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Diary Entries

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Pamela has been keeping a diary since she was 9. She started when she received a paper diary as a gift and now keeps it in text files on a thumb drive. At the time of this first entry, Pamel is 18 and starting her first full year at the local college.

Sept 8

First class today. The professor is kind of funny. I hope there's more to the lectures than entertainment. But then I can get most of what I need from the text. Thanks to mom's home schooling I can do that.

Sept 9

Settled in for the chem lab. It's not like last year when I was doing high secondary level chemistry here because we don't have a lab at home and mom isn't that much of a chem expert. If you remember, diary, I had a lab partner for that. This time it's only myself. I prefer that.

Oh, almost forgot. There's this really young guy in the class, maybe only 13 or 14. He's probably one of those smart kids who finished high school at 10 and will be done with college before he's 18. This really attractive girl was waiting for him outside of class. Probably his sister. I'm curious about him.

Sept 14

A different girl met that young guy after lab today. Gorgeous. I'm sure she wasn't his sister. They kissed pretty passionately when they met and she squeezed his butt and slipped her hand into his back pocket when they walked off. He had his arm around her waist. Now I'm really curious about what's going on.

Sept 20

I saw that really young guy walking with another girl today. I can't believe how beautiful they all are. They sure act like girlfriend and boyfriend. He had her hand on her butt and she had hers around his waist. I know I shouldn't have but I kind of followed them and she kissed him on the lips when they got in a car together and drove off. He didn't look to be much older than 15 and she must have been 20.

Sept 23

I think he caught me looking at him in lab today. I messed up my acid measurement and had to start all over. I snuck a peek at his note book. His name is Ronny A different girl met him, That's like the fourth one! This time she seemed much younger, closer to his age and wearing a Care Bears shirt. I thought for sure she might be his sister but I swear she grabbed his crotch when they kissed. Somehow I had the impression the pretty girls went for the strong, well built sports guys. Certainly not the brainy kids. Curiouser and curiouser.

Sept 29

Well it happened. I was eating lunch in the table in the corner where I like to sit and that young guy came into the cafeteria with probably the best looking of the girls that he hangs out with. I couldn't help staring. He saw me and I didn't look away fast enough. He got up and came over to me. I couldn't look at him afraid of what he might say.

I scribbled down every thing that happened afterwards so I wouldn't forget it and could tell it all to you, diary. Here it is:

He sat next to me and said "Excuse me," very politely.

I couldn't look at him and stared into my salad, "Hi".

He said, "I'm sorry. But I think you've been watching me."

I lied "Oh? No, no I haven't".

Him: "Oh, yes. Yes! No doubt about it. Do you know me?"

Me: "No. Except I think we're in the same chem lab."

Him: "I know you've been looking at me."

I decided to admit the truth "Well, I guess I have," I kept examining my salad.

He was extra pleasant and didn't seem to mind. "Is there a reason?"

I finally looked at him. He was smiling and not at all upset so I told him, "Well I was kind of curious about you. I was thinking you were one of those geniuses who got into high school at 11 or 12 and zipped through in no time"

Then he told me something very surprising, "I'm 19 and never skipped a grade. I was never held back either." He said that last with a really nice smile.

I told him "you always seem to have beautiful girls around. I thought maybe they were your sisters."

Him: "Nope, they aren't".

Me: "I gathered that. Too many of them and you don't walk around like brother and sister."

Him: "How's that?"

Me: "Well, there's a lot of touching ..."

Him: "Well, I guess there might be. Does that interest you?"

Me: "Just curious about why those good looking girls would be interested in you."

He really embarrassed me then, "You mean because I'm not good looking enough for them?"

I tried to get out of it, "OH NO! It's just that you don't seem like the type?"

He didn't let me off, "The type?" Looking at him I could tell he was just having some fun with me.

I went back to examining the salad, "I guess I don't really know what the type is. Just curious about it, that's all."

Then he said "Maybe you should find out from the horse's mouth."

He grabbed my tray with the salad and marched across the room to where the girl was. I had no choice but to grab my Coke and follow him over.

He introduced the girl as Jenny.

Jenny asked him if I was "More competition?"

He told her that he noticed me staring at him, "She said it's because I'm so young looking."

She looked right at me and said, "Understandable."

Then he told her that I wondered why so many good looking girls hang out with me. "So I thought you might be able to explain."

Jenny asked him if he was "Too modest to tell her yourself?" Then she got up and sat next to me so she could whisper her explanation.

I was really surprised when she told me, "It's because he's a sexual magician." Those are her exact words, "sexual magician".

Then she added "And he has this big cock." I could feel myself blushing and made some sort of exclamation.

Ronny had to get to a class and Jenny planted a huge kiss on his mouth as he left left. I'm pretty sure I saw her tongue go inside. She told him, "see you tonight."

I asked her about it and she told me She sees him every couple of weeks for sex. I swear, diary, I'm quoting her exactly, "I'm really looking forward to a night with that cock inside me, not to mention his other skills."

She told me he lives in his aunt and uncle's basement. with a completely private space with bed and bathroom. And she said, "even a TV for porn if that's your thing. There's an outside hot tub but you have to wear a bathing suit to use it because it's not so private. I bet he'd love to show it all to you."

She claimed she could tell he's interested in me saying, "He doesn't go and introduce himself to many girls."

I asked her about how he has so many if he doesn't pick them up

She said that those she knew of were introduced to him.

I questioned whether he was really interested in me, "He told me he came over only because I'd been watching him."

She told me that might be true but that, "I bet he'd be glad to show you a good time." Then she told me he'd. "Probably take you for a ride on the cock. You'll enjoy it."

I was embarrassed again and covered my face.

Jenny didn't stop, going on by saying, "And the pleasure can be intense. It's not just his cock he's good with." Then she whispered to me, "Like I said, A Sexual Wizard." I swear, again, Diary, I'm not making this up. I corrected her by telling her she had said a sexual magician and her response was, "Wizard, magician, distinction without a difference. So both. He's had four girls at once." She claimed that she was one of them and went on saying she had been with him "in an an orgy with 7 guys and 8 women." I swear, Diary, she told me, "When you get Ronny, you get a wild ride."

Well, diary, you can image how I can't get the thought of that "big cock" out of my mind. You know I've never seen an actual penis. Well except for the little nubs of my baby brothers' when I bathed the or changed their diapers. There are those diagrams mom used for the sex part of home school and there are those porn videos I've watched. If Ronny's penis is bigger than those it's hard to imagine it would fit inside any girl. I kept catching myself rubbing myself down there and had trouble concentrating on the afternoon lectures.

When I got home I locked the door and undressed so I could look at myself in the mirror wondering if this Ronny really might want me. Don't you think a sexual wizard or magician might be the best guy to take my virginity? I sure have the impression that big penises are better than smaller ones but I wonder if it might hurt more.

I guess I looked pretty good in the mirror. My face is maybe too round face but a lot of people say I'm "cute," I guess my large, round eyes and small nose help with that. I've always thought they were my best features. They say blondes attract the most guys. Mine is light brown and almost blonde, I wonder if that counts? I wonder if I should let my hair fall freely or tie it up rather than always braiding it in back. I do have big breasts. I like how soft they feel and I guess guys like bigger ones. My body is too thick, definitely chubby, if not fat. When I turn to the side I can see my tummy sticking out but there's no doubt that I have a waist, my large hips and butt make that obvious. I sure have a lot of hair over my genitals and it's darker than on my head. The girls in the porn videos have no hair down there or very little. I think they shave but I'd be afraid to be using a razor there. I wonder how much difference that would make to a guy?

Anyway, Diary, I guess I'm okay looking, especially with my clothes on. I'm 18 1/2 and maybe it's time to lose my virginity. I wonder if I should talk to mom about it? Do you think she'd freak out? That's not like her but I doubt she'd approve. I guess I'll sleep on it.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Oct 1

I decided to go to chem lab today. I was feeling embarrassed that I'd see Ronny there. I'd bet anything that Jenny told him what she had told me. But lab isn't like the lectures where I could easily skip one since I'm getting most of my information from the text and I'm way ahead of the lectures anyway. I can. of course, go to one of the make-up lab sessions but can't do that all the time.

But it worked out. Ronny greeted me when he came in and I was able to do my work without looking at him since most of my curiosity was satisfied and I was too embarrassed to look a him when I'm thinking of asking him to take my virginity.

After class he met another of his girls.He introduced her to me as Katie. I thought I recognized her and she confirmed that she was in the same English class as me. If he had sex with Jenny yesterday as she had implied and then was he doing Katie today? Well, he must be doing it every night. Don't you think, Diary? How does he get around to his homework?

But the most important thing that happened today is that I decided to talk it over with mom. Like I had thought, she didn't like the idea but didn't freak out over it either. Oh, "it" is the Ron taking my virginity thing. It's kind of an obsession with me right now.

I just finished talking to mom so I'm writing this with it all fresh in my mind. She took it real calmly when I told her, "I 'm thinking about losing my virginity" Afterward she even thanked me for telling her. She revealed that my sister, hadn't told her at all and that she was disappointed when she found out, not so much that she was having sex, but that she hadn't been willing to tell my mom.

Back to the details.

I told her what I knew about Ronny, his young appearance and what Jenny said. "She said he was a sexual wizard and had a big penis. He's a really nice guy, easy to talk to. I was thinking maybe Ronny could take my virginity. You know, big penis and being a sexual wizard and all."

Mom said it was a big step and asked whether I "wouldn't prefer it be with someone you really care about and want to be with?"

My answer was that maybe it would be better with someone who can make it really enjoyable.

Mom told me "There is a huge emotional factor. I really think it should be with someone you know and like. You don't want to fall in love with this Ronny. He sounds pretty pigate and a womanizer."

I agreed to think about it. I was thinking of Katie and told her "There's this other girl I've seen him with. She's in my English class I'll talk to her and let you know what I decide."

Mom told me 'I think you better start taking the birth control pills I got you if you haven't already."

I told her that I've been taking them.

She also told me to be sure to use a condom. "As many women as he has he could be a source of disease."

I agreed to that. I hadn't even considered that implication of his promiscuity.

I guess she felt obligated to repeatedly tell me that she recommended against it.

I was wondering how big Ronny's penis is and speculating about how big other guys were I asked how big dad's penis was. Mom seemed shocked and refused to answer. But then later she came back and said it was okay to ask and put her fingers about 6 inches apart. said I was surprised it was so small and she told me she thought it was about average. I wonder how she knows. Anyway that certainly doesn't jibe with what I've seen in on-line porn.

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By *lay-with-MeMan  over a year ago

Whitchurch Shropshire

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago


I caught up to Katie after English class. Told her I was a virgin and thinking of having sex with Ronny. I wrote down what she said in my English notebook, so this is it pretty much exactly, "God I wish I had had the chance to lose my virginity to Ronny instead of the jerk who pretended to like me just to get in my pants. Sex with Ronny is the most fun thing I've ever done. With him or anyone. And, yes, he does have a big penis and knows how to use it. But what makes Ronny special is that he knows how to concentrate on the woman's pleasure rather than his own. That's why it's so much fun. And he cares about the women, or sure seems to. He sure seems to care about me. He's also a good companion whether or not you're having sex. You're lucky if he came over to you. Not a lot of girls get that opportunity. If you do have Ronny take your virginity, you'll never regret it."

I swear, Diary, "you'll never regret it." That's what she said.

I asked her how big Ronny's penis was and she held her hands about a foot apart. I said that the porn guys were mostly that big. She laughed and said the porn guys were picked for big penises. I asked how big the average was and she said maybe six inches just like mom had claimed. She told me, "I've had my share and you'll not get them as big as Ronny very often."

And then she told me about a girl, Evaa, who had been at a sex party she was at with Ronny, "she can tell you more."


I decided to check with the girl and went to the local bar to see if she was there. I was kind of reluctant to go to a topless place, but, guess what, Diary, it isn't a topless place as i had thought. The waitresses were all well endowed but wore white shirts and these really skimpy shorts. Most of the customers were men.

I asked for Evaa and a striking redhead with freckle sprinkled mounds of breast flesh being pushed out of her bra came over. Diary, I was astonished that Ronny had women more attractive than Jenny, but Evaa was evidence otherwise.

She confirmed everything. Honestly, Diary, she said, "Well for one I would have loved to have him take my virginity instead of the jerk who did."

Diary, is it necessary to call every guy who takes your virginity a jerk?

Evaa went on and on about Ronny's sexual abilities. She told me Ronny is great with his cock, and with his fingers and tongue. I guess I couldn't appreciate it since I've never had it done to me but she really expounded on what he could do with his fingers and tongue. She said he's, "absolutely the best sex partner." Diary, I wouldn't put it in quotes if that wasn't exactly what she said. She claimed he's always considerate about his sexual partners. And said maybe that's why he's so great in bed. She claimed there wouldn't be "a single woman whose been with Ronny that wouldn't tell you the same." And she added, "They would have preferred to have given up their virginity to Ronny." and told me, "You're in an enviable position." All-in-all, Diary, that was high praise and made me feel almost guilty if I didn't have Ronny take my virginity.

Evaa told me about these two other girls, Sammy and Serina. She said they know Ronny best and gave me their phone numbers. She told me that Sammy's away at school and that Serina and her mom work at a strip joint north of town." Yep, Diary, the girls are strippers. Ronny does get around.

I thought I should order something to eat and while I was eating four other waitresses stopped by my table. One dropped off a napkin. I have it and this is what's written on it, "Lucky girl. Give your virginity to Ronny. I wish I'd had the chance." Two of them just leaned over and told me basically the same thing in different words. The fourth actually sat down and talked for a minute to convey the same message. She departed with a forceful claim, "You'd be an idiot if you don't take advantage of this opportunity." That's another exact quote, Diary!

God! Diary! I keep rubbing at my little pleasure button, my clitoris. But thinking about Ronny and everything I'm being told, I can't help it. My pleasure button sure feels good and sometimes tickles so much I can't stand it. I wonder, if Ronny and his fingers and tongue and cock ... Well I just wonder what it would be like. No, Diary, what it WILL be like. I've made up my mind.

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By *ussyeater692Man  over a year ago


Brilliant, I can't wait for more

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By *lay-with-MeMan  over a year ago

Whitchurch Shropshire

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Oct 3

I told my mom about my decision and she was still very doubtful and tried to dissuade me from my decision. She thought maybe Ronny had set them up to it.

I told her that I had approached them. They didn't come to me. I said, "Katie said she has fun with Ronny. He sounds great." I told very clearly that Katie said If Ron takes my virginity, I'd never regret it. "That's what Katie said, mom, I'll NEVER regret it. NEVER! Not forget, mom, REGRET, never REGRET." I told her the waitresses said almost exactly the same thing and showed her the napkin.

She said that the women, might be kind of loose and weren't to be trusted.

I was disgusted by that and told her they were all nice and that I didn't think they were lying. I told her something like, "and if they have a lot of sex don't you think they would know a good lay?"

That didn't go over well and mom accused me of being "crude." so I apologized. There was one thing I did want to know so I asked her if all the guys who took girls virginity were 'jerks'. I even asked if the the guy who took her virginity was a jerk?"

She told me that they weren't all jerks but that some guys pretended to like girls just so they could have sex, "That's why you need to be careful." She never said anything about her own first time.

Even though I didn't need mom's permission and had already made my decision, I would still like her to understand. So, to help her know why, I called the Sammy that Evaa had told me about and put the conversation on speaker so mom could listen in, admonishing her not to say anything. I recorded the conversation so I could transcribe it directly to you, Diary.

I made the call and a female voice answered.

Me: "Can I speak to Sammy?"

Voice at other end: "Just a second I'll get her."

Me (quickly): "Is this her mother?"

Voice at other end: "Yes."

Me: "I'd like to speak to you too."

Sammy's mom: "What about?"

Me: "Do you know Ronny?"

Sammy's mom: "Ronny, I'm not sure, let me get Sammy."

I heard Sammy pick up and her mother asked, "This young lady is asking about a Ronny? Do you know him"

Sammy: "Of course. And you do too. mom. He was at the party, remember. Young looking, big ..." [pause]

Sammy's mom: "Of course. RONNY! Of course, big ..." [another pause]

Me: "Big penis," (I remember suppressing a laugh and looking at my mother.)

Me: "Yes, that's the guy."

Me (after a short pause): "I was wondering, ... " [I had originally planned a different conversation but, now that Ronny's big penis was in play, I decided to take a direct approach.]

Me: "He introduced himself to me the other day and I was thinking of letting him, uhh, well, like, take my virginity."

Sammy (sounding surprised): "He came up to you?"

Me: "Yes, while I was eating lunch."

Sammy: "Not like Ronny."

Sammy's mom: "Why not?"

Sammy: "He's really shy, mom. You wouldn't know. You have this way with guys that makes them feel like they've known you a long time. But yes, he's shy."

Sammy's mom: "He seemed to jump right in with the women at the party."

Sammy: "That app of dad's was pairing him up, and it was telling him what to do, and besides, the votes showed they all wanted him, remember, number one, unanimous."

Me: "So all the women at the party liked him?"

Sammy and her mom (almost together and with enthusiasm): "Oh yes, they liked him!"

Sammy's mom: "Big cock," [I think that was supposed to explain why they liked him.]

Sammy: "Mostly he really knew how to please them."

My mom [I guess unable to restrain herself]: "What went on at that party?"

Sammy's mom: "Who's that?"

[I remember glaring at my mom] Me: "That was my mom. I wanted her to listen in. She wasn't supposed to say anything."

Sammy's mom: "Oh, have we been too explicit?"

Me: "No, it's okay."

Sammy (sounding surprised): "You have your mother listening in while you discuss losing your virginity?" [I'm not sure why she was surprised. Her mom was participating with relish.]

Me: "Well, yes, she always has good advice. In fact I'm talking to you to help her know about Ronny." [Diary, I guess Sammy knows most moms aren't like hers, or mine either.]

Sammy: "I guess it's sort of pertinent. It was a sex party. Guys and women had sex with each other. My dad has a multi-user app that paired them up for sexual activity. My friend Sallie had, like a week before, taken Ronny's virginity and one thing Sallie does is take inexperienced guys and teach them how to please a woman. She's a good teacher and, from all evidence, Ronny was an excellent student, top of the class."

Me: "So you are saying that Ronny was a virgin just a short while ago?"

Sammy: "Maybe a couple of months ago."

Sammy's mom: "And now he's offering to take this girl's virginity?"

Me: "He didn't offer. There was this other girl, Jenny, and she was praising Ronny's sexual ability. I started thinking about it."

Sammy: "That makes more sense. I don't think he's the kind of guy to go looking for women to have sex with."

My mom: "It sounds like he has sex with a lot of girls."

Sammy: "All were introduced to him by other women so far as I know. Well, except Sallie, who was introduced to him by his cousin. Sallie and I invited all the women to the party. Some friends from school and Sallie invited a girl, Evaa and another school friend. They introduced him to some other girls and work buddies. From what I can tell, they all have good times with him. Not all, sexual."

Sammy (again): "So far as I know, you're a first. A girl he actually introduced himself to."

Sammy's mom: "Sounds like he's getting over any shyness. I doubt she'll be the last."

Me: "What about letting him take my virginity?"

Sammy's mom: "Up to you my dear,"

Sammy [much more helpful]: "I guarantee you'll enjoy it. From what I understand not a lot of girls do. My first experience was not great and we were both experimenting. I wouldn't give up the memories for anything. But the idea of having Ronny be the first instead of an inexperienced guy ... It's a real fantasy. I know that Ronny cares about every single woman he has sex with and is entirely focused on her pleasure. You needn't have any concern that he'll mistreat you in any way." [Then I guess she she fantasized aloud] "God! having Ronny as my first. The big cock, those wonderful hands and fingers. I'm getting an orgasm just thinking of it."

My mom: "Isn't the big penis a problem?"

Sammy's mom: "I don't think so. I suspect almost any woman's vagina can handle it, virgin or not."

Sammy: "Ronny will be careful, He'll stop at the least sign of pain. No doubt!" [I'm really liking her.

Me [deciding to close before my mother starts asking more embarrassing questions] "You have been a big help,. Thanks a lot."

Sammy: "Let me know what you decide and how it goes. And be sure to check out his underwear."

Me (this to my mom after hanging up): "I'm going to do it!"

If nothing else, Diary, I need to find out about that 'underwear' comment.

After hearing what Sammy and her mother said about Ronny, I don't think my mother had any more concerns about him instigating the idea of taking my virginity. But she did have a concern that bothered me. She said that when girls have sex with someone they can get emotionally attached and that even though Ronny might treat the women with concern and care, he clearly doesn't have an emotional commitment to them. "I'm worried you will fall in love with him," is what she told me. She warned me about being possessive and jealous of Ronny's other girls. I already feel some envy every time I see him on campus with someone else and when they meet him after lab. I don't know how to avoid it. I'm already hooked.

When I left to go to bed mom told me two things, in a voice tinged with sadness, "Take your pills." And, "Use a condom." Oh, three things, "I recommend against it." AGAIN diary, it's like a broken record, [That's a strange saying, what does it mean anyway?].

Oct 4

I didn't see Ronny at school today but I'm going to ask him to take my virginity tomorrow before Chem Lab.

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By *lay-with-MeMan  over a year ago

Whitchurch Shropshire

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By *eterpervisMan  over a year ago

back where i came from

Fantastic story, love the way it’s told as a dialogue with her diary.

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By *ersey GentMan  over a year ago

St Peter

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By *oss25Man  over a year ago

Flitwick and Fakenham

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Oct 5

What a day! I actually told Ronny I wanted him to take my virginity. It took a lot to get up my courage to do it. I worried about it all day and couldn't concentrate in my classes. I chickened out before chem lab. I did manage to ask him to talk after class.

Lab felt like it wouldn't end. I couldn't concentrate on the experiment and messed up TWICE! I'm going to have to go to a make-up lab to redo most of it. I kept looking over at Ronny and he was intent on his experiment. The only coherent thought I had was that I could do the experiment in a make-up lab.

When the lab period was over, my whole body was shaking like a flag in a strong wind. I could hardly get to my feet as I watched Ronny come over to my lab station. I kept thinking that this whole idea was a mistake. But as I struggled to my feet I took a deep breathe and told myself I was going to do it.

But then when he actually asked what I wanted to talk about my conviction took flight. I only manage to tell him that I'd like to talk more privately. He told me he was meeting someone after the lab but would arrange it. When we came out, Katie was there and greeted me. Ronny seemed surprised that we knew each other and Katie reminded him that we were in English class together. Ronny told Katie he needed to talk to me for a bit and suggested that Katie meet him in the Student Union. Katie said she had to get some books in the library and to meet her there. She asked how long it would be and Ronny looked at me. I said only 10 or 15 minutes and Katie asked if this was about what I had asked her about. I just smiled. She understood and smiled back and told Ronny she'd see him in the library.

I was nervous and took him out to the quad and one of those benches partially surrounded by bushes.

He sensed my nervousness and asked, "What's the problem?" putting his arm around me.

I let the whole thing out in on long word, like, "Iwasgoingtoaskyoutohavesexwithme,"

I don't think he caught all that because he looked at me quizzically.

Once I said it, it was easier to say again, more slowly and deliberately. "I want to have sex with you."

His response was, "we hardly know each other," and the other was, "I never asked you."

I told him I had talked to some girls about it and they convinced me that having him take my virginity was something I wanted.

"That's what Katue meant," he responded.

"Probably Jenny too," he said and I realized he probably hadn't heard the "virginity" part. "It's the cock isn't it?" he added.

I told him that Jenny telling me about his big penis did get my interests but that the girls I talked to (and I named them) all said that they had all wished they had lost their virginity to him.

This time he heard it and said, "lost WHAT?"

I told him flat out, "My virginity. I want my first time to be with you."

He said, "You hardly know me. Shouldn't the first time be with someone you care about?"

I told him the others had thought their first time was with "someone they cared about" but that most of them turned out to be jerks and repeated that all of them would have preferred it had been him. I told him they all said he'd care about me and be sure I enjoyed it.

