By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
The following is a short story I wrote last night and sent to bangers today (Yesterday now)
Every now and then we send each other these kind of fantasies and hoping that one day they come true
Anyway I hope you enjoy it
We were camped at Barn Farm and we had just set everything up and sat down. It was quite warm so you said you were going to put your sexy green top on, and as there was nobody about you just started getting undressed. When you took your bra off you started teasing me by squeezing your nipples, and then you climbed on top of me and pushed them into my face.
We didn't notice, but while you were looking at me (and I was looking at you) a guy that had parked next to us in his little teardrop caravan was stood next to it and getting a pretty good eyeful of you pushing your tits into my mouth. Once you noticed you the guy watching, you pulled down the blind down really quickly, but you did laugh and did mention that he was quite fit.
You felt a little embarrassed to go out now, but we wanted a smoke, so we waited and peeked around the blinds until he disappeared. When we couldn't see him we opened the door, but as we stepped out, he opened the back of his caravan and got out. As we walked by we said 'hello' and he said 'Thanks for brightening up my day!' We both new what we meant, and to my surprise you turned you head and with a wink said 'Any time'
When we got back he was still outside, so while you went to make some tea I thought I would introduce us to our voyeuristic neighbour. After I had introduced ourselves he told me that he was supposed to be coming here with his girlfriend, but they split up a Week ago. He had booked it off so he thought he had might as well go on his own, rather than spend the Weekend in an empty flat. He mentioned that you looked a lot like his ex girlfriend, and that's what initially made him keep looking at us, as he couldn't see your face and that he was sorry if it seemed a bit perverted. I said It's fine, she was a bit embarrassed, but as long as you wasn't offended by it, then don't worry about it.
You asked if he would like a cup of tea and when I said yes brought out 3, passed them around and sat down in your chair. He brought his chair over, and I sat down and we carried on talking like nothing ever happened. You however were wearing your green top, without a bra and every now and then I caught him glancing at your erect nipples that were showing through proudly. He seemed really agitated after a while and said he was going to have an hours kip but as he stood up it was plain to see that his cock was rock hard and way down his trouser leg. He must of then saw us checking his cock out, smiled and said he would see us later.
For some reason that sent you into a horny frenzy and you ordered me into the caravan to fuck you. As soon as the door closed you pulled me to you with one arm, while you snogged me and undid me with you free hand. Once my cock was free you sucked and wanked it like you have never done before, and to be honest I was a little scared that you might bite it off, but it was too fucking awesome to care. Then you bent over the oven and told me to fuck you, so I rammed it in right up to my balls. Then after a while of me fucking you, you laid back on the cushions and told me to lick you, as you REALLY needed to cum. It took literally 2 minutes for you to cum, and there was loads. I think I spent more time sucking and licking it out of your pussy than I spent making you cum
After you came we went for a smoke and passed our neighbour that had just woke up You asked If he felt better and he replied 'Much better' and winked. As the day turned to night we didn't see much of the neighbour as he was out and so were we but we did bump into him coming out of the same shower block. We said hi, he said hi and then we made our way into our caravans. We had already had a few drinks before we showered but you really started knocking them back and had started getting horny again. I told you to put your holdups and shoes on but as I was closing the blinds noticed our neighbour standing outside his caravan smoking. I shouted to you changing in the toilet that I was going to ask him if he wanted to come in for a bit, as he was shivering and not to bother changing.
I opened the door and asked if he wanted to come in for a bit but what happened next blew my fucking mind! Once we had closed the door and sat down, you emerged dressed in your green dress top with your holdups and sexy shoes on. I nearly had a heart attack, and questioned whether I had just passed out and dreaming. You said that you was sorry that she seemed over dressed but we were supposed to be going to the pub but decided to stay in instead. His jaw dropped, he turned and looked at me in a daze and then he broke out into a massive smile.
We asked if he would like a drink and one led to another until we were all quite chilled. You were sat next to me, and he was sat directly across, and every now and then I caught him eyeing you up. You knew this, and every now and then would open your legs wide enough to see the tops of your holdups. He was aroused to, as you could see the bulge in his combat trousers, so this prompted you bravely ask if he liked what he saw earlier. He said yes, and truth be told he had a crafty wank thinking about it before he went to sleep. I then told him that you ordered me to fuck and lick you when he went to sleep and we all laughed.
Then you, with a confidence I have never seen before asked if he would like a taste of what I had earlier. He said yes please and then you told him in no uncertain terms that he was only to touch your tits and to be gentle. He said no problem so you climbed on him like you did to me earlier. It was like a dream, here was you, sexy as fuck letting this virtual stranger squeeze your tits and suck your nipples. It was fucking amazing, my cock was so hard I thought it was going to burst, and I really had to struggle to calm myself down. I pulled out my phone and asked the guy if I could video what was happening, and he said it was ok as long as it didn't appear on the internet.
Once the camera was on it was if you had suddenly turned into some domineering porn star, and after the tit squeezing you ordered us both to drop our pants and trousers and sit down next to each other. You got on all fours, grabbed both our cocks, started to wank them slowly and then after a few minutes you asked the guy if I could wank him while you sucked his cock. He said yes, so i grabbed hold of it and started to pull while you got yourself in a position to suck it. As you started sucking it my head started to rush, as I had never done this before and it felt really nice. The combination of me gripping his big hard cock while I film you sucking it is making me want to cum, especially as every time you go down i feel your soft lips on my hand.
You then move to my cock, but before you suck it, you snog me so I can taste when you have already been sucking. As you started sucking my cock I thought 'how can this get any better?' and as if you read my mind, you stood up and asked 'Who's going to fuck me then?' I saw his cock throbbing and wondered how long he had left to blow so I asked if he wanted the honour. You sat on the bench with your back to the side window while he knelt on the floor. We put the other side cushions on the floor to bring him to the right height and you had you legs wide open while you held your legs.
As I looked at you with you legs in the air, tits on show while a stranger has the tip of his cock only a few millimetres away from your pussy I thought ' I could not possibly fancy and love this woman more than I do right now!' Just as I thought that he plunged his big cock in, right up to the balls and held it there. You must have held you breath when it went in, as you let out a massive sigh when he slowly pulled it out. My hands were shaking holding the camera, as I had never seen a cock this close sliding up your soaking pussy, and even though I've been there when you have been fucked before this was totally different. I asked the guy if I could suck all your cum off his cock and he said 'be my guest' so I did and it tasted great. So good that I got down between your legs and licked you while you were being fucked. You really really liked this and our 'new' friend obviously did to as he kept intentionally letting it pop out so i could suck your cum off it. By the look on his face he wasn't going to last much longer, and by the way you were breathing you didn't have long left either so it was just a matter of who came first.
He came first, he withdrew his cum soaked cock from you and contorted by ecstasy shot a massive load over you pussy and tits. I then got down and pushed my tongue into your cum covered pussy, your juices mixed into his, pushing the cum around your massive clit. I then get in between you legs and start licking you up and down, and I tell you to move more forward so i can lick you from your ass to you clit. I then hear you starting to moan so I push my tongue deeper until it pushes you over the edge and you cum loudly.
I don't cum as I want my way with you later and the guy thanks us and returns to his van |