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His loss my gain

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By *eighswing OP   Man 8 weeks ago


Hi guys been a while since I posted a story here is another as always let me know if you enjoy it ,(ladies and couples especially) that’s what makes me want to write more.

This is fiction and will have abit of a build up but stick with me it will be worth it.

I was sitting in the hospital waiting room and of course I knew I was in for double digit hours wait. After about 30 minutes in walks Rebecca a shy smile and a hello she walks to the other side of the room to sit down. Standing about 5ft 2 this small timid frame dressed in her usual jeans and coat she was a brunette beauty hiding behind her glasses and shy exterior never make up or done up but still very attractive the woman was married to one of my former Formen and the reason I left the last company and gladly I did as I went on to go self employed and now had a very successful building firm myself, to go back for a minute I was working for the company and in a group under John her husband, a 5 ft 8 6foot round horrible man, horrible to work for and even worse of a husband initially I got on with him even though he was abit of a sleaze anytime a woman came on site, the big matcho man prosona would come out as he tried his best to look like the big man infront of her but mainly when he left the room the women would say he is a dick isn’t he but in the van you would get the oh yeah she wanted me to. The reason for the punch in the face I gave him was something similar I meet Rebecca one day and she mentioned that John had stayed in mine at the weekend which he hadn’t he must of got lucky and played away , it wasn’t my place to tell her so I just nodded and agreed and had a strong word with him the next morning bringing me into his antics didn’t sit well with me. So I left it but the next Friday we had gone for drinks and he rang her to say he was staying in mine and would see her in the morning , now I had noticed him flat out texting his side piece so as soon as the phone went back to his pocket I went at him telling him how I felt and what he was and he laughed and said you keep your mouth shut if you want to keep your job , I said fuck it and fuck the job and decked him sending him over the table i grabbed my coat and walked away never returned to the company after that.

Now back to the waiting room, I felt bad that she sat so far away god knows what he had told her about me as we always got along, after about another half an hour I got called in to see the nurse and when I came back out the place was packed and the only seat left was right beside her so I walked over and sat down. Making small talk she started to slowly come round and soon she was back to her usual smiley and happy self while chatting. After she got called in and like me sent back to the waiting room it was emptied out only half the people, I got up and got us a tea and we continued chatting. Suddenly we were cut short when her phone rang and as she stopped and stared at the screen I seen the name “John written across the screen she looked at me and sad smile she gave me as she got up and walked away from me to answer the phone. I wasn’t trying to listen but I noticed that her tone was short with him not her usual friendly self after she got off the phone she came back looking annoyed I said fuck it “trouble in paradise “ she looked at me with a sour look fuck I thought too far , then she spoke “ Paradise you must be joking he is ringing me not to see if I’m ok or if I’ve seen the doctor yet he is ringing seeing how long I will be because he needs to pop out” I didn’t know what to say we at in silence then she turned to me “ I have always wanted to know why did you hit him?” Fuck what could I say I was stumped I just asked what he had told her and “no I don’t care what he has said I want to know why you really done it” I was trapped and I wasn’t holding back for his sake it was for hers “before you feel the need to lie, I have a feeling I know why,he wasn’t really with you them nights was he he was off with HER” her eyes had a hurt look she brought her hand slowly over and squeezed mine I couldn’t not say it so I told her I wasn’t happy with him using me in his lies to the mother of his kids “the pain in her eyes faded “thank you and I’m sorry you had to loose your job over my marriage “ I reassured her it wasn’t her fault as we continued chatting she explained that she eventually found out and that although they still live together for the kids and share a room they are not really together and he comes home after his dates and I still have to clean and cook as if nothing is wrong we chatted about her dating and she explained she wasn’t interested in going back dating but would love to do it just so he knows how it feels. This made my blood boil I thought about it fuck it I told her right on Tuesday evening and Thursdays I’m always free after 5 you wait for him to come home from work be done up make up hair dressed to the nines and come to mine and just hang out for a few hours and make him think you’ve been out. She laughed and we changed the subject as I was getting called in I handed her my business card “seriously consider what we spoke about come over chill in the sitting room have a nice relaxing bath do what you want I will be in my home office most of them nights doing paperwork, and I left.