He protested that he "didn't know anything about virginity."

I said all the other girls seemed to think he knew enough.

Well, diary, I had hoped he'd agree but he was undecided and before leaving to meet Katie said he'd think about it and get back to me.

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By *d funMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Oct 9

Ronn6 texted me to meet him in the quad. And guess what? He said he'd do it. Said he'd looked into it and that we should get together twice. I already know when. Less that a week until the first time! October 11th! I'm stoked!!!

Oct 10

It's tomorrow! This wait is killing me. Tomorrow, diary, I'll tell you all about it.

Oct 11

Well, am I still a virgin? Honestly, diary, I'm not sure. One thing I am sure of is that whatever it was, it was fantastic! All except for the part about my vagina being kind of sore.

I guess I should explain the not sure part. My hymen is broken. That's what Ronny did today. But I haven't yet had his penis inside me. He's going to do that part

. For that matter, I haven't even seen his penis, or his underwear, yet. But I could feel a big tube in his pants.

I was nervous all day and had trouble paying attention in class. My stomach was full of butterflies when I went to the quad to meet Ron. He was there already and my legs felt like jelly as I walked up. He was smiling and asked me if I was ready and still wanted to go through with it. I told him I was more than ready and more than ever wanted to do it. He gave me a big kiss and a hug, squeezing my butt gently. I felt his penis pressing against my leg.

He was really sweet and sensed my nervousness. He did all the talking because I could hardly get a word out, my mouth was sooo dry. On the drive over to his place he told me he lived at his aunt and uncle's house. They let him stay in the basement that had been a storage room and dumping ground for their junk. He said he had to clean it up. He told me "My mom arranged it. My aunt doesn't want my cousins to know about my sexual activity so I keep the door closed all the time."

He told me that he had spent time looking into the subject of taking a woman's virginity. "I've been looking into how best to introduce a woman to sex. There's quite a lot about it on the internet."

I asked him about it and he said we should do it gradually. Break your hymen first then give it a chance to heal before actual intercourse. He said that's why he had decided on two meetings. He was only going to break my hymen today.

I thought that sounded too clinical. but he said he would make sure I enjoyed it and that he wasn't planning any exact procedure. He said he thought we would just "play around". And told me he'd do his best to ensure I have a good time. And, diary, he really followed through on that!!!

Then he told me he had a really nice camera and he thought I might want a record of what we do. He told me it was my choice and that He'd edit out anything I wanted deleted. He said he especially thought I might like pictures of my hymen "before it's gone forever," and he said, "I can get you good close-ups. I've never seen a hymen myself. And we can see it as it's broken. I can set it up to get it in slow motion."

That sounded really amazing to me and I told him so, asking "why wouldn't I want that?"

He pointed out that I might worry about him putting it on the internet or sharing it."

I hadn't thought of that but I did want to see it. He assured me that we could delete it right away or that he would immediately give me the memory chip so I could do what I wanted with it and he wouldn't have a copy. I thought that sounded best. So, diary, I have the whole thing recorded. The slow motion is something else. I'll describe that later.

He took me in through a gate to the back yard and a side door. It didn't look like anyone was home as we went down the stairs and I got a peek into the kitchen. He told me his aunt and uncle were at work and his cousins were at school. "No one to bother us for an hour or two."

The basement was really private with a door at the top of the stairs that he locked. Even when they came home we wouldn't be interrupted. There was a bed, a couch, a table and chairs, even a small bathroom with a shower.

I had been shaky and slightly nauseous on the drive but now that we were actually here I felt strangely calm and asked if I should get undressed. For some reason I just felt like being naked in front of him and, of course, wanted to see him naked too.

He told me that we could, but suggested we "begin where we left off."

I didn't know what he meant by "where we left off" and he led me to the to the couch and said, "Yes, with a kiss. Then we'll see when the clothes should come off."

He set up the camera and came to the couch.

He took me in his arms and brought his mouth to mine. As he kissed he pushed his tongue into my mouth. I was surprised and pulled away. I know I shouldn't have but he was understanding and told me to relax and use my own tongue. That sounded kind of gross but I relaxed and let his tongue gently explore my mouth. At the same time he began stroking my body through my clothes. That felt really great but strange. Feelings I'd never really experienced before tingled through me. I pushed my tongue into his mouth. I told him "That's weird." I suppose that was a kind of virginity thing too. I've never kissed a boy before, well not really, there was that boy whose name I don't remember, though you do, diary. The one at that birthday party for the girl I used to play with in the park. And that wasn't a kiss with his tongue in my mouth!

He withdrew his hand and said he could stop. That was the last thing I wanted. His hand felt especially good on my breast so I pulled his hand back, putting it firmly on my breast. I just wanted to feel it there. I really meant that having his tongue in my mouth felt strange and I told him so. He said I didn't need to do it. I said we'd do it however it was supposed to be done and he said there were no rules about how it should be done. "If you feel like it, just bring your mouth to mine. Use your tongue if you want or not." Then he began nuzzling my neck and gently rubbing my breast. I got more and more excited and there was a growing tingle, kind of an itch, in my crotch. I wanted to rub it but had this urge for someone, anyone else to be rubbing me, rubbing my genitals. I didn't know I could feel that way. Anyway, I grabbed his hand and moved it down. But he didn't do what I wanted. Instead he was rubbing my thighs, getting close to but not actually helping me get rid of the incredible "itch". I was gasping for breath as he came close and then moved away. My body was no longer under my control. The whole thing felt incredibly pleasurable but a pleasure that just wasn't all there. It's really hard to describe. He had moved one hand inside my bra and was gently massaging my breast and rubbing my nipple. God, so much pleasure in my breast and belly and crotch. It was almost unbearable. I could feel the crotch of my panties was cold from wetness. Then he pulled his hand from my thigh and slid it inside my panties. My body was squirming almost involuntarily and I knew what I wanted, "Clothes, off, Now!" I told him

He stood and took me by the hand. I stood too even though my body felt like a rag doll. He unzipped my dress and pulled it over my head. Then he led me to the bed where he removed my bra. I felt the chill of the air and my nipples tightening. He kissed them and I felt my body covered in goosebumps. Then he pulled down my panties. I stepped out of them, the air feeling almost cold on my damp crotch. He had me lie on the bed and spread my legs. with both hands kneading my breast he started licking at my genitals. Every time his tongue hit my clitoris a shock of pleasure went through my body and I gasped at its intensity. I just wanted more and more of what he was doing. I grabbed his head to force it harder into my crotch. The pleasure was so intense as to be unbearable but I didn't want it to go away. I heard myself wailing, "Oh God! Oh God, Stop! No, don't stop! Stop! Keep going!" You know I rub my clitoris myself sometimes and it was kind of like that but having a guy doing it, well, it's different, and better.

Waves of pleasure intensified as I felt him concentrating on my clitoris, licking faster and harder. Then my body erupted in an explosion of pleasure. that I couldn't hold back or stop. My body was vibrating like my dad's motorboat and Ronny was fueling it with a finger at my clitoris. He stopped but my abdomen kept throbbing and the pleasurable feeling persisted for some time. Ron kissed me and I pulled him to me. My tongue all the way in his mouth I kissed him back hard and passionately. That's how to kiss I thought to myself.

I felt totally relaxed and released the kiss asking him if I was still a virgin. He told me I was since my hymen is still intact and he never penetrated me. Then I asked if sex was always like that, so intense. He said it was always great for him but he didn't know other than that women seemed to really like it. He told me they reacted differently ( some screamed, some laughed, some made other noises, very few were quiet) but all of them had strong body and abdominal movements like I did.

While we were talking he was setting up his camera and attached it to the wide screen TV. He told me I could watch while it's recording.

I asked him if we were going to have actual intercourse now but he said he was going to break my hymen first and reminded me that we'd have intercourse Friday.

I adjusted myself to see the TV. as Ronny focused the camera close-up on my vulva. Fleshy, and hairy labia filled the screen. the flaps of my minor labia spread slightly from the slit. He gently stroked the flaps with his finger. I watched them come out of hiding and a tiny, smooth, shinny ball that was my clitoris appeared at the top of the screen. Ron moved his finger to my clitoris and stroked it. I felt the excitement of pleasure growing in my crotch. I noticed my genitals gradually getting pinker. The flaps of my labia seemed to stick together as they expanded and then they suddenly blossomed, pulling slightly apart revealing glistening, damp pinkness inside.

Diary, it was fascinating to watch. So fascinating that I didn't realize how aroused I was. But then Ron's clitoral manipulations gave me a sudden start. I jerked as he stroked my clitoris. At that he stopped and used his fingers to spread my labial flaps wider. He spread my vaginal opening wide and pointed to a thin pinkish film of skin with two small holes on the screen. "I think that's it. Can you see it?" he asked.

He adjusted the camera so that the vaginal entry filled the screen. As he once again pulled my labia apart the thin film was clearly obvious. He started the slow motion recording and took what looked to be a letter opener from the night stand. He told me he had sterilized it with bleach and alcohol to use because his finger would get in the way of the camera.

"Are you okay?" he asked me and I nodded, fascinated by the point of the letter opener coming into the camera's field of view.

I asked if it would hurt. and he said he didn't know but that he'd read it hurts some girls a lot and others barely notice.

I had been so preoccupied with deciding what to do that I hadn't really looked into this but it seemed Ron had done a complete investigation. I asked about what I had heard, "Isn't there supposed to be blood?" He told me that there would probably be some but not a lot.

I looked at the hymen on the TV screen and the point of the letter opener poised next to them. I just said, "Do it."

He pushed the letter opener into the division between the openings in my hymen. It took a bit of pressure and the hymen suddenly gave way. It hurt a little like a pin prick and droplets of blood appeared at each side of my vagina. I could see a black hole that now led, unimpeded, to the inside of my vagina. Ronny pointed out some remnants of the hymen membrane to the side of the entry. He took a piece of gauze and gently wiped away the blood, some of the membrane also came free. That was more painful but the pain immediately went away.

I asked if we could have intercourse now but he said he'd read that it could be painful and unpleasant until the broken hymen heals. He said he also thought that an uninterrupted session would be best. Go right from what we did earlier into the act itself. Then he claimed that he could get me ready and PLEASE ME MORE if he could insert his fingers. That's right, diary, "please me more." Doesn't seem possible, but he claimed women seem to get the most pleasure when he can also finger the inside of their vagina and "massage the G-spot." I've heard of that, diary.

Ronny tried an experiment and slowly inserted his finger into my vagina and it hurt enough that I squealed.

So, diary, I have to wait until Friday to see his penis and have actual intercourse. I have the gauze pad with the blood from my hymen on it as a souvenir. I don't know whether to keep it or trash it.

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By *uiteCurlyTV/TS  over a year ago


More please it’s kind of torture but I like it a lot. Thank you.

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By *uiteCurlyTV/TS  over a year ago


You posted the next bit as I was reading. Awesome. I’ll read it now.

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By *kpiercedCouple  over a year ago


Fantastic reading

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Oct 12

Well, I told my mom about yesterday and even wanted to show her the slow motion video of my hymen being broken. She didn't want to see it though. I think It's kind of neat. The point of the letter opener Ronny used slowly comes in from the left and then you can see it pressing the strip of membrane between the two holes. Then suddenly the strip breaks and the membrane flies to the sides leaving a gaping hole. Even in slow motion it happens really fast. I stepped through it and it's only three frames. Anyway.

I've pushed my finger into my vagina to see if it hurt. It doesn't. That's the first thing I've ever had in there. It felt nice but I'm not sure what the attraction is. I'm tempted to try something bigger but I'm going to wait for his penis.

I saw Ronny at chem lab. He came over before class and asked how I was doing. I told him about how I pushed my finger in and it didn't hurt. He smiled at the news and said, "See you Friday." I'm so anxious. My panties were damp when I got home.

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By *nly1meMan  over a year ago

here there n everywhere

Mmmm sounding good

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By *d funMan  over a year ago


So good

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By *ardsoloMan  over a year ago


Great story so far, can't wait for the next chapter

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By *lderWiserNowMan  over a year ago


Wow so fantastic

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By *lay-with-MeMan  over a year ago

Whitchurch Shropshire

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By *ememberTheNameMan  over a year ago


"Pamela has been keeping a diary since she was 9. She started when she received a paper diary as a gift and now keeps it in text files on a thumb drive. At the time of this first entry, Pamel is 18 and starting her first full year at the local college.

Sept 8

First class today. The professor is kind of funny. I hope there's more to the lectures than entertainment. But then I can get most of what I need from the text. Thanks to mom's home schooling I can do that.

Sept 9

Settled in for the chem lab. It's not like last year when I was doing high secondary level chemistry here because we don't have a lab at home and mom isn't that much of a chem expert. If you remember, diary, I had a lab partner for that. This time it's only myself. I prefer that.

Oh, almost forgot. There's this really young guy in the class, maybe only 13 or 14. He's probably one of those smart kids who finished high school at 10 and will be done with college before he's 18. This really attractive girl was waiting for him outside of class. Probably his sister. I'm curious about him.

Sept 14

A different girl met that young guy after lab today. Gorgeous. I'm sure she wasn't his sister. They kissed pretty passionately when they met and she squeezed his butt and slipped her hand into his back pocket when they walked off. He had his arm around her waist. Now I'm really curious about what's going on.

Sept 20

I saw that really young guy walking with another girl today. I can't believe how beautiful they all are. They sure act like girlfriend and boyfriend. He had her hand on her butt and she had hers around his waist. I know I shouldn't have but I kind of followed them and she kissed him on the lips when they got in a car together and drove off. He didn't look to be much older than 15 and she must have been 20.

Sept 23

I think he caught me looking at him in lab today. I messed up my acid measurement and had to start all over. I snuck a peek at his note book. His name is Ronny A different girl met him, That's like the fourth one! This time she seemed much younger, closer to his age and wearing a Care Bears shirt. I thought for sure she might be his sister but I swear she grabbed his crotch when they kissed. Somehow I had the impression the pretty girls went for the strong, well built sports guys. Certainly not the brainy kids. Curiouser and curiouser.

Sept 29

Well it happened. I was eating lunch in the table in the corner where I like to sit and that young guy came into the cafeteria with probably the best looking of the girls that he hangs out with. I couldn't help staring. He saw me and I didn't look away fast enough. He got up and came over to me. I couldn't look at him afraid of what he might say.

I scribbled down every thing that happened afterwards so I wouldn't forget it and could tell it all to you, diary. Here it is:

He sat next to me and said "Excuse me," very politely.

I couldn't look at him and stared into my salad, "Hi".

He said, "I'm sorry. But I think you've been watching me."

I lied "Oh? No, no I haven't".

Him: "Oh, yes. Yes! No doubt about it. Do you know me?"

Me: "No. Except I think we're in the same chem lab."

Him: "I know you've been looking at me."

I decided to admit the truth "Well, I guess I have," I kept examining my salad.

He was extra pleasant and didn't seem to mind. "Is there a reason?"

I finally looked at him. He was smiling and not at all upset so I told him, "Well I was kind of curious about you. I was thinking you were one of those geniuses who got into high school at 11 or 12 and zipped through in no time"

Then he told me something very surprising, "I'm 19 and never skipped a grade. I was never held back either." He said that last with a really nice smile.

I told him "you always seem to have beautiful girls around. I thought maybe they were your sisters."

Him: "Nope, they aren't".

Me: "I gathered that. Too many of them and you don't walk around like brother and sister."

Him: "How's that?"

Me: "Well, there's a lot of touching ..."

Him: "Well, I guess there might be. Does that interest you?"

Me: "Just curious about why those good looking girls would be interested in you."

He really embarrassed me then, "You mean because I'm not good looking enough for them?"

I tried to get out of it, "OH NO! It's just that you don't seem like the type?"

He didn't let me off, "The type?" Looking at him I could tell he was just having some fun with me.

I went back to examining the salad, "I guess I don't really know what the type is. Just curious about it, that's all."

Then he said "Maybe you should find out from the horse's mouth."

He grabbed my tray with the salad and marched across the room to where the girl was. I had no choice but to grab my Coke and follow him over.

He introduced the girl as Jenny.

Jenny asked him if I was "More competition?"

He told her that he noticed me staring at him, "She said it's because I'm so young looking."

She looked right at me and said, "Understandable."

Then he told her that I wondered why so many good looking girls hang out with me. "So I thought you might be able to explain."

Jenny asked him if he was "Too modest to tell her yourself?" Then she got up and sat next to me so she could whisper her explanation.

I was really surprised when she told me, "It's because he's a sexual magician." Those are her exact words, "sexual magician".

Then she added "And he has this big cock." I could feel myself blushing and made some sort of exclamation.

Ronny had to get to a class and Jenny planted a huge kiss on his mouth as he left left. I'm pretty sure I saw her tongue go inside. She told him, "see you tonight."

I asked her about it and she told me She sees him every couple of weeks for sex. I swear, diary, I'm quoting her exactly, "I'm really looking forward to a night with that cock inside me, not to mention his other skills."

She told me he lives in his aunt and uncle's basement. with a completely private space with bed and bathroom. And she said, "even a TV for porn if that's your thing. There's an outside hot tub but you have to wear a bathing suit to use it because it's not so private. I bet he'd love to show it all to you."

She claimed she could tell he's interested in me saying, "He doesn't go and introduce himself to many girls."

I asked her about how he has so many if he doesn't pick them up

She said that those she knew of were introduced to him.

I questioned whether he was really interested in me, "He told me he came over only because I'd been watching him."

She told me that might be true but that, "I bet he'd be glad to show you a good time." Then she told me he'd. "Probably take you for a ride on the cock. You'll enjoy it."

I was embarrassed again and covered my face.

Jenny didn't stop, going on by saying, "And the pleasure can be intense. It's not just his cock he's good with." Then she whispered to me, "Like I said, A Sexual Wizard." I swear, again, Diary, I'm not making this up. I corrected her by telling her she had said a sexual magician and her response was, "Wizard, magician, distinction without a difference. So both. He's had four girls at once." She claimed that she was one of them and went on saying she had been with him "in an an orgy with 7 guys and 8 women." I swear, Diary, she told me, "When you get Ronny, you get a wild ride."

Well, diary, you can image how I can't get the thought of that "big cock" out of my mind. You know I've never seen an actual penis. Well except for the little nubs of my baby brothers' when I bathed the or changed their diapers. There are those diagrams mom used for the sex part of home school and there are those porn videos I've watched. If Ronny's penis is bigger than those it's hard to imagine it would fit inside any girl. I kept catching myself rubbing myself down there and had trouble concentrating on the afternoon lectures.

When I got home I locked the door and undressed so I could look at myself in the mirror wondering if this Ronny really might want me. Don't you think a sexual wizard or magician might be the best guy to take my virginity? I sure have the impression that big penises are better than smaller ones but I wonder if it might hurt more.

I guess I looked pretty good in the mirror. My face is maybe too round face but a lot of people say I'm "cute," I guess my large, round eyes and small nose help with that. I've always thought they were my best features. They say blondes attract the most guys. Mine is light brown and almost blonde, I wonder if that counts? I wonder if I should let my hair fall freely or tie it up rather than always braiding it in back. I do have big breasts. I like how soft they feel and I guess guys like bigger ones. My body is too thick, definitely chubby, if not fat. When I turn to the side I can see my tummy sticking out but there's no doubt that I have a waist, my large hips and butt make that obvious. I sure have a lot of hair over my genitals and it's darker than on my head. The girls in the porn videos have no hair down there or very little. I think they shave but I'd be afraid to be using a razor there. I wonder how much difference that would make to a guy?

Anyway, Diary, I guess I'm okay looking, especially with my clothes on. I'm 18 1/2 and maybe it's time to lose my virginity. I wonder if I should talk to mom about it? Do you think she'd freak out? That's not like her but I doubt she'd approve. I guess I'll sleep on it."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *dward_TeagueMan  over a year ago


What a fantastic read

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By *ogue78Man  over a year ago



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By *im66123Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Oct 14

Saw Ronny in chem lab. After class no girl was waiting for him. He came to me and said he was "saving himself" for tomorrow. I'm not sure what he meant by that. I'm anxious but nervous about it. I wonder what having a penis in my vagina will feel like. Hard to imagine it will be better than what Ronny did before he broke my hymen.

He asked if I was ready and I said I was "more than ready." and then said I was ready to have him inside me right here in the hallway.

Ronny smiled at that and said it probably was not a good idea.

I agreed and gave him a big kiss, full of tongue. I felt his penis stiffen against my leg and as we separated, I felt it with my hand and said, "Okay big boy, I'm glad to see you're ready too." That old statement, "Is that a pickle in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?" suddenly made sense to me for the first time and thinking about it made me laugh.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Oct 15

Well, diary, I'm definitely not a virgin any more. I'm sorry that I'm writing this a day late but I think it's obvious why I didn't have time to write yesterday.

I guess Katie told the other girls about today This morning I had texts from some of the girls I had talked to about losing my virginity. From Katie, "Enjoy yourself tonight." From Sammy, "Have a great time. You'll never regret it." And Evaa, "Lay back and relax, Let Ronny do all the work, You won't be disappointed."

And I saw his penis. It doesn't look any bigger than what the guys in the porn videos have. But all the girls say his is a big one so I guess what Katie said about porn guys being picked to have big ones is right. I did more than just see his penis. But more on that later.

I was anxious to see what Sammy was talking about when she said to check out his underwear. It turned out to be a pair of red and blue Spider-man briefs. The tip of his penis poked out from the waistband and there was what I first thought was big wart on his leg, but it turned out to be one of his testicles squeezed out though the leg hole of the briefs. His penis was clearly hard and its outline was visible in the way it stretched the fabric of the briefs. His testicles were pretty obvious too, not just the one pushing out of the leg hole.

Well, at first I wasn't sure what to do, but then I grabbed the briefs at his waist and pulled them down. His penis popped out, hard and erect. It seemed almost a foot long and he had these big testicles. They hung in large, wrinkled and hairy, fleshy sacks maybe six inches below his crotch. Incongruous for a guy who's only about 5 foot 6 and looks like a kid. He had the video camera running and It's funny watching me in the video. It's like my hand is in front of my mouth in surprise and I make a little, "oh" sound. Like I said before I expected it to be bigger because I'd seen so many about the same size in porn stuff. I was surprised at the size of the testicles and I think my exclamation was mostly because I'd never seen a real one (other than my baby brothers' when I had to change my baby brothers' diapers and bathe them) in person. Ron's was the same general shape as theirs but their penises were such tiny, soft worms compared to Ronny's man sized, rock hard rod of meat.

I asked if I could feel it and Ronny said, "Of course, play as much as you want." And walked over to where I was sitting, It was right at eye level. And bounced up and down a couple times. I asked if he did that and he said he did. So I asked to see him do it again. I laughed so he did it at random intervals to get a laugh or giggle while I examined it.

It jerked reflexively when I touched it the first time. I just put my finger on the tip where there was a tiny slit. The tip was rubbery and the rest was hard. It had a different kind of skin too. There was a drop of clear liquid on the tip. I touched it and drew away a slim thread of clear, slippery syrup. I licked it off my finger. It had a pleasant, salty flavor. Another droplet started to form. In the porn videos the girls are always sucking the guys' penis so I licked the salty liquid off and sucked as much as I could into my mouth. I didn't see the attraction, though Ronny said he liked it.

I played around with it. It was fun sliding the skin around on the shaft. I loved playing with Ronny's foreskin. I could easily slip it back and forth, pulling it entirely over the tip or folding it back over the shaft to reveal the ridge separating the tip from the shaft. Poking at the spongy tip I could feel the end of the hard shaft inside. I pulled open the pee hole, licking at the salty drops that formed there. Those clear drops were definitely NOT pee. Ron jerked and moaned with pleasure when I traced the obvious veins that covered his organ.

