By *opinov OP Man
over a year ago
Point Nemo, Cumbria |
"The Creature in the Bothy" - Part 2
With a great effort, she looked across at her friend to see him lying on his back in the moonlight staring back at her in bewilderment with a great pulsating bulge covering his crotch in place of his pants, creating and massaging an uncontrollable and huge erection whilst, from under him, it fucked his anus and milked his prostate. And between them, those unearthly garments were joined as though they were a single organism or creature feeding off the fluids the were producing. As she watched, the creature began to spread over his body to cover his legs and arms like an alien translucent skin capturing his control of them until only his head remained uncovered. Suddenly, she realized that she too had become entirely engulfed by the creature. Controlling her arms and legs as though she was a puppet, it lifted her over him and began to position her vagina over his penis. She could see what it was doing but was entirely powerless to resist or even influence it. Not that she cared, such was the intensity of the fucking inside her and the spasms and convulsions coursing through her crotch and lower body from her continuing double penetration. Her helplessness drew focus upon its intensity as her vision numbed and began to fill with bursts of light as though in a state of concussion in rhythm with the shocks and spasms within her. She fell further and further into the swirling chasm, yawning and exploding at once from inside and all around, growing and bursting to a tingling crescendo in her body and mind. Where before there may have pain at such power and size there was now only a raw, insistent pleasure and violent satisfaction. She was starting to cum and there was nothing she could do to stop it. So clear was it that she was no longer in charge of what her body did, that she let herself go and gave herself to it.
As she did, the creature's penis drew itself out of her vagina and at the same time unsheathed her friend's penis which, miraculously, had grown to around eleven inches in length and three inches in diameter. Held on the very knife edge of orgasm, her mind reeling from the dilemma of her animal anticipation and eye's shock at what they beheld as she stared down at the huge shaft below her, her head held by the creature to force her focus upon it. Gradually and inexorably, it lowered her vagina down over it. As they were about an inch or two apart, she caught sight of a tiny part of the creature still protruding from the tip of her friend's penis and extending, like a growing plant, into her own vagina. The creature placed her hands on her friend's shoulders and lowered her crotch down onto his as her lips begged soundlessly for mercy, her voice silenced in all but her thoughts. This time, the shaft entering her took her breath away more than ever before. She felt every little ripple on the widest part of the head as it passed over her sensitive inner folds until it was simply too wide to go any further. There was more length and depth but the head was just too big. Nevertheless, the creature still kept pulling them together until the was an audible "thwop!" and the head of the penis locked into place completely filling the deepest part of her vagina below the cervix. There was not a single millimeter of the inside of her that didn't feel the huge cock as it expanded even further and the two were locked together as though welded.
The creature started sucking and tugging her nipples and fucking her anus once more, pressing itself against the penis inside her, which seemed to respond by leaping and squirming and changing shape to pulsate and swirl over every sensitive part inside her. Somehow the creature was also licking her clitoris, labia minor and perineum. Once again, she felt the unstoppable crescendo of orgasm growing inside her, pulsing from her clutching embrace of the giant penis to join with the sucking of her nipples and spread with her blood beating through her veins. Seized from within and utterly powerless to resist, she felt her body arching against his as the presages of a stupendous climax began to crash over and flood every part of her. As the waves of orgasms engulfing both of them intensified and synchronized, the creature pulled them together tightly in an inseparable embrace. Through her perineum she could sense a tingle of electricity and, from his increasingly mindless convulsions and cries of pleasure, she knew that her friend as well as being fucked and milked by the creature in his own way, could feel the same. Suddenly, he let out a great shriek and the cock surged as she felt a great jet of hot cum blast into her cervix, opening it up. Without pause, came another and another and another and yet more and more in an irresistible procession of hot blasts and gushes.
There was a great jolt and surge within her as the ejaculations found their focus. She felt her breath being pushed out of her at every juddering squirt as it forced her innermost parts to yield and open to its advance, impervious to pleading or reason, sending shock wave after shock wave through her whole body at every release. She could sense her uterus was filling up as his cum now spouted directly into it, gushing against her upper wall and into her fallopian tubes as the head of the penis, still leaping and squirting furiously, extended further and further up beyond her cervix right into her uterus where uncontrollably she gripped it with her quivering endometrium. The enormous head was now locked deep inside her womb - it would not, and could not, retreat. Each liquid impact fired up the pulsating shaft to detonate inside her as though exploding her very soul as she gasped and cried out mindlessly at its all encompassing power.
As though reveling in her absolute helplessness and submission, the fucking in her anus began to take the form of a fist which opened to become a hand, spreading its grip around her vagina and the base of her friend's cock. As it started to rub up and down, it pressed her g-spot hard against the ripples and veins of the steel hard shaft, which throbbed in answer. Soon the hand's grip around the penis began to be taken up by her body as it wanked both together in time to the swirling over her labia and clitoris. No matter how hard she tried to resist her urge to grip it, she could do nothing to fight her response to each pulse of semen as it shot up the bulging seminal duct to gush into her an instant later - each ejaculation prompting an involuntary contraction, prompting an ejaculation prompting another contraction and another ejaculation - each more irresistible and unstoppable than the last, dragging out of her an endlessly overlapping cascade of spiraling orgasms she was helpless to resist. And so it went relentlessly for hours in her growing delirium.
She knew she was now nothing more than a possession, an appendage, of the seething monster inside her. Somewhere far off, she heard herself screaming in endless climax as though listening to another's distant voice, garbled and disembodied. Only the creature's control of her limbs, directing her every move and thrust, prevented her collapse into a quivering and broken wreck on the bed. Eventually though, the penis's leaping and ejaculating subsided along with her vagina's clutching and squirting and the two lay locked in a breathless, drooling embrace before falling deep into a dreamless unconsciousness as the sky outside lightened imperceptibly. |