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Soft swing

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By *amesB66 OP   Man  over a year ago

St Peter Port

David and Claire had been involved with soft swing for almost 2 years now, after a chance remark at a d*unken dinner party had made them decide on spicing up their love life.

They had been happily married for over 25 years, both in succesful, but demanding jobs and although in their early 50s, were in very good shape, especially Claire. Claire was that rare combination of beauty, intelligence, effortless style, but with that undefinable sexiness in the background.

Today, however, was going to be different. Today they may cross the boundaries they had previously set regardling how far Claire would go on a meet. Today was different because of Dan and Dan was very different to all the others.

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By *yTreacleMan  over a year ago


We are waiting


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By *amesB66 OP   Man  over a year ago

St Peter Port

Dan had made contact with them on Fab. His photos were well taken, his words eloquent and intriguing. He was the ubiquitous tall, dark and handsome male. He also had a dry wit that Claire loved and their messages, firstly written and then via video messaging on WhatsApp, flowed effortlessly.

David was in full agreement that Dan would be an ideal candidate for the next stage.

What normally happened when they met a man would be that he would arrange a hotel or venue and would message when in the bar, where he would buy 2 drinks and wait for Claire to turn up.

Claire would then meet him alone, with David arriving around 10 minutes later and positioning himself with a good view of his wife and The Man. If he could be within earshot too, all the better.

The Man would know he was being observed, but after a while wouldn't care, mesmerised by Claire's beauty and personality.

David could always tell how things were going by the body language, subtle touches, Claire's hair flicking, or her leaning in to whisper in The Man's ear.

A brush of her hand against his chest, or face. The Man slipping his hand around her waist and sliding it down onto her firm bottom.

The rules were that everything took place in the bar, or perhaps, an exclusive night club, if The Man interested Jane enough. There was never any sex. Those were the rules.

At the end of the evening David and Claire would head home, discuss the evening and then make love with renewed passion.

This, they did virtually every month, as their treat to each other. Dan had made them both question their rules and decide that perhaps he should be the one to break them.

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By *ocktoplaywithMan  over a year ago


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By *amesB66 OP   Man  over a year ago

St Peter Port

They had agreed to meet Dan whilst they were on an overnight business trip to the beautiful city of York, staying the night at the vintage Grand Hotel.

Dan had already messaged to say that he had arrived at his hotel and was preparing himself for the evening.

Claire read his message as she dried herself off after showering, her towelling strokes lingering around her shaved pussy and breasts as she day dreamed of finally meeting him.

David had laid out her outfit on the bed; sleek black Victoria's Secret thong and lacy bra, with a stunning little black dress, that finished around her mid thigh. She wore no stockings,her legs were long and super smooth as it was and needed nothing extra.

Hair and make up were carefully done, before finally getting dressed and re checking in the mirror.

David had poured her a glass of champagne, which she nervously sipped through ruby red lips. "You look beautiful, darling", he said, "Are you sure that you still want to go ahead?".

"Thank you, darling. God, yes, I want to meet Dan, but I've never been this nervous before. You wouldn't believe the butterflys!" she replied.

Her phone pinged. "I'm downstairs, Claire, 2 glasses of wine in my hands. I hope to see you very soon. Dan x".

The butterflys almost erupted from her stomach as he stood on wobbly legs, checked her make up for the thousanth time, gave David a peck on the cheek and picking up her black clutch, headed out of the room.

"See you in a while, Claire", David said as she left.

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By *amesB66 OP   Man  over a year ago

St Peter Port

On legs that seemed barely capable of walking, she made it to the lift. An unsteady finger pressed the call button as she tried to control her breathing and pounding heart.

The lift finally arrived, after seemingly taking an eternity and she stepped inside.There was an elegantly attired younger couple already in the lift and Claire was pleased when, after exchanging pleasantaries, the man was clearly checking her out in the mirrored interior and smiled as she caught his eye.

They reached the ground floor and Claire smoothed her dress over her hips, flicked her hair off her shoulders and walked towards the bar.

Dan was sitting in a quiet corner booth, but with an excellent view of the entrance and so was on his feet before Claire was even half way to meet him.

He was even more handsome than his photos, Claire thought, as he embraced her, brushing both her cheeks with 2 kisses and God he smells good.

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