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The first time from husbands point of view

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I was staring at her now, watching as she peeled down her shorts, slowly exposing her gorgeous ass. Her naughty bits were concealed by a conservative bikini. Her shirt was already in the pile of clothes at her side, and her big tits were being held snugly by her elastic top. I was lounging at her side in my patio chair, sipping on a margarita by our pool.

My wife, Ann, is a beautiful specimen of a woman. She has dark flowing hair, grayish-green eyes, and a soft feminine face. Her body is curvy, like a classic pin-up girl from the 50's. She has large natural breasts, a trim tummy, and a plump ass that I lust over daily. The sight of her gorgeous tits and ass bouncing around our home never fails to excite me.

Despite the fact that she is brimming with physical sexuality, my wife is rather shy by nature. Ann's reserved disposition is a product of her development. She didn't really come into her own, physically, until college. She has told me many stories about her ugly duckling years, which seemingly lasted through most of primary and secondary school. Looking at her now, however, it would seem impossible that she ever suffered through such a phase. Ann's a bonafide sexpot, and earns lust-filled stares nearly everywhere she goes. It's actually grown to frustrate me. I'm married to such a beautiful woman, yet she refuses to acknowledge just how attractive she actually is.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

My name is Sam. Ann and I are both in our early twenties. I work in finance for a trading company downtown and Ann teaches at a local school. We met during our senior year of University, and quickly fell in love. Our wedding ceremony actually took place only a few short weeks after our graduation. Things we tough going at first but luckily we had recently purchased our first home in an up and coming neighborhood. The house itself was small, but it was newly constructed, and even though the other houses in the neighborhood shared similar cookie cutter layouts, we were still proud of it.

A splash of water quickly brought me out of my daze, as Ann dove into the sauna. She gracefully swam under the surface for a time, eventually arising at the other end.

I stood, placing my margarita on the table. I quickly removed my shirt.

I'm of rather average build, standing at 5'-8" in height, and around 170 pounds in weight. I'm not especially muscular, but i'm not exactly a twig either. I hopped into the water with less grace than my wife, causing a splash and a subsequent giggle from Ann. We embraced, kissing each other as our wet faces gently collided in affection.

"I don't want to work tomorrow." she pouted. Her pretty lips looked tantalizing covered in the delicate droplets of water.

Our Sunday had been lovely so far, but the afternoon was quickly coming to a close.

I kissed her again, "Me neither babe."

"Lets both call in, take a day to ourselves."

I smirked in bemusement, "You know I can't tomorrow..."

Before Ann had a chance to argue a voice shouted out from across the yard.

"Oh, hey there folks!"

It was Ben, our neighbor. He's an older gentleman, about 50 years of age. He's also rather large, looming at around 6'-3" and carrying a thick frame. He was probably close to 230 pounds, not all muscle, but definitely in good shape for a man of his age. He was friendly, seemingly harmless, and ten years widowed. His wife had died from a rare illness, which was - in our short time knowing him - something that was clearly hard for him to talk about. He lived alone in the house next door, and we had struck up a good neighborly friendship with him since we had moved in.

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By *iscoman7771000Man  over a year ago


Please carry on

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Whereas every other house in the neighborhood was separated by a physical fence - for some reason our homes were separated only by a distinct change in the cut of the grass. Ben had retired early, apparently with more than enough money to do so. He was seemingly always working on his home, and his lawn condition was impeccable. The transition from our yard to his was a testament to that.

"Hey Ben, how goes it?" I replied. Ann slunk below the water instinctively, thinking that she was more scantily clad than she actually was.

He strolled over smiling, shears in hand, wiping sweat from his brow. His large frame interrupted the light of the afternoon sun.

"Oh you know Sam, just tending to this never ending mess of a yard." he paused, looking down at Ann and me. "You two sure do enjoy that Sauna, last couple that lived here never used it. Seems every time I look over you guys are taking a dip."

He wasn't wrong, we did enjoy ourselves some time in the water. "Just getting our moneys worth." I replied, smiling. "Fancy a margarita? We appear to have made way too much."

He shook his head, "I'd hate to intrude, already rudely interrupted by walking over here."

"Nonsense." I insisted "Ann babe, fetch him one if you would." I patted her ass underneath the water.

She smiled, slightly blushing, "Of course."

Ann slowly walked up the stairs and out of the sauna, water cascaded off her large breasts as she strode. Her bikini was a conservative one, but it was still hot pink, and still a two piece bathing suit. Ben obviously hadn't seen that much of my wife's body until that moment, and I couldn't help but feel a strange pang of pride over showing her off to our older neighbor.

Ben was polite, but it was also clear he liked what he saw. He hadn't been shy about giving Ann a stare down or two since we moved in, again, nearly every man who comes into contact with her does. He deftly looked her up and down as she handed off the drink to him. "There you are." she offered, sweetly.

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By *yTreacleMan  over a year ago


Do keep the story coming

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By *2spikeMan  over a year ago


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By *igerman23Man  over a year ago


More please

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By *ussgbrMan  over a year ago


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By *ony 529Man  over a year ago


Nice start please continue

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By *ature SpiceCouple  over a year ago


My first wife who introduced me to swinging use to love older guys, said she always felt safer and more comfortable.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Thank you miss." Ben tried to avoid gawking as he graciously accepted the drink.

Ann rejoined me in the sauna and Ben managed a seat on one of the deck chairs. We drank and conversed for a while longer, but Ben eventually said his goodbyes, and we soon tidied up and headed inside for the day.

Later that evening Ann and I were making love. I was thrusting into her doggy style, watching as her juicy ass engulfed the sight of my six inches. She was moaning softly as she took me. My mind wandered back to the afternoon, and I chuckled internally, wondering what Ben would think if he could see her now.

