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John my first love and some who followed (M/M)

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By *uck-Me-Hard-Scotland-M2M OP   Man  over a year ago

Barnhill (outside Dundee)

Part 1: posted 12th April, 7pm



His name was John.

He was my dad's best friend.

He was my first love.

It is debatable which of us my dad would have killed first had he ever found out.

I still think of and ache for him often. I miss him dreadfully even after all those years.

I still sigh his name when something is wrong or I need 'advice'.

It has taken me an age - stop / start / stop / start - to write this out because I kept crying.

Probably CoVid related, defences a bit lower than normal.

Today's tears have been of gratitude for his contribution to my life so quite the improvement.

I write this in his memory and with love, gratitude and respect.

Chapter 1 posted 12th April on what would have been his birthday.

Crap! I'm tearing up!

I hope he looks down with approval on how I turned out.

A good part / % of I am who I am is because of his influence and his generosity with his time.


I don't have a memory of John not being there.

When asked by the police how long I'd known him, I paused and tilted my head.

Now that I'd been asked, I had to think.

I can remember him getting me a big fucker of a teddy for what I now know was my second birthday. I didn't know at the time it was my second birthday. At that point it was a case of that man who called me "wee man" and daddy "matey", the man who tickled me and made me scream with delight had given me a teddy. My dad didn't approve. He thought I was too old for teddies. At two! I screamed the place down when he took it off me. So much so I was sick. John bounced me on his knee and soothed me as I sobbed in to his shirt, fingers in my mouth, snot dribbling out my nose. Mum and dad rowed, I got my teddy back.

John told me much later at his delight my first words were "c*nt" and "fuck". His doing, secretly "teaching" to me and laughing as he did so. Hadn't occurred to him I'd get smacked for doing so. The fact that I had done so at gran's in front of the visiting minister probably didn't help.

John was always my "sitter" - I don't ever remember anyone else - and we had our secrets.............a "pinkie promise" never to let on to my folks. It was a given that John's "guardian sitting" privileges would be at threat had they known if when being watched over at John's whilst they were away I got to sit up late with him, lemonade and crisps was mandatory, watching horror films well unsuitable for an eight year old. I loved them. And I loved him. He was my bestie. He introduced me to Laurel and Hardy. We both hated Abbott and Costello. I was watching "Shaun the sheep" the other day thinking how much John would have loved it. For fuck sake..............MORE tears!

In my youth I had a bit of "a voice". Ended up always the lead in school productions. Which meant heaps of lines to learn. John got me word perfect during lines-learning at his. He came to every production and clapped / cheered the loudest. He lent me braces for a costume which snapped during my main routine, much to the amusement of the audience and in turn the accident got me the biggest cheer at the end-of-production bows. More likely the cheers were because I forgot the "always treat a microphone as live" rule that John had drilled in to me and muttered "Fuck sake" when the braces snapped. I noticed the Deputy Head wasn't clapping............ well not until the Headmaster - clapping enthusiastically - muttered in to his ear. Sour faced, toadying little shitebag.

By the time I went to High school, John had persuaded me to give up the violin - much to mother's fury - and take up the flute instead. Dad was right made up.

Even then, first year at High School, I looked older than my age. John secretly taught me to drive at 12 and at 14 he got me a job working in a shop and driving a van for the brother of a very famous actor. It would be very unfair to name him, albeit his Succession is assured. Different times right enough. As I write this, a memory has come unbidden of John coming with me one Saturday morning to collect the pies from the bakery. Unbeknown to us at the time, John hadn't closed the back door of the van properly. We found this out going up a brae when the back door popped out and 5 trays / 70 pies fell out. One tray fell "face down" destroying the pies, the other four trays acted as sledges as the pies sped away. We became aware of this hiccup because of horns tooting and brakes screeching. "FUCK" was John's response. 40-odd pies were salvageable. Of those 40-odd, about 15 had to be set aside to have the dust and grit rinsed out of them when we got back. Yip, different times. You can feel the dust and grit in your mouth right now, dear reader, can't you? Quick trip back to the bakery for replacement pies - for which John paid by cheque, for those under 40, look it up - and so far as I knew the boss never knew. He did mention he had been asked if he was getting any more of those crunchy pies in. I looked suitably "confused" and we laughed.

I'd better not tell you how old I was when John took me out drinking. As I said, I looked older than my age.

I left school and on to Uni, the first on either side of my family to do so. Maths / Economics and this new fangled thing called Computing & Programming. John lost the fight with my dad to let me go to Uni to continue my French and German. "A degree in languages is as useful as a fucking bus ticket", dad declared. Mother sobbed a lot during these "discussions". In an act of teenage spite, I deliberately failed my higher Maths but that plan backfired because I'd got 93% in my Pre-Lim so the Appeal to the exam board was a given. John KNEW I had done it deliberately as opposed to having had 'a bad day' and was not impressed. That was the understatement. "Swear to me on my life you will never again pull such a stupid c*nt stunt again", he demanded. He was clenching his fists, I was almost sure he was going to lamp me. I promised. A very very rare shaky moment in our friendship. There was one more - details in a later chapter - where I was certain I had derailed our association, despite the fact I did what I did because I loved him.

My 18th was a quiet affair, I didn't want a big fuss or a party. Mother was disappointed. Me, mum, dad, John and a couple of mates from school. John hosted.

The week after my 18th, John and I nearly died. I'm saying that with hindsight. Hindsight allows me to see how serious the situation was rather than something to be laughed about. I did initiate a "pinkie promise" though not to tell anyone but at that time it was not to tell anyone about our stupidity.

We had gone out for a walk along the beach. The tide was out and we enjoyed squelching across sea and splooshing in the wet sand. It was only the fact there was a sudden downpour that caused us to think about turning back.............. to discover the tide had come in but around us. We were standing on the one bit of very wet sand, a wee island in what was quite fast water. Bummer. We laughed and made our way back to shore - a good half mile away and were chest deep in water. Thankfully our feet were at that moment still on solid. That wasn't going to last long. "Can you swim?", asked John. "Of course", I said, quite amused by our predicament (yup, teenagers!). The amusement evaporated when I saw the panic on John's face. Before I asked, he announced "I can't. Well not very well". What the hell did he mean he couldn't swim? . He was JOHN for fuck sake, he could build a shed, he could cook better than any woman, he could drink 10 pints and still pass a sober. Of course he could swim. Hmmm, apparently not.

"RIGHT!", I said, taking charge. here is what we are gonna do. No argument from you hon" (oh hell, did I just call him "hon"? He was too panicked to notice).

I went behind him and put my arm around his chest. "John, mate, I love you to bits. You are my best friend and my mentor"..........

In an attempt to impress on him the urgency he did as he was told I blurted "I'd suck your cock if you asked and/or bend over for you........... either / or / and on demand, no questions asked"

"Lucky me", John said, "but we have to live for me to take you up on it and see if you will pony up or are all talk", he smiled. Well as best he could in his panic which was rising as fast as the water.

"Best offer I've had all week", he said "even if it is just to calm me down and I appreciate the effort. For the record mate, I love you too but right now I'm fuckijng scared. Am shitting my pants"

John being scared was not acceptable.

"I've trained for this exact situation", I lied - I had done no such thing - "So please don't argue with me, you normally being the boss and me 'the lad'........ right now I need you to trust me, do as you are told without question. I'm begging you mate. I have never begged anyone for anything in my life but I am begging you now.............please trust me to get you......... us....... out of this little hiccup and do exactly what you are told and when. I love you to bits mate and I am NOT abandoning you"

"Little hiccup my arse",John wheezed

"JOHN !", I cut him off. Perhaps not the best grammatical description given the tide was doing its best to do just that and take us both down to Lady Tethys.

"Right", I said "here goes................ lean back against me and then lift your feet up off the ground"

"ARE YOU OFF YOUR FUCKING............." he began but we both went under as I assumed he would do as he was told and had grab / pulled accordingly.

I pulled him up and we both spat out water. I didn't have the time for this. WE didn't have the time for this.

I got behind him again but this time I grabbed his cock with force and squeezed hard. He gasped in shock. I had his undivided attention.

"JOHN! You said you love me. That means fuck all to me mate, nothing, if I don't have your unquestioning trust. If you don't trust me we are going to DIE. Both of us. Not just you because you can't swim. BOTH of us because I love you and I am not abandoning you, I'm going down with you". Against the water, I pulled his zip down and popped his cock out his underwear and the zip in to the water. I grabbed hard............. "...and they will find us entwined with my hand wrapped around your cock"

He nodded, shocked

"You can beat me up when we get back to land", I promised.

"Right", I said wrapping my spare arm round his chest, "2nd go. Lean back and lift your feet".

He did so this time and I begun what turned out to be a very lengthy backwards motion towards shore.

"You are doing great mate", I cooed, "doing great. I love you SO much........... my best best friend"

"Can I put my cock back in? It's fucking freezing", John asked.

"I'll do it", I offered. I didn't want him upsetting the balance and equilibrium and said so.

"OK, but wait a mo, John said, "I need to pee"

So did I but I didn't have the luxury of my cock out. Then again I was fucking soaked so what difference was a bit of pee. We both peed. In our predicament I found time to muse it was the first time - well since I gave up nappies - that I had peed myself and it was strangely liberating. Before anyone asks........ no,yellow aint my thing. I've never done it since. It was an emergency.

"Done", announced John

As I back paddled, I fed his cock back in to his jeans and zipped him up. I kept my hand on his crotch. For balance of course

"I love you", I said for the umpteenth time

"You really think we're gonna die, don't you?", John asked.

"Not now", I said, "we are on the home stretch. But our predicament made me enunciate things that guys are not supposed to say to one another".

Probably ten minutes later - felt MUCH longer - our feet found traction again. There wasn't a lot of water but we went under again.

I was up first and pulled John up. I drag / pulled / stumbled with him to shore and we collapsed on to the wet sand, coughing. The incoming tide tried to grab us back. In five minutes there would be no sand left. I patted John "Come on, let's get to the steps whilst they are still there". We did, soaked through with sand and sea in our hair.

"We are going back to mine", John announced, back in charge. We were able to splodge our way back. By good luck didn't meet anyone we knew.

We went to the back door to enter through the kitchen. John dropped his keys four times trying to unlock the door. Eventually he got the door open and entered. I stood awkwardly on the steps completely aware of the mess he was making on the floor. He turned around "What are you standing THERE for?", he demanded, "get your fat arse in here NOW and close the door for the heat". FAT ARSE? the cheeky bastard. I am not an admirer of arses - wouldn't know a nice arse if my life depended on it - but I'm always told mine is nice and pert. And apparently very shaggable (he said modestly). I squelched in and shut the door as ordered. Rather bizarrely under the circumstances the first thing John did was fill the kettle and put it on.

"Come on mate, get em off", he demanded

"oooh, best offer I've had all week", I said, parroting what he had said to me earlier.

"You've had a bad week then", was the retort.

I stripped in 8 seconds flat. My socks felt the wettest.

John did likewise and fed our clothes in to the washing machine.

It was the first time I had seen him naked. What a sight, he was gorgeous. Toned, hairy. A right masculine man. I tried and failed not to stiffen. Thankfully it was only a semi.

John looked at me. He looked deflated. He came right up to me chest to chest and put his arms around me and pulled me in.

"I ought to smack fuck out of you, you bastard", he said

"Oh oh, here we go", I thought, "the cock conversation"

"I want an honest, no bullshit, best friend to best friend answer from you", he said, raising eyebrows in question

"Yes sir, I promise", I said whilst parsing the "best friend to best friend" comment

"Yes sir?", he queried, "yer no' at school now mate."

I nodded, bracing myself

He put his face up against mine

"Were you REALLY gonna stay there and die with me?"

Well that wasn't what I was expecting to be being beaten up for.

I nodded yet again

"You are a fucking IDIOT", John said, bursting in to tears.

No, no, NO! John didn't cry.

"I could kick your c*nt in", he sobbed, "you stupid little bastard. Stupid, STUPID!"

I muzzled him

"John mate, getting cut off by the tide was the stupid bit and that was both of us. I could no better leave you there to die than I could give up wanking my morning wood. You are my most trusted friend, my mentor, I look up to you and I am who I am because of your generosity of time towards me. It would have been a privilege to die there by your side. More so, I couldn't have lived with myself if you had died. I'd have been crushed and guilt ridden. I love you"

He sobbed harder and shook. I'm presuming now shock was kicking in.

I ruffled his hair and kissed his neck. Truth was, as you may have guessed, I was enjoying being pressed naked against him. His man smells were awesome and erection inducing but thankfully our hips were pressed and my cock pulsed / twiched to the side, hopefully un-noticed. Looking back, I think that right there was where my love of armpits started.

"Please John mate, please don't cry. We're safe now. A pair of right stupid c*nts"

He sobbed more and shook

"Come on mate", I said, "the kettle has boiled". That sounded lame as it came out my mouth.

But it worked

He laughed mid-sob

"You and tea", he giggled, "trumps everything, don't it?"

I laughed too

"Tell you what", he said, "I'll brew up, you go shower. Plenty towels there"

As I made off he added "and feel free to bang one out whilst in there. I do". So my hardon hadn't gone un-noticed after all.

I showered but didn't wank. Felt much better. Towelled off and took it down with me for the washing basket. Not wrapped around me, went back down naked.

Whilst I was showering, John hadn't made tea after all. There was two steaming mugs of tomato soup and heaps of toast.

"I'll shower, you help yourself, but leave me SOME toast. I've put the fire on through the house".

He grinned and left.

The soup was roasting so I put it back down to cool. Then changed my mind and took the two hot mugs through to the cosy living room. As I was returning for the toast, the washing machine stopped and I heard a distinct "uuugh uuuuuuuuugh uuuuuuuugh" as John pumped his load in the shower. Instant hard-on. What a waste. His load I mean

He clumped downstairs and I heard him empty the washing machine. He returned in a dressing gown (dammit!) and handed me one "Keep you warm", he announced. I dutifully put it on with a "thanks mate" I didn't mean. As I belted it up, John was right against me again.

"No mate, the thanks are mine". He shook his head " I am SO angry at you but my heart is thumping out my chest with pride and gratitude. I don't know what to say to you............."

"Pinkie promise?", I suggested, ".........that our collective stupidity goes no further than this house. The tide will wash away all evidence of our escapade"

John joined pinkies with me and pressed his head against mine

"You stupid STUPID fuck", he said again.

"Dinna you start greetin' again ye wee Jessie", I demanded.

He laughed and then frowned and left. I heard clattering. He man-handled the clothes horse through with our clothes on it.

"Dry quicker here. An hour tops methinks." I nodded in agreement. I was aching for him. Our near death had shredded the "no, we shouldn't". Should have had a wank. He left again and returned with our shoes stuffed with newspaper.

"Kettle re-boiling", he announced, "but soup and toast first".

We scoffed that. Next was tea, more toast and a brand new pack of ginger nuts. Four hefty mugs of tea later all the biscuits were gone.

"I've got a jelly set in the fridge if you fancy some"

I fancied him but didn't say so.

"No thanks", I said, "I'll pass. Anyway, you putting milk on your jelly gives me the boke. The only other person I've seen do that is my great-granddad

He looked offended but laughed. He felt up the clothes.

"All dry", he announced, "you staying for tea?"

"We've had four mugs already and I've actually got to make DINNER for my folks getting home, you grammatical ignoramus. It's just macaroni and chips but you are welcome to join us"

"Na mate, you're fine", he replied

"Right, I'll get dressed and get out of your way", I said, pulling off the dressing gown and throwing it on to the chair, deliberately standing there naked.

He came up to me

"Let me be clear mate, You are NOT in my way. Not now, not ever. I will always be there for you. I am SO proud of you, I could burst. 18 going on 40"

Without thinking I leaned in and kissed him gently. Full on the lips. But just a peck. No tongues. I then punched his chest gently.

I got dressed, deliberately putting t-shirt on first and spread my legs in a triangle, cock full on display. Oh dear oh dear, t-shirt got stuck on my head. How did that happen? ha ha ha. I pulled it down in fake frustration accompanied by a fake frown but not before I had swung my cock in the efforts.

Finished dressing, I ruffled my hair. Looking at the clock I announced "might even have time for a wank before the folks get home"

"You should have done that before you got dressed", John observed.

"Yea, you told me to and I didn't", I rolled my eyes. "It will keep. Double load for the morning"

"Son, you are 18, you're cooking a new batch 30 seconds after you heave" John grinned

I laughed him and held my fist out for a "bump".

Got two and then with a "see you Tuesday", toddled home.

You will have gathered by now that John and I were tight. Had been for years now and our near-death-experience had strengthened that. I don't mean he was a parent substitute. A supplement. I was brought up in a very loving household, My mum and dad were what was known then as working class and they strived and scrimped so that I would do "better". But, to be blunt, I think they would have disowned me - and then some - had they any notion that girls didn't interest me. I wondered if John knew and if he would ever bring it up. I toyed with the notion of grabbing the bull by then horns and confiding in him. I was sure he would be fine with it and keep my confidence. I knew the two women he was banging and had never mentioned it to anyone, not even dad. But to my shame. there was a lingering doubt. Just 2% but there nevertheless.

My dad wasn't in to porn per se so nothing to discover accidentally. He used to buy me a magazine called "Forum", owned by Penthouse if I remember, which was articles and letters based. Not to mention obligatory 'problem pages'. "I will not have you embarrassed about sex", dad declared. .He had pre-warned me that there might be stuff in there I might not approve of......... "Poofs and men in women's clothes" but just to remember that we were all different and they all had beating hearts and were someone's son and daughter. "So long as their needs are consensual and legal - and they will be in that mag - just skip the ones you don't like" was his advice. He pointed out the page number in one issue of four women having an orgy as one he thought I might particularly enjoy. If only he knew. "Forum" was me and my dad's secret. Just the lads. Mother - so far as I know - didn't know. I devoured them. I remember one copy that had so many "interesting" letters - wanking techniques and man on man actions - I bought myself another copy and folded over the pages with my favourite letters at the corner so I could get to them easier. I even circled the header on two letters. On hindsight, under my mattress wasn't the best hiding place. When it went missing, I mentioned it to dad, worried that mum had found it. "I lent it to John", he said, "with a few other ones, Half a dozen or so".