Seeing and feeling an actual grown-up penis was interesting, but Ronny's testicles were much more interesting. Ronny had this large, hanging sack. I hadn't realized how much a man's testes really were like balls. They were actually more egg shaped. They were harder than I expected, about the firmness of olives, in fact they are more olive shaped than egg shaped. Ronny's were the size and firmness of extra, extra large olives. I wonder if anyone calls them "olives"?

I could roll them around inside the wrinkly bag easily and they squirmed leisurely on their own as I touched them, that was a surprise to me that they moved like that. Ronny told be to be careful and that squeezing them too hard could really hurt. I know there are jokes always made about hitting guys in the "nuts" and Ronny says it isn't funny at all. You know, they do look kind of like unshelled walnuts hanging there. I giggled at the thought.

But they sure weren't hard like a walnut. The scrotum was kind of leathery and really pliable. I could squeeze and pull at it all I wanted, Ronny even said it felt good. I just needed to squeeze in a way that pushed the balls out of the way so they didn't get squeezed and I couldn't pull when I had ahold of the balls. Diary, you might think it would be difficult to do that but it was easy. the balls would just slide out of the way unless I grabbed them on purpose, which I did sometimes, just because I liked to feel them.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. To return to the beginning of the evening:

I felt energized and happy all day at school, hardly nervous at all. "Ronny will be fucking me tonight." ran over and over through my mind. Mom would have a fit that I used the F word but that's what I was thinking. I had a sport bag packed for overnight since Ron told me not to expect to go home. I would be spending the whole night with him! I had no difficulty paying attention in class and even asked a couple of questions that caused the professor to correct mistakes.

Ronny picked me up after my last class and we went to his basement place just like last time.

I asked what we should do first and he asked if I had my bathing suit. I did because he said we could use the hot tub. He said it might be nice to spend some time there and offered the bathroom for me to change but I said that I was going to undress there in front of him and expected him to do the same.

I pulled off her shoes and proceeded to do what I thought was a slow strip. I did my best to sensually, wiggle my body as I pulled off my T shirt. Then I pulled my pants off as slowly as I could while swaying my hips. I unhooked my bra and held it in place before slowly reveling my breasts. Ronny looked entranced so I guess I was doing okay. I stood in front of him and turned to shake my butt at him. I lowered my panties with my back to him, bending over hoping he could see my puffy vulva with its tiny protruding flaps. I was getting pretty aroused as I turned to face him. His penis was obviously bulging in his jeans.

He let me undress him. I pulled the shirt over his head and put my arms around him, feeling his chest against my breasts, with their hardened nipples. Keeping my breasts against him, I loosened his belt by feel and unzipped his fly I could tell I was smiling broadly. My abdomen pressed against his penis as his jeans fell to his feet. I kissed him and stepped back to see the Superman underwear he was wearing and the tip of his hard penis. I suppressed a giggle and reached over to touch the tip and stroke the manhood straining for release from the Superman S. Then I pulled the briefs to the floor, freeing the penis.

His Aunt Ruth came home while we were there and she got in with us. She was quite nice and asked about my classes. she seemed really interested in my home schooling. She invited us to dinner upstairs. I guess Ronny usually eats with them but sometimes takes his girls out. She seemed to totally know that Ronny was having sex in the basement. Remember that he told me that was why he had the basement -- so he could have women over without his cousins knowing.

In the basement we took off our swimsuits. We had almost an hour before dinner and I wanted to play with that penis. I told you about that earlier. But after a bit he said that he was getting too excited by my fondling. He said, "Something about a pretty girl playing with it does that." And I asked what was the problem if he was excited and enjoying it. He said that it would cause him to orgasm and ejaculate. Well, I'd seen guys in porn squirting out semen and I wanted to see it in person. He said it might make it more difficult to get hard when it came time to actually penetrate me but then admitted that the hour or two between now and after dinner would probably be plenty of time for him to recover.

I asked him what I should do and he said he could do it himself or I could use my hand or mouth. He said he'd prefer I do it because he'd enjoy it more."

I was flattered both by him calling me "pretty" and him wanting me to do it so I asked whether he'd prefer hand or mouth though the idea of having his penis in my mouth wasn't very appealing even though the girls in the porn videos did seem to enjoy it.

Of course he said he preferred I use my mouth. He said it just feels better and warned me that the semen would squirt into my mouth. He said I should use my hand if I wanted to see it come out but told me that could be that's messy and sticky. He suggested I start with my mouth and he'd tell me when to switch to my hand when he was "coming".

I asked him about that "Coming?" and he explained that he could tell when his semen was about to come out, close to to having an orgasm and ejaculating

So I started licking it and fondling it like I'd seen the porn girls doing, then he told me to take it all the way into my mouth and move it in and out.

I giggled at the thought but did as directed. It was kind of fun, sucking on a guys penis. Before the other day I was a bit intimidated by the possibility of seeing one. Now it was just kind of a peculiar appendage. I imagined my mouth as a vagina and wondered what it was going to feel like inside my abdomen. I couldn't help rubbing my genitals.

Ronny seemed to be showing signs of distress, breathing heavily and tightening his body. I asked him if something was wrong.

He said it felt great. And claimed it was probably like what I felt like when he was stimulating me. He told me to keep it up and use my tongue more.

I remembered how I could hardly stand the pleasure and understood why he might be acting the way he was. I began swirling my tongue around the shaft and tip. I considered just letting his semen spurt into her mouth because I wondered how it would taste but then realized I could taste it off my hand.

I was really getting into it when Ronny gasped, "Now! It's coming, now!"

I quickly pulled my mouth away. I held it, wondering what to do but he began thrusting back and forth and I grasped it matching his motion with my hand. There was a buildup of clear liquid on the tip and I touched it. It was really slippery. Ronny made a loud groan and white semen shot out of the tip. A glob landed on my breast and was quickly followed by another glob. He shook and moaned with each squirt. I grabbed the spurting organ and rubbed harder. That really brought forth a moan and the white slippery semen poured out onto my hand and arm.

It had a strange odor which wasn't like anything else I could think of. Not very pleasant but not totally disgusting. I tasted some from my arm. the flavor was just a stronger, salty version of the odor. Ronny told me he didn't care for it either and that he didn't think most women do, "but they sometimes pretend to." I wondered why. The stuff was slippery at first but quickly became sticky, clinging to the hair on my arm.

We cleaned off in the bathroom. He washed and wiped it off my breasts and arm and hand. That felt sooo good.

Sorry diary my hand is getting sore. I'll finish writing this after I take a quick break.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Oct 13 pt2

We had pie for dinner. It was good but not as good as my mom's. Friday was their "game night" and, even though I was real anxious to get my defloration completed I thought it was only polite to play. They let me choose among the games and I picked "Clue" 'cause I'm good at it. I warned them and won 3 of the 4 games we played. I don't think they knew the techniques of calling out things you had cards for in order to find out about things you were interested in. And I don't think any of them kept good track of what other people were being shown.

As Ronny and I headed to the basement I hoped he had time to recover from his orgasm. It seemed like a lot of semen came out. I wondered if he had more.

In the basement I admitted "I'm really anxious to have you fucking me." "Fuck" isn't a part of my regular vocabulary, mom would kill me for saying it, but it seemed to fit. At the same time I rubbed his penis through his jeans.

Ronny responded by saying that he didn't want to just 'fuck' me, but wanted me to have a really great first time. He said it should be slow and gradual. We should "let nature take it's course." He removed his shirt.

I pulled off my shirt and told him I was sure 'nature' already had me in it's grasp. I turned my back to him.

He took the hint and unclasped my bra, claiming I might not realize how much tighter 'nature' can grasp. I turned back to him and unbuckled, and unzipped his jeans Then I pulled both jeans and underwear to his feet, revealing his penis, now a four inch, soft tube of flesh. It looked different when it wasn't erect. It was soft and pliable and completely covered by a tube of skin that was squeezed into a tiny tube at the tip. When I touched it, it quickly grew an inch longer. The head peeked out from the foreskin. I sucked it completely into my mouth and in response it grew more. The head emerged from the foreskin and it was firm, neither hard nor soft.

I was on my knees and I put my hands in my waistband and pulled off my yoga pants and panties. I grabbed his head, brought my face to his and gave him a huge kiss, full of tongue. I remembered doing that when he broke my hymen and something about it really turned me on. It did the same this time. Our tongues each fought for control of the others mouth and he pulled me to him by the butt. I felt his, now hard, penis push into my belly.

I felt his legs moving to shed his shoes and I guess nature had taken its course because for the first time ever I felt something inside my vagina. He had thrust fingers inside me and lifted me by crotch and vagina to throw me onto the bed. I felt myself gasp with pleasure. He maintained the kiss and fell on the bed with me.

His fingers were still inside me. I could feel him moving them in and out and wiggling them and rubbing against my vaginal walls. His hand was on my labia and I loved the feeling. I wiggled my hips to feel the changes in his touch. I rubbed my breasts and nipples against his chest. The whole combination gave me sensations I'd never had before. I couldn't help tightening the muscles in my body in anticipation.

He kissed my neck, nibbled my ears, sucked my breasts, Licked my nipples. His fingers never stopped moving inside me. It was strangely pleasurable and yet so unfulfilling. I needed something else, something more.

He moved his head between my legs and kissed up and down the inside my thighs, his fingers still inside. Then he dove in and began licking my clitoris.At the same time he did something inside me that gave me a tremendous shock of pleasure. My body tightened and my back arched involuntarily. But he pulled his fingers out of my vagina and knelt between my legs. He just knelt there, gently caressing my genitals.

He pushed a pillow under my butt and said "I think you're ready." I'll never forget, those were his exact words, "I think you're ready." Said gently but firmly.

I naively asked, "Ready for what?" though I knew exactly what since his penis was pointing right into my crotch.

Then he said, "For this." he didn't say it roughly or suddenly but very gently. And just as gently, I felt his penis slid softly and slowly into my vagina.

It was an amazing feeling, just what I needed. It filled me up and felt perfectly comfortable inside.

He embraced me in his arms and kissed me as moved the penis in and out. It slid smoothly and easily. I thought about how my vaginal cavity was no longer virginal and how wonderful it felt as it was being filled and emptied, filled and emptied. His shaft rubbed against my vaginal walls and his pubes tickled my clitoris each time he filled my vagina up. On the video he shot I can hear myself saying, "Perfect, " and "wonderful," "oh my" and just laughing. I had expected that actual intercourse would be even more intense than what Ronny had done previously. But it wasn't more intense. Instead it was just an ongoing, comfortable, wonderful feeling What it was, was immensely more satisfying. Pleasure filled my whole body. In my memory it seems like his lips were constantly at mine and his tongue was always licking at my nipples, his hands were constantly both massaging my breasts, stroking my belly and rubbing my clitoris, all at once.

But I soon realized that I wasn't just comfortable. I was extremely aroused. The unbelievable intense pleasure built up. I was repeatedly gasping in pleasure and Ronny began thrusting more rapidly in and out.

I remember yelling, "DO IT!" I wanted that now familiar feeling of orgasm. And he did it. My body tightened and throbbed and pulsed. Ronny kept on thrusting. I was aware of my vagina pulsating strongly and massaging his penis. I'd never felt my vagina doing that before.

I heard myself screaming in pleasure and then Ronny added a loud moan. He stopped the rapid thrusts and drove deeply into me. Then he made two or three thrusts, each accompanied by a moan. Finally he just pushed his penis firmly inside and collapsed on top of me, kissing me passionately. My vaginal pulses lessened and stopped. I remember repeating "Oh my, oh my, oh my." I felt felt something wet trickling down my butt from my vagina.

Ronny rolled off me. I felt his penis leave me and kept repeating, "oh my."

Then he suddenly said, "I'm sorry,"

I asked him "What on earth for?" and told him it was fabulous.

He told me he hadn't used a condom and pointed to a small pool of semen that had leaked out of his naked penis. He asked if I was on birth control.

I told him I was but that but I had promised my mom we'd use one. "Diseases, you know." But I was unconcerned. It wasn't until then that I realized what was dripping down my rear. I felt the sticky, yet slippery substance, took some on my finger and tasted it. It was lots better tasting than his semen the previous day. Ronny tasted some too and said it was because, "it's got you mixed in." He said it was my vaginal juices and claimed, "they taste pretty good, believe me."

I was acutely aware of his semen on me and told him I needed to shower. He said,"sure, go ahead." But I wasn't satisfied with that and got him to agree to come in with me. You know, diary, that's always been a bit of a fantasy of mine to shower with a boy.

As we waited for the water to get warm, I thanked him for giving me such a fabulous first time. I told him how the other girls called him a wizard and that I agreed with them.

But then we tried to get into the small shower stall together. Well, it was nice having his body pressed against mine, My breasts crushed against him and his penis at my belly. But, the fact was, there was no room to move, or to apply soap and my back was against the cold side of the stall. And then he bumped the water faucet and the water turned ice cold! So much for that fantasy. It will need to wait.

So I showered alone and then Ronny went in. I had brought two sleep outfits. Plaid flannel pajama bottoms that I wore with a plain extra large T-shirt and a pink, sheer babydoll that I had picked up on a whim because I thought it was cute. I debated which to wear, or staying naked and opted for the babydoll. I thought that if I didn't wear it then, when would I wear it.

I looked at myself in the mirror on the closet door. I thought it suited me. I liked the way it emphasized just the right parts of my body. The spaghetti straps and scoop neck showed off my breasts. I could see my pinkish aureoles through the top and it brushed against my hardened nipples in a way that made it look like they were preventing it from falling off. It draped off my breasts over my tummy so the way it stuck out didn't show. And it felt really good when I moved and it rubbed against them. I pulled the panties up tightly so they showed my dark pubic hair and showed the shape of my labia with a hint of the slit between.

When Ronny came out of the bathroom, drying himself with a towel. I stood directly in front of him. I could see the arousal in his face and partially inflated penis. That filled me with with a tingle of sexual desire and excitement. You know, diary, at that moment I realized what girls like Sammy might see in being strippers. I slowly turned in front of him, showing myself off and asked, "Like it? What should we do now?"

Well, diary, he never answered (at least not in words). He grabbed me, gave me the most passionate kiss ever and threw me on the bed. I think that meant he liked it . His leg was between mine and his penis pressed against my thigh. As we kissed he gently stroked my breasts through the sheer, silky fabric. Something about the fabric caused his activity to excite me more than when he touched my naked flesh. And there was something about him being completely naked. When we had sex the first time I was so absorbed with having a penis inside me, that's pretty much all I though about. But this time I could feel his entire body and it excited me to have it pressed against me and to be able to caress it with my hands.

Diary, I decided to, as they say, let him have his way with me. He had given me so much pleasure that I thought he could have whatever pleasure he wanted with me, so I just relaxed and let him do what he would. But, he gave me plenty of pleasure!!! Stroking my genitals through the silken fabric, then pushing down inside my panties he rubbed my clitoris and pushed his fingers into my vagina. He kept caressing my breasts with his other hand, first through the fabric and then he pushed up under he loose baby doll top. It was exquisite!! He kissed my neck and nibbled my ears and then my mouth, using his tongue insider. I couldn't help squirming with pleasure and as I did so, I felt his hard penis pressing into my skin. All of that soon had me throbbing with another, almost unbearable, pleasure filled orgasm.

And he wasn't done with me! He pulled off my panties (I helped by lifting my hips and my legs). He kissed my genitals, licking at my clitoris. He had his hands under my top and squeezed my nipples and massaged my breasts so I had yet another orgasm!

The next thing I knew he had a condom in his hands (I found out he kept them in the drawer of his night stand). He put in on his penis and unrolled it over it and asked me,"Doggy?" I didn't know what he meant and he told me to kneel on all fours. Then he went behind me and I felt his penis penetrate me, going way, way inside my vagina. Oh Diary, I can't describe the wonderful feeling of having his penis filling me up like that! And the feeling of his stroking it gently in and out ...!!! I could feel his balls slapping against my clitoris and he kept his hands on my breasts. I helped by swing my hips back against him as he slid inside, It just seemed like the natural thing to do!! OMG! Diary, just thinking about it makes me rub at my clitoris. His strokes came faster and faster and faster and then I erupted in a third orgasm while he drove into me frantically. He moaned in what I was as meaning that he had his own orgasm.

He pulled the two of us to our sides, his penis still inside me and we relaxed while he continued to stroke my body. I felt so tingly and completely in love.

After a few minutes his penis softened and came out. He got up and went into the bathroom to get rid of the condom and clean off.

I watched him come out of the bathroom and his slim body with it's bouncing, partially inflated penis went over and turned off the lights. The room was plunged into darkness except for a glowing casement window that cast a rectangle of light on the opposite wall. I felt him pull the blankets down and I moved to crawl underneath, He got under the sheets, naked, with me. I was still wearing the babydoll top without the bottoms and laid on my back He snuggled up against me on his side, one arm under my head, one around my waist, his hips and soft penis against my thigh with one leg over mine. I snuggled back against him, we kissed gently and I fell asleep.

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By *dward_TeagueMan  over a year ago


Such a wonderful story

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Oct 14

I woke up this morning a bit disoriented. It wasn't my room or my bed and the windows and doors were in the wrong place and the furniture was completely wrong. But as soon as I felt the warmth of Ronny's body next to me, I remembered where I was and all of what had transpired yesterday flashed through my memory. I turned towards him to see that he was still asleep and debated what to do. I'm embarrassed to say, diary, that all I could think of was his penis. Not just any penis but a soft and small penis. When mom taught me about human sex, she told me that a man's penis gets larger and harder when he is sexually excited but it's usually small and soft. Well, it seems to me that whenever I saw Ronny's penis it was somewhat "larger and harder" like that was it's normal state because he was always a little excited and so, even though it seemed more soft, it probably wasn't as small and soft as it could get. But now that he was asleep. I was sure it would be as small and soft as it normally was and I wanted to see how big it was and maybe feel how soft it was. I couldn't resist the desire even though I wondered if it was wrong to be thinking that.

Well, diary, he had one arm over me and we were under the covers. I wasn't sure I would be able to see it without waking him and if I woke him. it might get even a little bit bigger. I managed to get his arm off without waking him. Then I peeked under the blanket. I could see it partly but his leg hid it from view. There was no way I could get the covers off without waking him so I slowly crawled underneath. Well, Diary, his penis was only about two or three inches long, five times or more shorter!!! The skin was not as smooth and tight but wrinkled, not obvious wrinkles but really tiny ones and thought I could make out the outline of purplish veins, they weren't so obvious as when he was hard. What wasn't changed were his testicles, they were as big as ever and draped over his thigh. I had to see how soft the penis was so I grabbed it. It was completely flabby and easy to squeeze and bend.

Well, that woke him up, he moved his leg and the penis started growing in my hand. For fun, I tried to squeeze it and keep it from getting bigger. That didn't work.

Like I said, I was under the covers but I knew he was awake even though he kept quiet. I tried to get him to say something by massaging his privates and then I sucked his penis into my mouth and pulled it out with a "pop". He stayed quiet and I couldn't help but laugh. Once I started laughing he flipped the covers off and said something like, "What do you think you're doing?" I said, "Having fun" and sucked his penis back into my mouth. He said "Two can play that game," and I felt his hand at my crotch, his fingers penetrated me and he lifted me by my vagina over his face where he began licking at my clitoris. I laughed like crazy and swung my legs off him.

I felt really uninhibited and playful. I pulled off my top and began rubbing his body up and down and all over with my breasts, laughing and giggling. He kept trying to put his hand at my crotch and I'd push it away, laughing and saying things like, "What do you think you're doing?" I did linger with my breasts at his mouth and let him suckle them because it felt so good. Of course, the feel of my breasts and nipples rubbing on his body felt good too. I was absorbed in the feeling and didn't pay attention to his hand. He quickly had me by the genitals, fingers up my vagina, palm against my mons. "Aha!" he said with a laugh. You know it might sound like he was being rough and that it was painful. But that wasn't the case he was firm and gentle, no gentle and firm, gentle first, then firm.

"So that's what you want," I laughed and grabbed his penis firmly, I'm not sure how gentle it was but he didn't complain. I easily pulled my crotch out of his grasp and straddled him. During our play I had the presence of mind to grab a condom of the nightstand I easily tore the package open and remembering how he had done it last night, I rolled it over his penis, then I positioned his penis at my vaginal entrance and sat on it.

"How do you like that?" I told him and he just smiled back. "You mock me," I teased, I'll get rid of that smile!" I bent down and kissed him, filling his mouth with tongue. Then I began rocking my hips up and down, feeling his penis filling and emptying me, its shaft rubbing excitingly along my vaginal walls. He began matching my rhythm, his his thrusting up as I came down. Meanwhile his tongue fought for control of my mouth.

Diary, at that moment I realized the best way to give him pleasure was for me to "have my way with him" it wasn't to let him have his way with me like I did last night. After a few minutes more of laughing and thrusting and wiggling and genital friction, I had one more orgasm. He kept thrusting hard into me and ejaculated into the condom. I collapsed, laughing and smiling on top of him. Diary, that wasn't the most intense orgasm I'd had so far but it was easily the most fun and I told him so. He agreed and kissed me, hard and passionately. After a short rest I took the semen filled condom off him and despite the displeasing odor and taste, I sucked the remaining slippery/sticky stuff off his smaller and softer, but still slightly firm penis.

We stayed in bed relaxing and kissing and fondling each others naked bodies and talking about family and future. I didn't tell him how much I love him and he didn't tell me either but he had to have felt it. I told him I hoped we could do it again and he said we sure would and that he'd talk to me about it. We went out to breakfast and he took me home giving me a final kiss. I floated into the house.

I was anxious to talk to mom. Dad asked me how my night was (he thought I was staying at a new girl friend's place) and I said I had a real good time and went to get mom. I was bubbling with joy but mom was subdued. She said, "So you are no longer a virgin? how was it?"

I told her it was the greatest, the best, the, most enjoyable thing, the most fun, the most pleasure, especially the most pleasure I'd "ever, ever, ever had." I told her all about it, the orgasm, the penis filled vagina the wonderful feelings. I said that since she could do it every night with Dad she was so lucky. She claimed they didn't do it every night. I was incredulous, how could they not? I was ready to do it again and again. She called me "Pamela" which meant there was either a reprimand or a lesson coming. She claimed it's not always as wonderful, and told me she was glad it was pleasurable for me, but her tone and expression didn't convey gladness.

I told her he let me play with his penis. and she had a somewhat cynical response, "I bet he did." I questioned her about the tone. She told me that all boys love to have girls 'play' with their sex parts. She said she didn't think he 'let' me but wanted me to play with them. I had to agree a bit, he did tell me he enjoyed it. "But," I told her, "I didn't have to. I told him I wanted to, he never asked me." I added that he let me decide whether to use my mouth or just my hand. I told her I only decided to use my mouth because he said it would feel better to him. I told her I thought it was fun because I imagined it being in my vagina instead.

I asked if she liked having Dad's penis in her mouth and she says she didn't usually do that. I told her she should. "You'll like it and dad will too." She admitted that he probably would.

A random thought came into my mind and I said, "But semen tastes and smells pretty awful. Don't you think?" She was reflective and answered in an noncommittal tone, "Yes, I guess it does."

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Oct 16

Back at College I saw Katie in English class and she asked me whether I was still a virgin and when I said I wasn't she asked how it went with Ronny. I told her it was at least as fabulous as she and the others had said. I transferred the video of his actual first penetration to my phone because I liked to watch it and I showed it to her.

I was really jealous that she was still going to be having sex with Ronny. I want him to myself, but I tried to be pleasant and not show it. She didn't seem to notice and hugged me, saying "see you tomorrow," when she left. I was confused by that parting remark but after thinking about it, I'm sure she's going to be waiting for Ronny after Chem Lab.

Oct 17

I was right, Katie was waiting for Ronny.

I went to Lab with some trepidation. I mean what do you say to a guy after he's taken your virginity and given you a night of unbelievable pleasure and now two or three days later you're going to see him again, and you know he's going to be meeting some other girl for sex? And besides you're in love with him and don't want anyone else to be spending time with him? I'm beginning to understand why the girls think guys who take their virginity are "jerks". But, diary, I know Ronny isn't a jerk. I was the one who asked and I knew he was having sex with lots of others, and I knew he'd continue to do that. For goodness sake, Diary, I don't even know if he'll have sex with me again. And I know I can't tell him any of this. Mom was right to be concerned that I'd develop feelings for him. I'll probably have to talk to her about it.

