By *ister_E OP Man 42 weeks ago
Hayling Island |
The pub had a small hotel to the side. Just a dozen or so rather quaint rooms, with dark oak beams and four-poster beds. I had recommended to Mark that he should bokk the largest they had, which had a large relaxation area, with a sofa and open fireplace.
She seemed to like the idea but emphasized that she didn't want to go to my bedroom, only to chat. The way her neck was red and her breathing was short, I could tell she was contemplating far more than just that though.
I said, why don't you go and check on Mark and invite him to join us for a drink in the room?"
For a moment, I thought I had ruined things. The very mention of her husband seemed to make her regret every agreeing to meet me, as though she had quite forgotten that she was a married woman.
I simply held her arms fast and looked into her eyes "Lynn, this is exactly what Mark wants to happen.
He wanted us to meet. And he wants us to become better acquainted. Should we leave him in the bar wondering how we are?"
She looked very unsure, but wordlessly shook her head and walked towards the pub door to go and see her husband who was sat on his own, nursing a flat looking, half d*unk beer at the barcounter.
Leaving them to Talk I went to use the restroom.
I returned to the table to find her seat occupied by Mark. He looked really concerned, so I apologized, asking if I had gone too far with my suggestions. Too far? No way, he was delighted with the way things had gone and couldn't believe the "progress" I had made. He was so excited and the bulge in his trousers was so noticeable it was almost comical.
"Will you be joining us in the room then?" I asked him. He just nodded. I informed him that I didn't expect him to speak a word unless asked a question.
Also that he was not allowed to touch her, unleless he was invited to. He could however if he wished get undressed and even touch himself, but was not allowed to cum without permisos.
He looked speechless!
With that, Lynn returned from the ladies' toilets, having reapplied some make up and straightened her hair. It was tied up on her head, with a slide preventing it from falling around her shoulders.
She kissed Mark and said, "Are you sure about this, Mark, really are you?"
Mark just whispered "yes," but I didn't feel that was enough. I spoke in hushed tones, to ensure no one else heard. "Mark, I would like you to ask me to take Lynn, your wife, to your room, where you would like to see me make love to her?"
Mark just swallowed. Lynn blushed bright red. After a few moments, hardly able to get the words out, Mark whispered the request repeating my exact words.
"Say it louder, Mark. Say it loud enough that someone might even hear you."
At the point I slid Lynn's dress up to reveal the stocking tops, Mark nearly fainted and said the words far louder this time.
I stood up, lifted Lynn to her feet by the hand and led her toward the hotel rooms. Mark, barely able to walk with his erection, stumbled along behind us bringing the wine and glasses that I had ordered. He walked alongside Lynn and allowed my hand to slide into hers. Already I knew that within a few hours, maybe even a few minutes we were set to become lovers.  |