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The Begining pt3

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

We went back to playing. At one point I yelled over to Murianne, "When I was here before, Mr Backer said skinny dipping is allowed. I am thinking of trying that. Do you think it will be okay?"

"Sure, Leslie won't care, but it would be much more effective if Cody were here."

I whispered to Katie, "I'm going to do it. That way I can see if your father is really interested in seeing me naked."

I got out and pulled off my suit, placing it next to Murianne's. She said, "nice, nice tight young body. You just need to fertilize those boobs. My Leslie likes a woman who can fill a bra." She put her hands under her breasts and shook them again to emphasize the point. "Yours are so precious," she laughed lightly. "Once they are all the way grown you may want to consider implants." Again she shook hers in demonstration of the wonders of modern surgery.

"Cody seems to like these just fine," I said. "And they are probably fully grown too," I thought.

"That's good. Men are different. Some do like the young girl look. You pull it off well."

"Well I am young."

"A shaved pussy helps too, men seem to like seeing a bald one instead of the hair." She pushed her crotch up a little to demonstrate. "Yours is a nice color though. It's nice that you keep it matching your hair."

"All natural," I told her. "I didn't realize women shaved their pussies."

"Oh yes, it's all the rage among those who have men to excite."

I ran back to the pool and jumped in.

"You two are really hitting it off," Katie said.

"I think she thinks we're kindred spirits," I said.

When Katie's father came home he came out to the patio. "Hi girls. Hello darling," he gave Murianne a kiss. "I like your outfit!"

"It was partly Suzan's idea. She's wearing the same style."

"Really! You accepted my suggestion to go skinny dipping, did you, Suznn?"

"Yes, Mr Baker," I jumped out of the pool to show him and dove back in.

"Well, good for you, but it would be more effective were Cody present."

"That's what Murianne said too. I guess having Murianne sunbathing nude made it more acceptable to me. I'll do it with Cody when he's here."

"You're being quite bold," Katie whispered to me.

"Just seeing whether your father is interested," I whispered back. Then I said aloud, "I think I'll sunbathe a bit. Katie, do you want to join me?"

"No I'll swim a little more," she replied and whispered, "And watch your shenanigans from here."

I climbed out and slowly sauntered over to my towel giving Mr. Baker

a good look. I dried off slowly allowing the towel to move away from my breasts or twat as I dried parts away from them.

I lay down naked and then jumped up, "oh! almost forgot the sun block. I could get a burn in some places that could be really uncomfortable."

I picked up the sun block and slowly slid it all over, with special attention to my tits and slit. I asked, "Could someone do my back?"

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


Playing with fire I do believe,


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Murianne offered and spread sun block all over. Mr Baker watched the whole show with definite interest but no more so than I would expect from any man and maybe less. Murianne didn't act the least threatened by my naked presence either. I felt reasonably certain now that Cody had been right.

Now I had to sunbathe when I would have preferred to be in the pool with Katie. She swam back and forth, occasionally splashing water at me. Finally I guessed that sufficient time had passed and the next time she splashed me I acted angry and jumped in, splashing water at her.

"That was some show," she whispered. "You would have had Cody's cock sticking up like a flag pole, John's too."

"But almost no reaction from your father," I said, "That makes me feel good about using the guest house."

"Oh, Mr. Baker." I swam to the side of the pool and pulled myself up to sit on the side. I positioned my body for what I thought would be maximum effect and said, sweetly, "Mr baker, Do you think Katie and I could sleep in the guest house tonight. I would really like to try it out."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *andy IanMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Well, maybe, has Cody told you the rules I set down."

"No, he told me there were some but hasn't been over them with me."

"Well one of them is that you are to leave the house the way you find it. That means made beds, swept floors, dinnerware back in the cupboards, not the dishwasher, no clothes in closets, etcetera. I don't want to have to hire a maid to clean up every time you use it."

"Katie did you hear that?" I yelled over to her, "We need to clean up the guest house if we sleep there. that means making the beds."

Katie came over, "What if we sleep on the floor in our sleeping bags? You brought yours to use anyway and I have one in my room."

"That sounds good. Are there any other rules we need to worry about, Mr. Baker?"

"No, the others are about when you can use it. Be sure Cody tells you about them."

"I will. Thank you. You did say we could sleep there didn't you?"

"Yes, you may sleep there. For tonight only!"

"Thank you Mr. Baker." I slipped back into the water.

"I don't think you needed to get out of the water," Katie whispered.

When we tired of swimming we got out. I stayed naked and dried off. Then I picked up my suit and followed Katie into the house.

After dinner we prepared to go over to the guest house. Katie asked her father, "Can I pick out a couple of videos for us to watch over there?"

"Wouldn't you rather use the theater?"

"We'll do that tomorrow when we can watch in our PJ's and then go right upstairs when we are tired. I don't want to walk outside to the guest house when I'm tired."

"Be sure to bring them back tomorrow."

We went into the video vault and spent a lot of time discussing what to get. Finally we decided to each pick one.

At the guest house, I said that I wanted to try the hot tub. "In the nude, Katie, let's get undressed."

"In the nude? This going naked stuff has really taken you over. Maybe you should join a nudist colony."

"Maybe I will if Cody wants to too." I was already out of my clothes, "Come on, get undressed!"

I hadn't seen Katie completely naked for a while and she had really filled out. Big busted, round and firm on top with a really narrow waist and large hips. Her stomach was slightly rounded. She had dark brown pubic hair that covered her genitals in curls. The pubic hair did a better job of covering her genitals than Murianne's suit bottoms would have.

"You have put on some curves in all the right places since I last saw you naked," I told her.

We turned the hot tub on and got in. Sitting there at night I wished Cody was with us. "Look," I said quietly. Katie's father and Murianne were walking over to the main hot tub. They were naked. "Your father has a big cock too," I whispered, "but not as big as Cody's."

EEuuww! Not what I want to talk about, my father and brother's penis size," Katie said.

"Hi girls," Katie's father yelled over to us and we waved back.

"I am a lot more comfortable here. I'm really glad I came and I'm enjoying myself a lot," I told her. "Thanks for inviting me."

"I think you invited yourself," she said. "And can tell you're enjoying yourself. You're bouncing around totally naked most of the time. But you're spending so much time with Murianne, and not much with me. I have enjoyed the show you are putting on but can't we be together more?"

"Of course. I am only spending time with Murianne because I wanted to see if I could be comfortable here. I have decided I can be. Let's have some fun -- since I am getting in so good with Murianne is there anything you would like me to try and find out?"

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I would like to know why she is spending time with you but never with me. I also suspect my father is running around with some women from his office. I wonder if she knows or cares. I bet he's going to dump her soon for one of those others. She's starting to show her age like my Mom was when they broke up."

We then talked about John and Cody and what college would be liked as we (or I anyway) watched Mr Baker and Murianne 'going at it' in the other hot tub.

Katie said, "I wish John and I could come here to the guest house."

"Why don't you? You could ask, or maybe come with Cody and I. That would be something, you and John 'doing it' in one bedroom with Cody and I in the other. Meeting in the nude here in the hot tub and 'doing it' together."

"My Dad would never go for it. He'll greet you and congratulate Cody for having sex with you but he'd get out a shotgun if he found a guy with me. A real double standard."

When we decided to get out, Mr Baker and Murianne were still in the other hot tub. Now they were sitting and relaxing, their sexual play apparently concluded.

"Goodnight, Mr Baker, goodnight, Murianne," I yelled over.

Katie waved embarrassedly.

"Goodnight girls, sleep well," the two of them yelled back in unison.

Inside Katie said, "that was embarrassing, being naked in front of my father."

"I don't think he thought much of it. You had a glimpse of him naked too."

"I didn't look," she said.

We were too tired for the videos and got into the sleeping bags. I stayed naked.

The next thing I knew, it was morning. Katie was still sleeping. I got up and looked out thinking about what it would be like waking up here with Cody. Waking up in bed, not in a sleeping bag, with Cody next to me and all day to do whatever we wanted. I sat in one of the chairs and imagined it while stroking my tits and twat.

I didn't realize Katie had woken until she said, "Haven't you brought yourself to a climax yet?"

"Oh, Katie I was just imagining being here with Cody."

"That explains the starry eyed look. How about you wear some clothes for a change today?"

"OK, but I may still go in the pool naked."

"If you must. But haven't you flirted with my father enough?"

"Yes, I am sure he isn't interested in me sexually. But if I start wearing a swimsuit I might need to explain why I have decided to wear something."

"You could honestly say it makes me nervous."

We each took a bathroom and showered. I carefully wiped down the shower and made sure Kaitlyn did the same. I also made sure the floor in each bathroom was dry and the mirrors were clean. "I'll ask your father where to empty the waste cans."

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By *o30Woman  over a year ago


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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *eardedblokeMan  over a year ago


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By *hil911Man  over a year ago



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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By *rdiscreet327Man  over a year ago


Excellently written.

Really liking this new turn.

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By *aughtywifeyWoman  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

We both dressed and went over to the main house for breakfast. We ate in the kitchen, making toast and cereal for ourselves. Then we went into the theater and Katie put in one of the videos we hadn't watched the previous night.

In the middle of the video, Mr Baker came in and asked Katie to turn it off. He said, "Katie, I have two tickets for the 'Stars on the Stage' benefit at the theater tonight. Since my business is one of the sponsors I also have two backstage passes."

Katie jumped up and hugged him, "Do you hear that, we can go see 'Stars on the Stage', with back seat passes. Oh Dad that's great."

"Katie!" I said, "Katie!"


I asked Mr. Baker if he could leave us alone for a bit. "Katie, I don't think your father got those passes for you and me. They are for you and him."

"But, I want you to come."

"I would like to come, but those tickets and passes are for him and you, not for me. When your mom called to invite me to come here with you the only thing which made my mom hesitate was that this weekend is for you to be with your father. It is not time for you to be with me. We are together all the time."

"But, what will you do?"

"I will be fine. I can swim, watch TV or videos or maybe try to find a good book among the many in the next room."

"Well, OK, but I wish you were coming."

"I do too, but this isn't for me, it's for you. Why don't you go and be sure your father knows that I know I won't be coming. It will probably make him feel better if you tell him you told me I can't go."

Katie left and a moment later came back in with her father who said, "Suzan thank you for understanding that this is for Katie and me. I hope you are not too disappointed, I could not get another ticket with the short notice I had that you were coming."

"Mr. Baker, even if you had another ticket I think I would refuse it. When my mom and dad told me I could come they made it clear that I was not to get in the way of you and Katie spending time together. They told me that these monthly visits were for you to get to know her and I was not to interfere with that."

"Your parents are very wise, Suzan. Katie, you need to pick out a dress to wear. This is a semi-formal occasion and I will be wearing one of my best suits. You need to find a nice, attractive dress."

"Katie, let's see what you have!" I exclaimed. Looking through her closet promised to be a visit highlight.

I was amazed at the variety of dresses she had here. "Katie, look at all these. You have nothing like this at home."

"Well I have no chance to wear things like this at home. When I am here, my dad sometimes takes me, usually with Murianne, to fancy restaurant, operas and things like that. Remember once I told you about the movie premier we went to? Sometimes he takes me out shopping at the high end boutiques. That's where I got most of these."

We spent an over an hour looking through the closet. Katie would try on a dress we liked to be sure it fit. "Some of these are a couple of years old and won't fit," she told me.

We ended up with three we liked and were trying to decide on one. I told Katie, "why don't we take them down and ask your father to pick one? He knows what ladies will be wearing and I know he will appreciate that you asked."

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By *aughtywifeyWoman  over a year ago


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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By *andy IanMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Mr Baker seemed really pleased that Katie was asking him to select her dress and he picked a dark blue, fairly plain dress that showed off her figure really well.

"I would have preferred this brighter green one she said."

"I think he didn't want you to stand out from the crowd too much," I said. "That one might make you look like one of the performers. The one he picked makes you look spectacular, like a model, it really shows off your good points."

"Won't that attract attention too?"

"Yes, but a different type. Kind of like Cinderella at the ball. Everyone will be saying, 'who is that gorgeous brunette with Mr Baker?' " We laughed.

"Do you think anyone will think I am his latest conquest? They will think he's a 'cradle robber'. "

"Maybe, Isn't that part of the fun of being mysterious? People will be thinking all kinds of things and you can bask in the attention. And you don't look that young in this dress."

We spent the rest of the day watching the rest of the video, playing badminton on the lawn and swimming. Katie beat me badly at badminton and I wore my swimsuit.

Katie started getting ready at about 3. Murianne helped her with her hair, "If I were going I would be spending much of the day having my hair and face done professionally," she said.

Katie looked fabulous and I asked Mr Baker if I could use his camera to take a picture of them.

He had hired a limo to take them over. I looked inside and felt quite envious as they drove off.

After they left, I decided to swim a bit before the sun went down. I didn't bother with getting my suit, I just took off my clothes and jumped in.

As I was swimming, Murianne came out. She moved a chair over to the pool and started talking to me.

"I see you're really getting into the 'skinny dipping'," she started.

"Well, this time I just didn't want to bother getting my swim suit. Like you said, 'It's just us girls' and Leslie isn't around either."

"You sure put on a show for him."


"Don't think I didn't notice how you acted yesterday. It's pretty clear you started going naked to see if you could get a rise out of him and I know why."

"Busted!" I thought. "And why do you think I was doing it?"

"Because you want to be sure Leslie is not interested in you. Since you are thinking about being with Cody in the guest house you want to be sure Leslie isn't going to be trying to seduce you.

"She knows alright," I thought and said, "I guess you have no trouble reading me. Am I that transparent?"

"Not really, I just know what I would think and do in your circumstance."

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By *aughtywifeyWoman  over a year ago


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By *andy IanMan  over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I got out of the pool and pulled up a chair. "I was worried you would think I was trying to seduce Leslie."

"He likes more mature women and big boobs. He wouldn't be real interested in anyone as young and undeveloped as you. Of course any man, Leslie included, will get a lot of pleasure from watching a tight, well proportioned, smooth young body like yours. He was definitely watching."

"So, you know Leslie pretty well."

"Yes, we've been together almost 5 years."

"But a wedding isn't likely?"

"No, I'm not even sure we will be together much longer."

"Really, why is that?"

"Leslie may not like immature girls like you but he does prefer the younger women who have completed puberty. I'm getting past the age he likes. I know he is already taking out young women from his business or who he meets when he is away from home. Sooner or later he will find a suitable replacement for me."

"What will you do then?"

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By *ld dog-new tricksMan  over a year ago


Would love to know where part 1 of this story is.??

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By *andy IanMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I have managed to put aside a bit of money from the allowance and spending money Leslie has given me over the years. I also have been talking to a lawyer about the possibility of getting money from Leslie based on the years I have devoted myself to him."

"Oh, that sounds like it could get ugly."

"I hope not. Leslie isn't a bad man and will likely provide for me out of a sense of duty."

"I hope so. What's your relationship with him like? Do you talk a lot?"

"Not a lot. I am honest with myself, I am here for sex and to make other men jealous when we go out. It's that part that makes him want a younger women. I suppose that's part of why he wouldn't be interested in you. Instead of jealousy, the other men might think of him as a pedophile if he showed up with someone like you."

"So, how's the sex?"

"Leslie enjoys himself, I make sure of that."

"What about you, do you have orgasms?"

"Well, sex is okay for me. I never have orgasms. I know some women are incapable and I guess I am one."

"Well, I don't think any woman is incapable."

"Not all of us are as young and excitable as you, my dear."

"I guess that's so."

"What about you and Cody? Do you see yourself with him for a long time?"

"I hope so. I really like him and I think he likes me."

"Don't set yourself up for too much disappointment. Like father, like son. Cody may be keeping you for the same reasons Leslie keeps me. I have seen a lot of men and they are all alike."

