By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
After a shower and getting ready for our night out we prepared to leave the room. It had probably taken a little longer than usual, I think it was a combination of apprehension and wanting to look my best, but finally we left the hotel.
We walked hand in hand to the restaurant, and for the first time in years I found myself looking at people in a different way. Now don’t get me wrong, yes I have noticed good looking guys before, and yes I have fantasised, especially when Danny and I are playing and talking dirty in bed, but this was different. This time I was actually looking to see if there was somebody I wanted to fuck!
I felt very cute in my little gingham dress and white ankle boot trainer (I think their called high tops???).
I won’t bore you with details of our meal, although it was amazing, because I’m sure I know why you are reading this story!!
After we had eaten, and as the sun was beginning to set we made our way to a few pubs in the city centre. As usual the place was very busy, with tourists milling about mixed in with groups of people clearly on nights out.
We stopped at a small bar. It was the typical Edinburgh affair, low light with lots of dark timber, a cramped bar, but a spacious area for customers. The usual Scottish trinkets about the place.
There was a small dance floor, but being fairly early it was fairly empty.
To the rear of the pub was an outside smoking area. Danny and I found a seat towards the back wall where we could see the most of the room. He went to the bar to get some drinks and I surveyed the room.
As I did so I noticed a man, mid 40s. He was wearing a grey suit and looked like he had just finished a long day at work. He stood alone at the bar with his foot resting on the metal rail that ran it’s length. I would say he was about 6 foot tall, athletic looking build, with a full head of slightly greying hair. I also noticed he had large hands as he brought his pint to his lips. “Maybe” I thought.
But how do you approach somebody? We had said dancing, but that would be very odd in this pub, and besides, he didn’t look like he was in the mood for dancing.
Danny returned with our drinks, a long vodka for me, and a glass of red for him. “So what do you think?” He asked.
I felt my nerves begin to rise and a little tightness in my chest, I’m sure my face was going red too. “Well maybe one who caught my eye” I replied as I saw the man walk toward the smoking area.
Danny is a social smoker, and I know he had a pack with him. I quickly decided this would be a good opportunity to get a better look and maybe start a conversation. “Give me your cigarettes” I said.
“What? Why?” He replied.
“Just give me them, I want a breath of fresh air” I said ironically. I have smoked on occasion, but usually when I am very d*unk, but now although tipsy, I was feeling quite in control.
He reached into his pocket and handed me the packed and a lighter. I tossed the lighter back at him “I don’t need that”. I looked him straight in the eye “I think I can get a light myself”.
“Oh” Danny replied, realising the game was maybe on “okay, don’t be too long, but have fun” he said with a dirty little smile on his face.
I walked to the smoking area where the man was leaning against the wall, one foot on the wall behind him. He was sucking on a cigarette while his beer sat on a nearby table.
“Excuse me, I’m sorry, but can I borrow a light” I asked.
For the first time I heard him speak, in a deep north east accent, I guess Newcastle or somewhere near he replied “no problem lass”. He reached into his trouser pocket and removed a lighter, rather than hand it to me he lit it and held it out. I leaned in and lit the cigarette.
“Thank you” I said, trying to appear coy.
“No problem lass, you here on your own?”
“No, I’m here with my husband”
“Oh, just as well you said that, I hadn’t noticed your ring, and I probably would have embarrassed myself by trying to hit on you” we both laughed.
I don’t know why, but at that moment I had made my mind up. I wasn’t going to waste time “you could still try” I said with a wink “you never know”.
He laughed “oh yeah, and then I get a slap from your fella?”
“Oh I don’t think so” I replied “we are playing a little game tonight, and maybe that would be part of it”.
He looked a little taken aback for a second, before replying “okay, I’m game for a laugh”.
More to follow