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By *eighswing OP   Man 8 weeks ago


I was at home and relaxing when suddenly my phone went off message from an unknown number it was Rebecca “thanks for today and thanks for what knocking him on his ass I just wish it didn’t cost you your job and I wish I could of been their to see it.” I laughed my ass off reading that message because what she didn’t know is the joys of your local you will always be looked after so I text her “only open this in private ps (not a dick pick) “ and I sent her the cctv of me knocking her husband on his ass, it was a while before I got a reply and I thought maybe she is mad after about 10 minutes I get a reply “OMG thank you that was amazing I spat my wine all over myself laughing at that, I think I’ve watched in 15 times” we continued back and forth texts just chatting a shit and catching up after a while she informed me the second she got home he meet her at the door saying he has to go , while our conversation went on for a couple of hours she informed me he had just arrived home and he was clearly after being with his side piece I told her to forget about after a few messages of him being home their was a long gap in her replies then after a while she was back “sorry he is after grilling me to who I’m texting and why I’m smiling and laughing at my phone” the cheek I thought right fuck that tomorrow evening I have aload of paperwork to do so get done up and come to mine I will make you dinner and run you a bath you can have a long soak and chill out in my sitting room and relax while I do paperwork finally get some you time. She eventually agreed .

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By *ust want fun 888Man 8 weeks ago


Good story so far

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By *ohn_1983Man 8 weeks ago

South of Norwich

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By *eighswing OP   Man 8 weeks ago


The next day we spent texting and as I got closer to him getting off work she text me “I’m sitting here nervous as if its actually a date I’m going on god I’ve such a knot in my stomach.” I assured her it’s what he deserved and it was her way of taking back control of her life and soon “oh no I’m not backing out you are right” not long later and the door knocked and I opened the door here Rachel stood high heels tights jeans and a sparkly black top hair and makeup done and she looked amazing . Come on in as she walked in and I lead her to the kitchen “ omg wow they house is amazing and that food smells Devine this is the best fake date I’ve could of dreamed of” we laughed and sat down to eat as we finshed dinner I ran to the bathroom and started to run a bath as I returned “thank you for that but I think I should get back to the kids you truly are a kind man” I laughed your going know where let their father take care of them you need some you time I’ve a bath running and I’ve desert on for you I told her I could see she just couldn’t get her head around it and I think she was abit wary of what my intentions where “look the bathroom has a lock you don’t need to worry about me trying to pop in my only intention is for you too relax and have some you time away, it’s no secret I can’t stand that so called husband of yours the sleeve ball and becca you have always been such a lovely person and deserve way better than him and the fact your willing to stay living with him for your kids shows the person you are not I’m not going to lie I am getting a little something out of this. As I finish that sentence I could see her face go fuck sake here we go I laughed no nothing that becca im getting to help you but also give John a taste of his own medicine she laughed “ you know what fuck it I never have time to myself haven’t had a bath without having kids walking in and looking for me to get out in about 8 years. With that I showed her where the towels were and went into my office down the hall as she went for a bath. After an hour or so of paperwork their was a soft knock on the office door and in walked becca wearing my bathrobe her small frame lost in it towel wrapped around her wet hair and a freash look on her face “so sorry to disturb but do you have a hair dryer I could use?” Not something I used myself with skin tight hair but I knew my exs one was in the spare room so I grabbed it for her and went back about my business . About 20 minutes later she emerged back into the office “like know words can describe what you have done for me today, I don’t know how I can ever thank you I feel nervous to go home and face him but I feel amazing that I will be getting abit of myself back and by god that bath was the best I’ve felt in years “ we exchanged pleasantries as I walked her to the door as she turned to say good bye she hugged me and it that hug she squeezed with all her might whispering in my ear “you don’t know what this has meant to me” I just smiled and told her to let me know how she gets on with him. As she drove away I laughed when it hit me she left with hair done and full make up now she is going home bare faced and clearly just out the bath hair he is going to think she has had fun I text her don’t give in and tell him you weren’t with anybody you let him stew for what he has put you through. Soon the reply came “just home know and don’t worry I will” I left you and told you to let me know as time went on I got anxious shit what if he goes mad at him have I poked the bear and left her alone as my mind started to race soon my phone rang it was becca my heart sank I answered in a panic is everything ok? I shouted “oh yeah don’t worry it’s more than ok, it’s great actually I went in and he gave me the third degree about where had I been off with some lad while my kids where in the house , I laughed at him oh I’m glad you know how I have felt this last year or so, when your off with your woman on the side I told him we have been fooling ourselves and now one else and that he is to sleep in the spare bedroom and we will explain to the kids he was shocked and somehow thought we would work things out even though he had no plan to stop seeing his other woman” hearing her sound so confident and in control made my day she deserved so much better then her confidence really took over “I hate to ask but is there any chance I could come over again and do it, it would be great for me but also the fact he would actually have to spend time with the kids again would be great for them as he forgets how him not being their effects them” I was more than happy to agree we ended the call but kept texting and as the night went on she got a little flirty “I have to say I was disappointed I never locked the door I secretly wanted you to accidentally walk in “ not sure her intentions I just flirty text back and forth and soon it was late so we arranged for Thursday to do it again . All Wednesday we text back and forth she had told be that she she left the house and told him she is going shopping on her own and that she bought a sexy underwear set and left it where he would see she was so happy and excited it was great as we enter back and forth she mentioned that the bath was great but would be better with a glass of wine so I told her to tell him she wouldn’t be back and to stay in my spare room this time it didn’t take much convincing “ok but if I’m doing then I’m cooking the dinner and after my bath you have to join me and we will watch a film “ deal I told her and went back about my business now I was starting to actually look forward to her company

