Started at an age that is considered an unlucky number, first it was mums tights and stockings, then my sisters when she got to 17/18 and started wearing sexy undies and stockings, after that it was my girlfriends undies and stockings, we married and she often borrowed mine when she had none herself to wear, and then the wife started to not want to be involved when I dressed, she started wearing stockings and suspenders for work and not just evenings out, then the discussion she wanted a divorce as it turned out she had been shagging her boss, 2 months after she told me she was also pregnant and needed the divorce quick and if I objected and didn’t do as she asked which was basically give her everything she would expose me to my family and work mates as a sissy, I complied as I couldn’t take the risk she was bullshitting, so I had £53 in my bank account when I’d remortgaged and given her everything she wanted. Since then I’ve always Bought my own and the wardrobe just keeps expanding, several times I’ve purged when I got divorced or new relationships started and then broke as I couldn’t risk them finding a wardrobe of women’s clothes and heels. Now I’ve stopped purging, too expensive and I know Katie will never disappear as much as I’ve tried over the years when relationships break down because of my desire to be a woman when I need to be. My favourite times are when I femulate my partner, I buy us matching outfits and I mean matching, everything, undies, legwear, heels, dresses, skirts, tops, jewellery, perfume, everything the real woman wants as the outfit I buy 2 of so while she is out and about being a real woman I wait home as the beta female awaiting text messages about what effect the outfit is having on admirers, etc. depending on who she is out with sometimes she shares a taxi home with friends so I have to stay inside others she will be in a taxi on her own, she will text 30 mins of so before and say she harms run out of money for the taxi fare and tells me I have to go out into the village to the cash point and get some money out then walk back to the house and await her pulling up, I am then to walk back down the drive to the taxi, the driver then hears her says “she will pay” motioning outside his cab, he turns his head, looks Katie up and down, opens the window, looks closer says the price, I take my purse out of our matching handbags and pay him. She gets out of the cab and he can now see 2 “women” in exactly the same outfits, the only difference is she is blonde and Katie maybe dark hair, sassy pink wig or blonde highlighted depending on what was required by my partner before she went out., the drivers faces are always a picture, sometimes they get bold and say things like “do you want a real man luv”….. femulating the real deal wxactky is so horny |