By *6il OP Man 12 weeks ago
Milnthorpe |
Pete lay in the sun, its rays warming his body. His pulse was quickening as he checked his phone again, his other hand rubbing his swollen cock. She wanted a photo now to prove he was as he claimed out in his garden, naked and hard. Pete grinned he was only too happy to oblige. He had come to realise as he got older that he loved to photograph himself naked and wished he could persuade his wife to join in and film him. Sadly this wasn’t the case , indeed her sex drive had dropped to an all time low and he had begun to meet others using an online swingers site, which was fab. Time had gone on and one evening in a strange mood he had put a notice in the forums section asking for a photographer. As expected nothing happened until two weeks ago when out of the blue a woman announced an interest. He was sceptical but aroused, as they chatted he began to believe more and more in her , often relieving himself to fantasies involving a meet.
Today she was in the area, today his wife was out, was today the day?
He clicked send and waited.They had messaged each other and a plan of sorts existed, it excited him , was a voyager into trust but aroused him immensely. Today he felt brave, today he felt impulsive, today he wasn’t getting any younger, today he would take the risk…
The message read , “OK I can be there in 5 minutes, as we agreed, leave the garden gate open, I will let myself in. I am too nervous to talk, this is all new to me. I will film you and leave , leave your camera by the gate. I will cough when I arrive, I will not talk. Remember if you talk, I leave, if you take your eye mask off I leave. If I cover your eyes / face with the towel, it's for my safety, don’t move it (it's so you can’t look). I want to see you wanking, keep wanking ,if I am confident I will move your hand and take over. I will be in a summer dress which you can explore. When I go I will continue to film, then I will send you a text so you know I have gone. Then and only then can you remove your eyemask and move. Do you agree?”
Pete smiled and opened the gate, his garden was private, so he often sunbathed nude when the weather permitted, he checked his camera was obvious and working. He looked at his play phone to check the sound was on .Then lay down on the sunlounger and taking a deep breath sent “ yes I agree”.
Almost immediately a reply “mask on now I am on my way….”
Heart racing he replied “ok”
Slipping on the mask , heart pumping, hand pumping, he lay back and waited..