By *im Gumby OP Man 12 weeks ago
London & Europe |
I have previously penned a forum post about a game that I played in my younger days. It got some interesting responses; some people had heard of it and thought it was all urban myth, some people were a bit confused, and some people had limited experience. So for all of you, especially the lady that went into some detail, this is my version of soggy biscuit.
Soggy biscuit is possibly the pinnacle of the male masturbation game, a delightful game of skill and jeopardy that refines your ability to concentrate and rewards winners. Well, it penalises the loser, but isn't that the same thing?
In its basic form, it is very simple. A group of guys, normally full of hormones and with good hand/cock coordination, agree to meet up at a secluded slot. They crowd in a rough circle around a central point, which can be a table, tree stump, or just a cloth on the ground. The critical thing is that there is a biscuit of some sort, in the middle of the centre piece. It can be a cracker, or cookie or whatever you want to call it.
Now, the game is a race. Perhaps there is a naughty pic to excite the guys, but often there is nothing and the guys have to come up with mucky thoughts to speed them along. And speed they must, it is a masturbation race, and the penalty for losing is dire.
As each guy cums, he fires his sticky mess over the biscuit. As guys finish, the stress and pressure on the remaining guys increases, until you are left with the last two. The biscuit is already looking soggy and cum covered, ropes of sperm tracing their way across it, and the last two desperately try to cum.
The last to finish, depending on the rules, is either allowed to cum or has to stop before he cums. However, regardless, he must eat the biscuit, carefully picking up the soft, crumbling, oozing mess, and popping it into his mouth. Grimaces and gagging noises are normal, spitting it out is not allowed, and honour dictates that the loser must taste, chew and swallow it all.
Now, some ask whether this is a game for bi men, or those that prefer guys totally. It is not, and the reason is clear. Failure demands a forfeit, and there is no place for a guy who is looking forward to eating that biscuit at the end. It would alter the game totally, and take away the panic and stress.
Of course, I played it many times, and the law of averages says that I lost a few. Normally, I was fast enough, but was sometimes caught out. Having a morning wank might have been good at the time, but always counted against me if we ended up playing soggy biscuit later that day. Eating the biscuit is something that you never forget, and it really did leave a bad taste in your mouth.
There were variations, for example:
We sometimes had female observers, who wanted to watch. The real motivation was obscure. Most wanted to watch a group of guys wank off, perhaps it gave them a tingle, and all loved to shriek and laugh as the loser ate the biscuit. Some were there to enjoy the humiliation aspect, a few encouraged, cheered, mocked etc. I have to say, the presence of ladies always helped me; it made me faster
At Uni, I once played where the guys did not wank themselves, but their gf stood behind and did it for them. That really did stretch the bond of trust between the guy and his gf, and a few certainly tried to make their guy lose as a joke. The guy, or his gf, could be deemed the loser and eat the biscuit, or share it, whatever.
I never played, but heard, that a further variation was to wank the cock of the guy standing beside you, but I am totally het and am sure that would have condemned me to failure. It did raise the question of whether the forfeit was a punishment still? Jury is out on that, still.
So, now you all know, and I bet most of you already knew that, but it might have been illuminating to my lady friend.