I thought, "That's because you find men who use you and you use them." But I said, "I haven't known that many, so you may be right. Cody seems different to me."

"Just be careful, my dear."

I went back into the pool but really didn't feel like swimming. That conversation bothered me. Was Cody like his father? Did he just like me for sex and appearances? It sure didn't seem like it.

Then I realized something else. Murianne had been hinting that I was like her. Maybe I was more interested in the sex than she was but was I just with Cody for what I could get out of it? Like she is with Mr. Baker for what she was getting out of it?

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Would love to know where part 1 of this story is.?? "

Part one is called the beginning

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *andy IanMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I got out of the pool and went in, telling Murianne, "I'm going to watch some TV and go to bed."

"Why don't you use the bed in Cody's room," she said as I left. "No reason to sleep on the floor in Katie's room when there's a bed available. You also don't want her tripping over you when she comes in tonight."

A good idea. I slept in Cody's bed and fell asleep pretending he was there with me.

Sometime during the night I was awakened by Katie, "Suzan, I'm back."

"Uungh. Whaaa." I responded.

"Suzan, we had a great time. I went backstage. I couldn't talk to any of the big stars, they all had private dressing rooms and were es*orted on and off stage. After each performance the performers went to a press conference area so I could watch them answer questions. And the performances were fabulous."

"I'm so happy for you Katie," I mumbled, falling back asleep.

I got up Sunday morning and checked in on Katie. She was dead to the world. I almost woke her out of revenge for the previous night but decided to let her wake on her own. No one else was up. I had some toast in the kitchen and went out to the pool, naked, to wait for everyone.

Katie finally emerged, bubbly and full of details about her evening. Awake, I was much more interested in her stories of what was a great evening for her. I pointed out that a lot of what she had been able to do was because her father was with her and knew what to do and where to go, especially backstage. "If it had been just us we would have stumbled around and probably had our backstage passes confiscated for doing something we weren't allowed to do."

"Yes, you're right. It was nice being with my father, even if he did spend the entire drive there asking about Cody and you."

"Really, what did he want to know?"

"He seemed really interested in knowing whether you might be a 'gold-digger' even though he didn't come right out and say so."

"But Cody isn't rich!"

"Suzan, he has a modest trust fund which will be his after he graduates from college. That's not a lot but he and I are heirs to everything my father owns. Suzan, I'm afraid he is 'rich' by most definitions."

"Oh, I didn't know."

"Our mom doesn't make much of it and tries to keep us from thinking of it. I don't think Cody or I really ever think about it unless it's brought to our attention."

In mid afternoon Cody came to pick us up. I was in the pool with Katie when he came out to the patio.

"Cody!" I exclaimed and jumped out of the pool, naked of course, ran over to him and gave him a wet kiss and a hug.

"That's a nice outfit," he said.

I turned around slowly for him with my arms raised, "like it?"

"Yes I do," he said.

"She's been wearing it most of the weekend," Katie said with a less than happy tone.

Cody's father came up behind me. "Cody this is quite a tight little piece of ass you have here." He gave my butt a pat and a little squeeze. I jumped away. "And a bit of a coquette," he added. "A definite keeper." Another pat on the butt.

"Cody," I said, "come, swim a little before we go."

"I have no trunks."

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 31/10/22 21:55:56]

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"You don't need them." I displayed myself to show him, "Come on!" I took off his shirt and bent down to take off his shoes.

He had begun to unzip his pants. I finished the job and stripped both pants and boxers with one motion. My head was about crotch high and I gave his growing cock a brief kiss. I grabbed his cock and led him to the pool with it. I gave Murianne a quick glance, smile and wink as I jumped in. "Come on, Cody, I'll race you to the other end."

I am a faster swimmer than he is and with the head start I was waiting comfortably when he got to me. "You are really the lively one. I gather you had a good time. You sure handled my father calling you a 'piece of ass' well, and what's this about being a 'coquette'?"

"Oh, your father is just trying to compliment you and my appearance with that remark. You were right, he says that sort of thing for you. He has been a perfect gentleman the whole time I have been here. It's only with you around that he does that sort of thing."

"And she's been running around naked practically the whole time, flirting shamelessly with him." Katie had come over.

"Ahhh, the coquette," Cody said.

"I just wanted to be sure he wasn't looking at me for himself. His lack of reaction convinced me he wasn't."

I jumped on Cody and unsuccessfully tried to get his cock to enter me underwater.

"Suzan! There are others present," Katie complained.

"Oh, sorry, seeing Cody has excited me so much!"

"Try to control yourself a bit and maybe put a cork in it. I don't mean your mouth."

"Katie, I am sorry. I gave her a hug. It's been lovely being here with you."

"I haven't been sure of that with the time you've spent with Murianne and running around naked flirting with my father."

"Oh Katie," I brushed away a tear forming in her eye. "I guess I did get a bit carried away with playing the flirtatious nymphomaniac but it was such a fun role to play. And I did find out what I wanted to know about your father and also some things about Murianne.

I told them, "Both your father and Murianne seem to think that Cody is like his father, that I am like Murianne and that you, Katie, are like your mother."

"That's probably true. That they think that, I mean," Katie said

"Well Cody is not like his father! You may be like your mother and that's a good thing."

Katie responded to my statement, "I don't think I am like my mom in the way they think. For starters I don't think I will marry a man like my father. My mom is inoculating me against that. For another they don't think she is very smart or clever because she didn't take him for all he was worth. She only got enough to live comfortably in a suburban house along with the trust funds for Cody and I and even those aren't huge, just enough for college and to give us a good start. What they don't realize is that's all she wanted. She didn't like living in this huge mansion. She didn't like that we might become spoiled brat, rich kids. All she wanted was to live and raise us like most. That's what she got."

"But, ... Katie and Cody, I am worried that I am like Murianne."

Katie said, "You aren't at all like her. You are not a schemer, out for comfort and money, and you don't use your body to get what you want."

"Sometimes I am not sure. Katie, please promise to tell me if you see the slightest hint that I am like her or am taking advantage of Cody."

"Well, you may be taking advantage of Cody. You have him wrapped around your little finger even if you don't know it," said Katie with a laugh. Cody looked a bit embarrassed.

"Katie, see, I am like her."

"No you aren't. You aren't 'taking advantage' in the way she does. I will let you know if I think you are acting in a way which will hurt Cody, or yourself. That's the kind of 'taking advantage' she uses."

"Thank you, Katie, you are a real good friend.

"So, should Cody and I 'take advantage' of the guest house or not?" I asked.

"Why not."

"My concern is that it will make it seem more like I am Cody's 'kept woman'. It will confirm your Father's and Murianne's opinion of me."

"Well, I wouldn't spend a lot of time worrying about them. I never let what either of them thinks influence me."

"Me either," Cody added.

"What about other people, will they think that?"

Katie said, "Suzan, you need to do what is right for you."

"What about my mom and dad?"

"Again, what is right for you. I am sure they would prefer you have sex in a nice, safe, private place where you can relax and enjoy yourself than in the back seat of a car or, worse yet, Cody's room." We all three laughed.

Later, when we got out of the pool to go home, Murianne motioned me over. "You are right about Cody's cock! I thought Leslie had a big one. Do you have any trouble getting it in?"

"Not really ... Well maybe a little sometimes, we use a lubricant to be sure."

"Good idea. How far does it go in?"

"All the way!" I exclaimed. "It's a tight fit and really fills me up, I can feel his every movement, even the blood pulsing inside his cock."

"I sounds like you enjoy it."

"Yes, I do."

"I'm glad for you. I love seeing you. Feel free to come talk anytime you are visiting in the guest house."

"OK, I will, 'bye Murianne."

"Goodbye, Suzan."

On the way home, Katie told us more about her night at the concert. She had a great time.

Cody dropped me off at home. As I got out of the car I told them I would like to speak to their mom tomorrow.

I went in and no-one needed to ask me about whether I had a good time as I started telling them all about it before they could ask. All, that is, except the part about my running around nude.

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *oyntzMan  over a year ago

all over Ireland

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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By *aughtywifeyWoman  over a year ago


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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

The day after visiting with Mr. Baker it was Saturday and I was off work. The restaurant caters to the business and working crowd so there is no need for a hostess on weekends and holidays. I went to Cody's.

As usual Mrs. Baker answered the door. After the usual greetings I raised the issue, "Mrs. Baker."

"Yes Suzan."

"Mrs Baker, while I was at Mr. Bakers' place I spoke to Mr. Baker's live in girlfriend, Murianne, quite a lot. She seems to think Cody is like his dad and that I am like her. She was telling me all these things about how she manipulates your ex-husband, thinking she was giving me advice on how to treat Cody."

"What?" She exploded in laughter. "She thinks you are like she is and are after Cody for ... for .. his college trust fund, I guess." She was hysterical. "She thought she could give you advice about how to treat a man?" More laughter. "Suzan that's the funniest thing I think I ever heard. Just the thought of her sitting there seriously thinking she is advising you. Oh, oh, I need to stop for a breath."

I was getting into the fun. "Mrs Baker if it will help you picture it, we were by the pool and she was naked."

"Oh, yes, Suzan, that definitely helps." She was unable to control her laughter.

I couldn't resist continuing, "Mrs Baker she was nude because she came out wearing this really tiny bikini. She took off the top and said, 'it's just us girls and these aren't anything Leslie hasn't seen.' I told her that she might as well take off the bottom too since it's just us girls and I am sure 'Leslie had seen that too so she took off the bottom. Do you know she shaves her genitals?"

"Suzan, this is getting better and better. You told her to take off the bottom and she did? Oh my, oh my."

I thought of one more thing, "Mrs. Baker, have you noticed how she lifts and shakes her breasts to emphasize some points. Well, anyway she does it when she is naked. 'Leslie likes breasts that can fill a bra'" I pretended to lift and shake big breasts. " 'If your breasts don't come in as big as you like you can always get implants'." Again I pretended to shake them. " 'Leslie likes his women to be beautiful'." Again the shake.

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By *he-ProfessorMan  over a year ago


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By *andy IanMan  over a year ago


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By *rumgoodtimeMan  over a year ago

sutton coldfield

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Suzan, I am not sure I can take any more." She continued trying, unsuccessfully, to suppress the laughter.

Katie came in, "What is going on here?"

Her mom said, "Suzan just told me that Murianne thinks the two of them are alike." She started laughing. "And that Murianne told her about how she treats your father as advice for how to treat Cody." She almost doubled over. "In the nude! After Suzan told her she might as well remove her bikini bottom too! Oh! I don't think I will ever be able to get the thought out of my head." She once again tried to suppress the laughter.

Katie and I left. "Wow, I've never seen her laugh so hard," Katie told me.

I responded, "And Katie, she made me feel ever so good!"

"How is that?"

"Well, I was still worried about being like Murianne and I wanted to ask her about it. When I told her that Murianne thought we were alike, she came apart. Katie, your boyfriend's Mom doesn't laugh like that if she thinks there is even the slightest possibility that you are like Murianne!"

"Katie I know you want me to spend more time with you and think I send it all with Corey but I do need to tell him about this. Would you mind if I speak with Cody right away?"

"No, except that he's off with his airplane gang at the hobby shop."

"Where is that?"

"You know, it's that hobby shop down at the light."

"I can walk there!"

"Well, yes. It takes about 20 minutes."

I ran out, with barely a good-bye. I made it in 15 minutes. I could see Cody at one of the display counters with a group of four other boys. I walked in and yelled, "Cody!"

Cody saw me and came over, "Suzan, what are you doing here?"

"I agree to using the guest house," I whispered to him. "I couldn't wait to tell you. I want to see your hangouts anyway. Can you introduce me to your friends?"

He took me over. "Guys this is Suzan, she's the girl I told you about." I hugged his arm and kissed him so they would have no doubt what he meant.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I spent the rest of the day with them as they worked on their airplane. That's a story for another time.

As he drove me home afterwards Cody said, "Suzan, you were so fantastic today. You had all those guys eating out of your hand. Are you really interested in what we are doing?"

"Yes, Cody I am and I would like to be included with 'the guys' frequently. Please take me the next time you go out to fly your planes."

As I got out at home I remembered what I really wanted to talk to Corey about. "Cody, remember I said I wanted to use the guest house."

"Yes, of course."

"We need to decide how to do our first time. I want it to be special. I also want to set a tone for how we are going to use it more regularly. And, you said there are limits and your father said there are rules for using it. I know one has to do with leaving it clean. You need to tell me all the rules and we need to be sure we can follow them. Katie and I spent one night there and just leaving it clean is not easy. We will need a thorough checklist if we are to keep your father satisfied."

Sunday I went to Cody and Katie's again. Before seeing Cody, I spent a short time with Katie.

"Suzan, you went out of here like a rocket yesterday and I never saw you again," she complained.

"Well I had to tell Cody that I had decided to use the guest house. I couldn't wait. Then I got involved with his friends. Katie, you should see the airplanes they have built and the one they are building. I'm going over to help again sometime and Cody is going to take me to watch them fly."

"I've always thought his friends were a bit weird."

"Well when Cody first introduced me they acted like they either had never seen a girl before or were afraid of me, maybe both."

Katie giggled, "I can see them standing there staring at you."

"Well I tried some positive re-enforcement, like when you're training a dog. I gave them a reward every time one of them spoke to me."

"A reward? like doggy treats? Did you have a bag of M&M's?"

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

What sort of treats?

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By *aughtywifeyWoman  over a year ago


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By *he-ProfessorMan  over a year ago


Training as per dogs.... brilliant lol

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"No, I thought of something that would make me less threatening. Every time one of them spoke to me I gave him a peck on the cheek."

"That would get Cody's friends going all right. Did it work."

"It was like they were little puppies. They all started talking and waiting for my little kiss."

"That's hilarious. You must have worn out your lips."

"Well once they really got going I gave them each a last kiss and let the conditioning take over. It's really not funny. I wasn't trying to be devious or anything. I just wanted them to be comfortable talking to me and having me around."

"I still can't help but laugh when I think of it."

"Katie, Cody's friends are really nice and there is no reason they should have any problem talking to or being with girls. I wish I could think of a way to help them with other girls."

"Matchmaker Suzan."

"Katie, I'm not looking to get them girlfriends. I just want them to feel comfortable about finding one."

After a while I went into Cody's room to discuss using the guest house.

As I came in he jumped up and gave me a hug and a kiss. "Princess! Do you want to do anything today? My father's guest house is available you know."

"I thought we could spend some time planning our first time there," I told him. "Remember, I told you that yesterday."

He seemed disappointed and asked, "do we really need to plan our time at the guest house?"

"Not every time but I want our first time to be special. That will set a tone and we will be able to just 'play it by ear' from then on. We need to plan the first time so the other times will work well. We also need to prepare a checklist for cleaning up."

He asked, "Do we really need a checklist?"

"When Katie and I were there I realized how much there is to do to leave the place as we found it. It would be easy to forget something that could cause your father to revoke our privilege."

"I'm sure he would forgive an occasional mistake."

"Maybe but I'm not willing to take the chance and there is so much to do that without a checklist we can easily make a mistake every time, not just occasionally. For example, do we need to wash the bed linens?"

"I don't think so, as long as we make the beds."

"Well I didn't think it would be okay, especially if we had sex and got semen on the bed. Anyway I asked your father and he said that we didn't need to unless we had sex. Then he said, 'So I guess the answer is yes, you need to wash the linens, otherwise I will wonder why I let you use the guest house'."

"Oh, I would not have thought of that."

