By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"You don't need them." I displayed myself to show him, "Come on!" I took off his shirt and bent down to take off his shoes.
He had begun to unzip his pants. I finished the job and stripped both pants and boxers with one motion. My head was about crotch high and I gave his growing cock a brief kiss. I grabbed his cock and led him to the pool with it. I gave Murianne a quick glance, smile and wink as I jumped in. "Come on, Cody, I'll race you to the other end."
I am a faster swimmer than he is and with the head start I was waiting comfortably when he got to me. "You are really the lively one. I gather you had a good time. You sure handled my father calling you a 'piece of ass' well, and what's this about being a 'coquette'?"
"Oh, your father is just trying to compliment you and my appearance with that remark. You were right, he says that sort of thing for you. He has been a perfect gentleman the whole time I have been here. It's only with you around that he does that sort of thing."
"And she's been running around naked practically the whole time, flirting shamelessly with him." Katie had come over.
"Ahhh, the coquette," Cody said.
"I just wanted to be sure he wasn't looking at me for himself. His lack of reaction convinced me he wasn't."
I jumped on Cody and unsuccessfully tried to get his cock to enter me underwater.
"Suzan! There are others present," Katie complained.
"Oh, sorry, seeing Cody has excited me so much!"
"Try to control yourself a bit and maybe put a cork in it. I don't mean your mouth."
"Katie, I am sorry. I gave her a hug. It's been lovely being here with you."
"I haven't been sure of that with the time you've spent with Murianne and running around naked flirting with my father."
"Oh Katie," I brushed away a tear forming in her eye. "I guess I did get a bit carried away with playing the flirtatious nymphomaniac but it was such a fun role to play. And I did find out what I wanted to know about your father and also some things about Murianne.
I told them, "Both your father and Murianne seem to think that Cody is like his father, that I am like Murianne and that you, Katie, are like your mother."
"That's probably true. That they think that, I mean," Katie said
"Well Cody is not like his father! You may be like your mother and that's a good thing."
Katie responded to my statement, "I don't think I am like my mom in the way they think. For starters I don't think I will marry a man like my father. My mom is inoculating me against that. For another they don't think she is very smart or clever because she didn't take him for all he was worth. She only got enough to live comfortably in a suburban house along with the trust funds for Cody and I and even those aren't huge, just enough for college and to give us a good start. What they don't realize is that's all she wanted. She didn't like living in this huge mansion. She didn't like that we might become spoiled brat, rich kids. All she wanted was to live and raise us like most. That's what she got."
"But, ... Katie and Cody, I am worried that I am like Murianne."
Katie said, "You aren't at all like her. You are not a schemer, out for comfort and money, and you don't use your body to get what you want."
"Sometimes I am not sure. Katie, please promise to tell me if you see the slightest hint that I am like her or am taking advantage of Cody."
"Well, you may be taking advantage of Cody. You have him wrapped around your little finger even if you don't know it," said Katie with a laugh. Cody looked a bit embarrassed.
"Katie, see, I am like her."
"No you aren't. You aren't 'taking advantage' in the way she does. I will let you know if I think you are acting in a way which will hurt Cody, or yourself. That's the kind of 'taking advantage' she uses."
"Thank you, Katie, you are a real good friend.
"So, should Cody and I 'take advantage' of the guest house or not?" I asked.
"Why not."
"My concern is that it will make it seem more like I am Cody's 'kept woman'. It will confirm your Father's and Murianne's opinion of me."
"Well, I wouldn't spend a lot of time worrying about them. I never let what either of them thinks influence me."
"Me either," Cody added.
"What about other people, will they think that?"
Katie said, "Suzan, you need to do what is right for you."
"What about my mom and dad?"
"Again, what is right for you. I am sure they would prefer you have sex in a nice, safe, private place where you can relax and enjoy yourself than in the back seat of a car or, worse yet, Cody's room." We all three laughed.
Later, when we got out of the pool to go home, Murianne motioned me over. "You are right about Cody's cock! I thought Leslie had a big one. Do you have any trouble getting it in?"
"Not really ... Well maybe a little sometimes, we use a lubricant to be sure."
"Good idea. How far does it go in?"
"All the way!" I exclaimed. "It's a tight fit and really fills me up, I can feel his every movement, even the blood pulsing inside his cock."
"I sounds like you enjoy it."
"Yes, I do."
"I'm glad for you. I love seeing you. Feel free to come talk anytime you are visiting in the guest house."
"OK, I will, 'bye Murianne."
"Goodbye, Suzan."
On the way home, Katie told us more about her night at the concert. She had a great time.
Cody dropped me off at home. As I got out of the car I told them I would like to speak to their mom tomorrow.
I went in and no-one needed to ask me about whether I had a good time as I started telling them all about it before they could ask. All, that is, except the part about my running around nude. |