Oh bugger.


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By *uck-Me-Hard-Scotland-M2M OP   Man  over a year ago

Barnhill (outside Dundee)


Part 2. Posted Monday 22nd May, 6pm


With usual request to those kind enough to comment to not quote the whole bloody thing prior to commenting




During the week John tooted and waved on his way to work, I waved back.

Wednesday, night on his way home he stopped by ours to see dad. On his way out he said to me "Mine Friday for eats?".

"Sure", I said

"Oh your enthusiasm blows me away", said John, "if you have other plans to be going out to get pissed and chase cheap pussy just say so"

I tutted and rolled my eyes

"Honestly!", I said for dad's sake, "I aint telling you fuck all ever again !!!!!"

Dad sniggered then added "Go wash out your mouth with carbolic soap"

John held out his fist "I'll ignore the double negative.............So I've got a date for Friday then?"

I bumped his fist with mine, "Looks like it unless you get a better offer"

Friday came, I was finished Uni at 3. Went to off-sales, got some beers, was at John's for 4.30

He grinned when he saw the beers............"Fools seldom differ"

"What's on the menu?", I asked

"Apart from you", he replied, "nothing on the gas or in the oven at the mo. We could go out and get Chinese or slum it with sausage, egg, chips and beans"

"Sold", I said.

John tutted,

"...without mentioning which one............ why don't we do Chinese and keep the sausage and egg for breakfast?"

"Staying over am I?", I asked, pleased.

"Let's see", said John, "depends how pissed we get. We now have 20 cans of beer and two bottles of wine"

"We don't have to trough it all tonight", I sighed, "you could keep some for another night you wee lush"

"Na", said John, "reheated Chinese is rank"

I sniggered and fist bumped his shoulder

"As you said, let's see how it goes. Don't feel obliged to match me drink for drink, trying to keep up with the kids"

"I was about to say the same about you, you cheeky little shite"

I kissed his forehead and he beamed

"Which Chinese?", I asked

"We could walk up to the local one or drive to the '............Wok', I'm told it is really good and huge portions.

"Sold", I said again which earned me a slap across the back of the head.

I waited 10 seconds then said "Oh sorry............OUCH!".

John tutted

"Let's get going then. My stomach thinks my throat has been cut"

His stomach chimed in with a burble

"Told you!"


We got to the Chinese. We were the only customers.

"Hi John" said the guy behind the counter

"Oh hello", said John, "didn't know you worked here". I knew him well enough to recognise he meant "if I'd known you were here we would have gone somewhere else"

I wondered what that was about

"Who is the lad?" asked the guy, "your new boyfriend?"

"I should be so lucky", said John, "like he'd be up for servicing anyone OUR age..........",

They both laughed. I glared.

I have to be clear, dear reader, whilst John and I were 'tight' and discussed almost everything, my interest in men was not a topic of conversation. In fact, now that I think about it, whilst I knew how rampant he was with women - and very very popular - my sex life hadn't really come up so far per se. So, aside from my declaration in the incident in chapter 1 that I would suck him on demand or bend over for him 'no questions asked', our banter and riffing off one another behind closed doors was "tight mates" pulling each other's chain. I loved him to bits and felt loved in return. Except............ I was scared to tell him I had no interest in women in case I lost his respect and friendship. Looking back with the benefit of hindsight, I am practically certain now he knew and was biding his time, perhaps hoping I told him before he asked. That worked out well! But more on that later.

"......... in no particular order ........pussy hound and son of my oldest friend......... and was my wingman when Marie was hot for a '3' ", John "introduced" me.

"Was?", queried the guy

"Yup", said John, "she doesn't know it yet but she is toast for a little while. Was quite clear in her disappointment last week when I went up that HE wasn't with me. I decided to leave and make do with a wank or three". John fake glared at me like the non-existent encounter was MY fault.

The guy laughed

"I suppose YOU are paying then tonight to soothe his damaged ego", he said to me.

"Nope", said John, "it only fair. I make good money pimping him out. No more freebies for that bitch Marie thuigh, she is is going to have to pony up if she wants any more of that youthful cock or tongue in her............"

"Will YOU............", I began

"Aw look", said John, "he's blushing"

"Like hell I am", I said deciding to join in the fakery, "and whilst I remember, you haven't given me my cut for the last three encounters"

"You really are a selfish git", said John, "you are getting your hole.............."

"ICK!", I interrupted

"Agreed!", said the guy, "what a crude way to describe it"

John ignored us both "..........AND you want paid ???? I bought the condoms"

"So what do you want?", asked the guy

"For clarification............ he means from the menu", John said

I didn't reply. I was studying the big whiteboard menu which I noticed was squint which put me off.

"Here we go", said John, "ten minutes faffing then he will have curry with two portions of chips as usual"

I cast daggers at him whilst trying to secretly move the menu on the wall so it was 'square'. Why the hell I thought that was a good idea or that it would work is beyond me. I jumped back and pulled John with me as the board came off the wall.

"Saved your life!", I said to John, trying to cover my involvement.

"Again", said John and pursed his lips.

"For fuck sake...........ALI !!!............" shouted the guy behind the counter

I was surprised when a wee Chinaman appeared..............

."Ali" ?????????????????

I was even more surprised when in a broad Glasgow accent "Ali" declared

"Jesus wept..........in the name of the WEE man!"

I disgraced myself by laughing. No-one paid me any attention.

"Are yeez aw right", queried Ali

I bit my bottom lip.

"There's a bit of a hole in your wall", I said stating the obvious, refraining from mentioning that one of the dents looked just like a glory hole. A bit too high right enough.

"So what are you having", Ali asked

"Well............" I began

"If / but / maybe.......with chips..............." suggested John

I ignored him

"Before the wall caved in............I noticed you do different strengths of curry"

"Told you", John interrupted again.

"Yup", said Ali, "you like it hot?"

"Oh aye", I said, "But nothing in my life will ever be as hot as this handsome sexy stud muffin.", I said wrapping my arm around John's shoulder

"Get off!", said John, trying to unwrap us and failing.

John's "non mate" laughed

"Relax Ali, he's pulling your chain. These two share women. Probably a ratio of 3 rounds to 1", he added raising his eyes in fake 'sympathy' to John

Ali looked me up and down

"I'll bet", he said, "looks like he can go all night. Are you two.............."

"No, we are NOT an item" John said

"I meant sharing a woman tonight" Ali tutted

"The only bird we are sharing tonight is whatever you put in the curry and the Brazillian babes we will be pulling our cocks for on the new porn", said John.

"How hot you want it mate?" Ali asked

(I HATE being called 'mate')

"Hot so I get the benefit of it in the morning too", I answered, "but just do him standard, he's a bit of a pussy when it comes to curry strength. And chips for me though instead of rice"

"Fried rice for me", John said, "I'll have some of his chips"

"Like hell you will", I declared

Ali laughed

"Leave it with me boys", he said, and to the counter-man said "on the house. As compensation for the near miss"

"Absolutely NOT", I said

"Thank you", said John, "that's awfy kind of you"

Away Ali went.

Ten minutes later he returned with THREE white bags

"Hope you are hungry guys............."

"THAT one stores it in his hollow legs", declared John, "I only have to LOOK at a cream cake and.my ass gets bigger"

"So where were you today then?" I frowned, pointedly looking at his arse.

I deserved the kick.

"I've put the ice cream in a separate bag and triple wrapped so it doesn't melt."

"Since when did a Chinkie sell ice cream", I asked ( I know, a dreadful term but that was way back then.............. different times"

"We dinna", said Ali, "it's one of the ones we use for staff meals"

"Oooooh", you are honoured", said the guy behind the counter

"Look", said John, "I have to pay you for this............."

"You offend me", said Ali

John and I shuffled awkwardly, neither of us knowing where to look.

"Thank you", I eventually said.

John nodded in agreement and held out his hand for shaking.

Ali wrapped the three bags around his fingers.

I laughed.

"Thanks again", I said, "come on you..........let's get going and went"

We got back to the car

"Well, THAT was embarrassing", declared John.

"Well he insisted on it being on the house", I said

"NOT what I meant............",began John

Oh oh.

I was almost certain he didn't know I had brought the menu down

"I'm sorry", I started, "I shouldn't have laughed........... but it just burst out hearing a Chinaman talk in a broad Glasgow accent, it was so unexpected........... not to mention being called Ali"

"Is THAT what you were ending yourself at?", said John, starting the engine........."I thought it was the menu ripping off the wall, what with you are your slapstick / sense of the ridiculous / black sense of humour which by the way is gonna get you a bop on the nose from someone some day or worse.......... no......... I near died a death when I saw him behind the counter..........I've been shagging his sister AND she I now know to be his fiance............ me and Jack have been playing tag with them"

"Oh dear", I said, not sure what "playing tag" meant whether it was taking turns or a threesome. I wasn't going to embarrass myself by asking. I mused that it could be both if 'playing tag' didn't mean taking night about.

"Always the man of the understatement", declared John.

"What you gonna do?", I asked

"Thrown them over", said John, "I have morals you know, I only shag another guy's bird if he knows and sometimes wants to watch"

Being 18 and a bit, very sexually uninhibited, I considered myself "very worldly", not to mention mature. Was a bit of a shock to me to discover there was sexual practices of which I was ignorant. But I realised at that moment my not being of the hetero tribe meant that of course I wasn't completely au fait as to what went on between a wummin' and her man behind closed doors. Or in the park - ha ha. So, not backwards at coming forwards and always interested in expanding my "education", I asked "Why the hell would someone want another guy to shag their wife. I could sort of understand him wanting to watch his missus with another woman, the latter every straight guy's wet dream"

"It's called Cuck", explained John, "Surely you've read about it in those mags your dad loaned me, or are you just reading the letters from men?"

(Oh Oh !!!!!!!!!)

"It's quite a thing", John continued, "The tern Cuck comes from 'cuckoo' invading and taking over the nest. The guys who are 'cuck' don't always get to watch, they have to stay in the other room and just listen. In fact, one woman wanted her man to suck my cock. I said 'absolutely not' , the ONLY guy with dibs on my cock is you. Another woman wanted him to drink my piss".

"Fuck sake", I said, "but each to their own I suppose if it works for them". Of course I was processing John saying I had dibs on his cock.

"Agreed", said John, "A lot of the 'cuck' scene is not my thing, but I'm happy to do a '3' with a married couple so long as I get to go first."

"No sloppy seconds for you then", I declared then added "exactly how much married pussy are you dipping?"

John tutted and accidentally ran a red light. Cue lots of angry tooting. I smacked my head off the glove compartment such was the force he put the brakes on. No seatbelt rules back then.

"You are VULGAR", suggested John........"what are you LIKE".

No apology for my free facelift I noted.

"I'm actually quite horny", I blurted, "bumped head notwithstanding. See if you can get us home in one piece so this freebie meal aint wasted"

"I'm horny too", said John, "maybe we will get the Brazillian Babes on after all. Actually I might have some lesbian porn that I haven't lent out if that rocks your boat and has you leaking. Chinese, Beer, porn........ A guys night in worthy of a 'dear diary'......"

Well, yes........... turned out it was. But not for the Brizillan Babes or lesbian porn and not a night I could commit to the diary.




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By *eeker of pleasureMan  over a year ago


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By *oth0712Man  over a year ago


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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Had a fishing friend like this

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By *iving for todayMan  over a year ago


great well told story

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By *umbyguyMan  over a year ago


Good story what happens next

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This is horny, please post more!

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By *uck-Me-Hard-Scotland-M2M OP   Man  over a year ago

Barnhill (outside Dundee)


Part 3 Posted Thursday 15th June 7am:


Ten minutes later, we got back to John's in one piece., no further driving incidents. John hadn't answered my query about how many women etc. I stored it away for later. Turned out though it would be me answering the questions.

Inside, John opened the bags from the Chinese, our freebie meal for the board nearly hitting us. Notwithstanding only I knew it was me who caused it to come off the wall.

"Jesus fuck!", John exclaimed when he saw the contents. Four cartons soup, six big crispy spring rolls, six curries - three marked "H" and three marked "P"; both marked having one each of Chicken, Pork and Beef - three bags of chips, two sets of fried rice, FOUR big bags of prawn crackers, two portions of pineapple fritters and of course the ice cream. "I think I'll put the ice cream in the freezer for another time", said John, "as well as four of the curries after they cool down. The only thing he has missed is the Ginger" (Ginger is a Glasgow colloquialism for carbonated drinks)

"Hell", I said, "he gave me 8 cans, I've left them in the car".

John looked aghast.

I tittered. "Only kidding".

John kicked my foot.

"I couldn't remember you getting owt to carry............. wonder what H and P are for on the curry lids?"

"I would suspect Handsome for mine and Pussy for yours", I suggested.

John tutted and opened one marked "H" - the chicken one and dipped a fork in for 'a try'.

He immediately spat it out. "FUCK............ thon is hot. That's defo yours"

"Told you", I agreed, "and you owe me a lump of chicken"

"The only lump you will get is a cauliflower ear, any more of your bloody cheek", John advised.

I'm smiling as I write "cauliflower ear". No-one says that these days.

"Let's be mingers and have the pineapple fritters first", John suggested, "with a dollop of ice cream before I put it in the freezer"

They only lasted 5 minutes

Having shoved the ice cream in to the freezer, John then got a big mixing bowl out and tipped all the chips in

"These won't keep, we will have to trough them all. Hope your legs are right hollow tonight".

He debated and opened one carton of rice.

He decided on beef curry, I was having the opened chicken one. The other four plus soup and rice were left to cool to go in to fridge and/or freezer. I wasn't sure about reheating reheated rice.

"Mind your own business and don't be such a whine", I was told as he grabbed plates and forks.

"Let's go", he said, "oh........... grab a bag of crackers, at least THEY will keep, and get some beers out the fridge".

"What did your last Sl*ve die of?", I asked

"Not doing as he was fucking well told" was the response, "...........now move that scrawny arse of yours"

Scrawny arse. The bloody cheek of him. At least it was an improvement on "fat arse" from the other day in chapter 1.

The spring rolls were GORGEOUS. I managed to wangle four.

John watched in amusement as I scooped curry in to the Prawn crackers to make them sizzle. All these years later it is STILL my favourite thing to do with curry.

"So what porn you want on?", John asked

"UN", I mumbled

I swallowed and mouth now empty I clarified my 'none', "I'd rather just eat and blether"

"Suit yourself", said John, "but mind and wash your hands after 'cause if you spill that spicy curry on them you will burn your cock when you pull it later".

I tutted and rolled my eyes.

I swigged beer but with too much food in my gob I snorted and something came out my nose.

"For christ sake, slow down", demanded John, "it aint a race"

I burped and grinned.

Have to say, the chips were class. Bizarre as it sounds, I based my 'review' of a place depending on how good their chips were. My perverse logic was that if they couldn't get chips right, there was no chance for the rest of it.

"So", said John, "I was wanting to blether with you about those Forum mags your dad lent me"

The chips turned to dust in my mouth.

"What about them?", I asked trying to sound nonchalant but I could feel my ears turning pink and it wasn't the effects from the curry.

"This stuff is really good", I tried to divert

"Uh huh, I quite agree", said John, "thing is, there was two. copies of one of them........."

(Damn, that worked............ NOT!)

"...........I assume one of the copies was yours"

"They are all mine", I attempted, "I'm buying it now"

"OK then", said John, "the dog-eared, WELL-thumbed one is your extra under-the-mattress copy"

I shrugged. "What of it?"

"Just asking", said John. "I'm not trying to embarrass you".

"Not embarrassed in the slightest", I lied. Blushing.

"Why are you blushing?", John asked

"I aint", I lied again, "as you noticed, this curry is fucking HOT. I think my balls are on fire, never mind my mouth and my nose".

John tilted his head

"I thought we were mates"

"We ARE", I tutted, "but you are interrupting a damn good curry. All the better tasting because it was FREE!".

I tried to fake burp but ended up causing quite a trumpet of a fart.

"OOOPS. Better out than in. Jesus that BURNED"

We ate in silence. My mind was doing cartwheels. I was sure John could hear it whirring.

Having finished mine - and helped myself to some of John's, the fried rice was actually nice too - in an effort to "change the subject" I picked up my plate and started to lick it clean, just to annoy him.

"Do you trust me?", John asked softly

Hmmm. Something else that didn't work. I was losing my touch. Looking back it was more likely he had neither intention of being diverted NOR maybe even humouring me by pretending to be diverted. I stopped mid-lick.

"What is this? Twenty questions?", I tried to laugh it off.

"Twenty three", John said, "Do you TRUST me?"

I put my plate down. Or tried to and the plate missed my knee and rolled along the floor

"Hmm...", said John, "couldn't have done that if you had tried"

"With my life", I declared, changing the subject back and trying to stare him down

"Which you were stupid enough to risk to save mine", observed John, "which I've not yet beaten you up for but recent thought process and realisation is you'd probably enjoy it"

So he had noticed my circled letters in the magazine.

I could feel my face turning purple.

"Thon must be a right hot curry", John stated.

"We've already agreed that", I fudged then looking him in the face I asked "are you angry at me for not wanting to let you die?"

"No", said John, "but cards on table............. after you left I cried with rage at you. Then cried more later with love and pride"

I smiled a tight smile. "Are we ok?"

"Do you TRUST me?", he asked again

I went to answer but he barged in with "that our conversations are between you and me? Period. I always thought I had your absolute and unqualified trust."

I nodded.

"Can I tell you something in confidence?", he asked.

I snorted and tutted. "YOU decide"

"Your dad aint my best friend...............YOU are"

I couldn't conceal my shock.

"Don't get me wrong, your dad is a good mate but you are the bees knees. Something else...........and don't be angry.............. but I tested you"

I frowned

"I confided some not true things to you - actually some were downright bare arsed fibs - and not once was any of it repeated to me by your dad".

I wasn't sure whether to beam or glare.

"I see", I said evenly

"I'd say 'sorry', but I'm not", said John, "other than if you are offended or upset"

"You did what you thought you needed to do", I said.

"So what was your favourite letters?", John segued, ".........actually, tell you what......... why don't you hold that thought and I'll phone your dad and tell him you are staying the weekend and then we can get some more beers and have a good natter"

"No", I said.