That same thought caused a brief moment of panic, as I looked to my right in a hurry. I wanted to make sure our bedroom curtain was closed. Our one hiccup in purchasing the home was the expansive master bedroom window, which looked out into a small side yard and then into... Bens master bedroom window. The homes were mirrored, and essentially on top of each other. It seemed like odd design, and in a few short weeks we had already exchanged a handful of awkward waves with Ben - who was seemingly unconcerned with his own privacy. The proximity was a problem even beyond the visibility. I was certain that if Ann moaned too loudly he would easily be able to hear her.

I shook the thought from my mind and continued to plow my wife. My orgasm caught me by surprise, and I erupted, spurting my load into her welcoming pussy. Ann gently whined as I came inside of her. I could quite often bring her to an orgasm during sex, but unfortunately, I didn't have it in me on this night.

After our shower we laid in bed together prepping for slumber. The memory from the afternoon popped into my mind again and in a restless moment I blurted, "Did you notice Ben checking you out today?"

Ann sighed, "You always think people are checking me out."

I laughed, "That's because they are. Especially our neighbor over there."

I saw her blush, "I guess... a little."

I continued, "The poor guy probably doesn't get much action. I guess I can't blame him for staring."

Ann slapped me playfully on the shoulder. "Pervert." she said, jokingly.

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By *igerman23Man  over a year ago


Love it

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By *SinfullyCuriousCouple  over a year ago

Co Antrim, N. Ireland

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Nice x

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

A few weeks went by and nothing more was said of Bens leering. We had run into him a handful of times and each time he was friendly and welcoming. He even offered to help me pave our driveway coming up, which I accepted.

Things took a strange and erotic turn when Ben accidentally caught a glimpse of Ann, in a compromising position.

My wife has incredible tits. They are Double Ds, natural, bouncy, and without an inch of sag. They belong on a porn star, or an exotic beauty - not a housewife.

I was eating breakfast one weekday morning when suddenly she came running down the stairs, shrieking. She was red faced and angry. "Sam! Why did you leave the curtains open!? The towels are in the dryer and I walked out of the bathroom naked!"

I wasn't immediately sure as to why she was so furious, "Okay... and...?"

"Ben was right there! He was staring right at me!"

I nearly cho*ed on my toast, coughing out a reply "Oh shit. I opened them to check the weather, I'm picking up that client from the airport today. I'm sorry babe."

She was unconvinced, still yelling, "Well I hope your happy! Our neighbor just got a good look at your naked wife!"

I couldn't help it, and laughed. It was harmless Ben and part of me was enthused by my wife accidentally teasing the old man with her goods. "What's the big deal? I'm sure you made his day, hell, you probably made his year! Ben's harmless!"

She looked appalled, "I'm so happy this isn't a big deal to you! You're unbelievable!" She stormed off, back upstairs.

As I was leaving for work I ran into a red faced Ben, standing by my car.

He was stuttering, "H-Hey Sqm. Look, I'm really sorry, I just glanced over and... I heard her scream, and..."

I stopped him, chuckling in resignation "Ben, look - it was an accident. It's no big deal."

He breathed a noticeable sigh of relief, probably having no idea how I would react to the situation. I continued, "Nothing you haven't seen before." and I gave him a pat on the back.

He chuckled, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "Jeez Sam, thanks... I hope you don't mind me saying, but you're a very lucky man." he blushed as he spoke, perhaps thinking that he was digging a deeper hole for himself.

The comment caught me by surprise, but also inexplicably, it excited me. There was something arousing about hearing him come out and admit to finding her attractive, especially after just seeing her naked. I mean, it was one thing to suspect it, it was an entirely different thing to hear it.

I replied, with a smirk, "Thanks. I know."

If it was anyone else, the comment might have angered me. But for some reason, coming out of Bens mouth, I took it in stride.

I beat Ann home from work that night, and prepared a surprise dinner for her as a sort of make shift apology. I wasn't really sorry, I was more amused, and if anything - strangely proud.

She walked in the front door looking tired, but as beautiful as ever. At first she avoided talking to me, but her wall eventually came down.

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Nice I wanna see

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Sorry I yelled so much earlier, I know it was an accident." she admitted, " - I just felt... naked."

I chuckled, "Well... you were."

We ate in silence for a minute, and I told her, "I saw Ben as I left for work this morning."

She immediately blushed, "Oh God. I don't know how I'll be able to look at him again."

"Its not a big deal babe, c'mon." I tried to downplay the entire thing. I paused, continuing. "He actually told me that I'm a very lucky man." I glanced up at her as I said it, curious to her reaction.

She gasped, "He didn't!"

I nodded, "He did. He said you have an unbelievably beautiful body, and that you should be very proud of it." I added the last part. It was a white lie, but it was also completely true, even if he didn't say it exactly that way.

"What did you say!?" she nearly screamed the question at me.

I smiled, "I told him I know, I am a very lucky man."

She blushed, but this time it wasn't purely of embarrassment. There was a look on her face. It was the first time in years that she had heard another man openly compliment her naked body, a man other than me. There was a hint of excitement present in her shade of red.

Minutes later we were naked in our bed, fucking like animals. Her pussy was as wet as I had felt it in a long time, and I was rock solid. I couldn't help but probe the reasoning, I clutched her massive tits as she rode me cowgirl, inciting her with my questioning. "Damn baby, you're wet as fuck."

She moaned, arching her head back and grabbing my shoulders.

I couldn't help myself, and teased her, "Maybe we should let Ben get a look at your tits everyday."

She slapped my chest, "Stop it." Her tone was serious, but she didn't mean it, her teeth grit and she moaned through her words.

"What? I'm sure he'd love to get another look at these gorgeous things." I squeezed them again, pinching her nipples, a sensation that she loved.

She moaned loudly, grinding into me. Her pussy gushed, as she clamped down on my dick, cumming.

Her groan was loud enough to wake the neighborhood, and it caused my own orgasm to burst, as I came inside of her. Moments later we both slowly drifted off to sleep, without another mention of it.