"We need try to think of everything. If we aren't sure we can ask you father like I did. Here are some other examples of things that might be easy to forget. We need to be sure all the wastebaskets are emptied. We need to be sure not to forget any clothes or toiletries. We need to put all the cleaning supplies back where we found them, We need to put any videos we use away. Don't you see, the sheer number of minor things makes it almost impossible to leave things right without a checklist. Oh, here's another set of things. Your father told me that we are to inform Rose of anything we use up like soap, tissue, or light bulbs. The checklist needs to have things to check for empty or almost empty so we can tell Rose."

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I guess I see your point."

"We can type the list on your computer and print it out. We can easily add things as we think of them, mark those where we need to ask your father and re-arrange them in an order that makes sense."

"Re-arrange? Why?"

"So it's easy to use. Like we want washing bed linens to be before making the bed. Cody this isn't really that difficult. It doesn't need to be perfect, just as complete as we can make it. I won't feel comfortable staying there otherwise."

"This will be more work than I thought," he said. "I don't mean making the list. I mean cleaning up after ourselves."

"Well a bit more than I thought too, but it'll be worth it. You'll see!" I promised. "Before we start, I'd like to know the other rules and limitations your father has imposed."

"There are only two and they are related so it's actually just one," he said. "My father says that his business guests must take priority over our use of the guest house. Business guests are rare, maybe only every couple of months, and usually they stay only a couple of days. They always give a few days notice. My father's administrative assistant will call me with dates the guest house is unavailable so we can stay away. We may also have to leave on short notice."

"Cody, that means you must have a calendar on which you can mark the unavailable days."

"Can't I just remember them?"

"I'd prefer not risking you forgetting. Just think of the embarrassment of walking in on one of your father's business guests or having one of them walk in on us. What's the other rule."

"My father said that we can keep some of our own clothes and toiletries there so we don't have to always prepack overnight bags. But we can't leave things in the dressers, hanging in the closet or in the medicine cabinets."

"So how do we do that?"

"There are eight lockers in the guest house for regular guests to keep things. My father has assigned us lockers 1 and 2." He got up and picked up some keys. "Here, you can have locker number 1."

"Maybe you should keep the key."

"No you keep it so you can get in and out without me. Maybe you will spend another weekend with Kaitlyn and want some stuff. I have duplicates just in case either of us loses ours."

"Cody, that's something else I need to decide. What to take and leave there. I guess I better buy another toothbrush and toothpaste."

We got to work making our cleanup checklist. It took more time than I thought it would. "We can always add more or change it" I told him, getting up. "I need to be getting home. You can e-mail me a copy and I will add things if I think of them. Tomorrow I'll come by after work. We can plan our stay."

Then I told him, "Next weekend is the fourth of July weekend and I have Monday and Tuesday off. I thought maybe that would be a good opportunity for our first time. We could spend all four days there together."

"Wow! four days together!" he exclaimed. "That's a terrific idea!"

"Think about what things we can do with our time," I told him, and added, "besides sex. I would like to have some activity or activities other than just sex."

"Just sex sounds good to me!" Cody said, a bit too enthusiastically.

"Cody, I thought there was more to our relationship than sex," I told him a bit impatiently. "In any case, I don't think we could sustain a whole four days of 'just sex' and I hoped we would do something more than just swim and sit in the hot tub or watch videos. Sex is great, and especially great with you, but I don't think of the guest house being like the Inn where we do nothing but have sex. We need to have good times without the sex."

"Haven't we been having good times without sex for the past few weeks?"

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 02/11/22 14:20:32]

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Monday afternoon I started our planning conversation with a suggestion, "Cody, I had a thought about what we might do. Let me know if you have a better one."

"I haven't thought of anything at all," he said. "What is your idea?"

"Remember how we talked about modifying your stories to have girls and more dialogue?"


"How about we take some of your stories and your laptop and spend some of our time revising them. It would be a chance to really be together and anytime we tire of working on stories we can take a 'break', if you get my meaning."

"I like that idea but it sounds like work rather than fun."

"I like it because it's creative," I told him. "It's a chance to really work together, as a team."

"Four days with you ..." Cody said wistfully.

"Yes, you and me for four days," I agreed, adding, "we can supply our own fireworks."

"Fireworks?" he seemed perplexed.

"Fireworks!" I said, lifting my top and bra to expose my breasts and then grabbing his cock through his pants.

"Yeah, fireworks!" he nodded, kissing one exposed breast and stroking my crotch through my panties.

"Maybe you can pick out some stories for us to look at," I suggested .

He picked up a notebook full of his stories. "Maybe you could look at these and pick ones you think would be good to work with," he said as he handed it to me. "I trust your judgement better than mine."

"Don't you have them on a disk? This is awfully heavy!"

"Here I'll make copies," he said and copied a folder from his hard drive to a flash drive for me.

"Thanks," I said and then expressed another thought aloud, "I'll need to prepare my parents."

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

That evening after dinner my parents were watching TV. I turned it off at the first commercial and announced, "Cody and I are going to spend four days together on the Fourth of July weekend."

"What!" they said together. Carly heard their yell, came in and asked what was going on.

My mom started to motion her out of the room. I said, "Carly will find out anyway so I want to include her. Carly, I am going to spend four days away with Cody."

She innocently asked the question that was on my parents minds, "Are you going to have sex.?"

"I am sure we will," I said, "but the reason for going away is that we are going to collaborate on some stories. Cody has written some really good stories but they need some romantic interest and better interaction among the characters. I am going to help him with that."

Mommy read my face and stated, flatly, "You can work on stories here or at the library. So, the reason you are going is to have sex." Then she asked, "where are you going?"

"Cordy's father is allowing us to use the guest house at his mansion. Remember, I told you about it. It's like a normal two bedroom house set away from the mansion and very private."

Daddy said, "I don't like this. I don't like a man setting up his son to be able to fornicate with a young girl."

"Daddy," I said, hoping I wasn't whining, "we talked about this. You said you understand that I might do this kind of thing and I promised to honestly let you know what I am doing. I am trying to keep my word. Please don't make me hide things from you."

Carly asked, "What's 'four-ni-Kate'?"

"It's when an unmarried man and woman have sex," Mommy told her.

Daddy said, "I don't think we ever said we would be happy about it or approve."

"You're right, Daddy. I just want you to know what I am doing. Here is Cody's cell phone number. You can get in touch with me at that number. He will be picking me up at work on Friday." I turned the TV back on and went up to my room to let my emotions die down. As I relaxed on my bed I heard the door open. I hoped they wouldn't be coming in to try to talk me out of it."

"Suzan," Carly said.

"Come in, Carly, what do you want?"

"Why is everyone acting so sad?"

"I'm not sad, Carly, I'm very happy."

"You look and act sad."

"Well, I am trying to relax. I had to get up a lot of courage to tell Mommy and Daddy that I was going to spend four days with Cody. Now I am just letting my adrenaline level come down."


"That's the stuff that makes you strong but it also makes you nervous and anxious."

"Why is it hard to tell Mommy and Daddy that you are going away with Cody?"

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Because they don't like the idea of me having sex with anyone."

"They know you are having sex with him so what's the difference now?"

"I guess this just seems so, so blatant, so 'in your face'."

"So they're sad because you're going out to have sex."

"I guess so."

"I think I'll cheer them up." She left and I heard her head downstairs.

The evening before the 'big day' I packed a bag. Daddy came in when I was in bed and kissed me saying, "Have a good time, princess. We'll be looking forward to having you come back and hearing about it."

The next morning Mommy said, "Have a real good time and tell us about it when you get back."

"Mommy," I said, "You and Daddy are acting so much better about this. I know you aren't happy about me having sex with Cody but you being like this makes me feel so much better. Thank you."

"You should thank Carly. She sat your Daddy and me down and gave us quite a nice little talk."

My jaw fell and I looked over at Carly who was smiling and humming.

I went to Carly and gave her a huge hug, "Whatever you said, thank you, thank you!"

"That's what sisters are for," was her cryptic reply.

After work I got into Cody's car with my heart pounding and blood rushing to my head. "Four days with Cody and sex with him again," was all I could think of. He gave me a big kiss and put his hand on my thigh. I grabbed it and pulled it to my crotch then put my hand on his 'beast' which was already almost full size. "We should get some food, we're going to need to eat and I'd rather not be eating at the main house," I suggested.

"I agree," he said. "What shall we get?"

"Things for sandwiches and stuff we can prepare easily, without leaving a mess," I proposed. "We can each pick out a couple of meals or our own frozen dinners." I thought about his cock which had now grown to full size and hardness due to my caresses, "before we get out I hope your beast will behave himself."

"He's pretty anxious about today and tonight. I have absolutely no control over him right now."

"Maybe there is some way to keep it from sticking out so much," I said. "Your father has a pretty big cock, maybe he has an idea."

"How do you know my father 'has a pretty big cock'?"

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Katie and I saw him and Murianne getting into the hot tub naked when we were there. Anyway, I can ask my Dad about it, too. Maybe you can ask your mother for ideas too."

"Well, I guess it won't hurt to ask my father. I am not so sure my mom can help. I am a little nervous about you talking to your dad about it."

"I know your mother would like to help. She told me she has noticed when it happens and knows how embarrassing it must be. My dad would be sure to help out if he can."

With reluctance, I stopped my stroking and by the time we reached the grocery the beast was restrained enough to not be obvious. We decided on a package of those small individual cereal boxes for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and TV dinners for, what else, dinner. We also grabbed some snacks and fruit for nibbling. Finally we were off to the 'trysting place'.

We rapidly went in and unloaded the groceries. I was bursting with desire. Without a word, both knowing what the other wanted and not needing to speak, we went into the bedroom and silently removed each other's clothes. As I removed Cody's shirt I kissed all over his chest. As he removed my blouse and bra he reciprocated. My nipples were harder than I could ever remember and an orgasmic tingle was already beginning.

I took down his underwear and greeted the beast, "Dear beast you are free again, free to explore, free to enter my cave." I kissed it, up, down and around.

Cody removed my panties. I shivered with desire as the cool air touched my crotch. He lifted me gently, kissing my abdomen and lay me gently on the bed. He began a tour of my entire body with his lips and tongue, Starting at my forehead and saving my most sensitive parts for last. I lay back taking in the orgasmic sensation filing my body. I trembled in anticipation with each kiss and each touch of his tongue.

As soon as his tongue gave my clit the slightest touch the feeling became unbearable and I spasmed with intense pleasure, "Cody! Cody! Cody!" I screamed repeatedly. He continued to lick me, increasing my pleasure until the feelings began to disparate and I quieted down. Then he got up, left the room and returned with condoms and lubricant. He slipped the beast into the condom and I grabbed the lubricant putting it in me and on the beast.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Cody spent a few minutes kissing and sucking my twat and then he rose, moved between my legs and I felt his beast slowly enter my vaginal 'cave'. I reveled in the feeling as it pushed in, pulled out and then pushed further in. Slowly it filled me more and more. I relaxed and closed my eyes, feeling Cody's pulse inside the beast, inside my 'cave'. I reached up and caressed his chest and tummy. Then I reached around him and pulled him to me. I buried my face in his and my tongue in his mouth. I moved my hands down to his butt and helped him thrust inside me. With each thrust the tingle grew in me. As the tingle grew, my grip on his butt and the force of my kiss increased. He moved slowly and sensuously in and out, in and out, in and out. As I began to wish it would last forever it became clear that it would not do so. The pleasure rose to the point where it became unbearable. The spasm shot through my vagina. I remained silent, taking the full force of the feeling in, almost unable to stand it but wanting it to continue and continue. Cody was making huge grunts and the beast leaped inside me. I could feel the semen streaming through it as it leaped again and again. Slowly all subsided.

"It's been too long since last time," I said. "let's not allow it to be so long again." Cody just hugged me and planted another dozen kisses. Then we lay silently in each other's embrace with the beast resting softly in its cave.

I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep but a dream I had before repeated. I was carried away by an angel. Below me I saw relatives, friends and former friends. This time I could tell that they were all calling out to me. I couldn't tell what they were saying but I felt it was important.

I slowly became aware of my surroundings. It was dark. Cody was still on top of me with the beast still inside me. I moved slightly and Cody came to life. "What time is it?" he asked.

"I don't know. I just know it's dark out."

"I have to pee. Do you want to come?" He got up and the beast left me.

"I hope you and your beast do not mind but I am sooo relaxed. I would like to just lie here and enjoy the moment."

He pulled off the condom and asked with a bit of a laugh, "Are you still saving filled condoms?"

"No, the others started smelling bad and I had to trash them. The only one left is the one encased in epoxy inside that loving cup I gave you."

When he came out he said, "It's after 9PM. Do you want dinner?"

"I only want to be here with you. Are you hungry?"

"A little but being here with you is a better idea. Was that worth the wait!"

"Yes, but no. I think of how we could have done that several more times and still had tonight. I don't want to be waiting for it anymore."

"Well, we don't have to."

We kissed and lay in each others arms, my head on his chest, his chest against my breasts and his beast against my twat.

Again I dreamed of the angel and the people below. They were yelling at me about things I should do, suggestions for what I should do with my life, contradictory and hard to make out suggestions, none of which I would remember after waking.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I woke. I was lying on my back to the feel of Corey lightly caressing my tits and nipples with his finger. I Moaned in pleasure, reached down and guided my finger lightly along his cock. The beast woke and rapidly stretched to its full length.

"Cody, before we go any farther I really must relieve myself." I went into the bathroom and reflected on my dream as I peed.

When I came back, Cody was on his back and opened his arms for me. I lay on top of him, he embraced me and we kissed. My legs were open to either side and 'the beast' lapped repeatedly at the entrance to the cave. Cody stroked my back with both hands from the shoulders down to my butt. I pulled my fingers through his hair as the familiar feelings rose inside me.

I could feel my vaginal lips parting in anticipation of the beast coming inside. They were cooled by the dampness oozing out. The beast pushed his head inside. "Cody, let me get a condm."

"Princess I am already wearing one. I guess you didn't notice." The beast quickly pushed up to my cervix and started pushing it further inside as its body advanced.

"Oohh!" I moaned in pleasure.

I lifted my head and saw Cody with his eyes closed and an expression of delight on his face. I rolled us so I was on top and pushed my hips back to get the entire beast inside. Cody smiled and let out a slight "Uungh."I began moving up and down on his cock, enjoying riding it as it pushed way in and pulled partially out. I decided to give Cody everything he deserved. I watched his face and listened carefully to his breathing. Speeding up and slowing down as his expression indicated. He stroked my breasts and occasionally one hand moved down my tummy to stroke my clit. I caressed his chest and frequently moved my head down to give him an affectionate kiss.

I remembered how once before when I was on top he made me stop in order to keep from having his orgasm before I had mine. I watched carefully for signs that he was on the verge. There, his face clenched. I stopped moving and allowed him to relax. I could feel the beast moving inside me with slight jerks. I wanted to be careful not to bring myself to orgasm before he let loose but I had been concentrating on Cody so intensely I had not noticed my own body.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I could feel the familiar tingle strengthen as the beast th*obbed inside. I concentrated on the feel of Cody and his beast inside. I thought of the time Cody had brought me to orgasm by describing my body. I thought of last night. I concentrated again on the feeling of the beast inside me. None of that helped keep the rising sensation back. The tingle intensified. Cody seemed more relaxed but I was sure any intense movement would bring him to orgasm.

I slowly moved up. My tingle grew. The beast seemed more excited inside me but Cody was still relaxed.

I slowly moved down to engulf the beast fully. My tingle increased. The beast jerked ever so slightly. Cody winced.

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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By *rdiscreet327Man  over a year ago


Great writing as usual op.

Sounds like these 4 days will be incredible.

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By *aughtywifeyWoman  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I moved up. The beast jerked again. Cody tightened. The tingle intensified still more. It was now or never.

I thrust down quickly. The beast spasmed inside. Cody moaned loudly. The tingle spread through my body.

I rose and dropped in a faster rhythm as the beast spasmed again and again to Cody's moans.

