By *ANDA! OP Man 37 weeks ago
Lola motioned for me to sit beside her on the king size bed, to which I obliged.
"Can we talk a bit?. I miss talking to people that aren't old"
"Sure, what you want to talk about?"
"Why did you make advert looking for sex?"
Fuck me, no messing. "Because why not? That's what it's there for. I've been single a while now after a long relationship so I thought just go for it. I've used other site and apps too. Why did you reply? You're married aren't you?"
She looked a little upset when I asked that "yes, I'm married. Husband is still in Nigeria looking after child. I come here to work and send money home. Hopefully bring child here one day. I miss my husband and child, but I miss sex too. I ask husband if its ok I have sex here. He said it OK as long as no baby made. So you wear condom"
"Oh don't worry, I came prepared, I always do" I said as I patted my pocket.
As we spoke about families and work and relationships over the next half hour, Lola shuffled herself closer and closer, put her hand on my thigh and slowly made her way up to my already semi hard cock. "Oh, you're getting ready. Usual I have to work on husband to get him like that. Have you been with a black woman before?"
"Truthfully no, I haven't"
"Oh OK. Well I've never had white cock before so we both in for an experience. I go to bathroom to get ready. You take clothes off".
I've honestly never stripped off as quick in my life, I'm surprised I didn't pull a muscle"
Lola emerged from the en-suite a few minutes later, braids tied back, naked as the day she was born and I must say, she was a sight to behold. Massive breasts bit still fairly high, little bit of a belly but an absolutely divine arse. I immediately went from semi to full on hard.
"Lie down" she instructed. I did so and she crawled onto the bed and lay beside me. I turned to face her and we started to kiss, our tongues twisting round eachothers, lips smashing together. Her hands found my waist and she pulled us closer together, I could feel the heat of her body against mine, her breasts squashed against my chest. Soon out hands started exploring eachother. Her skin was so smooth and warm to the touch. |