Part 11
Posted 26th Jan 2025
When I got through, John was face down on the bed, beach towel beneath him.
"THERE you are", he said, "I thought you'd gone home. I was just................AAAAAAAAAARGH"
Said "AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH" was because I squirted baby lotion from his shoulders down his spine to his lower back.
"That is fucking COLD", he complained.
"Oh you big baby", I said and lay down beside him starting to gently rub it in.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", he said approvingly.
I kissed the back of his head
"Love you mate".
"Course you do", he said, "why wouldn't you?"
I smiled and gave him a 'chin job" gently down his spine to just above his arse.
"Oh mate, this is fucking FAB !", he said
"Shoosh", I said, "the only noise I want is your grunts and sighs and the squelch of the lotion"
"Bossy git", said John.
I kissed his shoulders "Want me to stop?"
"Fuck off", was the reply.
I gently massaged his buttocks and he sighed.
As I reached for the lotion bottle, he unexpectedly rolled over and put his hands behind his head, spreading his legs.
He looked fucking gorgeous. I managed not to dive right in to his throbbing cock.
"I haven't done the back of your legs", I complained
"You can do my thighs whilst you are sucking my cock", he replied.
"OK", I said, having a sniff and lick of his armpit.
He opened one eye
"Thon was a HINT kiddo, I meant NOW",
"All in good time.............", I began but he grabbed a handful of my hair and directed my face on to his cock
"If I recall correctly", said John, " *I* am in charge.................."
For devilment, I kissed his belly button then his pubes. His cock slapped off my face.
Did I mention I estimated six inches and thick? Plus a hammer-head bell end when throbbing.
Which it was. Very much so.
I ran my tongue up his shaft then circled tongue around the hammer-head.
If at all possible, his cock got thicker, accompanied by an "oh Jesus !"
"You OK?", I asked.
"GUESS !", groaned John, "that mouth and tongue have BETTER things to do than SPEAK !"
I took his cock in my mouth. Well, probably just two inches of it,
"ESS IR!", I mumbled.
"Don't talk with your mouth full", John scolded.
I think he was about to say something else but I diverted him with my ministrations and got a buck and a "UUUUGH" as indication things were going well.
"Oh, you have done THIS plenty times before !", John declared.
I dropped his cock and shook my head.
"I've long wanted to but I wasn't sure you would let me", I said
He opened one eye and glared at my deliberate misinterpretation.
"If you drop my cock once more you are sleeping in the spare room"
"Oh I SEVERELY doubt that..............", I said, licking around the underside his bell end.
"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK", John said as be bucked again
"............and even if I were, this lovely man would be sending you through at 2am for a servicing............"
"Huh", managed John
"and I would prefer if you just spread, closed your eyes and let me get on with pleasuring my friend without the running commentary"
I took his cock in my mouth again to head him off. He sighed through his nose
I spent the next ten minutes gently and lovingly proving that yes, I had done 'this' before.
Except this was special. This was pleasuring my friend, my mentor, someone I loved to my bones.
John started thrusting a little, pumping my mouth. It created a vacuum and I hiccupped.
I dropped his cock and slid my tongue up from his pubes, up his midriff, chest to his Adam's Apple.
"Please sir", I whispered in his ear, "let me do this one. Let me pleasure you and extract. I don't want you to do anything other than spread and sigh", i said.
"And shoot", added John
"That too", I promised, not really thinking things through ("Oh oh", mutters a reader or three)
John nodded enthusiastically,
I had a sniff and lick of that lovely armpit. His cock whacked off his midriff,
"You horny wee toad", John sighed
I kissed from his chest back down to his pubes and again licked around his hammer head.
"JESUS FUCK", he exclaimed
"I've told you not to speak with your mouth full", John retorted.
Mouth full, I got to work I gently sucked, gobbled and changed angle to get more in,
I reckoned two thirds. Was annoyed slightly I couldn't get it all in but it was THICK and wriggling.
