By *iona OP Woman
over a year ago
outskirts |
"Yeah, it was just a few texts. And I now know you haven't seen him since that night. I kind of wondered about that but didn't feel like I had any right to ask you. And finding you like that, wow, that was hot."
"I felt guilty for texting him back and egging him on, but I was curious, and apparently sexting is a big turn-on for me." I said, remembering the way I felt while reading his sexts with Rose.
"And the whole forbidden love affair thing is hot, I get it. That's what drove me to Rose in the first place. It was just so wrong. I knew it, but there's something about the forbidden that is so exciting." John explained, and it clicked for me.
"That's exactly it. Wanting what you can't have, the wrongness, the taboo, the thrill of getting away with it or getting caught...And then the jealousy on the other side of it. When you were with Rose, you were feeling the thrill of the forbidden and I was feeling the jealousy and fear of loss. Now with Conner, the roles are reversed."
"That's it," John agreed. "And when either of us are feeling those feelings and we are together, the sex is phenominal. It was starting to fade there a bit, don't you think? At least until I came home and found you today."
"Yeah, I was actually thinking about that earlier but wasn't sure what to do about it. Well, I did something about it, didn't I?" I joked.
John was quiet. He lifted his head and his eyes met mine. "Maybe that's the secret, Sal. Not a full out affair, but the possibility of one...you know what I mean, the sexting, the flirting, and letting each other in on it. Maybe we can keep this up, if we set some ground rules, you know?
My mind raced with possibilities. Would this let me continue to text Conner? And keep sex between me and John hot and wild? "Yeah, I think you're onto something." I said as he dressed and I slid down from the counter, straightening my dress and raising the blinds again.
I walked to the sofa and retrieved my phone as John headed for the shower. Seeing a few more texts from Conner, I smiled and typed a quick reply.
That was so hot Conner. I totally owe you one. I'll text you later.
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