A few days had passed and the weekend approached. I woke up late on Saturday and was groggily pouring myself some cereal when I looked out the window. To my surprise I saw Ann and Ben conversing. My wife looked to be planting some herbs in our garden, and Bob looked to be assisting her. She was dressed conservatively, but something stirred inside me at the sight of them interacting. Ben had seen her stark naked just days earlier, and here they were casually discussing flowers.

Ann eventually came inside, a light sheen of morning sweat glistened on her skin.

I wasted no time, "I thought you were never gonna be able to speak to him again." I offered, with complete sarcasm.

She blushed.

I prodded, "Well? Was it awkward?"

"Yes! At first." She seemed nervous to be discussing it.

"What did he say?"

She fidgeted as she spoke, her blush not leaving her face, "Nothing, I don't know. He just came over and offered me help with the plants..."

She went to the cabinet for a glass and some water. Clearly feeling awkward. She continued.

"He apologized, but I told him it was my fault." She blushed deeper. "He jokingly told me if he could wake up to that every morning he'd finally be able to quit drinking coffee."

I couldn't help but laugh. "See! Nothing to worry about. What did you say to that?"

"N-Nothing, I guess I just laughed I think, I don't know. That was the end of the conversation."

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By *aughtyNikki100TV/TS  over a year ago


Very promising x

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By *ussgbrMan  over a year ago


This is fantastic

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By *4funXXXMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *londebiguyMan  over a year ago


I'm guessing that it's a jacuzzi...

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By *omkingbillyCouple  over a year ago


Wow would love for this to happen

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By *2spikeMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

We sat in silence for a moment, and she continued, "You know, I'm surprised you aren't more jealous about this."

I sighed, "Babe, it's Ben. Hes not an asshole, he doesn't have an agenda. He's our harmless older neighbor." I teased her more, "And it's not my fault you decided to flash him."

She called me on my bluff, "You know what I think!... I think you enjoy this. I think you like that I flashed him!"

I was caught off guard, but only for a moment, "I get a kick out of seeing you riled up, is all." I thought hard on my next comment, but said it regardless, "You know what I think? I think a part of you enjoyed teasing him."


"Oh stop it Ann, it's not a big deal. I've been telling you for years to show off more of your body, you're a beautiful woman. I'm kind of glad you finally got caught."

"You're unbelievable! I can't believe I married such a perv."

I laughed, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her into my lap. "Stop being dramatic, and give me a kiss." She reciprocated, and I couldn't help but notice that she didn't deny it.

Another week went by without event, and we soon found ourselves enjoying another lazy Sunday. Ann and I had gone out with some friends for an early brunch, and we each enjoyed one too many mimosas.

We were back at home, frisky, rather tipsy, and pawing at each other on our couch.

Ann whined, "I want to go in the sauna."

"So let's go." I replied.

She giggled and skipped upstairs to change, returning in her pink bikini.

"Not so fast." I spoke, the alcohol getting the best of me, continuing. "You never wear the bikini I got you on our trip, that thing was expensive and it gets no use."

Her face flashed red, but she said nothing. We regarded each other for a moment, and she slowly turned and went upstairs.

She came back down, nervous. Her beautiful tits were barely concealed by an incredibly thin black fabric, she spun around and her ass completely engulfed the G string. It almost looked like she was wearing nothing at all. It was perfect.

She clearly wasn't in agreement. "I can't go out in this."

"Yes you can, its a bikini, they are made specifically for people to wear, outside."

If she hadn't already had a few drinks, she probably never would have agreed. But I looked on as she opened the sliding glass door to head outside. She scurried across the deck and jumped in the sauna.

I went upstairs to quickly change, and when I arrived on our patio I noticed that Ben had made yet another appearance, and was already conversing with Ann. The refraction of the water obviously did a decent job of concealing just how much of her skin was on display, but at the same time, it was pretty clear she wasn't wearing much. There was a distinct look of regret on her face.

Ben greeted me as I walked over, "Hey there Sam. I was asking Ann if she wanted one of my famous Moscow Mules. She mentioned that you guys had broken the alcohol seal a bit early this morning."

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By *i Sub BoyMan  over a year ago


So hot and well wrote. Can't wait for more

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Ohh more


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What an amazing story,and so well told,ever thought of publishing

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *lderWiserNowMan  over a year ago


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By *4funXXXMan  over a year ago


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By *ub and master in crimeCouple  over a year ago


Loving this well written sexy story more please x

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By *angtidy42Couple  over a year ago


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By *rgasmdonorMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I chuckled, nodding in agreement, "You know Ben. I don't want you to get the wrong impression. We aren't really heavy drinkers, but for whatever reason lately, on Sundays - we go nuts."

He laughed, "Sunday fun days is what you kids call it, right? I hear my niece say that all the time."

"Yeah, I guess so." I smiled, throwing caution to the wind. "I suppose I'll take you up on that offer. Ann?"

She shrugged her shoulders, smiling. "Sunday fun day." she said in agreement.

"Great." Ben seemed enthused that he was going to be able to share it with us, "Just need a little help in the kitchen carrying the liquor. Do you mind, Ben?"

Not sure what made me decide to throw this curve ball into the mix, but I did. "Shit. You know, I just remembered I had to send a client a quick document. Babe, why don't you help Ben, I'll be right back."

I avoided looking directly at Ann but I could see her death stare out of the corner of my eye. Without another word, I walked back inside. I quickly found my phone and pretended like I was typing away, walking toward the window for a view. I was smiling like an idiot in anticipation.

The window was ajar and it was easy to hear outside on the patio. I watched as Ann nervously walked out of the water, her beautiful ass on full display. The nipples on her big titties nearly edging around the fabric of her top as they bounced. Ben's eyes darted wide when he got a clear look at what she was wearing, but he recovered with poise. "Well... That sure is a beautiful suit." I heard him say.

