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Mother-in-law helps out

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By *wingersimon OP   Man 19 weeks ago


Re-posting this from a few years back as it remains the best story I’ve ever written.

Long read.

Mother-in-Law helps out.

I got married way too young. I met my first wife in my first year at Uni and by the time we left, both 21, we had moved in together and decided to make things official. Wanting to avoid family pressure to put on a big do, we went from proposal to register office in just a couple of months. We were giddy with excitement about the long future we would have together.

Sarah was short, slim, small-chested, with short dark hair and although conservative in what she would do in bed (rarely gave oral, preferred missionary), she enjoyed sex. I loved her tomboy looks. We were both working and rented a flat in north London which even back then (circa 1990) was pricey, leaving little to spend on ourselves after rent. It didn't matter too much as we enjoyed our own company and Sarah had family out towards Watford so we would often go and see them, making best use of her Mum's desire to cook us a nice Sunday lunch.

However, within a few months of happy marriage and living together, calamity struck. I was to be made redundant from my job – a case of first in, first out. Sarah's job for a bank in central London paid okay but it wasn't going to keep us afloat. Funds were going to dry up very quickly once my last day at work approached.

At the same time, Sarah's parents split up. It wasn't unexpected as we knew things had been frosty for a while but it felt like all the bad luck was arriving at once. Sarah had a younger 18 year old sister – Louise – who thankfully had just gone off to Uni herself so was saved from witnessing the last tense few weeks of her parents' marriage.

I felt bad for Sarah's Mum, Alice. She was only 44, having married young herself. She seemed to me to be not only friendly but also pretty sexy. Like Sarah, she was fairly petite and slim but with a bit more shape to her and much bigger boobs that I often found my eyes wandering down to when we went to see her. What a fool her husband was to say goodbye to that.

The departure of Sarah's Dad from the family home (he was already working up north so got himself a cheap flat nearer to his job) turned out to be quite fortunate for us. Alice would be on her own so made the suggestion that we move in to hers until I got back on my feet and we could afford to start renting again. With little sister Louise at Uni most of the time, the typical semi-detached house wouldn't seem so cramped.

We jumped at the chance. Although it was a blow for our independence, it was going to make things so much easier and Sarah's Mom was both good company, and in need of some company now she was on her own.

We settled in quickly, not really having much in the way of personal belonging ourselves. Alice volunteered to swap bedrooms so she took a smaller room and we had the larger en-suite room. That made us feel bad but Alice insisted:

"I'm very much on my own now," she said. "I don't need the space."

Alice didn't work, having stayed at home to bring up her kids. Departed hubby earned enough in the corporate sector to keep things comfortable and it was clear that any divorce settlement wouldn't diverge from that arrangement too much. As Sarah was commuting into work each weekday, that left Alice and I in the house together.

There was no fear of us getting under each other's feet though. Alice had a set routine: an early trip to the gym, mid-morning coffee at home, lunch out with friends, return home to watch bad daytime TV for the afternoon.

In any case, in that first week I was busy moving the bedrooms around; taking Alice's bits and pieces out of the drawers and the wardrobe into her new bedroom and the loft. Alice had done much of the work but there was still plenty of her husband's stuff that needed to go into the loft as well as a chest of drawers to empty.

I had almost finished the job as I got down to the last drawer of the large chest of drawers. In it was Alice's undies. I paused. Alice was still at the gym so I was alone. I couldn't resist and took a good look through what was there.

She had an amazing selection. Sarah kept it simple and plain when it came to knickers and bras but her Mum favoured the more lacy kind. There were even a few g-strings in here that suddenly made my cock twitch.

Even though they were all clean, I couldn't help but bring a pair of sheer, black panties to my nose and sniff them. I was rock hard now. Truth was that Sarah and I had done too much worrying and not enough fucking lately so I needed something of a release.

I took the panties and lay on the bed, pulling down my jeans and pants in one go to release my hard cock. I immediately wrapped the panties around them and closed my eyes. Fuck this felt good. I'd never wanked over my mother-in-law before but there was always a first time. I imagined her gorgeous tits hanging over me as I stroked my cock using her panties. I wondered what her pussy was like. Sarah trimmed her bush a little but now I'd seen how skimpy her Mum's undies were I was curious to know how she looked down there. A shaved pussy was a rare thing back in those days but I suspected she was well trimmed to make the most of the skimpiness of these gorgeous panties. Whatever her pussy looked like I now had the image of my mother-in-law, naked and pushing her tits into my face, providing me with lovely wanking material.

I was close to spunking. I tensed and then came hard. I spurted a little but my thick cum mainly dripped down my cock and soaked into my motherin-law's panties. Fuck, I thought, that's going to be messy.

I looked down and sure enough it was. My cum had made a lovely, sticky mess all over the sheer fabric of the black panties. Damn, what was I meant to do now? Hide them in the wash basket? But they'll dry out and it will be completely obvious that someone has spunked in them and I was the only guy in the house. Given them a quick rinse through first?

Before I had a chance to decide what to do, and while my trousers were still around my ankles, I heard a key in the front door. Fuck!

I got off the bed and quickly pulled up my trousers. The panties were still in my hand as I heard Alice coming up the stairs back from her daily gym trip.

With no option I threw the panties back into the open draw they came from. Before I got a chance to shut the drawer Alice made an appearance at the ajar bedroom door.

"Hi there, still busy I see," she said, smiling at me.

"Yes, quite a bit to shift, almost done though" I replied nervously. She entered the room fully. I loved seeing her in her lycra gear. Her nipples were a little erect and she always wore bright coloured leggings that were tight-fitting enough to show the outline of her pussy lips.

She glanced down at the open draw.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she said, moving over towards it. "You shouldn't have to move that stuff, I'll sort that out."

With that she scooped up as much of the contents of the draw as she could, including the sticky pair of panties that I had just cum in which were now perched right at the top of the pile, practically under her nose.

I now had a look of panic on my face. As she turned to head out of the door she paused. She gave a little sniff and looked down at the panties. She turned and stared directly at me for a couple of seconds. It wouldn't take that long to make a connection between the damp smell of cum emanating from her panties and her son-in-law looking flustered in front of her. I suspected she was about to explode with anger and I was mentally readying my defence (erm, I thought they were her daughter's?? Or something equally as weak?)

"Actually," she said calmly, "these aren't ones I wear much anymore which is why I had them in the bottom draw."

She put her nose into them, stopping just short of my cum stain, and gave them a longer, deeper sniff, very briefly closing her eyes as if to try and place the smell. She was toying with me.

