There were several other ladies hovering there around the changing booth and clothes section and nearly all of them kept turning around to glance surreptitiously at her direction when she came out and displayed each individual outfit for her lover. After the clothes, they strolled over to the underwear's section. He bought her an exotic-looking bikini, something that only a slim model would fit into. It was followed by some crotchless panties, three pairs of teddies, and then in the shoes department, he selected four pair of high heels. Becca was getting dazed with surprise by the minute. She could recall the few times she'd been on high heels; Arnold never enjoyed seeing her in one. She said this to her master as she tried on each pair. Olu dismissed her husband and told her that as long as she was with him, she should forget about Arnold.

They had an assistant help them with the items to his car while he settled the bill. Though it was a bit enormous, he reasoned, but it was a gamble he knew was worth it. He always enjoyed spoiling his women with lavish gifts; it got them wet easily in the end.

Back home they'd returned, by which time it was nearing dusk. He had her try out of the teddies in the living room, and then he'd bent her over on the long sofa and fucked her. For Becca, it was like being fucked for the first time. His cock rammed deep and hard into her pussy like a bullet train. This time he didn't pull out of her; he ejaculated his entire seed deep into her womb. Becca had bitten down on the sofa's fabric, trying not to scream too loud but not succeeding in the end as she felt another orgasmic bombshell explode inside her. It was too late when she realized she wasn't on the pill.

They'd fucked for another hour, by which time she was extremely drained by it, and yet he still had the energy and stamina of a lion. They'd taken a shower together. She'd sponged his body with liquid soap, felt his cock nodding back to life and washed it off too, along with his balls, though for these ones she did the cleaning with her mouth. Her hand caressed her pussy lips while she cupped each of his massive balls in her mouth and sucked one after the other. Feeling satisfied, he'd then pulled her to her feet and dragged her into the bedroom with water and soap suds sticking to their skin. He had her lean over on the bed; Becca's hands went underneath her legs and she held her pussy lips open for him, giving him unabashed view of the pink interior that was her cunt with her juice gushing out of it, enticingly bouncing her hefty bum at him too. Olu grinned at her and came forward and held her down on the bed. He thrust his manhood into her in one quick stroke and within seconds began plugging her pussy like it owned it. Becca had raw ecstasy searing through her nerves like lightning, and with each thrust, it felt like she could actually hear thunderclaps.


Her master grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her head backwards just as her voice turned into a piercing wail. Her master smacked her bum on and on till it turned red, grunting heavily while still feeding her his dick. The bout of fucking went on for a good thirty minutes. Her black master fucked her cunt in every which way possible. When it came time for him to cum, he did like in the afternoon and emptied his load into her, after which he then collapsed on the bed beside her. Becca lay there catching her breath, feeling a sensational sore where her pussy was. Her hand slid in that direction and she touched his bountiful cum dripped out of pussy. She turned her head to look at her master and wondered: My God, he's insatiable! I never thought such men like this ever exist anymore!

They fell asleep for more than an hour. When her master woke her up, it was a little past ten. He told her they needed to be someplace. She actually was tired and could have used the sleep, but as he was her master, there was no choice but for her to do his bidding. He led her back into the bathroom to clean up and after they'd dried up, he selected from the items he bought for her a blouse that was near transparent and a micro-mini skirt. She wore on a pair of thong panties and a half-cup bra that hiked up her tits; last came a pair of high heels. Olu admired her for a moment and the look on his face told her he liked what he saw. He put on a t-shirt and jeans, and when they were ready, they went downstairs to his car. A security guard had the gate open for him and they then drove off into the city to a fancy nightclub. The rest of the night had gone like a blur before her eyes. She remembered dancing with him ... his hands caressing her ass while they bumped hips to the music ... them sipping cocktails and she gasping as he slid his hand between her legs to cop a feel of her love nest ... them being back in the car, and she giving him head while he drove.

Becca was still recalling all of this and more when her cell phone rang out, startling her. She didn't recognized the number, though knew it was Nigerian. She put it next to her ear and said, "Hello?"

"Did you sleep well?" she recognized her master's voice immediately.

"Oh yes, I very much did. Gosh, what time did we get home last night?"