John's face crumpled

"Oh!", he said, "I was hoping............."

"Phone my dad but if we are having a no-holds-barred natter, I don't want it alcohol fuelled. I want whatever we say to be as a result of our bond and trust, not beer".

"Oh!", said John, "18 going on 40 right enough............DEAL. Why don't we make it a naked conversation. No hiding place. You being naked will help me tell if you are fibbing".

"I fail to see how............", I began, but John was already dialling. He had a phone with a speaker button, quite a thing back then. HUGE white thing with black buttons.

Dad answered after three rings. "Hullo".

"Hi to you too mate", John said, "how goes it?"

"Fine", said dad, "that you two fed and watered?"

"Aye", said John, "I was phoning to let you know I'm keeping him here the night. We've got some beer and porn and will be pulling our cocks to the Brazilian babes"

"We will NOT", I shouted.

Dad laughed. I realised he thought I was only hearing John's side of the conversation when he said "means me and his mum can shag"

My purple face was not curry related.

"You go get some beers out the fridge", John demanded

I stood up. He flapped his hand in a 'sit down' motion then put his fingers "shhhhh" to his lips.

"Listen", said dad, "whilst she is putting the washing on before tea............ been meaning to ask you............. when you take him shagging.........you do make him use condoms don't you?"

"Pardon me?", asked John. I raised "pardon ME?" eyebrows but at John. He shrugged.

"I'm not asking for gory details", said dad, "just promise me you make him rubber up. Please John, I don't want him thinking no condoms is a good thing. He's too young to be a dad"

"You were his age when you had him", John interrupted

"John !!!! Promise me! He's at Uni. First in the family. I don't want him ruining his life..............."

"So having him ruined your life?", John interrupted again

"Fuck no", said dad, "he's my boy".

I beamed

"Things were different back then, expectations were leave school, get an apprenticeship, get yourself a bird, get married and be a dad by 21. Hopefully the last two bits in that order. We both knew enough shotgun weddings in our time"

"You missed out hope the kid was yours".

They both laughed.

"That one couldn't be anyone else's but yours", said John.

"Aye", said dad, "my boy. What a joy. Few shit my pants moments with his health but............."

"You love him", said John

"Of course", said dad, "but don't tell him I said that. He will think I'm going soft. And don't forget you, his favourite non-uncle"

"I put up with him for your sake.........", said John,

They laughed again. I glared.

"..........but talking of expectations, you are assuming he is of the marrying kind", said John

"His mother and I have had that conversation............", said dad

(WHAT FUCKING CONVERSATION !!!! ?????????????)

".........again things are different now. You don't HAVE to get married. Two lads at my work his age are kipping up with their bird. His mother said she'd be affronted if he did that. Wouldn't be able to show her face in the village what with people looking at her. We are assuming what with the Uni being local, he won't move out until after he has graduated. She has made it quite clear I am not to support him having a lass stay over, much less her move in here..........."

"Not even if she was pregnant?", said John. Quite maliciously I thought, particularly given the 'conversation' dad was trying to have with John.

Dad thought so too: "Don't fucking say that!", he snorted, "......... his mother thinks he is still a virgin the silly moo. That horse has LONG bolted, hasn't it?"

"If you say so", said John, "but not what I meant and I think you know that. What if he was AC/DC or just DC..............?"

"Eh?", asked dad

"Oh for fuck sake", snorted John, "do I have to spell it out for you? I was trying to use the terminology from those Mags you lent me, you know "Forum minded readers", AC/DC..... Alternating Current / Direct Current or plain DC / Direct Current.............. you know!!!!........... bi or gay. I meant what if he aint straight. Have you had THAT conversation?"


*** WHAT THE HELL WAS HE DOING??????????????????? ***




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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By *ark_sentinelCouple  over a year ago


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By *uck-Me-Hard-Scotland-M2M OP   Man  over a year ago

Barnhill (outside Dundee)


Part 4. Posted Saturday 24th June 2.30pm:


Very quick recap. John is on the phone to my dad to see he is keeping me at his for the night, although John had said to me "the weekend". John has prior to the call stated to me his intention for him and I to be naked for 'a blether' where our nakedness would help him tell if I was fibbing (?????????). Perhaps might be good for you to scroll up and re-read chapter 3, depending on how long ago you read it. John has dad on speakerphone - quite a thing way back then - and dad isn't aware I am listening. Dad is pleading with John to make me use condoms when John takes me shagging (at this point, I had no idea where he got such a notion that John took me as his wingman when he was with women. To be clear........that NEVER happened). Much to my shock, out of nowhere so far as I was concerned, John has "wondered" with dad, what if I wasn't "the marrying kind". Dad misinterpreted that as the possibility of me "living in sin" - as it was called back then - with a lass and not getting married at that juncture. I sat open mouthed, heart bumping in my ears, as John clarified what he meant had was had dad and I had 'the conversation' about what if I wasn't straight..................................




"He is", said dad, "and what conversation?"

"What if he wasn't?", pushed John, "the conversation that you would still love him if he wasn't straight"

"He IS", insisted dad.

"Would you still love him?"

There was no pause

"He's my boy", said dad again.

"Good", said John, "That's all I needed to hear. But let's be honest.............there would be a problem elsewhere in the household".

He of course meant mother.

"If he got a girl pregnant, she would never forgive him"

"I think she would", John said, "but that aint what I meant"

"No", said dad, "we've talked about it. She would want................"

"JESUS", said John, "well first of all, it aint her decision, it would be him and his bird who would decide, not either of you"

I frowned, then realised they were talking about 'termination'.

"Has he said to you he's not straight?" asked dad

"Nope", said John honestly.........(it had never come up in our conversations............ YET as it turned out. )

"I was trying to divert you from the shagging conversation", admitted John, "not very successfully. Backfired a bit. But it good to hear you would still love him if he was gay or bi. | could get him to suck my cock Would be handy when the girls are on the rag"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

"Knock yourself out mate", laughed dad, "if he doesnae knock you out himself for asking"

They both laughed yet again.

"There is a potential problem brewing", advised John


"Go on.............", said dad

"Yea, go ON!", I said silently.

"Ref Her indoors"


"I know she is your darling, you love her to bits but this letting her get her own way all the time so you can have a quiet life is not sustainable. She and the lad are going to lock horns and YOU are going to have to make a decision............."


"NO!, Let me finish! I am not saying she is a bad wife or bad mother. Fuck sake, look at how he has turned out. That's both of you. And I suspect him going to Uni is her far sightedness and support. I am NOT taking any of that away from her. He was always well turned out, brought up with manners as standard, she took time off work to go to every Christmas 'afternoon' production, even the one where he was a shepherd and managed to fluff his two lines"

(at that, John stuck his tongue out of me)

"Was that not because he was sacked / demoted?" asked dad, getting off topic. Probably deliberately but I was losing track as to what the 'topic' was.

"Pardon?", asked John

"A Shepherd with two lines. Remember the previous year. He was the Innkeeper........."

(I started blushing, I knew where this was going)

".... the one bloody time I wangled the afternoon off to go......... I had forgotten to take my camera so he was in the huff at no photo with his pals...........we get to the bit where Joseph and his 'bit up the duff' are asking for a room at the Inn and HE -- eight years old remember - says 'No. There aint. Now fuck off and take your tart and that manky four-legged thing with you off my property' "

"I don't remember THAT", gasped John

"That's because you were in hospital getting your appendix out", dad filled in the gaps.

I was studying my feet at this point.

"She'd have been in her element", suggested John, "I was SO humiliated...........", he mimicked.

Dad tutted

"Look", said John gently, "I'm saying this to you as a pal. He's a man now. Not a wee lad. Her way or the highway and making life hell until she gets her own way is not going to pass muster much longer. He aint you. He's not married to her. He doesn't have to put up with it and he won't. It's only a matter of scale and what trips it."

Just when I thought this call couldn't get any more bizarre!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and it was about to, even more).....John had in as many words just told dad he was pussy-whipped (a term I learned from the Forum mag). I had a minor panic that this call was their friendship at and end.

"She will blame you", suggested dad

"I can live with that", said John. "Look mate, I have already been QUITE clear that I'm not saying she is a bad person or a bad mother. Far from it. She is that horrible dichotomy of a decent person but a selfish attention seeking cow. And YOU go along with it for an easy life. We'd run out of fingers counting the 'incidents', the "oh everyone persuade me from not chucking my college course / ,my job" et-bloody-etcetera. Remember the difficulty you were in when she did her "I'm leaving" that job and her boss said "On you go then. No need to work your notice". For reasons I could never fathom that was YOUR fault for not being more supportive. But that's between you and her. Where I take issue is when it affects HIM and you swallow it like a good little puppy. Remember Bobby? His mate that went to Australia?"

"New Zealand", corrected dad, "and what about him?"

"What-fucking-EVER", snorted John, voice rising a bit, "......HE told me that she had told the lad IN FRONT OF BOBBY that he had held her back. She could have made something with her life if it hadn't been for him"

"She did WHAT?", stormed dad.

As angry as I was........ Bobby had told John no such thing. It was me who told him.

"Yea", said John, "makes you wonder what else she has said. But we both know what a lying conniving bitch she can be. I tolerate her for your sake and the lad's. I'm civil to her and take care when choosing her birthday and Christmas presents"

"She LOVED the flowers you took when she was in hospital", interrupted dad

"And no doubt managed to use them to compare you unfavourably to me", suggested John, ".........but the fact remains I will never forgive her. Ever. What I have done for your sake, and the lad's - and to an extent hers - is learn not to bear a grudge........."

(What the fucking hell was all this about?)

"........you know the trouble I could have caused............."

"........and you know how grateful I am..........", dad said

"It's in the past", said John, "and best left there. We have all moved on. But I won't stand by and let her............."

"I hear you..............", said dad, "can we leave it that I hear what you are saying and I am on it. I appreciate your bluntness. It's good we can talk like this. I'm not asking for details but I am by extension pleased, more than you can know, in my assumption that you have the same no-holds-barred conversations with buggerlugs"

"Noted", said John, "so long as you know I mean it. If I have to take sides............"

"I HEAR you", said dad, "and thank you"

"One last thing though..........."

"MUST you?..........." sighed dad. I agreed.

"Aye.........", said John, "the evil part of me wishes he is gay or bi............"

(Oh here we fucking go again!)

".......just so she would be affronted and humiliated"

"You are a TWAT", laughed dad.

So they were 'ok'. Phew

"You missed out 'malicious'", John offered

Dad sniggered.

"He's really lucky to have you John. As am I. But for him, I'm really grateful"

"Well, I don't have far to look to see where he gets his 'soppy git' from"

They both laughed. Needless to say, I didn't.

"Tell you what cobber", said John - all matey again - "he is something else. I love him to bits but sometimes he frightens me, I wouldn't want to meet him on a dark night"

"You and me both", said dad, "have you ever had 'the LOOK' ?"

"The one that burns right through you............." asked John

"Turns you to dust more like", suggested dad.

I was starting to get annoyed. REALLY annoyed. Then I remembered they were talking about me like I wasn't there because dad didn't know I was. In truth I was quite relieved all seemed to be ok between them.

"Have you had the quiet telling off?", asked dad

"Uh huh", said John, "don't go there. When he raises his voice during an argument, that's when I know I am winning. But when he has that quiet, incisive tone on.........."

"God, I never told you", began dad

Oh oh, what was this?

"Two week ago in the supermarket............."

Oh hell. I started blushing yet again. The stories were fair tumbling out tonight! And none of them in my favour. John raised an eyebrow. Even to this day, he is one of the few people I've seen with the ability to raise a single eyebrow. Yup, dear reader, you've just tried it and failed, haven't you?

".........a policeman collided with him. at force", blabbed dad, "........in one of his tones, he said 'watch where the fuck you are going why don't you, instead of ogling cheap pussy'. I near died. Even better..........the bloke APOLOGISED. The rest of us would do that British thing of apologising for being bumped in to. Not him. Didn't dare tell his mum."

"Can I?", teased John

I stopped myself just in time from bellowing "NO!"

"Don't you fucking dare!", laughed dad, "........I'll tell you what though mate. Intelligent as hell............. no fucking common sense"

"I think you are being a bit harsh", suggested John.

"You THINK?", asked dad, "Remember Josie's 50th?"

"Uh huh", said John, clocking my smirk

"WELL", said dad, "her aunt had made her a cake. Really nice but the icing went wrong on the Happy 50th or rather the top bit of the 5 dribbled down a bit squint. You saw it.............HE looked at the fucking cake and asked why it said "Happy goth'. I mean..........honest to Christ. Where does he GET that stupidity from?"

I tittered silently. .

"Tell me", said John, "once he said that, what did you see every time you looked at the cake?"

"Happy goth", said dad

"Thought so", said John.

"You mean........?"

"Uh huh"

"The little C*NT !", said dad. God I hate that word.

"He is outgrowing us fast", suggested John, "a fine young man and a credit to you both"

"He is and all that", said dad

I blushed again

"..........but you too mate. As I alluded earlier, you have been a great influence too. He adores you and won't ever outgrow you. We will have to make sure we are both in the same nursing home so that he not bouncing between us"

"Nursing home?", said John, "that will be right. We are moving in with him and he will wait on us hand and foot"

"What if we hate his wife?", asked dad, "I hope he marries someone who doesn't mind two old gits ogling her tits"

"We will spank her until she learns who is in charge", offered John

They sniggered.

"Perhaps you should try it with your missus", suggested John. I threw a cushion at him

"Fuck off", said dad, "how daft do I look.............. DON'T answer that!............. anyway. back to the topic in hand............... John, please. Condoms He will listen to you. He's adored you since he was in nappies. Following you around like a wee puppy, dragging that fucking teddy you bought him along the floor by the ear......calling you 'Don' before he could say it right."

John tittered

"............I'd be the dad conversation. Please John. Do this for me. Anyway, I don't want him catching anything. I know where you have been"

"Eh?" asked John annoyed

"I heard Marie blew you off because he wasn't with you"

"How did.........."

"Or didn't blow you.......OFF", dad tittered. "I was at the Chinese just after you collecting a phone order. Him behind the counter said I'd just missed you. He told me........."

John smirked and winked at me plus gave me the thumbs up. I didn't understand why.

"So, will you do this for me?" prodded dad

"On one condition", said John

"If he's gay I don't throw him out?"

"No", said John, "if that happened he could decamp here..........no........... this conversation didn't happen. You don't tell him, you don't hint"

"Agreed", said dad

"Here he comes", whispered John and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes.

"You manage to keep up with him?", asked dad suddenly.

"Ahem..............", began John

"He's a horny wee toad", confided dad, "if the not properly washed stains on his headboard and the wall are owt to go by. Not to mention the gonk"

My jaw hit the floor.

OH FOR FUCK SAKE........NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. .....SHUT............UP!!!!!!!!

"The WHAT?" asked John

"The gonk", said dad, "one of those things you win at the carnival"

"I know what it is, I don't see how.............."

Before I go on, dear reader, I have to explain that gonks in those days were nothing like what they are now. Back then they were basically hard cardboard like the insides of a big toilet roll, fake fur - usually dark brown - with eyes glued on

"....well he has pulled the bottom off it, sellotaped the insides for the tacks so it doesn't rip his Toby. He puts a pillow up and down the way for a body / support, the gonk at the bottom of it, a towel underneath and then he slips in the hole at the bottom of the gonk and bangs one out. Quite ingenious. You should see the stains in the inside of the tube.

John covered his mouth and looked at me in delight / glee. Me, I thought I was gonna burst in to flames.

"You know this how?", asked John

"Last month, the earlier bus was late - if you see what I mean - so I got in earlier than normal and he was hard at it. He didn't hear me come in. I could see him in the hall mirror naked on the bed riding away. When I opened the front door and heard the bed creaking and him puffing away, I thought he had a lass in. But no, just him and his gonk. Tell you something mate, when he 'fired', he put his head back and grunted loud. At least 20, the lucky wee sod............"

"Not that you were counting", interrupted John

"............I had to let myself out and go back 20 minutes later by which time he was all cleaned up, looking innocent and had the tea on. I was almost sure I could smell it on him but that was probably just me knowing. I've seen him at it four times now........" ( I gasped) "..........but I bet it is every day, if not more than once. I got up for the loo the other night and he was all set up, pillow and gonk, banging one out on the floor so the bed didn't creak"

I thought I was going to pass out from embarrassment. John was trying not to end himself.

"Right", said John, "I take it you've got your dinner to have before your shag..........." (he stuck his tongue out at me), "and we have plans"

"Promise me John", said dad

John sighed, annoyed

"I've said 'yes'", he said irritably. (You might have noticed he had promised no such thing)

"You are a mate", said dad "and phone me when he's on his way home so that we're not at it when he comes in"

I held my head in my hands.

They said their goodbyes and hung up.

"What's wrong with YOU?", asked John, "you didn't think your mum and dad stopped shagging when you came along????"

"Shut UP", I demanded

"Why?", asked John, "thought you weren't allowed to be embarrassed about sex"

"I'm going for a pee", I said

When I returned, John was naked and holding a small knife.

"Get 'em off, gonkie" he demanded, "we both need to be naked for this"

I blinked rapidly in surprise then processed the bastard had just called me 'gonkie'. THAT would have to be nipped in the proverbial bud.

"Do you trust me?" asked John yet a-fucking-gain. This was getting tedious.

He flicked his hand with the knife in, in my direction.

"OFF............... please?"

"Fuck it", I thought and pulled my clothes off in five seconds flat

I stood there naked looking at John in a bit of defiance. Whilst at same time having a good ogle aware I had a semi which was in danger or growing longer and thicker.

He smiled and said, "you know what blood brothers are?"

It was on the tip of my tongue to say a joke that would get me flung off here.

"Twins", I offered

"That's eggs and only maybe", said John, "identical twins come from the same egg and sperm and are always same gender, fraternal twins are two eggs and two sperms and can be different gender"

"You missed out 'mirror' twins and it is sperm that is the plural........ 'sperm' is one of those nouns like salmon or aircraft always used in the singular including for a plural ", I said

"MIRROR?", John frowned, ignoring my grammar lesson.