Anyway, I didn't need to be concerned about Ronny and Lab class. He came right up to me before class and kissed me! He said he had a good time and hoped I did too. I reminded him that I'd told him several times what a fabulous time I'd had. He said he just wanted to be sure I still felt that way. He whispered that he'd heard that some girls have regrets after giving up their virginity. "Not me!" Not at all!" I told him and he kissed me again, with tongue, right there in front of the class! Well, not the whole class since not everyone had arrived yet.

I felt so happy until I saw Katie waiting for him after class. I put on a happy face and she greeted me with a hug. I hugged back but inside thought I should str*ngle her. It was depressing watching her walk away with Ronny, his arm around her.

Diary, I have to do something about these feelings!

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By *lay-with-MeMan  over a year ago

Whitchurch Shropshire

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By *dward_TeagueMan  over a year ago


I’m really enjoying this one!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Oct 18

Saw Katie in English class and we hugged and talked for a few minutes after. I asked her how her time with Ronny went yesterday and she smiled broadly saying as great as ever. She said she never tires of him "fucking her". Yep, Diary, that's what she said, "fucking her." I wonder if she thinks about me the same way I think about her and is just hiding it. But, Diary, I know he's not just "fucking" me. I know it's different with me.

Oct 19

Ronny was real nice before Lab today. I told him I hoped we could do it again and he assured me we could. After lab that Hooters redhead, Evaa, was waiting for him. What is this mid twenties woman doing with a kid like Ronny anyway? She should leave him to us younger girls. And so what if she has great hair and a narrow waist and a flat tummy. So what if she has a nice face and big green eyes? She was nice, just like Katie and asked how the virginity thing went. I was nice back and told her it was great.

After school I got naked and checked myself out in the mirror. My face is round and I suppose many would say "cute" because I have big eyes and a small nose. I suppose it's as attractive as Kate's but hers has more of a thin, classical look. Of course Evaa has that just plain stunning face, I doubt many girls are better. Maybe my hair could use some work. My breasts are at least as good as hers. I understand guys like the big, soft ones and mine are. I bet hers aren't as big or as soft. My big problem is that my hips are too big and my tummy sticks out on front. Unfortunately my yard long tape measure doesn't fit all the way around my breast or hips.

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By *ersey GentMan  over a year ago

St Peter

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By *lay-with-MeMan  over a year ago

Whitchurch Shropshire

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Oct 20

Guess what? Ronny asked my out!!! He met me after English class since he knew I'd be there.

Anyway, a week from tomorrow his cousin, Kim, is having a party for her 13th birthday. Ronny is helping his aunt and uncle and will be cleaning up after while his cousin and her friends are at a movie and some kind of young girls make-over place. He asked for my help and said we'd have at least three hours to spend before the family returned. And he said I could spend the night if I want! Do I want? Are you kidding?

Oct 21

Well, I decided to talk to my mom abut my feelings for Ronny. She never said anything like, "I told you so" but was understanding and supportive. Of course, I did begin by telling her I knew that's what she had warned me about. But she didn't have any answers for me other than to say something about such things "taking time". She agreed when I told her that I knew the fact was that Ronny probably didn't care for me any more than the other girls, though I had hoped she'd side with my emotions instead of my intellect.

But she did say that Ronny probably did care for me (as well as the others). And reflected that was possibly what made him good at sex. "Not many guys are like that," she told me. The closest to an endorsement of Ronny as she had ever made.

When I talked to her about the other girls and speculated that they might feel the same jealousy and just be acting nice, she said some things that got me thinking in a manner different than what she probably intended. During the conversation she asked if the other girls were only having sex with Ron. And thinking about it , I'm pretty sure they have other guys. Mom kind of implied that if they had other guys maybe that would keep them from being so jealous (anyway I implied that from what she said). That leads me to wonder if maybe the best way to get over this is to have sex with other guys. I'm pretty sure that's not what mom wanted me to be thinking.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Oct 22

Mom's general pick-you-up. At breakfast she told the family that I was going through some difficulties and everyone was to give me a hug and help me feel better. Imagine my surprise when Millo acted insolent and in his 15 year old manner said something like, "Pamela lost her boyfriend and now can't suck it up, boo-hoo-hoo." Mom sent him to his room for the day. Millo and I have always been best friends so I knew something was wrong and went up to talk to him.

Well it turns out he has his own "romantic problem". It seems he's crushing on some girl at the climbing and obstacle course place mom takes them for activity and socializing. The girl doesn't even acknowledge his existence. No surprise since he's too shy to talk to her and cowers in the opposite corner of the facility watching her so he can move away when she moves toward where he is hiding. He was afraid to tell mom because, she'll make him go up to the girl. I told him mom would certainly encourage him to do that but wouldn't "make him" do it.

He said, "Or worse, she'll tell the girl's mother and the girl will come to me and I'll look like a complete dork."

That sounds like Mom alright. I told him that he should at ask the girl her name so he could refer to her by name instead of "the girl".

I gave him an encouragement hug and told him he knew he should talk to mom about it and should try to talk to "the girl". Then I told mom we had made up and asked her to let him "out of jail."

Diary why should a 15 year old's romantic issues seem so much simpler than mine. Does mine have a simple solution too? Telling Ronny? Having sex with other guys?

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Oct 23

I spent some time talking with Katie after English. I got up the nerve to ask if she had sex with guys besides Ronny.

She told me that she only had sex with Ronny, "Isn't that enough?" were her exact words. She said she'd had sex only like three times before Ronny and hadn't found it very satisfying. Maybe that's why she wasn't jealous of the other women.

She did say that she understood why a girl might feel like I did toward Ronny. She said she was sure he really cared about all those he had sex with, "just not an exclusive sort of caring." She thinks only a guy who really cares could be "such a wizard with his cock." Then she added, "and with his fingers and tongue. Well, you know, with everything." That was kinda like what Mom said. But Mom was wrong about the other girls, or at least Katie, having sex.

She told me to enjoy what I was getting and not to think about the other girls. "Just because Ronny has others doesn't mean he doesn't like you too, Just because he likes you doesn't mean he can't be giving others just as much pleasure."

I don't know if that helped but she did thank me for being so nice to her despite my jealousy and for talking to her about it. And that she hoped I'd work through it soon.

Oh, she also said I should possibly talk to Sammy. Sammy is like a mystical figure who frequently comes up in conversations about Ronny. Katie called her "The Yoda of the sexual Jedi" because she was Ronny's mentor. She was the one who brought seemingly everyone (except me) together at "THE PARTY" a mythical event of epic sexual proportions.

Oct 28

As you must know, diary, I brought your thumb drive to Ronny's and I am typing this entry on his computer. He's here watching me and reading what I'm writing. And here's a secret: we are both naked. So there will be more to tell I'll tell you about that tomorrow.

Ronny picked me up at home for his cousin's party. I had my overnight duffle packed. My mom helped me pack but I snuck in my pink babydoll nighty and a kinda skimpy bikini I bought for the hot tub. Mom doesn't know either of them even exist.

Dad didn't know that I was having sex with Ronny. He seemed happy that a boy came to pick me up but his expression changed when I left carrying the duffle and said "see you tomorrow" after kissing him goodbye. It was mostly surprise and maybe disappointment. Certainly not anger. Mom said she'd talk to him about the whole thing after I left. He looked sad standing in the doorway as we drove away.

I put my duffle in Ronny's basement bedroom and then helped with the setup. There were three rental tables to set up and then dress and set. Some guys came with one of those "bouncy" houses and inflated it for the party. It was a pink fairy tale castle and I thought maybe a bit juvenile for a 13 year old, but the girls sure seemed to like it once the party was underway.

Ronny's aunt had baked a cake and was going to frost it and stick some of those hard candy letters on it. My mom and I and my sister had taken a confectionery decorating class so I told Ronny I'd decorate it. He bought all the needed ingredients including his cousin's favorite flavors and I brought along my tools. So I worked on decorating as Kim watched and told me what she wanted. Kim was pleased and showed it to all her friends saying her "cousin" Pamela had made it. There was a real demand for pieces with the frosting once the girls found it had parts with strawberry and banana flavors rather than the sickening sweet, sugar only flavor. I felt really happy.

Sorry, diary, Ronny kissed me suddenly.

Then the party moved on to the movie, leaving Ronny and me to clean up and fold the tables for the rental company to pickup. The bouncy castle fan had been turned off and it lay sadly deflated in the middle of the yard. Ronny turned it on and told me he wanted to try it. Well, so did I. so we took off our shoes and jumped in. I don't know what got into me but it just seemed like the thing to do. I took off my blouse and then my bra. I could feel my breasts bouncing along with me. Ronny smiled and tried to grab them but I bounced away. Then he took off his shirt, and I tried to get my jeans off but fell down. Ronny fell next to me and began kissing me and caressing my breasts so instead of removing my jeans I managed to unzip his and tug them to his ankles. He kicked them off and, in retaliation, he pulled mine down. I was giggling like mad and felt really warm and sexually excited.

The tip of his penis was sticking out from the waistband of his Barman briefs (It always did that, his underwear was too small), I laugh to think of it. I gave it a kiss and licked of the yummy, salty droplet that had formed at the tip and pulled the briefs to his ankles. Then I sucked it into my mouth, released it with a loud , "Pop!" and bounced to my feet, laughing with joy and sexual feelings. I started jumping around the castle wildly. I laughed as he tried, unsuccessfully, to stand. Having his briefs encumbered his legs and my jumping kept bouncing Ronny around so he couldn't manage to pull his briefs off or up.

But it was an easy matter for me to slip my panties over my hips and let them slide to my feet. I kicked them off as I jumped and bounced. I loved jumping up and spreading my legs in a split, the cool air felt fabulous on my warm genitals. Ronny stopped struggling to get to his feet and watched. My jumping bounced him to the side of the castle where he wasn't being jostled around. He took off his briefs and got to his feet.

Oh, diary, you should have seen his penis and testicles bouncing and bobbing around as we jumped. Especially those big testicles he has. I kept trying to grab his penis but he kept slipping away. We were both laughing. Then when I missed a grab and bounced away from him, he suddenly bounced toward me and caught me in his arms. He gave me a huge, passionate, tongue filled kiss as we fell to the bouncy castle floor. "Fuck me," I told him. Yes, diary that's what I said, "Fuck me". I NEVER use language like that but nothing else matched my urgency. I wanted his penis up my vagina and everything else that ran quickly through my mind was too long or not clear enough about my desire, so, "fuck me" it was. And Ronny complied, his penis drokoipwrfb

That was Ronny, diary, he kissed me like he did in the bouncy and carried me to the bed where he fucked me to another orgasm. He claimed that thinking about what we did in the castle got him so excited that he had to do it. I don't care about his reason, it's always great. I'm gonna leave the random keystrokes in place as another reminder.

Anyway, in the castle his penis quickly and easily penetrated me. I didn't guide it in and I don't think he did either (he says he didn't). It just found my vagina entrance on it's own and I felt the wonderful feeling of being filled and the exciting feeling of his penis sliding along my vagina. We laughed and kept trying to actually bounce off the floor with his thrusts. But all the movement was in our hips and we couldn't get my shoulders (with him on top) or his shoulders (with me on top) to bounce up. It still felt great to have the extra bounce where the action was. Then he decided to try something and we stood but couldn't keep him inside when we bounced together. He's not real strong or much bigger than I am but he did something I've seen in a couple of porn videos. He picked me up and held my hips as I wrapped my legs around him and sat on his penis as we stood. He managed to bounce a couple of times but we were top heavy and he couldn't keep his balance while jumping. We banged our heads together when we fell so we stopped trying that and resorted to just doing it on the bouncy floor. You know diary, I could go into graphic detail again, like I have before, but I'll just say it was fabulous. I had two orgasms and his semen poured into me on the second reminding us that we had once again forgotten any condom in the heat of the moment. This time I felt the warmth of his semen as it entered me and the wet coolness as it dribbled out.

Well, we had to clean up the mess but the rubberized surface cleaned easily. Then we went to the hot tub and relaxed, naked, in the hot bubbling water. He fingered and caressed my genitals and I did the same to his. I guess I'm kind of insatiable when it comes to things like that. I had to have his penis inside and got up and sat on his lap, making sure his hard organ penetrated me.

I was bouncing up and down on him, his hands grasping my breasts when a slightly scruffy male face peered over the gate. I could tell he saw what we were doing and hesitated, unsure of what to do. But he had a job to do and yelled in, "I've come to pick up the bouncy."

Ronny said he'd take care of it so I slid off him, more than likely showing the guy at the gate some nipple and Ronny got out, bare naked, his stiff penis and large testicles bobbing in the wind. He let the guy and a helper in and they went to the bouncy. To add to my embarrassment, Ronny had to go inside and bring out our clothes, including my bra and panties. The guys made some remark and Ronny came back to the hot tub. Ronny told me they asked, "having fun?" and the helper said something like, "I wouldn't mind having some of that." Ronny says he didn't think anything useful would come of challenging him. I guess I agree.

Folding up one of those things is no quick task. They reversed the fan but still had to stand on the deflated castle and squeeze all the air out. I was getting too hot and told Ronny I needed to get out. He brought some towels up from the basement so I could get out without exposing myself. But, you know what, diary, once I was out and wrapped in the towel, I saw they guys looking at me and couldn't resist flashing them, breasts, genitals, the works. If you remember, diary, when I first showed myself to Ron I said I could understand why women might like stripping. Well I got that same feeling, standing there with my body exposed, and those guys looking lustfully at me sent a real sexual tingle through me. My lack of sexual experience when I showed off to Ronny meant I didn't understand the feeling, but now, I could recognize the tingle in my genitals and the flushing of my skin as a definite sexual feeling.

I'm ashamed to say, diary, that I found the sensation so overwhelming that I threw the towel to the side and helped them push out the air. Not just waking around but laying down and rolling over the rubber fabric. By the way, it was dirty. I had to shower and scrub after.

On the way to the basement Ron laughed about what I had done, "Did you see the way that younger guy looked at you? His eyes were coming out of their sockets."

As I've told you before, there isn't room for both of us in the tiny shower but I invited Ronny into the bathroom while I washed the filth and grass off. He kept going on about how he couldn't believe I did it. I mentioned that he had gotten out naked, but he pointed out they were guys. I laughed and accused him of wanting to show off his penis and got him to admit he might not have been so bold if he had a tiny one.

He wrapped a dry towel around me as I came out of the shower and gave me kiss before jumping in the shower himself. I stayed and watched him through the shower's clear glass door. I admitted to him that I got a thrill out of exposing my body and said I could see how strippers like Sammy might enjoy it. He said he had always thought Sammy was a special case since he understood she had had sex with pretty much every guy on every athletic team in high school. After reflection, I think maybe a lot of girls would get a thrill but that most are too inhibited, shy, or embarrassed to do it. I wonder ..... Will have to contuine this later diary

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By *ussyeater692Man  over a year ago



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By *d funMan  over a year ago


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By *ardsoloMan  over a year ago


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By *dward_TeagueMan  over a year ago


Go Pamela!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *eith28Man  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Like I told you, diary, Ronny is sitting here watching me write this and he says maybe I should talk to Sammy or her mom about it. He says that Evaa also does amateur nights at strip clubs and that the legendary, perhaps mythical, Sallie also did. "And beats Evaa sometime." That Sallie must be pretty good looking! Ronny says she's pretty plain looking without much figure but knows how to be sexually desirable. He says that I'm as good looking and desirable as any of them and could probably beat both Evaa and Sallie.

Sorry for the delay, Diary, but that earned Ronny a big kiss and, well , we had intercourse again, Ronny's been fingering me while I type and ... Yes, I do love the way he can give me orgasms, and He seems to like it too (he's nodding in the affirmative with a big smile) but I think he's tiring too, not much semen came out (now he's grinning sheepishly).

Oh, diary, I forgot to mention I had to pee while Ronny was in the shower and used the toilet right there where he could see. I'm such a bad girl Ronny says he didn't notice and isn't that interested in girls peeing anyway. I can understand, I've had enough of seeing boys pee from the times my baby brothers caught me in the face or just got things wet while I was changing their diapers.

Where was I? Oh yes, after showering, we were hungry and decided to go get something to eat. Ronny pulled out some Spiderman briefs and as he pulled Spiderman's face partially over his partially erect penis I had to ask what the deal was with all the superhero underwear. He said he was too small for men's clothes so he got his underwear in the boys department.

My brothers don't have to wear superhero underwear and I pointed out that they have plain colors for boys.

He explained that he had an elderly aunt who thinks he likes superheros and always sent him those for gifts. "Easier to just wear them than exchange them or even buy others. I never expected anyone to see them anyway." I didn't say anything but I expect he got some grief in the boy's locker room in school. Oops! forgot he's watching my write this. He says he didn't get much. They got attention and some jokes but he laughed along and answered back "super briefs for a super cock!" It was almost a point of pride, I guess. "Anyway, they all seem to get a kick out of them." I bet! They show off his asset in an interesting way.

After dinner I told him to turn into the parking lot of a local discount store. I took him to the men's and boys underwear. He didn't know the size but mom told me to always keep a cloth tape measure with me, "You never know when it might come in handy."

Diary, that made me think, Ronny's right here with me while I'm writing. It took a bit of time to measure but his penis is 10 1/2 inches long measured from base to tip along the top. And 11 inches measured along the bottom from scrotum to tip. 5 inches around. I measured his testicles too, 10 1/2 inches around the balls and they hang 6 1/2 inches down from his penis. Maybe I'll keep a record of guys genital sizes. What do you suppose would happen if I just go around and ask guys if I can measure theirs. Funny to think about. Ronny says he bets some would be happy to do it, especially if I give them a blow job or something (Ronny told me a "blow job" is when the girls sucks his penis until he ejaculates, I'm learning so much).

Back to what happened earlier today. As you know diary, I often buy clothes for my little brothers and I decided he could wear a men's small size and we bought a pair of blue silky men's boxers (They felt so soft and smooth), some red Lycra briefs (also soft and smooth, I kept imagining what his penis would look like encased in those for the entire drive home), and black "boxer briefs" that were tight like briefs but with longer legs. He told me he always wore briefs because he "stuck out" in boxers. I sure can believe that. I suggested he use the silk boxers "for special occasions."

Back in the basement, I went into the bathroom and changed into my babydoll. I had checked myself out in it at home. It does suit me since the top hangs down from my breasts and doesn't show my tummy bulge. It flares out and hangs against my hips in a way that shows them to advantage. The spaghetti straps and scoop neck show my cleavage and my aureoles show distinctly through the sheer fabric. When my nipples are hard like they were today, they make little bumps in the fabric. The top hangs to just above the dark outline of my pubic hair showing through the sheer panties. I had a bit of trouble seeing the back but with a hand mirror I could see that the shadow of my butt crack is visible through the panties. I think I'm too big back there but it wasn't obvious with the a baby doll. I think Ronny likes it because as soon as I came out he grabbed me in a big hug, I felt his penis against my stomach, and he kissed me passionately.

I had two things in mind, the second was another sex session. But first I wanted to see him in his new underwear so I broke off the hug and helped him undress.

I gave him the boxers first and watched him pull them on. The waist fit perfectly and his penis made an obvious tent in the fabric ( if you can refer to a hughhorn sized mountain as merely 'obvious' and as just a 'tent'). I giggled at it and told him he was right about 'sticking out' in boxers." It was one very stimulating tent but before I could feel it, the tent collapsed because its pole escaped through the fly. I could hardly stop laughing because Ronny started bouncing his penis up and down and swinging it around. He only stopped because I gave him a big, tight hug. I can't get enough of feeling his hard penis pushing against my body and there's something about the way it slips around over the silky fabric of the babydoll. Ronny tells me the feeling is mutual. When we separated he kept massaging my breasts and nipples and genitals through the fabric. I managed to get his penis back into the briefs so I could feel it through that fabric. I buttoned the fly hoping that would keep his sexual organ in place and moved the tent pole around inside the loose fabric. It's so sensual to have that slippery fabric between my hand and his skin. Ron's nodding in agreement and I knew he liked it because he started breathing heavily and gasping. I knew that meant I better quit or he'd erupt inside. I stopped playing with his penis and reached up the leg hole to fondle his testicles. I had hoped I would be able to pull then all the way out of the leg but they weren't quite that long.

It was all I could do to keep from having intercourse right then and there. But we had another set of special underwear to try, so I resisted. One thing Ronny has taught me is that delaying can make the act even better. And even with the fly buttoned his penis managed to find a gap and freed itself through the fly again. So funny!

I briefly sucked his penis into my mouth, pulled the boxers off, and gave him the red briefs. I had to laugh -- the tip of his penis stuck out beyond the waistband just like it did with the kids superhero briefs. I guess nothing's going to keep that guy completely contained The difference from the kids briefs was that there was a pouch at the crotch that held his testicles so they weren't pushed out. The bulge was very attractive and I couldn't help feeling them through the fabric. I managed to push the penis down inside the fabric to the side but it wouldn't stay, it always slipped up and poked the tip out. Still fun to do. I did manage to get it to stay down but then it poked out through a leg hole. I think that was an improvement. It looked more sexy and not so silly, especially the way it enhanced the bulge.

All the time, diary, Ronny would joke and laugh about my attempt to contain his manhood. I could tell he enjoyed my playing around with his privates. He says he especially liked the feel of the Lycra fabric when I moved his penis around but he said the briefs were tight and uncomfortable.

Finally, the boxer-briefs. Clearly those were made for Ronny. They were a bit higher on his waist and the tip pushed against the waistband but didn't quite show. The bulge of his testicles made an excellent showing. And I could push his penis down into one of the legs without the tip showing. The outline of the shaft was clearly visible, wherever it was positioned, even the outline of the head was obvious. That really got my blood flowing and I pushed him back onto the bed, my hand feeling the hard manhood through the fabric, stroking it up and down. Really nice when I sat on it

OMG, Diary! His hands were soon all over me, outside my nighty, inside it, caressing my breasts, rubbing my clitoris, stroking my back,inside my vagina, swirling and stroking. I wasn't just lying there either, I was massaging his chest and back and butt and grabbing the hard as steel rod of his penis, and squeezing his testicles. We kissed, my tongue was in his mouth, his in mine. His tongue was licking at my breasts. It's a swirl in my memory, the memory happening all at once and not in any particular order. All the time I was laughing and giggling and squealing in delight. He was laughing with me and grunting and moaning.

At some point I pulled his briefs off and sucked his penis into my mouth. He had his face at my crotch and he had my panties off. His mouth sucked my genitals, his tongue lapped at my clitoris and his fingers penetrated to the depth of my vagina. I had an orgasm. I remember shouting in pleasure with my body squirming and pulsing, but I didn't let his penis out of my mouth. I just moved it in and out more rapidly. He groaned loudly and semen flooded into my mouth. I still didn't let go as his hips wiggled around. I swallowed the nasty tasting, slippery stuff. His penis started softening but I kept sucking and pressed my vulva hard into his face.

He took the hint and resumed licking at my privates. His penis hardened again and once it was nice and hard I jumped off his face and sat on it. God! Diary, I love the feeling of it filling my vagina, and the feeling of my clitoris rubbing against his pubic hair. Nothing slowed down at all. I was on top, he was on top, he was behind me, he was in front, The only constant was that his penis was constantly moving, swirling, thrusting in my vagina. His testicles slapping against my butt, or, better, against my clitoris. a blur of changing positions and vaginal stimulation. our hands and lips and tongues weren't idle either. Kissing, licking, stroking every part of each others bodies that we could reach while keeping our genitals in constant contact. Laughing, squealing, moaning in ecstasy the entire time.