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By *laric-DomMan 8 weeks ago


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By *ushin boundariesCouple 8 weeks ago


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By *icecokairdrieMan 8 weeks ago


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By *eighswing OP   Man 8 weeks ago


On the way home that evening I text her asking what she was cooking me so I could go and pick up the shopping, “oh a man like you deserves some steak and just tell me how much it is and I’ll give you the money”she will in her shite I thought to myself as I went through Tesco i noticed front and centre of the clothing section as I walked by was women’s dressing gowns I thought fuck it and grabbed one (although she did look good in mine ) I picked her up some flowers so she could bring them home with her for a more authentic feel when she goes home. And I got a couple of candles to help her relax in the back and for a cosey atmosphere for the film some nice wine and some snacks for later I got some bits for breakfast and headed for the till. That’s when it hit me I’ve just litterly done a shop like I’m trying to impress her and treat her , but fuck it in the car on the way home I started to think although my intentions where pure my shopping had made me wonder was I starting to get feelings for her admittedly it had been quite a while since I dated or event tried since I set up the business that had been my sole focus and all my time , I think secretly I just liked the idea of this being like a date so I could feel like I had somebody around again. I got home got a shower and soon it was the I’m leaving now text, a couple of sprays of after shave and the door knocked I grabbed the flowers off the counter and headed for the door with them hidden behind my back as I opened the door my jaw dropped their stood becca in a skin tight black ball gown style dress high heels and stockings and with the slit in the side of the dress just showing enough leg to show the top of them so I knew they weren’t tights. Holy shit Becca you look incredible “ oh stop but thank you, god I haven’t felt so girly in so long I forgot how it feels to get done up for a man, even if it is for a fake date” we laughed and I took her over night bag from her handed her the flowers and watched as her eyes lit up with “OMG Lillies, they are my favorite flowers “ I could see the pure joy in her eyes which I liked but also made me feel sad if she got that much joy from flowers she obviously hadn’t been given any in a long time as moved and gestured for her to come in and stood back as I watch her walk by my eyes taking I the pure beauty that she had transformed into, tonight they’re was something different about her the shyness and timidness had left her and what had replaced it was a confident beautiful women. “Right you go start your paperwork and I’ll start dinner” I looked at her up and down. “ No way, not a chance you are cooking dinner, I know we agreed but you look for too god to be standing at a hob cooking steak” I told her firmly “a deal is a deal you have done so much for me I owe you “ she said with her newly found confidence “yes you owe me so then I’m calling in that favour then your going to let me order In a client of mine has that fancy new Italian restaurant Ginos” I could see a look of panic on her face “I’ve always wanted to try that but I don’t want to sound ungrateful but I don’t know if I could be seen with you in public” her confidence had vanished , “ wow am I that bad looking “ I said in a shocked voice I couldn’t resist the opportunity but I felt bad as I could see the panic and almost near tears fill her eyes “no no it’s just if John” I cut her off walking over to her wipeing the tear before it ruined her perfect make up “hey I’m joking he delivers to me because I looked after him on his refurb I know obviously you don’t want this getting out don’t mind me I was just having a laugh, besides you look far to good to you would he distracting the waiter and you would only cause and accident “ I hadn’t realised I had left my hand cradling her cheek until she brought her hand up to hold mine in place “your right I do don’t I” she said with a big smile as she gently stoked my hand that was resting on her cheek ,”besides John would only be “ I cut her off “ right ok sorry but now I’m going to ask a favour can we not speak about him tonight can we just enjoy the food and a relaxing evening without mentioning him “ she smile beemed from cheek to cheek “I would love that, and now you owe me a favour too, I’ll hold on to that for now she playfully joked” sh went and put the flowers in the vase as I ordered the food , I poured us Both a glass of wine and we headed into the sitting room, to relax I lit the candle and put on some relaxing music and we chatted about life, no mention of John or her kids and her broken marriage I could see she was enjoying herself and relaxing you could see she needed this badly but would never done it for herself , soon the food came and I dished it up she headed for the kitchen table “no never mind that grab the bottle of wine the sitting room was more comfortable let’s go back their . As we heading in this time she sat quite close to me and as she got comfortable kicking her heels off and curling up her knees were almost in my side but not in an uncomfortable position, as we finished the food “ no arguments you would let me make the dinner so the least you can do is let me clean