Again and again I pumped myself up and down. My orgasm came. I couldn't control myself enough to keep pumping. My vagina took over, massaging the beast mercilessly. My tummy jerked and twitched. I had no idea what Cody and his beast were doing as I kissed him long, hard and passionately.

As the spasms turned into twitches and the twitches into small waves of delight I relaxed my grip on Cody and moved my mouth from his.

"Oh my gosh, you are amazing," were the first words from his mouth. He grabbed me and gave me a kiss to match the one I had just finished.

As he relaxed the kiss I rolled us to the side keeping his beast inside me. I needed to talk to this wonderful man. It didn't matter what we talked about. I just wanted to hear his voice.

"Cody, what do you want to do now," Is what came out. It sounded like I wasn't interested in staying here with him. "That's not right," I thought. "What do I really want to say?"

Cody seemed not to know how to reply. Then he said, slightly uncertainly "I think I would like to be here with you for a while."

I knew how to respond to that, "Oh Cody, that's what I want too!" He brightened considerably.

"Cody, I want to be here in your arms with the beast inside my cave. But I have this tremendous desire to talk, to hear you speak. Can I lay in your arms and feel your beast inside me and have you stroke me, while we talk about what we are going to do today? Would that be okay, Cody?"

"Of course, princess Suzan."

We discussed breakfast and whether to take a shower or use the hot tub and then we talked about working on the stories. I told him I had brought along a couple of my 'teen high' books for him to look at. he told me he had also brought a couple of books that were supposed to have good dialogue. He said we should maybe read them as part of our preparation.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

We spent over an hour talking, the light of day was beginning to come through the window. I told him, "I feel like starting the day now. How about you?"

"I think I am ready too but I sure like lying here with you."

"I have to pee again," I said.

"Me too," he replied.

"I would like to help your beast make designs in the water this time." I laughed.

He pulled the beast out and removed the condom. The beast was covered with sticky drying semen. I tried licking it clean but could not get it all off. Dried white blobs of semen were also stuck in Cody's hair around his cock and balls. "I think you're going to need to get in the shower to get this off," I said. "I'll be glad to help with that too."

I peed and then called Cody in. As I moved his cock around to make designs in the water I would also press on the underside to decrease the flow or even stop it. I laughed as I played. "This is an amazing thing you have here," I said as the flow was exhausted and I shook it dry. "It's fun in sooo many ways."

We got in the shower and I cleaned Cody's penis, ball and pubic hair thoroughly. Cody reciprocated with a similar cleaning of my twat and tits. We then rinsed the rest of each others body though not as thoroughly as the washing.

"Oh no! no towels," Cody said as we started to get out.

"I thought your father said there were towels here"

"In the linen closet but not hanging here where we can reach them. I'll just have to go and get them wet."

When he came back, I said, "Maybe we need a checklist for what to do when we first get here. 'Item 1, put towels in the bathroom'."

We dried each other off. "Are we going to breakfast in the nude or should we get dressed?" I asked.

"In the nude! And then into the hot tub," Cody responded.

The day started somewhat overcast and cool and the hot tub felt great. Cody rubbed my twat under the water and I stroked his beast which grew once more to full size.

"Cody," I said, "I'm ready for sex again. You know I think we could spend all our time here having sex. Do you want to do that or should we spend some time on the stories like we planned."

"I am ready again too, as you can tell. But I think we should put it aside for a bit. A little time between sexual intercourse makes me enjoy it more. I think spending time doing other things also increases our desire. If we work on the stories I will be even more in the mood tonight."

Reluctantly I agreed with him, "But if the mood is intense enough this afternoon I hope it's okay not to wait for tonight."

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *rumgoodtimeMan  over a year ago

sutton coldfield

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By *andy IanMan  over a year ago


I thought Suzan was on the pill now?

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

We went inside and got out the stuff we had brought for the stories. I showed Cody the 'teen high' books. "These are pretty simple but they are a lot about relationships and people talking to one another."

Cody had two more books, quite thick which he said were supposed to have good dialogue and character relationships. One was Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn. "Isn't Huckleberry Finn a kid's book?" I said.

"No, not really."

"This is a lot to get through." I looked at how thick they were. Looking inside I saw they weren't in large print either.

While he read the 'teen high' books, I checked out Huckleberry Finn. I found the chapters he meant "This talk is pretty messed up I said. It's not correct English."

"Mark Twain was trying to make them sound like they really were, uneducated, but intelligent southerners."

Cody had finished the 'teen high' books and was using his computer, I guess to find his stories. "You read quick," I said.

"Yes, I guess I do," Cody said in a dismissive manner.

I found the stories in the Hemingway book and worked through them. "This is much more difficult to read. but the characters do seem to be real people."

When I finished, I picked up the notebook with his stories. I had read most of them and identified five as promising. Two in particular caught my attention. I showed him all five and told him about the two I liked, "This one about three workers trying to repair a pipeline in the arctic looks good. The characters seem to just be working without talking much about what they are doing. Adding some discussions would help the story along and make us like the people more. One of them could maybe be a woman. And this one about three astronauts in a deteriorating space station has the same sort of characteristics even though it's an entirely different kind of story."

Cody asked, "So which do we start with?"

"Let's start with the pipeline one, it's a bit more complex but has fewer characters and I like the basic story better."

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I suggested one of the characters be a woman and Cody made some changes to the beginning to make that clear. We discussed what was going on and where the characters would talk and what about. We even did some acting and took the place of the characters. I could see Cody was uncomfortable with some of what was being said but we continued.

We broke for lunch and I said, "that story needs a clear villain. How about we take the 'Charlie' character and make him kind of mean? Then, 'Emma' and 'Freddy' could be romantically involved."

Cody was upset, "The story doesn't need a villain!"

"Cody, good stories always have villain. They keep things interesting and help explain the bad things that happen. Right now, the story just has things happening without apparent cause. Having a villain causing them will help the reader understand."

"I thought what you said about doing dialogue and adding women would help but you are just ruining the story!"

"Cody, I am trying to make it better."

"You don't understand the story at all!" he went into the bedroom and locked the door.

I went to the door, "Cody come out, we can work this out."

The door had one of those locks that can be unlocked from outside with a little screwdriver or small narrow 'key'. My dad usually keeps one on the top of each doorway but I couldn't find anything. I sat down with my back to the door feeling terrible. "Please come out, Cody."

I went back and read the story again. Then I read the original story. What did Cody mean that I "didn't understand the story at all"? Then I saw it! better characterization would have made it more obvious but now that I understood what Cofy had attempted I understood why he was upset and I had a better idea of how to add the character interactions.

I went to the door. "Cody, let me in. I read the story more closely and I think I understand. We won't make Charlie a villain. I don't think 'Eddie' should be a woman either. We can add a woman character. She can be romantically involved with 'Charlie', It can be just like you and me."

Cody opened the door.

"I said, Cody, you really should have told me that you were attempting to write a story that was kind of about you and your friends. You should have told me that 'Charlie' is supposed to be like you. I don't know your friends well enough to know who 'Eddie' and 'Freddy' are but I know they are your friends."

" 'Eddue' is Harry and 'Freddy' is Trevor, "he said.

"Well then we must keep that in mind when we put words in their mouths."

I needed to say something else to him. "Cody, please don't run away like that when you get upset. You can talk to me. You can tell me what is bothering you, even if it's me you are upset with."

"Okay, I'll try. I guess I am used to going into my bedroom when I get mad at Katie or my mom. My mom used to always send me there anyway when I was little."

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


This is a very intriguing story, very intricate,


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"My parents would do that too but the room couldn't be locked and after they gave me time to settle down one of them would always come in and talk to me. Let's start over on the story."

As we started I said, "I have an idea about the villain too. Sometimes, the villain can be nature or some artificial object. Remember that movie Snow Dogs where the dogs were left behind in antarctica. The only villain was the antarctic itself. It behaved almost as if it wanted the dogs dead. Maybe we can make the pipeline almost alive and sort of evil."

"Kind of like a Stephen King or Michael Crichton story. Oh, the movie is Eight Below. Snow Dogs was a comedy about that guy inheriting a dog team."

"Oh yeah!" I laughed. "Let's go to work.

Things went much faster when we considered 'Charlie' as being Cody, 'Emma'.

We thought of the pipeline like a huge snake coiling through the wilderness occasionally moving a coil in order to entice the adventurers further into its lair. They escaped by realizing that the pipeline was trying to kill them and that they needed to retreat to civilization. When they returned they discovered that they had imagined many of the problems or that they had thought them more severe than they were.

Cody and I debated whether to have 'Charlie' and 'Emma' have sex. We decided that would detract from the story but we did end with them taking off their clothes and getting into a warm safe bed together.

It was after dinner time so we made our TV dinners and ate them at the table. I was surprised that I didn't feel like having sex. I just felt like relaxing with Cody.

After dinner, Cody began removing his clothes and said, "Hot tub?"

"Hot tub!" I agreed.

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

The sun was going down and the night was cooling off. The tub felt great and I lay with my back against Cody, stroking his thigh. He held my by the waist and stroked my tits, tummy and twat.

"Cody," I said, "I hope you won't feel disappointed, but I just want to relax with you. I don't feel like having sex right now."

Cody laughed, "This from the girl who wasn't sure she could wait until evening. I am enjoying just being here with you too. If you change your mind, signal by jumping me."

"Oh Cody, I love how you make everything so easy for me. If you decide you want sex you can signal by 'jumping me' too. I'm sure it won't take much to get me ready and willing."

We watched the sun go down and the stars come out. Then we went in and fell asleep next to each other, naked.

The dream came again. The angel carrying me and the people below shouting barely understandable suggestions for my life. This time one small voice seemed to rise above the others. I couldn't make out what it was saying or who was its owner.

I woke first and lay there looking at Corldy. I reflected on this dream that came when I slept in his arms. Was he the angel? Who was the voice? What was it and the others saying? Why did I keep having it? Each time there had been more detail, maybe the answers would come. Each time the dream seemed to add detail. I looked forward to sleeping to get the answers.

I still didn't feel like I needed or wanted sex. I just wanted to be here. We had ended the story with the couple going to bed naked together. We assumed and expected the reader to assume that they would have sex. Now I knew that they would just sleep. Their shared ordeal would make them tired and all they would want would be to be next to each other. I hugged Cody lightly until he woke up.

Cody kissed me and I kissed him back. I jumped out of bed and danced for him saying, "I feel so alive! Let's have breakfast and finish that other story." I told him my thoughts about the end of the story we had just finished.

I danced some more for him, pulled on my clothes and went into the kitchen saying, "How about some oatmeal?"

During breakfast I told Cody how special last night was because we didn't have sex, "It's important that we know that we aren't together just for the sex. I think last night was the best night I have spent with you. Our sex is fabulous and I wouldn't want to do without it for long but I love just being with you and relaxing. Sex with you is definitely not relaxing. Well afterwards it's relaxing, maybe too relaxing."

"You don't need to explain," he replied. "I enjoyed just being with you too and I agree, our relationship isn't just about sex and I don't want it to become just about sex. I think that could be a problem with the guest house. It provides such easy access to sex that we could allow the sex to consume us."

Our next story was based on Alan and Donna. Cody explained, "The situations where Alan and Donna interact are still too dry. I think the problem is that our story just looks at them from the outside. We should be saying something about their thoughts and feelings for each other. I think that will help the reader understand them and feel for them."

I agreed, "But why get dressed, I was enjoying playing the parts naked, feeling your body next to mine."

"I did too. What I suggest is that we go back through the story and play the parts again. This time we can discuss our feelings and Alan and Donna's possible feelings and add them to the story. Since they are clothed in thick flight suits we can better think about what they might be feeling and thinking with less explicit sexual undercurrent. I suggested dinner so we would calm down a bit. That way we won't start with a huge sexual excitement."

I thought about it and decided he was right. "I agree! Let's do it. You be Alan and I'll be Donna."

The changes went much more quickly than I imagined. We really got into the acting. We decided not to add great detail, just a few words about how one or another of them felt as they touched hands, then hugged, and finally kissed.

We reached the final scene when Donna and Alan look at the status display and decide the end has come. They strip off their outer suits and embrace in their underwear. Cody and I took off our outer clothes and embraced.

"Cody," I said, "I'm ready."

"Me too," he replied.

We left our underwear on the floor on the way to the bedroom.

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By *aughtywifeyWoman  over a year ago


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By *ottoroMan  over a year ago


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By *andy IanMan  over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

We lay down with my twat in his face and his beast in mine. He slowly and tenderly kissed me, pushing his tongue up my vagina and bringing it out to lick my clit. The orgasmic tingle began quickly.

With difficulty I concentrated on bathing the beast with my tongue. I could barely get the helmet of his cock in my mouth. I licked at his pee hole. I put my tongue under his foreskin and moved it around and around.

As I felt my clit beginning to send orgasmic signals to the rest of my body I reached for a condom and tore open the wrapper. As I did so, Corey picked up the lubricant and I could feel him push some inside me and resume his kissing. I had an idea! I rolled his foreskin back over the body of his cock and rolled the condom over it. The pressure of the condom held the foreskin back and away from the tip exposing the pinker skin next to the tip which was usually covered. I thought "That will make him more sensitive, I hope he will enjoy it."

As soon as I finished, Cody handed me the lubricant and I spread a drop over the cock.

Before he could move on top of me I pushed him gently onto his back and mounted the beast. It slid in smoothly without complaint. Cody made a noise I Hadn't heard before. "Whooh! That feels amazingly good! Did you do something?"

"I'll tell you later, just relax and enjoy yourself."

I began to ride him slowly, up and down, back and forth, side to side. As I slid off his cock and then on again, he made the whistling moan, "whooh! whooh! whooh! whooh!" I could feel a throbbing. He wasn't going to last long at this rate. I decided to give him immediate intense pleasure and not to wait for my orgasm. I began to rock, roll and pump faster and with a bit more intensity.

"Suzan!" pump "if," roll "you," rock "keep," pump "this," rock "up," pump "I'll," roll, "cum," pump, "before," roll, "you," rock. Each word was said with the whistling sound he kept making.

The whistle became more and more intense. I told him, "I," "Know," rock "just," pump "relax," roll, "and," pump "enjoy," rock " it."

I felt his cock spasm inside me and I pushed my twat hard against him. "Whooaagh!" or some such amazing sound came out of his mouth.

I felt his ejaculation come swooshing through his cock. I began pumping hard and fast.

He was screaming with each pump, "Suzan! Suzan! No, No, Aagh! Suza ! Aagh! No! No! I .... Aagh! cant ... Aagh! ... stand ... Aagh! ... this ... Aagh! ... Suzan!"

I hadn't been aware of my own feelings and I was suddenly surprised when my vagina gave a huge spasm. I almost jumped off his cock but the spasming vagina held it in place, "Oohh!" I exclaimed and Cody joined with his own "Aagh!" I couldn't control my movements and collapsed on his chest as vaginal spasms rocked through me. I was aware of nothing but my pulsations.

Finally the spasms went away, replaced by pleasant, tingling twitches. Cody said, "That was intense! I wasn't sure I would live through it! Why didn't you stop? The feeling was unbearable but you kept going!"

I asked him, "Unbearable pain?"

"No more like unbearable pleasure but unbearable, nonetheless."

"I wanted you to have the most intense pleasure you could possibly have," I said.

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By *ndiiiMan  over a year ago

Paisley Scotland


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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


Very, very hot indeed,


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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Well I don't think I would live through anything more intense. My penis gets really sensitive when I ejaculate but it was exceptionally sensitive tonight."

Then he added, "And when your orgasm came! I couldn't have imagined the intensity. Now I am not sure I can remember it accurately."

I gave him a huge, long kiss and then told him what I had done with his foreskin.

"Next time you might warn me," he said.

"No, I think I will make it a surprise again."

"Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh." He said.

We lay in a passionate embrace.

Much later Cody moved away and said, "I have a great idea about how to end the story."

"You want to change the ending?"

"No, it's more of an embellishment. I need to go add it so I won't forget." He pulled his penis out of me and got up. he went into the bathroom and I started to get up to follow him. He said, "Suzan, please wait here, I would like you to see it in the morning when you are fresh. I think you will like it. Although it may need your special touch to make it perfect."

he went out to make the change and I went into the bathroom, came out and lay down spread-eagle on the bed thinking, "Oh, I love having sex with him!"

He returned. We kissed and hugged and caressed and explored each other's body until we fell asleep.

The dream came once again, the angel carrying me and the people below. The small voice again rose above the others. It was quieter that the others but my attention was drawn to it. I recognized the owner and woke suddenly startled and sweating. "Why this person?" I thought to myself. "And what is she telling me?" I had some trouble returning to sleep and when I did the dream didn't return.

I woke before Cody. I looked at him and wondered whether to tell him about my dream. I decided not to.

I remembered the stories. I debated whether to go read Cody's revised ending but decided it would be best to let him show it to me. He seemed so proud of it and so sure I would like it. I leaned over and gave him the slightest kiss. He came awake, grabbed me and turned my 'slightest kiss' into a strong passionate one. "Let me show you what I did last night!"

He showed me and I was wowed. "this is great!" I said. "It pulls everything together and gives me a satisfied feeling that the tragic ending is not a complete tragedy."

"I thought you'd like it! Something about my sexual experience last night, thinking I couldn't possibly live through such intense pleasure made me think of it."

Let's finish this off," I said. "we still need to add any thoughts and feelings for the final embrace. They can lead into this fabulous ending!"

It didn't take long and we had a final work. I jumped Cody and pulled him to bed. We were already naked and were caressing and licking and kissing and feeling our most sensitive areas before we reached the bed.

I let Cody roll me on my back and place a pillow under my butt so my twat pointed to the ceiling. He licked the exposed vulva and inserted his fingers, caressing my G-spot and rubbing my clit with his thumb. "Oohh he knows how to do this!" I thought as the tingle of an orgasm came to me once again.

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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By *oyntzMan  over a year ago

all over Ireland

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

He paused his licking and sucking long enough to say, "You took charge last night, now it's my turn."

The tingling grew and grew and grew filling my entire body. Then the releasing spasms shook my body and vagina. Cody continued fingering inside, kissing the outside and moving his thumb on my clit prolonging my orgasm.

As the orgasm died he didn't mount me like he usually does. Instead he rose and give me a passionate kiss. Instead of inserting the beast he moved down and worked my tits with his tongue. They swelled and hardened until I could barely stand it. He kissed my tummy, moving down, once again to my twat. Again he began fingering, licking, kissing and sucking. Again the tingle of an orgasm began to rise. This time he would move up and kiss my lips or caress my tits before moving back down to my crotch. The orgasmic feelings rose, fell, rose and fell. Each rise was more intense than the last. I arched my back and curled my toes as the feeling rose to its ultimate intensity and then released again.

Cody abruptly mounted me and quickly pushed his cock all the way in. My vagina began involuntarily pumping on him as he began a rhythmic rocking in and out, in and out. My vaginal spasms reduced to a twitching which didn't go away. An intense orgasmic feeling also remained but one with no spasms. That didn't last long. Cody's strokes became quicker and harder. The twitches became spasms and the orgasmic feeling exploded through me. Cody's ejaculation exploded inside me at the same time. I felt his spasms in perfect rhythm with mine as he came down and gave me a long, long kiss. I fell asleep with him on top of me, his mouth pressed against mine and his beast inside my belly.

The dream returned and this time the small voice and the small speaker were clear. Her imploring suggestion for my future filled me. It felt right and I understood why it was her suggestion. I would tell Cody as soon as I awoke and my parents when I got home. I continued to sleep.

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


Intriguing, where is this leading I wonder,


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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

It was around noon when we awoke. We lay together for a long time before Cody spoke. "How about we have lunch and relax for the rest of the day. Tomorrow we can clean the place up and go home."

"That sounds good to me." I snuggled up to him caressing any part of his body I could reach.

"Cody," I said.

"Yes, princess."

"Cody, remember how you have told me I need to decide what course to take and what I wanted to do with my life?"

"Yes, Suzan, of course."

"Cody, I have been having a dream and it has told me what to do."

"I'm not sure you should trust in dreams, my love."

"This dream was different. I am sure it is my subconscious telling me based on my own thoughts and what it says really feels right to me. I could change my mind but I am as sure of this as I have ever been sure of anything."

"And what does the dream tell you?"

"Cody, I am going into pre-med. In med school I will specialize in gynecology."

"That sounds like a big commitment."

"It is. There is more, but this is the first step."

"And what more?"

"I think I will keep that to myself until I have accomplished this first step." I said, thinking of what the voice had told me and why I was sure its speaker had made this request.

We stayed in bed for almost another hour kissing and feeling and resting.

When we got up I helped the beast make designs in the toilet as Cody peed.

We decided to stay naked and after lunch I found a good CD and put it in the stereo. "I think I owe you a dance," I said. I moved around him to the music attempting to expose every part of me to him just as I had done our first time together at the hotel. I ended once again with a split and rose by spreading my legs toward him, arching my back and moving my hands until I could spring up. I was directly in front of him and didn't stop myself as I sprung. I fell onto his lap and gave him a huge kiss.

We spent part of the afternoon in the hot tub and the pool. Cody's father and Murianne came out for part of the time and we talked with them about one thing and another. As you would expect, Cody's father asked how things were in a manner which made it clear he wanted to know how much sex we were having. Before Cody could say anything I said, "We're having a fabulous time. I've had six orgasms so far, maybe more, I've lost count and I think I've had Cody's' huge and wonderful cock inside me at least four times. I just can't get enough of it." I turned to Cody and licked his cock, sticking my tongue up under his foreskin.

Cody's father seemed stunned by the answer with visual aids but then managed to say, "I am so glad you are enjoying yourself. It sounds like you are too, ehhh, Cody?"

Cody replied with enthusiasm, "Yes sir, I definitely am!"

"Good, that's what I hoped."

We went for a swim and Cody asked me why I had given such an explicit answer.

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By *ld dog-new tricksMan  over a year ago


"Would love to know where part 1 of this story is.??

Part one is called the beginning "

I did take a guess at that. Tried caps. Small letters. The. Beginning. And the beginning. I get 4 lists. 2 by op's no longer on site and part 2 and three. If you or anyone can find it. Could you please post the link?

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago


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By *sunamiMan  over a year ago

Darlington area

Just click on the green arrow next to the OP

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Well I wanted to make it clear to him that we were doing what he expected. I was hoping that it was clear enough that he wouldn't feel a need to ask again."

"Wow, that was more answer than I could ever give anyone and with a little demonstration too! You are one of a kind, Suzan."

"I hope so." We kissed and I asked, "Do you want to give a full demonstration here in the pool?"

I jumped up and managed to slide his cock inside me. I began pumping up and down. He fell over and I had to let the beast come out so we could get up and breathe.

After we came out, Cody's father said, "Murianne says you are writing stories or something?"

Cody answered, "Yes, sir we are. We thought that would help get us in the mood for ... other things. It did and it provides a good interlude between ... other things. We finished two stories."

I jumped in, "Would you like to read them, Mr Baker?"

"Yes, I suppose I would. What are they about?"

Cody told him.

"They don't really sound like my kind of story but since you wrote them I'll give them a try."

I told Cody, "I would like my parents to read them too. We should print them out and make copies. Your mom should have one, I would like Katie to have one, I want one and my parents should have one. With one for you, Mr. Baker, we need five copies. Six if you want a hard copy. Do you want a copy, Murianne?"

"No, I am sure Leslie will let me read his."

Cody's father said, "You are welcome to use my printer. It's one of those printer/copier/fax things so you can make the copies too."

Cody said, "Thank you, I will. Do you mind if I do it now? Susan and I plan to spend tonight and return home tomorrow."

We went into the guest house and Cody got dressed and went to get the copies while I remained, naked, inside.

After dinner we stayed naked and leisurely aroused each other while listening to the stereo.

We went to bed and had the most relaxing, leisurely sex while talking about our plans, hopes and dreams.

The dream of the angel didn't return. Its message had been delivered.

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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By *aughtywifeyWoman  over a year ago


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By *andy IanMan  over a year ago


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By *rumgoodtimeMan  over a year ago

sutton coldfield

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I awoke with the beast still inside me. It was totally relaxed but still big enough to fill my vagina. I luxuriated in the feeling and tried to feel its pulse as I waited for Corey to wake.

After breakfast we began following the checklist, starting with washing the towels and the well used sheets. In the laundry room I realized we needed an inventory so we could tell Rose what to buy if we ran out. "Cody could you make a list of everything here so we can have an inventory checklist?"

Cody did as I had asked while I went about other activities. I found that there were two extra sets of bed linens so I could make the bed while the wash was being done.

Running through the checklist was easier than I had anticipated and Cody said, "I'm really glad you insisted we make this. I'd have been lost without it and I know we would have forgotten several things. I don't think we forgot anything."

We both made a quick recheck and got in the car to go home. "I don't feel nearly as sad about leaving here as I did when we left the hotel," I told him.

"Me either. I think because I know we can return whenever we want."

"I'm sure that's it," I said. I rubbed my crotch, thinking, "Whenever that is, it won't be too soon."

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

We didn't go right home from the guest house. Instead we went to the Fourth of July celebration at the Community Park. They have music and dancing and games and food booths and, of course, fireworks after dark. We stopped by Cody's home to pick up a blanket and went to the park. It was packed and we started looking for a spot near the band and dance area.

We went near a group of maybe ten girls who had been on the dance team with me in school along with some of their friends.

"Suzan!" one of them called out and I took Cody by the hand and went over to them. "Hi," I said, "this is Cody, my boyfriend. You may remember him. He graduated two years ahead of us. He's Katie's brother." I began naming the girls I knew for Cody.

I heard a whisper from one of them. "What did you say?" I said firmly, looking at Yonne, sure that the whisper had come from her.

"Nothing," she said, quietly, with a guilty look. Cody was turning red.

"I heard one of you say, 'Cody the Cock'!" I said firmly. Cody had backed away out of embarrassment.

I continued, "I know Cofy had that nickname among some of the less than tactful girls at school and I'll confirm that he has a big one but I don't appreciate you embarrassing us by repeating it, even in a whisper that you didn't think we would hear."

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Cody had moved away from the group and was making a pretense of watching the band. I gently called to him and took his hand to bring him back to the group. "Yonne, or whichever of you said it, please apologize!"

I stared at Yonne and the girl I didn't recognize sitting next to her. "I'm sorry," Yonne said very shyly.

"That's okay," Cody mumbled, his face still red.

"No, it's not okay," I told them all. "It's no more okay than if some boy made public remarks about the size of your tits or how hairy your crotch is."

"Suzan," Cody said to me. "It's not that big a deal, I know what some kids called me and I know why. Sometimes it does stick out a lot. You know that. Now you're embarrassing me even more and embarrassing your friends too." Then he said to Yonne, "I accept your apology." Then he said, "I think I'll go look for my mom and Katie. Why don't you stay here and talk. I'll come back to get you."

I was still a little angry with Yonne but not the others, so I stayed as he suggested. I asked what they were doing and planning to do now that we had graduated.. Half of the girls were going to be at the community college with me. A few were going on to four year colleges and the rest already had jobs they expected to stay at for a while and didn't plan on returning to school. Two of the girls I didn't know well were engaged and expected to be married before the end of the summer.

"Where are your fiancès?" I asked.

"Off talking with their guy friends," one said.

"They couldn't take the 'girl talk'," the other explained.

"Just like Cody," Yonne added.

Well, you know he's pretty shy around women," I said, "and those comments about his penis size didn't help."

"I really am sorry," Yonne said, "but that's almost all I remembered about him from school. And you didn't help by bringing it to everyone's attention."

"You're right," I admitted. "he might have hung around if I had just let it drop. It's just that I know he's sensitive about it."

"So now that it's just us girls' how big is it?" Diana asked.

I exaggerated a bit and left over an inch between my fingers to show them how big around it was and spread my hands more that a foot apart to show them how long it was.

"Wow!" said someone.

"I don't believe you," Diana said.

"Doesn't it hurt?" asked a third.

"Well I had some difficulty getting it in when we first had sex but it never hurts. We usually use a lubricant to help it get in but Cody is very good at getting me wet and ready so I don't know that we need it. It doesn't fit in my mouth though. I can only lick it"

"I once had a guy with a nine incher," Francis said, "it didn't fit all the way in."

"How did you know it was nine inches?" someone asked.

"He told me," Francis answered. "He had measured it."

"I think they all measure theirs," Trisha claimed. "I've had several guys tell me how big theirs is."

"Even if they measure, I bet they add an inch or more," Diana said.

Francis claimed, "I don't think this guy was lying. I did see it you know."

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago




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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Cody's goes all the way inside me," I bragged. "I guess vaginas are different, some may not stretch as much as others. My doctor seemed surprised when I told him it went all the way in and he was concerned about internal damage and told me what to watch for."

"Right," Diana said sarcastically. "Now I know you are lying about the size."

"Well, maybe a bit," I admitted "but any of you who have seen it pushing out his pants know it's big."

There was a general bout of laughter.

By the time Cody returned, the discussion of penis sizes was long over and we were recounting what had happened to each of us over the first month after graduation.

Cody came up and interrupted the discussion, "I found my mom. Katie is talking to some of your other friends. Your parents and Carly are here too."

I excused myself and went with Cody. "Maybe we can get together again before the end of summer," I suggested before I left.

As we left I asked Cody if he thought his father might let us have a party at the guest house.

"Probably," he replied, "but he may demand we pay the cost and clean-up after. He might pay for the whole thing for a special occasion like a birthday."

Then I asked him where my parents were.

"I don't know. My mom said Katie had seen them here. We'll have to ask her."

Cody had not yet met my parents in person and I proposed that today would be a good time for that, "Let's go find Katie."

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

After a brief greeting to Cody's mom we set off to find Katie. She was at the other side of the bandstand from the other girls. She was with Jade and Alice. Jade, Alice, Kaitie, Brit Reynolds and I had been almost inseparable in secondary school. We had spent most afternoons studying at Jade's home until we had discovered some of her father's X-rated videos and then graduated to sex parties with boys we invited over. When our parents found out we lost the use of Jade's house and, except for Katie and me, were not supposed to be seeing each other.

"Wow, it's good to see you," I exclaimed. "You know Cody, Katies brother, we're going together now."

"Hi" Cody said, quietly.

"Katie's told us all about it," Alice said. "You finished up your love making at Katie's father's place?"

"I guess everything gets tiring after a while," Jade added with a smile.

I noticed Cody blushing again. "Sex with Cody never gets tiring," I told them. "but we like to do other things too."

"I'm so happy for you, Cody," Jade said to him.

"Uhh, what?" Cody stammered out.

"You've liked Suzan since, like, forever," she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked as Cody asked, "Huh?".

"Don't deny it," she said. "Every time we were at your house it was obvious you had your eyes on her."

"Well, maybe," he replied.

"Suzan you must have noticed," she said to me.

"No, I thought he was looking at all of us and too shy to talk."

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By *rumgoodtimeMan  over a year ago

sutton coldfield


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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"The too shy to talk part is sure correct," Jade agreed, "but I don't think he spent much time checking me out. Any way I'm glad to see you got together."

"So, your parents are allowing you out of the house now?" I asked Jade and Alice in order to change the subject. "You can talk to Katie and me now?"

"Well, I sort of told them I was old enough to make my own decisions," Jade said.