Ann blushed, stuttering in reply. I watched as she quickly dried herself with a deck towel. "T-Thanks Ben. Sam made me wear it."

They began walking across the yard towards Bens sliding door. "Well, he certainly has good taste.", I saw him smirk after the comment.

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By *ortheastcoupleukCouple  over a year ago

easington were the sun dont shine

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By *ligoMan  over a year ago

East Mayo

Brilliant story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *igerman23Man  over a year ago


Love it more please

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I looked on with strange excitement, watching as my wife's ass bounced back and forth, seemingly nude - as she disappeared into our neighbors house.

I got a view out of our kitchen window and into his. Ann was moving around the room, helping Ben pick up glasses and mix the vodka. She looked divine. I could no longer hear what was being said, but Ann and Ben began to laugh. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, my half naked wife was casually strolling around our neighbors kitchen. It was such an exciting sight, and it surprised me to realize just how much I enjoyed witnessing it.

Before long they exited his house, and were both walking back across the yard. I tossed my phone into the couch and rejoined them on the patio.

"Sorry about that." I spoke to both of them, but really - the apology was meant for Ann. She glared at me with fury, but I noticed that she suddenly seemed more comfortable in her suit. She no longer appeared to be in a rush to cover herself.

"No worries Sam." Ben said, placing the pitcher down on one of our tables, "Never gonna hear me complain about a beautiful woman in a bikini helping me out."

Ann blushed deeply, and I chuckled, "I guess that does make sense." I offered. I was ecstatic to hear Ben compliment her openly, but apparently his remark was Ann's queue to escape back into the water.

I decided to press, "Can you believe I had to talk her into wearing it?"

He replied, "You know, she told me, but I'm glad you did. Now everyone's a winner."

Ann's eyes were widened by the conversation, her blush was crimson, and I guess she felt the need to speak up, "Hello! I'm right here gentlemen! You're embarrassing me!"

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Ben replied, chuckling, and handing me a glass of his drink, "You got absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about Ann, and I'm sure Sam agrees." Ben gave me a knowing smile.

I nodded as I took a deep sip, the alcohol from the morning clearly having a carefree effect on the vibe in our backyard. "Damn, this is good." I added.

"Thank you sir, been making it for years." I watched as he walked over to waters edge and offered a glass to my wife. Ann took a quick sip and also complimented the taste, "Wow. It really is good."

Ben nodded, pouring himself his own glass. "Careful with those, they're tasty, but they pack a punch."

The three of us settled into the patio, easing into a state of alcohol induced relaxation. I eventually joined my wife in the pool while Ben sat at waters edge. The conversation ranged from business to sports to entertainment, the cocktails kept flowing, and suddenly the three of us were all somewhat d*unk.

Ann had seemingly now adopted the revealing suit like it was her second skin, entering and exiting the water without a care of Bens lingering eye. As his state became more intoxicated his stares became more obvious. He definitely loved what he saw.

Ann had returned from the house with a tray of cheese and crackers, something to munch on. I watched as her glistening body bounced over to me, leaning down I stared directly at her massive tits. I couldn't help it, and a compliment escaped my lips, "Goddamn babe. Look at those things."

"Sam! We have company!" Ann scolded me, smiling with an embarrassed look on her face. She turned to walk over to Ben.

Ben had heard what I said, and had seen what I said it about. He stared right at her tits as she offered the plate to him. He spoke, "I have to agree with Sam. That top is all but a formality at this point." He blushed after the words escaped his mouth, realizing the comment may have been inappropriate.

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By *lderWiserNowMan  over a year ago


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By *abmale7979Man  over a year ago


Amazingly written and love the build up can’t wait for the next instalment

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By * mile from the toonMan  over a year ago


Can't wait to hear more of this story

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By *rcadian110Couple  over a year ago


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By *kpiercedCouple  over a year ago


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By *ony 529Man  over a year ago


Mmmm moving on nicely

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By *igerman23Man  over a year ago


Love it.more please

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By *loucesterladMan  over a year ago


Great carry on

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Ann reacted, "Okay, that's it! Everyone's officially had too much to drink!"

Ben and I broke into a unified laughter, and Ann rejoined me in the water. We all lingered in silence for a moment, until Ann decided to suddenly give Ben a hard time.

"Why haven't you joined us in the sauna, Ben, you afraid of the water?"

Ben replied chewing, mouth half full of cheese and crackers, "No suit, to be honest. Actually cant ever remember owning a bathing suit."

I sneaked up behind Ann, grabbing her waist. A couple hours had gone by and I was growing intoxicated by her exposed body. I wanted her, and I didn't care. I was also, d*unkenly, absurdly, wanting her to give Ben another show. I whispered into her ear from behind. "It would really turn me on if you ditched your top."

She turned, facing me. "Sam, Bens right there. Stop it." I could tell there was some excitement in her eyes, to go along with her intoxication.

I pressed her, "C'mon babe. Toss it, and then I'll kick him outta here so we can have some fun."

Ann looked right at me with sex in her eyes, whispering, "Fine, but don't get mad at me if you regret this."

I looked on, frozen, as she slumped under the water. She slowly untied her top, and suddenly her thin black bikini was floating in the water.

My dick stirred at the sight of it and just when I thought she was done, I saw her playing around even deeper in the water. Suddenly another bunch of black fabric broached the waters surface. My wife had removed her G string!

I immediately went erect at the sight of it, and Ann stared at me with a teasing look in her eye. She grabbed her newly removed suit, balling it up in her palm. Inexplicably, she tossed it at Ben.

"Found a suit for you!" she teased.

I couldn't believe it!

The wet fabric hit him dead in the chest, startling him for a moment.

Bens face immediately revealed the knowledge that my wife was now naked. He grabbed the suit, bunching it into his pocket, jokingly. "Souvenir!", he shouted.

