By *rbane007 OP Man
over a year ago
Lutterworth |
Part 2
We walk into the room Miss P first and I follow, the bathroom door is open and there is the heat of the shower condensate in the air. We walk past the bathroom and into the sleeping area and see Miss MP sitting at the vanity unit curling her hair "hi she says, as she catches us in the mirror and carries on curling. I set the prosecco down and ask if she would like a glass "o please i get as this time she turns to answer us, and it's only now that I notice the full one piece red netted crotchless body suit she's wearing. FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!! those tits; look amazing and she must have known as thinking i stared to long as she asks if I'm okay. Meanwhile Miss P has been busying herself over by the wardrobe and only upon hearing if i'm okay has turned to see the same sight that caused the expression. She now comes over to me and without hesitation "you did offer her a drink, now pour it while i get changed to see if the same reaction comes out" winks, grabs a smallish bag and heads to the bathroom.
I pour three glasses and take two of them over to the dressing table and hand her one "cheers" she says and we clink before taking a sip "your friend is absolutely stunning in the flesh, are you sure I am enough for her" she asks with the genuine look of concern on her face "trust me, if you think half of her as she does of you then the two of you will get along fine" she smiles and sips again, "can i ask you a question"
"sure, fire away"
"why has this room two double beds, are we expecting company, as I don't remember agreeing to that"
"not at all. Just sex can be quite messy and who wants to sleep in soaked sheets. Here we have one for playing on and one to relax on, and if you fancied staying the night we could all share one"
At this point Miss P walks out of the bathroom in a black lace push up bra with red piping, black lace garter belt and stockings, declaring "I forwent the knickers as you'd already set the precedent" and swayed those hips in our general direction "did you pour me one lover" as she sat on the edge of the bed next the the dressing table "of course" so I turned and grabbed it nearly flying over a chair and coffee table in my excited haste. I handed it to Miss P who tapped the bed gesturing for Miss MP to come sit. I would say that there was this uncomfortable silence for a moment but reflecting it was simply the two of them to take stock and control the sexual tension between them, "love the bodysuit, really pulls out your curves and makes your boobs look amazing" as Miss MP gives a smile and compliments her outfit back. There is barley a mouthful left in Miss P's glass and she downs it, holding her arm outstretched with the empty glass i grab the bottle and take it to refill but instead "please take the glass, and Miss MP's two, we are going to get to know one another better" and no quicker had i taken her glass she had leant forward and her lips found Miss MP's. It too her millisecond to respond, but as she did there was very slow, very erotic, passionate kissing that start to build as Miss P traced her hands through Miss MP's hair to the back of her head and started to pull her mouth closer to hers so she could gentle and erotically probe her mouth with her tongue (she is one hell of a kisser)
While they were locked in the embrace I slid onto the bed next to Miss MP, as she was slightly to her right I moved my hands up her arms and over the left shoulder and down below her left breast, which the greatest of ease I managed to release from the confines of the body stocking, then the same to the right show how sat there with both tits hanging out. I slowly reached round, caresing the breast as I moved to the front and found the two fully erect hardened nipples. I start to put each one in between thumb and forefinger, rolling around, squeezing gently and listening to her moans as Miss P is now working on her neck and ears, deftly kissing and nibbling at all her erogenous zones.
Miss P was on the move now, she was slowly sliding herself to be behind Miss MP and gently nudging me out of the way until she was right behind her, this has now placed me in front, so while she carried on to heighten the erotic zones I took her right breast in hand and slowly lapped at Miss MP's nipple. She let out a sort of snort of excitement and then a heavy breath as I gently placed the nibble between my teeth and pulled back on it, just in time to look up and see Miss P pullback on her earlobe with her teeth. She was literally being pulled in both directions by us. Once i disengaged from her tit she cupped my face and brought it up to hers and plunged her tongue deep into mouth, and as we kissed i felt Miss P's fingers caress my face and I opened my eyes to look over the shoulder could see her smiling at me blow me a little kiss.
Things were starting to heat up now and Miss P was clearly in control (never seen like that before) as she was ast square behind Miss MP with her breasts in her hands playing quite roughly with them and her nipples, all while teasing her neck and ears. I moved to behind Miss P now, and knowing that what she is doing to Miss MP is the exact same she loves having done to herself, I undid the three clasps on her bra and moved it down to her elbows allowing her breasts to fall out. Now having seen both I could tell that Miss MP's nipples were noticeably larger than Miss P's, her breasts bigger and fuller but Miss P's were firmer and darker round her nipples. Placing my mouth on her ear I whispered "are we having fun yet" and then deftly bit into her lobe while grabbing her nipples damn hard (Miss P likes it rough to a point) to which she threw he head back and let out a huge moan, while clearly pinching harder on Miss MP's nipples as she too let out a larger groan.
Miss P turned her head and mouthed "drinks please" so I got up from behind her and gathered up the glasses, as she leant forward and whispered into Miss MP's ear. When I turn and arrived back with the three flutes the two of them had escalated from sitting on the edge of the bed to now being fully lay flat with both heads on the pillow, the deep intense kissing has return and I am see both women have their lower hand on the underside of the others face and the second is firmly planted on a breast. I place two glasses on the bedside table behind Miss MP's head and as doing Miss P says "why not sit for a bit, have a drink, and save your energy. Got a feeling you may need it" and at that point in one swift move she's flipped Miss PM on her back and pinned her hands high above her head (again, she's VERY sub in the bedroom, this is hot)
Sitting in that chair watching this timid girl who is always at my whim in the bedroom taking such charge of the other woman is driving me crazy, but I'm not worried as I always have a surprise in store for her whenever we meet.
She's on top, and she starts to work her way down Miss MP's body, slowly the neck, then the cleavage and soon she's at the nipples and each one gets a good mixture of tender loving tongue and hard pain teeth. Then she worked her way across her stomach and onto the top of her pelvic bone. You can them both slightly quivering at what's to come, she sits up, takes a sip of drink with her right hand and with her left she runs her finger nails up the inside of Miss MP's left thigh, from just above the opening of the body suit on the leg, stopping just short to her opening. She takes another sip and without hesitation lowers herself over the pussy, I move so I can more, her mouth is just hovering a matter of millimeters from that sacred place only few are allowed in. Then to my amazement she brings both hands up to the entrance to her pussy, ever so gently pinches her flaps and starts to open them, I can see the glistening wet pussy, the swollen clit and lips are desperate for something to happen. You can sense the pent up orgams ready to be unloaded at the moment of touch.
With her lips spread wide, that hungry pussy ready for the tongue of Miss P, she slowly starts to dribble the prosecco in her mouth over it. Now I don't know if it was the shock of the bubbles, or shock at what just happened or even if she felt cheated, I didn't know. But Miss MP came, and came hard. She let out quite a load and laboured "oooooo ffffffuuuuuuucccccckkkkk" and initially buried her arse deep into the bed. But soon that changed quickly, perhaps she felt HAD been cheated. As her hands shot to the back of Miss P's head and brought directly into contact with her booze soaked vagina.
She didn't complain, infact that sub in her was probably enjoying every second of it. I watched as her tongue lapped at her pussy, delved into her hole and pulled the hood back to find the clit and lap at it. Again, all the things she loves having done to her.