up” laughing I told her i couldn’t argue with that but told her to just put them in the dishwasher and come straight back, as she left I watched her legs and the tights fabric of her small but shapely ass in that dress as she hurried out the room as soon as she was gone I composed myself “come on jack get it together your doing this for her not for you relax not for you “ feeling a little guilty by the way I was starting to feel and think, as she returned she holding a second bottle of wine and a big smile on her face “hope you don’t mind I seen this on your wine rack and it’s my absolute favorite” i was so happy to see her so comfortable in my house that she was already helping herself no work away I told her even though she had already opened it so she was drinking it either way. I was now sitting with my arms outstretched on the back of the couch she sat right beside me the temptation to put my arm around her and cuddle into her was strong but I reminded myself that was a bad idea so I stayed where I was and as the dinner settled and the wine flowed I remembered the desert I had bought so I got up and brought in the fancy ice cream for me and her to enjoy the laughs and giggles continued and when we finished she got up to bring out our bowls as she returned like a romantic film I watched as she walked in a new song had started the light from the hall creating a glow around her in the dimly lit sitting room it was like she was in slow motion I felt an uncomfortable urge to get up grab her and kiss her deeply, and like a romantic comedy that was rudely interrupted when she stubbed her toe on the coffee table nearly knocking over the wine glass “oh fuck”she says as she winched in pain but also jumping to stop her spilling her wine I laughed much to her annoyance she jumped onto the couch beside me playfully slapping my side “ so me hurting myself is funny and her was me thinking you were a nice guy that really hurt and I have probably a broken toe” she says holding her foot “I’m not laughing at you hurting yourself I was laughing at your instincts to stop the wine spilling while in pain, here show me a look at your foot” with that she turned so her back was agains the arm rest putting one foot beside me with a bent knee and the other straight across my lap, I softly touched her foot the feeling of the nylon stockings was a feeling I missed god I was getting turned on without thinking I was soon giving her a foot massage “mmmmm that feels amazing” I laughed and continued with the foot rub “I’m I forgiven for laughing “ I coyly asked “yes you are but just keep doing what your doing “ I looked over she had moved a cushion behind her head, eyes closed tight wine glass in her hand biting her lip with a look of pleasure on her face, the flicker of the candle light on her face in the dimly lit room the aroma from the candle and the soft moans of pleasure escaping her mouth was a exciting mixture them coupled with the face she hand done got her other foot rubbing my crotch I had no doubt she could feel my now semi erect cock through my Jeans as as I looked from her foot slowly moving my eyes up the length of her short legs that somehow seemed a mile long in this nonentity eyes saw the the seam at the top of the stockings and then the her legs I kept tracing her body with my eyes her dress had moved at the slit was more in the middle revealing a small black lace underwear with a pale pink bow on the front I was engrossed in the moment her moan broke the silence and her foot stoped on my now hard cock trapped in my jeans my eyes snapped up to see her eyes where now open, the look of pleasure and lust on her face told me I wasn’t the only one turned on right now , our eyes meet her she looked so beautifully sexy I wouldn’t of wanted anybody else in this moment I slowly slid my bad from her foot to up her leg she started to move her self closer to me neither wanting to break eye contact both of us engulfed in Lust she removed her feet and rose to her knees right beside me my hand softly finding her hip and slowly tracing her body she was so close now the hair hanging off the aside of her face was now touching mine I brought my hand up to her cheek and softly ran up until I have fully cupped her cheek this was it for all the world it was like someone turned music right up to full volume here it comes her we go our lips only an inch apart her perfume was intoxicating, and just as we both puckered up to finally kiss her phone rang and she jumped back and looked at the table for her phone my eyes shot across “John “ come up on the screen like worst timing ever it was like he knew she picked up the phone and looked at the screen just like that the moment was gone “ I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me maybe it was the wine, I’m sorry your meant to be working and maybe I’ll just go for a bath and get an early night with that she left , I sat up my hands in my head fuck it I was screaming on the inside I picked up the remote and turned the lights from ambient to full poored myself another glass of wine as I heard the bathroom door shut. Looking at the beccas phone on the table she had muted and just left it there , I got up and walked down the hall knocking and telling her I had her phone she only opened the door wide enough to reach out and grab the phone “thank you, and I’m sorry” she said before closing the door I just stood outside it for a moment before turning to walk away back to the sitting room to drink my sorrows away