The guy was quick with the wit, I had to give him that much. Ann and I both laughed but there was now an air of eroticism that permeated the patio.

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By *lue MancMan  over a year ago


My lord ill second that...she is gorgeous wow.

What a body Mmmm

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By *J_SpiceyCouple  over a year ago

Kinky Kings Lynn

Love this x

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By *erseybeefMan  over a year ago

st helier

Keeep going luvvvv it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Getting hot hot

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By *onnoisseur100Man  over a year ago


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By *rgasmdonorMan  over a year ago


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By *rinwin69Man  over a year ago


Superb story and well written...thanks!

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By *igerman23Man  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Ben quickly grabbed his empty glass, shaking it around in joking complaint, ice rattling against the sides, "I could really use a refill, but I'm just so damned comfortable. I'd really hate to move."

Ann looked at me, blushing but her eyes were semi glazed, the alcohol and her arousal were getting the best of her. She shrugged at me as if to say, "You asked for it."

I watched on in immense arousal as she slowly exited the sauna. Her large breasts now jiggling free, her beautiful pale nipples extremely hard in the afternoon sun. Bens jaw dropped open in response. Her gorgeous ass escaped the water, and when she turned - it was possible to catch a glimpse of her sex. I had never been so turned on in my life. I couldn't believe the shift in her demeanor, just weeks ago she was one of the most reserved and protective women imaginable. Now here she was strolling around our patio completely nude, our neighbor feasting on her body with his eyes. I knew the alcohol was partially to blame, but so was my constant prodding.

Ben and I both watched in a stunned daze as she sultrily strode across the patio. She grabbed the pitcher of mix from the table, and returned to him, leaning over. Her large tits swayed forward as she bent, hovering above his body. She topped his drink off, seemingly intoxicated with arousal, "There you go." she said, sexily.

Ben couldn't help himself. Slack jawed. "God damn! Those tits!" He looked over at me in incredulous fashion. I just smiled back proudly. He continued to gawk at her as she slowly returned to me in the water.

I had never felt so proud of her, so turned on by her. I looked up at him, smiling. "I know it Ben. I'm a lucky fucking guy."

Ann kissed me with furious passion, and I knew she was inflamed, she whispered to me, "Baby, I'm so horny."

She instinctively reached underwater, finding my erect dick and removing it from my trunks. To my complete shock, she shoved me inside of her.

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By *acheltv1956TV/TS  over a year ago


Great story, I want to hear more

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Brilliant story keep it coming

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By *eedtolickMan  over a year ago


Loving this story just need more and quick x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Love this!!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I was beyond aroused, but also confused. I instinctively began thrusting into her, scooping her up and wrapping her legs around me. I didn't give a second thought to the fact that Ben was right there. I moved her up against a wall of the pool, propping her up and exposing her body as I fucked her. She began to moan without a care.

We were both lost in our lust, seemingly unconcerned with our neighbor. We had never done anything even remotely this risque. I was lost in passionate delirium until Anna startled me by screaming out in surprise, "Oh! Oh my God!"

She was looking to her left, towards the side of the pool, and more specifically - towards Ben.

I glanced over, reminded of his presence, feeling my first pangs of regret and embarrassment, until I saw him.

Ben was staring right at Ann, watching as I made love to my wife. That wasn't what shocked her though, what shocked her was the fact that he had exposed himself, and was jerking off as he did. But beyond even that, was the alarming fact that Ben was massively hung.

His hog was enormous, maybe eleven inches long and incredibly thick. His large hand was pumping away at his member as he watched me penetrate Ann. We both noticed his size immediately, and it stunned us equally. Ben saw us gawking at him, and apparently felt the need to speak.

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By *ussgbrMan  over a year ago


Oh my god this is definitely the best post on this site, so well written, so damn horny

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Fuck. I'm sorry Sam. Your wife really gets my motor going and I'm not thinking straight. I shouldn't have pulled this guy out. I'll tidy up." He was blushing as he began to attempt to stuff his engorged meat back in his shorts, but Ann interrupted.

"Don't! I.. I don't mind...", she blushed as she spoke, never breaking eye contact with his cock.

She spun around, looking at me with glazed over eyes. "Fuck me baby." she whispered it. Her tits were spilling out over the edge of the sauna, now resting on the smooth tile surface.

Who was this woman? And why did i adore her every ounce of being?

I thrust into her yet again, this time with aggression. I took her from behind with vigor and speed, she was bouncing back and forth responding to my thrusts.

I soon noticed that she was staring at Ben and Ben at her, and it only served to stir my passion further.

Ann was moaning loudly, I began to worry that the entire neighborhood would hear her. Despite that, I reached under the water and clutched her hips tightly, and attempted to get her to pop.

Ben was lost in tunnel vision, and d*unkenly spoke to my wife as he watched, "Damn Ann, you got me hard as a rock." I glanced over once again and saw his immense member, unable to believe that our harmless older neighbor was packing such heat. He drew attention to it by shaking it as he spoke to her. Just when I thought things couldn't get any more excitable, she complimented him, "That's a damn big cock Ben!"

Beyond the fact that I had never heard my wife use the word 'cock' before, and beyond the fact that she had just complimented the size of another man. I was already past breaking point. I erupted, as did she, her pussy tightening around my dick as I came. She moaned loudly, and then we heard Ben.

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By *oumlacaMan  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *ony 529Man  over a year ago


Lucky husband

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By *2spikeMan  over a year ago


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By *ndiiiMan  over a year ago

Paisley Scotland

Great story

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By *rdiscreet327Man  over a year ago


This is fantastic. Can’t wait to hear more.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By *onnoisseur100Man  over a year ago


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By *igerman23Man  over a year ago


Love it

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By *erri AnneTV/TS  over a year ago

Shannon and Costa Blanca

Do continue

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By *eiclad33Man  over a year ago

all over the country

This is so hot

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

More please

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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago


Wow wow wow so loving this

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Fuck yeah, give her a proper fucking." His words escaped through grit teeth. We both looked over to see him erupting, rope after rope of cum exploding from his cock, his massive balls contracting tight to his shaft as he came. He groaned as he had his orgasm.