"Yup. Their hair falls naturally on the opposite side of the head, their dominant hand is different and might even have the same birthmark on the other side to their twin"

"You talk some shite", suggested John, ".........me and my brother were identical ones".

"BROTHER ?", I asked shocked


"Where is he? Have I met him and you two c*nts have pretended it was always you?"

"He died", said John, offering no further explanation. Talk about wanting the ground to swallow you up, not to mention feeling a right ham. Didn't seem appropriate to prod.

"Blood brothers are bonded in blood", I suggested, "actually, now that I think about it from those old films we have watched............. is it not an American Indian thing where they slit their hands and clasp them together?"

"Well done", said John, using the knife to carve in to his hand. Not too deeply but enough to shock me at the speed he did it. I saw blood. Of course a little blood goes a long way. He was dribbling, not gushing.

He handed me the knife.

"Your turn.......... if you will have me"




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By *oventry4biTV/TS  over a year ago


Excellently written. Looking forward to hearing more

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By *ichard777Man  over a year ago


Awesome story......want more lol

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By *uck-Me-Hard-Scotland-M2M OP   Man  over a year ago

Barnhill (outside Dundee)


Part 5. Posted Saturday 5th August 2023 2.30pm


John handed me the knife.

I was so nervous I dropped it. I crounched down to get it and was face-to-bush with John's thighs and pubes. I let out a wee whimper. Not sure now looking back if it was from having dropped the knife or the "woof" joy of a sniff of his manliness.Very obviously I couldn't have a lick or more. At this point we were just two naked guys. Well there's a hint for future chapters if ever there was one!

"Are you ok?", John asked.

"Just futter-bin-gers", I replied standing back up. But my nerves were obvious.

"Are you ok.........."

"YES!", I interrupted

"............doing this?............" John continued his sentence. OOOPS a daisy!

".......you don't have to"

"Are you pulling out?", I asked

"No", said John, "we aint having sex so no need to use the rythm method"

I frowned in confusion.

"The ryhtmym method", explained John, "is what Catholics use to avoid using contraception which they consider to be a sin. Notwithstanding that for some of them sex outside breeding purposes is a sin in itself"

"There are so many things wrong with that statement", I sighed, "BREEDING? I think the Priests would say procreation......... and not that I am moralising, THAT aint my bag, each to their own and all that.............. But you shagging a Catholic would be the sins of fornication or infedility.......possibly even both, the both-together for them would be 'slap-on-the-oil' before going in the stove. But what you are describing is the Withdrawl method, not Rythym. Rythym method is when women adhering to the Catholic mantra of no contraceptives - pill, coil, condoms etc - try not to have sex when they are at most fertile but it can go wrong in the calculations as to when is 'safe' during the ovulation cycle to have a man's juices doing the tail-stroke in them as some sperm can live in a woman for up to five days but that can depend on when a man blew a load; shooting every two to four days ensures the best and strongest sperm, anything stored more than a week can be damaged. And while I am on the topic, bear in mind if you ARE using the Withdrawl method you mistakenly referred to as Rythym, you have to allow for pre-squirt and not just pull out at the tickly bit as whilst a good load pumps out 40 million of the little tykes battling to swim to the egg, pre-squirt still has 5 million and it only needs one determined little trucker who has been doing two days of sommersaults and diving practice to build up stammina. So to increase your chances of not being unexpected dad, don't shag or wank for a week and pull out long before the tickly bit and use frottage for the final bits to blow over her tummy and tits"

"I mis-spoke but nevertheless stand corrected......and TAIL-stroke??????", said John, "Christ, is there anything you DON'T know?"

"Whether this fart I am holding in is liquid or not and why me being naked will help you tell if I am fibbig or not".

At this point I hadn't punctuated my sentences with enough breaths and the next one 'in' was a bit ragged. I went to cut my hand but my "kinfe hand" wa shaking. From excitement. Mouth was as dry as the proverbial and bizarrely my nose was running. Correct that, my eyes were.

John grabbed my wrist.

"Stop!", he said

"John, I'm OK", I lied. It was patently obvious I wasn't. "I'm just over excited"

"Me too", confessed John, "I'm just showing it better"

I let out a full blub.

"Tell you what", said John, "mine has dried up and will need renewed. Why don't we both do each other?"

"Why would that help?", I wept, wishing *I* would 'dry up', "what makes you think I'll be able to do you if I can't do myself?"

"Be careful how you say that", sniggered John. I joined in

"Oh", said John, I see what you mean kiddo. I said it wrong again. What I meant was you hold the knife and I guide your hand to open you then we swap and I hold the knife and you guide me to opening me"

"RE-opening you", I automatically corrected, "and would that count? Us not opening ourselves"

"I fail to see why not", said John, "if we both agree to it. This is our wee service for what is in our minds and hearts, the formalities are ours to decide. It is the willing non-coerced pressing of hands for us to join and mingle that is, I would suggest, the important bit".

"OK", I nodded, "that sounds fab". I nodded again.............. "John................I love you. I'm happy to do this with you, if YOU will have me. But you will have my love and respect without it".

"I know", answered John, "and right back at you. So shall we............? Not co-ercing you of course"

I sniggered, sobbed, then burst out laughing.

"What NOW?", I asked John

"Why am I thinking of PP Arnold's 'First Cut is the deepest' "

John joined in the laughter

"You tit................ but wasn't it Cat Stevens"

"He wrote it, but PP Arnold released it before him. He sold it her for 30-quid", I corrected, ".............. And of course Rod did it in the 70s"

"He sold it TO her........... I hate that 'sold it her' construct you used..............." (I squirelled THAT away for future irritation ) ".........and technically I am right, if Cat Stevens wrote it, it is irrelevant that what's-his gob.............."

"what's HER gob", I interupped / corrected

"..........recorded it first. The song is his, belongs to him"

"Probabably the record company", I corrected the corrections.

"Always got to have the last word, don't you?", John sighed.

"No I don't", I instincfively blurted.

John laughed.

Damn, THAT was an own goal My only defense is that I was nervous as hell and what was in my head tumbled out my mouth, no pre-thought or filter

John was still laughing.

"Shall we get on?", I queried, "NOT co-ercing you", I grinned.

"Yes, let's", agreed John, "before I wet myself laughing"

"Or I skit on your carpet", I advised, "and technically, given your cock is pointing at me, I'm the one who would get wet", I deliberately amended his assertion.

John pursed his lips, sighed and rolled his eyes. ALL simultaenously.

"Me first?", I asked moving things along, "since I am holding the knife".

"It's your call my friend", John said kissing my forehead. My cock twitched and hit his.

I held up my hand and with Johm holding my wrist on my 'knife-holding' hand guided the knife to my open hand.

I was expectig John to do it but realised I had to. I started to slice and felt John increase his hold on my wrist and gently pull with me

John loosensed his grip on my wrist and I held the knife in my open hand

"Sir.............", I said

He took the knife, closed his hand around the handle, smile / nodded towards his wrist which I then took hold of.

We repeated the proces in reverse, John starting the slit on him, us both continuing it. John threw the knife away. I heard rather than saw it clatter on to the table.

"Are you ready my friend?", asked John

"Yes sir", I said, looking in to his eyes, "I've been ready from the moment you invited me to join you"

We pressed hands and our blood, such that it was, mingled and merged and our fingers pressed against one another.

As for that matter so did our chests and cocks. I thought I was going to pass out from excitement. It was as well I was pressed against John or else I might have tipped over. I was worried about shooting spontaneously in to his pubes.

I made an effort to steady my breathing although my neck, of all things, had a brass band pumping in it.

Both sides.

"Pinkie to pinkie, thumb to thumb.......... Suck my cock and I'm sure to cumm", John intoned

My cock twitched. I snort-sniggered

"That is NOT the rhyme", I tutted

"Is too", 'confirmed' John, "It's what me and the lads said at college in the canteen".

"Me and the lads.................oh how I HATE that expression", I frowned, "not to mention the shite grammar. And I might be inclined to almost believe you but to do so would mean accepting there was such a thing back then".

"Such a wot existed?", asked John. He had said "wot" to bait me but I wasn't rising. Well, other than my pubic friend what with me and John practically entwined.

"Colleges", I deadpanned

"You, young man are a cheeky wee toad. I don't know why I pretend to like you...............So, come on then smart-arse, wot's the rhyme then if it inna that?"

"Pinkie to pinkie, thumb to thumb.......... blood brothers together, never quarrelsome", I suggested

"Is that a word?", John accused

"Well THAT lasted all of five seconds...........", I tutted, "............You will probably prefer.............. Pinkie to pinkie, thumb to thumb.......... the girls think my Blood brother is very hunksome"

"Now that is NOT a word! Although I'll take it", John scoffed.

"I thought you'd prefer it to 'handsome'..........."

John rolled his eyes

"....my blood brother's gait is very cumbersome", I continued.

"You can't just keep adding 'some' to words to get a rhyme

"... my blood brother' s grammar has lots of colloquialism"

"No, it does NOT............. So we are on to 'ism' now????????????", John was stupid enough to ask

"Pinkie to pinkie, thumb to thumb..........my blood brothers sex life mirrors Darwinism"

John gasped. "I'm trying to decide if I should be offended!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Pinkie to pinkie, thumb to thumb..........this private ceremony is not a conversion to Hinduism"

John laughed. "Will you fucking STOP? and that one doesn't scan"

"You could have added one saying I was getting wearisome", I offered

"If I had THOUGHT of it.............", John said.

I looked in to his eyes softly and suggested

"Pinkie to pinkie, thumb to thumb.......... Blood brothers together, will always overcome"

John raised eyebrows

"You kept the best to last. I LIKE that one"

"Me too", I agreed, "I should have just said it first"

"... although I did like the wee mention of private ceremony", John added

I nodded

"You know", said John, "that little demo just reminds me - if any were needed - of one of the things I love about you...........the speed of your brain. And how lucky I am that you take this neanderthal on and sprinkle me with some of your fairy dust"

"Who the hell are you calling a Fairy?", I tutted. John looked alarmed. ".........and more importantly, you aint a neantherhal. You are a very loving man who has been excessively generous with his time for me - and others - for as long as I can remember. And an under-rated intelligence and humanity that is off the scale. I've told you before, I am who I am because of you and your generosity and infinite patience for me"

John blushed

"You are a soppy wee git", he giggled, "And you overstate my patience............... So.......... having the great joy and privilege of you agreeing to be my blood brother, I herby pledge my love and loyalty....... to never question your love and loyalty for me, to give you my total honesty in our dealings and to keep our confidences to my grave and beyond............I will also do my utmost not to sulk if you eat my last Penguin"

"Fuck SAKE!", I fake tutted, "you didn't tell me it involved all THAT! I thought it meant I automatically inherited everything AND I got to eat you out of house and home without complaint from you".

John looked at me. "You only have to say what you would be comfortable upholding. It is not a competition"

Bummer. My sense of humour was backfiring a little.

I looked in to his eyes.

"That which I am about to pledge, I have already done my best to do to date but am honoured to enunciate and formalise.............everything I pledge here today is freely offered, without coercion or obligation..............." I began, voice cracking already.

"You are my best friend", I continued, "..............my mentor.....my confidant..........the man I love...........the guy I look up to and trust with my life and for whom I would give my life without forethought or question............The man who has helped shape me and given me standards to aspire towards from your example. . If I'd been female, I'd have offered you my virginity to take, nay begged you to be my first and would have provided sex on demand, no questions.................And now you honour me by asking me to join you in blood. I am not worthy but gladly accept the offer............. I in turn pledge MY love and loyalty, my absolute trust in you, to keep your confidence even if you put me in legal jeopardy by doing so............. if it comes to it to visit you in prison without complaint..........." (John understandably scowled at that one ) "..............and to stand by you through thick and thin.............."

John looked at his watch theatrically. I was droning on.

"..........NEVER to shag your bird behind your back............." (THAT one would be easy to keep and the 'behind your back' was further superfleous )

"......and also in turn pledge my honesty with and towards you. No fibs other than those part of a wind-up or practical joke or if I have to fib because I'm really going shopping to get you a present or organising a secret party or.............."

John pursed his lips. "I get the drift! "

I pressed our hands further together

"My brother in blood and in spirit" I intoned gently. At this point, my eyes leaked fucking heaps. Dam them.

John pressed cheeks with me

"My blood brother", he said, "what a fucking honour and privilege"

We stood for a minute in silence, hands, chest and cocks pressed

John broke it

"Brother of mine..............", he said..............."are you gay?"

My breathing stopped but my heart thumped louder. He couldn't help but feel it bumping against him.

Even if we hadn't been blood brothers, I would have answered him honestly. He was John.

"Yes sir", I dribbled tears down the back of his shoulders, "I am"

"Thank you", said John, "for trusting me with that info"

"I would have answered honestly too if you'd asked me before...........", I interrupted

"I know", John interrupted my interruption, "God I am SO lucky............. and thank you for not apologising for who you are"

"Are you disappointed?", I sniffed

"Nope", said John, "other than embarrassed that you would think such a thing. My disappointment is in me, that..............."

"No............NO", I said

"Oh shoosh", ", John admonished, "or else we'll be here all night in ever decreasing circles, apologising for apologising............ and I have plans for tonight, for which our no-clothes was important"

My cock hit off him

"Dirty boy", sniggered John, "Shall we move on to part two and why I need you naked...............??????????? For that I'll need.......................oh FUCKING HELL"

He was pulling my hand away, Or trying to, As he stepped back, I moved with him

"Shit", he said, "we prattled on that much..........." (by that he meant ME!), "the blood on our hands has congealed and so has our chest sweat got all matted. We are stuck"

He pulled again and again I matched him, stuck fast.

"Well, THAT has torn it.........", John said, "Wot are we gonna do NOW?"

I let out a wee whimper, and to my embarrassment, that fart. Actually, three farts - thankfully none liquid - such was my horror.

Actually, terror. Not for me. We were going to be found out. John would go to jail !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quack quack, went my arse



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By *ichard777Man  over a year ago


More please......

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By *orgotten22Woman  over a year ago

out in the sticks in the north east england

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By *uck-Me-Hard-Scotland-M2M OP   Man  over a year ago

Barnhill (outside Dundee)


Part 6,posted Thurs 24th Aug 2023 9.45pm :


John clicked his teeth

"Think, John, think!", he said out loud, "What can we do....... is there anyone we can phone?..........."

PHONE SOMEONE??????????????????????? Was he off his FUCKING HEAD???????????????????

Quack, quack went my arse. For good measure I whimpered.

".....maybe we can go to bathroom, no kitchen would be better, and run some water over our hands. Might be able to squirt 'Fairy' in the cracks. That might loosen us off a bit. What do you think kiddo?............"

All I could do was nod. I still couldn't speak. My ARSE was quite loose !!! No Fairy Liquid needed there....

"............and what have you got on?"

I frowned. We were naked, so nothing

".........your poof juice................It is tickling my nose.......aaaaaah...........aaaaaaaah.........oh, it stopped. Typical"

I went to answer that I had no aftershave etc on but.............

John let out an enormous "ATISHOO!" and the force of it broke us free.

I looked in horror and shock at the hand which had been joined to John, expecting to see a hole or a rip, such was the force of his sneeze and our parting. I looked over at John who was standing with big grin on his face.

He wiggled his pinkie and thumb. I didn't understand. Then he burst out laughing.

It took yet another moment or three before I realised I had been had. Aside from the fact I was still trying to breathe from the double shocks of being stuck then ripped apart. Our 'stuck together' was him wrapping his pinkie and thumb around mine..

I was furious.

I scowled.

"What WERE you looking at?", sniggered John

"I thought you had torn a hole in our hands", I blurted.

John hooted.

"It is NOT funny", I fumed.

John laughed harder in disagreement.

"You are a F*CKING C*NT !", I raged

"I hate that word", said John, "and so do you"

"You are a F*CKING C*NT OF C*NTS !", I embellished.

I was trying to cry for good measure but it wouldn't come.

"So much for no fibs", I said

"Well, YOU opened the door for wind ups and practical jokes", John pointed out.

Bastard! I was boxed in.

I let out huge sigh.

"Are you going to sulk?", asked John

"You gave me a fright", I said quietly, "I really thought there was a danger you would go to jail"

"Oh", said John.

"Never mind", I said, "why don't we get on with whatever plans you had. I'll park this incident and have a think as to how I can get you back"

"Oh", said John again, "NOW I am worried. Being on your revenge list !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not going in front of you going down stairs any more"

I sighed theatrically.

"Part 2 ???", asked John brightly.

"How many are there?", I asked

John ignored my question, left and returned with two scarves

"Right", he said, "Eyes closed, hands behind head please"

I was going to ask "Why?" but decided to do as I was told.

John wrapped a scarf over my eyes which he tied very tight behind my head then tied my hands tight with other scarf, leaving hands / knuckles on my neck above my shoulders.

"Shall we begin?", I was asked.

My cock bounced in answer.

John stood behind me, chin on a shoulder

"So............. what's your favourite letters in the Forum magazine?"

I shrugged

"Fibber!", said John

"No, not sure I could chose one", I answered

"Question was plural", said John

I knew that. Boxed in again.

"Oh", I fibbed

"Never mind, I'll find out myself and the fib-ometer will tell me............Actually, he's probably my truth-ometer"

Fib-ometer / truth-ometer??????????? and who the hell was the 'he' referred????.

John broke off from me and returned 10 seconds later and placed his elbows on my shoulders with his arms in front of my face. I could smell his pits.

Cock bounced in appreciation.

John chuckled. "The meter is working fine I see"

What meter?

Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He meant my cock. Fully exposed and in view. It would give me away every time.

Bastard! (John again, not my cock).

I breathed through my nose in appreciation of John's cleverness. Oh well.

I heard John flicking pages. "Well thumbed this", he commented

What the hell ????.

Then he started "Dear Editor............"

I frowned then realised he had a Forum magazine in his hand.

John read a couple of letters about wanking techniques. My cock bounced but only at the bits where the guys described their cocks.

