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The Remote
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
I had known Chloe for quite a while by this point she was about average height ,red headed and stunning with beautiful green eyes.We had first met after a whirlwind of events and quickly began to start fucking.
She was however a bit older than me and saying that her family wouldn’t approve for various reasons and didn’t want to commit to a relationship but we were fine enough together.
We quickly essentially became friends with benefits with something else underlying it,We often went on walks together while she grumbled about difficulty dating saying her family was getting on her case and she really wanted to show off a bf.
She continued dropping hints throughout the weeks that followed until we went to go and see a film.Seeing no one else was in the cinema she looked directly up at me as she held my hand before asking if I would be ok pretending to be her bf.
I was a little taken aback more than I should have been as she looked at me nervously apologising for springing it on me.I asked what had brought this about and she looked at me sadly before saying she didn’t want to explain.
She then asked again saying it wouldn’t be for long and it wasn’t official just as long as I was with her for a bit I would have to pretend.I agreed
I jokingly asked when do I start she smiled and said “tonight,I told them we saw a movie”.I smiled back “On then,I’ll give them 3 hours today then I need to sleep” a bit disappointed that I wouldn’t be getting anything tonight.
“You’re sleeping with me tonight” she said smirking.”Ok then” I replied but was full of terror remembering what she said earlier about her family not accepting me.
We got to her place and I was surprised when we got in no people to greet us but someone else was clearly here and the oven was already on.As if this was a normal everyday she began to cook.
I could feel someone else watching me as I walked around the house
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
The feeling only intensified as I went and sat down pondering how I was going to handle this,Expecting a car to draw up at any minute I got a bit apprehensive before Chloe returned.The feeling however dissipated as I thought I was just being paranoid
She sat down next to me giving me a brief smile "nervous?" I said regretting possibly giving it away."Yes,you?" she asked me as I relaxed a bit knowing I was not the only one.
More time must have passed than I realised cause she immediately had to go through to attend to the dinner.She came back and sat even closer to me this time and gave me a kiss before instantly pulling back nervously.
I returned hers however placing my hand on her shaking leg as I went in for another then another as I moved my hand up as she began to stroke my back tenderly at first as I began to push her down a bit.
I began to move my hand to undo her trousers as she pushed me away forcefully."not now,I can't" she said sternly before quickly lightening up and continuing "later" she said slowly as she moved her eyes up and winked hinting clearly at what was going to happen.
We sat and talked for a while before she had to go through again,leaving for quite a while this time.
As she came back I noticed she had changed and took a look at myself as she smiled a bit "sorry for springing it on you" smiling more as she continued "It fine".
"Well its ready" she said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me through to the kitchen.
Well what awaited me can only be described as a silent horror occurring very slowly as I realised there was only three places.
She motioned me to sit down as she yelled up the stairs.The panic began to intensify for me as I heard the footsteps coming down the stairs as I heard a sigh emanate from that direction.
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
I can’t recall whether I felt relief or more anxiety when I noticed the sigh was clearly female.Probably a strange mixture of both as I heard the stranger reach the bottom step and come in.
She was slightly older than me,with beautiful blonde hair but a bit smaller than me but taller than Chloe was.I became surprised as she wandered up to me and kissed me on the cheek before holding her hand out and introducing herself as Lauren.
Chloe stood there looking a bit confused clearly the stress of the situation was getting to her.Somehow she sensed I was trying to make the connection so with the most theatrical voice ever(at the moment for me) exclaimed “Mother” and walked up and kissed her and sat down.
I sat down and practically had to motion Chloe before she relaxed a bit and did so.The fish was wonderful and the potatoes on the side were divine.I eagerly ate savouring every bite as I noticed Lauren still looking back and forth at us.
“So how was today?” Chloe asked Lauren.”Pretty well got all that what you wanted” before giving me a look up and down and smirking “Well bar one thing” she said smiling.
Chloe’s face darkened a little “How was yours” Lauren asked.Chloe recalled hers and what followed was a long conversation as I found out steadily more about the situation.I looked across and Chloe smiled back warmly.