I had an intense, throbbing orgasm while on my back, my knees hugged to my breasts and his penis driving inside me and he kept pumping into me throughout the combined distress and joy that pulsed through my body. Then I had an even more intense orgasm while he was behind me, "doggy style". He moaned loudly and I felt his fully embedded penis pulse with orgasm. Semen dribbled out over my clitoris. With a few hard thrusts into me he stopped.

We collapsed, side by side. My skin tingled all over and sent shocks of pleasure through me from wherever he touched. I lay there with him at my back enjoying the feeling of his hands over my breasts and his soft penis nestled at my butt. I fell asleep.

I woke up, needing to urinate. The clock said 11:30. Coming out of the bathroom, I noticed Ronny watching me with a smile. I also thought about you, diary and took your thumb drive out of my purse. I asked Ronny if I could use his computer and that's where I am now, finishing today's entry with him watching. I'll be putting you back in the purse, then lights out and I'll tell you what happens tomorrow.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Oct 30

Halloween tomorrow and I've spent most of the afternoon fixing up Vickey, Rorey and Jimmie's costumes.

Oh, Diary, you want to know about the day with Ronny?

I woke with him naked next to me. I was still wearing the babydoll top and he was gently caressing my belly. We kissed, long and gently. I told him I loved him. I hoped that he would tell me he loved me too, but he didn't. I think he was taken aback by that. I know I'm jealous of the other girls but I didn't want him to think that I was saying I needed to be exclusive with him. I told him that loving him didn't mean that and that I know a person can love many others. I love my mom and dad and brothers an sisters too. I guess that made him feel better but he never told me his loves me. But, diary, I know he does. Why else would he treat me so kindly and gently. How else could the sex be so fabulous? Mom says a lot of guys just want the sex and that they don't feel so emotionally connected. But, diary, I'm not sure I believe her. I know he loves me and is afraid to say so.

I'll get to mom later. Anyway I kissed him and didn't say anything more about it. Just feeling him next to me was enough proof for me. I tried to make him feel less nervous by talking about penises and wondering aloud how other, smaller penises would feel inside me and whether guys with smaller penises would be at good at sex as he was. That just seemed to make him more nervous. I was thinking I might start to cry. I was making things worse.

I took a big risk and asked about the other girls. I started by mentioning that he always met someone after chem lab. He opened up slightly and said that Tuesdays and Thursdays were his "date nights". I asked about what they did and he said they did different things before coming to the basement. I asked about other nights and he said he had to get homework done sometime. I said he could do homework with the girls and he said none had the same classes he did, except Katie and he'd never be able to do homework with her. "Why not?" I asked and he said she'd want to spend all the time fucking.

I wasn't too surprised by that and suggested maybe he wanted to spend the time with me "fucking" too. He admitted he enjoyed it but would like being able to do things with girls without the "fucking". I wondered if maybe I had made a mistake asking him to take my virginity. Maybe he needed a girl who didn't want his penis inside her, so I mentioned we could do chem homework together. "I promise not to want to 'fuck' you." He was suspicious and I told him we could meet somewhere other than his basement, "On campus, even at my house." That last slipped out. I think I wanted my mom to meet him. She's still suspicious of his motives. And, guess what? We are taking the same calculus and history classes, just not at the same times, so we could do that homework too.

So, diary, I just talked with him although we hugged and kissed a bit I never touched his genitals and he never touched mine. That wasn't easy to do but I decided to show him that I know love doesn't mean sex (though I'm not reluctant to have that fabulous pleasure again). We will see.

The odor of coffee and bacon wafted down from the kitchen and Ronny told me I would certainly be welcome for breakfast. I pointed out that his cousins were certainly old enough to know we spent the night and what we had been doing. "Won't your aunt object?" He said the girls he had over frequently had breakfast with his family so I agreed. After breakfast the whole family got in the hot tub for a bit. Then Kim and Matty went to friends houses and Ronny's aunt and uncle left to do some shopping, leaving us alone. They were all so nice to me and Ronny's aunt wouldn't stop thanking me for helping with the party. Only his uncle seemed a bit stand-offish though he was nice enough. Ronny said he's always a bit unsure of what to do when he's in the hot tub with beautiful girls.

After they left Ronny started to stroke my genitals through my swim suit. I pulled away and he asked if that's not what I want. I told him I love doing it but only if he wanted it. When he said he did, I pulled off my suit and he did the same. Well, you know where that leads, diary. It wasn't long before we were both in his bed fucking like mad. When we were finished and basking in the afterglow of orgasm I asked him about homework and invited him to do it at my home.

We dressed and on the way home we stopped by the laundromat to wash the semen stained bed clothes. We had fun telling each other riddles.

When he took me home I had forgotten that this was the first time dad knew I was having sex and I remembered as we approached the front door. I was thinking it might not be the best time to actually have my lover come in. But Dad was very polite and gracious when I introduced Ronny to the family. I sensed a bit of discomfort. So I told Ronny we all did homework at the dinner table and excused myself to get my books and notes. I also asked mom to come with me and asked her about dad. She said she had talked with him and although he didn't like what I was doing he agreed to accept it. She said he was doing very well, but that he'd never make a scene. "Even in front of the boy you're having sex with." She told me he was probably behaving better because Ronny came in but couldn't guarantee how he'd behave when Ronny left.

The homework session went great. Vickey, Rory, and Jimmie joined us and mom and dad were nearby to help, but Ronny helped the young ones and they were seldom needed. I'm sure mom and dad were impressed by him. I walked with him to his car and we kissed and hugged good-by. He's coming for homework again tomorrow. In fact, he's going to take me to school!!!!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Nov 30

I saw Evaa on campus today. I caught up to her to say hi and thank her for her help with losing my virginity to Ron and with the Houcks. I thought she was probably there to meet Ronny but it turns out she was doing some nude modelling for an art class. I don't know what's with me but it sounded exciting and I asked her about it. She claimed it was pretty dull. Just standing there while the students drew or painted or sculpted. She said the hard part was holding the position, especially her arms. She did say it paid pretty well for doing almost nothing.

I thought maybe I'd like to try it and since I had some free time asked if I could tag along and watch. She told me it would be up to the instructor. We talked on the way over to the art building and she said she did a lot of modelling for artists not just at the school. I asked if the private modelling involved sex and she, hesitantly, said no. That seemed almost disappointing to me, diary, but her hesitation made me question her honesty on the subject.

I told her how I had enjoyed stripping in front of Ronny and said that stripping sounded exciting and then asked about her experiences at the strip club amateur nights. She admitted to being an exhibitionist and seemed to feel a lot like I did about being naked in front of guys, she said, "women too." I'm not sure I care that much about being naked in front of girls. I asked her about sex at the strip clubs and she said they don't allow it but that she could pick up guys there. She said she never did and recommended against it, "You never know about the guys at the strip clubs.

When she introduced me to the instructor he said that if I was interested in modelling for his classes I could watch. But you know what? He called me a "classic beauty." He was very complimentary and said he'd love to have me pose for some classic sculpting he was going to have in two weeks. He said that he'd be doing some modern figure interpretation later and that he'd been looking for a model with "classic curves". It was all very flattering. He did ask if I'd be willing to show him my body and I did. He didn't touch or anything but just looked. He was very, I mean VERY, complimentary. Said it would be wonderful if I'd agree and gave me a release form to return. He wanted them back pretty quickly so he could get someone else if I declined.

Watching Evaa model did look pretty boring, except for the part that there were over a dozen students looking diligently at her nude body while she stood there with a sheet draped over her arms. I fantasized about being there myself. Why does this stuff seems so exciting to me? She said she has to come back for two more sessions to allow the students time to complete their paintings. She said that private artists or groups would usually have her for one long session, with breaks.

The release was three documents. the one I needed to sign had a lot of stuff about the school having the right to display "representations" of me and how I'd have the ability to decide whether students could retain their individual creations after the school year. I had to say that I had read and understood the student release form that was another of the documents. It talked about what the students could do with their art work and gave the model some control. It also said the students could not fraternize with the models for at least 6 months after the end of the class. The third document was some general rules for the art department. My document said I had read, understood and agreed to comply with them.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Dec 2

I've been reluctant to tell mom about my fascination with being nude in front of guys, but I decided I had to get her advice on this modelling thing and the release form. I was sure she'd discourage the idea and she did.

I thanked her for her opinion and told her I might decide to do it anyway so she looked at the release. She said it looked okay and pointed out the ways in which graphic portrayals of genitals were discouraged and the rights it gave me to object to any depictions I didn't like. She told me I had the right to look at every picture and insisted that I look at them all and tell the instructor about my objections. And, of course, she took every opportunity to tell me I shouldn't do it.

Dec 3

I took the signed release to the art instructor and he told me he had a class in two weeks that he'd like me to model for. He said I'd be completely nude and wanted to be sure I'd be okay with that. There will be three sessions for the students to finish their work. I'm eager to do it.

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By *kpiercedCouple  over a year ago



Just keeps getting better & better

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Dec 16

Tomorrow is my nude modelling. I've got tingles all over thinking about it. I haven't told mom, only that I'm studying late at school tomorrow.

Dec 17

I've felt like giggling all evening. The nude modelling was a real turn on. There were three other girls there, all older than me and I had to stand in the middle and they knelt around me. It was supposed to be like a goddess (me, as a goddess, isn't that a laugh) and her handmaids. It wasn't easy standing real still and it was a little chilly but I got a break every few minutes. I was supposed to just stare into space but I couldn't help looking around. There were about a dozen art students. One was a guy I've seen in my world history class.

Afterward the instructor asked if I could come to some evening sessions. I guess he has short sessions with just a few students to go over what they are doing and he likes to have one of the models at each session. Anyway I'll be doing that next week. Oh. I looked at some of the work. I look really good in all of them and none of them are at all explicit, though a couple show my pubic hair.

And the instructor called me a "classic beauty" again. Isn't that a kick?

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By *dward_TeagueMan  over a year ago


An amazing story, please keep going

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Dec 20

Oh my, diary! There were only three students at the special session one guy and two girls. It wasn't like the class at all. It was in a small conference room and I was on the table. I got undressed and then did poses on the table. The instructor pointed out parts of my body and the students sketched them in detail. They were so close and I could see exactly what they were drawing.

Like their sketch pads filled most of the page with my breast, showing every bump of my aureoles and the little dimple in my nipple. They did my ear and my lips and my hand and my toes and my elbow and even my genitals, hair and protruding labia and clitoris. I was so turned on that it was a shiny ball peeking out.

I thought maybe those violated the part of the contract about graphic portrayal of genitals and asked the instructor about it. He pointed out that the contract allowed it if it showed only the genitals and not anything that. might be used to identify the model. "If models have genital tattoos or piercings the artists can't show them. He noted a part that allowed the identifying "portrayal" if the model gave her explicit permission, "The artist has to ask you first." He also reminded me that I have the right to reject any portrayal of anything and asked whether I had minded them being so intimate. I was honest, telling him I loved it.

Dec 23

Christmas break and plenty of time to think.

This nude modelling is both exciting and very boring but being naked in front of the student artists really has me thinking about stripping.

I imagine the guys at a strip club to be much more sexually excited than the artists. Why is that so much more attractive to me?

I called that girl Sammy today. The one that's a stripper that I called about Ronny (that seems so long ago). Anyway, she suggested I come to the strip club to see what the dancers do. I gotta admit, I'm curious, but don't know about doing that. She told me she'd meet me outside the club.

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By *ardsoloMan  over a year ago


so good

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By *rdiscreet327Man  over a year ago


This is so good!

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By *dward_TeagueMan  over a year ago


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By *eith28Man  over a year ago



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By *otonfoxMan  over a year ago


The best story I’ve read here

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By *lay-with-MeMan  over a year ago

Whitchurch Shropshire

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Dec 28

What an afternoon! I went to the strip club. It's a pretty seedy looking place, inside and out. The nicest thing about the whole place is that huge "Nude Girls" sign with letters you can see for a mile from the freeway. Parking lot is dirt. Building is wood siding that looks like it's needed a paint job for a couple of decades. The inside is dark, except for the lighted stage with two metal poles, so it's hard to see but I had the impression of worn upholstery and carpet.

Sammy met me inside the door and right away took me to another door and up some stairs so I didn't get a close look at the interior. We went to a large room that looked very nice when she turned on the lights. She dimmed the lights and one side of the room was a window looking down at the stage. She told me I could get a good view of the dancers and customers from there and "wouldn't be disturbed." I sat in one of the plush and comfortable swivel chairs near the window and watched as she went down.

The sign said "nude" and it was right. The girls danced on the stage to music, usually seeming pretty bored but some really had a workout, spinning on the poles and smiling at the customers. They wore bikini type outfits, some being just underwear and danced two dances each time they got on stage. They would usually get topless sometime in the first dance and then drop their bottoms in the second dance. They would flash their genitals at the guys sitting around the stage, sometimes getting so close that I bet the guys could smell them. One dancer actually seemed to rub her crotch in a guy's face!

Speaking of the guys. There looked to be about a dozen in the building. Three of them sat right at the edge of the stage and would put money on the stage for the dancers who would usually respond by showing them their body more closely. I couldn't tell whether the bills were 5's, 10's, 20's, or different amounts. I guess that made a difference as to whether the dancer might rub her breasts in the guys face (once a dancer pulled a guy's hands to squeeze her big breasts after he threw a bill on stage) and it must have been a big bill that guy threw out to get her crotch in his face.

The girls would walk around the place and stop to sit and talk with the guys. Sometimes they would get up and go somewhere under where I was sitting. When I left, I asked Sarah about that and she said they had private rooms where the girls would get topless or naked and dance for the guys. She said "lap dances" which involved sitting on the guy's lap and rubbing against his penis and sometimes more. I experienced some of the "more" myself, although at the time I assumed it was a special case.

About that - If mom ever hears about this she'll ban me from the strip club for life! Not that she'd ever approve of me being there.

Sammy said I "wouldn't be disturbed." Well, she was wrong, and how!

While I was sitting there, suddenly the lights were brightened and some overweight guy with a skinny dancer was standing in the doorway. He says, gruffly, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

I was scared and could only say that Sammy had told me it would be okay. Then guy said he didn't know any Sammy and went to a phone on the wall. He says, "Tell Carlos to come up here, we have a problem." The skinny dancer just stood there looking at me.

Then this dumpy looking guy comes up, "What's the problem," he says. and the big guy points at me.

I was scared and ready to cry.

The dumpy looking guy repeats what the big guy asked, "What are you doing here?" and I manage to sob out that Sarah said it would be okay and the big guy says, again, "Who is this Sarah?"

The dumpy guy gets on the phone and says, "Tell Astried to come up here, immediately. Get her out of the VIP if necessary."

He sees I'm starting to cry and is kind of nice, telling me I'm not in trouble. But the big guy mumbles something about someone ought to be and the dumpy guy says he's sure he can do something to make up for it. He nods to the skinny girl who takes the big guy to a couch and pulls out his penis. Honestly diary, that's what she did, just unbuckles him, unzips him and pulls out his penis and starts rubbing and sucking on it.

And she looks over at me and makes some head gestures. I know what she means and understand. I'm reluctant but guess at her reasoning. I go over and she lets me start stroking and sucking at his penis. It's hard as a rock. Harder than Ronny's gets. It's so thick it barely fits in my mouth. He pulls my head close to get as much of it in as he can. It's maybe seven inches long and almost caused me to vomit.

The guy smiles at me and sort of nods at the dumpy guy. The dumpy guy makes some gestures to the skinny girl. The implication is clear and she gets up on this platform in front of the couch and uses some light switches at the side to brightly light the little stage. She begins dancing and takes off her bra. The guy reaches inside my blouse and bra and feels me up. I decide it's best not to object.

The guy growls at the dancer, "Wendy, sweetie, let me have a feel."

She comes down and lets him massage her breasts. I keep sucking at his penis and Sammy comes in.

Sammy talks a little bit with the dumpy guy and then comes over to tell me to get up. She leads me to the dumpy guy. The skinny girl takes over the big guy's penis. Then this older woman who looks a lot like Sammy comes in. The dumpy guy calls her "Valrie" but I can tell she's Sammy's mom. (Should have mentioned there's two Sammy's)

It turns out the dumpy guy is the owner and manager of the place and the big guy is a police captain on the vice squad and he gets to use the room to get private shows with the girls as kind of a payment to not be too fussy about what goes on in the place. Apparently Sammy's mom (who dances under the name "Valrie") arranged for Sammy (who dances under the name "Astried") to let me use the room. What they didn't do is clear the time when I would be there and so "Captain" came up while I was there. There was no doubt "Captain" had priority and he was willing to forgive everything but wanted a second dancer besides "Wendy" (the skinny girl) to make up for it.

Both "Valrie" and "Astried" were acceptable but he kept staring at me in a way that made it clear he really wanted me. I said I'd do it, but Sammy's mom held up her palm to "Captain" and took me aside.

She asked me if I knew what I was agreeing to. I said, "sure he wants me to dance naked for him."

I was thinking the idea was exciting. But she corrected me and said that was only part of it. He expected whoever stayed to let him fuck her. I was shocked but realized I shouldn't have been. After all I'd already been sucking on his penis. Diary, I'm ashamed to say, shocked or not, the idea sent a thrill through my body. A sort of chilling and scary thrill, but still a clearly sexually exciting thrill.

Sitting here after and writing to you, I'm surprised that I agreed to do it. But I remember that feeling and the continuing similar feeling I had while I did what Captain demanded of me. It was new, and exciting, and scary, and exhilarating. I feel the thrill in my genitals even now as I write.

I was thinking I'd just tell you I danced and undressed, and, yes let Captain fuck me. But the whole thing was so bizarre and surreal. There I was with this guy I'd never seen before and barely knew and this skinny girl I'd also never seen before and didn't know. I didn't even know his, or her, real names. Anyway Captain told us to undress him and we did, he was so hairy. Back, front, legs, arms. hair everywhere, except his hard, thick penis that stuck seven or eight inches inches out from a mass of hair at his crotch. Then he told Wendy to play some music for me. He told me to get on the stage and strip. I did, the music was a bit fast for me but I did my best.

While I slowly took off my clothes while making swings around the pole he pulled down Wendy's panties and then picked her up, seemingly by the breasts, and put her on his lap. He did some adjusting and I watched his penis disappear into the fleshy labia between her spread legs. I don't know why, diary, but that was really erotic. He was stroking Wendy's breasts and clit, rotating her so she was sideways on the couch and I felt like his hands were touching me. I took off everything except my panties, feeling like I was the exact opposite of Wendy, she so skinny and me chubby, if not fat.

Captain says, "You are a fleshy one. Sometimes I like 'em thin (he gave Wendy a kiss) but a little bit of flesh is nice too. Come here. What's your name?"

Will have to contuine this later dairy as I'm being called.

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By *dward_TeagueMan  over a year ago


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By *landalCouple  over a year ago


Loving this story

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

There you have it, diary, here I was down to my panties with a guy I knew only as a police captain and he didn't know my name. I realized that none of the strippers used their real names so I made one up. I wanted something flowery, and that made me think of a garden and I said, "Gardennia".

"Gardennia," he says, "that's a mouthful." Well, I decided that it maybe could be shorter and blurted out "Denie for short,"

"Denie," he says, "like Tenie. Except Wendy is the teenie one, you're more the voluptuous one. So, Denie, let's see that cunt."

He lifted Wendy off his lap, his penis looking three inches thick to me. He reaches over and pulls my panties to my knees and comments, "Oh, natural bush, don't see that much around her. What do you think Wendy?"

I suspect that was rhetorical but Wendy says, "No you don't." That's the first she's made a sound and she has this high pitched nasal voice with a southern sound.

He starts running his fingers through my pubic hair and pushing one into my slit and against my clitoris. All this time I had been getting more and more excited, so as soon as he touches my clitoris I jerk and gasp. "Oh, ready are you?" he says and starts massaging the clitoris and driving fingers inside me. I know I was squirming and writhing in orgasm as he did it and I was probably squealing loudly too. Anyway he's saying "go girl go!" and "let it out" and other stuff until I calm down.

Then he says, "You girls ready to fuck? Who's first?"

I remember him sitting there with Wendy sitting on his penis and I say, "you've already fucked Wendy."

He replies, "I gather from that you think it's your turn." while he says that he stands and pushes me back onto the couch. "That wasn't fucking," he says and turns to Wendy, "What would you say it was?"

She says "relaxing."

Meanwhile he's jammed his fat cock up my vagina saying, "right, this is fucking!" and starts flailing away into me. He has me on my back and really fills me up. His testicles slapping my rear on each stroke.

He tells Wendy to sit on my face and asks, "What does she taste like?" Well, I start lapping at her genitals. She has a salty with kind of fishy flavor and I tell him that. He says, "Finger fuck her, Denie!"

It takes me a few seconds to remember that "Denie" is me and I push a couple of finger inside her all the way to her cervix, hard cone with a slight dimple in the middle. I continue to lick at her clitoris.

You know what? She just sits there. It's like her sex parts are numb or that she just doesn't care. Then he has us change positions and I watch his thick cock driving into her. It looks so big that it shouldn't fit inside the skinny body but she takes it without complaint while she licks away at me, her fingers wiggling inside me. I explode with another orgasm while Captain smiles and laughs at my pleasure. It's hard to tell whether he's mocking or enjoying seeing me enjoy it.

He does us each doggy style while we lick and finger each other again. It's fascinating to watch his thick penis thrusting into Wendy's vagina and then watch it pull out. Her labia and even some of her vaginal wall come out with it. I'm amazed that she takes the whole thing so stoically. When he does me he has this ability to drive his testicles hard against my clitoris. I have another orgasm because of the stimulation and he laughs and laughs while continuing to drive into me.

Then he has me sitting on him, bouncing up and down while he licks her out, then she's on top of the fat penis and he's licking me to another orgasm. Windy barely smiles and shows little emotion. He tells her to get off and go back to dancing. She disappears downstairs and I'm alone with him. He becomes gentle, stroking my body and kissing me everywhere. Then he lays me gently on my back and pulls my legs together, my knees to my breasts and I feel his penis begin to slowly entering my vagina. It fills me and he slowly pulls all the way out. Then slowly all the way in. Slowly in and out over and over. I feel his body tighten as he grunts and drives hard into me. A few more grunts and he's done.

He releases me, stands, pulls off the condom and dribbles the content over my stomach. He disappears into the men's room while I lay naked on the couch, letting my legs relax by spreading them apart. The coolness of the air feels good. He comes out and as he dresses he asks why I was there and whether I'd be dancing there soon. When I tell him I'm thinking of competing for amateur night he asks when. I Tell him next month. He says maybe he'll come help me win. I say I don't want to cheat. He says, "no cheating., just helping" He puts on his suit jacket, shoveshis fingers up my vagina one last time and disappears down the stairs, licking his fingers and saying, "You're one great little fuck. We'll need to do it again sometime. Carll may be in touch."

That's it. except that I sit in the nude and watch a few more dancers on the stage below. Then Sammy comes in and we talk about my time with The Captain, what it's like to work as a stripper, and what do do for amateur night. Then I dress and leave.

Amateur night is once a month. The next is at the end of January. She suggested I should talk to Evaa about it because she frequently participates in amateur nights, "and always wins". I don't doubt she wins, she's so beautiful.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Dec 29

I called Evaa about helping me with amateur night.

She told me said I should be myself and asked about what I had done for Earll. I told her about my simple, print dress and see through panties and no bra. She said I should just add a sexy bra. She liked the idea of dancing to ballet music like I had done for Earll, "It will set you apart and if you were good at your ballet classes it will fit you well. A lot of guys fantasize about nude ballet."

Evaa said she'd be on campus when school resumed for photo modelling and suggested we meet then to talk in more detail.

So I'm gonna do it, Diary. I tingle thinking about it. It's almost like having an orgasm.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Jan 3

I met Eva and went with her to the photo class. It wasn't nude and wasn't really a class, just an opportunity for photography students to get some posed pictures. The instructor told me that most students would get girlfriends or others they knew pose for their shots but some preferred this. Since I had signed the release he asked if I'd like to participate. I did and Eva and I posed together.