She opened her eyes and stared at me again. "They probably need a bit of a wash, they seem a little, a little fusty."

She smiled, turned and went to leave the room but turned at the door to inform me: "I'll keep them in my room, in the bottom of my chest of drawers."

There was a long pause.

She added: "you know, in case you ever need to find them again."


So she knew. Or at least that was the inference. My mother-in-law knew that I wanked off into her panties.

But did she care and was she going to do anything about it?

The next few days were a little tense and I did my best to try to avoid Alice during the day. I did a bit more popping out than was necessary, usually at the time she was coming back from her usual gym or lunch trips out.

But after a few weeks the incident seemed far enough away for any lingering atmosphere (which was likely all in my head anyway) to have dissipated and our days settled into a nice pattern whereby we would connect up for mid-morning coffee and spend afternoons in front of the TV. Sarah would come home about 5:30pmfrom work and find us slumped in front of the box.

Sarah was certainly glad I was getting on with her Mum but things between Sarah and me weren't great. As a young recently-wed couple we were feeling the lack of privacy and by the end of week three we hadn't even had a shag in our new bedroom. Okay so her Mum's room adjoined ours but we were hardly the vocal type when we fucked.

This created a little bit of tension between us, something that Alice was clearly picking up on.

"I hope you two are okay," she asked me one morning as we sipped coffee after she came back from the gym.

"Yes, we're fine, just finding our feet here, that's all," I replied.

"I know it must be stressful for you both; such a big change for you to be cooped up with the mother-in-law." She took a sip of her coffee which gave me a chance to glance down at her tits. I loved those tits. She continued: "And if there's anything I can do to ease the stress, just let me know."

She gave me a look that suggested the 'incident' with the panties wasn't as much in the past as perhaps I had presumed.

"Is there anything?" she asked.

I couldn't respond, I stuttered a "erm, yes, no, it's fine."

"Okay, but let me know. Happy to help," she said slowly and deliberately, giving a cheeky grin as she turned and headed upstairs to shower.

How I wanted her help. I didn't dare go near her panties again but when she was out I often had a nice wank while thinking about Alice and her lovely breasts. Sarah was a 32b whereas her Mum must have been a 34d maybe. I wasn't sure but all I knew was that having had many years of caressing my wife's pert little handfuls, Alice's seemed huge by comparison. In every other way, mother and daughter were very similar: short dark hair, short in height, and both had a mischievous sexy look to them.

The rest of the day drifted into its routine. She went out for lunch, I stayed in, we then settled into some TV watching for a couple of hours.

We'd been watching some terrible antiques show when Alice said, in a completely banal, everyday way: "just to let you know, I've left something upstairs for you, in my room."

"What is it?" I asked, puzzled as I hadn't a clue what she meant.

"Oh nothing really but do pop up," she replied without really looking over.

Fair enough I thought and went upstairs, presuming she might have got Sarah and I a present or something. Even that would be odd and out of the blue.

Her bedroom door was open. At first glance I couldn't see what she might be talking about and just as I was about to shout down to her and ask what she meant, I spotted them.

There in the middle of the bed were the same black panties I had previously wanked into. They were there, laid out very deliberately. This was what she meant but I still wasn't sure why they were there. Were they a gift? A message? A threat?

"I want to help you de-stress," Alice said from behind me, leaning against the door and nearly making me jump out of my skin. "You need some release I think. I'm happy for you to make use of these again as I think they helped you before."

"Yes, yes they did." I was like a nervous teenager, although at 21, that's exactly what I more or less was. Here was a confident, sexy, older woman telling me it was okay for me to use her panties to wank off.

I wasn't sure what to do so I grabbed the panties and stuffed them into my pocket and then made to leave.

"No, that's not a good idea." She stopped me by placing her hand on my chest as I approached her at the door. "They can't leave this room. It would be a bit odd don't you think if my daughter found them on you. I doubt she even thinks her Mum wears underwear like that."

I hesitated.

She spoke more firmly now: "You can use them here, I have no objections. You can use them in this room to help take the stress away."

I didn't move.

"You can use them now if you wish." She added: "I'd like that."

I still didn't move but my cock was hardening. Alice didn't move either and looked at me firmly. Now? She wants me to wank now?

"I can stay if you want me to. Do you want that? I don't have to and don't want to intrude but if it helps you. Would it help?"

"Yes, please stay," I replied.

I moved back towards the bed and sat on the edge.

"Just do whatever you did before," she instructed.

I retrieved the panties from my pocket, undid my jeans and pulled them down. I looked at her but she was now locked onto my groin area. I pulled my pants down releasing my hard cock. I lay down on the bed and wrapped the panties around my cock. I lifted up my t-shirt a little started to wank. My eyes were closed as I lay flat and all I could think about was her watching me. Would she move closer? What was she getting out of this? Will she release her tits and let me see and touch them. I want to taste her pussy so much. I want to fuck my mother-in-law, fill her with my cum. I want her.

I was wanking hard now and gradually building to a climax. My breathing got more rapid and I came hard, really hard. I tensed up and this time I spurted more than before, leaving a jet of spunk on my belly. I lay back, not quite sure what to do next.

I sensed she was near me. I kept my eyes closed as I felt her hand brush against my balls. I thought she was going to stroke me but she took the panties out of my hand and I then felt them over my stomach. I opened my eyes to see her leant over me and wiping up my cum with the panties.

She was smiling. And she was thorough, taking a couple of minutes to find every drop of spunk. She didn't seem to care that sheer panties are hardly the best material to clean up such a mess, she carried on regardless. A couple of times she would lift up my softening cock to clean under it. Her touch had me twitching again.

"There," she said, signalling she had finished.

She stood back to give me room to get off the bed and pull my pants and trousers back up. I was right next to her now and smiled at her, wondering if there would be a signal to take this further. There wasn't, she just gave a lovely smile back, as if she was pleased for me and pleased for herself that she had been able to help me.

I moved towards the door and muttered "thanks."

"That's okay," she replied. "I'm really, really happy to help you. As I said, you can use this room. I have no problem with that."

As I went to leave I turned around to find her sniffing the panties. Maybe it was my eyes deceiving me but I was sure I saw her tongue dart out to have a quick taste of my cum.


Having my mother-in-law watch me cum was probably the most out there sexual experience I had ever had. At 21 I was relatively inexperienced sexually and certainly had done nothing that didn't involve anyone except the partner I was with at the time. I'd certainly never cheated. Was this cheating? I'm not sure Alice saw it that way. I expect she would go mental if she thought I was cheating on her daughter. Yet it was Alice who had initiated our new arrangement: her 'helping' out.