Eventually we all came to a still, and silence suddenly occupied the patio. The absurdity of it all caused me to erupt into a laughter, which was eventually mimicked by Ann and then Bob.

"Alright neighbor, I think we're heading in for the night." I said, exasperated.

Ben coming to his senses, and concealing himself in his shorts, spoke.

"Jesus. What the fuck just happened?"

Ann laughed and I replied, "I have no idea."

He stood, embarrassed, and red faced. "I'll get this stuff in the morning." Referring to the alcohol mix and glasses. He turned to walk back to his home, and stopped, "Thank you both for the world class hospitality." He said, with a smirk, and vanished around the corner.

My wife looked at me with a cocktail of emotions in her eyes, but all I could do was kiss her, with love and passion.

For whatever reason, Ann and myself didn't speak of the event for a few days. We were quieter than normal with each other and I chalked it up to us both needing some time to digest the experience. It was clear our sex in the sauna was some of the best we'd ever had, but the question was... why?

Ann finally brought it up over dinner one evening.

"Do you want to talk about the other day?", she asked, softly.

I feigned ignorance. "What's there to talk about? We had some drinks, and an incredibly beautiful woman caused two men to behave idiotically." I paused, smiling, "Its a tale as old as the earth itself."

"Not it isn't Sam. We're married and married people don't behave that way."

"Bullshit Ann. Tons of married couples do things like that. There is nothing wrong with what happened."

My tone was harsher than I intended and I softened it with my next question, "Why do you say that... Do you regret it?"

She was playing with the peas on her plate as she spoke, "No, I- I don't know."

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By *aleangelCouple  over a year ago

To heaven and back

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hope there’s more to bum lol

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By *ndrea54TV/TS  over a year ago


Fantastic story

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I had to reassure her, to make her understand that it was okay to behave as she did, "I've never seen you so sexually free, so excited, you were like an entirely different woman."

That caused her to blush, "...I guess I had fun." she said, giggling.

I smiled at her, relieved by her response, "Not as much fun as Ben had."

That caused her blush to deepen and she chuckled, "Yeah, what a perv."

I called her out, "Maybe, but I could tell you enjoyed teasing him."

Her nerves got the best of her and she slipped up, replying "... I was just surprised by how big his honker was." When the sentence escaped her mouth, she shut down, blushing again. She quickly tried to form an apology, thinking she hurt me with the comment, "I - I'm sorry... I"

I wasn't an idiot, I knew his cock had intrigued her. "Babe, please. I know. Who would have thought that horny old goat was hung like a donkey."

She blushed, and we slowly finished our meal.

When I was fucking her in bed later that evening, I brought up Bens size again, refusing to let her escape without admitting the truth. It sort of fascinated me to hear her discussing our neighbors manhood.

"Don't feel bad about seeing his cock sweetheart, I could tell you liked it."

She grit her teeth as i pummeled her from behind, surprised by my comment, "Wh-What? No- I..."

I slapped her ass, "Please Ann, you were staring at his cock the entire time I was fucking you."

She moaned, "No- I... I've just never.. Oh!... I've never seen one that big."

I leaned down and kissed her back, still pumping away, "I know you haven't, and you liked it."

She moaned loudly this time, and I implored her to tell me, "Just admit it!"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Let’s hope she is going to

Try it

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By *ub and master in crimeCouple  over a year ago


Best story ever thanks x

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By *oodburnerswMan  over a year ago



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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago


Amazed at this love it

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By *rsonjohnsMan  over a year ago


I suppose you wrote this from experience? Lol

Absolutely fantastic story, loved every minute. Thank you for sharing.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I just wish there was more already haha

Perfect story telling

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By *igerman23Man  over a year ago


She needs big older cock

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By *onnoisseur100Man  over a year ago


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By *ilberryMan  over a year ago


really hot

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By *rash26775Man  over a year ago

all over

Looking forward to more

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By *ub and master in crimeCouple  over a year ago


Love both sides of this amazing story well done great story xx

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

She groaned, "Ohh!" and grit her teeth, "Fine! You pervert! I liked it... Oh! It was big... and manly, and it turned me on!"

We both erupted into a mutual orgasm, collapsing into each other.

A few more days passed and I realized we hadn't seen Ben since that fateful afternoon. Finally, we bumped into each other in the front yard as I was heading into work.

He was somewhat awkward at first, mirroring our last driveway conversation.

Scratching his head as I approached, He began, nervously, "God, I don't want to make these talks a regular thing Sam. I'm just not sure I behaved appropriately the other day."

"You behaved same as us Ben, nothing to be worried about. We all had quite a few drinks." I paused, deciding to admit to the next bit, "Besides, I've been trying to get Ann to loosen up for years now, glad its finally seeming to work."

He seemed relieved once again, "That wife of yours, I don't have to tell you. She's something else." he paused, "If every Sunday played out like that, I'd die a happy man."

I laughed, "You and me both." I opened the door to the car, "I'll make sure to holler the next time we have a sauna day." I chuckled, feeling oddly free by the comment.

"Much obliged." Ben said, grinning. As I drove into the office I couldn't help but shake my head in amusement over how strange and exciting things had gotten.

Upon waking the next morning I opened the bedroom curtains to see Ben yet again, shirtless and walking around in his bedroom. His torso was thick, muscular, and somewhat hairy. He noticed me, and gave me a goofy wave, which I reciprocated.

I headed into our bathroom just as Ann was exiting the shower. Her beautiful body immediately began to excite me, and I quickly had an idea.

"Your admirer is over there, waiting for you." I said it casually.

It was too early, and she didn't immediately know what I meant, "Huh?" she replied, yawning.