I looked at some of the shots after and wasn't that pleased. Short, chubby, round faced, dull brown haired me was a big contrast to svelte, shapely, beautiful, redheaded Eva.

Anyway, we changed clothes pretty much in the open. Didn't get nude, kept on our panties and bras. The instructor said we could change in the restroom but Eva did it in right there in front of the class so I did too. A real turn-on! I was surprised they had clothes that fit me, but some did. The instructor said we were just using costumes from the drama department and that's why there was such a selection of styles and sizes.

AND! Eva said she had a actual nude photo-shoot next week. She said her twin brothers are coming and asked if I wanted to come. I jumped at the offer. Am I getting too naughty? She said they want to do some porn shots and asked if it would be okay for me to "do it" with her brothers. By "do it" she meant pose holding penises and with penises up my vagina and stuff like that. She told me I could sit out that part or only participate the amount I want, like holding penises but no penetration. But the guys would be posing with me. It sounds so naughty and exciting. I expressed surprise that the school would allow things like that and she told me it wasn't for the school but a real professional modelling job.

I reminded her how she said the modelling didn't involve sex and said that penises up vaginas sounded a lot like sex. I pressed her and it turns out that the guys sometimes want sex as part of the modelling but claimed it wasn't necessary and that I could decline any porn modelling that involved genital contact..

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Jan 4

Evaa said I had to go to her agent to be approved for the photo-shoot. Her name is Jennie Mejiaa, but she likes to be called just "Mejiaa". Well, it turns out I had to sign a contract for her to be my "exclusive agent". She also wanted a "portfolio" of pictures of me . I went through the files of pictures from the school and selected a couple of dozen. I included some nude ones too. Mejiaa said that would be necessary if I wanted nude work. I had to check what kind of modelling I would do and checked almost all, even "fashion". Mejiaa said they sometimes want "more natural" looking girls and I'd be perfect. I had to ask about "semi-nude", "nude", "soft porn" and "hard porn". She said "semi-nude" was breasts only, "nude" was fully naked, "soft porn" was explicit genital shots and close-ups as well as pictures with naked guys, "hard porn" was actual genital penetration. Doesn't it all sound so exciting? But dirty too. Maybe that's what makes it so exciting. I checked everything but "bondage" and "S&M".

Jan 8

I got e-mail from Mejiaa saying I had the photo-shoot with Evaa! Guess what, they pay 100 an hour. Mejiaa gets 10%, but still! 360 for 4 hours of doing almost nothing!

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By *rodo99Man  over a year ago


Wow I’m loving this

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Jan 12

Evaa and her brothers (not real. Just what she called them) picked me up for the nude photo shoot. Her brothers try hard to be funny. Because they're identical they make a lot of jokes about who is who. And their penises are tattooed: one has a snake and the other has a fish with tentacles surrounding it. His testicles are made to look like an octopus head. Isn't that a kick!

The shoot was with this group of four guys. They had this expensive looking high rise apartment (Evaa claimed they rented it just for the shoot). They had tons of equipment set up. It was hard to get around, there was photography equipment and lights everywhere along with the tables and chairs and couches they would use for us to pose on. We had to sign "releases" that said the photographers owned the pictures and that we were over 18 and that I agreed to let them use the pictures however they wanted. I was a little nervous about it since it wasn't like the college form where I had some right to reject uses. They said it meant they could put them on the internet and that worried me but I signed it. It did have a place where I said what name would have to be used if the pictures were published. Evaa said to use a pseudonym so I could deny they were of me if someone saw them. She put down something like "Breda Flame". I thought a little and put down "Plush Velvety" because I thought it sounds soft and was so obviously phony. Evaa said I should use the same name if I do it any more.

The session wasn't as easy as I thought. I had to hold still on various poses, some of them quite uncomfortable. I was exited to get naked but then it got boring pretty quick. They wanted all kinds of awkward poses. The actual pictures looked nice and not awkward at all but holding my body so my genitals are easily visible isn't easy.

The stuff with Evaa's brothers was fun. They held me in all kinds of positions and I had to hold their penises and keep them in my mouth and then they would put them in me in lots of positions and have to hold them there. It was easier than posing alone because the guys did most of the holding.I could lean against them to keep in place. Besides, I love having a penis inside me! They also did a lot of poses with both me and Evaa and all four of us. I got to taste Evaa's "pussy". It was really salty with a more sourish flavor than Wendy and the same sort of fishy taste.

For the last half hour they did videos which meant the brothers actually fucked us without just posing. I loved that part, and the photographers told me to be more "energetic" which meant I was to act as if I was on the verge of orgasm all the time. Then I was supposed to "fake" one. I'm not sure they realized that there were a couple of times I didn't need to fake it. The only difficult part was that I couldn't hug them close to me or anything because the photographers wanted to be able to clearly see their penis going in and out.

The guys could occasionally hold and squeeze my breasts when we did it doggy style and when I was sitting on them facing away from them. I liked that a lot and that's when I had the actual orgasms.

At the end they masturbated into my face like they do in the porn videos a lot. That was kind of unpleasant. Evaa's brothers ejaculated with a lot of semen and it shot out a couple of feet. My face was covered and a lot went into my mouth too. Their semen didn't smell even as good as Rony's.

There was a shower in the bathroom and Evaa loaned me her towel after she used it, telling me I should always bring a towel with me to sessions. I mentioned "The Hitchikers Guide" but Evaa didn't get the reference though her brothers did.

Afterwards two of the photographers approached Evaa and me (one approached each of use). The guy asked me if I'd stay around for an hour of "overtime". He offered 500 and nervously said he and his friend wanted to take porn pictures of themselves with us. I thought it sounded fishy but Evaa told me she did it all the time. Said it was a good way to make extra money and bargained the guys to 800 each for the hour.

Evaa's brothers stayed around to take us home, and I think to make sure the guys didn't try anything untoward. As if fucking wasn't "untoward". Besides fucking they did some closeup videos and photos while I or they spread my vulva wide. One even had a speculum for "internal shots" that showed my cervix.

That wasn't near as much fun as with Evaa's brothers. The guys weren't gentle and were definitely just after their own pleasure. And they wanted to "bareback" which they said was without a condom and they wanted a "cream-pie" which they said was to ejaculate (they called it "coming") inside my vagina. I refused even though they offered 500 more. I don't want a disease and told them they shouldn't want one either. Evaa refused an offer of 1000 to do it. But. you know what, Evaa had this hand lotion she kept in the bag she brought with her. When squeezed inside, it comes out a lot like semen. We each took 250 to do that for them. Evaa clams it's harmless but I douched when I got home.

And I got the guy to give me an extra 500 to let him "come" on my face. Which mean he masturbated to orgasm and let his semen drop onto my face. his "ejaculation" was more like a dribble rather than any sort of squirt. It was thick and sticky with the usual odor and required another trip to the shower.

On the way home, I told Eva it just seemed a lot like prostitution. She claimed it was just porn modelling but I'm not really convinced.

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By *otonfoxMan  over a year ago


Please continue

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By *kpiercedCouple  over a year ago


This is such a good read !

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By *dward_TeagueMan  over a year ago


I love this one!

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By *orgotten22Woman  over a year ago

out in the sticks in the north east england

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By *ooking4othersMan  over a year ago

Here ...

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Jan 13

Yesterday's photo-shoot was exciting and mostly enjoyable. In a way I experienced my fantasy of having sex while others are watching, but I'm

feeling kind of dirty about the final hour. If I take any more photo-shoots I'm not going to do any "overtime" even for thousands of euros.

Jan 15

Sammy was nice enough to volunteer to help me with my amateur night routine. I spent two hours with her at the club in the upstairs room. This time she made sure the manager hadn't booked it for someone else. Her mother came in too. We picked music. Since what little dance training I had was ballet and Swan Lake was the main source of much of the training and the ballet we used for the class finale, I wanted that. We decided on the Masurka. It's lively, just the right length (4 minutes), has this nice fanfare at the beginning and then a pause near the middle with a slow section and then a lively end. I practiced a bit in my underwear. The fanfare is short and I thought I'd just pose during it but we decided I'd remove my bra during it and dance topless until the pause. Then remove my panties in the slow section and dance nude for the remainder. I tried a bunch of different movements trying to be sexy and I'll have to make some decisions about exactly what to do over the next week. I'm feeling good about it.

The top two of the dancers have to do a second dance to determine the winner. Sammy and her mom suggested I have another piece of music for that. I decided on the Waltz from Swan Lake. Remember I tried it with Earle when Ronny took me to his house. It's too long but I'll use the first two minutes for the topless dance and the last two minutes for the nude dance. I practiced a bunch of spins for the ending. even using the pole. I'm much more comfortable with that than the Masurka.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Jan 18

Evaa helped me pick an outfit for the amateur night. We went to two places. One was a sex shop full of porn videos and sex toys. I couldn't help checking them out and bought a vibrator to try. It looks like a Penis but is larger than Ron's . They had a bunch of sexy outfits and skimpy underwear.

The other was a dance store. We decided on a white leotard from the dance store. They had lots of sizes and they are very flexible. We selected one that fits really tight to my body. My aureoles and pubic hair show slightly trough the light colored fabric and the crotch rides into my slit. Evaa called it sexy and a "cameltoe". I can easily slip my arms out of the straps to expose my breasts for topless dancing. It takes a bit of wriggling around to get the bottom over my hips and drop it to the floor but Eva said doing the movements to the music would be especially sexy.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Jan 22

Amateur night tomorrow! Sarah got me in the upstairs room again for a run through of my dances. A couple of the other dancers watched and they said it was really good. Much better than any of the other amateurs would likely use.

One other thing. I had to pick a stage name. I sure didn't like that "Denie" thing I picked at the spur of the moment for the Captain, and Evaa recommended against using "Velvet" like I use for modelling. Anyway I decided on "Odete", the name of the swan princess. Sammy and her mom said none of the guys would know about the origin but that it was a good and "unique" name.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Jan 23

Diary, I'm sure you're anxious to know about the amateur night. Well, I won the contest, such as it was. There were only four other girls and I didn't think any of them were very attractive. You know I think my body is too chunky but I also know I have a cute face, and my modelling has gotten me believing that my body is at least okay. Two of the other girls were just as chunky, if not more so and, trying to be modest about it, not nearly as cute as I am. One was thin but without much of a figure and the last was tall and thin with huge, obviously fake, breasts. None of them had spent much time thinking about their dances. The one without a figure did some athletic moves on the pole but most of them just strolled around the stage and then rolled around, showing off their genitals, spreading their legs and labia for the guys. I planned my routine to do plenty of flashing so that wasn't a problem and I got a nice cheer for my first routine.

The fake breast girl was my competition in the finals and she did the same routine. Having a different routine meant I won by a landslide. But diary, I had spent so much time thinking about my dance that I forgot the reason for doing this: the excitement of being nude and exposing myself in front of a bunch of guys. I'll have to go back. Except they don't allow winners to compete for two months.

The surprise was what happened afterward. Sammy, her mom and two other strippers took me to the upstairs room. "The Captain" was there with four other guys. I thought the other guys were cops but Sammy said one of them was a city councilman and one of the other strippers said one was rich lawyer. I'm not sure they really knew. What I do know is that Captain pulled me aside and said, "We had a great fuck a couple of weeks ago, didn't we?"

I'm not sure I really agreed but said "yes". Anyway he asked if I'd be up to fucking one of these guys. I looked around and decided there'd be no downside. They were all dressed in suits and looked respectable and decent. Once again, feelings of naughty excitement took over and I agreed.

The Captain had something planned. The guys had purchased tickets with their names and put them bags, one bag for each of the girls. They could put more tickets into the bag for the stripper or for me that they wanted most. The Captain said half the money went to help me win. I said I didn't think I needed the help. He laughed and agreed. The other half was for the girl whose bag the ticket was placed in.

Believe it or not, diary, mine was a big bag and way full, almost 200. More guys wanted me! Now that I think about it, it was probably because I was the new girl. They may have been with the strippers before. They drew for me last. All the other girls were paired up and there was one guy who didn't have a girl. But whoever got me would exchange his girl with that guy. They drew the ticket for a guy named Rodny. He had to give up Sammy. She hugged me as I went to Rodny who was young and a real hunky guy, well over six foot and his body felt like concrete when he took me into his arms. Sammy had told me he was kinda famous but I didn't know him. He was completely bald but he told me he kept it shaved. He must have shaved it recently because it was smooth as a pool ball, not a hint of stubble.

They had a mattress on the little stage and Randy gently led me onto it. He removed his shoes and socks and I removed my shoes so I was standing on the mattress in my skimpy leotard. All the other girls were completely naked. They had shed their skimpy stripper clothes while I had been talking to Captain. The guys sat in the plush swivel chairs around the stage, the girls in their laps. As I stood, I saw the guys were caressing the girls all over and kissing them and their breasts, feeling their genitals and everything. I felt myself becoming aroused, just as I am now, remembering it.

Rodny's strong and gentle hands stroked me through the leotard. The girls were unbuttoning shirts and unzipping trousers. I took the hint and turned to Rodny. I started unbuttoning him while kissing his lips. I felt his tongue inside my mouth and leaned my body into his. It was like leaning into a brick wall, one with a bit of softness on the outside, but solid and unyielding underneath.

I had his shirt unbuttoned and he pulled it off. Muscles rippled everywhere. I've never seen anything like it except in an action movie. I've never felt so small and soft and excited and anxious as I did as his huge arms and soft hands gently pulled the straps of my leotard down exposing my breasts. He kissed them gently, then not so gently, and then sucked my nipples. I felt them hardening and enlarging. I threw my head back and luxuriated in the feeling. His arms around my back held me up and my hips pushed against him and I felt the hard staff of his penis pushing into my belly.

I looked at the audience. All the guys were staring at me with desire. Every one of them had a good looking naked girl in his lap. All of them were naked from the waist up. All had their penis out. Some had their pants on the floor, others just had their pants open and the waistband of their underwear pulled down below their balls. All of them were massaging the girl's breasts and genitals, some had fingers embedded in vaginas (not all in the vagina of the girl on their lap). The girls were caressing the guys' chests and giving them hand jobs or blow jobs. Marlne (Sammy's mom) was playing with her guys balls while he masturbated on his own penis and the guy next to them was playing with her genitals. But diary, with all that going on, every last one of them was looking lustfully at ME! While dancing in the contest I may have been too distracted to really feel the erotic sensation of realizing my fantasy of being naked in front of a bunch of guys. But now, I shivered in the full realization that I was living the fantasy. And, diary I realized the fantasy wasn't just about being naked in front of guys, it was being naked in front of guys who wanted me, guys who obviously wanted me for sex, guys who wanted their cocks inside me, guys who wanted my vagina wrapped around their cocks. Guys who wanted to fuck me and wanted me to fuck them! God what a feeling, I was so aroused. I felt Rodny's hand move to my genitals. As I reached past his well defined abs to undo his slacks and expose his manhood I knew I was also about to completely fulfill my fantasy of having sex in front of these guys! Excuse me diary. I've gotta try out that new vibrator.

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By *orsetMale34Man  over a year ago


Can't wait to read next installment, so well written and such a sexy story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Clearly not a true British story!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Sorry for the interruption, Diary. My, that vibrator is great, It really releases the tensions. Just thinking about last night really gets me going.

That was absolutely the most amazing night of my life. Yeah I know Ronny taking my virginity and most any night with him is great. but to have my sexual fantasy fulfilled like that! Well I'll never have another night like last night. Sure I won't lose my virginity again and there can't be another first time but I'm having sex over and over again and each time repeats the experience but there's no way I'll ever be as excited as I was last night while a guy, any guy, fucks me. There will never be another first time for being fucked in front of a group of lust filled guys either.

I left off with all the guys looking wishfully at us and Rodny starting to tickle my genitals. I reached down, feeling the rock hard abs. Diary, he was like a Greek marble statue from top to bottom. Hard as rock but covered in a soft, hairy skin, not white like marble but ebony, dark brown from top to bottom. . You might think a big, strong guy like that would be rough, but he was unbelievably gentle. His strength allowed him to do things others guys would have to struggle at. He could make smooth slow moves when other guys would have to pound or jerk. I'm ahead of myself.

I undid his slacks and then slid my body down his, pulling his slacks down his legs. Legs like tree trunks, perfectly shaped, hard as he rest of his body and covered in hair. Did I mention that his chest was also covered in thick, dark hair too. But his abdomen only had this strip of hair across his belly button and disappearing into his boxers.

Well I moved down until my head was even with his penis. It was making this big tent in his boxers. I put my hands on his butt (just as hard and firm as the rest of him) and brushed my lips against the protruding rod. I managed to get it to pop through the fly and sucked it into my mouth. He held the back of my head and hummed a low hum as his cock moved in and out.

I pulled the boxers down over it so his modest sized, fuzzy testicles and all eight or so inches of the penis were exposed. They were as dark as the rest of him. I expected to start sucking on it again but someone tossed him a condom. As he reached down to put it on, I took it from him and put it on. I engulfed it in my mouth as I unrolled it. As soon as it was all the way on he grabbed me around my chest, his thumbs under my breasts, and slowly lifted me up. Way up! Above his head. I had to put my hands on his head for balance.

I wasn't sure what to expect. I looked out at the other guys who were watching seemingly as amazed as I was. This time I saw looks of envy on the faces of all the strippers sitting there with much flabbier guys, their cocks in their hands. What a turn on. Not only did all the guys want to be fucking me but I felt like all the girls wanted to BE me, about to be fucked by this rock of a guy. I was giggling uncontrollably.

Like I said I was above his head, his arms were fully extended and he lowered me gently to his mouth. I felt his tongue explore my pussy, my genitals. It separated my labia and I felt its wetness lapping at my clit. I had an immediate orgasm, as much from the excitement of the moment as from his activity. He licked away until my body stopped throbbing. Then he sucked my vulva into his mouth and pushed his tongue into my vagina. Tongues aren't long enough to really get far inside and his wasn't much longer than average but it sure felt amazing. I mean being held in the air, essentially sitting on the guys face, all my labia sucked into his mouth and his tongue inside me! I have to giggle at the thought and the memory.

What was left but for him to lift me off his face and lower me to his cock. I knew right away what he was doing and spread my legs, bending them at the knee and guiding his penis to its target as I felt it push against me. So there I was, bouncing on his penis, my legs wrapped around his waist as best as I could manage, My hands on his shoulders and his hands under my butt, supplying all the energy for the movement. I was laughing and laughing with the sensations.

Then he moved to his knees and gently laid me on my back, his penis never leaving its place inside me. Diary, the whole activity with him seemed to take place in slow motion. Kind of like one of those fantasy or dream sequences in the movies where nothing moves at a normal speed. It just seemed that instead of pumping into me like other guys did his cock moved leisurely in and then, just as leisurely, out. When we kissed, our tongues danced a slow waltz in our mouths, rather than the frantic wrestling for position I had experienced with other guys. There was something about the slowness that was exceedingly erotic and it seemed as if there was nothing beyond his hard body, his firm and gentle embrace, his stiff penis moving inside me.

He slowly and gently turned us over so I was riding on his cock. I began slowly bouncing on it and he helped me with hands under my butt.

My ride was interrupted by a penis pushing at my mouth. Randy stopped his movement and I felt obliged to open my mouth to admit the modest sized cock and suck it. After a few minutes the owner moved away. I saw Sarah sitting on Rodny's face and the modest sized penis was replaced with Captain's thick one. I opened as wide as I could to take it in. Four guys in succession, four cocks in my mouth and each time one of the four strippers positioned herself over Rodny's mouth.

After the fourth had his chance someone said "Rodny let us have our chance with the winner." And someone else said, "Yeah let us have a fuck with the cute cunt." Anyway Rodny pulled me to him and whispered that he'd have to give me up. Then, Diary he said, "But give me your number and we'll finish this up some other time." I said, "You mean like a date?" and he said, "Not like a date, a date"! That was a thrill to have this hunk, who can probably pick women up just by wiggling his finger at them, telling me he wants to take me out, not just to fuck this one time!

Anyway, I get on all fours with the rest of the guys taking turns pounding into me from behind, testicles slapping against my clitoris. I remember watching Rodny on the couch sliding his penis into the strippers one by one. I caught his eye and he winked at me. I giggled at the thought of going out with him. I'm giggling inside now, thinking about it.

The little party broke up and Rodny escorted me to my car where we exchanged numbers. He said he'll call tomorrow. I hope so.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Jan 24

Rodny said he'd call but he didn't. I guess he was just leading me on

Jan 26

Diary, Rodny called. He invited me out Saturday of next week!! He says he has a special event and a party he needs to go to. Who needs to go to parties? But that's what he said.

Feb 2

Tomorrow's the day. I'm so anxious about Rodny I've almost forgotten about Ronny.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Feb 3

I know, I know, I'm late telling you about this. I thought the evening after the amateur contest at the strip club was surreal but it didn't hold a candle to yesterday.

It started with Rodny coming to pick me up. My dad insisted on answering the door and he no longer did so than he exclaimed, "You're Rodny Willson!" and Rodny smiled and answered "That's me". Dad says "Pamel, why didn't you say you has a date with Rodny Willson," I just said I did. but he goes on "but you didn't say Rodny Willson!" Well, diary, I'm pretty sure I did and I had no idea what the fuss was about. My dad is calling to my brothers, "Rory, Jimmie, come meet Pamela's date."

My brothers appear and make this big fuss over him being Rodny Willson I just want to get out of there and have something like a normal date. Well, a normal date with all the other girls jealous of me being with this good looking, well built guy. I've never really been on a normal date so I'm not sure what to expect and, now, with this fuss, I'm not sure this will be normal either.

We get out of the house with the male members of my family staring out the door and window at us and I ask "What is that about?" He laughs. "You don't know who I am?" And I say " a great looking guy who asked me out." He laughs and says "I assumed you recognized me at the strip club." Well I didn't and he explains he's a football player for some big team and, apparently pretty good. There's a bit of humility in his explanation and I don't know whether he's great or just a good player. My Dad and brother's reaction make it pretty obvious he's probably great.

The party was in a hugh house at the college. I've heard about these parties, diary and I'm not sure mom and dad would approve if they knew this was where we were going, famous football player or not.

We went in, with me hugging his arm (it's so big and hard) and everyone greeted him. It's like the party was for him. Lots of good looking girls swarmed him and they all looked at me kind of snotty like. I could see they were jealous and didn't think I belong. Well, I can be snotty right back and tried to ignore them. I did my best to pull Rodny into the next room. He seemed to like all the girls surrounding him but came along. The people in the next room were much more friendly and the girls started asking me bunches of questions about how I knew Rodny and where I go to school and other things. I could sense a sort of jealousy in them too but not so hostile. I answered the questions but didn't say anything about the strip club. I said only that a city councilman introduced us.

The guys mostly clustered around Rodny and they talked about football and the team. I sat next to him on a couch and listened. Some guy asked me if he could get me something to drink. I said ginger ale. He said they have beer. He laughed and said they have beer and wine. I asked for a ginger ale. He asked if I want anything in it. I think he meant vodka or something and I said, "just plain, please". He got it for me. Most of the others were drinking beer and wine. Later I found some bottled water and drank that for the rest of the evening.

The party is all talking and drinking and music with some dancing. I danced with Rodny and a couple other guys and then with some girls who were getting d*unk. One of them said she's hot and pulled off her blouse. She asked if the others if they are getting hot too and tried to pull off their tops, some of them let her and one unhooked her bra. I retreated to the couch and watched as the topless craze spread through the party. Over half the girls soon had their breasts exposed and many were dancing in a way intended to make them bounce. Others rubbed them against guys and actually asked them if they want to feel.

Plenty of guys "want a feel" and the "feels" turned into attempts (often encouraged) to pull down jeans for "feels" of crotches or feels under skirts. Not too long and those feels were being conducted under the panties and panties began to be removed in order to make that easier. Most of the girls didn't go that far. I'd guess over half had their breast exposed but only a third were wearing only panties. Only five or six were naked. And a couple of them were sucking guys' penises. One had a guy fucking her from behind with a group of other (both guys and girls) watching and cheering.

