By *amesB66 OP Man
over a year ago
St Peter Port |
Tomorrow became today, James finished his shift, showered and shaved, before dressing in a classic jeans, white Oxford shirt and blazer combination. He looked every part the archetypal silver fox that he was.
A good white Burgundy (Emma's favourite) from the local wine merchant and he found himself outside her exclusive Duke St apartment.
He felt as nervous as a teenager as he pressed the intercom and waited for Emma to buzz him in.
Occupying a prime spot on the 3rd floor, James knew roughly how many millions the apartment would be worth and that Emma would soon be the very young owner.
He checked himself out in the mirrored interior of the lift, roughled his hair a little, before making his way to her door, already slightly ajar.
Knocking and entering, he could smell ginger and spring onions frying and followed Emma's voice beckoning him into the kitchen.
You could theoretically have described the layout as just open plan, but it's size made the lounge, dining area and kitchen seem almost like separate rooms.
Emma stood back towards him, in figure hugging blue jeans, which made her perfect arse look even more stunning and a designer white tee.
Hair tied back, but not overly styled, she looked fantastic. She half turned to greet him with a huge smile, radiating from her still bruised face. Just a hint of make up made her look a million dollars.
"Hi James, I'm just finished the prep on the rice, the rest can wait. Grab yourself a drink and could I have a top up of the Burgundy that's open please?"
James sorted the drinks and with Emma still facing the hob, delivered her glass to her side, before leaning against the marble worktop, to watch her cook.
She looked organized and proficient, tasting as she went along, before sliding the finished fried rice out of the wok into an elegant and probably authentic Chinese bowl.
She turned around, beamed her most dazzling smile, wrapped her arms around him, head on his chest, before saying,"Thankyou so much for all your help lately, James. You've made the past few weeks bearable. I'm not sure that I would have coped without you".
He could see her eyes welling up, so simply clung tight, running one hand over a shoulder, the other smoothing her hair.
She broke away, gave him a peck on the cheek, took his hand and said, "Come with me..the grand tour before supper. It won't take long!"
With that she took his hand and they began to explore her apartment. |