"Ben's waiting for you.", I said it with a knowing smile.

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By *kpiercedCouple  over a year ago


Loving this so much ! Hope there’s more to come !

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By *arko BMan  over a year ago


Corrrgh! Never read anything so fast in my life

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By *rdiscreet327Man  over a year ago


Loving this story. Hopefully Ben is allowed to join the fun soon.

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By *igerman23Man  over a year ago


More please

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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago


Mm looking forward to see where this is going

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By *ivek68Man  over a year ago


Excellent very horny story

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By *rash26775Man  over a year ago

all over

Looking forward to more

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By *lymouth nice guyMan  over a year ago


Great read

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

She blushed, smirking "What do you mean?"

"I just waved good morning, he's in his room."

"Pervert." she smirked, but she walked out naked all the same.

Her face was red, with no alcohol in her system to give her courage but she willingly flashed him all the same. I saw her wave, her huge breasts bouncing as she did. She smiled wide, and did a flirtatious curtsy.

"Alright, that's enough. It's too early for this." she said and moved to close the curtain. Just as she was about to slide them shut, she stopped, "Oh." was all I heard her say. It was softly said, with a sexual tone.

I was brushing my teeth, watching her from inside the bathroom door. I had no view of the window, or Ben. She slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, watching him.

"Well Sam." she said. "Our neighbor is flashing his big piece of meat at your wife again." She chuckled, absurdly. I almost dropped my brush and spoke with a mouth full of toothpaste, "You're joking."

"No... I'm certainly not. He's naked, and he's jerking his big cock for me." she paused, biting her lip. "God... That thing is huge." the last words escaped her mouth with a huskiness. I looked on as she instinctively spread her legs, exposing her pussy just to him for the first time.

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By *icklowhornMan  over a year ago

Dublin Wicklow

Great story and getting hotter as you go.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Fantastic horny story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think this is one of the best stories I've read on here in a long time, can't wait for the next instalment!!

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By *orgotten22Woman  over a year ago

out in the sticks in the north east england

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I became impossibly excited, I had to have her that instant. "Alright Ann, close the damn blinds!" I began removing my pants as I said it.

She looked in my direction, with a sarcastic, pouty reply, "Aww, do I have too?" It was said in jest, but it excited me beyond measure.

"Close them!"

She smiled, standing up. I saw her wave goodbye to Ben, pointing to her wrist as if to indicate she was late for work.

As soon as she shut them I attacked her.

We fucked three times that morning, and neither of us made it to work.

A couple more weeks went by without much development, until something incredibly naughty, and incredibly erotic, changed things drastically.

Ann and I had just finished eating a lovely dinner, accompanied by a few glasses of Cabernet. We were lounging on our couch when my phone rang, it was Ben. I found it odd, because he had only called me a handful of times in the months that we'd known him.

"Neighbor." I answered it, as a I took a sip of wine.

"Samuel." He replied, jokingly.

"How can I help you?" I said.

On the surface, his voice was calm and deliberate, but there was an undertone of nervousness hidden in his words, "Hey man, I think I'm kind of fucking up this casserole that I'm making and I need to bring it to this party for a friend tomorrow. Don't suppose there's any chance I could borrow Ann for awhile?"

I sat up, suddenly at attention. I wasn't sure how to react to the request - it was completely out of the blue. I stood up and walked slowly into the other room, "I- Uh. Yeah. I don't see why not. Let me see if she's available."

I paused, continuing, my words careful, "You just need help with a casserole?" I wanted him to be clear with me.

"Well sure, oh. I also wanted to give her the bikini back."

I had forgotten that he even had it. "Oh. Well that's sure to make her blush. I think she forgot that you even had it." I chuckled, awkwardly.

"Good! She deserves a little embarrassment. Teasing an old man like that." he laughed.

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By *ccasional75Man  over a year ago


Agreed fantastically written and has me keep checking for updates

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I don't know why I said what I said next, but I did, "Yeah, the nerve of this woman. You should probably teach her a lesson Ben." I said it somewhat jokingly, but the words hung there in dead air.

Ben replied, seemingly hinting at something, "You know what Sam. That's a great idea. I'll give that wife of yours a taste of her own medicine."

My face flushed, and I became filled with an odd, confused excitement, but I replied, "Alright. I'll send her on over."

"Good man." he replied, hanging up the phone.

I slowly walked back into the living room, trying to shed the expression of arousal from my face. Ann was waiting for me.

"Who was that?"

I acted nonchalantly, "Ben, he needs your help with a casserole."

Her face flushed red almost immediately. I was sure, she too, suspected an ulterior motive. "What ...right now?"

I nodded, "Yeah. He needs it for a party hes going to tomorrow, said hes butchering it - needs a woman's touch." I tried acting cool, as if the request was completely of the norm.

I suddenly realized that she was already dressed for bed, wearing a sheer nightie that her tits loved to bounce around in. It wasn't exactly erotic lingerie, but it wasn't something you'd wear anywhere other than in your own home.

The look on her face was one of excitement, confusion. "I- I guess I can help. I'll change real quick."

"No." I said, "You'll only be a minute." I gave her a knowing look.

She stood, blushing. "I- I don't know Sam. This isn't appropriate", pointing to her outfit.

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By *addy4funAndFrolicsMan  over a year ago


Loving this

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By *arko BMan  over a year ago


Oh my word, I am Rock. This fabstenders haha

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By * Inch thickMan  over a year ago


Great read

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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago


So so loving this too

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By *rowsing86Man  over a year ago

North west

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Omg wait for it

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Really? That's the most clothes you've worn around him since we moved in." I said it jokingly, but my dick was stirring at the thought of her going over in her silken fabric.

She smiled, "Alright babe. If you say so.", she slowly walked to the rear, and opened the door in a teasing fashion, giving me one last look as she headed outside - a naughty grin on her face. "Gonna go help with a casserole." she said it almost as if she knew that wasn't all that was waiting for her at Ben's house.