Next he read a letter I didn't recognise - because I had skipped it - from a woman who was submissive. She described in detail visiting her Master, stripping on arrival, and putting the 'left out' dog collar on. I wrinkled my nose. Why the hell would I like this? John now had it confirmed by me his notion that I was gay. MEN rocked my boat. HINT HINT! Then she described how - if she was obedient and pleased him - her Master handcuffed her hands behind her head and she was permitted to give him a 'lips and tongue massage' from his chest down to his pubes and his thighs. His cock was out of bounds until he gave the command.

*My* cock twitched. She described his fit physique, his body hair and how his man smells got her wet. My cock BOUNCED. After all, it was a fit hairy man being pleasured. I was well jealous of her. The COW ! It was made all the more pleasurable for me the letter being read by John in his deep masculine voice. She then narrated being given permission to have his cock. She described in detail the taste of his cock and her getting the angle right so that she could take more.

I whined, dammit.

It was as well I was leaning back on John as I shook as she (or John) related how her Master grunted in pleasure at her ministrations and eventually 'fired his bullets' down her throat. She then gently cleaned him up, and thanked him for the privilege of being the one permitted to be of service to him. She was uncuffed and went without being told to make tea for him. Whilst the tea was brewing she returned and asked permission to go to the toilet. He got up, put the lead on her, led her outside where she squatted with his cock in her mouth as she did her business. She then narrated how unexpectedly he instructed "position 4" which she got in to without question in the back garden. (I hoped it was secluded!!!) Her Master than mounted her, spread her legs with his and fucked her. She described the force with which he rammed in to her but he was expert enough to judge it so that his balls were not slapping off her. She had to take her dicking in silence.

I was amazed at his stamina, what with him not having long blown a load down her throat. According to her she was rammed for at least ten minutes "his beautiful manhood dipping in and out my gaping hole", she described. Bizarrely, I was wondering if she had only boiled the kettle. If she had brewed tea it would be cold by now.

At this stage, neither me nor my flicking bouncing cock gave a flying damn this was straight sex, my focus was someone being fucked hard by a masculine sexually demanding man. When he had stopped and withdrawn, presumably having shot another load, she squatted in front of him and licked him clean. He led her back in to house, took the lead off and left her in kitchen. She took his tea to him then, with his permission, returned to kitchen for her bowl of water. He cuffed her again. Hands behind head she lapped the water in the bowl as her Master drank his tea. She recounted then how he put his hands between her legs to test how wet she was. Apparently on this occasion not wet enough to his satisfaction. "Bed, position 2" was her instruction which she did. And received a severe spanking. Many sets which she had to take in silence. She knew if she cried out she would be sent home in disgrace which to her was unthinkable. Wriggling was similarly and summarily dealt with. She was fingered in between sets to test her wetness although she said by set 2 she was soaking the towel, never mind by set 10. Eventually, the order was given for the position on her back, legs spread wide. Her cuffed hands were on a pillow behind her head for comfort. Her Master was on AND in her in 3 seconds flat for what she described as her reward.............being fucked hard and animalistic. She described how gently he kissed her and massaged her nipples whilst in contrast he took what was his, using his cock to stretch her hole violently with gusto and passion.

I thought I was going to pass out. A masculine man taking with relish, ravishing that willingly offered. He roared as he fired in to her.

As he freshened up, she put on her blouse, skirt, socks and shoes. Bra and panties left on the bed. He returned with tea for them both which they drank and chatted, the Dom/Sub set aside. Finished, he got dressed, nodded to her bra and panties which she put in her handbag. He walked her to the bus stop. I worked out - as I presumed everyone else reading her letter did - she had to go home with no bra / panties on and his juices running down her legs. Not to mention stinking of sex. As usual, she phoned him to let him know she had got home ok and thanked him - genuinely - for a lovely evening which he returned in kind. She was quite clear in her letter she was a willing participant in this set up. I gasped when she revealed she was a court judge and this was her stress relief. She and her Dom had been doing this for five years. Apparently, they had met through a Forum magazine advert except............. for the first year it was the other way around ie she was the Domme, twice a week. Until one d*unken night of sex he had spanked her and then 'taken her' and that was it, they had never looked back.

Normally, Forum letters or "problem pages" would have something like "Andy Greene, Norwich" after them. For obvious reasons - her status as a judge - this one had "Name and location withheld".

"How was that then?", asked John.

"It was ok", I said nonchalantly. Well as best I could. The truth-ometer was bouncing away grassing me up.

"Uh huh", said John. I could FEEL him looking a 'the meter'

"That's what happens when you only read letters from guys. You potentially miss some that get your cock-ometer dancing. Never mind, in this instance I caught it for you albeit you are feigning lack of interest........Let's try this one then..........." flick flick flick.............."Oh yes, here we go.............. entitled 'A-Man's-Work' "

I gave myself away with a gasp and a whine. Not to mention catching my breath, heart thumping and my cock stiffened like blly-o

"A Man's work" was THE letter. Or so was my not-so-humble opinion.

When wanking or 'gonking', my go-to was spanking. Man on man.

Actually............heavier than spanking. No idea why. Spent an inordinate amount of time wondering. Also, once I ended up 'getting some', my "why" gravitated to add wondering about why it relaxed me. I've long stopped wondering. But back then I had no notion of ever getting any. I mean being gay was one thing which I could do something about under the radar, being "deviant" was something else. There was no snowball in hell's chance that there was a man who would not recoil in horror at my request. The letter "A Man's work" disavowed me of that thought. When I read it, I nearly burst. In fact I nearly lost consciousness. So horned up was I that I had to "gonk". Just HAD to. Dad was due home in 20 minutes but this was an EMERGENCY. I wouldn't last to the morning. I was already leaking.

It was only when I was lying in bed after everything that happened with John that night that it occurred to me was THAT when dad found out about my gonking. Was it that night his bus was early and unbeknown to me - hard at it with the gonk - the 'dad home in 20 minutes' was curtailed and he saw / heard me and was good enough to sneak back out and pretend to come in at his normal time. Whichever, I loved my dad for his understanding and doing that for me. How many grunts was it he told John I had growled when firing my load? At least 20 if I remembered his telling correctly. Yup, was well horned up after that letter and if that was the first time Dad had seen me 'at it', when I started firing I did wonder after '10' if I was ever gonna stop and did think my balls were gonna fall off. Wasn't sure how understanding Dad would have been if he had known what I was thinking about as I rammed the gonk hard - ha ha.

In short, this letter I returned to again and again was from David, a married man who travelled 30 minutes out of town once a month to visit Alan. David specifically said he had read many a letter in Forum about men being spanked / caned etc by women or men 'doing' women (| I hadn't!!! But See above) but never had he seen any about man on man activity so had - with Alan's consent - decided to write. I thanked all the Gods he had done so. In short he detailed being bollock naked to be 'dealt with' by a clothed Alan. He detailed the implements and the strokes. He was always spread X face down on bed. Sometimes he had to count the strokes loudly and if he said 'ouch' or missed one he had to start again from 'one'. I quivered at him saying it was the cane he feared the most. Once Alan had dealt with him, he was 'ordered' on to his back and Alan - whilst straight - tossed David off to orgasm. There was no other sexual contact between them. The only bit about the whole letter I didn't like was Alan rubbing cream in to David's buttocks to soothe them. "Wimp!|", I thought uncharitably. My cock even 'pulsed' at David saying the marks took about two weeks to go down and he had to be careful his wife didn't see them. He confessed in his letter to replaying his sessions with Alan in his head whilst doing his 'marital duty' which deepened his orgasm. I wondered if he ever called out Alan's name in his sleep. I even mulled it was a pity he wasn't called Mark as it would be Mark's marks (on his arse). Yup, horny teenagers.

EXCEPT............... (are you frowning 'except fucking WHAT?' dear reader?.....................).




shall I put 'tbc' and stop??????????


Vote on a stamp addressed envelope or postcard

(I'm showing our age for some readers)

Oh go on then.............. you've persuaded me................


When John read the letter, he changed everything about and narrated it as if Alan was detailing how he dealt with David. John read it in his deep masculine voice as if Alan was writing it in a "don't fuck with me" style.. I quivered and moaned as "Alan" detailed how - being straight - he normally 'dealt' with women but had seen an advert in Forum magazine from what turned out to be David looking for a man to deal with him. Aside from the fact of David being married, because the advert was so honest and - Alan 'confessed' - the thought of being able to go harder and longer than he did with women, he decided to write and was so glad he did (him and me both! even although John was fabricating this narrative). Over a period of two years he had dealt with David and was in complete control of the session. David crossing his threshold was his acquiescence to the session and the parameters. John. however, upgraded the sets of six strokes to sets of 30. I gasped and nearly creamed myself. He also upgraded the belt to a paddle and tawse and really embellished the caning. In John's telling, the one hour session became two hours because David said 'ouch' a few times (he hadn't in David's telling) and at one point in John's telling an 'ouch' too many in set 5 resulting in strokes being increased to 50 and sets reset to one of SEVEN rather than the original five. I was bouncing and swaying like Zebedee from the 'Magic Roundabout'. Never mind what my cock was doing. Alan "detailed" (John's fake narration, remember!) that by the time David completed his punishment , he was weeping in to Alan's shorts and down his legs. This didn't happen in David's telling but my legs near gave way on me in excitement at the thought of David messing up and having to start right back at the start of his caning sets AND have increased strokes and number of sets. I near blacked out, my veins were pumping in my neck. I did wonder - I was REALLY buying in to this fake narrative - if David had done it deliberately to get more but John was way ahead of me. Alan assured the readers David had not messed up intentionally. He knew this because David had done so once previously causing Alan to bind and gag David to give him a brutal dealing with. So severe was the caning David received that he sobbed and eventually spat his gag out and begged Alan to stop. Alan had ordered him to count to 75 which according to Alan went to 250 because of 'ouch' etc before David reached 1 to 75 without error. Upon which Alan untied David and ordered him to get dressed and get out his house and not contact him for three months. I noted no wanked-off and no cream. None of this happened, dear reader, and certainly NOT to that brutal level, this was all John pulling my chain. John finished the letter detailing Alan doing something this session to David called edging which I eventually worked out was Alan bringing David to the 'edge' of orgasm then stopping. Alan stated David had to wait a minimum of six edgings before he was permitted to beg loudly for orgasm. Alan stated David's record was 22 before he begged but sometimes he was as quick as the sixth 'tickly bit' before he pled for his release. I was whimpering and near blew a load myself when Alan 'revealed' when David was permitted to shoot he woofed loudly.

I stood leaning back on John quivering and shaking.

"Hmmmm", said John, "Well THAT was a success. No truth-ometer needed but can you hear him swishing? Are you ok?"

"I think...........", I croaked, ..............."John! i think I'm gonna cumm"

"That's ok", said John, "I can smell it.................." (I blushed purple), "..........there's a towel down.............why are you blushing?"

"I'm not", I instinctively fibbed

"Uh huh", said John, pressing his cheek against my flamed one.............

"Under the circumstances I'll give you a pass, fibbing to me. Are you EMBARRASSED at enjoying that story?"

"No sir", I said, "I'm a bit embarrassed at the thought of creaming on your carpet and you can smell it"

"It would be my privilege, you pumping out a load from my reading", John said, "and you can smell ME. He pressed his pit over my nose

I giggled nervously and yes, thought again I was gonna heave right there.

"You want to stop or can we continue?"

There was more???????????? I couldn't think of another letter to surpass that one. That letter had a page-fold so I could get it easily albeit I knew it started on page 41.

"Can I have a drink, sir?", I asked, "my mouth is as dry as..............."

"Sure thing kiddo. You ok not to fall over when I'm gone getting?"

I nodded

John left and I heard a can being popped. I had expected water. John returned and fed a straw in to my mouth. I guzzled heartily. Coke. It lasted 30 seconds. I let out a hearty burp.

"Pig!", announced John............."Right, let's continue.................." flick flick flick.

"Okie dokie.............here we go................



tbc (with spoiler alert: the next letter is a BEEZER !)



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By *ichard777Man  over a year ago


Don't leave it so long next time....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

So hard reading this!

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By *uck-Me-Hard-Scotland-M2M OP   Man  over a year ago

Barnhill (outside Dundee)


Part 7, posted 18th September 2023 8.45pm :


Much as I was fascinated by what the next letter would be, there was other things on my mind

"John............", I interrupted his starting of next letter

"What kiddo?"

"I'm really enjoying this", I said

"You don't say!", said John. Whether he was referring to my throb-ometer or my shaking and bouncing was debatable.

I hooted, albeit slightly nervously.

"Thank you", said John

"Wot for?", I frowned

"For not apologising for enjoying it", he said

"That would be RUDE, given the time and effort you've put in to accommodating me", I said

"Like that's ever stopped you", sniggered John

I tutted.

"For the record mate", John continued, "I'm having a blast"

I beamed

I had played out the permutations of my next move..............."Would you .like............" sounded better as an offer as opposed to "Can I............." which definitely sounded needy


"What mate?.................."

I swallowed

"Would you like me to suck your cock?".

Having put it out there, I was now dry in my mouth and my heart was pumping in my ears. He was BOUND to hear it.


HIS cock hardened against my lower back

"Well, THERE is an offer", said John, "but not the now kiddo, I have other plans for tonight"

"Oh", I said, hoping my disappointment wasn't palpable..............

".........but not never?"

John kissed my left shoulder

"How many cocks have you had?"

I raised my eyes, even behind the scarf

"Dunno", I said

"Hmmmm", said John, "how many wanks have you had thinking about me?"

"Not the way you think", I answered, "I never imagined I'd be allowed to so I've never really made a point of wanking thinking about THAT but......................"


"I've had a couple of wanks here with your used jockstraps over my nose, smelling your manly scent as I had a five-finger-shandy".

This time I blushed PURPLE

"Sorry", I mumbled

"I hope the apology is for blushing", offered John

"No sir", I said, "I had no right. I'm apologising for................"

"............and you will stop that sentence right there", John barged in

"It was disrespectful", I attempted

"No harm done", said John, "and you washed the spunk off the wall"

Just when I thought I couldn't go any more purple.

"How long have you known?", I asked

"How to put this?.................ehm..............well since we are in confession mode..................I watched you at it........"

I gasped

"..............and since you don't wear jocks - and notwithstanding wanking sniffing your own jock would be GROSS - it was a fair assumption it was mine. Didn't bother to check the wash bin to confirm"

"Sorry", I said again

"Now I'm offended", said John, "where before I was flattered............and if you say 'sorry' again!..............."

I half tittered


"uh huh?"

"Love you mate"

"Love you too kiddo"

I smiled

"Can I ask a favour?", I asked

"I've already said no the now", smiled John

"No, not THAT", I laughed, "a favour as your blood brother?"

"Is it a favour or a request you - as my blood brother - have every right for me to agree to".

"Ehm..................dunno.................but it's a bit personal, sort of, and a request / favour I'm asking you as my blood brother to do with me. Or stop doing"

"Sounds awfy contradictory", John said, "now I'm intrigued...............ok blood brother................go for it...............what is your request"

I laughed

"Pilot of the airways, here is my request........................."

(Charlie Dore, 1979 in case anyone wondering)

John tutted. "That FUCKING brain of yours!". But it was a smiling "tut".

"My request, sir......................... would you please from this moment on.................never again.................."

"TODAY would be nice!", John interjected

My turn to sigh

"..............would you please stop asking me if I trust you. It's a given. An absolute. Our blood-brothers ceremony ratifies it"

"Oh", said John, "not what I was expecting"

"Were you expecting sex?", I asked. Probably a bit too hopefully.

"Not at the moment. And yes, I'll do my best but I may blurt it out or fuck it up"

"12th of Never then", I said, referring to John fucking up then realised too late he might think I was thinking about the sex.

"Excellent", said John, "we will come to MY favour later".

I was about to ask what it was when he said "can I read you this letter then?"

"Uh huh", I said, "Sorry............... please........................"


"Dear Editor................", John began. "....................Can I ask - for which my reasons will be obvious - that you don't print my location............ My name is John. I'm straight and my best friend is gay"

"Oh this sounds interesting", I thought, "but I don't remember THIS one. How did I miss it?"

Such 'why' was about to come clear.

"I've known this fine young man since he popped out the Pod. His dad was my best friend. When I say 'was', I don't mean his dad is pushing up daisies, I mean dad has been superseded in the 'best friends' league by son. This lad is a Uni student - the first in his family to go - and what a brain he has on him. I struggle to keep up. He says I am his mentor and confidant but the truth is he is MY confidant. He knows things about me no-one else does and I will go to my grave in the assurance he has never once broken my confidence, not even accidentally. He keeps me young and I learn from him every day. His sense of humour is shocking.............'black' doesn't even come close and his sense of the ridiculous is infectious......... But do you know what makes me so GRATEFUL to "the Gods" for having him in my sphere? What makes me want to scream it from the rooftops or for that matter holler it from a hill for the world to hear? Not his humanity, not his spirituality, not the fact that I can sit on his chest ANY time I want with my cock down his throat playing target practice with his tonsils..............."


(at that point, it won't surprise you I near creamed myself and expelled an excited sigh)


".............and not EVEN that he loves and respects me enough to give me his last ROLO ................ No, dear readers of this esteemed organ.............. what keeps me awake at night wondering how I got so fucking lucky............ "


I held my breath. What the HELL could it be?


"................it is the unquestioning and absolute TRUST he places in me. No questions asked..................for instance, I very recently asked him if he was gay and immediately he confirmed as such to me. Oh what trust."


WELL !!!! I wasn't expecting THAT !!! To my shock, my face was wet as I silently blubbed


"Of course", continued John, "you can't have everything. I have to make allowances for him being a soppy wee git and if I am honest, I'm not sure I've forgiven him for risking his life to save mine"

Blub, blub. blub

"Oh for God sake", said John

I blushed thinking he was annoyed at me blubbing

"These damn pages are stuck together. Look a bit stained too................ is that dried spunk?"

"NO !", I denied it furiously. "It will be tea. I spilled some"

"TEA? " asked John incredulously, "looks a bit yellow to be tea"

"IT IS TEA !", I said forcefully

"Hmm", said John, blowing on the pages to loosen them.

"So in closing...............", he continued his 'reading', "............ before this letter turns in to a novel or a sop-fest.................when the lad comes to this letter...............I'm telling the world how much he means to me. I'm not ashamed to say I love him. Not IN-love with, I'm straight after all, but no woman - or any other colleague or friend etc, bloody, etc - has ever ever made me feel more loved and respected................."