The next few days were out of the usual routine as Sarah was off work, followed by the weekend. The following Monday started as per normal: Sarah went to work and Alice went off to her gym. I was a little nervous to be honest about what might then happen when Alice returned. Anything? Would she presume I will go into her room on my own and dig out her panties? Should I say something?

Even playing out the scenario in my head got my cock stiff. I resisted a crafty wank on my own as I wanted to hold back in case she wanted to watch me again. Should she watch then I wanted to make sure she considered it a proper 'release'. As if the evidence of how much I needed her help would be in the amount of cum I produced. And I could produce a lot when I went a few days between wanks. I wanted Alice to see what I was capable of.

As it happened, the week played out in a very dull, routine way.

Alice stuck to her routine and we chatted politely as we had coffee and watched TV. I was still getting nothing from Sarah but I resisted the temptation to masturbate. Even though I had the house to myself at some points I would avoid entering Alice's room for fear that I would immediately rifle through her underwear draw and find myself wanking furiously into what I would find in there.

I abstained and it would Friday before 'help' arrived.

Maybe I simply looked like I was in need of release but I could tell from the first time I saw her on Friday morning, as she left the house to go to the gym, that Alice seemed concerned about me.

"Just to remind you," she shouted to me as she exited the front door, "I will be back at exactly 10."

"Okay," I replied, slightly puzzled about why she felt the need to be so precise with her timing.

"And remember." I jumped. She was suddenly right behind me, back in the house, framed in the living room door in her tight lycra gear. She had a point to make: "My room is yours to use, you know that don't you."

She didn't wait for a reply but turned and swiftly exited.

My head was all over the place. That's an invite for me to go back to her room and wank myself into a frenzy, that much I could work out. But then she also said she would be back at exactly 10am. What did that mean? Should I just go wank now? I so needed to. I really fucking needed to.

I went up to her room. If a pair of panties were laid out on the bed then I would interpret that as a signal she wanted me to wank while she was out.

I opened the door to find the bed neatly made but with no panties on it. Okay, what did that mean then? I need to wait. Wait till 10am. As I stood there I quickly got my cock out, now absolutely rigid and gave it a few strokes. I knew I had to wait though and used all the willpower I had to put it back in my trousers and get out of the room.


It took a long time for 10am to arrive. I was back in the kitchen when I heard the front door go at precisely that time. She entered and didn't say anything as she went straight upstairs.

A minute later she called down to me: "I'm just going for a shower."

"Okay, no problem. I will put some coffee on," I shouted back up.

"We can skip coffee today I think," she replied.

I didn't reply.

"I'll be about 10 minutes. Pop up if you want to," she replied back.

I waited until I heard the bathroom door close and then went up to her room. In the corner was a small pile of her gym lycra. I quite fancied getting a sniff of that but I quickly spotted some panties set out in the centre of the bed. They were a g-string. As I got closer I could tell they weren't clean. In fact, as I picked them up, I realised that they were still warm and were probably the ones she had just taken off. I pulled them to my nose and fuck, yes, they smelt divine. Sweaty and musty and amazing. These are the ones she wants me to wank with. There was a smear of pussy juice on the slim gusset. Oh wow, I needed those around my cock.

I didn't close the door behind me but quickly set about preparing myself. Trousers down, pants down, cock springing out to attention. I lay down on the bed and placed the panties on my face, taking in the smell as my hand reached to my hard cock.

I gave myself long slow strokes. I heard the sound of the bathroom door opening but I didn't stop. She wants to see me, I want her to see me spunk for her. Let her see this.

I moved the panties to my cock and wrapped them around my shaft. I glanced to the door to await her entrance and then she appeared. Naked. I stared.

Her tits were not only nice and big but also quite pert. They say well on her slim frame. I looked down to her pussy and was pleased to find a neatly trimmed mound above her pussy, the lips for which were very visible. She wasn't far off being completely shaved down there and was certainly more attentive than her daughter when it came to grooming that area. She looked amazing. My sweet, sexy, helpful mother-in-law.

"You needed this didn't you?" She asked, although she wasn't seeking a reply and I didn't offer one. The evidence was in my erect cock that I was wanking.

She came and sat on the edge of the bed, on my left hand side, staring at how my right hand was slowly stroking my cock. I was stopping at each downstroke so she could see the full length of my shaft. There was still a little distance between us, enough for me not to presume that I could touch her.

"I can help," she said. And with that she moved herself a little nearer to me, took my wrist and moved it to my side. She took the panties and wrapped them around my cock. She started to wank me.

I was in heaven. She was close enough for her hip to be next to mine but I had a sense that she wasn't inviting any touching. She was concentrating on the job in hand; she was here to focus on relieving me.

I switched between laying back and leaning up so I could see those amazing breasts jiggle a little as she increased her strokes. She started to speak but so softly I could barely hear her at first.

She was muttering, as if to herself: "there, that's better, so pent up, just needs some help."

She stopped for a second and reached across the bed over me, her tits briefly resting on my cock. She retrieved a bottle of body lotion that was on the bedside table. She squeezed some out onto her right hand, put back the bottle and returned to wanking me, smothering my cock in the cool lotion. She moved her free hand to my balls, gently stroking them.

Again, she muttered to herself: "so close, it's okay, so close."

She stroked me quicker. I was indeed close. I could feel the moment cumming and I wriggled a little.

"So close, I want to help, cum for me"

I came, I came lots. Spunk spurted up as she continued to stroke as I came. She directed my cock towards her and caught a couple of spurts on her tits. Gradually she slowed the strokes and lay me cock down. She looked down at her tits and giggled as she saw the cum that was dripping off one of her nipples.

She stood up, right in front me now, and looked around for something to clean herself up with. She found the g-string and gave herself a quick wipe.

"I think I need another shower," she said, smiling at me.

She threw the panties in my direction, laughing at how inadequate they would be at clearing up the mess I had made.

"I like seeing you not being so pent up." she said. "If my daughter doesn't want to help you get some release then I will always lend a hand. Anything you need me to do to help out, please just ask."

She turned and left the room, calling behind her: "You can make that coffee now,"


Being wanked off by Alice, my mother-in-law, while she was naked (CMNF I guess) may have been amazing and extraordinary but it was just the start of a couple of weeks of masturbating in front of her. A lot of masturbating. In many different scenarios.