I loved this woman. I watched in slow motion as she strode across the yard, approaching his house.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw Ben he opened the rear door, shirtless and full of presence. He was wearing nothing but a pair of shorts, it seemed.

They smiled at each other, Ann blushed, and he put his arm around her waist, ushering her inside. Suddenly, she was out of my sight.

I scrambled for a view into his kitchen, but the blinds were closed. The light from inside was barely bleeding through the edges of the window.

My heart suddenly began to beat faster, but I forced myself to take a seat on the couch, and wait. Ten minutes passed, then twenty. All the television in the world couldn't make my mind shift gears. In a moment of fear I ran upstairs to get a terrified look into his bedroom, darkness, curtains open. I guess they were actually in the kitchen.

Another ten minutes passed, and I began pacing around the living room. After nearly 45 minutes had passed my mind got the best of me. I headed out the back door, slowly walking through the yard - trying to get a look into his kitchen. The light was on and it looked like there were some pots on the stove, but there was no sign of Ben or my wife.

I finally decided to creep down the side yard, eventually arriving at his living room window. There was a fortuitous gap in the curtain - or so I thought.

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By *ub and master in crimeCouple  over a year ago


So amazing

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By *arko BMan  over a year ago


Damn I am in-patiently waiting

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By *aximum BlissMan  over a year ago


He should be making kebabs 'cos I think she's about to get skewered !

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By *arko BMan  over a year ago


Imagine, Ben is fucking the living life out of her

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

What I saw shook me to my core, but it also nearly made me faint from arousal. Bob and Anna were sitting on his couch. The first thing I noticed was that my wife's nightie was pulled down to her waist - her beautiful big tits exposed. Bobs massive mitts were pawing them, massaging them, pinching her nipples. I could make out my wife's faint moans through the glass as she titled her head back in pleasure. In a horror I realized that Bobs shorts were around his ankles, and his massive cock was exposed and towering upwards, impossibly big. I nearly collapsed when I saw Anna's delicate hand was wrapped around it. She was pumping him, her fingers slowly massaging up and down his impressive shaft. His hefty scrotum jostling up and down with her strokes. Her small fingers had no way of encircling all the way around his thick girth, but she stroked him passionately nonetheless.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Naughty ??

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By *igerman23Man  over a year ago


Love it

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By *arko BMan  over a year ago



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By *oodburnerswMan  over a year ago


Geddon Ben

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By *lirtypairCouple  over a year ago


Great story

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By *arko BMan  over a year ago


Please tell me it doesn’t end here

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By *rgasmdonorMan  over a year ago


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By *ay N MazCouple  over a year ago

Market Harborough

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

My mouth had gone dry, my eyes wide, my knees weak - but before I could even react, Bob exploded. I witnessed his incredibly heavy balls pull upwards, pulsing, as a torrent of his cum unloaded from his engorged head. Rope after rope of thick seed showered down into both of their laps, coating Ann's hand as she pumped him to a satisfying completion.

Ben tilted his head back, clearly delirious in delight, groaning as he came from my wife's touch. I ducked back behind the wall, listening, stunned. My wife spoke, sultrily and aroused, "Wow Ben, you cum so much."

Ben replied, "Thank you darling. It's these big balls of mine." He paused, continuing. "God, that was fucking great." He laughed. "Can't tell you how badly I've wanted us to do something like that. You have a magical touch."

Ann's voice was nervous, confused, aroused, "I can't believe we just did that! Sam's gonna kill me!"

Bens voice suddenly turned reassuring, I peeked inside to see him covering himself, Ann strapping her nightie back over her shoulders, both of them standing up, "Sam gets a kick out of you being a naughty girl, Ann. He's gonna love it."

She nervously walked out of my line of sight, heading to leave, "I hope your right..."

I sprinted back into our house, nearly diving onto the couch in our living room, trying desperately to appear composed.

I soon heard the sliding door open slowly, and I saw my disheveled wife walk into the room. Her hair was a mess, and her breathing heavy. The nightie was ruffled, and her face and eyes displayed a terrified expression.

I had never been so attracted to her. I stood, saying nothing. I grabbed her by the arm and threw her down on the couch, "s-sam. W-wait..."

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By *rash26775Man  over a year ago

all over

Love it

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By *_new_memberMan  over a year ago


Fantastic story

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By *arko BMan  over a year ago


Ohh well damn

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By *ay-1992Man  over a year ago


Cannot wait for the next bit

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By *ussgbrMan  over a year ago


Rock hard reading this

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By *opilotMan  over a year ago


Excellent read

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By *ndrea54TV/TS  over a year ago


Loving this

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By *rdiscreet327Man  over a year ago


This is amazing. Gets me solid every time.

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By *igerman23Man  over a year ago



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By *lymouth nice guyMan  over a year ago


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By *S4UTWOCouple  over a year ago


I’d love to have a neighbour that could just pop-in randomly to fuck me with his huge cock and fill me with cum

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What a story!

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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago


Wow wow loving this so much gets better with each instalment

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By *bro24Man  over a year ago



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By *angtidy42Couple  over a year ago


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By *agnar1980Man  over a year ago


Omg I’m so turned on by this story right now!

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By *illygirlWoman  over a year ago


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By *taffs243Man  over a year ago



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By *SinfullyCuriousCouple  over a year ago

Co Antrim, N. Ireland

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

By far the best story ever , I have a lote of precum on my tip , I’m ready to explode without touching myself

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By *entonMan  over a year ago


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By *end over debbie and daveCouple  over a year ago


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By *rgasmdonorMan  over a year ago


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By *ori69Man  over a year ago


Brilliant, so turned on!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *arko BMan  over a year ago


The way im just check up on this thread

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By *2spikeMan  over a year ago


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By *entonMan  over a year ago


More please

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