By now my face was a blub-river

"...........but more importantly I am telling HIM..................... you being gay is who you are. Don't ever apologise for it. You have my love, admiration and respect, and more importantly my gratitude for all you bring in to my life. I will take your love for me to my grave."

I hiccupped and wept

"That was my favourite letter", I said

"Mine too", John concurred.

"That John sounds like a right top bloke", I said

John flicked back a couple of pages

"Name John............is straight............... best friend - a student - is gay...................risked his life.............. love...............trust...............I liked that comment about the

ROLO........................ no there's nothing there stating they are having sex, much less John being the Top"

"Not what I meant", I said, "I meant he sounds like a great guy"

"Oh", said John.

"You don't think they might shag?", I asked optimistically, "after all, John lets the lad suck his cock. In fact it sounded like John would get it on demand"

"I see what you mean about the cock sucking......", agreed John, ......"and I'm not so sure about John "letting" the lad suck him as a favour, John is hardly likely to be gritting his teeth.......... it will suit them both......... I mean who in their right mind would turn down a gay mate you trust who is happy to suck your cock for you. and keep it between the two of you...............but if the lad is a student, it would be illegal, cock sucking is one thing, no real evidence, but shagging leaves a trail. Remember it is 21 in Scotland, the fact the lad is at Uni and obviously over 18 is irrelevant in the eyes of the law"

"I see what you mean", I said, "but do you not think the lad would give himself completely to John. Would be privileged to. And anyway, it would be legal in England"

"How so?", asked John

"It's 18 in England"

"Don't think so..............", began John

"Is TOO", I interrupted, "I read it in one of their 'advice' letters"

"You mean the problem pages?", asked John, showing his age

"Uh huh", I nodded, ".....do you not think it would be really horny that guy John shagging the lad in a hotel in the Borders and them looking out the window saying 'just over that bridge, this would be illegal' "

"Irrelevant if they got arrested and checked over in Scotland", John advised

"Oh", I said, really disappointed then added "but at least that bloke John can get his cock sucked regularly. Doesn't have to ask a woman to do it"

"I've only ever had one woman suck my cock", said my John, "the other one doesn't count as she only had it in her mouth a minute"

"Did she swallow?", I blurted

"Christ, no", said John, "never had that. Not even cumm in someone's mouth, has always been up her fud or in her tits"

(Remember, dear reader, these were different times, such awful dialogue)

"You had sex without a condom?", I gasped

"No need", said John, "she was late 50s. Her breeding days were over"

"Where's the riskiest place you have had sex?", I asked

"Here", said John, "when I woke up thinking 'who are you and are you on the pill 'cause I can't see a condom packet and my cock is cheesy' "

I tutted

"An Inspector at the work over her desk during lunch hour", said John, answering the question properly, "and I'm not asking YOU as I dread to think. THAT is a conversation for another day, not right now"

I sort-of-blushed



"Can I ask a favour.................."

"ANOTHER one?", John teased

I was crestfallen

"Wot is it kiddo. I was kidding"

"It's ok", I parried, "you are right. You have done all this for me................."

"AND me. I'm enjoying it too mate, I aint gritting my teeth. Wot's the favour"

"Will you read that letter again?", I pleaded

"AGAIN?", spluttered John

I nodded

"Please, sir. I know it is a big ask".

And bless him, he did 'read' it again. Was almost word perfect from the first reading. This time he added that John enjoying knowing the student lad - what with being gay - would never shag John's bird behind his back.

We had another "are you SURE that is not spunk. The pages are right sticky for it to be tea. It's nothing to be embarrassed about". altercation. I was quite vehement. I can't explain even now why it was so important that it wasn't spunk of the pages sticking them together.

Except of course, when I checked the magazine later, there were no sticky pages at all.

It won't surprise any of you I wept again at the second 'reading'.

God I wanted him. BADLY

As John got to the end of the second telling he added "Oh hold on a cotton-picking moment ! How the frig did I miss THAT?"

"Miss WHAT ???", I was beside myself

"There's an editor's note"

"Wot's that?"

"When the editor comments on a letter"

"OHHHHHHHH ! Wot's it say?"

"Patience kiddo. I missed it because it's at the very bottom of a page and I've got another set of spunk pages to un-stick to get to the rest"

I bounced with impatience.

"Right................ here we go.................... Editor's Note : What a LOVELY letter................."

(I nodded vigorously in agreement)

"..............and what a fantastic bond you have. He sounds like a remarkable young man. We presume him being a soppy wee git (your words) adds to his charm and is part of that humanity and spirituality you loudly lauded. You are very obviously incredibly fond of him and he of you. And 'chops' to you too, your pride in him. You sound like a great guy, there's not many a straight man would stand up for a gay friend. Must be great to know your best friend aint the slightest interested in your lass / date or whatever. We hope you are enjoying getting your cock sucked by him. You lucky sod! From the letters we get in, it seems to be an established fact that men do better blow jobs. There's a guy in our office (married, three kids) who has a gay friend - both are pushing 30 - and our colleague gets his cock sucked regularly when the wife is on the rag. His wife's friend's cousin as it happens and she knows........."

"Fuck sake", I gasped. I decided it was the wife who knew rather than the friend.

"...................... they also have this thing going where our married colleague tosses the gay guy off. Says it is quite fun pulling a different cock. We will take his word for it. The scenarios are either the straight bloke stands behind the gay lad and wanks him or the lad is chest on table, feet on floor spread wide, and our colleague sits behind him giving him a handy-Andy. Orgasm is mandatory. Sometimes more than one. You might care to try it with your lad given he sucks your cock for you. Quid pro quo and all that. Our married colleague is always clothed, the other guy naked. Your mileage may differ, as they say. We here at Forum magazine wish you both all the best. Thank you for writing in. We hope on reading your letter he recognises himself and blushes copiously at you extolling how much he means to you, sex on demand aside. Take care, and good luck"

There was a prolonged silence as I tried to control my heart rate.


"WELL !", said John, "an Editor's note. THAT was a turnip-for-the-books!"

"That letter deserved an 'Editor's note' ", I gulped, "It was lovely. That Uni lad is a lucky git. But he knows it"

"I think", added my John, "that the John bloke is the one benefiting the most..........close friend, confidant AND getting his cock sucked. If you ask me - between thee and me of course - that guy John sounds like something the Uni lad found in a 'Lucky Bag'"

I tutted in major disagreement.

"I think that's enough letters for tonight", said John, "what do you think?"

I nodded

"I'm in your capable hands", I said

"Not to mention between my legs and armpits", John sniggered

I joined in.


"What kiddo?"

"Thank you. For this and for being you and all you do for and with me"

"Aw shucks", said John, "Red alert! Soppy git warning"

"Anyway", I said, "what favour do you require from me, let's get to it"

"You don't know what it is"

"You are my friend. I trust you. Tell me what you need of me"

"Hmmm", said John, "must be something in the name"

"Eh?", I asked

"The name John. The John in that letter was trusted absolutely by HIS University lad.........."

".....and cocksucker", I added, to remind him

"....and here I am trusted as much by you"

I nodded

John broke off from me a moment. I could sense him reach for something.

THEN I heard Sellotape ripping. I frowned in confusion.

"Hmmm", said John, "he was right, they ARE sharp. The Sellotape was a good idea".

More Sellotape ripping and a sense it was being applied to something. This Sellotape ripping / applying happened about half a dozen times.

"MUCH better", announced John, "No chance of cuts or Sellotape attaching"

"Attaching to WHAT..............", I began then jumped as summat furry was against my face.

"What the fuck is THAT?", I asked

"Language !", John chided, "and it's my favour. Or rather yours".

John chortled at what was obviously a joke I was missing.

Then something was hanging off the end of my throbbing cock.

"John, what IS that?", I asked

"The favour I'm asking of you", said John

"Which IS?", I asked in slight exasperation

John put an armpit right up against my nose and pressed his body - and firm cock - against me.

He kissed the back of my neck then nibbled my ear

My cocked BOUNCED and there was a slight rustling from whatever John had hung on the top of said cock

"Mate................ will you GONK for me? Can I watch you banging one out?"




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By *ichard777Man  over a year ago


Gonk for me......awesome mate!

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By *uck-Me-Hard-Scotland-M2M OP   Man  over a year ago

Barnhill (outside Dundee)


Part 7, previously posted 18th September 2023 8.45pm :


This one:

Part 8. Posted Saturday 4th November 2023



I giggle gulped

"You want me to GONK for you?, I asked.

Stupid question, he had already said as much.

But nature abhors a vaccum

"Yea", confirmed John, "would be SO horny".

"Really?...........", I began

But again there was something furry against my face

"Will you fuck me?", came a squeaky voice as my face was furred,

"Take my virginity.....", squeaked John as the gonk (-- in case any of you weren't keeping up).

".....My cousin says you are a great ride. and counts the hours before you bang another out. I'm 18 today in gonk years and couldn't think of a better birthday present than to have your throbbing cock pounding me and popping my cherry. Your friend says we can do it here. By the way, that was a lovely ceremony, I shed a tear. He's a lucky guy. I hope he doesn't mind me borrowing you"

I sniggered

"You are such an arse............", I began

"PLEASE...........", squeaked the gonk rubbing more against my face, "I'm gagging. And I don't mind your friend watching to confirm I consented"

I tutted. But I was in a bind. I had said to John his favour didn't matter, he could have it. Backing out was not an option. I could smell the anticipation off him. I'm saying I was in a bind. The truth was, it was a FANTASTIC idea and I nearly creamed myself when he asked but I thought I'd better not sound desperate to get going,

"OK", I said, playing along, "Let me speak to John. See if he is ok with this and if so how we can make it work". I already knew how **I** wanted it to work.

John put his armpit against my nose. Again I nearly creamed myself right there and then. THAT would have been a waste.

But never one to let a nice armpit go to waste, I had a good sniff and grunt

"Do we have a deal?", asked John

"You don't have to do this..............." I tried, hoping I wasn't showing how desperate I was to get started

I got a slap across the back of my head

"Are you fucking kidding me? That's what I should be saying to you!".

You will notice he didn't.

"How would this work?", I asked

"You tell me", answered John, "you are the expert"

I flushed slightly.

"Why would you be willing to do this for me?", I pushed,

"Fuck", said John, "is this where I am supposed to spout the guff about how you are my friend, blah blah blah, and I want to be a friend to you............"

There was a silence

"Son, I was kidding. It's not guff but Christ sake............. My best friend giving me my own wee private porn show? What's not to like? Enjoying you enjoying yourself and best of all no effort on my part needed. Win, win win"

I sighed through my nose

"I thought", said John quietly in to my ear, "it would be another notch in our friendship. But I don't want to embarrass you"

"I aint embarrassed in the slightest", I grouched

"Oh for fuck sake", squeaked the gonk, "would you gossipy fishwives shut UP. I am GAGGING you fucking gonk-teasers, the pair of you"

I tutted

"You shut up!", I shot back, "or else it will be your cousin or one of John's tall plastic drinking cups that gets this cock and my two day load. Not YOU"

John guffawed

"What are you LIKE? And two day load my arse. I'd be surprised if it was even two HOURS"

"I've been here two hours and 17 minutes", I said

John laughed

"You want to use the gonk to toss me off?", I asked

I could feel his disappointment.

"If that is what you want.................", he began

"No, mate, I want what YOU want", I said

"I want to watch you ride", I was told

I nodded. "OK. How do we do it?"

"You are in charge", said John.

"No", I said, "YOU are in charge. Dominate me. MAKE me do this for you, to your specifications"

I could feel John's heart thump against me.

"NO", said John

My face crumpled in disappointment.

"This is our session, not mine. I want to watch you enjoying yourself. And I need guidance from you as to how this first time works. I want it to be the horniest enjoyable gonking you have ever banged out. I want your balls to burst when you fire your load. I want them to hear you three doors down when you shoot. I want to hear you grunt it out as you ride- no faking mind - and I want you unable to speak for at least five minutes after the effort. But all that can't happen if your position is not right. So if I ask you a question, I want an honest answer, not what you think I want to hear. It's not negotiable. Do you FUCKING understand me?"

I bounced in excitement and had clocked "this first time".

"Yes sir", I chirruped, "I'm sorry"

"There's no need to be..............."

"But sir...............", I barged in, "I would like you to choose where. So long as I am face down and legs spread wide, it works. Pillow or cushions work just well on the floor as on the bed"

"Here on the floor then", said John

"Thank you sir", I said,"................Sir................may I hold on to your legs whilst I gonk?"

John left me standing and I heard thump thump which in a moment later was to be revealed to be to "Sit on" bits from his couch..

"You want blindfold on or off?", I was asked

"I am in sir's hands", I said

John tutted

"Actually", he said, "might be better if I took it off and you can help me set up"

"OK", I agreed, but he was already loosening it.

I blinked slightly disorientated after the scarf came off my eyes.

To cut a long digression short, I suggested a towel on top of the couch bits plus a pillow from the bedroom.

I then suggested another towel on the floor in front of my head.

John raised eyrbrows

"Jesus, how HARD do you think you are going to shoot?"

"I'm a horny 18 year old", I said, "better to be safe than sorry"

"Good point", agreed John.

"Will you kneel in front of me?", I asked

"Are we ready?", asked John, "you got everything you need?"

"Actually, we are missing an important bit"

"Me?" queried John, laughing

His laugh caught in his throat when I said "Nope, you dork. The GONK"

"Jesus Christ", John spluttered, "the most important bit"

"No Sir, YOU are the most important bit of the equation. Without your trust and support, I am nothing", I declared.

"Oh oh", said John, "soppy git alert. get yourself in position before I burst out greetin' "

I did as requested. Face down, legs spread, chest on the pillow, cock in gonk"

To my delight, John knelt in front of me, pubes in sniffing distance.

I took hold of his legs, waiting to be told off. I wasn''t

"Blindfold?", I was asked

"I'd prefer sir to decide, this time", I said, "except to request that if he does, he puts it on exceptionally tight so I am completely in the dark".

"I'll take that as a 'yes' ", said John and did as I asked. Except he then took a SECOND scarf and put that on even tighter over the first. I was in complete darkness, no chance of peeking.

When he was done, his cock was over my shoulder and his pubes in my nose. Or rather, my nose was in his pubes. I was in heaven and my cock got harder.

I licked his balls and got spanked, HARD

"No", said John, "not this time"

"Yes sir", I said, wondering if I did it again if he would spank me harder. But my view was he had issued an instruction and failure on my part to comply might lead to termination of activities. Or at the very least a withdrawal of his pubes which was unthinkable.

There was a moment's silence

"What you waiting for?", John demanded

"Sir's express permission to begin", I demurred.

"Start riding then", John ordered

I started slowly, sliding in and out of the gonk. Held John's hairy legs and my nose was in his pubes. He didn't stop me doing either.

I stepped up my pace and moaned with desire of John. His cock stiffened on my shoulder.

"Oh son", he sighed, "this is so fucking HORNY".

I didn't reply, just kept riding.

I jumped a little as I heard a squirting noise and something landed on my shoulder. I recognised the smell of baby lotion and moaned as John rubbed it in to my shoulders then down my spine.

I was loving this and didn't want it to stop but my cock had other ideas as I found myself riding harder in to the gonk. The couch cushions squeaked as I rode and I was dizzy from John's man smells. Harder and harder I rode as I held on to John's legs and sniffed his pubes making sure my in-breath were long and deep. My exhale were sharp and in time with my thrusting, accompanied by grunts, but inevitably my ramming got out of sync with my in-out breathing.

I felt the familiar tightening of my balls. I was caught between not wanting this to end and wanting to blow. My riding got more violent and my balls were whacking off the gonk as I grunted every thrust. I was aware of John's cock hard on my shoulder, or rather the bottom bit was but in that moment all I wanted was to please him by blowing a load. I could feel it building. It wouldn't be long.............

"Please sir", I grunted, "please may I shoot"

John had a sharp intake of breath and his already hard cock got harder. I fancied I could feel the blood pumping in to it.

"Stop a moment", John instructed


I was maximum five thrusts from shooting,. What the fuck?

I whined in distress

"shh shh shh", John soothed, "just a wee amendment I should have mentioned earlier"

What fucking amendment?

I whined

"Oh please sir, let me cumm"

"shh shh", he said again, his cock getting even harder. I was at screaming point

"Open your legs a bit wider, it will deepen your orgasm", John instructed, "but not too wide you can't ride. But if you can, after your fourth squirt, as wide as you can"

I opened my legs a bit more but didn't start gonk shagging aqain

"On you go son, bang it out", I was told

I didn't need told twice and started to whack it out.

After about 30 seconds I felt the orgasm rising and I opened my legs a wee bit more. "Near orgasm" subsided. It rose again, I opened legs a tiny bit wider and again it subsided. Five times I did this, effectively edging myself but each time I was whacking harder. By now I was banging out the most violent ride I had ever and my grunts of desperation to cumm increased, ironic given it was me denying myself. As my balls tightened in that lovely pre-orgasm pleasure I was so positioned I was fucking empty air ie cock and balls were about two inches off the cushions as I rammed in to the gonk. "How's that for your cherry popping", I thought to the gonk. Quite ridiculous under the circumstances, looking back. My orgasm started in my ankles. The noise I must have been making didn't occur to me. I was growling and panting like a lion in heat.

I gripped John's legs and buried my face in his pubes as I whacked and pleaded "Please sir, please may I SHOOOOOOT".

He didn't reply.


It was on its way regardless. Thankfully John cottoned on.

"Yes lad, SHOOT.", he said

"Please sir", I whined

"SHOOT!", he shouted loudly............."PUMP IT OUT. SHOOOT"

And I did. I was convulsing like a pneumatic drill as I fired At the same time, I grabbed his hands and holding them against his legs I squeezed tight with every spurt

"Oh thank you, sir, I'm shooting my FUCKING load, oh thank you sir". I bellowed in to his pubes

At this point I remembered my instruction of legs as wide as possible during orgasm. I went as wide as I could without cramp or losing my stride. As John promised, the change in depth of orgasm was marked. I roared. As I began my second round of declaration, I got as far as "....my FUCKIN load" when I felt a water pistol firing down my back.