“So whats the plan?” Lauren abruptly asked.”What?” replied Chloe confused.”He living here now?” she said motioning at me.”No we’re just seeing how it goes” she said giving me a warm smile.”Right then I’m heading off” sue said as she walked off before gazing back “I’ll see more of you tomorrow” she said as she left.
I helped Chloe clean up a bit before she thanked me.Before I knew it I was being showered in kisses and felt my buckle being undone.Thankfully I stopped myself “Shes could barge in” I forced myself to say.”I can go on the …” I was cut off “I made you a promise” she said smiling as she undid a button and led me by the hand.
We got to her bedroom and she frantically began to kiss me placing her hands on my back as she continued before backing away and pulling her top off as I did likewise.
She came back and gripped me tighter hands moving down my back and squeezing as I found her trousers and slipped my right in as my left felt around for the release.I was able to yank them down a bit as her hand moved off my back and to my front grabbing my bulge tightly before lightly caressing as she backed away.
She started to lower herself and instinctively I pulled of my belt and began lowering my trousers.She loosened her own a bit before giving me a clear “get on the bed” look.
I obliged and watched her strip to her underwear and come right next to me side on as we began to kiss furiously.I pulled out and kissed her cheek before moving down to her neck then her breast as I untangled her bra with my free hand and gave them a good squeeze.
I moved even further as she moaned before her hands grabbed my head rotating me up and then giving a light tug.We began again to kiss as her pulls became tighter and she looked her leg with mine stroking my bulge with her thigh as we continued as I pushed forward so she could feel my hardness moving up and down.She gave me a little push before turning around and with some talent pulled my boxers down.
Instinctively I lowered her pants and came closer aiming for a more natural insertion as the situation had made me aroused.The thought of Lauren hearing us only aroused me more putting on a condom too. I felt Chloe’s hand again reach back and grab my cock as she moved her body closer as I slid in instantly feeling the warmness.
With a surprising will I began to thrust furiously as she moaned and gave encouragement one hand of mine feeling her landing strip rubbing harder while another alternated between gripping and stroking her breasts.
I heard a loud yelp and felt something touch my cock that was too much for me and like a torrent I felt my cum rush out feeling like a high pressure hose like nothing I had ever felt before.
I barely had enough energy to pull the covers over us as I disposed of the condom.I felt Chloe grab my hand and place it over her and move me onto my back as she cuddled into me and gave me a kiss.I fell asleep immediately
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
I woke up to relative peace and calm noticing Chloe had vacated the spot opposite me, I wandered downstairs and saw quite a pleasant sight of Chloe in a dressing gown and of Lauren in short cut jeans. I had to stop myself from gazing too much at the obvious and walked over and was given a kiss by Chloe to an audible "eww" from Lauren.
Chloe then announced that she had errands to run and then wandered up to me to whisper to come back later.I ate some lovely breakfast and took in the wonderful sight of Lauren for a bit longer than I should have but thought I was safe.
I got up to leave first so Chloe could get ready on her own and was seen to the door by her,as I got there I noticed Lauren winking at me from behind an gently run her hand along her jeans.
For the rest of the day things also came up for me that I had to deal with but I ended up getting to Chloe's at the agreed time. I rung the doorbell but was instead greeted by Lauren wearing little more than shorts and a light top.
She invited me in but said that Chloe would be a while, wanting to get along and feeling slightly bad about lying, I told her I'd be back in a bit and went out to buy some groceries.
I came back hoping Chloe got back when I got a text saying that she wouldn't be back for a couple of hours and then a very suggestive picture and enticing offer.
I got back in and had to have Lauren open the door she smiled and let me in again and I started to cook despite her protestations. As I began however I heard her smirk and looked up to see her grab her top and fan it a little.
I then realised that I had a bit of a hard on from the thought of what Chloe would be giving me tonight. |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
So I began to make some dinner with Lauren frequently coming in and talking,everytime she came although I could swear she was being more seductive.At first it was her top her tying it at the bottom to give me a more open look at her flesh,then it was jeans I could have sworn got shorter everytime she came through and smiled lifting her leg more than once.