Some guy asked to "see mine", and Rodny asked him where he gets off asking me to undress for him. This other guy said, "Rodny, you said she's a nude model, so I figured ..." Rodny told him that just because I'm a nude model doesn't mean that I'll get undressed for anyone. Well I was about to tell Rodny I didn't appreciate him telling people about my modelling when the girl next to me said, "You're really a model?" The tone was halfway between one of admiration and one of skepticism. I told her I model for artists and photographers. She asked " Nude?" When I admitted it she's surprised and said something about me not being "the type". I know exactly what she's implying and told her, "I'm a classic beauty, like in ancient Greek sculptures and old paintings."

Another girl asked about how much it pays and when I say 100 or more an hour, a bunch of them get interested. I gave them my agent's card and told them they'd need a portfolio for the artists. Some guy asked if there are nude photos in the portfolio. Without thinking I answered, "yes," and a bunch of them grabbed a laptop. Someone said I'm not on the website. I said, "so what?" Then one of 'em said, "Isn't this her?" Another said, "That's Velvet, not Pamela." I mumbled something about stage names to be greeted by a chorus of, "hey, you can't see anything but head shots unless you're registered. How do you register?" I told them they needrd to contact the agent and prove they are actually artists and not just a bunch of frat boys looking for nude pictures.

One of the girls sitting near me, jumped up, disrobed and stood on the table. "Do you think I could be a nude model?" All the guys said, "Yeah, Lizzy! " and she said, "Pamela show us how you model." There's a chorus of "Pamel! Pamela! Pamela!" from the girls and the guys. Rodny leaned over and told me I didn't have to do it but I couldn't help thinking about the thrill I get out of being naked in front of guys. I could tell Rodny would love to see me naked despite being so gentlemanly about it. I have to admit, Diary, the whole thing had me kind of worked up, but I knew it wouldn't be a good idea. A lot of those guys had been taking pictures and videos of the girls who were already naked.

I said something about that if they're going to take pictures they ought to pay. I should have known better. A guy grabbed an empty chip bowl and both guys and gals started throwing bills into it. I guess there must have been over 500 in it. In an attempt to get out of it I said that the price depends on the number of photographers and that I should have 3 or 4 times as much given the number of guys I've seen taking photos. Guys left the room to get their buddies to come in and donate more.

One of the girls asked if I model alone or with others. I said both but usually with one or two or three others. She asked if the others are guys and if they are naked too. When I said, "yes," and, "sometimes." She asked if they are good looking and I say "pretty much, but not as well built as Rodny here." Again a mistake. Now the chant becomes "Pamela and Rodny, Pamela and Rodny." I looked at Rodny feeling guilty for getting him into this.

I don't know what possessed him to do it but he got up saying, "Only one way to resolve this," and pulled off his shirt. He offered me his hand and I got up too. Erotic thrills filled me as I pulled off my blouse. Rodny unhooked my bra and I unbuckled his belt, letting my bra fall to the floor. The people around us started cheering continuing to shout "Pamela and Rodny." Others rushed into the room to watch.

I pulled his pants down and unzipped my skirt, letting it fall to the floor. He's wearing briefs and the outline of his hard penis showed plainly above the bulge of his testicles. I was acutely aware that I'd chosen to wear my see through panties so my pubic hair was visible to everyone. I knew that if I separated my legs they'd also be able to see my labia.

He jumped onto the coffee table. It's small but sturdy and supported him easily. He lifted his arms, posing, and flexing to cheers. Then he reached down with one arm to help me up. The cheers increased. I knelt on the table, testing its ability to hold us. Then I posed while kneeling, one arm around his leg, the other stretched toward his face. I moved the arm around his leg up to his crotch. Some of the guys noticed and started yelling, "Pamela! Pamela!" Encouraged I grabbed the waist band and yanked his briefs to his ankles. The cheers became deafening, especially when I dropped my panties. I stood and kicked them off.

After the kick, I kept my leg raised and he grabbed it, pulling it to his abdomen. I supported myself by grabbing his shoulder enjoying the feeling of his penis against my leg. We posed briefly and I grabbed his penis with my free hand. Shouts of "Pamela! Rodny! Pamela! Rodny! Pamela! Rodny! " reverberated repeatedly through the room.

He released my leg, I released his penis and we kissed, his hands on my butt, mine around his shoulders. The chat turned to, "Fuck! Fuck! ..." He broke off the kiss and looked at me, I mouthed "yes" and he did what I remember from the strip club: lifting me above his head and lowering my genitals onto his mouth so he can lick me out. More cheers. Then he lowered me to his penis, which I guided into my vagina. I felt an especially strong sexual excitement as its hard warmth filled me up to the cheers of the multitude. As he bounced me on it, "Fuck her! Fuck her! Fuck her!" filled the room.

The whole ambience along with having him bouncing me in the air had me laughing uncontrollably. But then I felt an oncoming orgasm and began gasping. The girls recognized the symptoms and began an "O! O! O!" chant in cadence with my gasps. There was a huge screaming cheer when I came and began throbbing in his grasp. When I had stopped, he stepped down from the table, penis still inside me and laid me carefully on the couch. He hugged me tightly to him and I had my hands at his hips as he repeatedly plowed into me. The guys chanted, "Come! Come! Come!"

He grunted loudly. There was some disagreement among the party goers. Some were screaming "Cream Pie" and others "Come shot". He whispered in my ear, "In your pussy or on your face?" I realized he hadn't put on a condom and thought it would be better that he not ejaculate inside me. I said, "In my mouth," hoping to limit the mess. As he pulled out and moved to my face, there was a cheer and the chanting became unanimous, "Come shot! Facial! Come shot! Facial!"

He masturbated rapidly and after couple of grunts a wad of semen shot out onto my hair, then one over my lips and eye. I grabbed his organ and put it in my mouth. Gobs of semen squirted in and I tolerated the musty flavor until he was spent. I gave him a last, strong suck and let the shortening penis free. A couple of drops landed on my breast. The cheering had stopped. Oh, Diary, while he was ejaculating, some guy had a finger up my vagina and another on my clitoris. I didn't complain, it felt okay even though I didn't think he should be doing it. Anyway he had quit and moved away before I could see who it was.

I spent the rest of the party naked and curled up next to Rodny who put his briefs back on. That didn't stop me from pushing my hand under the waistband and fondling him!

The party just kind of fizzled out. People left singly or in groups leaving behind those who had gotten to d*unk and were sleeping it off on the floor. A couple of naked girls and their naked partners were sleeping, sprawled on a couch and some cushions thrown onto the floor. One thing for sure, this party lived up to the party reputation. I don't know if they are all like this.

Rodny invited me to stay the night and I agreed. After all what could happen? He might have sex with me! Like that would be a problem or something new. In fact I looked forward to the possibility. I think you understand, Diary, why I'm a day late with this.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Feb 4

It was nice to wake up next to a rock of a man. A rock, that is, except for his penis. That was soft and flexible. He was asleep but I put my head under the covers and started sucking on his penis. His penis got big and as hard as the rest of his body, leaving only his testicles as less that rock like. You know, diary, guys' balls are firm like olives but not really hard like rocks. My activity woke him up but he just lay on his back enjoying my actions. I jumped on him and rode his cock until he ejaculated. This time I remembered to put a condom on him (he had some next to the bed). He was sweet enough to roll me over and massage my clitoris and vagina with his fingers until I came.

Rodny has a roommate, Jerry, another football player, with a hard body but thinner and lanky. . He was in the next bed and I've already gotten so I don't care about privacy when I'm having sex. It's even a turn-on to think someone else might be watching. I didn't try to be quiet while I'm enjoying myself and when Jerry heard my laughs and squeals he said, "Rodny have some compassion on those of us who don't have a woman in their bed every night." I have compassion and went over to him with a condom, I hardened up his modest sized penis, unrolled the condom and mounted him. Rodny laughed as I brought Jerry to orgasm. "Satisfied?" I asked. He smiled and said, "I like this one."

Rodny said, "Breakfast?" and took some underwear out of his drawer. "Sure," I said and added, "naked!" taking the underwear out of his hand. Rodny said there would be guys downstairs eating. "All the better," I told him. Diary, I felt energized! full of sexual anticipation. I brushed my hair and washed my face but that was it. Oh and I brushed my "bush" too. Jerry was still in bed and I told him to "get up, the morning is underway!" "Come on you two," I told them, insisting they both stay stark naked. I headed out of the room anxious to see what the morning would bring.

There were three guys at the breakfast table. They looked surprised to see the three of us naked. I felt almost d*unk with sexuality. I went around the table and kissed each of the guys. I wanted them all! I wanted cocks in me and fingers in me and hands at my breasts. The feeling was so strong, I began masturbating, rubbing my genitals right there in front of them.

There was a sliding glass window and I saw a pool. There were maybe another 5 or 6 guys out there and a few girls. I could see one sunbathing and two in the pool. I opened the door and stepped out, "You guys coming?" I said to those inside. I almost felt like I was having an orgasm right there as I strode to the pool followed by two naked guys and three with their clothes still on. That had to be rectified! Looking back, diary, I remember the feelings and my actions clearly but I really don't recognize the girl that was doing what I did. But would I do it again? Yes, I would. WILL I do it again? I hope I have the chance.

My sexual drive and feelings emboldened me, I didn't feel the least bit shy or embarrassed. "You want some of this?" I announced loudly and stood with my legs spread. I reached down and did what I could to spread my labia with my fingers. I jumped on a nearby chaise so I could spread wide. "Then get naked!" I yelled. I remember the cool air on my damp vulva, diary. You know maybe I do recognize that girl!

Sorry for the delay, diary, had to use the vibrator. Just thinking about how quickly the guys got naked, though a couple held back and just stared. They stood around, a variety of penises hanging in front of them, all erect or partially so. "You," I said, pointing to some guy with a limper dick than the others, "You first!" He approached, unsure of which end of me to use. "Let me get you hard," I said and opened my mouth. It didn't take long to harden him up. He stood in front of me like a statue. "If you wanna fuck, you should at least caress me and finger my genitals while I blow you." I demanded as I popped him out of my mouth.

I realized something was missing, "We're gonna need condoms" I yelled. Within seconds someone thrust a strip of maybe a half dozen in my hand. "we're going to need more than this," I stated, ripping one open and rolling it over the penis at my mouth. "Go to it," I told its owner.

I noticed the girls were just staring like the guys who hadn't accepted my invitation to undress. "Girls, There are more guys here than I can handle at once!" I yelled at them. "Get naked and help out." The guy had begun rubbing my crotch (quite clumsily) and breasts (much more skillfully) and I told him, "you wanna fuck? Get to it!" I pointed to a skinny guy with a similarly skinny penis, "You next, let me taste that dong." There was something funny and exciting about using words like "dong" and "dick" and "cock". I was running other possibilities through my mind as I felt the lovely feeling of being penetrated, and started sucking on the slim guy's penis as the other guy's testicles slammed against my butt.

I saw the girls had gotten out of the pool and were sucking on cocks, letting the guys untie their suits. The one that had been sun bathing was naked and had pulled down the shorts of one of the guys who hadn't undressed. Thrills ran through my body. I think I need that vibrator again.

Okay, diary, we'll just keep this vibrator in while I write. I do need one of the smaller ones, this one is kind of uncomfortable to sit on. And some kind of remote control. Woah! that just hit the spot! Let me turn it off. I'm barely able to write with it in.

Where was I? Oh yes, some guy appeared with a couple of dozen condoms. I told him, "You're next, condom boy." and slipped one over the slim penis, "Times up, you in my vaj, thanks."

It's easy to remember those first few fucks but after that it was kind of a blur. I just sucked guys and then put on a condom and then they did me. I was in complete control. I just had them change when I felt like it. Some guys were better with their cocks and I let them fuck longer. A couple of the guys came in my mouth while I was blowing them. Tastes bad but I just swallowed it and kept on.

There had been less than a dozen guys by the pool when I started but the group swelled to a couple dozen or more. A couple more girls also appeared.

I was tired of just laying there and being fucked and said, "Into the pool!" I got up and jumped in. Several guys jumped in with me and I lost control as they massaged my body and I felt various body parts invading my vagina. I just relaxed and enjoyed the attention while I floated on my back with my legs spread. Diary, it's unfortunate, but I don't think all those guys made sure they had condoms. I started seeing white strands of what must have been semen floating around me. That stuff is disgusting in the water, slimy and it sticks to everything, especially hair.

I decided that it was time to quit and simply stood and got out. I forget exactly what I said but I berated the guys standing in the pool for nor putting on condoms. I felt that there was some semen dripping out of me and I pushed a finger inside to scoop some out. I flicked it off my finger at the guys They cheered me for doing it so I did it a couple more times. I guess I'll have to go to the school clinic and get tested.

Around the pool most of the girls were being fucked in one position or another. One was floating in the pool copying what I had done. It was kind of exciting to watch the half dozen guys around her, feeling her up and taking turns (often with some shoving) fucking her. I shivered in excitement remembering what it felt like when I was doing it.

I felt a rock hard body at my back. Rock hard arms surrounded and hugged me and a rock hard penis pressed against my backbone. "Well, this is far from what I expected when I invited you here," Rodny said. I turned and kissed him. I said, "I hope you are okay with it. I don't know what got into me."

He said he was more used to girls fucking only him but he knew I liked being the exhibitionist and reminded me that we had both done several others at the strip club. I asked if he'd "done any of the girls" at the pool. He said he had in the past but yesterday he'd enjoyed himself watching me. Well, diary, my nasty streak was in full force. I felt a thrill go through me at the thought and it increased when I thought about watching him with another girl. Anyway I said, "Let's correct that, any girl here you wanna fuck." He was sweet and said, "you." But I told him, "Later. Anyone else?" He said "No" but I noticed he had eyed this one girl being fucked doggy style on a chaise. I took him over and told the guy, "Rodny wants a turn." He protested but the girl said something like, "let him have a try." and the other guy backed off.

Okay diary I need a break. BRB.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Well, diary, that was boring. I didn't get the expected thrill out of it at all and told Randy, "That's enough." I led him up to the bedroom where he fucked me. We did all kinds of positions and I never had an orgasm but I loved that I was giving him pleasure. At least he sure acted like he was enjoying himself. And even without an orgasm the feeling of a rock hard guy fucking me, his hard cock filling and emptying my vagina, his balls slapping against my butt or clit ... Well that's hard to beat. we fucked until he filled the condom with a huge series of grunts and hard thrusts into me. We showered together and I soaped and scrubbed that hard body and hard cock, milking it for more semen. His huge, strong hands soaped me up and afterwards dried me off. Then he took me home.

I hadn't had an orgasm since before going down for breakfast. I learned that gang-bangs and orgies (whatever you call that activity at the pool) are enjoyable but you really can't trust the guys and they aren't totally satisfying..

Well, when I said there wasn't anything bad that could happen if I spent the night, I forgot about my dad. When Rodny brought me home in the afternoon, dad exploded at him, Football star or not, he was furious. I kept telling him that Rodny hadn't done anything I didn't agree to. I told him I even wanted it. But that didn't help, It may have made things worse. He told me I wasn't to see Rodny again. I told Rodny to give me a call if he wanted to go out again. Dad forbade it. I told him I was over 18 and could go out with whomever I wanted.

Rodny left and I gave him a kiss. Dad said something about as long as I lived under his roof using his money I would obey his rules. I threatened to move out. I think I was calm about the whole thing even though he wasn't. Of course I knew from what mom had taught me that there was no way I could afford to live on my own. If I could model a couple of hours every day, I might be able to get by, but I was lucky to get 2 or 3 hours a week.

I went to my room crying and mom came in. She understood. I kept telling her things she knew like how it seemed to be okay for me to stay overnight with Ronny. Dad knew we had sex. Why wasn't it okay with Rodny. After all Dad had thought he was a great guy before.

Mom said she'd talk with him. She said that she'd had a chance to talk him down before I came home after an overnight with Ronny and maybe that was the difference. I think it was maybe that Dad had this unreasonable expectation of Rodny and thought he never did stuff like this. The reaction of the women made me think Rodny probably had more sex than Ronny. Certainly he had more women, Ronny had only a half dozen or so he had regular sex with.

If dad knew what actually went on this morning, mom would never be able to calm him down and I'd probably be locked away in my room for life. But I knew how to calm him down. I went downstairs, told him I love him, gave him a big kiss on his cheek and snuggled up next to him on the couch.

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By *ussyeater692Man  over a year ago


Amazing story

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By *otonfoxMan  over a year ago


Can’t wait to read more

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

So so good. What a talent. I was going to say, "Hey check out my story, my first one on this forum", but almost embarrassed for you to now!

But any pointers before I share parts 2 and 3 are welcome

I asked for someone to be my Muse and give me an outline of their life and I'd imagine the blanks...

But back to the proper writer...

Is this all fiction or some of it real!?

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By *landalCouple  over a year ago


Keeps getting better...

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By *dward_TeagueMan  over a year ago


Brilliant writing

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Mar 13

Ronny came up to me at school, and asked if I could come over for the first weekend of spring break. His cousin, Davis, is coming home for break and he wants to introduce us. Davis's the one who introduced Ronny to the legendary Sammy and set up the sex party that introduced Ronny to all those girls. And it was all those girls that got me interested in Ronny and made me ask him to take my virginity and that led to my nude modeling. So I guess Davis started it all. It will be nice to meet him.

It hasn't been that long, Diary, since Ronny took my virginity. And remember, I had that huge crush on him? I'm well over that. The nude modelling and sex with other guys has taken care of that. I've come to realize that what I thought was love was the feeling I get whenever I'm with a guy and we're fucking or about to fuck and even afterwards. Pretty fabulous, but not love.

More exciting than the news about Ronny is thinking about this weekend. My first real porn shoot! A video with a real porn company and who else to be on camera with me than Timmy and Tommy (without their sister). The twins are great fun at a shoot. Always kidding around. Though the "he's Timmy, I'm Tommy" gets overused and a bit tiresome. Does anyone actually believe that their tattoos mislabel them? Evaa said that they got the job because of their tattooed cocks. Those are definitely unusual, but you can't tell they're tattooed when they're inside you ramping up that feeling of "love". Of course the camera will show them off. I bet there will be a lot of close-ups of them sliding into my cunt! I'm sure glad they asked for me to be their partner and I'm looking forward to the shoot. It's scheduled for eight hours but may last as long as ten. Good pay, with overtime. I signed a union contract and a release at Mejija's today. Besides the base pay I'll get a tiny royalty for every minute of streaming, download or DVD. Mejjia says it may not sound like much but thousands, maybe more. Viewing minutes can add up.

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By *eardedblokeMan  over a year ago


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By *D123Man  over a year ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

It gets better each time!

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By *vbiker2TV/TS  over a year ago


Think her mom's going to be pissed off when she finds out and her dad will be looking for his shotgun

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By *idlandiaMan  over a year ago


I'm hoping ronny ends up fucking her mum and she watches secretly and tells about it to her diary

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By *ussyeater692Man  over a year ago


Fantastic, can't wait for more

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Absolutely fantastic

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Mar 29

The beginning of spring break! I could hardly pay attention in class thinking about a week off and the weekend with Ronny and his cousin. It was weird having his cousin, Davis, there, home for his spring break. I always think of the place as Ronny's, forgetting that it's his aunt and uncle's place. It's actually Davis's home, but it seemed more like it was Ronny's place and that Davis was like a guest.

I blew off my last class and Katie picked me up. Two guys, two girls, I anticipated a lot of fun. I turned down a modelling gig for this. But there are lot's more modelling opportunities during break. Video companies (with a union contract I'm all set for professional videos) and some of the richer college guys are looking for sexy pictures, mostly at the beach. I have gigs every day for the the week so I'll bring in plenty of cash. Mejjia told me the weekend porn company shoots were mostly group shots, didn't pay a lot, and they'd probably concentrate on the skinnier girls. But one of the porn company shoots later in the week is just with me. Imagine that, diary, me in another porn video. If my dad finds out it could be difficult. And you know my brothers spend time on line looking at porn. If they see me it could be a difficult time. But it's good money. Mom knows about the nude modelling and has made her displeasure known. She's kept the secret from dad, but if she finds out about the porn she might freak out and tell him.

When I got to Ronny's, there was one change. The last time I was there, they were clearing out a part of the back lawn. Well, now they had one of those above ground pools, a big one, with a deck. Ronny said that it was a trial and if it got enough use they were going to install an in-ground pool, hopefully in time for the summer.

Davis is a really nice guy. Katie had told me he was maybe "better at sex" than Ronny. I guess he'd been one of the legendary Sammy's sex partners all during college and she had a knack for teaching her sex partners how to please women. I'd like to 'MEET' her sometime.

Davis showed us his bedroom. It was real nerdy and in many ways still a kid's bedroom, with a tub of Lego's and Lego models, a pretty nice telescope and microscope, a kid's chemistry set, and bunches of toys in tubs. There was a large poster of Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen in her flaming dress and below it a couple of magazine pages showing her on the beach in a bikini. More interesting to me was that he had pictures of Sammy on his desk. Katie pointed them out. One was of her face, she was plain, almost homely, big nose with frizzy hair. One showed her at a podium in graduation robes. The third showed her in a swimsuit, Davis said it was taken at the Senior beach party. She had no figure and really skinny arms and legs. It was hard to image that she was this "legendary" sex goddess and teacher.

We went out for mini golf and pizza. Davis is pretty good at mini-golf. He almost beat me. Katie's horrible at it and Ronny doesn't really try. Davis said if we do it again, he'll beat me. I told him, "fat chance." I like a little competition.

Since it was Davis parents' car, he drove. I took shotgun and Ronny and Katie fooled around in back. Davis talked up a storm during miniature golf. He and I actually talked about math and science courses. He's a more serious student than Ronny. But on the drive to his home, he was silent and seemed nervous. I guessed he was thinking about having sex and wasn't sure what to say. I put my hand on his knee but he just concentrated on driving.

As we walked from the car, Katie and Ronny were kidding each other over who had made the worst shot in mini-golf. Davis was in front and as we got to the door he moved behind me and held me back, letting Ronny open the door. We went in last and he took me right to the couch. That was fine with me. Katie and I had discussed it on the way over and decided that since Davis and I were the only pair that hadn't had sex we should begin together. Ronny turned on some music and Davis and I started kissing.

I was ready for whatever he might want to dish out. I encouraged him to undo my bra and rubbed my breasts down his body as I undid and pulled down his pants and underwear, taking his average sized penis into my mouth. He was hard as a rock and I wrapped my mouth around it, licking with my tongue.

I guess he didn't want the blowjob because he encouraged me to my feet and after a bit of fumbling, pulled my jeans down. My hips and butt are quite a bit larger than my waist and tight jeans are never easy to get off. He rubbed me through my panties and we went to the bed where he massaged my labia and pushed his fingers inside my panties to rub my clitoris. Diary, I was really ready for his cock and grabbed a condom off the night stand (Ronny always had some there)! His massaging gave me a sudden, short orgasm. He pulled my panties off and dove into my crotch, his fingers were inside my vagina and his tongue was at my clitoris. Oh, my God, Diary. He definitely knew which buttons to push, waves of orgasmic sensation flowed through me and he didn't stop., The waves and sensations strengthened and I'm pretty sure I was screaming. It was as intense as any orgasm Ronny ever gave me and Davis sure knew how to prolong it. I felt like a wobbling bowl of Jell-O when he quit.

"Quitting" only meant he re-positioned himself to fuck me. I had the condom grasped tightly in my hand and unrolled it onto his rock hard penis. He slid a pillow under my butt, which I raised for him. I spread my legs and pulled his cock to my "fuck hole". He slid it right in. Like I said before, I was ready for it and I love the feeling of being filled up. He moved slowly, easily filling and emptying me. The sweet feeling of sex, it's so great! And he wasn't just pumping in and out. He played with and kissed my breasts and nipples. He caressed my body and kissed me on the mouth, a kiss full of tongue and I responded in kind. I felt another orgasm building and tightened my vagina around him, in the manner I've been practicing, trying to do the vaginal control thing. He came almost immediately, groaning loudly, and I felt his cock throbbing inside me as it filled the condom. There's something about feeling a penis throbbing involuntarily inside my vagina that gives an extra thrill. It gave me another shaking orgasm.

