By *tantra50 OP Man
over a year ago
Harrogate |
The phone rang, I answered.
A lady's voice on the other end. Her name was Sally. (Not her real name).
Sally said she desperately needed help with her computer, which booted okay but she could not use due to some virus popping up when using any of the browsers.
We made the arrangements for me to visit and have a look. It was early afternoon when I parked my car and knocked on her door.
Sally was about 5’2” tall, slightly plump, with lovely green eyes and very long dark hair almost reaching her waistline. She was in her mid-forties.
She leads me to the computer. After booting the PC with my own recovery (Linux) disk, I managed to recover all her data and photos onto another disk within a few hours.
Whilst checking her system, I noticed that Sally had visited lots of dodgy sites. I asked Sally if she had any of the original disks. I said we may not need them but just in case I needed to do a full recovery.
She said they are in the box above the cupboard. She went out of the room to fetch the step ladder. I realised that I may be able to reach the box without the ladder. As I pulled the box over, an original Scottish leather tawse fell into my hands. I put the dusty box on the floor whilst the leather tawse was still in my hands. Sally walked into the room with the step ladder and saw the tawse in my hand and rushed over to retrieve it. I quickly raised the tawse above my head and out of her reach. I noticed she looked rather embarrassed and was blushing. Sally was quite a bit shorter than me so was not able to take it off my hand. I said, “ah ah, not so fast”.
I took a few steps backwards and brushed off the dust from the leather tawse and examined it. I flicked it in the air a few times to see how it felt and see if the leather was still in good condition. I said, "It looks like this has not been used for sometime now".
She said, "No, it hasn’t, now give it back to me, it is private".
I said, "Well, it fell from the top of the box and the reason your PC came to a halt is directly related to the websites you visited and having seen the photos you have download, I am sure the falling of the strap into my hands was a message that must not be ignored."
She said, "you must be joking!" I said, "No, it is for your own benefit, so why don't you bend over that table. I promise you will feel much better afterwards”.
She said, "No way, I am doing no such thing"
I said, "Well, in that case, I will have to place you across my knees and spank your bottom by hand before using the strap!"
This went on for some fifteen minutes before she agreed to be disciplined but refused to remove any of her clothing.
So she went over to the table and leaned over until her arms and head were resting on the table. I administered three mild strokes with the leather strap, taking my time. Her bottom twitched. I could feel that I had to take it easy as she had not been disciplined for a long time. I could also sense that she was quite enjoying this session.
I said to her that discipline had to be carried out on the bare bottom. With that, I quickly raised her skirt and pulled her knickers down.
She started getting up and resisted, saying, no no stop that, that is not fair.
I said, "Stop resisting, you know it is for your own good. You also know that discipline has to be on the bare bottom! If you don't take your hand off and stay still, I am going to give you 30 with this leather strap!"
She calmed down and placed her hands by the side of her head on the table. She had a lovely big bottom. It was easy to tell that it had not been spanked in a very long time. I administered six with the leather strap on her large round bare bottom, taking my time between each stroke and making sure it landed nicely where it should. With each stroke, her bottom got marked with a red stripe.
After the six strokes, her bottom was glowing red with strap marks. I checked her bottom to make sure it was all fine and that she was okay. She stood up and I could see she had tears in her eyes. I said she had been very good. She dashed upstairs without saying a word.
I carried on sorting out the PC. Sally was upstairs for some forty minutes, I guess to reflect on what just happened and recompose herself. She came back downstairs looking very cheerful and happy. I stood up as she walked into the room and she came straight over and hugged me tightly. She said, “Thank You”. I had almost completed the work on the PC. She offered me a coffee and we sat on her sofa having a lovely chat about all sorts of things. It felt like some weight had been lifted off from her shoulders and she felt happy in her inner self.
Two weeks later, I received a call from Sally, asking me if I could be her mentor and administer discipline when she felt it was necessary. There were a few areas she wanted help with as she got out of line and off-track quite quickly. I visited her on regular basis for three years, we drew up an improvement plan in areas such as tidiness, de-cluttering, weight loss and impulse buying.
Discipline was administered twice a month on her bare bottom using the original Scottish leather tawse, which was 11mm thick, 5.5cm wide and 45cm long (7/16” x 2” x 18" ). I always carried out the warmup first by hand.
She responded very well to the program and became very obedient. After the second visit, she thanked me fully after every visit. We became very good friend and it lasted many years until I moved to North Yorkshire.