I was too busy pumping out my load and trying not to burst to wonder what John was doing but on my third declaration of shooting my load I realised I wasn't the only one shooting and THAT made me convulse and shoot harder. In a moment's madness I really thought my cock was going to burst open from the force of my orgasm, just like I'd seen a snake do on a David Attenborough from having eaten too much.

"Oh, Master", I chirruped loudly, pumping and grunting out more as I gripped his hands very tight.

I can vouch for John's grunts being silent other than sharp exhales out his nose as his legs shook and the water pistol splattered my back copiously





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By *orgotten22Woman  over a year ago

out in the sticks in the north east england

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By *uck-Me-Hard-Scotland-M2M OP   Man 49 weeks ago

Barnhill (outside Dundee)


Part 8, posted Sunday 31st March 2024 (Easter Day), 9.15am


I had just 'gonked' for John and he in turn had 'fired' down my back


I lay there to get my breath a bit. John reached out and I heard tissues being pulled out of a box.

He wiped / cleaned my back.

Eventually he asked "You OK?"

"Uh huh.............", I confirmed - I still hadn't let go of his legs - ".......you?"

"Mate..........that was SO fucking horny!.............I can't friggin' believe how much I enjoyed that"

"I am offended", I fake huffed, treating myself to a sniff of his pubes

"Ha ha..............", John sniggered, "..............I need the loo. Be right back. Don't go anywhere"

After he left, I got up and untangled myself from the gonk. Or more to the point prized it off my cock. The bottom was stuck to my pubes.

John returned and had a wet face cloth in hand.

"Aw...............", he said disappointed, "......wot you get up for?"

"I wanted this off before it set", I said

"I wanted to do it", he said

"Next time", I promised.

John brightened.

"Looks sticky", he said

I agreed

"There was a time I had to snip in to the base to get loose", I 'revealed', "I lost about 20% of my pubes AND had to wash the fur off me"

"You did NOT..................", scoffed John, then added uncertainly, ".....REALLY?" ( , he was SO gullible)

I nodded. I didn't trust myself not to laugh.

John picked up the gonk and titled it for a look inside

"Christ, THAT was some load you...............AAAARGH".

Some of said load had dribbled out on to the bridge of his nose and face cheek. I laughed, of course.

"BARF !", John declared.

"No offence taken", I said

"Oh come on!", began John

"Your face", I finished the sentence he wasn't going to say, different spelling notwithstanding.

"Bugger off", was the reply. He wiped his face and then pulled more tissues and stuffed them in to the gonk.

"Lie back down", John instructed.

I did and he kneeled down in front of me. He gently washed my back as I licked his pubes and kissed his inner thighs. He didn't scold me. He had washed and they were delicious.

"Roll", he said.

Presuming that meant "turn over", I did. He washed my cock and balls. I licked his balls. Again, didn't get a telling off..

"Cuppie?", he asked

"Why not", I said, masking my disappointment. So that was it then. I had had visions of getting fucked next. No idea why.

John went to the kitchen to brew, I went to the loo. When I returned I retrieved my clothes and had just got my underwear on when John came through with the brews.

"Wot you doing?.............", he asked, "...........when did YOU get all shy? You fire your 'lack of reserve' out with your load?"

He nodded at my underwear

"OFF", he demanded

"I thought..............." I attempted

"You thought wrong", interrupted John

"You gonking next?", I asked impishly

He gave me pursed lips and eyebrow raise

"I'd threaten to spank you for that but you'd enjoy it".

I flushed slightly.

John kissed me "What biccies do you want? I can't believe I'm hungry"

"I am too but not for biccies", I said, "but in the interim, you got any cock flavoured ones?"

"Nope. But when I make scones tomorrow, I'll snip some of my pubes in to them, just for you............... NO, I am NOT wanking in to the mix first"

"I wasn't even going to suggest that, you minger", I lied.

"So..................KIT KAT do?"

"I suppose", said, "you got the 4 finger ones?"

"Nope, only the two finger but you can double up and pretend it was a four finger"

"Can't", I explained, "two finger is a biscuit, four finger is confectionery. The recipe is different"

"I am SO glad I didn't ask............", said John, ".....you are a mine of useless information but that explains why the four fingers are beside the sweeties"

"SWEETIES?", I scoffed, "how old are YOU?"

"Never too old for a decent sweetie", John said, "and I don't mean the kind with a pussy to dip my tongue in to to get ready for a dicking"

"You can dick me if you want", I hinted. OK, it was a bit more blatant than a 'hint'.

John didn't reply and went biccie hunting.

"Catch", he shouted and I caught a four-finger Kit Kat

"Found one", he said un-necessarily.

I snapped it in two.

"We can share", I said, realising too late - as John tutted / stared - that I had snapped it in half vertically so I ended up with two bits of four half fingers rather than the traditional 'snap' of two full-length fingers each.

"Your dad is right. No fucking brains. Don't let you near matches"

"Does that mean you don't want it?" I asked

He answered me by grabbing his share out my hand

"I'd better have the bigger bit", he said

"We can compare morning wood some other time if it is THAT important to you...............", I began, intending to make reference to his lady friends not seeing mine to compare but a slap across the back of the head stopped me mid-sentence. I was going to wait ten seconds and then say "Oh sorry............OUCH!" but I had already done that earlier during the discussion about which Chinese to go to.

We slurped and chomped. John looked at me and tilted his head

"Thanks son" and he held his mug out

I interpreted correctly and clinked mugs with him

"You are welcome", I said, "I couldn't in all conscience eat the 4 finger all by myself without offering you a bit but I'm not sure I'd give you my last Rolo"

(For the benefit of our younger readers, Rowntrees - before they were bought by Nestle - had an advert / slogan "Do you love anyone enough to give them your last Rolo" As it happens, KitKat was Rowntree too. I have just spent an inordinate amount of time on 'the tube' reminiscing on the "last Rolo" adverts, although be aware if you do likewise you may have to un-mute individual ones)

"Yes you could", disagreed John, "and yes, you would"

He came up against me and kissed my forehead

"I am one lucky c*nt"

I blushed and tutted

"Beamer alert", tittered John, then added "Love you kiddo".

"I love you too, old man", I said back.

"Oi", John tutted

He took my mug off me

"I'll get rid of these, you lie back down", he said

"Why?", I asked

"Because I said so", was the reply

My heart thumped. I was getting SHAGGED I was going to suggest the bedroom but that seemed too forward.

I lay face down on the cushions / towels and spread my legs in preparation.

John returned and again knelt at my head

He squirted the baby lotion down my back and started to massage me again,

My disappointment at not being dicked quickly subsided. I sighed in satisfaction

"You OK mate?"

"Mmmmm", I confirmed, "............you?"

"Never better", John said, "a quiet night in with my best mate. What more could a guy want?"

"A good fuck", I suggested

John laughed

"Honestly? Right now, no. I wouldn't swap this time with you for a wet pussy to dip"

I was going to say "I meant ME you tit" but he was kissing my shoulders.

"I love you, son", he declared yet again.

"I love you too John", I said back and kissed his pubes. I licked his balls and then started licking his cock.

"No", said John gently, "don't".

I could feel myself blushing

"This is your time, son, stop worrying about pleasuring me"


"Shoosh", he admonished

"Can I massage YOU later?", I asked

"That would be nice", John said, "if you can be arsed".

"I'll do it now, if you want", I replied

"I'm busy", said John, "..................LATER ! " and he kissed my shoulders again.

I decided to do as I was told and just enjoy his attentions. As he 'administered' and reached over, I enjoyed his man smells and getting his pubes and thighs in my face.

"On yer back", he said. I did without comment and got my front done. Again, I sighed from his administrations plus his thighs and pubes. Goes without saying - but I will anyway - that I was rock hard. Difference this time though - on my back - it didn't have my weight pressing down holding it in place. On my back, cock danced and swished as John did his stuff. I sighed in to his pubes.

I 'bucked' as John gently took my cock in his hand and massaged baby lotion in to it. I hadn't expected that. Nor had I expected the firm wank he was now giving me. I grunted in pleasure and spread my legs wider. He brought me to the edge half a dozen times and massaged me in between. I was grunting / whining / wriggling. Wondered if I was going to have to beg. Wank number whatever was building again and I was bucking slightly more than a little. John reached over and put his tongue in my mouth for a kiss. I returned it with passion and took his head in my hands and massaged his ears of all things as we kissed and he wanked me. He didn't speed up the wanking, just kept his firm grip on me as he pulled my cock and our mouths / tongues entwined. Inevitably, I "blew" and grunted hard breaths in to John's mouth as I erupted and fired.



Next time it is John's turn


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By *oth0712Man 49 weeks ago


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By *uck-Me-Hard-Scotland-M2M OP   Man 10 weeks ago

Barnhill (outside Dundee)


Chapter 9

I lay there beaming so much John should have been wearing sunglasses

John grabbed the cloth he had used to wipe me post-gonk and left to wet it again. Returning, he cleaned me up.

"Brew?", he asked.

"Na", I said.

John looked suitably shocked. "NO ??? You are refusing tea? Wait 'til I check outside for blue snow"

"I want to do you", I said, "...come on, my turn".

"How about a beer?", John suggested.

"No", I said, "I don't want alcohol involved. If you don't want me touching you, say so and we can crack out the cans"

"Oh oh", said John, "Huff puff alert. Are you saying we will never have alcohol fuelled sex?"

I smiled inwardly, so 'gonk' and wank wasn't our closing-the-door on sexual activity.

"No. Not saying owt of the sort. I'm simply asking you that the FIRST time you shag me, there is no alcohol involved and I know you wanted to and........."

"Well, I am not shagging you tonight", John interrupted, "so we can have a beer"

I tried not to sulk

"OK", I said, "Couple of beers then I will head home"

"No you won't", said John, "you are staying over. I promised your dad I'd keep you so he could shag your maw..........."


I teenage cringed at THAT horrible thought.


He looked at me. "What's wrong? Are you regretting.............?"

"Christ, NO", I exploded, "are YOU ?"

"Nope", said John, "I was looking forward to my massage. Actually I was also looking forward to YOU rather than me dealing with my morning wood"

"Past tense?", I queried

"No............present and FUTURE tenses. I just wanted a beer."

"Why?", I asked

"Why not?" was the response

"I just would like our first time to be no alcohol but you are in charge"

"We have just had a first time", said John, not unreasonably.

"But I haven't serviced you", I sighed

"Yes you did. Apart from we kissed, you have sniffed and licked my pubes and licked my balls".

He had me there.

"John. I am not saying 'no' to alcohol fuelled frolicking, I am just asking the first time you give my hands, mouth and tongue full access to your body that there is no alcohol"

"WHY?", asked John

I shrugged. What was I to say.

"Don't you trust me?", he asked

"I trust you with my life", I said

"Good", said John, "a beer then my massage"

There was no point in arguing with him. He left and returned with two half pint glasses with beer, these 'English' ones : dumpy, bumpy, dimple glass with handles.

"There was only one beer left", he said. That was a fib.

He handed me one then held his out. I clunked glasses.

"We OK?", he asked

"Of course..........you want your massage here or through the room?"

"You choose", said John, "I'm really looking forward to it, not withstanding you are teasing me and keeping me waiting"

"Exactly HOW am I keeping you waiting?", I frowned

"You wanted a beer", he deadpanned

In spite of myself, I tittered.

"So WHERE?", John asked then added, "maybe bedroom so we can snuggle afterwards. After you have made us a brew of course"

"You want a brew as well now?", I asked

"Of course", said John, "and chocolate. Massage, tea, chocolate. A good night in".

"FINE !", I fumed, "I will put the kettle on. You could have done it when you got the beers".

I banged my glass on the table.

"Don't be daft. It will be cold by the time you have massaged me. I want at least an hour"

I looked at him, thoroughly confused

"Do you want tea or not?"


"Make up your MIND ! I am either putting the kettle on or I am not. Tell me what you WANT !"

"Wot you getting uppity at? I want whatever you want", John frowned.

"I want you to shag me", I said

"I'm not doing that", he growled.

"So you are NOT doing what I want", I said, "you are in charge, so TELL me what you want, given what I am suggesting is not on the agenda !".

"I am presuming you being stroppy is sexual frustration, two loads blown to my ZERO loads notwithstanding................I want a massage, my cock sucked followed by tea, chocolate, cock sucked, snuggle......."'

Two loads notwithstanding I got hard again.

"You blew a load when I gonked", I said

"So I did", he agreed

"Obviously memorable", I said

"Didn't think I was gonna stop", said John, "but there's a point. Well reminded batman"

He shoved past me and retrieved the gonk

"You'll be riding this in the morning"

"WILL I now?", I attempted albeit pleased.

"Yup", said John, "apparently I am in charge"

We stood there like two muffins. Neither of us moved.

"WELL ?", queried John

"Yes, thank you", I said, "aside from horny and gagging to do you"

"HERE or next DOOR", he demanded

"Here's fine", I said.

"I wanted the room", said John.

"The room it is", I agreed.

"Make up your mind", said John, "although I thought I was in charge"

"I have no idea how you get so much pussy", I said, "all this to-ing and fro-ing, are you like this with everyone?"

"No, my women know what is expected of them. Naked, On their back, legs spread"

"Well, this is my first time................", I began

"I sincerely doubt THAT", interrupted John

"...with YOU", I said forcibly, "so I would be very grateful if you would guide me as to what you want............."

"I've already told you what I want", he interrupted for the umpteenth time

"..............and WHERE" I barged in.

"Here, obviously", said John

"OK, lie down then.................PLEASE?"

"Oh, I thought we were going next door"

At that point I realised - FAR too late - he was pulling my chain. So I decided to do in kind.

"I think Frank might have something to say about that", I said

"Frank WHO?", John frowned

"Frank next door", I said, "two naked guys turning up wanting to.................."

"You are REALLY annoying", said John

"Thank you", I said.

"DECIDE", I demanded, "right here, on this here floor or in the bedroom"

"We could split the difference", said John, "and do it on the floor in the bedroom"

"Good idea", I said.

"I'd prefer the bed", said John.

"You are in charge", I said, "it's your house"

"But you have a vote", said John, "I'm not a my-way-or-the-highway guy"

"I'd very much like to massage and pamper you.................."

".............and suck my cock and then bring me tea and chocolate"

"All that and more", I agreed, "and I think the bedroom would be perfect"

"Are we having tea first?"

"NO", I said, "...........unless you particularly want to", I added and realising too late that could have started yet another ten rounds of ever decreasing circles.

"I was only being a good host", said John, "let's get going and went" and he turned on his heels and left.


"Bring the skooshie", he called back (he meant the baby lotion)

"What about the towels?", I called back

"If you moved your arse you would know I already have FRESH ones"




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By *uck-Me-Hard-Scotland-M2M OP   Man 10 weeks ago

Barnhill (outside Dundee)


Chapter 9

I lay there beaming so much John should have been wearing sunglasses

John grabbed the cloth he had used to wipe me post-gonk and left to wet it again. Returning, he cleaned me up.

"Brew?", he asked.

"Na", I said.

John looked suitably shocked. "NO ??? You are refusing tea? Wait 'til I check outside for blue snow"

"I want to do you", I said, "...come on, my turn".

"How about a beer?", John suggested.

"No", I said, "I don't want alcohol involved. If you don't want me touching you, say so and we can crack out the cans"

"Oh oh", said John, "Huff puff alert. Are you saying we will never have alcohol fuelled sex?"

I smiled inwardly, so 'gonk' and wank wasn't our closing-the-door on sexual activity.

"No. Not saying owt of the sort. I'm simply asking you that the FIRST time you shag me, there is no alcohol involved and I know you wanted to and........."

"Well, I am not shagging you tonight", John interrupted, "so we can have a beer"

I tried not to sulk

"OK", I said, "Couple of beers then I will head home"

"No you won't", said John, "you are staying over. I promised your dad I'd keep you so he could shag your maw..........."


I teenage cringed at THAT horrible thought.


He looked at me. "What's wrong? Are you regretting.............?"

"Christ, NO", I exploded, "are YOU ?"

"Nope", said John, "I was looking forward to my massage. Actually I was also looking forward to YOU rather than me dealing with my morning wood"

"Past tense?", I queried

"No............present and FUTURE tenses. I just wanted a beer."

"Why?", I asked

"Why not?" was the response

"I just would like our first time to be no alcohol but you are in charge"

"We have just had a first time", said John, not unreasonably.

"But I haven't serviced you", I sighed

"Yes you did. Apart from we kissed, you have sniffed and licked my pubes and licked my balls".

He had me there.

"John. I am not saying 'no' to alcohol fuelled frolicking, I am just asking the first time you give my hands, mouth and tongue full access to your body that there is no alcohol"

"WHY?", asked John

I shrugged. What was I to say.

"Don't you trust me?", he asked

"I trust you with my life", I said

"Good", said John, "a beer then my massage"

There was no point in arguing with him. He left and returned with two half pint glasses with beer, these 'English' ones : dumpy, bumpy, dimple glass with handles.

"There was only one beer left", he said. That was a fib.

He handed me one then held his out. I clunked glasses.

"We OK?", he asked

"Of course..........you want your massage here or through the room?"

"You choose", said John, "I'm really looking forward to it, not withstanding you are teasing me and keeping me waiting"

"Exactly HOW am I keeping you waiting?", I frowned

"You wanted a beer", he deadpanned

In spite of myself, I tittered.

"So WHERE?", John asked then added, "maybe bedroom so we can snuggle afterwards. After you have made us a brew of course"

"You want a brew as well now?", I asked

"Of course", said John, "and chocolate. Massage, tea, chocolate. A good night in".

"FINE !", I fumed, "I will put the kettle on. You could have done it when you got the beers".

I banged my glass on the table.

"Don't be daft. It will be cold by the time you have massaged me. I want at least an hour"

I looked at him, thoroughly confused

"Do you want tea or not?"


"Make up your MIND ! I am either putting the kettle on or I am not. Tell me what you WANT !"

"Wot you getting uppity at? I want whatever you want", John frowned.

"I want you to shag me", I said

"I'm not doing that", he growled.

"So you are NOT doing what I want", I said, "you are in charge, so TELL me what you want, given what I am suggesting is not on the agenda !".