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By *icecokairdrieMan 8 weeks ago


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By *ushin boundariesCouple 8 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site) 8 weeks ago

Love the story

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By *eighswing OP   Man 8 weeks ago


As I sat back down on the couch frustrated now both sexually and mentally had I pushed it too far even thought I knew my intentions where pure at the beginning I let my feeling take over had I fucked up, stupid idiot I had thought to myself head in my hands I sat annoyed “ what’s this what was this meant to me did you buy this for me or was it already in the house ?” I jumped back I didn’t hear Becca come back into the room and as my eyes looked at her there she stood in the pink soft dressing gown but my eyes noticed she still had her stockings on her voice sounded annoyed “yeah sorry just when you wore mine to get the hairdryer I just thought I’d get one for you when I seen it” she stood in silence “and the candles and the wooden back shelf with the wine holder?” Still stern god she sounded fuming for such a small woman she she had me terrified of what she was about to say to me “well the bathroom is very bare I didn’t have anywhere for you to put your wine glass and the I just thought the candles might help you relax a little more” I don’t know why I was so afraid “Jesus Christ what are you trying to do to me “ her tone frustrated, I was looking at the ground when I noticed her voice was closer and closer suddenly she stocking covered feet came into my field of view and as I looked up she pushed be back against the back of the couch and starless me lunging her lips to mine as her hands grabbed my face I was shocked and confused but only for a split second before my hands started to roar her body as our tongues and lips danced in the most passion filled kiss I think I have ever had she broke the kiss as i started to kiss her neck and slowly down to her collar bone “Stop Becca you purposely turned him on that’s the only reason he wants to kiss you. You should be ashamed he was just being nice , then I go into the bloody bathroom and you have left the sweetest presents for me like god man talk about messing with my head “ I was laughing as I softly nibbled her ear as she had an argument with herself pulling away to scald her back “ how do you think I felt you gave me a film style build up to a kiss then pull away and run off to the bathroom and tell me to go to work I thought I had crossed a line” we back at each other our lips in battle once more out tongues exploring each others mouths , her hands grabbing my hair as mine ran down the back of her stocking clad legs yo under the dressing gown and one hand landing on each bare ass cheek her soft skin and firm shaply ass cheeks driving me wild involuntarily trust my hips forward almost sending her flying as she grips my head to steady herself not breaking our kiss, her moans of passion into my mouth as she grinds her hips into my crotch driving my now rock hard again cock wild.