Following the end-of-week naked encounter on the bed I had to wait until Monday to see what would happen next. I expected nothing to happen as the scenario was really about me being 'pent up'. That is, me not getting any sex from my wife Sarah and therefore needing 'release' by her ever-so-helpful mother. If that's how it played out in Alice's mind then it was likely to be Friday before anything would happen again.

I was wrong. In fact, what happened first thing Monday was that Alice didn't go to the gym immediately as usual and instead called me up to her room almost as soon as Sarah had left the house.

I was still wearing the joggers I wear in bed as I left my breakfast half-eaten and hurried upstairs to find her standing up in her bedroom, wearing a short nightie. She looked delightful. I approached her and she pointed to the bed. On it were the original black panties I had wanked in before. My favourite pair.

She signalled for me to stand at the end of the bed and from behind she pulled down my joggers. My cock was sporting a semi which seemed to please her as she moved to my side. I think she liked the fact there was still work to do to get it fully hard.

She was on my right hand side and leaned into me, putting her other arm around my back and across to my shoulder and then using her right hand to grab my cock and stroke it to hardness. That didn't take long.

She held me tight and started to whisper. Again, it was as if she was talking to herself. Her large tits were pushing into me and her legs gently rubbed mine as she rubbed my cock. "It's been a long weekend. Too long. So much tension."

Did she mean tense for me or her? It was sounding more like it was her who had felt the weekend was too long to wait.

She continued to stroke me. "Good boy." I turned my head to her. She was a fair bit shorter than me but she glanced up and for a moment I thought she might kiss me. She didn't but gave something of a maternal smile, as if she was saying 'there, there, I'll make things better.' She occasionally reached to my balls to stoke them but the real focus was on making me cum. She wasn't one to tease and prolong things, she wanted to release that spunk.

I was close. She sensed it and pointed my cock downwards. She was trying to get it above the panties but it wasn't quite in the right position. She suddenly seemed frustrated and stopped to grab them.

"Hold them," she ordered me.

I held them in my left hand, directly below my cock. This seemed to be what she wanted. She was stroking fast now and I soon came. I sprayed directly into the gusset, filling it with quite a big load. She released my cock and before I could decide what to do with the panties she took them off me. There was a full load of cum on them, not yet soaked through.

"Thanks," she said as she took them. "I hope that was okay."

"It was lovely," I replied, pulling up my joggers. "So lovely."

She didn't respond so I quickly left, heading back to my own bedroom. Wow. She needs this as much as I do I suspected. Still, wow.

I decided I needed a shower and grabbed a towel. As I went into the hallway I took a glance to the door of Alice's room. It was still ajar. I could see that she was taking off her nightie over her head. So of course, I stayed to watch. She had her back to me and the door was open enough to signal that she probably wouldn't have minded if she caught me getting an eyeful.

She threw the nightie on the bed and I realised she had something in her hand. It was the panties. She placed one leg on the bed and reached down to her pussy. What was she doing? She seemed to be rubbing the panties into her pussy. She was rubbing my cum into her. She stopped. She then bent down and put the cum-soaked panties on. Still with her back to me she went to her chest of drawers and got her gym kit out, which she then put on.

It was at that point she turned around to me. I don't think she realised I was there as she looked a little startled, as if she had been caught out. She soon regained her composure and gave me a questioning look.

"Everything okay?" She asked. "Anything you want to say?"

There was nothing I could say. My filthy mother-in-law was off to do her daily exercise with my cum spread all over her pussy. I couldn't have been more speechless.


This was to be a hell of a week. It began with my mother-in-law heading off to the gym wearing panties soaked in my cum and would end with an event that showed me just how much this was now becoming about her, not me.

Within minutes of her leaving the house I was hard again thinking about what had happened. Presuming all bets were now off, I went straight back up to her room, retrieved another pair of panties from her draw and wanked myself off into them. I left them on the bed for her to find and headed into the shower.

She arrived back an hour later as I was making the coffee. She went straight upstairs and shouted down "thank you" – presumably in response to finding my little present for her. If she wanted my cum, then I was going to make sure she got it.

The next day I got a little bolder. I wondered what she would allow or not. As soon as Sarah left for work I emerged from my bedroom naked, going downstairs to where Alice was having some breakfast. I acted all casual but was more or less stiff by the time I sat down opposite her with a glass of orange juice.

Sure enough she took the bait. She signalled me to stand up and stood in front of me. She was in her gym gear which was a massive turn on for me. Every weekday she took herself off for a workout, which was clearly paying dividends. I mean, she looked fit already but was in particularly great shape at the moment. Her stomach was washboard flat which made her tits look even more glorious than they already were.

She grabbed my cock and wanked it. She remained stood in front of me and gave me more eye contact than usual. She used one hand to stroke my balls and sometimes would move her hand under them and towards my bum. As she did so she would check my reaction (I fucking loved it!). It was as if she was wanting to learn more about what turned me on.

"My boy's big cock," she whispered. "All for me."

She stroked me quicker, giving my balls gentle squeezes to encourage me to deliver my load. Sure enough, I was almost there.

She suddenly pulled her hands away but grabbed my hand, placing it around my cock, a clear signal for me to finish myself off. She put her thumbs into the top of her lycra leggings and pulled them and her panties down and out, revealing her pussy to me. There was that neatly trimmed mound again. If anything, it was even more closely trimmed than when I first saw it. I could see the top of her pussy lips and I knew what she wanted me to do.

"In here," she instructed, "all in here."

I wanked hard. I had to bend my knees a little to get my cock at the right level. I focused on her pussy. My cock was so close to it. I wanted to make this last longer but couldn't. Here it came.

I directed my cock directly at the top of her lips. A jet of spunk left my cock and hit her clitoris. She tensed a little but stood still, waiting for more. Another two smaller jets came out and hit in the same location. I had a little more left to give so I leant forward to deliver the remainder of my load. The head of my cock made contact with her pussy as the rest of my cum left my cock. I moved my cock downwards a little in order to smear my load over the length of her lips. She didn't protest. When it was clear that I had no more to give I backed away. She released the top of her leggings, smoothing them down.

She looked at me and smiled, pleased with herself. She turned away, grabbed her gym back and left the house.


Nothing happened the following couple of days. In fact, if I didn't know better, I would have said she was actually discouraging any interaction between us. She avoided me while in the house and kept her bedroom door shut when I wasn't there, a clear signal that I wasn't to go in and 'help' myself.

I resisted having a sneaky wank for the rest of the week and there was still fuck all action from my incresingly frigid wife. It wasn't until Fridaythat things changed.

The day began as normal but after she returned from the gym she called down to me as she went into the shower.