I could gave sworn she was peering over to gaze at my obvious hard on pleased with what she was accomplishing as my thoughts began to grow dark half hoping for Chloe to be back soon,half hoping she wouldn’t be.
I finished up and we say down at the table her right next to me as we ate she “reached for he salt” giving me a clear view down her cleavage as I began to feel her foot accidentally touch mine,I returned with another accident before growing bolder and “accidentally” touching her hand with mine.The tension between us began to come to a head as she motioned me through to watch some tv.
She stuck on some background noise as we stared at each other for a good few seconds.I had to make sure my lie was intact “You know I’m seeing your mother,right?” waiting with anticipation for a calling of my BS.Instead I got a exhaled yes and I was unable to continue myself and we began to kiss my hand immediately wandering to her leg.
I moved further and further up as I felt hers grab my arse and then go under my trousers a little as I returned by loosening my fly and sliding mine inside her jean shorts as she gasped.I began to use my other hand up her top cupping one of her breasts as we continued.
She clambered up on top off me as I removed my hand from her shorts instead sticking both up her top and leaving to remove my own at this point conscious of the obvious mess I was about to try to be taken upstairs before a text from Chloe stopped the revelry and we quickly got changed,Lauren looking embarrassed as she did up her shorts before meekly saying a “sorry”.
I wanted more however so pulled her back into a few kisses to see how she would interact ,She interacted positively but kept saying “Mother will be home soon” but by this point my hard on into a solid rod.
Chloe stepped in to a warm greeting by Lauren as I quickly realised and did up my fly wandering in to give Chloe a hug and kiss as she walked through to the kitchen.”Sorry for leaving so long” she said out of earshot me and Lauren still in a bit of shock.
I walked behind Lauren as she looked on dazed before slipping my hand on her arse and giving a slow squeeze.I dreaded the words feeling like a fool as I said “Not to worry,Your daughter was most entertaining”.”Crap,that was bad” was what I thought to myself,”At least I still have something” the thought formed as Lauren spoke removing my hand with hers.”We had a great time” she spoke out as I felt her hand grasp my bulge.
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
The soft grip of her hand accompanied by tight squeezes certainly did wonders for me as she began to talk as if nothing was happening.Chloe asked her what the stuff I bought was "Oh yeah your bf got some stuff" she replied as if this was a standard occurrence.
The squeezes began to become more frequent as I could hear Chloe rustling through the stuff I felt Laurens hand loosen.I was half torn between disappointment and relief at this,then I felt the hand again her fingers gently stroking the same area as I felt her grab my fly and zip it down again.
The wonder and amazement continued as Chloe again talked my state changing from fear to elation rapidly."Shame I couldn't be here it sounded wonderful" she said."Yeah,maybe text when you leave not when you're halfway here..." Lauren began to reply breathing out pushing her chest out before doing grabbing my boxers through the fly and giving them a tug "..kind of creates a wedge for me" she winked at me as she finished that point.
"Well" said Chloe as I realised the time was getting later. "Want to have a quick supper?" the line seeming strangely forced as I looked at Lauren and she merely smirked."Alright come one then" she said casually looking down at my undid fly not to mention the tent pole.She practically shoved me forward to perhaps hide what had made it that way.
We sat down at the table I had a few biscuits thankfully hiding the rod from Chloe as she sat next to me.I thought I was in the clear as Chloe chatted to Lauren and they talked for a while before Chloe yawned and "Well,I'm heading off works frantic" she said as she moved her hand down and stroked my rod."Hmmm" she said a little too loudly with a wink and gesture a little to obvious.
I then felt Laurens foot kick me as Chloe sat in silence for a bit."Well I've had my fill" she said as I felt the foot lightly stroke me as Chloe gave me the clear "we're heading to bed signal" I obeyed despite the thought of being caressed by two women I didn't want to risk it.
"Alright if I have the leftovers?" Lauren said as she gave me a subtle gesture. "Sure" said Chloe a bit tired at this point and not realising the clear double meaning. "Good night" said Lauren and then she drew another breath as Chloe led me away I did not catch what she said but likely knew its content.
Chloe led me by the hand to the bedroom and opened the door |
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