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By *eighswing OP   Man 8 weeks ago


After quite a while like too wild horny teenagers she breaks the kiss and stands back off me , my lust causing me to move forward to grab a hold of her once more not ready or willing to keep my hands off her she quickly lifts her leg to my chest and pushes me back “get that top off you now” she didn’t need to tell me twice as I took it off and threw it across the room looking up at her as she stood infront her me undoing the dressing Gown ties string throwing up away there she stood suspenders garter belt matching black lace thong with a little pink bow on the front a small lace black bras with a bow in the centre of the cups her perfect small pink nipples poking through and her firm Bcup breasts looking amazing . Both of us panting and just staring into each others eyes I smile she smiles back “god your the sexiest woman in the world right now” i said it and I meant it in that’s moment now woman could compare to her. She slowly put one leg to one side and the other to the other side this time slowly approaching me raising her hips bringing her head above mine looking down at me as our eyes meet our lips so close “let’s slow this down I want this to last forever “ she said in the most seductive confident way that made me want the same but all so made me want to rip her underwear off and go wild at the same time. We slowed it down our hands roaming each others body kissing deeply with passion then pulling away so I could kiss that’s neck as I inhaled her perfume working my way down her chest to her breasts kissing her breastbone they working my way across to kiss her nipples through the lace of the bra, using my finger tips to trace along her back in circles the slightest touch to let her know I was their sending her senses into over drive as she softly moaned her hands roaming my chest and stomach both trying to control ourselves as best we could as I worked from her nipples back up to her neck kissing her collarbone her hands found my crotch “MMMMM we need to get him out of them jeans before he bursts himself out “ she moaned as she slowly slide off me until she was nearing at my feet , I stood up and let her unbuckle my pants , as she did she slowly pulled them down and let me step out of them then she ran her nails up the back of my legs then to the front as she slipped her fingers into my waist back she stopped looked up into my eyes and gave the little wet patch of precum on my bowers a kiss with that in one swift motion she pulled them down causing my cock to spring free and nearly slapping her in the face, “OMG fuck me that looks amazing she says as she runs her hand up my leg softly rubs my balls and runs her hand up the length of my cock stopping just at the top she pulls up down slightly looks me dead in the eye with a devilish grin on her face she takes her index finger of her free hand slides her hand down my cock pulling the forskin back using her index finger runs it across my precum soaked head and brings it to her lips softly sucking my juices from her finger she smiled “best thing I’ve tasted all day” with that’s she runs her tongue across my balls then from my shaft the full length of my cock until she reached the top she then in one swift motion bobs her head taking my whole cock balls deep gagging on it , the sensation mixed with the whole evenings preceding nearly sends me over the edge so I bite down on the inside of my cheek hoping a little sharp pain with take away the ever approaching orgasm I’m about to have thank God it worked as she starts to expertly give me one of the best blowjobs I’ve ever had.

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By *ushin boundariesCouple 8 weeks ago


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By *eighswing OP   Man 8 weeks ago


I know I can only hold off for so long and although I would happily enjoy this forever it was time to turn the tables so I pulled my hips back reached down and grabbed her shoulders helping her up I spun her around while grabbing her by her cheeks I lifted her in for a big Kiss then softly lay her across the coffee table kneeling down between her legs slowly pulling her thong off and watching in awe as her beautiful bald pubic mound comes into view pausing for just a second before revealing her glistening pussy lips the aroma filled with her soft moans of lust driving me wild as soon as I had her thong all the way off I grabbed her legs and put one over either shoulder kissing up the inside of her legs from the tops of her stockings right to her lips I ran my tongue the lengths of her lips taking in all her juices god she tasted amazing I slowly started to go to work on her teasing and pleasing her with my tongue her moans the feeling of her stockings and the taste had me in heaven. It wasn’t long before I felt her breathing her shallow and more laboured her body start to tense up I knew what was coming and I tuned up the head making sure ever nerve in her clit was touched and massaged with my tongue as to give her the biggest orgasm she has ever had, soon the room was filled with moans “omg omg omg omg fuck yes yes yes keep going I’m going to cum fuck I’m going to cum “ her hands went from stroking my hair to pulling my head deeper in, her legs now tight over my shoulder her heels digging deep into my back her knees starting to close squashing my head she let out one big “OOOOoooooooooohhhhhhh mmmmmmmyyyyyyy gggggggggoooooooooooodddd” and with that her body started to convulse in orgasm