"About 10 minutes, Okay?" She called out.

"Yes, that's fine," I replied, knowing exactly what she meant.

I waited and then went upstairs just as I heard the shower switch off. I could see her bedroom door was open. On the bed was a g-string.

I knew what I had to do. I stripped off completely and lay naked on the bed, anticipating what I hoped was another naked wank by Alice. It felt amazing to have my cock touch her pussy last time and surely this time we would go further. My nakedness would be a clear signal that from my perspective at least, that's what I was hoping for. What exactly 'further' might be, I wasn't sure.

I lay in the middle of her double bed, panties lightly wrapped around my stiff cock. I didn't stroke myself too hard as I wanted to make sure I lasted for her. I also knew that I had built up a good load by abstaining over the last few days. I knew that would please her.

She entered the room, wrapped in a towel. She stared at my cock as I gave it some gentle wanks. The towel dropped. I didn't say anything but she stood there for a minute, letting me admire her. She was beautiful, far more sexy than my wife, her daughter. Alice was everything I wanted in a woman. She may have been more than 20 years older than me but that didn't matter.

I continued to wank and Alice climbed onto the end of the bed, pushing my legs apart and kneeling in front of me. She took over wanking duties. Again, she used one hand to wank me and the other to reach down and stroke my balls. I pulled my legs towards me slightly so my balls would lift and allow her to fully caress them. The position of her arms pushed her tits together.

I wanted my cock between those tits. I wanted my cock in her mouth. But it wasn't my role to decide what happened, this was all about Alice being in control. She stopped wanking me and moved her body forward. She's going to suck me! But she didn't. She moved her whole body around, turning 180 degrees to straddle me. She going to fuck me! But she didn't.

She slid back, rose up a little and positioned her pussy directly over my face. She was sitting up and her pussy was above me, not more than an inch or so away from my face. She stayed there for a moment, as if to tease me, or perhaps to dare me into sticking my tongue out and tasting her. As I was contemplating doing just that she leant forward slightly and moved her hands back to my cock and got back to the business of wanking me.

In doing that, her pussy lowered itself directly onto my mouth. I had a faceul of my mother-in-law's moist cunt. I licked her. Tentatively at first but then more forcefully. She reacted by pushing down on me, grinding herself on my face. She started to move to the front and back, smearing all of my face in her wetness. And she was so wet. Fresh out of the shower she tasted so clean and fresh. It had been too long since I tasted pussy so I made the most of it. I kept my tongue out as she moved on me, licking her pussy lips and making sure my tongue reached into her.

This was heaven.

The effect of this, in combination with her expert cock stroking, was that I would soon be at the point of no return. I tried to resist but I knew I was close.

She had been quiet so far but now she began to mutter once again: "good boy; keeping yourself for me; keeping it all back; all that juice for me."

I loved how she spoke in those moments. It was breathy and almost like she was having an out of body experience. She lost herself in those moments, desperate to see what I would produce for her.

I tensed. She knew it was close and that's when she moved. She lifted herself off my face and moved forward. She was still wanking me, fast now. She shifted her pussy so it was right above my cock. Her hand was in an awkward position so I reached down myself, letting her know that I can take over. She released her hands and moved them to her pussy. I could tell she was spreading her lips as I wanked to my climax, waiting for my cum

Then, at the moment I came, at the moment the first jet of spunk shot upwards and hit her pussy lips, she sat down on me. She sat right onto my cock, forcing me to retract my hand as my cock was completely swallowed up by her wet cunt. I shot three more jets inside her as she sat on me. She didn't ride me, she just sat right onto me and let my cock release its load inside her. She felt amazing, so warm and welcoming. My bare cock inside my lovely, sweet, sexy, mother-in-law. She was full of my cum.

She relaxed slightly and moved her legs into a more comfortable position. She was still facing away from me but didn't lift off. My cock retained some stiffness for a minute or so and then I could feel it softening. I love that feeling of staying inside a pussy long enough for my cock to soften.

She lifted off me. My cum dripped from her and onto my limp cock. She moved her hand quickly to cover her pussy as she made her way off the bed. Clearly, she wanted to keep some inside her. Still facing away from me she reached to her underwear draw and grabbed the first pair of panties that were to hand.

She turned around to me. Her hand was still on her pussy, as if she was desperate to prevent even a drop of the remaining cum inside her.

"Can you help me?" She asked, gesturing towards the panties in her hand.

I moved to the edge of the bed and took them from her. My head was at the level of her hand-covered pussy. She lifted one leg and then the other as I put the panties on her. As I shuffled them up to her waist she timed taking her hand away just as they got to the top. My cum was inside her and she wanted it to stay there.

"Thank you," she said quietly. She didn't move. I stood to leave and in doing so was now directly in front of her. Her tits were pressed into my chest. She looked up to me. I wanted to kiss her.

"I hope you liked that release," she asked.

"Yes, it was amazing." I hesitated and then blurted out, as if I had only just realised what had happened: "I came inside you!"

"Yes," she replied. "As I said, I will always help you release. I know my Sarah is making you wait but it's too long for you. I'm here to help. And the longer you wait for release, the more special it feels. The more there is to savour."

She gently rubbed the front of her panties. She clearly meant there was 'more', as in volume of cum. And it was her who wanted to savour it, to feel it in her, in her warm, sweet pussy.


My cum is inside her. That was all I could think about for the rest of the day. She turned away from me to carry on getting dressed and I left the bedroom. The rest of the day was pretty normal. We had a coffee, she went out to lunch, she came back, we watched TV. Any chat between us was completely banal and everyday.

In the evening, after my wife Sarah returned from work, everything was pretty normal as well. We all had dinner together, and then all sat in the living room and chatted as we watched TV. Unless she had snuck off for a change of underwear, I was pretty sure she had spent the whole day in those same panties. My head was all over the place. I was screaming inside: "my cum is in your cunt!"

How could she be so relaxed, so normal and everyday, after what had happened earlier? My cock had pumped its load inside her. My mother-in-law and I had done something which by anyone's standards was quite a bit off 'normal' behaviour. Yet here she was being totally normal.

In fact, over the next week the extraordinary seemed to become normal.

I was beginning to get some grief from Sarah about failing to find a job but then why would I when being a stay-at-home hubby meant I got such regular special attention from her mother. I pretended I was getting depressed about not finding work which drew sympathy from Sarah, although not enough for her to fuck me it would seem. She did make the point that: "at least you've got Mum to keep you company during the day." Yes, you could say that.