"A little past midnight," he said. "I've got some minor work to take care of here at the office; I'll close early and be back by noon. I have a housekeeper downstairs. Ask her whatever you need, and she'll get it for you."

"I'd like to make use of your swimming pool, master, if you don't mind. I need to get some sun on my skin."

"Sure, you can. After all, that's what the bikini is for. Don't burn too much though."

"I won't," she smiled at the sound of his caring voice.

When their conversation ended, she got up and went to have a shower. Wearing a bathrobe, she went downstairs and saw his housekeeper there in the kitchen. She made her a cup of coffee, scrambled eggs and some toast. Done with breakfast afterwards, she returned to the bedroom and took out her traveling bag and began replacing the clothes her master had bought for her with much of the ones she'd left England with. She would give them to the housekeeper later to get rid of them for her. Her thoughts then went to Arnold. She wondered how he was doing, if he was finding his new job easy. She thought about calling him right away, but then canned the idea; he wasn't too important to her right now, though she promised doing that later. It was still early for her to go out and take a swim. She reached into her travel bag and took out a Mils and Booms novel she'd brought along to keep her company and went to lie on the bed to read through some pages, hopping for the hour to hurry along.


At 2:25p.m Olu returned from work and drove into his compound. The day was a Friday; business usually was slow on such days and knew it won't kick up till next week. He met his housekeeper who gave him a summary of feeding his guest before he then dismissed her for the day. He left his briefcase and jacket in the living room and went through the kitchen door to the back of the house where his swimming pool was located.

Becca lay stretched on one of the lounge chairs beside the pool under a shade away from the heat of the sun. She'd been soaking herself in its cool, inviting water since noon. She was nearly dozing off when she felt someone shaking her arm. She pulled down the shades she had on and recognizing who it was she broke into a smile.

"Master!" she got to her feet and wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him. Olu gave her soft ass a good squeeze just as she in return rubbed her thigh against his crotch, feeling something there slowly come alive. "I've missed you."

"I'll bet you have. You're really looking gorgeous in this bikini."

"All thanks to you."

"I'll have to keep you close to myself, or else other black brothers would do anything to steal your ass from me."

"I doubt if I'll let them," she said.

"You had yourself a good swim?"

She nodded. "I've already showered. In no time I'm going to get my tan back."

"Africa is where the sun makes its home. In no time, you'll be shining like a bronze statue."

"I can't wait for that to happen." She kissed him again. "I've really missed you."

"Good to know. Come with me, there's a something I'd like to show you."

She wrapped a towel around her body and allowed him to lead her into the house. In the living room, her master motioned for her to seat down and went to a display cabinet. She pushed her wet hair off her face and watched with curiosity as he took from inside the cabinet a hand-held statue of a figure with a double axe-head for a crown. He came and sat next to her and gave her the state to look at.

"What is it?" she asked.

"That is a statue of a mythical god of the Yoruba tribe, which is where I hail from. His name is Shango, the god of thunder. It is from him I bore my name. We Africans are a proud people, Becca. We take double pride in our heritage and lifestyle. Shango, in his time, was a proud warrior and a benevolent god. His blood runs through my veins; and it is why for you to remain with me, you must listen and obey every word I say to the last. Do you follow me?"

"Yes master, I do follow," she said without compunction.

He went on with his indoctrination. "It wasn't my intention to hurt your husband the way I did yesterday. I merely wanted him to know his place¬—his rightful place¬—he is a white boy and as well a slave. The true African religion states that all white men are subservient to blacks. I know back where you come from you're unaware of such happenings. But down here the opposite is the case. Black men are far superior to the whites in strength, stamina, or even brain power. It's only unfortunate that the rest of the world is yet to embrace this notion, but gradually it will. And with what you've come to know, when next time you return to England, you will tell more people there about how virile the men down here are, and of how loyal your service is to me. Am I getting through to you?"

"Yes, master."

"Prior to your coming here, tell me honestly, have you before being fucked by a black man?"

She shook her head.

"Tell me honestly, have you been enjoying it so far all these times I've been fucking you?"

She smiled happily. "Oh yes, master. I enjoy every second and minute of it. it's been unlike any kind of fucking I've even gotten before."