So was John. Wriggling I mean. Or rather his legs were shaking. He was moaning / groaning and snorting through his nose.
I decided to sort of mouth fuck myself using his cock with added tongue work.
His moans got deeper. I didn't speed up, I just kept a rhythm. HE got louder and
"Oh Jesus", "Oh son.................".
Then something happened that had never happened to me when sucking cock.
John's cock went rock rock hard AND the head I was slurping gently went dry,.
DRY ????????????
I frowned in confusion but didn't have time to process what or why................
With a deep grunt, John fired his load.
Caught off guard, I gulped, spluttered and spat it back out all over his belly. I nearly added vomit to it.
John added a few more spurts to his belly.
I was coughing and started to cry. I was SO embarrassed,
"Jesus!", exclaimed John, concerned. "Are you ok kiddo?"
I think it was obvious I wasn't !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I'm sorry", I sobbed, still coughing and trying not to be sick
"SORRY ?", gasped John, "for WHAT ? The best cock noshing I've had all WEEK ?"
"I've let you down", I snivelled
"How so?", he frowned although he probably knew damn fine what I meant.
"Not finishing you properly", I said, "I've never............"
"NEVER ?????????????", interrupted John, "..........437 cocks down your throat and you have never swallowed?"
I tittered through my tears and shook my head.
"That is GREAT", declared John, "bagsie I am the first"
"Not sure I can", I wept
"Rubbish", said John, "Practice makes perfect but I will warn you every future ,load until you are ready. No pressure. But maybe in time for Christmas"
I smiled, still weeping. "Thanks John"
"Oh you soppy git", said John, "is John going to have to go get the magic cloth to stop these tears?"
"Fuck off", I giggled, "but we will need tissues"
"Gesundheit", said John. Old joke
I got the tissues and gently mopped up the juices then took the sodden things to the loo to 'flush'.
I rinsed a cloth to take through when there was a "BOO !" behind me as John pressed up against me.
"I've come to give him a wash for round two. Nowt worse than cheesy cock. Actually cheesy minge I suppose...........you go brew".
I went to do as I was told but John grabbed the wet cloth from me and with an exaggerated noise along the line of
B-eeeeeee--LLLLLLL-----uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-----ghhhhhhhhhh", he rubbed my face.
Removing he said "SEE ?????????? John's magic cloth does the trick. All tears are.................".
I pursed my lips
"Hmmm", said John, "I didn't think that through. Somehow I think I should have ensured I was the one nearer the door before I did that".
I shook my head
"You are such a dick", I said
"Go brew lad before I spank you", said John
"FUCKING DICK", I said, not moving
"Huh", said John, "didn't think THAT one through either, did I? Maybe my brains fired out too..................KETTLE !"
I did as I was told. From the kitchen, I could hear John "singing" happily as he freshened up.
I took the two mugs of tea through to the BATHROOM !!!!.
NOW who was the one not thinking?
I turned on my heels and went to the bedroom. John was sitting on the bed, pillows behind him, expectantly.
"Expectantly"" for the brew, in case you thought I meant sex.
"Biccies?", he demanded.
"You only told me to brew", I deadpanned.
"If I have to get up out this BED...............", he began.
I fled and was back in 30 seconds with a pack of kit-kat and a pack of chocolate digestives.
"You haven't opened them!", John scolded
"You'd only have accused me of having some before I brought them through"
"How well you know me", he said, biting in to the packets to open and spitting the removed packaging on to the floor.
I tutted in disapproval.
"The cleaner will get it in the morning............", John assured me, then added "..........after he has sucked my cock of course".
We slurped tea contentedly and munched biscuits. John dunked, I didn't.
Suddenly he queried "You got any plans for the tattie holidays ?"
