By *hippy57 OP Man 20 weeks ago
Chelmsford |
This a true story,happened 19 years ago,I was 43,trish my wife was 36,we had been together for 8 years,had 2 children,daughter and son,decided we would get married,I had been married twice before,this was trish first time,she is 5,1” short blonde hair,blue eyes,average build size 8, breasts a nice handful now after having children,34b,was 32a before,very friendly and out going,her bad points were she did lie a lot,stupid small things,but was used to that after 2 cheating wives ,to be honest I didn’t trust her 100% but thought it might be my suspicious mind,our sex life was ok,she liked me using toys on her,she would always orgasm from using them,she had been engaged few times,and had quite a few other relations,I often tried to get her to tell me about them,curious about cocks she had,size top of list,especially as she would only orgasm from the big vibro or dildo ,trish wouldn’t say to much,said they were average,guess to think that’s what I wanted to hear,we would role play sometimes,in general we got on very well,
A few days before our wedding ,my mates arranged a stag night at our local pub,mark was there,he guy I been working for last couple of years,a mate too we been to golf weekends away and abroad,mark about same age as myself,6,0”,quite well built,good looking,loved him self after drinking,had the chat with the women,his body was very hairy,and when pissed he has got his cock out in the pub,to be honest if I had a cock like his I would have too,i seen it hard too,when shared hotel room he would laugh about it in morning,he was uncut a big mushroom head,get out of bed and go to shower ,made my slim 6” cock look tiny,I guess he was about 9” long,very thick girth and as said big mushroom bellend,the veins visible when hard,he been divorced for 2 years ,and was living with a women past 6 months,
At the pub the drinks were flowing,they all trying to get me so pissed,then a strip a gram came in,dressed in short black skirt,long black hair,long black boots,like a dominatrix ,had a crop in her hand,they were all laughing as she came up to me and called me a naughty boy,making me kneel as she pulled up her skirt and told me to kiss her thighs,then her boots etc ,just fun stuff pulled my head into her big breasts after she took her top off,then she put handcuffs on me behind my back kneeling behind me she pulled my jogging bottoms straight down with my boxers,I was standing in middle of pub every one laughing,honestly I was embarrassed so much,my cock looks so small soft,luckily I am a grower,but there for every one to see it was pathetic,I think the stripper realised how I felt and pulled them back up,no one said anything after she left,but I imagined they sniggering amongst there selves,
It was closing time and I was so pissed as was mark,I said to him that he can’t drive home ,leave his car at pub and walk home with me,stay at mine on sofa,
I tried to be quite opening front door as trish was in bed,but she was awake any way ,and as I was pouring me and mark another drink in the kitchen trish appeared,in her short white cotton robe,I explained that mark was to pissed to drive,so offered him our sofa,she was fine with that,asked if had a good night,mark was usual self,apologising to her saying it was his fault I was so pissed,trish was not that bothered,then telling me how lucky I was to be marrying a loverly lady,giving her a cuddle,charming the pants off of her,she does like attention like that,asked trish if she got a sister like her for him to marry,so much flannel he giving trish,kept cuddling her,I went upstairs to the toilet.as I come back into kitchen mark had his arm around trish and his head bent down into trish neck as if whispering something or kissing her neck,he lifted his head as I came in and said I was just telling trish how I wish you both all the best ,and wish I was marrying her ,trish looked a bit flushed and said I will you both to it I need to go to bed,after trish went to bed ,we chatted for a while,another drink,till I could drink no more,mark asked if I had any porn,as we were sitting in lounge now,I got him a blanket and made the sofa comfy,he was laying on sofa as I went into kitchen and on top of the kitchen cabinets I kept a few porn dvds ,I took one out of case and took it into lounge ,put it into the DVD player and sat for a while watching it with him,I was dropping off to sleep so told him I must go to bed,enjoy I told him and see you in morning,I went into the bedroom ,stripped off in the dark,climbed in bed beside trish,she had her back to me so I cuddled up spooning her,she had a short night shirt on,I ran my hand up her thigh,was surprised she had no knickers on,it was smooth guessed she shaved earlier,i tried to caress her ,but clumsy as so pissed,her pussy felt warm and moist as she rolled onto her back,I must have fell asleep as can not remember anything after that,