"Is it anything compared to how white boy Arnold has been fucking you?"

"No. he hardly comes to you. I can't remember the last time I actually enjoyed sex with him."

"And you won't ever again. By the time you return to England, you're going to be a changed woman. No longer will you allow your cunt to be seduced by any white boy prick. You're going to start going out in search for black dicks and black dicks only. And every time you do, you're never going to refuse swallowing their cum. You'd better get used to this, Becca. You're now officially a black man's slut and that's what you'll always be. Your life from now on will be totally different from the one you used to know. Do you get me?"

"Yes, I do."

"Have you ever been fucked in the ass too?"

"Oh my God, no," she gasped. "I mean, I've seen it done in porn flicks. I know too that some women enjoy it. One time when Arnold and I were fooling around, he talked about it—wanting to do it to me, but I shook him off."

"It's a good thing you didn't let him."

"Master, doesn't it hurt?"

"I won't lie to you—it does. But only at the onset. Later on you won't even feel it. You'll even get to enjoy it just as much as you love getting fucked the normal way."

Still there was skepticism on her face. "Well ... I don't know ... I've never tried it before."

"All the more reason why you need to try it now," he urged. "I want to experience everything there is to know about loving a black man, and of being fucked a black man's way. Trust me, you're going to enjoy it."

"You really think so, master?"

"Look at me, Becca. Look right into my eyes."

And she did; she was totally mesmerized by the power that radiated within those brown eyes of his.

"I told you that I'm a descendant from a black African god. One of the strength of all black gods is the inherent will to have any woman they want, regardless of who she is or where she's from. I've had my taste of white women before—I'm not going to lie to you about that—and I can still go out right now and return with another. But there's a reason why I chose you. You're a wanting woman, Becca. I look into your eyes and I see a lot of desires you've wanted to have for so long but have been refused of. What I'm giving you is something most white women out there would die for—the most precious gift of any black man, and that's his cum. I want you to have it in every which you can take it. But for me to give it to you, you've got to be willing to step up and ask for you."

He said all this with emotive passion. Becca was so swayed by his words she could hardly breathe.

"Now tell me, do you want me to fuck you anally or not?"

"Yes," she answered breathlessly. "Yes, master. I want it. I want to have as much of your cum that you can spare me with."

"Good. Later this evening we're going to go out. There are some friends of mine I'd like for you to meet. But first, I need a bath."

Becca went with him upstairs and watched him get off from his clothes. She sat on the bed admiring his muscles, the growth of hair on his chest and arms, the muscle outline of his abdomen ... then her eyes took in his cock which now was as turgid as an evergreen tree, along with his sac of balls. Becca went ahead fingering and rubbing her clit while he neatly put his clothes away. She couldn't help but believe all what he'd told her downstairs. For truly he looked just like a god; he was everything a man ought to be. Suddenly she wished she didn't have the burden of Arnold to live with. Why couldn't she have been a divorcee, or a yet unmarried woman? Gladly she would give anything just to be her black master's slave. She would cook for him, feed him his food, wash his body whenever he takes a shower, and let him fuck her every which way he desired. All this and more she would gladly offer herself totally for him. Worship the ground on which he walked on and even lick the sweat that poured from his body. If she'd known long ago of such men no doubt she would have visited Africa years ago, long before she ever thought of settling her Arnold.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

She went with him into the bathroom and picked up the sponge and scrubbed his body as he took his bath. His hand grasped her fatty ass and he kissed her passionately, probing his tongue way deep into her mouth while his cock pressed against her stomach. Done with his bath, they dried themselves up in the bedroom and then he picked up a DVD disc and led her downstairs naked. He inserted the disc into a DVD player and turned on the TV set. Becca recognized the scene of the movie when it came up. It was yesterday's recording on her kneeling before her master and sucking his cock. Olu took the DVD remote and forwarded it to the part when she handed her husband his cock to suck.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Part 5. "This is the part I like best," Olu laughed as both of them cuddled and watched what was on the screen.

Becca grasped his cock and started stroking it. She came down from the couch and took the head of his cock into her mouth. She took her time sucking him this time. She rolled and coiled her lips up and down his phallus as much as she could. Olu groaned from the sensation her tongue was giving him and held her head and began jerking his hip towards her face, giving her as much of his dick that she could handle.