"I just kinda decided to do what I want without telling them," Alice claimed. "If they find out I'm with you guys then I guess I'll do what Jade did."

I had to ask about the missing member of our group. "Has anyone heard anything about Bethney? I only know she dropped out of school before graduation."

"She came by my place just before she dropped out. She was pregnant and her mom had thrown her out of the house," Jade told us.

"That's awful!" I exclaimed think of how my mom had been upset but wouldn't have even considered throwing me out of our house when I told her I was worried I might be pregnant.

Jade continued, "My mom didn't like the situation and let her stay at our place. A few days later she just disappeared."

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By *he-ProfessorMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Alice added some detail. "I heard that she was talking to all the boys she had sex with ..."

"That's quite a few," Katie chimed in.

Alice resumed, "She was asking them for money to pay for an abortion. I bet she got a few thousand."

Jade had more to tell, "Bethney's mom called my mom about a week ago. Apparently Bethney had been arrested for prostitution and was asking her mom to bail her out. My mom said that she had said her p*mp could do that."

"Pretty cruel," I told them, "I really feel sorry for her."

"My mom thinks she was reaching out to her mom," Jade said, "and is angry that she was rejected."

"Your mom is angry at Beathney's mom?" Katie asked.

"I think so," Jade answered.

I thought back to our sex parties where Beathney's sexual addiction had begun. "I feel like we caused her to be in this predicament," I said as tears welled up. "She'd never be in this state if we hadn't introduced her to sex."

"She decided to do it too," Jade said.

"She even encouraged us," Katie added.

"I think we all have a responsibility in this," I said with difficulty. Then I gave in to the growing sobs. "Any one of us could probably have stopped it," I squeezed out between the sobs.

Cody hugged me to himself. The others sat in silence and then joined in the hug.

I managed to get myself under control and said, "I had a dream. Cody has been encouraging me to decide what to do with my life so I can take the right courses next year. In the dream an angel carried me above all the people I knew and they were all shouting advice. One small voice came clear above all the others. It was Bethney!"

"Bethney came to you in a dream?" Alice asked.

"Well, I think my mind put Bethney there because what she said fit with her sex addiction."

"So what is it you're supposed to do?" Katie asked.

"The first part is to become a doctor, a gynecologist. The rest I'm keeping to myself."

"So you're going to be a gynecologist because Bethney told you to? In a dream?" Jade asked with some skepticism.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

No, I'm going to be a gynecologist because I am sure it's what I want to do. I think the dream was just my subconscious making it clear to me. Bethney was an effective memory for doing that."

"That's a lot of work," Katie said.

"And money," Jade added.

"I'll find a way," I told them.

I wanted to get to my family so I said, "Katie, Cody says you know where my parents are? Could you tell me?"

She got up, "sure, I'll take you there." Then to Jade and Alice, "I'll be back in a bit"

On the way she commented, "You sure have Bethney on your mind. What brought that on?"

"Ever since she started grabbing every penis she could get her vagina around I started worrying that I might be at fault for her behavior. And then when she left school ..." I felt the tears coming again and didn't finish.

"There they are," Katie said, pointing at my parents a few yards away.

I grabbed Cody's hand tightly and pulled him over.

"Mommy and Daddy, this is Cody," I said.

"Welcome back, princess," Daddy said. "How was your time away?" I could tell he was hoping I wouldn't respond with a scorecard of orgasms and copulations as I had in the past. Even though he and Mommy knew I was having sex with Cody at his dad's guest house they didn't approve. But with my 11 year old little sister Carly's help they reluctantly accepted it.

"I had a great time and Cody and I finished two stories. We have copies for you and Mommy. I hope you will like them."

"I'm sure we will," Mommy said. "It's good to finally meet you, Cody."

Daddy got up and shook Cody's hand. I could tell he wasn't sure what to say. He didn't want to ask about the weekend because he suspected it was just the two of us having sex and that was the last thing he wanted to be talking to Cody about.

Cody broke the ice, "You have a wonderful daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Connelly. She's smart and lively and much more attractive than any girl I thought I would ever be going out with. And she is really getting me out more. I used to just sit around reading and using my computer."

Then he said, "Oh, she made a decision this weekend, tell them, Suzan!"

"What decision?" I asked and then realized what he meant. "Cody has been after me to decide on a course for college. He says it's not a good idea to just take a few general courses; I need to be working on what I want right from the beginning. Anyway, this weekend I decided I am going to be a medical doctor, a gynecologist."

Mommy and Daddy were stunned. I expected their jaws to drop but they managed to keep their mouths shut.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Mommy spoke first, "That's a lot of work. And your grades weren't that great."

"A's and B's," I reminded her, "that's not terrible."

"But the A's were in English and History, and don't forget the C in Biology. I think that's important if you're going into medicine.

"And you skipped Chemistry because you thought it would be difficult," Daddy added. "You'll need to make that up. And then there's the cost."

"I'll manage the cost," I said. "I plan to keep my job while going to the Community College. I was just coasting in secondary school. I know I can do well if I put my mind to it and I really want this. I know it's right for me."

"You should talk to one of the guidance counselors at the college right away so you know what is expected," Mommy said.

"I want to talk to Dr. Jobs too," I said. "I bet he can help me know what to expect."

"I think that's a very good idea," Mommy told me. "Do you want me to make an appointment?"

"I can do that myself," I told her. "This is my decision and my life."

"See, I told you she is an amazing woman," Cody announced with a huge smile.

That evening I sat in Cody's arms and watched the fireworks. "These can't compare to a night with you," I whispered to him.

After leaving the park. Cody dropped me off at home. I took my bag and copies of the stories. I kissed Cody passionately and reminded him to give copies of the stories to his mom and Katie.

The next day Carly was in when I got home from work. She asked a question point blank: "Did you have sex?"

"Yes, Carly, we did."

"How many times?"

"Five, I think."

"You can't remember exactly? Wow! Did you have one of those orgasm things?"

"Yes I did, six or seven."

"Boy, you must have had a great time."

"Yes I did and not just because of the sex."

When Mommy came home. I gave her the copies of the stories. She told me, "Your father and I were both impressed with Cody. He is quite a young man and from what he said I think he cares a great deal for you."

"I like him a lot too, Mommy."

"He was not quite what I expected."

"What do you mean? I told you how smart and nice he was."

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *he-ProfessorMan  over a year ago


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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By *aughtywifeyWoman  over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Well.." there was a long pause as she debated to say what she had in mind. "I want you to know this does not in any way detract from my opinion of Cody. In fact it enhances my opinion of him as your choice. It makes me feel even more like he is good for you."

"What is it?"

"I guess I was expecting a more physically attractive boy."

"Mommy, Cody is not ugly!"

"Of course he isn't, sweetheart. It's just that when a young girl falls in love so quickly, or thinks she is in love, it's often a physical attraction."

"Mommy, Cody is really cute, he's just a bit overweight."

"Yes, dear, I agree he is really cute."

Carly, couldn't resist, "He's also a little bit pimply and has kind of a big nose."

I got angry, "Carly, stop it! Mommy tell her not to say bad things about Cody!"

"Carly, no more of that, I mean it!" Mommy said.

"Suzan," Mommy said, "Cody is a wonderful boy and from all the evidence will grow into a wonderful man. Carly, his pimples will go away and physical appearance is over-rated. Suzan, your father and I want you to know that we are happy that you and Cody are together."

At dinner Mommy and Daddy told me they thought both stories were great. Mommy said she cried at the end of the space one.

"I hoped you might like that one," I said, "I kind of modeled Apllo and Diane on you and Daddy."

"Well that's quite a compliment Suzan," Mommy said.

"There's a bit of Cody and me there too," I said. "We acted out most of the scenes and tried to imagine how we might feel if it were us. Cody came up with the ending, isn't it fabulous!"

Yes it is dear, 'fabulous'."

"Oh, there's something you might be very interested in about the pipeline story," I said.

"What's that, princess?" Daddy asked.

"Well, you know the end where the couple get into bed together?"

"Yes," Mommy answered.

"Well, when we wrote that we kind of assumed that meant they would have sex."

"I suppose most readers would," Daddy said. I could see he feared another orgasm box score was coming.

"Well when we were finished Cody and I went to bed together." I could see them preparing for the inevitable.

"We had a most wonderful night." Daddy had his eyes closed in preparation for what was coming.

"We had a night where we cuddled together but had no sex at all." I watched the relief wash over them.

"Not only didn't we have sex but it may have been the best night of all of them. I realized that the couple in the pipeline story after such an ordeal would probably only want to be together and relax. I don't think they had sex. At least not that night."

"I appreciate your interpretation, dear," Mommy said.

"You and daddy must have a lot of nights like that. Sometimes I worried that since you weren't having sex every night that maybe you weren't as close as I want you to be. Now I realize that nights without sex can bring you closer than nights with sex." I gave them each a big hug and a kiss.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

As I was getting ready for bed I remembered something and went downstairs in my pajamas. "Daddy," I said.

"What princess?"

"Do you have a big penis?"

"Princess, that's an inappropriate question!"

"Oh, that's not really what I want to talk about. It came out wrong. Let me start over. Daddy, you know Cody has a big penis."

"Yes, I think you have mentioned it several times. Is this really something we should be talking about?"

"Yes, I have an important question. Well, anyway, sometimes his big penis has an erection and sticks way out and everyone can see it. I understand some of the girls at high school called him "Cody the Cock" because of it. Well, you can imagine how embarrassing it is."

"Yes I can, Princess. What does that have to do with me?"

"Well, mommy said something that led me to believe you have a big penis too and I never see yours sticking out. I wondered if you had some method to keep from getting an erection that I could tell Cody about."

"Well, Princess, all men, even me, sometimes have erections when they don't want it."

"I never see yours."

"Well maybe you aren't looking." He thought for a bit. "What kind of underwear does Cody wear?" he asked.

"I don't know, what kinds are there?"

"Well, I specifically mean does he wear boxers or briefs?"

"What's the difference?"

He took me up to his bedroom and took a pair of his underwear out of the drawer. "These are briefs," he said.

Looking at his underwear was disgusting, "EEuugh!" I responded, "Cody's are nothing like that. They are more like shorts or swim trunks."

"Those are boxers," Daddy said. "If Cody were to wear briefs then they would hold his penis next to his body so they wouldn't stick out. The bulge in his pants might get a little bigger but it wouldn't be so noticeable. That's what happens with mine."

"Thank you, Daddy, I will tell him that."

The next day at Mrs. Bakers she told me how much she enjoyed the stories, "Especially the space one."

"I think that's my favorite too. Cody came up with the ending. Isn't it fabulous."

"Yes it is. He tells me he was inspired by a particularly exciting sexual experience the night you finished it. He called it a 'death-defying' sexual experience. I shouldn't ask, but what does he mean by that?"

"Mrs. Baker, do you really want the details?"

"Perhaps you can start with an overview."

"Well Mrs. Baker first I did something that I thought would increase the sensitivity of Cody's penis. Then I kept pumping on his penis while he was ejaculating. I don't know exactly about how men feel when they have an orgasm but from what Cody and my dad say their penis becomes really, really sensitive. Cody said he thought he would die because the pleasure was so intense."

"Thank you, dear. That was probably more than I need to know and I don't think I need the details."

I started up the stairs and she called after me, "Suzan."

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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

She said, "My curiosity has the better of me and I have to ask this against my better judgment. Just what did you do to 'increase the sensitivity of Cody's penis'?"

"Mrs. Baker, I pulled back his foreskin and put the condom on so that it kept the foreskin pulled back. That way the sensitive areas which are usually covered by his foreskin were exposed to the feeling of my vagina rubbing against them."

"Thank you for telling me, Suzan. You are a clever young girl."

"Mrs. Baker, I was wondering. Do you think a boy who is circumcised will be more sensitive because he has no foreskin covering that area or does he get kind of desensitized by having them exposed all the time?"

"I don't know, Suzan and I expect the question can't exactly be answered since different men almost certainly have different sensitivities."

"Oh, Mrs. Baker the one time Cody and I had sex without a condom I could feel his foreskin being pulled back as it pushed into my vagina. When he wears a condom, the condom keeps the foreskin in place. I bet a condom makes his penis less sensitive."

"Suzan that is more information than I want or need. Please continue to use a condom."

"Okay, we will."

I went up and told Cody what my dad had said about wearing briefs.

"Thanks, Suzan, my dad told me the same thing. Check these out." He lowered his trousers. He was wearing tight briefs that showed every bit of his balls and penis.

"Wow!, sexy!" I said and felt them. They felt like silk, "Wow! Very Sexy!"

I couldn't help caressing Cody's cock through the briefs. I tilted my head up to him and we kissed. I kept rubbing one hand over his growing cock while using the other to feel the smoothness of his butt through the silken fabric.

He moved his hands up and down my back and sides then moved his lips to my neck and kneaded it with his lips and caressed it with his tongue. I pushed his open jeans down and they fell to his ankles. As they hit the floor Cody reached under my blouse and unhooked my bra. I reluctantly stopped rubbing his cock, unbuttoned my blouse and moved my arms to allow the blouse and bra to fall. I immediately returned my hands to his private parts.

I felt the cock straining against the fabric which was holding it down and not letting it grow to full size. Cody used one of his hands to reach inside and pull the cock so it was pointed straight up inside the briefs. In that position it quickly grew to full size but was held against his body by the fabric. The top two or three inches emerged from the waistband and I lowered my head to cover it with kisses and lick it all over. My hands gently massaged his balls. shaft and butt through the silk while Cody stroked my hair and back.

In two quick motions I pulled his briefs to the floor and then my skirt and panties. I rose and fell back onto his bed with my legs spread. Cody removed his shirt and then lay down next to me and began to lightly run his fingers over my breast and then down to my navel and back again. I relaxed and ran my fingers through his hair.

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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By *aughtywifeyWoman  over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By *he-ProfessorMan  over a year ago


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By *lim_jim1964Man  over a year ago


Wonderful thread ?? ??

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

My relaxation slowly turned into rising feelings of excitement as Cody's fingers moved over my breasts and stroked down my tummy, each circuit of his hands reaching lower on my body. I turned my head and noticed the door. "Cody, your bedroom door is open, Katie or your mom might walk by and see us."

"Does it bother you or excite you to have it open?" he asked, not pausing in stroking my body.

"I would prefer it closed." I said.

He quickly rose, shut it and returned to his ministrations, this time also kissing and licking my nipples.

His fingers drew close to my crotch and then when the next circuit of my body should have brought them to my clit they instead bypassed it and went to the inside of my thighs.

As he kissed my nipples and stroked from breast down my tummy to the inside of my thighs and then around to my butt and up my sides I arched my back in anticipation and hope that he would soon begin paying attention to my clit and vagina. He continued to ignore them until I could stand it no longer. As his fingers approached my clit I put my hand on his and guided the fingers to where I wanted them.

A soon as I did that he lifted his head from my breasts and moved it between my legs. He continued to stroke my thighs with his fingers as he licked my vaginal lips from clit to butt. I arched my back as much as I could and then relaxed it over and over in time with his movement.

He moved his hips to my head and presented his magnificent beast of a cock to my lips. As I began to kiss the tip and lick inside the foreskin I felt his fingers move inside my vagina and his tongue concentrate on my clit. I felt the orgasm coming on and fought to prolong the pleasure. As I fought I heard myself squeaking loudly. "Katie is in the next room," I thought, "and Cody's Mom is downstairs, maybe in the upstairs hallway." I tried to keep my mouth closed to keep the sound down. I couldn't both keep my voice quiet and prolong the exquisite anticipation of orgasm. It quickly became apparent I could do neither. I screamed in delight as the wonderful, familiar feeling shot through my body. My vagina and abdomen convulsed.