"I am presuming you being stroppy is sexual frustration, two loads blown to my ZERO loads notwithstanding................I want a massage, my cock sucked followed by tea, chocolate, cock sucked, snuggle......."'

Two loads notwithstanding I got hard again.

"You blew a load when I gonked", I said

"So I did", he agreed

"Obviously memorable", I said

"Didn't think I was gonna stop", said John, "but there's a point. Well reminded batman"

He shoved past me and retrieved the gonk

"You'll be riding this in the morning"

"WILL I now?", I attempted albeit pleased.

"Yup", said John, "apparently I am in charge"

We stood there like two muffins. Neither of us moved.

"WELL ?", queried John

"Yes, thank you", I said, "aside from horny and gagging to do you"

"HERE or next DOOR", he demanded

"Here's fine", I said.

"I wanted the room", said John.

"The room it is", I agreed.

"Make up your mind", said John, "although I thought I was in charge"

"I have no idea how you get so much pussy", I said, "all this to-ing and fro-ing, are you like this with everyone?"

"No, my women know what is expected of them. Naked, On their back, legs spread"

"Well, this is my first time................", I began

"I sincerely doubt THAT", interrupted John

"...with YOU", I said forcibly, "so I would be very grateful if you would guide me as to what you want............."

"I've already told you what I want", he interrupted for the umpteenth time

"..............and WHERE" I barged in.

"Here, obviously", said John

"OK, lie down then.................PLEASE?"

"Oh, I thought we were going next door"

At that point I realised - FAR too late - he was pulling my chain. So I decided to do in kind.

"I think Frank might have something to say about that", I said

"Frank WHO?", John frowned

"Frank next door", I said, "two naked guys turning up wanting to.................."

"You are REALLY annoying", said John

"Thank you", I said.

"DECIDE", I demanded, "right here, on this here floor or in the bedroom"

"We could split the difference", said John, "and do it on the floor in the bedroom"

"Good idea", I said.

"I'd prefer the bed", said John.

"You are in charge", I said, "it's your house"

"But you have a vote", said John, "I'm not a my-way-or-the-highway guy"

"I'd very much like to massage and pamper you.................."

".............and suck my cock and then bring me tea and chocolate"

"All that and more", I agreed, "and I think the bedroom would be perfect"

"Are we having tea first?"

"NO", I said, "...........unless you particularly want to", I added and realising too late that could have started yet another ten rounds of ever decreasing circles.

"I was only being a good host", said John, "let's get going and went" and he turned on his heels and left.


"Bring the skooshie", he called back (he meant the baby lotion)

"What about the towels?", I called back

"If you moved your arse you would know I already have FRESH ones"




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By *uck-Me-Hard-Scotland-M2M OP   Man 6 weeks ago

Barnhill (outside Dundee)


Part 11

Posted 26th Jan 2025


When I got through, John was face down on the bed, beach towel beneath him.

"THERE you are", he said, "I thought you'd gone home. I was just................AAAAAAAAAARGH"

Said "AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH" was because I squirted baby lotion from his shoulders down his spine to his lower back.

"That is fucking COLD", he complained.

"Oh you big baby", I said and lay down beside him starting to gently rub it in.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", he said approvingly.

I kissed the back of his head

"Love you mate".

"Course you do", he said, "why wouldn't you?"

I smiled and gave him a 'chin job" gently down his spine to just above his arse.

"Oh mate, this is fucking FAB !", he said

"Shoosh", I said, "the only noise I want is your grunts and sighs and the squelch of the lotion"

"Bossy git", said John.

I kissed his shoulders "Want me to stop?"

"Fuck off", was the reply.

I gently massaged his buttocks and he sighed.

As I reached for the lotion bottle, he unexpectedly rolled over and put his hands behind his head, spreading his legs.

He looked fucking gorgeous. I managed not to dive right in to his throbbing cock.

"I haven't done the back of your legs", I complained

"You can do my thighs whilst you are sucking my cock", he replied.

"OK", I said, having a sniff and lick of his armpit.

He opened one eye

"Thon was a HINT kiddo, I meant NOW",

"All in good time.............", I began but he grabbed a handful of my hair and directed my face on to his cock

"If I recall correctly", said John, " *I* am in charge.................."

For devilment, I kissed his belly button then his pubes. His cock slapped off my face.

Did I mention I estimated six inches and thick? Plus a hammer-head bell end when throbbing.

Which it was. Very much so.

I ran my tongue up his shaft then circled tongue around the hammer-head.

If at all possible, his cock got thicker, accompanied by an "oh Jesus !"

"You OK?", I asked.

"GUESS !", groaned John, "that mouth and tongue have BETTER things to do than SPEAK !"

I took his cock in my mouth. Well, probably just two inches of it,

"ESS IR!", I mumbled.

"Don't talk with your mouth full", John scolded.

I think he was about to say something else but I diverted him with my ministrations and got a buck and a "UUUUGH" as indication things were going well.

"Oh, you have done THIS plenty times before !", John declared.

I dropped his cock and shook my head.

"I've long wanted to but I wasn't sure you would let me", I said

He opened one eye and glared at my deliberate misinterpretation.

"If you drop my cock once more you are sleeping in the spare room"

"Oh I SEVERELY doubt that..............", I said, licking around the underside his bell end.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK", John said as be bucked again

"............and even if I were, this lovely man would be sending you through at 2am for a servicing............"

"Huh", managed John

"and I would prefer if you just spread, closed your eyes and let me get on with pleasuring my friend without the running commentary"

I took his cock in my mouth again to head him off. He sighed through his nose

I spent the next ten minutes gently and lovingly proving that yes, I had done 'this' before.

Except this was special. This was pleasuring my friend, my mentor, someone I loved to my bones.

John started thrusting a little, pumping my mouth. It created a vacuum and I hiccupped.

I dropped his cock and slid my tongue up from his pubes, up his midriff, chest to his Adam's Apple.

"Please sir", I whispered in his ear, "let me do this one. Let me pleasure you and extract. I don't want you to do anything other than spread and sigh", i said.

"And shoot", added John

"That too", I promised, not really thinking things through ("Oh oh", mutters a reader or three)

John nodded enthusiastically,

I had a sniff and lick of that lovely armpit. His cock whacked off his midriff,

"You horny wee toad", John sighed

I kissed from his chest back down to his pubes and again licked around his hammer head.

"JESUS FUCK", he exclaimed


"I've told you not to speak with your mouth full", John retorted.

Mouth full, I got to work I gently sucked, gobbled and changed angle to get more in,

I reckoned two thirds. Was annoyed slightly I couldn't get it all in but it was THICK and wriggling.

So was John. Wriggling I mean. Or rather his legs were shaking. He was moaning / groaning and snorting through his nose.

I decided to sort of mouth fuck myself using his cock with added tongue work.

His moans got deeper. I didn't speed up, I just kept a rhythm. HE got louder and

"Oh Jesus", "Oh son.................".

Then something happened that had never happened to me when sucking cock.

John's cock went rock rock hard AND the head I was slurping gently went dry,.

DRY ????????????

I frowned in confusion but didn't have time to process what or why................

With a deep grunt, John fired his load.

Caught off guard, I gulped, spluttered and spat it back out all over his belly. I nearly added vomit to it.

John added a few more spurts to his belly.

I was coughing and started to cry. I was SO embarrassed,

"Jesus!", exclaimed John, concerned. "Are you ok kiddo?"

I think it was obvious I wasn't !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I'm sorry", I sobbed, still coughing and trying not to be sick

"SORRY ?", gasped John, "for WHAT ? The best cock noshing I've had all WEEK ?"

"I've let you down", I snivelled

"How so?", he frowned although he probably knew damn fine what I meant.

"Not finishing you properly", I said, "I've never............"

"NEVER ?????????????", interrupted John, "..........437 cocks down your throat and you have never swallowed?"

I tittered through my tears and shook my head.

"That is GREAT", declared John, "bagsie I am the first"

"Not sure I can", I wept

"Rubbish", said John, "Practice makes perfect but I will warn you every future ,load until you are ready. No pressure. But maybe in time for Christmas"

I smiled, still weeping. "Thanks John"

"Oh you soppy git", said John, "is John going to have to go get the magic cloth to stop these tears?"

"Fuck off", I giggled, "but we will need tissues"

"Gesundheit", said John. Old joke

I got the tissues and gently mopped up the juices then took the sodden things to the loo to 'flush'.

I rinsed a cloth to take through when there was a "BOO !" behind me as John pressed up against me.

"I've come to give him a wash for round two. Nowt worse than cheesy cock. Actually cheesy minge I suppose...........you go brew".

I went to do as I was told but John grabbed the wet cloth from me and with an exaggerated noise along the line of

B-eeeeeee--LLLLLLL-----uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-----ghhhhhhhhhh", he rubbed my face.

Removing he said "SEE ?????????? John's magic cloth does the trick. All tears are.................".

I pursed my lips

"Hmmm", said John, "I didn't think that through. Somehow I think I should have ensured I was the one nearer the door before I did that".

I shook my head

"You are such a dick", I said

"Go brew lad before I spank you", said John

"FUCKING DICK", I said, not moving

"Huh", said John, "didn't think THAT one through either, did I? Maybe my brains fired out too..................KETTLE !"

I did as I was told. From the kitchen, I could hear John "singing" happily as he freshened up.

I took the two mugs of tea through to the BATHROOM !!!!.

NOW who was the one not thinking?

I turned on my heels and went to the bedroom. John was sitting on the bed, pillows behind him, expectantly.

"Expectantly"" for the brew, in case you thought I meant sex.

"Biccies?", he demanded.

"You only told me to brew", I deadpanned.

"If I have to get up out this BED...............", he began.

I fled and was back in 30 seconds with a pack of kit-kat and a pack of chocolate digestives.

"You haven't opened them!", John scolded

"You'd only have accused me of having some before I brought them through"

"How well you know me", he said, biting in to the packets to open and spitting the removed packaging on to the floor.

I tutted in disapproval.

"The cleaner will get it in the morning............", John assured me, then added "..........after he has sucked my cock of course".

We slurped tea contentedly and munched biscuits. John dunked, I didn't.

Suddenly he queried "You got any plans for the tattie holidays ?"

I tittered inwardly,

Tattie is a Scottish word for potato. Maybe further a-field too (pun intended )

Back then schools / Uni etc were off two weeks in October which allowed people to go potato picking for the farmers. I think you had to be at least EIGHT years old. Yup, different times. You were collected at pickup points in a farm trailer at God-knows-what-time-in-the-morning-o'[clock,, transported to fields, back breaking work, transported back at night. It was dark when you left AND when you returned. You brought your own sandwiches (probably meat paste) and drink, if your parents could afford it. I wasn't ever allowed to go. Later years, the two weeks changed to one week then back to two weeks. These days it is - actually I don't know how long - and is known as the Autumn holidays as machines long ago replaced people for picking and councils don't all chose the same week for school closures (surprise, surprise). Those of us of a certain age still refer to them as the tattie holidays, all these years later.

I didn't have plans.

"I thought we could go hiking and camping", said John before I could answer.

"Sounds like fun", I said. Said tattie holidays were weeks away

"Thought I would book you now", said John,

"Shagging in a tent AND in the woods, sounds HORNY", I said.

"You are RELENTLESS", tutted John, "I will NOT be shagging you"

My turn to tut loudly.

"You PROMISED", I lied

"I did sod all the kind", said John, "the topic is closed".

"For now", I said, determined not to be completely closed down.

"Have it your way", said John

"Face down, you on top. Of COURSE", I jumped in pleased with myself.

John elbowed me and shook his head.

"There are alternatives", he offered

"Like WHAT?", I frowned

"Wait see", I was told, "We have plenty other things to explore other than that".

"Wait see", he said again, before I drew breath to ask.

We slurped some more.

"Have you EVER been shagged?, he asked suddenly.

I was swallowing half a biccie so shook my head.

"Good", said John,

"You will be my first", I said, determined to have the last word

"Wait see", he said for the third time, attempting to thwart me, then added

"Don't go against me on this. It's IMPORTANT"'

I was about to ask but he added

"A topic for another day. There's a cock needs sucking",

I leaned over theatrically to look at mine and said "Na. He's fine. Probably wouldn't say 'no' to a pull though"

Another elbow in the ribs.

"Can't believe you have never swallowed", John said.

I blushed purple and started to tear up.

"Wot you blushing at?", demanded John, "don't tell me you've gone all shy about sucking cock"

I shook my head

"I let you down", I said again

"Fuck off", said John, "as I said, practice makes perfect and whoopie, I get to be number one playing target practice with your tonsils..........."

I nodded

",,,,,,,,,,,Am I your first 'deposit' so to speak, I mean first spit out?"

I blushed again and nodded.

"Why? ", he frowned, "I mean I'm assuming you've had a few cocks.............."

"Uh huh", I confirmed, "but never more than mutual playing about or................"

"Do you even know their names?"

"I presume Toby or Percy", I deadpanned

"EH ?", frowned John, confused

"Well, what do you call yours?", I 'explained', "just plain 'him downstairs' ?"

"I have no fucking idea what you are on about", John said.

"Your cock", I said, "what to you call him?"

"What the hell does THAT have to do with anything?", John demanded

I fake-frowned.

"You asked me if I knew the names of the cocks I sucked. I've only ever heard cocks referred to as Toby or Percy."

"Are you for REAL ?", exclaimed John, tapping his index finger hard and fast off the side of my head.

"What I MEANT was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"

But my failed attempt not to titter gave the game away.

He opened his mouth to say something but I headed him off.

"No, I don't always know names unless it is a pick-up at toilets and back to theirs. Normally it is a pick up in cars or a cock through a glory hole and if it is clean I gobble"

"Oh Jesus", said John, horrified.

"Actually", I said, "I gobbled someone in the Uni toilets just yesterday and I got to the sink to wash hands before he emerged from his cubicle. I did him the courtesy of opening the main door first before I went to the sink so he thought I'd left. Which meant when he emerged from his cubicle to join me at sink I found out it was............actually better not tell you which member of staff. Discretion and all that".

John looked like he was going to pass out.

"Is THAT how and where you get sex?", he asked

"Hardly sex", I said, "no-one has shagged me yet. HINT HiNT"

He ignored that last bit

He stared at me.

I had the notion I had gone down in his eyes.

"Where did you THINK I went for sex?", I asked softly

"I presumed Gay bars or Gay-SOC meetings", he said

"I've only ever been in a gay bar twice", I said, "and am not 'out' for fuck sake so have not joined the Uni Gay Society albeit I am fascinated you even know it exists".

"One of the guys at work's son runs it, He has disowned him of course"

"Haven't ever considered disowning MY dad", I said.

Elbow in ribs.

"Public toilets and glory holes. At the Uni too, for fuck sake. Are you MAD? This stops now. It's too dangerous".

"It is not for you to say", I growled, "I have never once criticised or commented on any YOU dip your wick in"

"This is DIFFERENT", John said

"Why?", I asked, knowing full well

"It is ILLEGAL not to mention dangerous, And you have your whole life ahead of you.................."

"And I aint living it like a monk", I interrupted, "I am not embarrassed about sex or which kind I want. So long as me and the other party consent.............."

"We are at a crossroads then", said John, "it's either the pubic toilets etc or me. Not both"

There was a two second silence.

"Good", said John, "It's me then".

I tittered. He didn't.

"I mean it son", he said, "I need you to stop. That ends the matter. Do I need to extract a promise from you?"

I looked in to his eyes. I couldn't work out if it was fear or concern

I shook my head'

"No, blood brother. You have asked"

John smiled then said

"Phew. For a horrible moment I thought I might be ransoming and giving up the best mouth and tongue to EVER wrap around my cock".

I laughed

John wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed the side of my head

"Thanks mate. I will find you other avenues and guys"

I frowned

"What avenues?"

"Wait see. I'll have to work out dates first. But first things first, there's a cock needs sucking"

"I've already told you, I'm fine. I'd be happy with just..............", I began but the hard slap to the head interrupted me,.

"How often have you fired your load in someone's mouth", I asked

"Just you", he said

"I don't believe you", I said, "Surely I wasn't your first blow job"

John sighed

"I've already TOLD you, women do not suck cock. They take it in their mouths. THAT which you did was mind blowing.........."

"and paralysing", I interrupted

"That too", John agreed "but bad choice of word. Know what you mean though. And selfish c*nt that I am, I want more"

"It can be arranged", I teased, knowing fine what he meant.

"I meant NOW c*nty balls !"

"That is very generous of you", I said, "but you don't have to"

"I know", said John, "but given I've cut off your supply chain, it's only right I step up and put out"

"And train me", I said.

"Oh your very proficient at steps 1 to 23", John said, "just need some post grad training for the ultimate finish"

I smiled

"I bet in all the training and guidance you have given me over the years, you never would have imagined you would be coaching me in swallowing your load", I said.

I could hear his cock swishing.

"Agreed", said John, "and I am so looking forward to multiple lessons and the ultimate prize giving"

"What if I can't ?", I asked

"Do you WANT to?", John asked. The thought had just occurred to him that I might feel coerced in to it.

"You, yes", I said, "but not everyone"

"Bra'", said John, "we will take it at your pace"

"What other avenues?", I asked again

"Am I not enough?", asked John.

I was boxed in. Of course he would be if there were to be as many lessons as he implied.

I nodded.

"We will discuss avenues and rules thereof at a later juncture.............and I DON'T mean tomorrow.............but right now mate I need my cock sucked"

I started to slide down to oblige.

"Hold on a mo", said John, "where did Percy come from?"

"Eh?", I asked, forgetting earlier conversation.

"Percy as name for your cock"

"Oh right....... PPP.........when you are going to the loo you go to Point Percy at the Porcelain"

"I have NEVER heard that before", John declared.

"That's because you led a sheltered life........", I said, "........allow me to continue your education" as I continued my 'slide' down the bed to get my face level with a certain throbbing bell end...........


Spoiler alert :

Unbeknown to me at this juncture, the camping at the "tattie holidays" nearly derailed me and John (my doing) and the 'new avenues' John had planned to get me cock led to new friends, lots of joy, major heartbreaks and the first of "and those who followed" in the story title.





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