The following week what I thought might happen with Alice didn't materialise. I presumed that she would scale down her interactions with me on the basis that the longer I went without cumming then the bigger the load I would deliver for her. It was that heavy load that she liked to feel inside her. Well, not just feel inside her, but walk around for much of the day with it inside her.

Instead, I got my cock wanked every single day in the following week. Each time in a matter-of-fact way, often imitated by her at unpredictable times.

On Monday I was in the utility room, taking a load of mine and Sarah's washing out of the dryer. Alice appeared with a basket of her own dirty stuff to put through the wash. It took a single glance by me down at her basket, which obviously included an array of her underwear, to initiate events. She was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and looking very much like the sexy MILF she was. She put the basket down and unzipped me, revealing my hardening cock.

I have to say that it was very much a by-the-numbers wank except that at one point she moved her head down to my cock and spat on it to help lubricate it. She wiped her spit all over my cock and then seemed to focus hard on making me cum. It didn't take long and sure enough I spurted a nice load out directly onto the soon-to-be-washed, undie-filled wash basket underneath.

The next day's wanking off was even more spur-of-the-moment. I had been for a run over lunchtime and emerged from the shower wrapped in a towel. Alice was on her way up the stairs at the same time having just returned from lunch.

"Oh, hi," she said, slightly surprised to see me. She paused a few steps from the top of the stairs, right at the level of my crotch. She had a slightly gaping blouse on which showed off her tits to their best. I took a moment to have a nice look down and admire her full bosom. "Just hang on there for a second," she asked me.

She quickly went into her bedroom and returned with a bottle of baby oil. She went back to the same step, motioned at me to remove my towel and then set about covering her hands in the oil. She took my cock quite gently in her hand. It wasn't yet fully hard but soon would be. The oil felt great, so lovely and slippy. I was stiff within seconds. Her face was very close to my cock and she seemed as fascinated by it as she was the first day she made me cum. She used her now tried and tested technique of stroking my balls as she also wanked me. She moved herself to the side slightly so that her left hand reached around my back to cup my balls and her right hand got on with the job of giving long, slow strokes that pulled my foreskin right back.

The oil was an effective lube and made for a satisfying squelchy sound as she wanked me. She was more or less behind me now and had moved off the stairs and was on the landing on her knees. I was close to cumming. This was going to go straight out and on the carpet. I presumed she was okay with that but clearly she suddenly realised herself and moved around so that she was in front of me. Lovely Alice on her knees waiting for my cum. Her tits would be an inviting target.

But that wasn't where my cum would land. She took her hands off my cock and I grabbed hold of it, wanking myself rapidly. She had put her hands out in front of her, just below her face, ready (I presumed) to 'catch' my load. Maybe she thought that after my wanking yesterday I would be reduced to something of a dribble. That wasn't the case. Sure enough, my first spurt missed her hands completely and found the front of her blouse. The second was too high and splattered her neck. The remainder did make it into the scooped hands.

She giggled and looked up at me. She carefully stood up, trying to keep the cum in her hands as she moved to her bedroom door.

"Can you?" She asked, gesturing for me to open her bedroom door. She entered and then kicked it shut behind her. I had to use my imagination as to what she did with the cum she'd saved.


The remainder of that week continued as it began. She invited me to her room the next day but we both remained fully clothed, I was simply instructed to wank off into the gusset of a pair of panties that she held in her hand. She gave me gentle words of encouragement ("that's it, such a good boy") but no touching.


The following two days were interesting. The first involved me being invited to follow her into the bathroom. She turned the shower on but she herself remained clothed. I undressed and stepped in and she reached in to give me the most delightful soapy wank I'd ever had. I so wanted her to come and join me, to feel her soapy tits against me and kiss her on the mouth. To snog my amazing, sexy mother-in-law. Alas, that didn't happen. She wanked me and I came. There was no saving the cum from this one as it washed away but she seemed especially pleased with herself about how much I was clearly enjoying it.

Friday was heading towards a day of abstinence when shortly before Sarah was due to arrive home, Alice came over to where I was sitting on the sofa and very rapidly removed my cock from my jeans. She had an air of desperation about her. As if she's decided "not today" but then couldn't help herself. It was perhaps the quickest and riskiest wank off she'd ever given me and we were both glancing towards the front door, praying Sarah wouldn't suddenly appear.

She was between my legs, wanking hard. "Please cum," she said quietly, starting at my cock as she did so, as if it took direct orders.

I was reaching my climax and she had averted her gaze from my cock to my face. She was grinning ear-to-ear, almost giddy with excitement. Just as I thought the riskiest had sent her over-the-edge, she plunged her mouth straight down onto my cock. She moved her hands away and pumped me with her mouth. Fuck, I lasted all of ten seconds. I came in her mouth. Not a huge load but enough for her to gag slightly. She stood up quickly and her mouth was still closed. She brought her hand to her mouth and let the cum slip out onto it. She undid the top of her jeans and then pushed her hand into her panties, wiping her hand clean on her pubic mound and the gusset of her panties.

She buttoned herself back up and sat back down with 30 seconds to spare before we heard the familiar sound of Sarah's key in the door.


Was this how it was going to be then? A regular day wank from Alice? I could live with that if they were as filthy as the encounters from that week. I wanted more though. I loved her gentle hand on my cock and how she was attentive to making sure not a drop of spunk was wasted. Her curious kink in wanting to have my cum spread on and in her pussy was so fucking hot.

But I wanted more. I wanted to be back inside her again but not just as I climaxed, servicing her wish to have my load all to herself. I needed to show her that I could pleasure her in other ways, just as I used to get the chance to pleasure her daughter. I needed to see how far Alice was prepared to go in 'helping' me. I was soon to find out.


"I've been talking to Mum," began Sarah on Saturday morning as we sat up in bed. "She was asking me if you're 'satisfied'"


"Eh? Satisfied with what" I asked.

"With your sex life" replied Sarah.

Oh Fuck...

"And what did you say?" I asked my lovely sexy wife who had now gone several weeks without as much of a hint of wanting to fuck me.

"It's what she said that surprised me."

Oh bollocks! Was this the moment it all came crashing down around me? Had my mother-in-law Alice confessed all?

It turns out she hadn't. Sarah told me that her Mum had sensed things weren't right between us and Sarah told her that it was more an issue of privacy than anything else. Sarah felt funny about having sex with her Mum in the room next to us.

"So we reached an agreement," said Sarah as she finished reporting back.

The agreement was this: Alice would give us some 'alone' time upstairs that evening so that we had time to re-connect.

"You mean she will sit downstairs while we fuck upstairs?" I asked.