Cody immediately moved the beast from one set of lips to the other. I felt it caress my clit and then nuzzle the curtains covering my vaginal cave. I spread my legs wider and lifted my hips to allow easier entry. The beast slid inside and filled me. I gasped in pleasure. I gasped again and again at the familiar, but always enjoyable feeling of the beast filling me and then withdrawing.

This was the first time we had done this in Cody's room and I realized his bed was not quiet. The headboard banged the wall in time with movement of the beast within me. The springs creaked in counterpoint. I realized that the wall was shared with Katie's room. "Cody, Katie can hear," I said.

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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

So Cody picked up the pace and put on a show for the whole house

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By *aughtywifeyWoman  over a year ago


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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I hear her and John all the time. Now I can return the pleasure," he said and pumped all the harder making the headboard bang all the louder and the bed squeak all the more.

I ignored the clatter and pulled him tightly to me while reveling in the pleasure he and his beast gave. His strokes quickened and his thrusts deeper. He moaned repeatedly and then with a loud groan he thrust in hard! I felt the beast leap inside me and its fluid stream through and into the condom he had put on without me even being aware of it. I thrust my hips up against his to increase his pleasure and in the process brought myself to ecstasy. My Vagina began pumping the semen out of him and I yelled in delight, repeatedly thrusting my hips against his. Finally we collapsed in a mutual embrace and passionate kiss.

"Quite a show," Katie had opened the door and was standing in the room with her mother in the doorway behind her.

"I see you are enjoying yourselves," Cody's mom said, "I wish you could be a bit quieter about it."

"Mom!" Cody said, pushing his cock further inside me. I guess it was an attempt at modesty.

"Katie!" I said, trying to cover myself with Cody's body. "A little privacy!"

Katie giggled and her mother said, "Sorry, but you were making such a racket and when we came in to see if anything was wrong I guess we just couldn't take our eyes off you. You do seem to enjoy doing that so much."

"Mom," Cody said quietly, still keeping his manhood buried in my womanhood, "You knew very well what we were doing and what the sounds meant. Katie and John make the same noises."

"What?" Katie shouted.

"Not as loud as the ones you made," Mrs. Baker said in way of an excuse. "I really did think you might break through the wall. Maybe you could try putting a pillow behind the headboard next time."

They left and as the door closed I heard Katie ask, "Am I really as loud as Suzan?" The door shut before I could hear the answer.

"That was embarrassing," I said with a laugh.

"Yes, it was," Cody responded, "but for some reason I don't feel too embarrassed. It was more ..., like ..., funny.

I guess there was no reason to close the door."

"That's for sure," I said. "Maybe you should get a lock for it". I laughed and wrapped my legs around his butt, pulled his shrinking cock further into me and gave him a kiss.

We relaxed quietly for a while until I said, "I think I should be getting home. I want to talk with Katie a bit before I leave."

I got up and dressed while Cody lay naked on the bed with his magnificent cock relaxed over his balls. I kissed it, "Good bye for now, beast," and then kissed Cody while stroking his beast and balls.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

As I entered Katie's room she said, "Wow, that was something, you guys really were going at it."

"You knew very well what was going on," I said, "you didn't need to come in."

"My mom was going to go in anyway," she replied. "she knew what was going on but was concerned you would break something. It was really loud!"

"Well, I didn't intend to make love today but I couldn't resist," I told her.

"You couldn't resist? Why was that?"

"Corey has new underwear, it's something else. You should see them," I said. "You have to see them! Come with me."

I dragged her to Cody's room and told him, "show your new underwear to Katie. She has to see them!"

"What?" he gasped out and moved to his dresser.

"No, she needs to see them on you, drop your pants!"

"What?" both he and Katie said in unison.

"Come on, she can't understand what I am trying to tell her unless she sees them on you. Please just drop your pants. She'll maybe see you in them sometime anyway."

"We may live in the same house but we don't run around in our underwear!" Katie exclaimed.

"Please, just show her, Cody," I pleaded, emphasizing it with a kiss.

"Well, okay," he said and shyly unbuckled, unzipped and lowered his jeans.

"Oohhh!" Katie said, "I see what you mean!"

"Feel them," I told her stroking his cock through the silky fabric.

Again they said, "what?" in unison.

"Just feel them," I said, "you can't get the full effect without feeling them." I caressed his balls.

"Well ..., okay," Katie said and ran a couple of fingers along the side of his hip.

"Come on," I said grasping her hand. "really feel them," and I put her fingers against his balls.

"Suzan!" she said, yanking her hand away. "Cody's my brother. I am not going to feel him up."

"I just want you to see why I couldn't resist," I told her as I stroked his cock and balls myself.

"I understand," she said. "I don't need to feel his cock to know what you mean! Eeuugh!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I was continuing to stroke his privates and all the time my pulse was quickening and the feeling of joy I experienced being with him was filling me.

"In fact," I said, removing my blouse, "I can't resist again."

"Suzan!" Katie said as my bra came off.

"I want you again," I told Cody, slipping out of my skirt and panties. I lay down on the bed and spread my legs, "take me!"

"I'm still here," Katie said.

I continued stroking Cody's penis through the thin, smooth fabric. Cody had removed his shirt and kicked off his pants. He stuffed his pillow behind the headboard.

"Kaitlyn could you bring another pillow?" I asked. "I want to put one under my hips to make it easier for Corey's beast to enter."

Katie left and actually brought in another pillow. While she was out of the room I told Cody, "I just want the beast in my cave, I don't need any foreplay, I am completely ready."

Cody put the pillow under my hips, positioned his beast and thrust it in quickly and completely. I gasped at the thrill of the entry.

Kaitie had quickly left the room. I was completely absorbed with the feeling of Cody and his beast moving in and out of me.

"So, to you I'm just a pair of underpants?" Cody said as he moved his cock in, out and around.

"No, of course not," I smiled, "those underpants would be nothing without the beast inside them."

"So, I'm just underpants and a big cock."

"Cody, you better not be seriously thinking that!" I kissed him and said, "I want YOU, big cock or small cock, underpants or not. Those are just big bonuses!"

Cody had not had time to put on a condom and that was what I wanted. Without a condom I could feel his foreskin pulling back as the beast entered and rolling back over the tip as the beast moved out. The little additional sensations brought a special pleasure and Cody's light moans led me to believe that he had more pleasure this way too. I tried to imagine what it might feel like to him as the foreskin exposed sensitive parts of his penis to my vaginal walls. I expected that the sensation of the foreskin rolling back and forth would give him a special excitement just as it did for me.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

The thoughts brought me a different sort of orgasm. Usually my orgasm begins as a slow feeling of excitement and then shoots suddenly from my clit into my vagina bringing the throes of ecstasy. This time my vagina started having little pulses. The feeling of each pulse would move from my vagina to my clit where it would explode in an ecstatic sensation. The pulses were more like those that usually weakened as my climax wore off. This time they slowly strengthened, each time with more feeling and intensifying explosions in my clit. I began shrieking, as quietly as I could, with each explosion.

The pillow kept the headboard from hitting the wall for a while but then our activity loosened it and it began slipping down. As it did so, the head board began lightly tapping the wall and then hitting it harder and harder. The sound of the headboard corresponded with the strength of the feelings rising in my clit and the bangs occurred just as my clit exploded. I began to laugh with each bang and push my hips into Cody with each clitoral explosion.

I also realized that the pulses and feeling were not starting in my vagina, they were beginning in my tummy just below my belly button. I imagined my uterus hungering for Cody's sperm . I began thinking with each bang on the wall, with each pulse of my vagina, and with each explosion in my clit, "My uterus wants this man's baby inside, and I do too."

The thought was drowned out by a strong vaginal spasm, and an unbearably pleasurable explosion in my clit as I began a full fledged orgasm. The orgasm quickly brought Cody to climax and, for the second time in my life, I felt his semen streaming through his cock, into my vagina, along its walls, out the opening and onto my butt.

As my vaginal, pulses weakened and Cody's cock stopped its jerking and no more liquid was spurting into my vagina I felt a warm, slippery, yet sticky pool under me. "I think we may have made a mess on your bed," I told him.

His hand moved down my back and under my butt. He held it up for examination, "You may be right," he laughed.

I licked the substance from his fingers and then brought his lips to mine.

We lay quietly, kissing and caressing as the beast relaxed inside me. Finally, we arose. "I need to wash this off," I said, feeling my rear.

"Use the shower," Cody told me.

"I'll need to go out in the hallway," I said.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Given what has been going on today I don't think either Katie or my mom will be surprised to see you naked."

"I guess you're right," I admitted and, a bit sheepishly, walked quickly to the bathroom. I could feel semen running down the insides of my thighs. No one saw me.

I washed off and, after peeing, noticed that semen was still oozing out. I debated whether several layers of tissue would keep it from getting onto my panties and then went to the door. "Katie," I called quietly, "Katie."

She came out of her room, "what do you want?"

"Do you have a pad I can use?" I asked.

"Is your period beginning?" she asked.

"No. Bring me the pad and I will explain."

She came back and sat on the edge of the tub as I wiped off semen that had come out and explained why I wanted the pad.

"I never realized how big his penis really is," she said when I finished. "It's, like, twice as big as Johnny's. I'm surprised it went all the way in, and so easily. Doesn't it hurt?"

"No, not at all," I said in a matter of fact tone. "It feels fabulous ... Damn! My panties are in Cody's room."

"I guess you'll just have to put the pad on in front of him," Katie laughed. "He might as well get used to it."

I went back to Cody's room awkwardly holding the pad to my crotch as I walked.

"What's that?" he asked innocently.

"It's a pad Katie gave me to help the semen from running out on to my panties I said as I put it in my panties and pulled them on.

"A 'pad'?" he asked. "Why would she have a pad to keep semen from running out?"

"It's not for semen." I said with a somewhat exasperated feeling.

"Not for semen, then what ..." he stopped as realization hit him, "oohh."

"Right," I said, "right."

I was late for dinner at home and left quickly. On the way out I passed Mrs. Baker. She had a big grin. "you sure seemed to enjoy yourself this afternoon."

"Yes I did," I said.

"So you're giving up on the guest house?" she said with a laugh.

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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

Another fantastic story

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By *aughtywifeyWoman  over a year ago


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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Mrs. Baker, you know we aren't. I just couldn't help myself this afternoon. Cody showed me his new underwear. Have you seen it?"

"Well he showed me what he had bought and told me why. So they look pretty spectacular when he wears them?" she said.

"Spectacular is an understatement! And they way they feel ... " I was feeling ready to go back up and get another dose of semen.

"Well I'm glad you liked them." she said, adding, "and I would guess Cody is too.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

For the rest of the summer I met with Cody and his friends every Monday and Wednesday and would go with Cody to watch them fly the planes on Saturdays. I tried my hand at flying with limited success. Cody had an RC flight simulator on his computer but I did even more poorly with that. Usually after a morning of flying we would all go out for pizza. Afterwards Cody and I would go to the guest house for an afternoon of swimming, sex, swimming, and an evening of more sex.

One Saturday as we were driving to Cody's father's I started feeling really 'horny' in anticipation of our sexual activity. I started stroking my crotch with one hand and Cody's with the other. I felt his penis start to grow and that made me even more excited. I tingled thinking of the pleasure his huge cock would give me.

We always swam naked and today Cody's father and girl friend, Murianne were sunbathing by the pool. They were naked too as is the general custom at his father's house. I never see them in the pool, they just sun bathe and go in the big hot tub. There is also a small hot tub for the guest house occupants.

We got to the guest house, disrobed and went out to swim. I couldn't keep my eyes off Cody's half erect cock and when we were in the pool I would keep brushing against it. I would even dive underwater and give it kisses while pulling at it or his balls with my hands. He started to get in the game and massaged my nipples or breasts or push his hand into my twat when I came up for air.

Finally I jumped up on him with my legs around his hips and pushed my crotch down onto his now fully erect cock. I felt the tip push in and I pulled up and lowered myself onto it again. This time I felt it go in and begin to push down Corey's foreskin. A couple of tries later it had gone in almost no farther. Like I said, Corey has a huge cock, and it needs good lubrication to get inside me. The water in the pool was washing away my natural lubrication which would normally have been sufficient given my state of arousal.

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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I need you inside me, now," I told him. "Can we get out of the pool?"

I jumped off him and quickly swam to the stairs out of the pool and ran to our towels. I dried the outside of my sex parts and straightened Cody's towel as he came out of the pool. His penis, which I call 'the beast' looked over a foot long and over three inches in diameter as it pointed almost straight up into the sky. I took my towel and dried it off. "Lay down," I said pointing to his towel and he did.

I straddled him with my vaginal entrance over the beast and moved down onto it. I grabbed it with one hand and moved it back and forth over my labia, separating them with its tip. "I love the way your beast nuzzles the curtains at the entrance to my cave," I said. We call my vagina, a 'cave', a home for 'the beast'. I pushed myself down onto it and felt the tip enter, pushing against the walls. I pushed some more and felt my vagina roll back his foreskin. His penis is so big that I can feel every part of it inside me.

I pulled up and pushed down again. As I did that Cody said, "Suzan, My Father and Murianne are here, they might see us."

I felt the tip of his cock reach my cervix. It filled my vagina completely and squeezed my natural lubricating juices out onto his shaft so it could enter easily. I pushed down bringing it further and further in. Just as the width had stretch my vagina to its limit so now, the length stretched and stretched. I moaned with pleasure. My butt reached his legs and my crotch encountered my hips. There was no more to enter. "Your beast feels so good inside my cave," I said. I added, "Your father and Murianne know what we do here. Didn't your father say that if we aren't having sex then he didn't know why he was letting us use the guest house?"

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Well, yes, but," he looked to the side. "Muraraine is watching us."

She was behind me so I couldn't see but told Cody as I began pumping up and down on him, "That arouses me even more, my prince, I think I am a bit of an exhibitionist."

"I think so too, princess," Cody gasped out as I continued to stroke up and down. He had his hands on my waist and moved them down to my butt then around to the front and up my tummy to my breasts. He lightly pinched my hardened nipples, squeezed my breasts, ran his hands to the sides and down to my waist.

As I moved up and the beast moved out of me I could feel the foreskin roll up and fill the gap to its tip. At the same time I felt my inner labia being pulled out of my vagina and stretching pulling some of my vagina out with it. As I moved down and the beast dove into my cave I felt its foreskin roll back against the shaft. Meanwhile it pulled my inner labia inside my vagina with it. As it pulled, the hood was pulled away from my swollen clit and my clit was pulled against the beast as it stroked past. A tingle of excitement and pleasure shot through my abdomen each time.

Cody said, "they're doing it too! Murianne is on top of my father, riding him like you're riding me. My father cant see us though" He reached up behind my back and pulled me to him, giving me a big kiss. I buried my breasts in his chest hair and moved them back and forth, enjoying the roughness against my sensitive nipples. In this position I was unable to continue my rhythm but Corey picked it up, thrusting in and out with his hips as we kissed, tongues entwining.

He released the kiss and I straightened up to continue riding him. I watched as he tightened the muscles in his face. That meant he was holding back his ejaculation. I rode him harder and faster. One, two, three, four and he came!

He grunted, jerked his hips up and I felt his penis throb inside me. Because the fit was so tight I could feel the semen rushing through the shaft and pulled up to make room at the tip. I felt the warm fluid push into the space between the tip of his cock and my cervix. I pushed down and the piston of his penis filled my vagina. With no room to do anything else the seminal fluid rushed along the side between cock and vaginal wall and out onto his pubic hair, hips and balls. I pulled up again as his hips jerked again and another wad of semen emerged with the throb of his penis. I pushed down again and again the semen squirted down onto his pubes. The tingle of orgasm rose with in me. Two more thrusts with Cody's ejections and as I rose a shudder of delight shot from my genitals through my body. I dropped myself down on him and my vagina clamped onto the beast inside it. I began to pull up and he came up with me as my body shuddered again. My abdomen joined my vagina in the frenzy and I collapsed onto his chest savoring the sensation as rapturous waves rippled through me . The waves dissipated and I felt reluctance as the beast diminished inside me. It was long enough that it could stay inside me even when relaxed but my position this time would not allow that. Sadly it pulled out and came to rest nuzzling my clit.