"Yeah, you're a white slut now, aren't you?" he asked her.

"Uh-huh," she murmured; the look of lust in her eyes was evident. "I'm a total white slut, master!"

She resumed sucking him. Her mouth slobbered up and down his shaft like she was hungry for it, like she would do anything to have it. A moment later, he pulled her up and brought her to mount him. Her body squirmed from the contact penetration and she whimpered helplessly as her soft round butt ground further down his shaft. Her ass bounced up and down hard on him and periodically rocked him from side to side as she couldn't get enough of his cock. Not long they were both grunting like wild animals, fucking with reckless abandon. Olu pushed her off him and brought his hands to her inner thighs and held her legs wide apart. The sight of her expanding pussy was joy to him. He brought his head downward and inserted his tongue between the warm throbbing walls of her pussy. Becca jerked convulsively and groaned from the searing delight on his tongue.

Oh God! Ohhhh my God!" she whimpered repeatedly and tried to push him away but still he held onto her. He nibbled on her tiny puckered clit, sending shockwave after shockwave of lightening and thunderclaps traveling every inch of her body. She couldn't stop herself from reaching her climax.

"Ohhhh ... Ohhhh, master!" she groaned. "Oh please fuck me, master! Please fuck me right now before I lose my head! I want your black cock so bad!"

Deciding he'd given her cunt enough wetness with his tongue, he came up to her and let his cock slid easily into her pussy. Becca wrapped her legs and arms around his back and moved her hips in rhythm to his movement. After a while, he half stood up and brought her legs to rest on his shoulder, giving him more leverage to bang her harder. The muscles in his buttocks flexed and hollowed repeatedly as he drove his cock deeper into her. Becca felt totally fulfilled as she shuddered uncontrollably under him. She allowed him full control of her body, letting him use her as much and as long as he wanted; for her, this was total bliss. He came forward, dug his hands under her bag and gradually lifted her up from the couch. Becca wrapped her legs instinctively around him as he hefted her up and with one hand grasping her buttocks began firing his thick rod back and forth into her virgina. Becca screamed and screamed with high abandon till she just about passed from the recurring bout of climax she was having.


"You love being a black man's whore, bitch?" he spat the question to her face.

"OHHH YES, MASTER! I'M YOUR FUCKING WHORE!" she screamed out her answer.

"You want me to fuck you every which way, don't you, white bitch?"


"You want me to fuck your asshole too?" he demanded.


He firing engine drew to a stop and then he lowered her down on the couch. Becca though she noticed smoke curling out of her pussy. Her black master stood before her, breathing heavy. His face and torso now covered in sweat while his phallus bore evidence of her cum juice. He climbed over the couch and held onto the wall while she ingested his cock and sucked him clean. His eyes squeezed shut and he groaned loudly and pressed her face to his cock as the first spurt of cum shot out of his cock and flooded her mouth, followed by another, and then another. Becca grunted deep in a throat and recoiled each time his cum slid down her throat. She had never had sex this rough or this lewd before. For real she was having the time of her life.

Olu nearly toppled upon her as he came down from the couch and slumped beside her. The recorded movie was still playing on the screen. Sometime later he got up though told her to remain there while he disappeared up the stairs. He returned a minute later this time with his cell phone and an oil lube in his hand. Becca was so tired she could hardly make herself get up. That her master had the sturdy power of a horse was just amazing to her. He'd been fucking her nearly non-stop since yesterday and he looked like he could go another round with her.

He came and sat beside her and started scrolling through his phone contact numbers, and then he asked: "Have you spoken to Arnold since today?"

She gasped as she then remembered the promise she'd made of calling him but had forgotten about it. "No," she said. "It slipped my mind."

"Well don't sweat it. It's his number I'm about to call now. Let's hear of how his white boy ass has been doing at work. Are you hungry?"

"Right now I'm starving."

"Don't worry, we'll get you something to eat. And then after that, when you're strong enough," he smiled and showed her the lube tube. "I'm going to dis-virgin that pretty ass of yours!"