I tittered inwardly,
Tattie is a Scottish word for potato. Maybe further a-field too (pun intended )
Back then schools / Uni etc were off two weeks in October which allowed people to go potato picking for the farmers. I think you had to be at least EIGHT years old. Yup, different times. You were collected at pickup points in a farm trailer at God-knows-what-time-in-the-morning-o'[clock,, transported to fields, back breaking work, transported back at night. It was dark when you left AND when you returned. You brought your own sandwiches (probably meat paste) and drink, if your parents could afford it. I wasn't ever allowed to go. Later years, the two weeks changed to one week then back to two weeks. These days it is - actually I don't know how long - and is known as the Autumn holidays as machines long ago replaced people for picking and councils don't all chose the same week for school closures (surprise, surprise). Those of us of a certain age still refer to them as the tattie holidays, all these years later.
I didn't have plans.
"I thought we could go hiking and camping", said John before I could answer.
"Sounds like fun", I said. Said tattie holidays were weeks away
"Thought I would book you now", said John,
"Shagging in a tent AND in the woods, sounds HORNY", I said.
"You are RELENTLESS", tutted John, "I will NOT be shagging you"
My turn to tut loudly.
"You PROMISED", I lied
"I did sod all the kind", said John, "the topic is closed".
"For now", I said, determined not to be completely closed down.
"Have it your way", said John
"Face down, you on top. Of COURSE", I jumped in pleased with myself.
John elbowed me and shook his head.
"There are alternatives", he offered
"Like WHAT?", I frowned
"Wait see", I was told, "We have plenty other things to explore other than that".
"Wait see", he said again, before I drew breath to ask.
We slurped some more.
"Have you EVER been shagged?, he asked suddenly.
I was swallowing half a biccie so shook my head.
"Good", said John,
"You will be my first", I said, determined to have the last word
"Wait see", he said for the third time, attempting to thwart me, then added
"Don't go against me on this. It's IMPORTANT"'
I was about to ask but he added
"A topic for another day. There's a cock needs sucking",
I leaned over theatrically to look at mine and said "Na. He's fine. Probably wouldn't say 'no' to a pull though"
Another elbow in the ribs.
"Can't believe you have never swallowed", John said.
I blushed purple and started to tear up.
"Wot you blushing at?", demanded John, "don't tell me you've gone all shy about sucking cock"
I shook my head
"I let you down", I said again
"Fuck off", said John, "as I said, practice makes perfect and whoopie, I get to be number one playing target practice with your tonsils..........."
I nodded
",,,,,,,,,,,Am I your first 'deposit' so to speak, I mean first spit out?"
I blushed again and nodded.
"Why? ", he frowned, "I mean I'm assuming you've had a few cocks.............."
"Uh huh", I confirmed, "but never more than mutual playing about or................"
"Do you even know their names?"
"I presume Toby or Percy", I deadpanned
"EH ?", frowned John, confused
"Well, what do you call yours?", I 'explained', "just plain 'him downstairs' ?"
"I have no fucking idea what you are on about", John said.
"Your cock", I said, "what to you call him?"
"What the hell does THAT have to do with anything?", John demanded
I fake-frowned.
"You asked me if I knew the names of the cocks I sucked. I've only ever heard cocks referred to as Toby or Percy."
"Are you for REAL ?", exclaimed John, tapping his index finger hard and fast off the side of my head.
"What I MEANT was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
But my failed attempt not to titter gave the game away.
He opened his mouth to say something but I headed him off.
"No, I don't always know names unless it is a pick-up at toilets and back to theirs. Normally it is a pick up in cars or a cock through a glory hole and if it is clean I gobble"
"Oh Jesus", said John, horrified.
"Actually", I said, "I gobbled someone in the Uni toilets just yesterday and I got to the sink to wash hands before he emerged from his cubicle. I did him the courtesy of opening the main door first before I went to the sink so he thought I'd left. Which meant when he emerged from his cubicle to join me at sink I found out it was............actually better not tell you which member of staff. Discretion and all that".
John looked like he was going to pass out.
"Is THAT how and where you get sex?", he asked
"Hardly sex", I said, "no-one has shagged me yet. HINT HiNT"
He ignored that last bit
He stared at me.
I had the notion I had gone down in his eyes.