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By *ushin boundariesCouple 8 weeks ago


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By *eighswing OP   Man 8 weeks ago


I let her enjoy it for a minute before she grabbed my hair “)get up here to me now” she demanded moved my head up her body kissing her deeply with my face covered in her juices as I reached her lips my hips had raised I suddenly found the tip of my cock had found the soaking wet lips of her love mound I slowly started to enter her as we embraced in yet another lust filled kiss once my cock head was half way into her she broke the kiss “oh wow I’ve wanted to feel him in me” i almost laughed ah her cheeky smile but instead slowly worked my hips forward in was now edging myself into her feeling her warmth as I slowly stretched the walls of her pussy her moans starting again stopping half way I pulled back and started to slowly re enter continuing this until I had a nice rhythm going then each thrust I worked it slowly deeper and deeper as her moans became louder and Louder the sounds building and building until she was nearly taking my full length I didn’t have to wait long to know whey she was ready to take me as I went to stop a half an inch from my base she dug her feet into my back and pushed her hips down making sure on this thrust i gave her the fulll length , we kept this pace going and going when i noticed her breath changing once more and her body start to stiffen I knew this was it the last 100 meters of the marathon I was time so I picked up the pace and started to work with all my strength to push her over the edge she moaned and screamed out in pleasure as she orgasms took over her body the walls of her pussy gripping and pulsating on my cock as her orgasm Took control I lost control with one last pulse of her walls it triggered a fire hydrant worth of my cum to shoot stream after stream into her pussy she held me in place with the heels of her feet and her hands on my head I was spent puffing and panting as my orgasm subsided as we both regained compsosure she pulled me in for a passionate kiss this one abit different this was the one just after the most intense orgasm either of us had had in years this one was the first one of the start of something very special we had just shared . She looked me in the eyes “omg you are amazing and you where amazing, what you have done for me and two me what you have done for me the last week I can’t put into words what that’s means and what you have just done too me there is no words to describe it ‘ thank you “ I didn’t know what to say so I just kissed her picked her up and lay her on the couch, grabbing my tshirt to place under her. I just sat beside her pulling her in for a cuddle and we both lay there taking it all in. Suddenly she starts to laugh “what is it “ feeling a little self conscious with a softenly cock and a woman beside me laughing “this has been the best night I’ve had in years and here it is only 21:04 . We both laughed “sure plenty of time to make it even better “ I said giving her a kiss.

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By *orny405060Man 8 weeks ago

Harrogate usually

so so fffing hot

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By *ust want fun 888Man 8 weeks ago


This is great, rubbing my bulge reading this

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By *inky grandadMan 8 weeks ago


Excellent story and looking forward to more please 👍🔥🔥🔥

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By *eadMeisterMan 8 weeks ago

near you...maybe

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By *kpiercedCouple 8 weeks ago



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By *icecokairdrieMan 8 weeks ago


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By *wirlyfunCouple 8 weeks ago


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By *ral4fun69Man 8 weeks ago

Near Warrington

Brilliant story I hope there's more to come

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By *oppy12Man 8 weeks ago


Absolutely brilliant writing!!!

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By *ushin boundariesCouple 8 weeks ago


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By *J GeminiTV/TS 8 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site) 8 weeks ago

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By *eighswing OP   Man 8 weeks ago


Hi guys glad yous are enjoying it I will continue but due to a mad day it won’t be until tomorrow .

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By *ure why notCouple 8 weeks ago


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By *ohn_1983Man 8 weeks ago

South of Norwich

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By *hef2475Couple 8 weeks ago


Fantastic tale, well written. Many thanks

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By *lugoneMan 8 weeks ago


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By *nglishInWestWalesMan 8 weeks ago


Great work

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