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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I lay on Cody's chest stroking one of his nipples as he caressed my back in the warm sunlight. I became aware of the heat, realized that much of my sunblock had likely washed off in the water. I rose telling Cody, "We need to get inside, I am going to burn here, if I'm not burnt already."

As I got up I noticed the semen on his pubic hair and hips. "You need to wash off, do you want to jump in the pool?" I asked.

"I have a better idea. How about the hot tub?" he suggested.

I grabbed the towels and ran to the small hot tub next to the guest house. It was shaded from the afternoon sun by the house. As Cody came up I showed him the mess of semen drying on his towel. "You'll have to use mine when we get out," I told him.

I sat over one of the jets as Cody turned it on and luxuriated in the feeling as it warmed and bubbled into my vagina and over my clit. When Cody got in I sat next to him and began wiping the coagulated semen from his belly and balls. Then I started pulling it out of his pubic hair.

"Do you like me just because of the sex?" he asked.

"Of course not," I said, continuing to pull semen from his privates. "Do you like me just because of my perky breasts, my cute figure, my round butt and my soft vagina?"

"No, but I do like those things," he replied.

"Well, I wouldn't be here if it were just the sex," I said. Though I do like your manly body."

He laughed. Cody is a bit overweight. "I'm serious," I said, "I like how comfortable it is to lie against." I massaged his belly and then his breasts which had a bit of fatty tissue. "Please don't become a skeleton or a hard muscle man. I don't think I would like putting my head against or lying next to hard bones or muscle. I do notice you have lost some weight."

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By *aughtywifeyWoman  over a year ago


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By *lumbercoupleCouple  over a year ago

Vera Playa

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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Because of you. I don't snack as much and we get out and around more than I used to. Without you I'd be sitting at home reading with a bag of chips next to me."

"So, our having sex keeps you from eating?" I joked.

"Well, that and other things. I asked about the sex because I keep thinking that it was our sexual encounter that brought us together."

I thought and replied, "you're right about that, I didn't know you and care about you until then. Magnificent as the sex was, that's not why I'm with you. It was the care you showed for me that night and the things I learned about you when we talked. Without that I might have gone back to having sex with other guys. Now I can't imagine being with anyone else."

"Well, you know, I cared about you much before that. I would watch you with Katie and then when we did talk you were always so nice and friendly. I would have loved a date without the sex."

"I think it was Katie who came up with that idea," I said. "You could have just asked me out."

"I was afraid, I guess, but I'm more than happy with the way things have turned out."

"Me too," I replied, snuggling tighter against his soft body.

After dinner I called my parents to tell them I wouldn't be home until Sunday. They were used to that. I was almost always out late with Cody on Saturday nights and usually stayed over with him at the guest house. My parents weren't too fond of the idea but accepted that Cody and I were sexually active.

I told Cody that we should let his friends know that we have sex. He thought they might be jealous or would look down on me. He also worried that they would think I was an easy girl and hit on me. I told him that they weren't either the guys I thought they were, or his friends, if that's the way they thought. I felt it would be better to tell them than have them find out some other way. He said that I was probably right but was concerned anyway.

Then I told him that I should also probably tell them about the "5F's." The "5F's" was a group of girls who had sex with several boys. The "5F's" name was made up by kids in the school. It wasn't clear exactly what it stood for but one of the meanings was "Five Fabulous Fantasy Fucking Females." Almost all of the various acronyms had "Five", "Fucking" and "Female" in the meaning but the other two words were seldom as complimentary as "Fantasy" and "Fabulous". Cody's sister and I were two of the "5F's". That all happened before Cody and I got together.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"That might really make them think that you are an 'easy girl'," he said. "I don't think you should do that."

"I don't want them finding out and talking behind my back," I said. "I would rather confront the situation head on."

"I understand, but chances are they will never find out," he replied.

"Well, I think otherwise and you can't stop me from telling them!" I was getting angry.

"No, I can't but I think it's a bad idea."

"Why? Do you think I am an 'easy girl' because of the '5F's'?" I felt furious at him.

"Well I know you now. And, to be honest, I wasn't sure when I first found out about Katie and the rest of you."

"So, that's why you had sex with me the first time!"

I'll leave the rest of our disagreement to your imagination. At the time I was so angry that I couldn't stay at the guest house and had Cody drive me home Saturday night. My parents were happy to see me home but I stormed into my bedroom and slammed the door without talking.

The next day my head was clearer. To be honest I didn't blame Cody for thinking how he did but I was embarrassed about my participation. I was really angry at myself, not Cody. I think I had been kind of an 'easy girl'. I would never have had sex with Cody just because his sister asked me to if it hadn't been for the '5F' situation. On reflection I realized that despite my embarrassment I was happy for it because I believed it had been a part of me getting with Cody.

So I went to Cody's and made up with him. We agreed that I wouldn't tell his friends about the '5F's' unless his friends heard about it separately and then I would admit my involvement.

I had been thinking about his friends and how they always asked me how to talk to girls and seemed to be disappointed that they didn't have girlfriends like Cody did. Now they were my friends too and it bothered me. I decided to tell Cody about an idea I had.

"Cody," I said, "Your friends really need to be more comfortable with girls. I have a thought. It's a bit wild but hear me out."

"I'm listening."

"My idea is that first you and I give them a live female anatomy lesson."

"Suzan, you are proposing you get naked and show them your sexual organs?"

"Yes, in glorious and complete detail."

"Suzan, that can get you in trouble again."

"I don't think so, we would just be helping them understand exactly what a woman's parts look like. I think that will get them more comfortable with girls. There is more to the idea."

Cody said, "I hesitate to think what that might be."

I explained my entire plan. Cody objected to most of it but I told him how I thought it would really help his friends and maybe introduce them to some girls.

Cody replied, "Either that or traumatize them."

"Cody, this would not be a trauma to anyone and I'm not forcing anything."

The next week, Cody arranged with his father to let he and his friends study in the guest house and use the pool.

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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I introduced the idea to the fly group of Cody's friends who built and flew RC airplanes. While working on their large B-17 model I said, "I had a thought. Will you promise to keep a secret?"

They all agreed and I proceeded, "I think you guys need to better understand sex and in particular, a girl's sex parts. I suspect you have only seen pictures."

They had stopped their work and were staring at me speechless, I went on, "I propose we get together next week and Cody and I will show you what a girl's sex organs really look like and answer questions. You would need to keep it quiet. What do you think?"

A couple of the guys seemed reluctant but the others were enthusiastic. I said, "OK, we will meet with any who want to come Saturday after next. We will meet at the hobby shop and tell you how to get where we are going then."

Cody also contacted a few mutual friends who were not "the fly guys" and Saturday we all drove over to the Guest House. Cody introduced them to the gate guard and got them through.

About 11 boys showed up along with one girl, Sallie. Sallie was tall and real thin, not particular attractive nor with much of a figure. She had some traits that, I guess, might make her sexy to some guys. She occasionally dated some guys but seemed to be the female equivalent of many of Cody's guy friends.

When we went in Cody told them all to wash their hands thoroughly.

I used one of the chairs in the living room. I put a towel on the chair and invited them all to sit around it on the floor. "Don't worry, we'll give everyone a close look," I said.

I began to slowly, and perhaps a bit sensuously, remove my clothes. After taking off my bra I invited them each to come and feel. My breasts are small and conical in shape but my nipples were huge and hard as a rock.

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By *he-ProfessorMan  over a year ago


Can't wait to see what develops

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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By *aughtywifeyWoman  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Once I was completely naked I sat in the chair, raised my knees to my chest and separated my legs. I could feel the stares warming my genitals. "Okay, Cody," I said.

Cody came over and began by pointing out my labia major. "Suzan's are nice and large, they completely hide the minor labia and other organs. Large ones like hers are soft and pliable. Come up and feel them. Notice that her pubic hair is also soft."

Then he spread my labia major and showed them my labia minor. He separated those and pointed out my clitoris and urethra and the entrance to my vagina. "You may all individually come up and feel these parts."

I added, "Feel free to feel inside my vagina."

Cody added, "just inside the entrance to the front of the vagina you can feel a rougher area. That's where the so-called G-spot is located."

Sallie stood up and asked, "Can I show mine too, Cody?"

Cody hesitated. I thought and said, "Sallie, can you wait until Cody and I am finished. Then I will help you show your sexual organs to the boys. Is that okay with everyone?"

All the boys said, "Yes!"

Sallie said, "I guess so." She sat down and I watched her massaging her crotch.

The boys politely felt me and felt inside. Sallie joined in and seemed just as interested. She continued rubbing her crotch out of arousal. When they were done Cody talked about the G-spot and demonstrated how when you touched the proper spot my eyes watered. "Every girl is different in her reaction. If you want to really please her you need to be sensitive to her reactions."

"And listen to what she tells you," I added.

Cody then took the speculum I had obtained from my doctor, inserted it and spread my vagina. "Here is a flashlight, you can look inside and see the conical mound that is her cervix. The tiny hole at the tip is the entrance into her uterus. It's not too hard to imagine microscopic sperm getting in but remember, babies come out through that. You may have heard about 'dilation' during birth. 'Dilation' is how much the cervical opening has expanded."

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

After he finished he removed the speculum and I got up and asked, "Sallie, do you want to come up now?"

She got up slowly and came to the front.

Cody asked everyone to wash their hands again and as they were doing that I whispered, " Sallie are you a virgin? "

"Why?" she asked in a responding whisper.

"I want to know if you have an intact hymen for the boys to see," I said.

"No" she replied in an exasperated tone, "I have had penises inside me before. Two of them are here."

"Okay," I whispered in response, ignoring her tone, "I was hoping to show them a hymen."

When everyone returned Sallie removed her top and bra revealing very small but perfectly formed breasts with large, dark aureoles and large, very hard nipples. She moved among the boys letting them feel her. I could see she was getting really turned on and suspected that she wanted to do this just to feel the boys hands on her.

When she returned I asked her, "are you ready for this?"

"Oh, yes! More than ready!" she replied.

She removed her jeans and panties. She had a very slight waist and almost no hips or butt. Her legs were so thin I thought she might be ano*exic. She had a heavy patch of dark brown pubic hair. I felt it and said, "You notice that Sallie has a lot of pubic hair and it is not so fine as mine but still soft."

Her major labia was plainly visible between her thin legs and I could see the minor labia hanging out below. I pointed this out to the boys before she sat down and separated her legs as I had done. I invited them all to come forward and feel her. She was clearly enjoying every touch.

Then I asked her to separate her major labia. I pointed out her minor labia and a very prominent clitoris both of which were swollen with arousal. "Notice that Sallie has a very prominent clitoris that is quite hard right now from all the touching you guys are doing. Please take it easy as you come up and feel it, I expect it is very sensitive."

Near the end of the guys feeling her I noticed that she was breathing heavily and making little moans with each touch. "Are you okay?" I asked her in a whisper. " You look like you're about to orgasm. "

"I think I am," she responded, "I won't mind if I do."

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By *he-ProfessorMan  over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

I think Sallie is having the most fun

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By *rdiscreet327Man  over a year ago


Loving this latest twist. Keep up the good work OP!

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By *oad runner69Man  over a year ago


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By *aughtywifeyWoman  over a year ago


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By *hippy 1Man  over a year ago

high Wycombe

Brilliant tale, it just gets more intriguing x

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Should I tell everyone that it might happen while they are feeling inside?" I asked.

"I don't know, do what You think is best," she replied.

I noticed that her labia had swollen even more and told everyone, "You can tell Sallie is getting aroused by the way her labia are swelling and pulling apart. You can see her vaginal opening now without anyone holding it open. Okay, Sally can you spread your inner lips to reveal your vagina more completely?"

She obliged. Her vaginal opening was very round and visible. I felt briefly inside to locate her G-spot. "I need someone to determine Sallie's G-spot sensitivity." All the boys raised their hands and I chose Sean.

"Sean put your finger inside and stroke the rougher area very gently while we watch for signs." I told him

He had barely put his finger in when Sallie gasped. "I think maybe she is so aroused already that no fine tuning is necessary," I told everybody. "I think that while we are feeling her vagina and G-spot there is a good chance she will orgasm. What do you think, Sallie?"

"I think so too," she said.

"Okay, please feel inside gently and we can all watch for signs of her orgasm."

She was gasping every time one of the boys put his finger inside or moved it around. The third boy said, "Hey, I can feel her cervix in there. We didn't know about that when we felt inside you, Suzan. Can I feel yours?"

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I thought a bit and decided that would be okay so I got another chair and spread my legs again. I invited the three boys who had already felt inside Sallie to feel me again and then everyone felt me after feeling Sallie.

A couple of boys later Sallie suddenly made a big gasp and let out her breath in a loud "Aahh!" The boy who had his finger inside yelped. "It's squirming and squeezing in there!" he said.

"She is having an orgasm," I said, getting up. "Notice her tummy squeezing and throbbing too. Come feel it."

The boys gathered around and most managed to put their hand on her tummy as it was spasming. A few felt her twitching vagina. The general consensus was, "Cooool!"

Once her orgasm died down, the remainder of the boys had their chance to feel inside us. Sallie still gasped as they felt inside and she had another short vaginal spasm. Her reaction started getting me excited too as they pushed in to feel my cervix but I didn't orgasm.

"Do you want me to show them your cervix with the speculum?" I asked her.

"Yes, please," she said, so I inserted it and spread her vagina. She gasped again as I inserted it.

"I hope you enjoyed the demonstration," I said after all the guys had their look. I could see they had. I continued, "Well, you've all seen me and Sallie pretty intimately so now I think it's your turn."

They looked at each other.

"Could you all get undressed so we can check you out too?" I asked in my sexiest voice.

Cody knew what was coming and was already stripped naked. "You heard the lady, it's only fair," he said with a laugh.

Some reluctantly, some eagerly, some in between, all the boys took off their clothes. "Underpants too!" I said to three who were holding back. All of them were hard and their penises stood out from their bodies.

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By *razysexymale22Man  over a year ago


Awesome keep it up op lol

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

When all were naked, Four or five had their hands covering themselves. I told them, "You should all be proud of your bodies. including your genitals. Be proud, let it hang out." I went pulled a couple of hands apart. "This part of your body can bring a lot of pleasure and happiness to you and to some woman. Not only can it give pleasure but it can result in new life -- a baby who will grow into an adult. The ability to participate in making a new life is something to be proud of but also something to be taken seriously. None of you should use this wonderful part of your body," I jiggled a couple of them, "without considering the other person sharing it with you and both of you must be aware of the new life which is the potential result. If you are not considering each other and the new life then you should keep it zipped up!"

I looked around at them. There wasn't a 'ripped' body or a set of good abs in the bunch. Oh, there were a variety of body shapes and sizes but I don't think many of them had ever seen the inside of a gym since high school. There was also a remarkable lack of tanning if you don't count one of the guys, a hispanic, an African Americans and two Asians whose darker skin didn't come from the sun or a tanning booth.

But skinny, fat, tubby, lean, short and tall I didn't really notice. My eyes were drawn to the variety of penises on display. Besides Cody's huge cock I had seen the ten or so guys that four of my friends and I had sex with four, (or was it five?) months ago. That had been my first time and all that impressed me then was how hard and round they were. I had noticed some variation, like circumcision, but that was only because one of the other girls had brought my attention to it.

This time I looked around and admired the forest of penises in its full variety.

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