They didn't go out anymore. Becca was totally worn out for their last bout she could barely stand to her feet after he was done with it. Olu had made her something to eat, after which they'd both retired to the bedroom to sleep the afternoon off. Even as she lay in bed with her legs curled up her body, there was still the throbbing pain coming from her asshole. She was calm with it now though, knowing it had reduced, but it still felt as if she'd had a train rammed up her anally. Though in this case, the train had only been her master's thick cock thrusting its way deeper and deeper through her sphincter muscles. The pain had been enormous ... but afterwards lovingly fun.

She'd chatted with her husband on the phone earlier before Olu then took her.

"Hey there, honey," she'd said when her master handed her his phone. "How was your first day at the job?"

"My first day went fine," answered Arnold. "The Operations Manager was on hand to show me around, and I got to shake as much hands as I could. But they've given me an office, and it's got just about every communication gadgets here that you can think of. The job's really great."

"That's wonderful, I'm so happy for you."

"And how about you, darling. How're you holding up over there?"

"I'm doing just fine, spectacularly fine. The master's taking great care of me. He's been showing me much of the city—Abuja is a very lovely place, really. Since you've been gone, I've been having so much fun and he's been spoiling me rotten."

His voice then became tentative: "Has he been ... you know ... making love to you?"

The question drained the smile from Becca's face as she then turned cold. "What you meant to ask is has the master been fucking me. Isn't that what you want to know, Arnold?"

"Well ... umm ..."

"The fuck are you whining about for?" she spat into the mouthpiece. "You know damn well the master has been screwing me since you left. Matter of fact we just stopped fucking a few minutes ago so I can talk to your white boy ass. I've still got his cum running down my pussy, and guess what¬—he doesn't use a condom. And do you want to hear more?"

"No, no ... please ..."

"When I'm done talking to you, the master's going to fuck me again. This time in my cute bunny ass! How do you like that now, honey."

A second passed before the sound of Arnold exhaling at the other end of the line came through. "Oh my God, Becca! Why?"

"Why not, Arnold. Because you just don't give me enough cum, and also because it's what I want. It's what I crave for."

Olu took the phone from her and spoke to her husband. "How're you doing, white boy. This is your master talking to you, white boy."

"Oh ... good afternoon, master," came the reply.

"I'll be sending those items to you next Monday. What I want from you is your email address so I can mail it to you. Wouldn't want your company address either, not unless you want someone else to catch wind of what we're up to, know what I mean?"

"Yes ... yes, master. I know."

"So, how's the work going down there? You getting the hang of things?"

"Y ... Yes master, everything is working out fine. Please, master, is Becca alright?"

Olu laughed derisively into his ear. "Of course she's alright. Weren't you just talking to her a minute ago? What did you think, that I'd locked her up? Your wife's looking fine from over here." His hand groped Becca's round ass while he talked and gave it a good squeeze. "She sure loves sucking cock and fucking too; she just can't seem to get enough of my black cock. I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you, white boy, but she's now a black man's slut. She even told me too how lazy your ass often is in bed, and that you hardly take her out at all. How come you've had this lovely piece of ass all this time and yet don't know how to handle it, white boy?"

"Err ... I really ... we didn't have the money or the time for that," he stammered.

Olu snorted. "Listen to yourself, whining like a school boy whose lunch box has just been stolen. You come from a better world than I do and yet you don't know how to treat a woman right. Maybe you do get here I'm going to give you some pointers on the subject. Tell me you'd like that."

"Yes. Yes master, I really would like that."

"That's good to know. You're a quick learner, white boy, and I like you for that. I've got to go now. We'll talk to you later. Be a good boy now, and keep your white ass out of trouble." Then he ended the call.

Becca got up and knelt on the couch. Her hands spread open her butt cheeks and she winked at him. "Alright master, I believe I'm ready for my close-up now."

Olu picked up the lube tube and poured some on his hand. "Damn right you're ready."