"Yes," replied Sarah, slightly grumpily as if I was rejecting the idea. "I did suggest she go out for the evening but she wasn't keen. She was really nice about it actually and said she would do anything to be helpful."

Yes, she's a very helpful lady, I thought to myself.

I smiled and reached out to stroke Sarah's cute little tits which were half slipping out of her nightie.

"Not now cheeky," she giggled. "You will get your fun, I can't wait. So here's the plan..."

The plan was this: at about 8pm, a time we're all usually sitting downstairs in front of the TV, Sarah would head upstairs for a bath. I would then follow up about 30 minutes later and be waiting in the bedroom for her.

"Please don't let on to Mum that I told you we talked about this," Sarah asked. "I don't want her to feel uncomfortable around us all day."

At last, I thought. I would get an actual fuck from my wife. I was actually a bit conflicted as I felt this might be the end of things with Alice. I knew it would end at some point and that I needed to focus on rebuilding my relationship with my wife. But then I remembered how amazing every single wanking off that Alice gave me felt. How hot it was to see her rub my cum on, and in, her pussy. How amazing her body looked naked. And how incredible my brief experience of having my cock inside her felt. But it couldn't go on forever, I knew that.

The rest of that day was, well, tense. Sarah wasn't tense. In fact she was full of the joys of life: smiley, giving me little cuddles and kisses, even giving my crotch a little touch when we were on our own. It was me that was tense. Tense because every time I caught Alice's eye I was trying to work out what she thought of all this. Did it signal the end for her too?

Sarah took herself off to the shops. She would be gone at least an hour so I decided to approach Alice as soon as we were left on our own.

Actually, as soon as Sarah went out of the front door, it was Alice who approached me.

"I will help get you ready," she said as she came and sat beside me on the couch in the living room.

"What? Ready for what?" I asked.

"Ready for Sarah," she replied. "I know what she has planned and I'm so pleased for you both. I'm so glad you will get the release you need with her."

"Thanks," I muttered. "But what do you mean, 'get me ready'?"

Alice reached down to my crotch. She unbuttoned my jeans and took my cock out. It was soft, largely because I was stunned with what she was doing.

"My boy has to be at his best for his wife. I will help you get ready. I can help make sure you're nice and big for her."

She was stroking me now, my cock was growing. I was looking at her tits. Her nipples were slightly erect. I looked to her face and she was staring straight at me.

"Whatever you need to do to help you get ready, just do it," she said, leaning into me slightly.

I took it as a cue to do what I had wanted to do for so long. I put my lips to her and kissed her. I pushed my tongue into her mouth and she reacted by pushing hers into mine. A beautiful, wet snog with my mother-in-law. It felt so special. She pulled away and licked the hand that had been stroking my cock, moving it back down to make my shaft nice and wet.

I snogged her again. This more than anything was taking me close to the edge. "Whatever you need to do to help you get ready, just do it," is what she had said. I reached out to feel her tits. It was more like a grope actually and I pushed my hand up inside her t-shirt, slipping one of her tits out of her bra and squeezing it hard. She moaned and stuck her tongue even deeper into my mouth.

My cock could only take so much. It twitched and she immediately stopped wanking me. She leant back and stopped kissing me.

"No, no. It's for her. Please don't cum. It's for her." She watched my cock with real concern. She almost recoiled from it, willing it to not cum.

I watched it too. I was at the edge and for a moment I thought it might just spurt without anyone touching it. I calmed myself and my cock started to go soft.

"My good boy," said Alice. "It's for her, I just want to make sure you're ready."

"Am I?" I asked.

"Almost," she replied cryptically.


8pm arrived. After Sarah had returned from the shops we all had dinner together. We were on the sofa watching bad Saturday evening TV when Sarah said she was off for a bath.

"I might have an early night after that," she added, barely containing her grin. For a woman that had gone a few weeks without sex she was certainly looking forward to it.

"Okay," I replied. "I'll pop up shortly."

Alice had already changed for the evening and had come down wearing her dressing gown after dinner. It wasn't some sexy, skimpy effort, more of the big fluffy, rather unsexy kind.

Again, I was tense. Alice was skipping through the TV channels as Sarah went upstairs. We heard the bathroom door open. The bath was starting to fill and we heard the door then close. There was silence for another 3 or 4 minutes, broken by me as I asked Alice: "what did you mean by 'almost'?"

Alice glanced upstairs, as if double-checking all was clear. She then came over and stood in front of the sofa I was sitting on. She took off her dressing gown. She was naked.

"Stand up," she ordered. I obeyed. "Are you ready?"

She wasn't seeking a reply as her follow up was immediate.

As she undid my trousers and pulled them down she was looking straight at me: "I want you to please her. To be as hard as you can be for her. To show her what she's missed."

She repeated what she had said earlier. Her hands were now at her side and she stood back from me so I could see her full naked length: "Whatever you need to do to help you get ready, just do it."

My cock was hard. I took control. I pulled her face to me and snogged her deeply. We had little time. I pushed her head down and directed her to my cock. She dropped to her knees and put my cock in her mouth, taking as much as she could and getting it as wet as she could. She gagged a little as my cock pushed against the back of her throat

I knew what I wanted to do next. I stood her up and directed her to the sofa.

"Sit down," I ordered.

She sat and without any further instruction she parted her legs. I removed the rest of my clothes as I stared at that lovely trim bush. Her pussy lips looked already wet.

I knelt between her and licked her. I pushed my tongue in her and she grabbed the back of my head, forcing me against her. I loved how she smelt. So fresh, so welcoming.

But time was short. I stood and pulled her legs to me, raising her pussy in the air. I directed my cock towards her as I held her legs up. My cock rested at her entrance. I looked at her and leaned in for a kiss. At the same time I pushed and my cock was in her wet cunt. Of course I had been there before but now I wanted to fuck her, to let her experience how my cock feels as it thrust in and out of her. I did so gently. She responded by pushing her tongue into my mouth but then pushing me back and leaning forward so she could see.

"Whatever you need to do..." she repeated, smiling as she watched my cock push in and out of her.

That made me fuck harder. I pushed deep into her and she put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from making too much noise in response. I knew I had to be careful. My cum would be for Sarah, not for Alice. I had to resist.

Time was so short. I pulled out and sat on the sofa. I instructed her to sit on me, facing me. She was compliant now, it was about what I needed. I held my cock out and she took it her hand, directing it to her cunt.

She sat on me. She leant forward and hugged me as she rode me gently. It felt so loving in that moment. She grinded onto me, focused on her own climax. I tried to focus on not cumming, just as she was cumming. She shivered and then stopped.