"Where did you THINK I went for sex?", I asked softly
"I presumed Gay bars or Gay-SOC meetings", he said
"I've only ever been in a gay bar twice", I said, "and am not 'out' for fuck sake so have not joined the Uni Gay Society albeit I am fascinated you even know it exists".
"One of the guys at work's son runs it, He has disowned him of course"
"Haven't ever considered disowning MY dad", I said.
Elbow in ribs.
"Public toilets and glory holes. At the Uni too, for fuck sake. Are you MAD? This stops now. It's too dangerous".
"It is not for you to say", I growled, "I have never once criticised or commented on any YOU dip your wick in"
"This is DIFFERENT", John said
"Why?", I asked, knowing full well
"It is ILLEGAL not to mention dangerous, And you have your whole life ahead of you.................."
"And I aint living it like a monk", I interrupted, "I am not embarrassed about sex or which kind I want. So long as me and the other party consent.............."
"We are at a crossroads then", said John, "it's either the pubic toilets etc or me. Not both"
There was a two second silence.
"Good", said John, "It's me then".
I tittered. He didn't.
"I mean it son", he said, "I need you to stop. That ends the matter. Do I need to extract a promise from you?"
I looked in to his eyes. I couldn't work out if it was fear or concern
I shook my head'
"No, blood brother. You have asked"
John smiled then said
"Phew. For a horrible moment I thought I might be ransoming and giving up the best mouth and tongue to EVER wrap around my cock".
I laughed
John wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed the side of my head
"Thanks mate. I will find you other avenues and guys"
I frowned
"What avenues?"
"Wait see. I'll have to work out dates first. But first things first, there's a cock needs sucking"
"I've already told you, I'm fine. I'd be happy with just..............", I began but the hard slap to the head interrupted me,.
"How often have you fired your load in someone's mouth", I asked
"Just you", he said
"I don't believe you", I said, "Surely I wasn't your first blow job"
John sighed
"I've already TOLD you, women do not suck cock. They take it in their mouths. THAT which you did was mind blowing.........."
"and paralysing", I interrupted
"That too", John agreed "but bad choice of word. Know what you mean though. And selfish c*nt that I am, I want more"
"It can be arranged", I teased, knowing fine what he meant.
"I meant NOW c*nty balls !"
"That is very generous of you", I said, "but you don't have to"
"I know", said John, "but given I've cut off your supply chain, it's only right I step up and put out"
"And train me", I said.
"Oh your very proficient at steps 1 to 23", John said, "just need some post grad training for the ultimate finish"
I smiled
"I bet in all the training and guidance you have given me over the years, you never would have imagined you would be coaching me in swallowing your load", I said.
I could hear his cock swishing.
"Agreed", said John, "and I am so looking forward to multiple lessons and the ultimate prize giving"
"What if I can't ?", I asked
"Do you WANT to?", John asked. The thought had just occurred to him that I might feel coerced in to it.
"You, yes", I said, "but not everyone"
"Bra'", said John, "we will take it at your pace"
"What other avenues?", I asked again
"Am I not enough?", asked John.
I was boxed in. Of course he would be if there were to be as many lessons as he implied.
I nodded.
"We will discuss avenues and rules thereof at a later juncture.............and I DON'T mean tomorrow.............but right now mate I need my cock sucked"
I started to slide down to oblige.
"Hold on a mo", said John, "where did Percy come from?"
"Eh?", I asked, forgetting earlier conversation.
"Percy as name for your cock"
"Oh right....... PPP.........when you are going to the loo you go to Point Percy at the Porcelain"
"I have NEVER heard that before", John declared.
"That's because you led a sheltered life........", I said, "........allow me to continue your education" as I continued my 'slide' down the bed to get my face level with a certain throbbing bell end...........
Spoiler alert :
Unbeknown to me at this juncture, the camping at the "tattie holidays" nearly derailed me and John (my doing) and the 'new avenues' John had planned to get me cock led to new friends, lots of joy, major heartbreaks and the first of "and those who followed" in the story title.