And then he came forward and rubbed it over her ass, inserting a finger into her tiny hole. Becca seemed to black out after that. All she remembered with the lighting pain that erupted on her body as he drilled her asshole again and again with his black rod. The pain had so numbed her senses she could barely hear the sound of her voice screaming. But in the midst of her hurt, her master kept whispering in her ear, encouraging her not to worry, that the pain wasn't going to last. Olu was a pro when it came to ass-fucking and breaking anal holes for the first time. He started out gentle with Becca, breathing heavy with each grunt as he forced her to take a inch further of him. Becca gripped the head of the couch and bit down on its fabric; the feel of her master's cock fucking her ass was immense and spreading like wild fire within. The pain had lasted all through the screwing session. But in the end, when he finally lavished his cum over her butt, it had been worth it.

The following morning her black master woke her up first with a kiss, then with a tray of breakfast which he'd prepared for her downstairs. He told her that as it was a Saturday he usually gave his housekeeper the weekend off. They sat beside each other and eat; she sometimes fed him from her plate.

"So, what are we going to do today?" she asked him.

Olu took a forkful of egg into his mouth and ate it before answering her. "Today, we're going to visit some friends of mine. Just some old school buddies I'd like you to get to know. I'd wanted us to go see them yesterday, but as you were tired, I pushed it forward to today."

She played with the little growth of beard under his chin. "Okay. Are they as handsome as you are?"

"You'll have to see them first to know," he laughed. "Come on, let's take this tray downstairs and then let's go take a swim. I can sure use the water."

"I'd like that, master."

He wrapped a towel around his waist while she wore on bathrobe and together they went downstairs.

Olu did venture out later in the morning though he promised he would return soon enough. Becca used the time to explore the other rooms of his house, though she didn't find much that would interest her. She spent the rest of the day in the living room watching cable TV and later searching through his DVD collection for something suitable to watch. She felt so alone in the house and deeply looked forward to her master's return.

Olu came back sometime in the afternoon. Becca had fallen asleep on the sofa when he arrived, though he woke her up and together they went upstairs for another bout of sex.

The rest of the day went further on till the evening arrived and the Olu told her to start getting dressed. When it was 8:30p.m, they drove out of his compound and into the city. The city's nightlife was teeming activity. Almost every street they passed there was a club, and from the loud music coming from it, along with the throng of crowd standing by the roadside, things really were looking out for everyone.

Olu drove to a high-rise apartment complex across from Abiola Highway. He parked his car and holding hands, they entered the building and rode the elevator to one of the high floors. All the while he'd told Becca little about the friends whom they were going to meet, and in a way she didn't want to know too soon; that just might spoil the mood. She was wearing a delectable evening dress with sleeveless arms and an open back space and another pair of high heels; she wasn't putting on any bra or panties, except for a teddy, as per her master's instruction. Olu, before they'd left his home, had commented that she looked good enough to eat.

They got to the floor and stepped out into the corridor and made their way down the hall. Olu came to a stop before an apartment door and knocked. The door came open to reveal a black man standing behind in, wearing a Raiders shirt and baggy jeans.

"Ol' boy! How far!" his friend laughed at him as they hugged each other. "Where you don hide since? Man, we never see your break light for long."

"Abeg, no mine me," laughed Olu, still clapping hands on his friend's shoulder. "Too much work is what's got me. The guys, are they around?"

"You no trust them? Sure, they're in."

Becca watched as they bantered and laughed at each other while the friend led them further into the apartment.

There were two other black men seated in the living room waiting for them. They were watching a sports program on the TV when the three of them entered; if Becca was nervous meeting them she didn't show it, though she actually was. Were it not for the comforting presence of her master, she wouldn't dare have set foot into the apartment. Olu shook hands and exchanged hugs with his other friends before introducing them to Becca. The one in the Raider's shirt was called Taiwo. One of the other friends, looking imposing in an evening jacket and black trousers was Kenny. The last was of average height with a shaved head. His name was Mike. He took Becca's hand and kissed his palm; it sent a shiver of excitement up her arm. Olu told her that Taiwo and Kenny, just like him, were of Yoruba tribe, whereas Mike's parents came from Warri, a thriving city located in the Delta region. They took their seats while Taiwo went and fetched the drinks. They brought Becca into their conversation, asked her how much she was enjoying Abuja, and if Olu was being a good host. Becca laughed and replied that he was the best.

