By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
(Sorry for the hiatus. Life getting in the way as per!)
The glass doors creaked. Helen was bent slightly at the hip, elbow on the desk. She straightened as she heard the door and surveyed Mark for the first time. Yes. Just what she was looking for.
“Ah, you must be Mark”
He stood there mute. He was clearly drinking her in with his eyes. She felt her nipples respond in her Agent Provocateur matching set and just the faintest of twinges between her legs. He was utterly fuckable. Around six foot, she could make out a strong chest, large hands, strong jaw line and just the hint of a paunch from a man that clearly enjoyed life’s good things. Spots of grey were speckled through the brunette full head of hair, complementing his deep rich twinkling hazelnut eyes. His fitted jeans left the clear outline of his cock. How big was that when excited she mused.
After exchanging pleasantries he seemed to find his composure. As she turned to show him the gym she felt his eyes lust down her back. Accentuating just a bit of a wiggle, she led him to the gym. Time to have some fun with him, she decided. Commenting on the view from the floor to ceiling windows, she replied “ Yes, a number of our members comment on the aesthetics of, well, the whole package I suppose”. Not a hint of a smile or a smirk, she was incredibly proud of passing off them comment without any hint of wordplay.
Showing him through into the pool, she quickly made her tour through to the sauna and steam room. He favourite places at the Manor. Every morning without fail she would take her trusty dildo with her to one of the two and enjoy a slow long wank. The only thing better than orgasming in the steam room or sauna with her toy was the feel of a real man or woman taking her over the edge in the heat. It had been a good few months since she had last played with another person in either. She had a feeling Mark could well be about to change that.
Stopping in the steam room, she opened the door to show Mark and stepped in. He followed to her side and they paused. Fresh from a recent batch of steam, the room was sweltering. Delightful. She felt the steam begin to cling to her dress and further shape it to her toned body. Mark’s polo darkened with the tell tail signs of moisture.
“Hmm, I forgot how quickly it got you. Apologies. Let me show you the changing rooms”
Rounding out the tour of the changing rooms, she led Mark back to reception. He had recovered from her initial disarming. His stride was confident and answers to her question assured. Taking his initial three month payment, he turned on his heel and walked out through the door. A well proportioned butt the last sight she saw. For now.