Looking at me, still on my cock, she said: "it's for her. You're ready, for her."

She lifted off me and I realised how wet my groin area now was. She had got so wet. My cock was covered in her pussy juices.

We stood up and she held both my hands as she looked at me. "I'm glad I've helped you but now you need to see to your wife."

She took a last stroke of my still hard cock. It was so soaked in her juices.

She then moved out of the way and gestured to me to go upstairs.

I gathered my clothes and went into my bedroom. I lay down on the bed, my cock still hard. I heard the bathroom door open and Sarah then came into our bedroom.

She saw me on the bed, cock hard and ready for her. She dropped the towel she had on and came over to me, climbing between my legs. She lifted my cock and wanked it a little. Without further hesitation she moved up the bed, manoeuvring herself into position to ride me. She rubbed the tip of my cock, covered as it was in Alice’s cunt juice, on her pussy lips and then sat straight down onto it. She smiled as she started to ride it.

It felt so good to be fucking my wife again.


The end

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By *illhouse1907Man 19 weeks ago


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By *inky grandadMan 19 weeks ago


Great story thank you

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By *ikosMan 19 weeks ago


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By *cotlad178Man 19 weeks ago


Thank you this was brilliantly written

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By *rmrshorny2Couple 19 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site) 19 weeks ago

Love this

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By *ansexual guyMan 19 weeks ago


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By *hrisukbishareCouple 19 weeks ago


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By *tripunakedMan 19 weeks ago


Great storey I would love to turn that into a short film

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By *aughtySexualArousalMan 19 weeks ago


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By *en1234300Man 19 weeks ago


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By *agnar1980Man 19 weeks ago


Such a good story

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By *remlin1066Man 19 weeks ago


Well written and a fantastic story..

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By *kpiercedCouple 19 weeks ago


Fantastic !!!

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By *ndiiiMan 19 weeks ago

Paisley Scotland

Great horny read!!!!!

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By *ary1001xMan 19 weeks ago


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By *acksmith22Man 19 weeks ago


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By *igkidexyMan 19 weeks ago


Would love know if anything happen after he fuxked wife

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By *onnoisseur100Man 19 weeks ago



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By (user no longer on site) 19 weeks ago


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By *ommyT2000Man 19 weeks ago

Gloucester or travel a lot

Can we hear more please? Best story ever.

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By (user no longer on site) 19 weeks ago

That's a fantasy for quite a lot of us guys

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By (user no longer on site) 19 weeks ago

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By *aughtyNikki100TV/TS 19 weeks ago


That was incredible, that made me cum so hard

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By *jo35Man 19 weeks ago


Wowzer awesome

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By (user no longer on site) 19 weeks ago

What a great story

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By *JsoulsearcherMan 19 weeks ago



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By *j and c 2Couple 19 weeks ago


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By *oppy12Man 19 weeks ago


Brilliant story thank you!!

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By *ornyGuy69400Man 19 weeks ago

Mid Wales

Love it!!

Wish this happened to me and my mother in law

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By *J GeminiTV/TS 19 weeks ago


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By *illyCouple 19 weeks ago


Wow. That's the only story I've actually read story to finish. I normally get bored. Great story.Thank you

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By *otfun1406Man 19 weeks ago


Great story

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By *knick45Man 19 weeks ago

Knowle Bristol

Great thanks

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By *ini1275Man 19 weeks ago

stoke on trent

Great story

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By *oth0712Man 19 weeks ago


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By *ornishfetMan 19 weeks ago

St Ives

Incredible story so damn hot !

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By *ubsteffTV/TS 18 weeks ago


Wow! That was hot, hot, hot!

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By *yewideMan 18 weeks ago

near norwich

I use to have fun with my step mum

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By *portbilly1976Man 18 weeks ago


Superb…there must be follow on elements to this!

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By *D123Man 18 weeks ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

Great Story!

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By *sirapMan 18 weeks ago


My ex girlfriends mum is so fucking hot

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By *0hn boiMan 18 weeks ago

market drayton

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By *up3r99Man 18 weeks ago

Port Talbot

Brilliant story . Love to hear more about the mother in law

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By *ydrewMan 18 weeks ago


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By *onny-2024Man 18 weeks ago


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By *urple OctopusMan 18 weeks ago


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By *ilkennyguy1Man 18 weeks ago


Think we need a part 2

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By *tirlingshire matureMan 18 weeks ago


Think theres a few of us have been with our mum in law

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By *iona38ddTV/TS 18 weeks ago

north east fife

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By *unForrestRunMan 18 weeks ago

North Ayrshire

Great writing

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By *ediraMan 18 weeks ago


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By *oseph soapMan 18 weeks ago

Slane & Donegal Town.

Great story and well told.

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By *onnoisseur100Man 18 weeks ago


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By *ikinghornMan 18 weeks ago


would love more of this

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By *rhugesMan 18 weeks ago


Loved it

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By *ature4fun300Man 18 weeks ago


Very naughty

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By *eekingfun999TV/TS 18 weeks ago


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By *skhamMan 16 weeks ago

Grimsby, people's park area

This is so horny and hot

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By (user no longer on site) 16 weeks ago


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By *uiceyfruit99Man 16 weeks ago


Great story and well written

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By *eter4383Man 16 weeks ago


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By *hil911Man 16 weeks ago


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By *ancelot1633Man 16 weeks ago


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By (user no longer on site) 16 weeks ago

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By *exymarvelMan 16 weeks ago


Good story but an abrupt end

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By *he maker of funMan 16 weeks ago


Good read, I felt the mother-in-law was getting what she required to rebuild her life following her marriage breakup whilst keeping her son-in-laws confidance high so he would be kept ready for when his wife begins to realise she's missing a sex life with her husband.

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By *ral4fun69Man 16 weeks ago

Near Warrington

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By *cfc1965Man 16 weeks ago


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By *weetcouple30Couple 16 weeks ago


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By *wingersimon OP   Man 16 weeks ago


"Good story but an abrupt end"

Gutted to hear this, I was especially pleased with the story’s filthy finale!

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By *shford Guy71Man 16 weeks ago


I've been hard all the way through this

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By (user no longer on site) 16 weeks ago

Just the best

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By *lderWiserNowMan 16 weeks ago


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By *mizhereMan 16 weeks ago

BSE Monday afternoon fun

Similar enjoyed my mil too

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By *uppetXXXMan 16 weeks ago


WOW great story!!!! I know a few of us on here would love that to happen!!!!

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