As the evening wore on the men continued to relax around her. Taiwo went to his stereo set and muted the TV and put on some music. He asked Becca for a dance. She glanced at her master and he indicated for her to go ahead. Taiwo held her closer and ground his hips against her, touching every part of her body as she too danced around him. A while later Mike took over from him and he too did the same, though he went further to grope her ass. She drew closer to him and felt a bulge in his jeans. Kenny came with her drink and played with her body too while she sipped her drink and continued to dance between the men. Olu merely sat back and watched. As the music went on they began kissing her. Tentatively at first, then before she had time to think, Kenny held her face and stuck his tongue between her lipstick-coated lips. While she was caught up in the kiss, Mike was caressing her tits from behind her dress. Taiwo came and took her empty glass from her hand and reached a hand under her skirt to feel her naked skin. Becca was moaning in her throat as she felt herself being consumed by the three black men. The sensation she was getting was triple that which her master had been heaping upon her since the day they met.

Taiwo led the way towards the bedroom and the three of them followed; Olu remained in the living room, sipping his beer and listening to the music that was playing.

Kenny had his jacket off his arms and was hurrying to get out of the rest of his clothes while his colleagues pushed the white woman down on the bed and started feeling her all over. They helped her out of her dress till she sat there naked before them. Taiwo and Mike climbed up the bed and quickly had their cocks out of their jeans. Becca took turns sucking their cocks one after the other. What one lacked in length, the other gained in thickness and girth. Her head went back and forth as her mouth sampled each cock back and forth, inhaling the musky smell of their pubic region while she did. Both men groaned from the pleasure they were getting and wouldn't stop urging her to do so. Kenny, having shed off his clothes, came round behind her and lay under her legs and began licking her pussy. Becca now was grounding her hips down on his face at the same time moaning in her throat while she forced herself to concentrate on her sucking. Kenny licked and probed her pussy with his tongue and fingered her asshole as well. Becca was uncontrollably bucking her ass above his face, feeling a constricting wave of pleasure taking place inside her. She held the other men's cocks in both hands and was furiously stroking them as she cried out her first orgasm for the evening.

"My guy, that's enough!" Taiwo hollered to his friend, Kenny. "No need licking her till she dies. Me, I want to fuck right now."

Kenny came away from between her legs and made way for Taiwo, who now had taken off his clothes and came to position himself behind her. He gave her buttocks a kiss and then grasped her waist as he shoved his cock into her pussy's wetness. Becca had a mouthful of his friend's cocks but still she groaned as she felt him thrust his cock all the way into her; it was like having a lead pipe shoved into her. He fucked her hard and good, hardly giving her a fighting chance to catch her breath. Taiwo pulled her backward towards him and gritted his teeth as he continued ramming his cock all the way into her. Becca couldn't hold back the guttural moans from escaping her lips, and she followed them with some willful pleading.

"Oh my God! Oh fuck me! Fuck me harder ... harder! Give me your big hard cock!"

"Yo, Taiwo, you hear that?" laughed Mike. "The bitch wants you to fuck her hard."

"If it's hard she wants," grunted Taiwo with each successive thrust. "Then it's hard she's going to get!"

Her cries seemed to spur Taiwo on and he kept on hitting her cunt as hard and vicious. He gazed down and smiled at the sight of his shaft disappearing between the ass cheeks of Becca's pussy, loving the sight of her panties lines on her skin. God! How he loved fucking white women. His heart was beating hard against his chest and he eventually had to make way for his other buddies to get a taste of her, least he came too soon.

Mike's turn came next and like his friend, he couldn't wait to get a taste of her. He rolled her onto her back and hung her legs over his shoulders. His cock was sticking between his legs like a straight arrow, and all he did was shift his position a bit and then it found its way into her treasure. Becca grabbed his shoulders and cried out as his cock sank all the way into her cunt. The walls of her cunt seemed to wrap themselves around his shaft like a hand glove. Just like his friend, he too wasted no time banging the daylights out of her, grunting steadily while he did. Becca wrapped her legs over his back as if for dear life and screamed repeatedly over his shoulder. Mike's balls kept slapping against the bottom of her ass; his friends exchanged snide banter while they stroked their cocks and waited for his turn to be over. Mike went on slamming down on her cervix hard enough to bring her shrieking to a second orgasm. Even as her body shuddered under him he kept on fucking her hard; his lips gave her a smooching kiss, grunting down her face at the same time. Suddenly his lower body began to tense up. Becca realized he too was about to cum and she pressed his body down on hers.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Part 6. "Cum inside me," she cried out. "PLEASE ... PLEASE CUM INSIDE ME!"