In the morning about 6.00 I woke up feeling so rough,looked over at trish,her night shirt was up at the back and see she had black knickers on,I lay there thinking,somewhere in my head I remember waking up and the bed was empty,but couldn’t be sure as might been dreaming,I got up went down stairs ,mark was gone,sofa tidy and blanket folded up,then I remembered the dvd ,had to take it out before children got up ,funny the dvd was not in there,I went into kitchen and it had been put back in its case on top of cabinet,well mark couldn’t have put it there as he didn’t know where I got it from ,I made some tea ,took trish a tea in bed,laid beside her,told her I thought I woke up in night and she not there,she quickly jumped down my throat ,I haven’t left this bed all night,ok calm yourself I was just asking,as the dvd I put on for mark was back in case,she knows where we keep them,no I didn’t put it back etc etc she said,well it must got there by itself lol,mark didn’t come to the wedding ,he told another mate that he thought it not right if he come,thought it because his ex wife was coming,
Trish and I got married few days later,and for months I often asked her if she did get out of bed that night,she denied it outright,I told her if she did it was not a problem,it was not long before work ran out with mark,and didn’t see him hardly,i tried to put my suspicions to myself,but it was always there,once I asked her as was in bed foreplaying ,again denied it,I asked her if she would role play that she had,but reluctant too ,
Then few months ago trish and I had a few drinks,we went to bed,as we kissing and touching each other ,I asked her again,bearing in mind this 19 years after,I said let’s just be honest with each other,you know what I believe,and I will be honest with you,ok ok she said yes I did,I was gobsmacked ,I just played it all cool ,so why lie about it ,I am so glad you admitted it ,tell me what happened ,when you went to toilet mark said to me,only 3 days before wedding,if you want a wedding present ,I got something much much bigger you can have,and he kissed me before you came back,mmmm ok I was stroking her tummy ,and you had no knickers on in bed,I took them off as I was playing with myself,felt horny,after mark making comments ,I had no intentions to do anything,then heard you coming up stairs so stopped ,after your quick fumble you snoring your head off,and you know nothing will wake you after drinking,so I carried on playing with myself,,curiosity got the better of me,I crept out of bed,thought I could say I was getting a drink of water ,our stairs is in the lounge ,she said as I crept down the stairs I see mark on sofa naked ,watching the dvd sound low but could hear it,mark was stroking his cock,was it big,she went silent,yes it looked big,he tilted head back and see me half way down stairs,smiled at me,I went to side of sofa,kneeled on floor,leaned over kissing him as I held his cock,and what he do,he had his hand up my night shirt feeling between my legs,mmm ,I know his cock is huge,it was getting really hard as wanked it,I felt so horny ,mark told me to suck it,I took my night shirt off ,and put my mouth on the head ,licked his precum dribbling ,I could only get the head in my mouth ,what was mark doing ,he was feeling my nipples and pulling them hard,I just lost control and wanted him ,so I got on top of him,held his cock as I lowered onto him,I took a few attempts but once he in me I just pushed down ,how it feel,so big I only had about half in me and I gradually rode him taking more each time till I felt him on my cervix,I was groaning so much and the sofa creaking ,mark said sshhhhh ,he told me to lay on floor,he got between my legs licking my pussy ,did he lick your arse hole,yeah held my legs up and tongued my bum,,then he guided his cock into me,I cried out as he thrust deep,I felt myself cumming ,told him I am cumming,he put his hand over my mouth and fucked me really hard,I orgasmed and it just kept cumming till I felt him cum inside me,I was using the big vibro on her ,like this I said as I pushed it in deep,yesss like that as said I am cumming and she did gripping the vibro with her fanny,just need her to confess to others now |