As soon as I could, I rolled him off me and turned around. I pulled off the semen filled condom and licked his penis clean, my crotch at his face. He licked and fingered me to another orgasm. I returned the favor by swinging around and riding his cock. Me bouncing on him, he thrusting into me. That had him erupting within minutes. He pulled me to him for a passionate kiss and kept thrusting in but his penis was like a noodle and he was so tired he fell asleep under me. I lay next to him and reflected on two things. First, despite her looks, Sally sure knew how to teach guys to please a woman. Second, I felt as strongly toward Davis just then as I had toward Ronny after I gave him my virginity, and for that matter like I did toward Randy after the night at the party. I just love every guy who pushes his penis up my vagina. I snuggled closer to Davis and pulled his hand over my breast. Even a sleeping guy's hand at my breast feels almost as good as a finger at my clit or a cock in my cunt, especially after a session of lovemaking.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Mar 30

So what am I supposed to do when I wake up next to a nude sleeping guy with his hand on my breast? Well, a couple of things come to mind and the one I chose was to start sucking his cock to harden it up. Of course that woke him up, that's what I wanted: An awake naked guy with a hard cock! I wasn't so stupid as not to have my genitals at his face, so when he woke he'd immediately start playing with them. And Davis knows exactly how to play with them! Fingers, thumb, mouth, hand, tongues all worked together on my clit and labia and G-spot and cervix, to have me throbbing in orgasm.

I moved to be on all fours hoping he'd take me like a bitch when Ronny and Katie jump on the bed with us. The noise I made in orgasm probably attracted them. Katie wants Davis to do her and spreads her legs next to me. Davis obliges her, sinking himself into her instead of me (You know its really a turn-on watching a guy's cock disappear inside a girl, even if its not me). Ronny lays down with his huge penis in my face. I suck him nice and hard and he flips me on my back and I both watch and feel his big beauty slide inside me. Both guys are fucking us in rhythm and Katie says she wants them to cum on our faces. I'm not really sure about the mess but agree and both guys pull out and we stroke them to ejaculations. David came first with a nice stream across both of us. Ronny's ejaculation is huge! A river of semen goes across the room it's stream falling onto everything in its path. And it's followed by two more, not quite as impressive. His cock relaxes dribbling its content into my open mouth. Katie talks like it's new to her but I've had a lot of this with some of my video shoots, most recently in that professional one with Evaa's brothers, They can shoot wads almost like Ronny. I was surprised that Davis, and especially Ronny had enough semen stored up for those ejaculations after last night's workout.

Katie ran upstairs to "clean up in the hot tub". I knew we're not supposed to be naked in the tub when Ronny's Cousins (I almost forget, that they are Davis's brother and sister) are at home but threw caution to the winds and ran after her, yelling, "come on guys," to Ronny and Davis, who was clearly wondering how to stop us (not a chance). The guys come out, followed soon after by Davis's Dad (I almost said Ronny's uncle. I must be getting the hang of it). We weren't even in the tub yet so we are standing there naked. I wonder if he realized it would have been better for us to be in the tub if Matt or Kim came out. Anyway, I stood to show myself to best advantage and acted the tease, hoping that would mollify him. To my surprise, Katie grabbed his cock (or its outline showing in his pants) and asked if she could see it! He stood there wide-eyed, and we jumped into the spa for a quick cleanup while he watched. After a few seconds he turned and walked toward the house. We followed and went downstairs, Katie giggling in uncontrollable bursts.

I asked Davis if I could use his computer to update you, Diary, and guess what? He keeps a journal himself. I let him read what I'm telling you and help out. He's going to let me help with his journal. He started jerking off as he's reading you, Diary. Masturbating to what I'm telling you. I think you know I can't have that! So I dragged him to the bed and impaled myself on his cock. I'll do any masturbating of his cock when I'm around! Oops! forgot the condom and he "filled" my vagina with semen. I think he was running out of the stuff . There wasn't a lot.

We dressed enough to be presentable and had breakfast upstairs. Then back downstairs to get ready for the beach. Davis spread sunscreen on me and I on him. He told me his cock didn't need any but I said we might go to a nude beach. In any case he "retaliated" by making sure my pussy was covered, claiming some nonsense about ultra-violet light penetrating pubic hair, and I had to stop him from getting it inside my vagina.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

March 30 THE BEACH

It was hard to find parking but after fifteen or twenty minutes of driving around we found a spot within four blocks of the beach. Katie and I got a lot of looks and I had to fend off some unwanted attention. I, "accidentally" hit this one guy in the chin with my elbow. He was trying to grab a breast. Two more got "finger sprains" after touching my butt. I like sex and touching as much as anyone but only with my permission. Ronny has really buffed up since school started and he got his share of looks too. Davis was kind of "left out". Katie and I helped him out by walking on either side of him, hips touching his with his arms around our waists. Some guy came up and asked us if we wanted to participate in a wet T-shirt contest. My exhibitionist side kicked in but Katie declined.

They gave me a white T-shirt and I pulled off my bra, shook my boobs to clean off the sand, and put it on. That got a wild response from the crowd so I flashed them again. There were like six other girls and we went to get wet in the ocean. I just dove into the first good sized wave. Most of the others kept their head dry and some barely got into the water, just splashing some on their chest. My total wetness seemed to excite the crowd. As the MC went around talking to the girls and getting cheer voting, one of them flashed her pussy. Well, two can play that game so when it was my turn I "accidentally" caught one of the ties on my hip in my fingers and the bottoms fell to the ground. I made a sound of surprise, spread my legs slightly, turned my back to the crowd and bent down to pick them up. I looked through my legs to wave at the screaming crowd, laughing to myself. I stood and adopted a favorite pose of the photographers, three quarter frontal, legs slightly apart, knees bent, hands on hips, big smile.

I'd surely have won except these two police broke it up, one actually handcuffed me saying I was guilty of indecent exposure. I told her I'm a model and that I was told they had permission. She laughed, "good one". I showed her Mejjia's card and told her, "My agent, call her." She looked at the card and my driver's license and model union card. After taking my name she uncuffed me and gave me a warning, "There are no permits for indecent exposure, don't do it again." I promised I wouldn't and she let me go. Kind of humiliating and I spent the next hour on the beach looking over my shoulder. If she calls Mejjia I may be in trouble.

We had lunch and then Katie and I played in a net-less beach volleyball game with some other college students. I was as good as any of them. Ronny and Davis said they are no good at sports and sat out. It got a little out of hand and the girls all lost their tops. Risking the cops, I joined in and Katie too. That was fun, playing with the cool breeze blowing across my breasts. And afterwards I let Davia brush me off! The only downside was that I scraped my nipples diving for the ball. It was a little sore but not bad. Davis had to lick a little blood off and they healed in less than an hour.

We discussed what to do in the evening, There were people handing out flyers advertising bars and stuff. We had just ignored them but, Ronny and Davis went out and collected a bunch of them. One caught my exhibitionist/salacious/sensual/erotic eye immediately. It was a pay for entry (women free) "Anything goes, legal swingers party." "Nude girls and guys, sex for all!" I argued in favor of it and David was all in too. Ronny was willing but Katie held back. I finally convinced her and we played mini-golf until the "party" opened.

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By *uilt2Last69Man  over a year ago


Great stuff. More please.

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By *ussyeater692Man  over a year ago


Can't wait to find out what happens next

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By *D123Man  over a year ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

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By *ardsoloMan  over a year ago


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By *otonfoxMan  over a year ago


Can’t wait to read more

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By *teelyBloomMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Mar 30 At the "Swingers Party"

We arrived at the swingers party location about a half hour after it opened and the place seemed deserted. We wondered if it was the right place. There was a guy, fully clothed, at the door and he said we were at the right place but they didn't expect business to pick up for an hour or more. Being "poor" college kids going to school on their parents' money the guys were reluctant to shell out money for a bust of a party. But since women were free, Katie and I went in to check it out.

The guy at the door gave us locker wristbands with scan codes. There were a couple of rows of lockers inside and a naked guy told us we'd need to undress.The brochure said women could wear panties and Katie left hers on. I feel strange walking around only in my panties. I prefer fully naked if I'm going to be that exposed anyway so I stripped all the way. The brochure also said we could have towels. We had left our beach towels in the car. We couldn't wear shoes but the guy said sandals, flip-flops or beach shoes would be okay (again, left in the car). I texted Ronny to get the towels and beach footwear in case we decide to stay.

The floor of the huge front room was covered with mattresses. Katie said it reminded her of the legendary sex party at Davis's place. There was a single couple on one of the mattresses, the guy on top doing the women in slow missionary action. The next room was like a large rec room with a no alcohol bar, tables, chairs, and a space that was intended for dancing. Quiet music was playing from a small sound system. There was a guy there leaning against the bar with a penis and testicles as big, or maybe bigger, than Ronny's. He greeted us and Katie looked at him and said, "Mr Malory?" He looked at her with an expression of recognition but a failure to connect the face with a place or name. She said, "I'm Katie, remember, from the party," and when he still seemed to have difficulty (it was like he's been at lots of parties with naked young girls) she says, "with Sammy and Serina, and your wife. The sex party, remember?" Then he remembered, hugging her in a familiar fashion and expressing surprise at seeing her He called for "Carlene" and Sarah" and who came in but The carlene and Sarah, the ones who helped me decide to let Ronny take my virginity. The same "Valrie" and "Astried" from the strip club who helped me prepare for the amateur night contest. They exclaimed "PAMELA!" and hugged me. They both recognized Katie too.

It turns out the guy with the big penis is Sammy's father, Jerrie, (a legendary figure in his own right) and he and his wife had set the whole swingers thing up. They said they might turn it into a regular business if the break thing seems to work out. They showed us around and introduced us to the head of security who turned out to be non other than "The Captain" who's also fully naked, except for a yellow "SECURITY" arm band. He greeted Katie and me with big hugs that included butt squeezes and his thick penis pushed hard against our bellies. I couldn't help but wonder how much intimate touching was allowed before the "No means no" rule applied. Later I asked Charlene and she told me that the nature of the place means a lot of such touching would be performed and that any objection should be raised when it occurs but that it would be impossible to require expressed consent for everything. She told me to scream for security if any "No" wasn't honored. The Captain took Katie aside. She looked over at me with an expression of concern. I know The Captain is a decent and gentle fuck so I nodded my head as a sign of assent and they went upstairs to one of several bedrooms. Jerrie later told me (while fucking) that The Captain wouldn't be head of security without the perk of being allowed to participate. I wonder if that isn't some kind of conflict of interest: what women is likely to call for security if the head of security presses his desires on them.

I told Mr Malory that Ronny and Davis were waiting outside and texted them that things are good, and surprising and to come right in. We went back to the entrance. On the way Mr. Malory, "Jerrie" as he said to call him, asked if I'd mind spending some intimate time with him (he actually says, "would I like to fuck with him"). Since that's what I was there for, I agreed.

Once Ronny came in with my towel and sandals, Jerrie made sure he and Davis had free entry and took me upstairs to one of the private rooms that normally cost customers a hundred a half hour extra. I'm not sure if Mr. Malory's penis is bigger than Ronny's but it could be. There's no doubt his testicles are bigger and hang lower in pendulous scrotums (or is it scrota?). I've gotta say, Diary, that seeing guys genitals hanging in front of them, bouncing and swaying as they move isn't a pretty sight. And some of the guys there had raging erections, their penis sticking out from their body like a wooden pole. And those poles also swayed back and forth when they walked. I mean it's both hard to look and hard not to. It's so funny looking I almost laughed. But in general I can do without seeing a lot of that. I think they had it backwards to make the guys never cover up while allowing the women to wear panties. Jerrie said its because guys are more exhibitionists and women tend to be more shy about their bodies. Not true with me, but he claimed that it's what the women in the real swingers club he and Mrs. Malory belong to want.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Sorry diary got distracted.

Well, Diary, the bedroom upstairs only had a queen bed and a couple of nightstands with the ubiquitous bowls of condoms and K-Y. He grabs one of the condoms and tosses it to me saying, "Are you ready?" Well, diary, I'm not used to just diving into the act. I had hoped that Mr Malory with all the experience I gather he's had would understand the importance of foreplay.

It's like he understood the reason for my hesitation in answering and came over to me, took the condom from my hand and flipped it on the bed, "For later," he said and wrapped me in his arms. All I can say is that he's an expert. He rubbed my back and then whispered comments about how attractive I am. He talked about the softness of my breasts while stroking and kneading them, about the hardness of my nipples while softly pinching them. He moved his hands gently over my body commenting on softness and smoothness and shape. Then he cupped my genitals, praising the softness of my pubic hair and his fingers penetrated me as he praised my wetness and tightness and expressed his desire for me. I felt his fingers stimulating inside, the hardness of his penis pressing against me as proof of his desire.

He guided me to the bed where he lay on his back. I knelt next to him feeling his fingers slowly stroke my clitoris as he picked up the condom from the bed and silently handed it to me. There's no need to ask: I'm ready and ripped the package open. I slid down, letting his penis slip along my genitals, my belly, between my breasts and then licked it. I unrolled the condom onto him and sat up. He spread his hands in a sort of "what now" gesture. I could have sucked him off, planted my crotch over his face, any number of things. But I didn't hesitate and impaled myself on his stiff penis.

Diary, I know I've said penis size doesn't matter that much and it doesn't since they all give me pleasure. But that doesn't mean different sizes don't feel different. There's something about the way a large one takes longer to get all the way in, something about the way I feel it stretching my vagina. And then it takes longer to pull out and I feel my vagina relaxing. Anyway, I started slow, feeling the size fill me and then slide out. As my passions increased I sped up and he began to drive his hips up into me. Diary, when I get sexually excited from having a penis in me my memories of the experience all blend together. I remember it as if he was doing me doggy style, his testicles slamming against my clit at the same time as I was riding him and simultaneously he was driving in in missionary position, while also moving slowly in and out while we were spooning. I remember having an intense orgasm with my butt at the edge of the bed, my arms holding my knees to my breasts while he fucked me and rapidly massaged my clitoris. But my memory has the orgasm caused by his testicles slapping me as much as from his finger. I don't remember changing positions or the order, it's just this constant sexual high punctuated by one huge orgasm and several smaller ones.

I remember coming down from the high after he pulled out and we lay side by side while he stroked my body. I honestly don't remember whether he came or not, just that I enjoyed myself immensely. Then he got up and went into the attached bathroom. When he came out he thanked me and gave me the softest kiss. I said, "you're welcome." and thanked him back. He asked me to stay where I was and left the room.

Not long after The Captain came in the door. He asked, "So who do we have today?"

"Pamela," I told him, "that's my given name."

"Pamel, I like it," he told me as he took a condom and unrolled it over his penis. "Suits you perfectly. So how shall we begin?"

I started to respond but then realized he wasn't really asking me but just talking to himself. He sat at the side of the bed and began stroking and feeling my body, lingering over my genitals, pushing fingers inside and massaging my clitoris. Then he spread my legs and lowered his face between, licking me, exclaiming, "How delicious," paying especial attention to my clitoris and bringing me to a throbbing orgasm.

"I see you're as sensitive as ever. My friend, Jerrie, probably has something to do with that." He said as he re-positioned himself to slide his thick penis into me. As he pushed himself inside he said I was"so wonderfully tight but yielding." With his short, thick, penis, Diary, the sensation was mostly in my vaginal entry. I didn't feel a lot of internal stretching but, wow, what a nice sensation as the thickness pushed past the entrance. My crotch muscles tightened slightly and involuntarily at the feeling and he made a little, high pitched gasp when it happened .

Maybe I couldn't master voluntary "orgasms" but I can tighten my crotch. I tried my practiced vaginal control, tightening it every so often, getting the rewarding little "yelp!" and a couple of requests to "do that again," which I honored.

I practiced the timing. As soon as he penetrated fully, I tightened. He made a slight laugh, almost a giggle as he pulled out. I watched his face and he was clearly smiling at the sensation. I switched up and tightened just as he was about to drive in. At that he made a grunt as he pushed in. Diary, the sensation was wonderful, I could feel that when I tightened he pulled out, the condom remained in place and his shaft slid through it. I had this feeling that I was also keeping his skin in place and it was only the hardened part inside that was moving. It all felt like if bounced back when I released. But when I tightened on his entry, the sensation was particularly enjoyable as the condom and everything inside it pushed in.

Well I started a rhythm, tighten, in, release, out, in, out, tighten, in, release, out, in, out, tighten, ... and was rewarded not just with the sensations but with his "ugh" and "hee" as he moved in or out with my muscles tightened. Sometimes I would keep my muscles tight for a complete in and out cycle or two. He said, "Oh God, keep doing that, oh God." Well I did and started laughing at his enjoyment and I also began thrusting my hips into his as he drove in. The he made a particularly loud grunt as he went in with my muscles tight. I knew the signs of impending ejaculation and released, only to tighten for his next inward thrust. It was only two inward thrusts later and he came with a loud groan. I felt his thick penis throbbing against my vaginal entry as he pumped semen into the condom.

He rolled off me, "That was quite wonderful."

I tell him he's welcome and mention that I don't know his name and he told me, "it's Eugen, call me Gene."

"I loved it too, Gene/Captain/Eugen." I told him and smiled. I gave him a nice kiss and said that I was going back downstairs for more fun.

He said he hoped we could do it again and I lied a bit saying I hoped so too. It wasn't that I wouldn't be willing and happy to do it again, just that it's not something I would look forward to or seek out. I told him, "Just look me up." Hoping he wouldn't.

I went downstairs to be greeted by a lot of grunting and squealing and general fucking. The "party" had picked up and was well underway. Almost all the mattresses were occupied and there were a lot of guys standing around and watching, most stroking their hard penises. I saw several pair of panties lying on the floor where the women on the mattresses had thrown them. I was glad I had put mine in the locker, wondering how many of those on the floor would remain unclaimed.

Katie seemed to really be enjoying herself. She just stayed on the mattress, laying on her back, legs spread and guys lined up for a chance at her. I mean, petite, well proportioned body, perky breasts, vulva she kept shaved with puffy outer labia and engorged, butterfly like inner labia along with her cute face and flowing brown hair she was perhaps the most sexually inviting object I've ever seen. Even as a heterosexual woman I was turned on.

Her concern about condoms was fully assuaged, There were bowls full of condoms everywhere and the rule about always using condoms was enforced and obeyed. And part of my question about guys keeping it up was answered. There was a small bowl of blister wrapped blue pills behind the bar. The bartender (clothed) said they were Viagra for the guys. But he had to keep control of them since too many could cause medical problems. Then he asked me for a fuck saying his shift would be over in a half hour. Of course I agreed.

I was trying to decide what to do for the next half hour and was thinking of accepting a request for sex when I saw Davis sitting by himself and went over to him.

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By *amantha_kelTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *otonfoxMan  over a year ago


Please keep up this horny tale

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By *ary1001xMan  over a year ago


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By *lderWiserNowMan  over a year ago


Wow absolutely incredible. I cum long before i finished reading it...

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By *D123Man  over a year ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

March 30 Swingers Party continued

Davis was recuperating from a particularly "satisfying" sex session. We were talking about our experiences so far when who should come in but Ronny's aunt and uncle. That's Davis's mom and dad! I can't imagine how embarrassing that must have been! I mean, what if my mom and dad came into a sex party where I was fucking guys. Well, I'd be more astonished than embarrassed, but still!

I didn't know what to say as his mother pointed out Ronny and Katie fucking and being fucked and started encouraging Davis to go find someone. I'm almost thankful (though mostly surprised) when she asked me if I'd like to fuck her husband, Davis's father. She even flicked his cock at me. Well, I agreed, as much to get away as anything. Not that I was unwilling to fuck Davis Sr, he's always seemed nice, and tonight he looked very willing, 7 inch erect cock and all.

Seeing Davis's father and mother naked at the swingers party was surreal. Not to mention my feelings as he led me to find an empty mattress, his penis bouncing and testicles swinging with his steps. My mind swims as I think of it now and I was in a sort of daze at the time. Not the sort of daze where I didn't know what was happening. I was totally aware. It was more like some sort of out of body experience. Like I was watching what I was doing from somewhere else rather than actually being present.

We found a mattress and Dave, Sr, stood there kind of speechless. I think he was a bit out of it. I broke the silence, "What now?" Kind of trite but that's what I said.

He said, "I guess we get naked." and gave a nervous laugh. As jokes go it was worse than lame but he was working through his nervousness.

I wondered aloud, "You've never had sex with a younger woman before?"

"Well, Rutie is younger than me."

I guessed that was another nervous attempt at humor and laughed, "Oh Dave, you know what I mean. Much younger."

And he said, "With Jennie. Do you know her."

Of course I did and I remembered Ron told me about how Jennie and his aunt had gotten Jennie to seduce him in a plot to get Ronny to have sex with his aunt. Sort of sick and I wondered if Dave, Senior, is really on board with the swingers thing. I made a guess that he came just to keep Rutie happy. But he was looking around at the sexual activity with an expression that made it obvious he was anxious to be fucking my young pussy.

"Yes. She's quite attractive." I told him. Talk about an understatement, she's "drop dead" gorgeous. I was uncertain about the mattress. Who knows how much "bodily fluid" had been leaked on to it but it had a nice white sheet. It looked clean (later I found out there were workers going around and replacing the sheets as mattresses freed up). I knelt on it and it felt dry so I lay on it. "Come on," I told Dave. "We can at least cuddle."

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By *xxx73Man  over a year ago


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By *lymouth nice guyMan  over a year ago


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By *antasticmrfucsMan  over a year ago


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By *kpiercedCouple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

He lay bedside me and I started stroking his penis which had shrunken to a 4 inch, thin, soft worm . "You can touch me," I told him. "I want you to." He tentatively began stroking my stomach. I moved his hand to a breast and his penis rapidly grew and hardened, one of life's fascinating things the way they shrink and enlarge. It grew to it's 7 inches full length, still thin, like an inch or less in diameter. No, diary, I'm not suddenly obsessed with penis size. It's just that so many around meant I could do a bit of comparative study. Yeah, "comparative study" Anyway I wanted to compare how different penises feel inside me, something that was harder to do when I had them only one at a time.

"You're soft," he said, "and so pretty. "Of course all Ronny's girls are pretty." He said it almost as a thought expressed aloud rather than something he expected me to hear.

"Thank you," I told him. "Some of Ronny's girls are quite spectacular," I added, moving his hand to my crotch.

"Mmmm," he said almost absentmindedly. Another thought expressed aloud. He took the hint and began exploring my genitals with his fingers. He got his other arm under my head so he could continue massaging a breast.

"And Katie," I added, "she's here," and turned to kiss him as encouragement for his genital ministrations.

Maybe it was the kiss. Maybe it was the mention of Ronny's most attractive paramours. Maybe it was him feeling my genitals. Whatever it was, he suddenly got into the program. Holding my head firmly but gently in his arm, he intensified the kiss and his tongue went inside my mouth. his fingers drove up my vagina, his thumb explored my vulva and discovered my clitoris. He moved his body on top of me and I spread my legs. I helped his penis replace the fingers inside me. He kept his thumb on my clitoris as he began to gently move in and out. I couldn't help but laugh in pleasure. I remembered my recently learned technique and clamped down on his penis while it was deep in me. He hummed with a sound of pleasure as he pulled out I felt that my vagina had a firm grasp on his skin and that his shaft was moving inside the skin. I kept up the pressure as he drove back in and released. The sensation made me realize something. Pulling away from the kiss I mumbled, "We're supposed to use a condom."

He stopped and said he could get one. I told him there was a bowl of them right next to our heads but not to stop. "I'm okay without it if you are."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Is this story finished? I was really enjoying it.

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