By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
The sunshine poured through the window like a fine wine. The mindless sound of humming came from his work laptop and the stale smell of old incense burning, constantly lingered in the air. For 2 years, this had been his day to day life. Whittling away at work tasks and spending his evenings in a haze, due to either the Whiskey or alternative smoking habits. The repetition of daily life was a chore. It was difficult to get up in the mornings and even harder to drift off to sleep. Although, this is how it seemed for anybody else. Nobody knew what was brewing beneath his surface, or atleast he thought.
It was finally when he logged off from work for the day, that he felt his day could truly begin. This is when he felt like he could be truly himself and the chores of the day can be left behind him. He took himself online and he opened a few webpages. Whilst they loaded he would prepare himself for the evening. It could come in a vareity of different methods but for tonight that meant a long shower. A long shower often meant preparing for any kind of action that might involve any kind of anal stimulation. It also mean washing hair, cutting nails and trimming any excess hair from the prefferred areas. This did sometimes mean the whole body, however he had only done this recently so was tidying the erogenous zone. Once he was finished, it was time to go back to his laptop as the next few steps would require some input from another.
When he arrived back at his personal laptop there was 5 notifications waiting for him. The first 3 were just likes and comments on the pictures he uploaded a few nights a go. All of which were very flattering and he always enjoyed the small dopamine rush that was recieved from somebody appreciating the way he looked, especially with the way he looked. One of them was a friend request from somebody half-way across the world who he had been conversing with regarding some desires they both shared. Lastly, the notification he was hoping for, was the one that presented itself as a messge. This message came from a person he still did not have the pleasure of meeting in person.
She was beautiful, intelligent and they shared the same kind of mental stimulation as each other. At this point he had forgotten when they started talking as they had been in one long epic conversation for months. The conversation spanned their lives, their interests, their desires & everything in between. During these conversations something had been established. It wasn't quick nor was it obvious, at some point the dynamic started to shift and this had now blown in to a full D/s relationship. Even more surprising to him, he found himself on the "s" side of this relationship.
She was the reason the shower was neccesary. Every day, after they had finished their work days, they would both log on and it always start with her giving him a command for the evening and he would log on, anticipating but never assuming. He still has never missed a task. Today the message read this: "This evening, after you have prepared. I want you to take your plugs and I want you to line them up. Find the one that will be most comfortable for you (If you choose the small one, I will not be happy...). Once you have selected this, I would like you to put it to one side and clean up after yourself. When the other toys are away, I would like you to get the little metal cage I bought for you last week and lock yourself away. Place the key in to the toy box and shut the door. When you are caged I want you to photograph a picture with the plug as far in your mouth as it will go and make sure you include your little sissy clit in the photo too. Send it to my phone and I'll notify you when I'm ready for you continue."
This was the most exciting time of the day. With no small amount of excitement he left his laptop and went in search of the box of toys he kept hidden away in the bottom of his wardrobe. He did just as she insructed and laid out all the plugs he owned on to his bed. From left to right they ranged from small to big. The 3 smallest, which he had not touched in weeks were now even gathering dust. He remembered when they would hurt, but now they seemed to bring no sensation at all. He smiled at the thought. The other 3 had quite a difference in size. The first was black and silicon and although not the largest, always seemed to cause the most discomfort. She knew this, but this time had allowed him to choose. The next was rubber, it was pink and it had a soft spot in the middle of the base. This meant that when pressed would allow pressure to be applied to his prostate... this was defeinitely his favourite. The last was very large. He had ony successfully got it all the way in once, and it left him shaking. He had tried many times and she knew how hard this was for him, but she often pushed for this one as she liked to see his limits pushed. He chose the middle pink one, she specified comfortable and this was the one that he definitely achieved that goal the most. He placed all other toys back in to their respective box and slid them back in to the dusty old cupboard. Afterwards he reached in to the top drawer and pulled out his cage. The thought of being caged turned him on so it was extremely difficult to do himself. The months of experience had taught him that some ice will help this task along smoothly. So it did, what was once hard, erect and difficult to cage was now soft, flaccid and easily locked away. |