Mike groaned loud and grunted multiple times as he shot his load inside her. He rolled off her body totally spent, his stream of cum poured out of her pussy.

"Shit man! You sure jacked your whole load inside her!" Kenny indicated to his friend as he came up on the bed stroking his lengthy erection in his hand.

Mike replied his friend: "Your papa!" and then they both exploded in sarcastic mirth.

Kenny lay on his back and brought Becca to mount him. Kenny had an enormous sized cock just like her master's, and she had to take her time to ground her ass on him in order to get used to his girth. Cum juice poured from her cunt and lathered his shaft down to his balls as he went on slamming his cock all the way into her; her ass made a loud squishing sound each time she landed on him.

Her eyes widened she felt a probing finger in her puckered anus. She half turned her head, thinking that perhaps it was her master, but was surprised to see Taiwo there, grinning back at her.

"Oh yeah, Olu called us earlier and told us a lot about you; about how much you love black cock. He also told us that he'd broken through your asshole, too. I guess not it's going to be my turn to hit."

He went and got a lube tube which he then returned with the grease her ass with. When he was ready, he pushed her forward, hunching over her, and Becca shut her eyes at the same time steeled herself as she felt the head of his cock straining through her anal muscle. She groaned and tried relaxing her straining sphincter. Taiwo groaned through his teeth as well as he forced his cock to slip in a few more inches.

"God you're so tight!" Taiwo muttered, gripping her hips.

The feeling was of pain and joy mixed together. She didn't cry out as much as she'd done early, and in no time the three of them established a rhythm of fucking with her doing much of the movement herself. She was sandwiched between them, taking their cock all the way to the hilt. Kenny grasped her tits with his mouth while his friend nibbled on her earlobe and sometimes gave her love bites on her shoulders as he grunted steadily into her ear. Becca kept screaming for them to fuck her harder; she arrived at another climax not too long. A while later Taiwo couldn't take it much any longer and bellowed as he pulled out of her in time to spray her buttocks with his load of semen. Kenny kept on slamming his cock into her even as his colleague's semen rolled down her butt to stain the sheets. Still holding onto her, he rolled over to be on top. He balanced himself on his toe and began fucking her in long strokes. His cock was sending shards of excitement tearing through every fiber of her body. The final orgasm that came to her came with the force of being slammed by a high speed train, and not long after that Kenny came too.

She couldn't tell if she passed out of just shut her eyes and pretended to fall asleep. When she felt a hand groping her arm, her eyes came open and she saw her master standing there beside the bed gazing down at her nakedness; his three friends sat on the bed ribbing each other over the bout of white pussy they'd just had.

"You enjoying yourself?" Olu asked her.

"Oh yes, master," she replied with glee. "More than ever. As a matter of fact, I haven't had this much fun ever."

Her hands went to work on the zipper of his pants and she wasn't surprised to see that he was sporting a hard-on. She extracted his cock from inside and he held her head and began fucking her face with his cock.

"You're such a well-trained slut, do you know that?" he said to her.

"Oh yes, master. I can't thank you enough for everything." She resumed sucking him till he finally came in her mouth and then she licked him clean.

An hour later after she'd cleaned herself up in his friend's bathroom they took their leave. The streets were quiet; few vehicles drove past them. Their windows were rolled down and a cold breeze blew into the car, bringing goose pimples over Becca's arms. She rested her head on her master's shoulder as he drove.

"I'm never going to forget this night," she mumbled.

"Don't worry, you won't."

They drove straight for home.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Part 7 coming soon !

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Part 7 coming soon !"

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By *i_downguyMan  over a year ago


Holy fuck such a great story.

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By *ocktail18Woman  over a year ago

Milton Keynes

Brilliant! Love it xxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Waiting with baited breath for next part xx

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Loving this xx

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